Browse Source

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-v1.24.0' into bbz/info-mainline-1.24.0

Ben Banfield-Zanin 3 years ago
100 changed files with 2058 additions and 1445 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. BIN
  3. 0 31
  4. 52 8
  5. 1 0
  6. 527 150
  7. 23 1
  8. 2 2
  9. 36 29
  10. 85 0
  11. 0 1
  12. 1 1
  13. 7 3
  14. 50 51
  15. 31 0
  16. 2 0
  17. 3 2
  18. 2 1
  19. 15 1
  20. 1 1
  21. 28 17
  22. 172 0
  23. 0 129
  24. 80 0
  25. 3 1
  26. 6 4
  27. 83 0
  28. 209 2
  29. 0 2
  30. 44 9
  31. 22 12
  32. 58 16
  33. 62 14
  34. 1 0
  35. 1 1
  36. 162 71
  37. 5 1
  38. 3 6
  39. 0 1
  40. 0 271
  41. 0 20
  42. 0 7
  43. 0 7
  44. 0 7
  45. 0 7
  46. 0 7
  47. 0 7
  48. 0 7
  49. 0 7
  50. 0 18
  51. 0 7
  52. 0 7
  53. 0 7
  54. 0 7
  55. 0 7
  56. 0 21
  57. 0 7
  58. 0 7
  59. 0 7
  60. 0 30
  61. 0 7
  62. 0 7
  63. 0 7
  64. 0 7
  65. 0 17
  66. 0 7
  67. 0 17
  68. 0 10
  69. 0 7
  70. 0 7
  71. 0 7
  72. 0 7
  73. 0 7
  74. 0 22
  75. 0 7
  76. 0 7
  77. 0 19
  78. 0 7
  79. 0 7
  80. 0 7
  81. 0 7
  82. 0 7
  83. 0 7
  84. 0 7
  85. 0 20
  86. 0 30
  87. 0 7
  88. 0 7
  89. 0 7
  90. 0 7
  91. 0 7
  92. 0 7
  93. 0 7
  94. 0 21
  95. 0 7
  96. 25 2
  97. 121 43
  98. 2 2
  99. 9 4
  100. 123 8

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 set -ex
 apt-get update
-apt-get install -y python3.5 python3.5-dev python3-pip libxml2-dev libxslt-dev zlib1g-dev tox
+apt-get install -y python3.5 python3.5-dev python3-pip libxml2-dev libxslt-dev xmlsec1 zlib1g-dev tox
 export LANG="C.UTF-8"


+ 0 - 31

@@ -1,41 +1,10 @@
 # This file serves as a blacklist for SyTest tests that we expect will fail in
 # Synapse when run under worker mode. For more details, see sytest-blacklist.
-Message history can be paginated
 Can re-join room if re-invited
-The only membership state included in an initial sync is for all the senders in the timeline
-Local device key changes get to remote servers
-If remote user leaves room we no longer receive device updates
-Forgotten room messages cannot be paginated
-Inbound federation can get public room list
-Members from the gap are included in gappy incr LL sync
-Leaves are present in non-gapped incremental syncs
-Old leaves are present in gapped incremental syncs
-User sees updates to presence from other users in the incremental sync.
-Gapped incremental syncs include all state changes
-Old members are included in gappy incr LL sync if they start speaking
 # new failures as of
 Device list doesn't change if remote server is down
-Remote servers cannot set power levels in rooms without existing powerlevels
-Remote servers should reject attempts by non-creators to set the power levels
 Server correctly handles incoming m.device_list_update
-# this fails reliably with a torture level of 100 due to
-Outbound federation requests missing prev_events and then asks for /state_ids and resolves the state
-Can get rooms/{roomId}/members at a given point

+ 52 - 8

@@ -1,22 +1,36 @@
-version: 2
+version: 2.1
-    machine: true
+    docker:
+      - image: docker:git
       - checkout
-      - run: docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --label gitsha1=${CIRCLE_SHA1} -t matrixdotorg/synapse:${CIRCLE_TAG} .
+      - setup_remote_docker
+      - docker_prepare
       - run: docker login --username $DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME --password $DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD
-      - run: docker push matrixdotorg/synapse:${CIRCLE_TAG}
+      - docker_build:
+          tag: -t matrixdotorg/synapse:${CIRCLE_TAG}
+          platforms: linux/amd64
+      - docker_build:
+          tag: -t matrixdotorg/synapse:${CIRCLE_TAG}
+          platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64
-    machine: true
+    docker:
+      - image: docker:git
       - checkout
-      - run: docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --label gitsha1=${CIRCLE_SHA1} -t matrixdotorg/synapse:latest .
+      - setup_remote_docker
+      - docker_prepare
       - run: docker login --username $DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME --password $DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD
-      - run: docker push matrixdotorg/synapse:latest
+      - docker_build:
+          tag: -t matrixdotorg/synapse:latest
+          platforms: linux/amd64
+      - docker_build:
+          tag: -t matrixdotorg/synapse:latest
+          platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64
-  version: 2
       - dockerhubuploadrelease:
@@ -29,3 +43,33 @@ workflows:
               only: master
+  docker_prepare:
+    description: Downloads the buildx cli plugin and enables multiarch images
+    parameters:
+      buildx_version:
+        type: string
+        default: "v0.4.1"
+    steps:
+      - run: apk add --no-cache curl
+      - run: mkdir -vp ~/.docker/cli-plugins/ ~/dockercache
+      - run: curl --silent -L "<< parameters.buildx_version >>/buildx-<< parameters.buildx_version >>.linux-amd64" > ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
+      - run: chmod a+x ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
+      # install qemu links in /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc on the docker instance running the circleci job
+      - run: docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
+      # create a context named `builder` for the builds
+      - run: docker context create builder
+      # create a buildx builder using the new context, and set it as the default
+      - run: docker buildx create builder --use
+  docker_build:
+    description: Builds and pushed images to dockerhub using buildx
+    parameters:
+      platforms:
+        type: string
+        default: linux/amd64
+      tag:
+        type: string
+    steps:
+      - run: docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile --push --platform << parameters.platforms >> --label gitsha1=${CIRCLE_SHA1} << parameters.tag >> --progress=plain .

