invite_template.eml 5.1 KB

  1. Date: %(date)s
  2. From: %(from)s
  3. To: %(to)s
  4. Message-ID: %(messageid)s
  5. Subject: %(subject_header_value)s
  6. MIME-Version: 1.0
  7. Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
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  10. Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
  11. Content-Disposition: inline
  12. Hi,
  13. %(sender_display_name)s has invited you into a room %(bracketed_room_name)s on
  14. Matrix. To join the conversation, either pick a Matrix client from
  15. https://matrix.org/docs/projects/try-matrix-now.html or use the single-click
  16. link below to join via Riot (requires Chrome, Firefox, Safari, iOS or Android)
  17. https://riot.im/app/#/room/%(room_id_forurl)s?email=%(to_forurl)s&signurl=https%%3A%%2F%%2Fmatrix.org%%2F_matrix%%2Fidentity%%2Fapi%%2Fv1%%2Fsign-ed25519%%3Ftoken%%3D%(token)s%%26private_key%%3D%(ephemeral_private_key)s&room_name=%(room_name_forurl)s&room_avatar_url=%(room_avatar_url_forurl)s&inviter_name=%(sender_display_name_forurl)s&guest_access_token=%(guest_access_token_forurl)s&guest_user_id=%(guest_user_id_forurl)s
  18. About Matrix:
  19. Matrix.org is an open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication
  20. over IP, supporting group chat, file transfer, voice and video calling, integrations to
  21. other apps, bridges to other communication systems and much more. It can be used to power
  22. Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication - or anywhere
  23. you need a standard HTTP API for publishing and subscribing to data whilst tracking the
  24. conversation history.
  25. Matrix defines the standard, and provides open source reference implementations of
  26. Matrix-compatible Servers, Clients, Client SDKs and Application Services to help you
  27. create new communication solutions or extend the capabilities and reach of existing ones.
  28. Thanks,
  29. Matrix
  30. --7REaIwWQCioQ6NaBlAQlg8ztbUQj6PKJ
  31. Content-Type: multipart/related;
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  35. Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
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  79. <td class="logo">
  80. <img src="http://matrix.org/img/matrix-120x51.png" width="120" height="51" alt="[matrix]"/>
  81. </td>
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  83. </table>
  84. <p>Hi,</p>
  85. <p>%(sender_display_name_forhtml)s has invited you into a room %(bracketed_room_name_forhtml)s on
  86. Matrix. To join the conversation, either <a href="https://matrix.org/docs/projects/try-matrix-now.html">pick a Matrix client</a> or use the single-click
  87. link below to join via Riot (requires
  88. <a href="https://www.google.com/chrome">Chrome</a>,
  89. <a href="https://www.getfirefox.com">Firefox</a> or
  90. <a href="https://www.apple.com/safari">Safari</a> on the web,
  91. or iOS or Android on mobile.)</p>
  92. </p>
  93. <p>
  94. <a
  95. href="https://riot.im/app/#/room/%(room_id_forurl)s?email=%(to_forurl)s&signurl=https%%3A%%2F%%2Fmatrix.org%%2F_matrix%%2Fidentity%%2Fapi%%2Fv1%%2Fsign-ed25519%%3Ftoken%%3D%(token)s%%26private_key%%3D%(ephemeral_private_key)s&room_name=%(room_name_forurl)s&room_avatar_url=%(room_avatar_url_forurl)s&inviter_name=%(sender_display_name_forurl)s&guest_access_token=%(guest_access_token_forurl)s&guest_user_id=%(guest_user_id_forurl)s">Join the conversation.</a>
  96. </p>
  97. <br>
  98. <p>About Matrix:</p>
  99. <p>Matrix.org is an open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication
  100. over IP, supporting group chat, file transfer, voice and video calling, integrations to
  101. other apps, bridges to other communication systems and much more. It can be used to power
  102. Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication - or anywhere
  103. you need a standard HTTP API for publishing and subscribing to data whilst tracking the
  104. conversation history.</p>
  105. <p>Matrix defines the standard, and provides open source reference implementations of
  106. Matrix-compatible Servers, Clients, Client SDKs and Application Services to help you
  107. create new communication solutions or extend the capabilities and reach of existing ones.</p>
  108. <p>Thanks,</p>
  109. <p>Matrix</p>
  110. </td>
  111. <td> </td>
  112. </tr>
  113. </table>
  114. </body>
  115. </html>
  116. --M3yzHl5YZehm9v4bAM8sKEdcOoVnRnKR--
  117. --7REaIwWQCioQ6NaBlAQlg8ztbUQj6PKJ--