+ 1 - 0

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ _trial_temp*/

+ 527 - 150

@@ -1,3 +1,384 @@
+Synapse 1.24.0 (2020-12-09)
+Due to the two security issues highlighted below, server administrators are
+encouraged to update Synapse. We are not aware of these vulnerabilities being
+exploited in the wild.
+Security advisory
+The following issues are fixed in v1.23.1 and v1.24.0.
+- There is a denial of service attack
+  ([CVE-2020-26257](
+  against the federation APIs in which future events will not be correctly sent
+  to other servers over federation. This affects all servers that participate in
+  open federation. (Fixed in [#8776](
+- Synapse may be affected by OpenSSL
+  [CVE-2020-1971](
+  Synapse administrators should ensure that they have the latest versions of
+  the cryptography Python package installed.
+To upgrade Synapse along with the cryptography package:
+* Administrators using the [`` Docker
+  image]( or the [Debian/Ubuntu
+  packages from
+  ``](
+  should ensure that they have version 1.24.0 or 1.23.1 installed: these images include
+  the updated packages.
+* Administrators who have [installed Synapse from
+  source](
+  should upgrade the cryptography package within their virtualenv by running:
+  ```sh
+  <path_to_virtualenv>/bin/pip install 'cryptography>=3.3'
+  ```
+* Administrators who have installed Synapse from distribution packages should
+  consult the information from their distributions.
+Internal Changes
+- Add a maximum version for pysaml2 on Python 3.5. ([\#8898](
+Synapse 1.24.0rc2 (2020-12-04)
+- Fix a regression in v1.24.0rc1 which failed to allow SAML mapping providers which were unable to redirect users to an additional page. ([\#8878](
+Internal Changes
+- Add support for the `prometheus_client` newer than 0.9.0. Contributed by Jordan Bancino. ([\#8875](
+Synapse 1.24.0rc1 (2020-12-02)
+- Add admin API for logging in as a user. ([\#8617](
+- Allow specification of the SAML IdP if the metadata returns multiple IdPs. ([\#8630](
+- Add support for re-trying generation of a localpart for OpenID Connect mapping providers. ([\#8801](, [\#8855](
+- Allow the `Date` header through CORS. Contributed by Nicolas Chamo. ([\#8804](
+- Add a config option, `push.group_by_unread_count`, which controls whether unread message counts in push notifications are defined as "the number of rooms with unread messages" or "total unread messages". ([\#8820](
+- Add `force_purge` option to delete-room admin api. ([\#8843](
+- Fix a bug where appservices may be sent an excessive amount of read receipts and presence. Broke in v1.22.0. ([\#8744](
+- Fix a bug in some federation APIs which could lead to unexpected behaviour if different parameters were set in the URI and the request body. ([\#8776](
+- Fix a bug where synctl could spawn duplicate copies of a worker. Contributed by Waylon Cude. ([\#8798](
+- Allow per-room profiles to be used for the server notice user. ([\#8799](
+- Fix a bug where logging could break after a call to SIGHUP. ([\#8817](
+- Fix `register_new_matrix_user` failing with "Bad Request" when trailing slash is included in server URL. Contributed by @angdraug. ([\#8823](
+- Fix a minor long-standing bug in login, where we would offer the `password` login type if a custom auth provider supported it, even if password login was disabled. ([\#8835](
+- Fix a long-standing bug which caused Synapse to require unspecified parameters during user-interactive authentication. ([\#8848](
+- Fix a bug introduced in v1.20.0 where the user-agent and IP address reported during user registration for CAS, OpenID Connect, and SAML were of the wrong form. ([\#8784](
+Improved Documentation
+- Clarify the usecase for a msisdn delegate. Contributed by Adrian Wannenmacher. ([\#8734](
+- Remove extraneous comma from JSON example in User Admin API docs. ([\#8771](
+- Update `` with troubleshooting notes. ([\#8779](
+- Fix the example on how to set the `Content-Type` header in nginx for the Client Well-Known URI. ([\#8793](
+- Improve the documentation for the admin API to list all media in a room with respect to encrypted events. ([\#8795](
+- Update the formatting of the `push` section of the homeserver config file to better align with the [code style guidelines]( ([\#8818](
+- Improve documentation how to configure prometheus for workers. ([\#8822](
+- Update example prometheus console. ([\#8824](
+Deprecations and Removals
+- Remove old `/_matrix/client/*/admin` endpoints which were deprecated since Synapse 1.20.0. ([\#8785](
+- Disable pretty printing JSON responses for curl. Users who want pretty-printed output should use [jq]( in combination with curl. Contributed by @tulir. ([\#8833](
+Internal Changes
+- Simplify the way the `HomeServer` object caches its internal attributes. ([\#8565](, [\#8851](
+- Add an example and documentation for clock skew to the SAML2 sample configuration to allow for clock/time difference between the homserver and IdP. Contributed by @localguru. ([\#8731](
+- Generalise `RoomMemberHandler._locally_reject_invite` to apply to more flows than just invite. ([\#8751](
+- Generalise `RoomStore.maybe_store_room_on_invite` to handle other, non-invite membership events. ([\#8754](
+- Refactor test utilities for injecting HTTP requests. ([\#8757](, [\#8758](, [\#8759](, [\#8760](, [\#8761](, [\#8777](
+- Consolidate logic between the OpenID Connect and SAML code. ([\#8765](
+- Use `TYPE_CHECKING` instead of magic `MYPY` variable. ([\#8770](
+- Add a commandline script to sign arbitrary json objects. ([\#8772](
+- Minor log line improvements for the SSO mapping code used to generate Matrix IDs from SSO IDs. ([\#8773](
+- Add additional error checking for OpenID Connect and SAML mapping providers. ([\#8774](, [\#8800](
+- Add type hints to HTTP abstractions. ([\#8806](, [\#8812](
+- Remove unnecessary function arguments and add typing to several membership replication classes. ([\#8809](
+- Optimise the lookup for an invite from another homeserver when trying to reject it. ([\#8815](
+- Add tests for `password_auth_provider`s. ([\#8819](
+- Drop redundant database index on `event_json`. ([\#8845](
+- Simplify `uk.half-shot.msc2778.login.application_service` login handler. ([\#8847](
+- Refactor `password_auth_provider` support code. ([\#8849](
+- Add missing `ordering` to background database updates. ([\#8850](
+- Allow for specifying a room version when creating a room in unit tests via `RestHelper.create_room_as`. ([\#8854](
+Synapse 1.23.0 (2020-11-18)
+This release changes the way structured logging is configured. See the [upgrade notes](UPGRADE.rst#upgrading-to-v1230) for details.
+**Note**: We are aware of a trivially exploitable denial of service vulnerability in versions of Synapse prior to 1.20.0. Complete details will be disclosed on Monday, November 23rd. If you have not upgraded recently, please do so.
+- Fix a dependency versioning bug in the Dockerfile that prevented Synapse from starting. ([\#8767](
+Synapse 1.23.0rc1 (2020-11-13)
+- Add a push rule that highlights when a jitsi conference is created in a room. ([\#8286](
+- Add an admin api to delete a single file or files that were not used for a defined time from server. Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#8519](
+- Split admin API for reported events (`GET /_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports`) into detail and list endpoints. This is a breaking change to #8217 which was introduced in Synapse v1.21.0. Those who already use this API should check their scripts. Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#8539](
+- Support generating structured logs via the standard logging configuration. ([\#8607](, [\#8685](
+- Add an admin API to allow server admins to list users' pushers. Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#8610](, [\#8689](
+- Add an admin API `GET /_synapse/admin/v1/users/<user_id>/media` to get information about uploaded media. Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#8647](
+- Add an admin API for local user media statistics. Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#8700](
+- Add `displayname` to Shared-Secret Registration for admins. ([\#8722](
+- Fix fetching of E2E cross signing keys over federation when only one of the master key and device signing key is cached already. ([\#8455](
+- Fix a bug where Synapse would blindly forward bad responses from federation to clients when retrieving profile information. ([\#8580](
+- Fix a bug where the account validity endpoint would silently fail if the user ID did not have an expiration time. It now returns a 400 error. ([\#8620](
+- Fix email notifications for invites without local state. ([\#8627](
+- Fix handling of invalid group IDs to return a 400 rather than log an exception and return a 500. ([\#8628](
+- Fix handling of User-Agent headers that are invalid UTF-8, which caused user agents of users to not get correctly recorded. ([\#8632](
+- Fix a bug in the `joined_rooms` admin API if the user has never joined any rooms. The bug was introduced, along with the API, in v1.21.0. ([\#8643](
+- Fix exception during handling multiple concurrent requests for remote media when using multiple media repositories. ([\#8682](
+- Fix bug that prevented Synapse from recovering after losing connection to the database. ([\#8726](
+- Fix bug where the `/_synapse/admin/v1/send_server_notice` API could send notices to non-notice rooms. ([\#8728](
+- Fix PostgreSQL port script fails when DB has no backfilled events. Broke in v1.21.0. ([\#8729](
+- Fix PostgreSQL port script to correctly handle foreign key constraints. Broke in v1.21.0. ([\#8730](
+- Fix PostgreSQL port script so that it can be run again after a failure. Broke in v1.21.0. ([\#8755](
+Improved Documentation
+- Instructions for Azure AD in the OpenID Connect documentation. Contributed by peterk. ([\#8582](
+- Improve the sample configuration for single sign-on providers. ([\#8635](
+- Fix the filepath of Dex's example config and the link to Dex's Getting Started guide in the OpenID Connect docs. ([\#8657](
+- Note support for Python 3.9. ([\#8665](
+- Minor updates to docs on running tests. ([\#8666](
+- Interlink prometheus/grafana documentation. ([\#8667](
+- Notes on SSO logins and media_repository worker. ([\#8701](
+- Document experimental support for running multiple event persisters. ([\#8706](
+- Add information regarding the various sources of, and expected contributions to, Synapse's documentation to ``. ([\#8714](
+- Migrate documentation `docs/admin_api/event_reports` to markdown. ([\#8742](
+- Add some helpful hints to the README for new Synapse developers. Contributed by @chagai95. ([\#8746](
+Internal Changes
+- Optimise `/createRoom` with multiple invited users. ([\#8559](
+- Implement and use an `@lru_cache` decorator. ([\#8595](
+- Don't instansiate Requester directly. ([\#8614](
+- Type hints for `RegistrationStore`. ([\#8615](
+- Change schema to support access tokens belonging to one user but granting access to another. ([\#8616](
+- Remove unused OPTIONS handlers. ([\#8621](
+- Run `mypy` as part of the script. ([\#8633](
+- Correct Synapse's PyPI package name in the OpenID Connect installation instructions. ([\#8634](
+- Catch exceptions during initialization of `password_providers`. Contributed by Nicolai Søborg. ([\#8636](
+- Fix typos and spelling errors in the code. ([\#8639](
+- Reduce number of OpenTracing spans started. ([\#8640](, [\#8668](, [\#8670](
+- Add field `total` to device list in admin API. ([\#8644](
+- Add more type hints to the application services code. ([\#8655](, [\#8693](
+- Tell Black to format code for Python 3.5. ([\#8664](
+- Don't pull event from DB when handling replication traffic. ([\#8669](
+- Abstract some invite-related code in preparation for landing knocking. ([\#8671](, [\#8688](
+- Clarify representation of events in logfiles. ([\#8679](
+- Don't require `hiredis` package to be installed to run unit tests. ([\#8680](
+- Fix typing info on cache call signature to accept `on_invalidate`. ([\#8684](
+- Fail tests if they do not await coroutines. ([\#8690](
+- Improve start time by adding an index to `e2e_cross_signing_keys.stream_id`. ([\#8694](
+- Re-organize the structured logging code to separate the TCP transport handling from the JSON formatting. ([\#8697](
+- Use Python 3.8 in Docker images by default. ([\#8698](
+- Remove the "draft" status of the Room Details Admin API. ([\#8702](
+- Improve the error returned when a non-string displayname or avatar_url is used when updating a user's profile. ([\#8705](
+- Block attempts by clients to send server ACLs, or redactions of server ACLs, that would result in the local server being blocked from the room. ([\#8708](
+- Add metrics the allow the local sysadmin to track 3PID `/requestToken` requests. ([\#8712](
+- Consolidate duplicated lists of purged tables that are checked in tests. ([\#8713](
+- Add some `mdui:UIInfo` element examples for `saml2_config` in the homeserver config. ([\#8718](
+- Improve the error message returned when a remote server incorrectly sets the `Content-Type` header in response to a JSON request. ([\#8719](
+- Speed up repeated state resolutions on the same room by caching event ID to auth event ID lookups. ([\#8752](
+Synapse 1.22.1 (2020-10-30)
+- Fix a bug where an appservice may not be forwarded events for a room it was recently invited to. Broke in v1.22.0. ([\#8676](
+- Fix `Object of type frozendict is not JSON serializable` exceptions when using third-party event rules. Broke in v1.22.0. ([\#8678](
+Synapse 1.22.0 (2020-10-27)
+No significant changes.
+Synapse 1.22.0rc2 (2020-10-26)
+- Fix bugs where ephemeral events were not sent to appservices. Broke in v1.22.0rc1. ([\#8648](, [\#8656](
+- Fix `user_daily_visits` table to not have duplicate rows per user/device due to multiple user agents. Broke in v1.22.0rc1. ([\#8654](
+Synapse 1.22.0rc1 (2020-10-22)
+- Add a configuration option for always using the "userinfo endpoint" for OpenID Connect. This fixes support for some identity providers, e.g. GitLab. Contributed by Benjamin Koch. ([\#7658](
+- Add ability for `ThirdPartyEventRules` modules to query and manipulate whether a room is in the public rooms directory. ([\#8292](, [\#8467](
+- Add support for olm fallback keys ([MSC2732]( ([\#8312](, [\#8501](
+- Add support for running background tasks in a separate worker process. ([\#8369](, [\#8458](, [\#8489](, [\#8513](, [\#8544](, [\#8599](
+- Add support for device dehydration ([MSC2697]( ([\#8380](
+- Add support for [MSC2409](, which allows sending typing, read receipts, and presence events to appservices. ([\#8437](, [\#8590](
+- Change default room version to "6", per [MSC2788]( ([\#8461](
+- Add the ability to send non-membership events into a room via the `ModuleApi`. ([\#8479](
+- Increase default upload size limit from 10M to 50M. Contributed by @Akkowicz. ([\#8502](
+- Add support for modifying event content in `ThirdPartyRules` modules. ([\#8535](, [\#8564](
+- Fix a longstanding bug where invalid ignored users in account data could break clients. ([\#8454](
+- Fix a bug where backfilling a room with an event that was missing the `redacts` field would break. ([\#8457](
+- Don't attempt to respond to some requests if the client has already disconnected. ([\#8465](
+- Fix message duplication if something goes wrong after persisting the event. ([\#8476](
+- Fix incremental sync returning an incorrect `prev_batch` token in timeline section, which when used to paginate returned events that were included in the incremental sync. Broken since v0.16.0. ([\#8486](
+- Expose the `uk.half-shot.msc2778.login.application_service` to clients from the login API. This feature was added in v1.21.0, but was not exposed as a potential login flow. ([\#8504](
+- Fix error code for `/profile/{userId}/displayname` to be `M_BAD_JSON`. ([\#8517](
+- Fix a bug introduced in v1.7.0 that could cause Synapse to insert values from non-state `` events into the `room_retention` database table. ([\#8527](
+- Fix not sending events over federation when using sharded event writers. ([\#8536](
+- Fix a long standing bug where email notifications for encrypted messages were blank. ([\#8545](
+- Fix increase in the number of `There was no active span...` errors logged when using OpenTracing. ([\#8567](
+- Fix a bug that prevented errors encountered during execution of the `synapse_port_db` from being correctly printed. ([\#8585](
+- Fix appservice transactions to only include a maximum of 100 persistent and 100 ephemeral events. ([\#8606](
+Updates to the Docker image
+- Added multi-arch support (arm64,arm/v7) for the docker images. Contributed by @maquis196. ([\#7921](
+- Add support for passing commandline args to the synapse process. Contributed by @samuel-p. ([\#8390](
+Improved Documentation
+- Update the directions for using the manhole with coroutines. ([\#8462](
+- Improve readme by adding new badges. ([\#8493](
+- Added note about docker in regarding which ip address to bind to. Contributed by @Maquis196. ([\#8526](
+- Document the new behaviour of the `allowed_lifetime_min` and `allowed_lifetime_max` settings in the room retention configuration. ([\#8529](
+Deprecations and Removals
+- Drop unused `device_max_stream_id` table. ([\#8589](
+Internal Changes
+- Check for unreachable code with mypy. ([\#8432](
+- Add unit test for event persister sharding. ([\#8433](
+- Allow events to be sent to clients sooner when using sharded event persisters. ([\#8439](, [\#8488](, [\#8496](, [\#8499](
+- Configure `public_baseurl` when using demo scripts. ([\#8443](
+- Add SQL logging on queries that happen during startup. ([\#8448](
+- Speed up unit tests when using PostgreSQL. ([\#8450](
+- Remove redundant database loads of stream_ordering for events we already have. ([\#8452](
+- Reduce inconsistencies between codepaths for membership and non-membership events. ([\#8463](
+- Combine `SpamCheckerApi` with the more generic `ModuleApi`. ([\#8464](
+- Additional testing for `ThirdPartyEventRules`. ([\#8468](
+- Add `-d` option to `./scripts-dev/` to lint files that have changed since the last git commit. ([\#8472](
+- Unblacklist some sytests. ([\#8474](
+- Include the log level in the phone home stats. ([\#8477](
+- Remove outdated sphinx documentation, scripts and configuration. ([\#8480](
+- Clarify error message when plugin config parsers raise an error. ([\#8492](
+- Remove the deprecated `Handlers` object. ([\#8494](
+- Fix a threadsafety bug in unit tests. ([\#8497](
+- Add user agent to user_daily_visits table. ([\#8503](
+- Add type hints to various parts of the code base. ([\#8407](, [\#8505](, [\#8507](, [\#8547](, [\#8562](, [\#8609](
+- Remove unused code from the test framework. ([\#8514](
+- Apply some internal fixes to the `HomeServer` class to make its code more idiomatic and statically-verifiable. ([\#8515](
+- Factor out common code between `RoomMemberHandler._locally_reject_invite` and `EventCreationHandler.create_event`. ([\#8537](
+- Improve database performance by executing more queries without starting transactions. ([\#8542](
+- Rename `Cache` to `DeferredCache`, to better reflect its purpose. ([\#8548](
+- Move metric registration code down into `LruCache`. ([\#8561](, [\#8591](
+- Replace `DeferredCache` with the lighter-weight `LruCache` where possible. ([\#8563](
+- Add virtualenv-generated folders to `.gitignore`. ([\#8566](
+- Add `get_immediate` method to `DeferredCache`. ([\#8568](
+- Fix mypy not properly checking across the codebase, additionally, fix a typing assertion error in `handlers/`. ([\#8569](
+- Fix `synmark` benchmark runner. ([\#8571](
+- Modify `DeferredCache.get()` to return `Deferred`s instead of `ObservableDeferred`s. ([\#8572](
+- Adjust a protocol-type definition to fit `sqlite3` assertions. ([\#8577](
+- Support macOS on the `synmark` benchmark runner. ([\#8578](
+- Update `mypy` static type checker to 0.790. ([\#8583](, [\#8600](
+- Re-organize the structured logging code to separate the TCP transport handling from the JSON formatting. ([\#8587](
+- Remove extraneous unittest logging decorators from unit tests. ([\#8592](
+- Minor optimisations in caching code. ([\#8593](, [\#8594](
+Synapse 1.21.2 (2020-10-15)
+Debian packages and Docker images have been rebuilt using the latest versions of dependency libraries, including authlib 0.15.1. Please see bugfixes below.
+Security advisory
+* HTML pages served via Synapse were vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS)
+  attacks. All server administrators are encouraged to upgrade.
+  ([\#8444](
+  ([CVE-2020-26891](
+  This fix was originally included in v1.21.0 but was missing a security advisory.
+  This was reported by [Denis Kasak](
+- Fix rare bug where sending an event would fail due to a racey assertion. ([\#8530](
+- An updated version of the authlib dependency is included in the Docker and Debian images to fix an issue using OpenID Connect. See [\#8534]( for details.
 Synapse 1.21.1 (2020-10-13)
@@ -6074,8 +6455,8 @@ Changes in synapse 0.5.1 (2014-11-26)
 See UPGRADES.rst for specific instructions on how to upgrade.
-> -   Fix bug where we served up an Event that did not match its signatures.
-> -   Fix regression where we no longer correctly handled the case where a homeserver receives an event for a room it doesn\'t recognise (but is in.)
+-   Fix bug where we served up an Event that did not match its signatures.
+-   Fix regression where we no longer correctly handled the case where a homeserver receives an event for a room it doesn\'t recognise (but is in.)
 Changes in synapse 0.5.0 (2014-11-19)
@@ -6086,44 +6467,44 @@ This release also changes the internal database schemas and so requires servers
-:   -   Add authentication and authorization to the federation protocol. Events are now signed by their originating homeservers.
-    -   Implement the new authorization model for rooms.
-    -   Split out web client into a seperate repository: matrix-angular-sdk.
-    -   Change the structure of PDUs.
-    -   Fix bug where user could not join rooms via an alias containing 4-byte UTF-8 characters.
-    -   Merge concept of PDUs and Events internally.
-    -   Improve logging by adding request ids to log lines.
-    -   Implement a very basic room initial sync API.
-    -   Implement the new invite/join federation APIs.
+-   Add authentication and authorization to the federation protocol. Events are now signed by their originating homeservers.
+-   Implement the new authorization model for rooms.
+-   Split out web client into a seperate repository: matrix-angular-sdk.
+-   Change the structure of PDUs.
+-   Fix bug where user could not join rooms via an alias containing 4-byte UTF-8 characters.
+-   Merge concept of PDUs and Events internally.
+-   Improve logging by adding request ids to log lines.
+-   Implement a very basic room initial sync API.
+-   Implement the new invite/join federation APIs.
-:   -   The webclient has been moved to a seperate repository.
+-   The webclient has been moved to a seperate repository.
 Changes in synapse 0.4.2 (2014-10-31)
-:   -   Fix bugs where we did not notify users of correct presence updates.
-    -   Fix bug where we did not handle sub second event stream timeouts.
+-   Fix bugs where we did not notify users of correct presence updates.
+-   Fix bug where we did not handle sub second event stream timeouts.
-:   -   Add ability to click on messages to see JSON.
-    -   Add ability to redact messages.
-    -   Add ability to view and edit all room state JSON.
-    -   Handle incoming redactions.
-    -   Improve feedback on errors.
-    -   Fix bugs in mobile CSS.
-    -   Fix bugs with desktop notifications.
+-   Add ability to click on messages to see JSON.
+-   Add ability to redact messages.
+-   Add ability to view and edit all room state JSON.
+-   Handle incoming redactions.
+-   Improve feedback on errors.
+-   Fix bugs in mobile CSS.
+-   Fix bugs with desktop notifications.
 Changes in synapse 0.4.1 (2014-10-17)
-:   -   Fix bug with display of timestamps.
+-   Fix bug with display of timestamps.
 Changes in synpase 0.4.0 (2014-10-17)
@@ -6136,8 +6517,8 @@ You will also need an updated syutil and config. See UPGRADES.rst.
-:   -   Sign federation transactions to assert strong identity over federation.
-    -   Rename timestamp keys in PDUs and events from \'ts\' and \'hsob\_ts\' to \'origin\_server\_ts\'.
+-   Sign federation transactions to assert strong identity over federation.
+-   Rename timestamp keys in PDUs and events from \'ts\' and \'hsob\_ts\' to \'origin\_server\_ts\'.
 Changes in synapse 0.3.4 (2014-09-25)
@@ -6146,48 +6527,48 @@ This version adds support for using a TURN server. See docs/turn-howto.rst on ho
-:   -   Add support for redaction of messages.
-    -   Fix bug where inviting a user on a remote home server could take up to 20-30s.
-    -   Implement a get current room state API.
-    -   Add support specifying and retrieving turn server configuration.
+-   Add support for redaction of messages.
+-   Fix bug where inviting a user on a remote home server could take up to 20-30s.
+-   Implement a get current room state API.
+-   Add support specifying and retrieving turn server configuration.
-:   -   Add button to send messages to users from the home page.
-    -   Add support for using TURN for VoIP calls.
-    -   Show display name change messages.
-    -   Fix bug where the client didn\'t get the state of a newly joined room until after it has been refreshed.
-    -   Fix bugs with tab complete.
-    -   Fix bug where holding down the down arrow caused chrome to chew 100% CPU.
-    -   Fix bug where desktop notifications occasionally used \"Undefined\" as the display name.
-    -   Fix more places where we sometimes saw room IDs incorrectly.
-    -   Fix bug which caused lag when entering text in the text box.
+-   Add button to send messages to users from the home page.
+-   Add support for using TURN for VoIP calls.
+-   Show display name change messages.
+-   Fix bug where the client didn\'t get the state of a newly joined room until after it has been refreshed.
+-   Fix bugs with tab complete.
+-   Fix bug where holding down the down arrow caused chrome to chew 100% CPU.
+-   Fix bug where desktop notifications occasionally used \"Undefined\" as the display name.
+-   Fix more places where we sometimes saw room IDs incorrectly.
+-   Fix bug which caused lag when entering text in the text box.
 Changes in synapse 0.3.3 (2014-09-22)
-:   -   Fix bug where you continued to get events for rooms you had left.
+-   Fix bug where you continued to get events for rooms you had left.
-:   -   Add support for video calls with basic UI.
-    -   Fix bug where one to one chats were named after your display name rather than the other person\'s.
-    -   Fix bug which caused lag when typing in the textarea.
-    -   Refuse to run on browsers we know won\'t work.
-    -   Trigger pagination when joining new rooms.
-    -   Fix bug where we sometimes didn\'t display invitations in recents.
-    -   Automatically join room when accepting a VoIP call.
-    -   Disable outgoing and reject incoming calls on browsers we don\'t support VoIP in.
-    -   Don\'t display desktop notifications for messages in the room you are non-idle and speaking in.
+-   Add support for video calls with basic UI.
+-   Fix bug where one to one chats were named after your display name rather than the other person\'s.
+-   Fix bug which caused lag when typing in the textarea.
+-   Refuse to run on browsers we know won\'t work.
+-   Trigger pagination when joining new rooms.
+-   Fix bug where we sometimes didn\'t display invitations in recents.
+-   Automatically join room when accepting a VoIP call.
+-   Disable outgoing and reject incoming calls on browsers we don\'t support VoIP in.
+-   Don\'t display desktop notifications for messages in the room you are non-idle and speaking in.
 Changes in synapse 0.3.2 (2014-09-18)
-:   -   Fix bug where an empty \"bing words\" list in old accounts didn\'t send notifications when it should have done.
+-   Fix bug where an empty \"bing words\" list in old accounts didn\'t send notifications when it should have done.
 Changes in synapse 0.3.1 (2014-09-18)
@@ -6196,8 +6577,8 @@ This is a release to hotfix v0.3.0 to fix two regressions.
-:   -   Fix a regression where we sometimes displayed duplicate events.
-    -   Fix a regression where we didn\'t immediately remove rooms you were banned in from the recents list.
+-   Fix a regression where we sometimes displayed duplicate events.
+-   Fix a regression where we didn\'t immediately remove rooms you were banned in from the recents list.
 Changes in synapse 0.3.0 (2014-09-18)
@@ -6206,91 +6587,91 @@ See UPGRADE for information about changes to the client server API, including br
-:   -   When a user changes their displayname or avatar the server will now update all their join states to reflect this.
-    -   The server now adds \"age\" key to events to indicate how old they are. This is clock independent, so at no point does any server or webclient have to assume their clock is in sync with everyone else.
-    -   Fix bug where we didn\'t correctly pull in missing PDUs.
-    -   Fix bug where prev\_content key wasn\'t always returned.
-    -   Add support for password resets.
+-   When a user changes their displayname or avatar the server will now update all their join states to reflect this.
+-   The server now adds \"age\" key to events to indicate how old they are. This is clock independent, so at no point does any server or webclient have to assume their clock is in sync with everyone else.
+-   Fix bug where we didn\'t correctly pull in missing PDUs.
+-   Fix bug where prev\_content key wasn\'t always returned.
+-   Add support for password resets.
-:   -   Improve page content loading.
-    -   Join/parts now trigger desktop notifications.
-    -   Always show room aliases in the UI if one is present.
-    -   No longer show user-count in the recents side panel.
-    -   Add up & down arrow support to the text box for message sending to step through your sent history.
-    -   Don\'t display notifications for our own messages.
-    -   Emotes are now formatted correctly in desktop notifications.
-    -   The recents list now differentiates between public & private rooms.
-    -   Fix bug where when switching between rooms the pagination flickered before the view jumped to the bottom of the screen.
-    -   Add bing word support.
+-   Improve page content loading.
+-   Join/parts now trigger desktop notifications.
+-   Always show room aliases in the UI if one is present.
+-   No longer show user-count in the recents side panel.
+-   Add up & down arrow support to the text box for message sending to step through your sent history.
+-   Don\'t display notifications for our own messages.
+-   Emotes are now formatted correctly in desktop notifications.
+-   The recents list now differentiates between public & private rooms.
+-   Fix bug where when switching between rooms the pagination flickered before the view jumped to the bottom of the screen.
+-   Add bing word support.
 Registration API:
-:   -   The registration API has been overhauled to function like the login API. In practice, this means registration requests must now include the following: \'type\':\'m.login.password\'. See UPGRADE for more information on this.
-    -   The \'user\_id\' key has been renamed to \'user\' to better match the login API.
-    -   There is an additional login type: \'\'.
-    -   The command client and web client have been updated to reflect these changes.
+-   The registration API has been overhauled to function like the login API. In practice, this means registration requests must now include the following: \'type\':\'m.login.password\'. See UPGRADE for more information on this.
+-   The \'user\_id\' key has been renamed to \'user\' to better match the login API.
+-   There is an additional login type: \'\'.
+-   The command client and web client have been updated to reflect these changes.
 Changes in synapse 0.2.3 (2014-09-12)
-:   -   Fix bug where we stopped sending events to remote home servers if a user from that home server left, even if there were some still in the room.
-    -   Fix bugs in the state conflict resolution where it was incorrectly rejecting events.
+-   Fix bug where we stopped sending events to remote home servers if a user from that home server left, even if there were some still in the room.
+-   Fix bugs in the state conflict resolution where it was incorrectly rejecting events.
-:   -   Display room names and topics.
-    -   Allow setting/editing of room names and topics.
-    -   Display information about rooms on the main page.
-    -   Handle ban and kick events in real time.
-    -   VoIP UI and reliability improvements.
-    -   Add glare support for VoIP.
-    -   Improvements to initial startup speed.
-    -   Don\'t display duplicate join events.
-    -   Local echo of messages.
-    -   Differentiate sending and sent of local echo.
-    -   Various minor bug fixes.
+-   Display room names and topics.
+-   Allow setting/editing of room names and topics.
+-   Display information about rooms on the main page.
+-   Handle ban and kick events in real time.
+-   VoIP UI and reliability improvements.
+-   Add glare support for VoIP.
+-   Improvements to initial startup speed.
+-   Don\'t display duplicate join events.
+-   Local echo of messages.
+-   Differentiate sending and sent of local echo.
+-   Various minor bug fixes.
 Changes in synapse 0.2.2 (2014-09-06)
-:   -   When the server returns state events it now also includes the previous content.
-    -   Add support for inviting people when creating a new room.
-    -   Make the homeserver inform the room via when a new alias is added for a room.
-    -   Validate\_level events.
+-   When the server returns state events it now also includes the previous content.
+-   Add support for inviting people when creating a new room.
+-   Make the homeserver inform the room via when a new alias is added for a room.
+-   Validate\_level events.
-:   -   Add support for captchas on registration.
-    -   Handle events.
-    -   Asynchronously send messages and show a local echo.
-    -   Inform the UI when a message failed to send.
-    -   Only autoscroll on receiving a new message if the user was already at the bottom of the screen.
-    -   Add support for ban/kick reasons.
+-   Add support for captchas on registration.
+-   Handle events.
+-   Asynchronously send messages and show a local echo.
+-   Inform the UI when a message failed to send.
+-   Only autoscroll on receiving a new message if the user was already at the bottom of the screen.
+-   Add support for ban/kick reasons.
 Changes in synapse 0.2.1 (2014-09-03)
-:   -   Added support for signing up with a third party id.
-    -   Add synctl scripts.
-    -   Added rate limiting.
-    -   Add option to change the external address the content repo uses.
-    -   Presence bug fixes.
+-   Added support for signing up with a third party id.
+-   Add synctl scripts.
+-   Added rate limiting.
+-   Add option to change the external address the content repo uses.
+-   Presence bug fixes.
-:   -   Added support for signing up with a third party id.
-    -   Added support for banning and kicking users.
-    -   Added support for displaying and setting ops.
-    -   Added support for room names.
-    -   Fix bugs with room membership event display.
+-   Added support for signing up with a third party id.
+-   Added support for banning and kicking users.
+-   Added support for displaying and setting ops.
+-   Added support for room names.
+-   Fix bugs with room membership event display.
 Changes in synapse 0.2.0 (2014-09-02)
@@ -6299,36 +6680,36 @@ This update changes many configuration options, updates the database schema and
-:   -   Require SSL for server-server connections.
-    -   Add SSL listener for client-server connections.
-    -   Add ability to use config files.
-    -   Add support for kicking/banning and power levels.
-    -   Allow setting of room names and topics on creation.
-    -   Change presence to include last seen time of the user.
-    -   Change url path prefix to /\_matrix/\...
-    -   Bug fixes to presence.
+-   Require SSL for server-server connections.
+-   Add SSL listener for client-server connections.
+-   Add ability to use config files.
+-   Add support for kicking/banning and power levels.
+-   Allow setting of room names and topics on creation.
+-   Change presence to include last seen time of the user.
+-   Change url path prefix to /\_matrix/\...
+-   Bug fixes to presence.
-:   -   Reskin the CSS for registration and login.
-    -   Various improvements to rooms CSS.
-    -   Support changes in client-server API.
-    -   Bug fixes to VOIP UI.
-    -   Various bug fixes to handling of changes to room member list.
+-   Reskin the CSS for registration and login.
+-   Various improvements to rooms CSS.
+-   Support changes in client-server API.
+-   Bug fixes to VOIP UI.
+-   Various bug fixes to handling of changes to room member list.
 Changes in synapse 0.1.2 (2014-08-29)
-:   -   Add basic call state UI for VoIP calls.
+-   Add basic call state UI for VoIP calls.
 Changes in synapse 0.1.1 (2014-08-29)
-:   -   Fix bug that caused the event stream to not notify some clients about changes.
+-   Fix bug that caused the event stream to not notify some clients about changes.
 Changes in synapse 0.1.0 (2014-08-29)
@@ -6337,26 +6718,22 @@ Presence has been reenabled in this release.
-:   -
-        Update client to server API, including:
-        :   -   Use a more consistent url scheme.
-            -   Provide more useful information in the initial sync api.
-    -   Change the presence handling to be much more efficient.
-    -   Change the presence server to server API to not require explicit polling of all users who share a room with a user.
-    -   Fix races in the event streaming logic.
+-   Update client to server API, including:
+    -   Use a more consistent url scheme.
+    -   Provide more useful information in the initial sync api.
+-   Change the presence handling to be much more efficient.
+-   Change the presence server to server API to not require explicit polling of all users who share a room with a user.
+-   Fix races in the event streaming logic.
-:   -   Update to use new client to server API.
-    -   Add basic VOIP support.
-    -   Add idle timers that change your status to away.
-    -   Add recent rooms column when viewing a room.
-    -   Various network efficiency improvements.
-    -   Add basic mobile browser support.
-    -   Add a settings page.
+-   Update to use new client to server API.
+-   Add basic VOIP support.
+-   Add idle timers that change your status to away.
+-   Add recent rooms column when viewing a room.
+-   Various network efficiency improvements.
+-   Add basic mobile browser support.
+-   Add a settings page.
 Changes in synapse 0.0.1 (2014-08-22)
@@ -6365,26 +6742,26 @@ Presence has been disabled in this release due to a bug that caused the homeserv
-:   -   Completely change the database schema to support generic event types.
-    -   Improve presence reliability.
-    -   Improve reliability of joining remote rooms.
-    -   Fix bug where room join events were duplicated.
-    -   Improve initial sync API to return more information to the client.
-    -   Stop generating fake messages for room membership events.
+-   Completely change the database schema to support generic event types.
+-   Improve presence reliability.
+-   Improve reliability of joining remote rooms.
+-   Fix bug where room join events were duplicated.
+-   Improve initial sync API to return more information to the client.
+-   Stop generating fake messages for room membership events.
-:   -   Add tab completion of names.
-    -   Add ability to upload and send images.
-    -   Add profile pages.
-    -   Improve CSS layout of room.
-    -   Disambiguate identical display names.
-    -   Don\'t get remote users display names and avatars individually.
-    -   Use the new initial sync API to reduce number of round trips to the homeserver.
-    -   Change url scheme to use room aliases instead of room ids where known.
-    -   Increase longpoll timeout.
+-   Add tab completion of names.
+-   Add ability to upload and send images.
+-   Add profile pages.
+-   Improve CSS layout of room.
+-   Disambiguate identical display names.
+-   Don\'t get remote users display names and avatars individually.
+-   Use the new initial sync API to reduce number of round trips to the homeserver.
+-   Change url scheme to use room aliases instead of room ids where known.
+-   Increase longpoll timeout.
 Changes in synapse 0.0.0 (2014-08-13)
-> -   Initial alpha release
+-   Initial alpha release

+ 23 - 1

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ locally. You'll need python 3.6 or later, and to install a number of tools:
 # Install the dependencies
-pip install -e ".[lint]"
+pip install -e ".[lint,mypy]"
 # Run the linter script
@@ -63,6 +63,10 @@ run-time:
 ./scripts-dev/ path/to/ path/to/ path/to/folder
+You can also provide the `-d` option, which will lint the files that have been
+changed since the last git commit. This will often be significantly faster than
+linting the whole codebase.
 Before pushing new changes, ensure they don't produce linting errors. Commit any
 files that were corrected.
@@ -152,6 +156,24 @@ directory, you will need both a regular newsfragment *and* an entry in the
 debian changelog. (Though typically such changes should be submitted as two
 separate pull requests.)
+## Documentation
+There is a growing amount of documentation located in the [docs](docs)
+directory. This documentation is intended primarily for sysadmins running their
+own Synapse instance, as well as developers interacting externally with
+Synapse. [docs/dev](docs/dev) exists primarily to house documentation for
+Synapse developers. [docs/admin_api](docs/admin_api) houses documentation
+regarding Synapse's Admin API, which is used mostly by sysadmins and external
+service developers.
+New files added to both folders should be written in [Github-Flavoured
+Markdown](, and attempts
+should be made to migrate existing documents to markdown where possible.
+Some documentation also exists in [Synapse's Github
+Wiki](, although this is primarily
+contributed to by community authors.
 ## Sign off
 In order to have a concrete record that your contribution is intentional

+ 2 - 2

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ light workloads.
 System requirements:
 - POSIX-compliant system (tested on Linux & OS X)
-- Python 3.5.2 or later, up to Python 3.8.
+- Python 3.5.2 or later, up to Python 3.9.
 - At least 1GB of free RAM if you want to join large public rooms like
 Synapse is written in Python but some of the libraries it uses are written in
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ In nginx this would be something like:
 location /.well-known/matrix/client {
     return 200 '{"m.homeserver": {"base_url": "https://<>"}}';
-    add_header Content-Type application/json;
+    default_type application/json;
     add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;

+ 36 - 29

@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-Synapse |shield|
-.. |shield| image::
-  :alt: (get support on
-  :target:
+Synapse |support| |development| |license| |pypi| |python|
 .. contents::
@@ -260,23 +256,27 @@ directory of your choice::
 Synapse has a number of external dependencies, that are easiest
 to install using pip and a virtualenv::
-    virtualenv -p python3 env
-    source env/bin/activate
-    python -m pip install --no-use-pep517 -e ".[all]"
+    python3 -m venv ./env
+    source ./env/bin/activate
+    pip install -e ".[all,test]"
 This will run a process of downloading and installing all the needed
-dependencies into a virtual env.
+dependencies into a virtual env. If any dependencies fail to install,
+try installing the failing modules individually::
-Once this is done, you may wish to run Synapse's unit tests, to
-check that everything is installed as it should be::
+    pip install -e "module-name"
+Once this is done, you may wish to run Synapse's unit tests to
+check that everything is installed correctly::
     python -m twisted.trial tests
-This should end with a 'PASSED' result::
+This should end with a 'PASSED' result (note that exact numbers will
-    Ran 143 tests in 0.601s
+    Ran 1337 tests in 716.064s
-    PASSED (successes=143)
+    PASSED (skips=15, successes=1322)
 Running the Integration Tests
@@ -290,19 +290,6 @@ Testing with SyTest is recommended for verifying that changes related to the
 Client-Server API are functioning correctly. See the `installation instructions
 <>`_ for details.
-Building Internal API Documentation
-Before building internal API documentation install sphinx and
-    pip install sphinx
-    pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon
-Building internal API documentation::
-    python build_sphinx
@@ -387,3 +374,23 @@ something like the following in their logs::
 This is normally caused by a misconfiguration in your reverse-proxy. See
 `<docs/>`_ and double-check that your settings are correct.
+.. |support| image::
+  :alt: (get support on
+  :target:
+.. |development| image::
+  :alt: (discuss development on
+  :target:
+.. |license| image::
+  :alt: (check license in LICENSE file)
+  :target: LICENSE
+.. |pypi| image::
+  :alt: (latest version released on PyPi)
+  :target:
+.. |python| image::
+  :alt: (supported python versions)
+  :target:

+ 85 - 0

@@ -75,6 +75,91 @@ for example:
      dpkg -i matrix-synapse-py3_1.3.0+stretch1_amd64.deb
+Upgrading to v1.24.0
+Custom OpenID Connect mapping provider breaking change
+This release allows the OpenID Connect mapping provider to perform normalisation
+of the localpart of the Matrix ID. This allows for the mapping provider to
+specify different algorithms, instead of the [default way](
+If your Synapse configuration uses a custom mapping provider
+(`oidc_config.user_mapping_provider.module` is specified and not equal to
+`synapse.handlers.oidc_handler.JinjaOidcMappingProvider`) then you *must* ensure
+that `map_user_attributes` of the mapping provider performs some normalisation
+of the `localpart` returned. To match previous behaviour you can use the
+`map_username_to_mxid_localpart` function provided by Synapse. An example is
+shown below:
+.. code-block:: python
+  from synapse.types import map_username_to_mxid_localpart
+  class MyMappingProvider:
+      def map_user_attributes(self, userinfo, token):
+          # ... your custom logic ...
+          sso_user_id = ...
+          localpart = map_username_to_mxid_localpart(sso_user_id)
+          return {"localpart": localpart}
+Removal historical Synapse Admin API 
+Historically, the Synapse Admin API has been accessible under:
+* ``/_matrix/client/api/v1/admin``
+* ``/_matrix/client/unstable/admin``
+* ``/_matrix/client/r0/admin``
+* ``/_synapse/admin/v1``
+The endpoints with ``/_matrix/client/*`` prefixes have been removed as of v1.24.0.
+The Admin API is now only accessible under:
+* ``/_synapse/admin/v1``
+The only exception is the `/admin/whois` endpoint, which is
+`also available via the client-server API <>`_.
+The deprecation of the old endpoints was announced with Synapse 1.20.0 (released
+on 2020-09-22) and makes it easier for homeserver admins to lock down external
+access to the Admin API endpoints.
+Upgrading to v1.23.0
+Structured logging configuration breaking changes
+This release deprecates use of the ``structured: true`` logging configuration for
+structured logging. If your logging configuration contains ``structured: true``
+then it should be modified based on the `structured logging documentation
+The ``structured`` and ``drains`` logging options are now deprecated and should
+be replaced by standard logging configuration of ``handlers`` and ``formatters``.
+A future will release of Synapse will make using ``structured: true`` an error.
+Upgrading to v1.22.0
+ThirdPartyEventRules breaking changes
+This release introduces a backwards-incompatible change to modules making use of
+``ThirdPartyEventRules`` in Synapse. If you make use of a module defined under the
+``third_party_event_rules`` config option, please make sure it is updated to handle
+the below change:
+The ``http_client`` argument is no longer passed to modules as they are initialised. Instead,
+modules are expected to make use of the ``http_client`` property on the ``ModuleApi`` class.
+Modules are now passed a ``module_api`` argument during initialisation, which is an instance of
+``ModuleApi``. ``ModuleApi`` instances have a ``http_client`` property which acts the same as
+the ``http_client`` argument previously passed to ``ThirdPartyEventRules`` modules.
 Upgrading to v1.21.0

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Fix rare bug where sending an event would fail due to a racey assertion.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
 0. Set up Prometheus and Grafana. Out of scope for this readme. Useful documentation about using Grafana with Prometheus:
 1. Have your Prometheus scrape your Synapse.
 2. Import dashboard into Grafana. Download `synapse.json`. Import it to Grafana and select the correct Prometheus datasource.
-3. Set up additional recording rules
+3. Set up required recording rules.

+ 7 - 3

@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Add a new job to the main prometheus.conf file:
 ### for Prometheus v2
 Add a new job to the main prometheus.yml file:
@@ -29,14 +30,17 @@ Add a new job to the main prometheus.yml file:
     scheme: "https"
-    - targets: ['SERVER.LOCATION:PORT']
+    - targets: [""]
+An example of a Prometheus configuration with workers can be found in
 To use `synapse.rules` add
-    rule_files:
-      - "/PATH/TO/synapse-v2.rules"
+  rule_files:
+    - "/PATH/TO/synapse-v2.rules"
 Metrics are disabled by default when running synapse; they must be enabled

+ 50 - 51

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#process_resource_utime"),
   expr: "rate(process_cpu_seconds_total[2m]) * 100",
-  name: "[[job]]",  
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]]",
   min: 0,
   max: 100,
   renderer: "line",
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
-<div id="process_resource_maxrss"></div>
+<div id="process_resident_memory_bytes"></div>
 new PromConsole.Graph({
-  node: document.querySelector("#process_resource_maxrss"),
-  expr: "process_psutil_rss:max",
-  name: "Maxrss",
+  node: document.querySelector("#process_resident_memory_bytes"),
+  expr: "process_resident_memory_bytes",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]]",
   min: 0,
   renderer: "line",
   height: 150,
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#process_fds"),
-  expr: "process_open_fds{job='synapse'}",
-  name: "FDs",
+  expr: "process_open_fds",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]]",
   min: 0,
   renderer: "line",
   height: 150,
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#reactor_total_time"),
-  expr: "rate(python_twisted_reactor_tick_time:total[2m]) / 1000",
-  name: "time",
+  expr: "rate(python_twisted_reactor_tick_time_sum[2m])",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]]",
   max: 1,
   min: 0,
   renderer: "area",
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#reactor_average_time"),
-  expr: "rate(python_twisted_reactor_tick_time:total[2m]) / rate(python_twisted_reactor_tick_time:count[2m]) / 1000",
-  name: "time",
+  expr: "rate(python_twisted_reactor_tick_time_sum[2m]) / rate(python_twisted_reactor_tick_time_count[2m])",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]]",
   min: 0,
   renderer: "line",
   height: 150,
@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#reactor_pending_calls"),
-  expr: "rate(python_twisted_reactor_pending_calls:total[30s])/rate(python_twisted_reactor_pending_calls:count[30s])",
-  name: "calls",
+  expr: "rate(python_twisted_reactor_pending_calls_sum[30s]) / rate(python_twisted_reactor_pending_calls_count[30s])",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]]",
   min: 0,
   renderer: "line",
   height: 150,
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
-  yTitle: "Pending Cals"
+  yTitle: "Pending Calls"
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_storage_query_time"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_storage_query_time:count[2m])",
+  expr: "sum(rate(synapse_storage_query_time_count[2m])) by (verb)",
   name: "[[verb]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_storage_transaction_time"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_storage_transaction_time:count[2m])",
-  name: "[[desc]]",
+  expr: "topk(10, rate(synapse_storage_transaction_time_count[2m]))",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[desc]]",
   min: 0,
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 <h3>Transaction execution time</h3>
-<div id="synapse_storage_transactions_time_msec"></div>
+<div id="synapse_storage_transactions_time_sec"></div>
 new PromConsole.Graph({
-  node: document.querySelector("#synapse_storage_transactions_time_msec"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_storage_transaction_time:total[2m]) / 1000",
-  name: "[[desc]]",
+  node: document.querySelector("#synapse_storage_transactions_time_sec"),
+  expr: "rate(synapse_storage_transaction_time_sum[2m])",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[desc]]",
   min: 0,
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
@@ -154,34 +154,33 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
-<h3>Database scheduling latency</h3>
-<div id="synapse_storage_schedule_time"></div>
+<h3>Average time waiting for database connection</h3>
+<div id="synapse_storage_avg_waiting_time"></div>
 new PromConsole.Graph({
-  node: document.querySelector("#synapse_storage_schedule_time"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_storage_schedule_time:total[2m]) / 1000",
-  name: "Total latency",
+  node: document.querySelector("#synapse_storage_avg_waiting_time"),
+  expr: "rate(synapse_storage_schedule_time_sum[2m]) / rate(synapse_storage_schedule_time_count[2m])",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]]",
   min: 0,
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
-  yUnits: "s/s",
-  yTitle: "Usage"
+  yUnits: "s",
+  yTitle: "Time"
-<h3>Cache hit ratio</h3>
-<div id="synapse_cache_ratio"></div>
+<h3>Cache request rate</h3>
+<div id="synapse_cache_request_rate"></div>
 new PromConsole.Graph({
-  node: document.querySelector("#synapse_cache_ratio"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_util_caches_cache:total[2m]) * 100",
-  name: "[[name]]",
+  node: document.querySelector("#synapse_cache_request_rate"),
+  expr: "rate(synapse_util_caches_cache:total[2m])",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[name]]",
   min: 0,
-  max: 100,
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
-  yUnits: "%",
-  yTitle: "Percentage"
+  yUnits: "rps",
+  yTitle: "Cache request rate"
@@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_cache_size"),
   expr: "synapse_util_caches_cache:size",
-  name: "[[name]]",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[name]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
   yUnits: "",
@@ -206,8 +205,8 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_request_count_servlet"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_request_count:servlet[2m])",
-  name: "[[servlet]]",
+  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_in_flight_requests_count[2m])",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[method]] [[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yUnits: "req/s",
@@ -219,8 +218,8 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_request_count_servlet_minus_events"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_request_count:servlet{servlet!=\"EventStreamRestServlet\", servlet!=\"SyncRestServlet\"}[2m])",
-  name: "[[servlet]]",
+  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_in_flight_requests_count{servlet!=\"EventStreamRestServlet\", servlet!=\"SyncRestServlet\"}[2m])",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[method]] [[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yUnits: "req/s",
@@ -233,8 +232,8 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_response_time_avg"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_time_seconds[2m]) / rate(synapse_http_server_response_count[2m]) / 1000",
-  name: "[[servlet]]",
+  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_time_seconds_sum[2m]) / rate(synapse_http_server_response_count[2m])",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yUnits: "s/req",
@@ -277,7 +276,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_response_ru_utime"),
   expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_ru_utime_seconds[2m])",
-  name: "[[servlet]]",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yUnits: "s/s",
@@ -292,7 +291,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_response_db_txn_duration"),
   expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_db_txn_duration_seconds[2m])",
-  name: "[[servlet]]",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yUnits: "s/s",
@@ -306,8 +305,8 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_send_time_avg"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_time_second{servlet='RoomSendEventRestServlet'}[2m]) / rate(synapse_http_server_response_count{servlet='RoomSendEventRestServlet'}[2m]) / 1000",
-  name: "[[servlet]]",
+  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_time_seconds_sum{servlet='RoomSendEventRestServlet'}[2m]) / rate(synapse_http_server_response_count{servlet='RoomSendEventRestServlet'}[2m])",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yUnits: "s/req",
@@ -323,7 +322,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_federation_client_sent"),
   expr: "rate(synapse_federation_client_sent[2m])",
-  name: "[[type]]",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[type]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yUnits: "req/s",
@@ -337,7 +336,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_federation_server_received"),
   expr: "rate(synapse_federation_server_received[2m])",
-  name: "[[type]]",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]] [[type]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yUnits: "req/s",
@@ -367,7 +366,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_notifier_listeners"),
   expr: "synapse_notifier_listeners",
-  name: "listeners",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]]",
   min: 0,
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
@@ -382,7 +381,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_notifier_notified_events"),
   expr: "rate(synapse_notifier_notified_events[2m])",
-  name: "events",
+  name: "[[job]]-[[index]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yUnits: "events/s",

+ 31 - 0

@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
+matrix-synapse-py3 (1.24.0) stable; urgency=medium
+  * New synapse release 1.24.0.
+ -- Synapse Packaging team <>  Wed, 09 Dec 2020 10:14:30 +0000
+matrix-synapse-py3 (1.23.0) stable; urgency=medium
+  * New synapse release 1.23.0.
+ -- Synapse Packaging team <>  Wed, 18 Nov 2020 11:41:28 +0000
+matrix-synapse-py3 (1.22.1) stable; urgency=medium
+  * New synapse release 1.22.1.
+ -- Synapse Packaging team <>  Fri, 30 Oct 2020 15:25:37 +0000
+matrix-synapse-py3 (1.22.0) stable; urgency=medium
+  * New synapse release 1.22.0.
+ -- Synapse Packaging team <>  Tue, 27 Oct 2020 12:07:12 +0000
+matrix-synapse-py3 (1.21.2) stable; urgency=medium
+  [ Synapse Packaging team ]
+  * New synapse release 1.21.2.
+ -- Synapse Packaging team <>  Thu, 15 Oct 2020 09:23:27 -0400
 matrix-synapse-py3 (1.21.1) stable; urgency=medium
   [ Synapse Packaging team ]

+ 2 - 0

@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ for port in 8080 8081 8082; do
     if ! grep -F "Customisation made by demo/" -q  $DIR/etc/$port.config; then
         printf '\n\n# Customisation made by demo/\n' >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
+        echo "public_baseurl: http://localhost:$port/" >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
         echo 'enable_registration: true' >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
         # Warning, this heredoc depends on the interaction of tabs and spaces. Please don't

+ 3 - 2

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #    docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=3.6 .
 ### Stage 0: builder
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ RUN pip install --prefix="/install" --no-warn-script-location \
         frozendict \
         jaeger-client \
         opentracing \
-        prometheus-client \
+        # Match the version constraints of Synapse
+        "prometheus_client>=0.4.0" \
         psycopg2 \
         pycparser \
         pyrsistent \

+ 2 - 1

@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ RUN apt-get update -qq -o Acquire::Languages=none \
         python3-setuptools \
         python3-venv \
         sqlite3 \
-        libpq-dev
+        libpq-dev \
+        xmlsec1
 COPY --from=builder /dh-virtualenv_1.2~dev-1_all.deb /

+ 15 - 1

@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ docker logs synapse
 If all is well, you should now be able to connect to http://localhost:8008 and
 see a confirmation message.
-The following environment variables are supported in run mode:
+The following environment variables are supported in `run` mode:
 * `SYNAPSE_CONFIG_DIR`: where additional config files are stored. Defaults to
@@ -94,6 +94,20 @@ The following environment variables are supported in run mode:
 * `UID`, `GID`: the user and group id to run Synapse as. Defaults to `991`, `991`.
 * `TZ`: the [timezone]( the container will run with. Defaults to `UTC`.
+For more complex setups (e.g. for workers) you can also pass your args directly to synapse using `run` mode. For example like this:
+docker run -d --name synapse \
+    --mount type=volume,src=synapse-data,dst=/data \
+    -p 8008:8008 \
+    matrixdotorg/synapse:latest run \
+    -m \
+    --config-path=/data/homeserver.yaml \
+    --config-path=/data/generic_worker.yaml
+If you do not provide `-m`, the value of the `SYNAPSE_WORKER` environment variable is used. If you do not provide at least one `--config-path` or `-c`, the value of the `SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable is used instead.
 ## Generating an (admin) user
 After synapse is running, you may wish to create a user via `register_new_matrix_user`.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ federation_rc_concurrent: 3
 media_store_path: "/data/media"
 uploads_path: "/data/uploads"
-max_upload_size: "{{ SYNAPSE_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE or "10M" }}"
+max_upload_size: "{{ SYNAPSE_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE or "50M" }}"
 max_image_pixels: "32M"
 dynamic_thumbnails: false

+ 28 - 17

@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ def run_generate_config(environ, ownership):
 def main(args, environ):
-    mode = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
+    mode = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else "run"
     desired_uid = int(environ.get("UID", "991"))
     desired_gid = int(environ.get("GID", "991"))
     synapse_worker = environ.get("SYNAPSE_WORKER", "")
@@ -205,36 +205,47 @@ def main(args, environ):
             config_dir, config_path, environ, ownership
-    if mode is not None:
+    if mode != "run":
         error("Unknown execution mode '%s'" % (mode,))
-    config_dir = environ.get("SYNAPSE_CONFIG_DIR", "/data")
-    config_path = environ.get("SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH", config_dir + "/homeserver.yaml")
+    args = args[2:]
-    if not os.path.exists(config_path):
-        if "SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME" in environ:
-            error(
-                """\
+    if "-m" not in args:
+        args = ["-m", synapse_worker] + args
+    # if there are no config files passed to synapse, try adding the default file
+    if not any(p.startswith("--config-path") or p.startswith("-c") for p in args):
+        config_dir = environ.get("SYNAPSE_CONFIG_DIR", "/data")
+        config_path = environ.get(
+            "SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH", config_dir + "/homeserver.yaml"
+        )
+        if not os.path.exists(config_path):
+            if "SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME" in environ:
+                error(
+                    """\
 Config file '%s' does not exist.
 The synapse docker image no longer supports generating a config file on-the-fly
 based on environment variables. You can migrate to a static config file by
 running with 'migrate_config'. See the README for more details.
+                    % (config_path,)
+                )
+            error(
+                "Config file '%s' does not exist. You should either create a new "
+                "config file by running with the `generate` argument (and then edit "
+                "the resulting file before restarting) or specify the path to an "
+                "existing config file with the SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH variable."
                 % (config_path,)
-        error(
-            "Config file '%s' does not exist. You should either create a new "
-            "config file by running with the `generate` argument (and then edit "
-            "the resulting file before restarting) or specify the path to an "
-            "existing config file with the SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH variable."
-            % (config_path,)
-        )
+        args += ["--config-path", config_path]
-    log("Starting synapse with config file " + config_path)
+    log("Starting synapse with args " + " ".join(args))
-    args = ["python", "-m", synapse_worker, "--config-path", config_path]
+    args = ["python"] + args
     if ownership is not None:
         args = ["gosu", ownership] + args
         os.execv("/usr/sbin/gosu", args)

+ 172 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Show reported events
+This API returns information about reported events.
+The api is:
+GET /_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports?from=0&limit=10
+To use it, you will need to authenticate by providing an `access_token` for a
+server admin: see [README.rst](README.rst).
+It returns a JSON body like the following:
+    "event_reports": [
+        {
+            "event_id": "$bNUFCwGzWca1meCGkjp-zwslF-GfVcXukvRLI1_FaVY",
+            "id": 2,
+            "reason": "foo",
+            "score": -100,
+            "received_ts": 1570897107409,
+            "canonical_alias": "",
+            "room_id": "!",
+            "name": "Matrix HQ",
+            "sender": "",
+            "user_id": ""
+        },
+        {
+            "event_id": "$3IcdZsDaN_En-S1DF4EMCy3v4gNRKeOJs8W5qTOKj4I",
+            "id": 3,
+            "reason": "bar",
+            "score": -100,
+            "received_ts": 1598889612059,
+            "canonical_alias": "",
+            "room_id": "!",
+            "name": "Your room name here",
+            "sender": "",
+            "user_id": ""
+        }
+    ],
+    "next_token": 2,
+    "total": 4
+To paginate, check for `next_token` and if present, call the endpoint again with `from`
+set to the value of `next_token`. This will return a new page.
+If the endpoint does not return a `next_token` then there are no more reports to
+paginate through.
+**URL parameters:**
+* `limit`: integer - Is optional but is used for pagination, denoting the maximum number
+  of items to return in this call. Defaults to `100`.
+* `from`: integer - Is optional but used for pagination, denoting the offset in the
+  returned results. This should be treated as an opaque value and not explicitly set to
+  anything other than the return value of `next_token` from a previous call. Defaults to `0`.
+* `dir`: string - Direction of event report order. Whether to fetch the most recent
+  first (`b`) or the oldest first (`f`). Defaults to `b`.
+* `user_id`: string - Is optional and filters to only return users with user IDs that
+  contain this value. This is the user who reported the event and wrote the reason.
+* `room_id`: string - Is optional and filters to only return rooms with room IDs that
+  contain this value.
+The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
+* `id`: integer - ID of event report.
+* `received_ts`: integer - The timestamp (in milliseconds since the unix epoch) when this
+  report was sent.
+* `room_id`: string - The ID of the room in which the event being reported is located.
+* `name`: string - The name of the room.
+* `event_id`: string - The ID of the reported event.
+* `user_id`: string - This is the user who reported the event and wrote the reason.
+* `reason`: string - Comment made by the `user_id` in this report. May be blank.
+* `score`: integer - Content is reported based upon a negative score, where -100 is
+  "most offensive" and 0 is "inoffensive".
+* `sender`: string - This is the ID of the user who sent the original message/event that
+  was reported.
+* `canonical_alias`: string - The canonical alias of the room. `null` if the room does not
+  have a canonical alias set.
+* `next_token`: integer - Indication for pagination. See above.
+* `total`: integer - Total number of event reports related to the query
+  (`user_id` and `room_id`).
+# Show details of a specific event report
+This API returns information about a specific event report.
+The api is:
+GET /_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports/<report_id>
+To use it, you will need to authenticate by providing an `access_token` for a
+server admin: see [README.rst](README.rst).
+It returns a JSON body like the following:
+    "event_id": "$bNUFCwGzWca1meCGkjp-zwslF-GfVcXukvRLI1_FaVY",
+    "event_json": {
+        "auth_events": [
+            "$YK4arsKKcc0LRoe700pS8DSjOvUT4NDv0HfInlMFw2M",
+            "$oggsNXxzPFRE3y53SUNd7nsj69-QzKv03a1RucHu-ws"
+        ],
+        "content": {
+            "body": " This Week in Matrix",
+            "format": "org.matrix.custom.html",
+            "formatted_body": "<strong></strong>:<br><a href=\"\"><strong>This Week in Matrix</strong></a>",
+            "msgtype": "m.notice"
+        },
+        "depth": 546,
+        "hashes": {
+            "sha256": "xK1//xnmvHJIOvbgXlkI8eEqdvoMmihVDJ9J4SNlsAw"
+        },
+        "origin": "",
+        "origin_server_ts": 1592291711430,
+        "prev_events": [
+            "$YK4arsKKcc0LRoe700pS8DSjOvUT4NDv0HfInlMFw2M"
+        ],
+        "prev_state": [],
+        "room_id": "!",
+        "sender": "",
+        "signatures": {
+            "": {
+                "ed25519:a_JaEG": "cs+OUKW/iHx5pEidbWxh0UiNNHwe46Ai9LwNz+Ah16aWDNszVIe2gaAcVZfvNsBhakQTew51tlKmL2kspXk/Dg"
+            }
+        },
+        "type": "",
+        "unsigned": {
+            "age_ts": 1592291711430,
+        }
+    },
+    "id": <report_id>,
+    "reason": "foo",
+    "score": -100,
+    "received_ts": 1570897107409,
+    "canonical_alias": "",
+    "room_id": "!",
+    "name": "Matrix HQ",
+    "sender": "",
+    "user_id": ""
+**URL parameters:**
+* `report_id`: string - The ID of the event report.
+The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
+* `id`: integer - ID of event report.
+* `received_ts`: integer - The timestamp (in milliseconds since the unix epoch) when this
+  report was sent.
+* `room_id`: string - The ID of the room in which the event being reported is located.
+* `name`: string - The name of the room.
+* `event_id`: string - The ID of the reported event.
+* `user_id`: string - This is the user who reported the event and wrote the reason.
+* `reason`: string - Comment made by the `user_id` in this report. May be blank.
+* `score`: integer - Content is reported based upon a negative score, where -100 is
+  "most offensive" and 0 is "inoffensive".
+* `sender`: string - This is the ID of the user who sent the original message/event that
+  was reported.
+* `canonical_alias`: string - The canonical alias of the room. `null` if the room does not
+  have a canonical alias set.
+* `event_json`: object - Details of the original event that was reported.

+ 0 - 129

@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-Show reported events
-This API returns information about reported events.
-The api is::
-    GET /_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports?from=0&limit=10
-To use it, you will need to authenticate by providing an ``access_token`` for a
-server admin: see `README.rst <README.rst>`_.
-It returns a JSON body like the following:
-.. code:: jsonc
-    {
-        "event_reports": [
-            {
-                "content": {
-                    "reason": "foo",
-                    "score": -100
-                },
-                "event_id": "$bNUFCwGzWca1meCGkjp-zwslF-GfVcXukvRLI1_FaVY",
-                "event_json": {
-                    "auth_events": [
-                        "$YK4arsKKcc0LRoe700pS8DSjOvUT4NDv0HfInlMFw2M",
-                        "$oggsNXxzPFRE3y53SUNd7nsj69-QzKv03a1RucHu-ws"
-                    ],
-                    "content": {
-                        "body": " This Week in Matrix",
-                        "format": "org.matrix.custom.html",
-                        "formatted_body": "<strong></strong>:<br><a href=\"\"><strong>This Week in Matrix</strong></a>",
-                        "msgtype": "m.notice"
-                    },
-                    "depth": 546,
-                    "hashes": {
-                        "sha256": "xK1//xnmvHJIOvbgXlkI8eEqdvoMmihVDJ9J4SNlsAw"
-                    },
-                    "origin": "",
-                    "origin_server_ts": 1592291711430,
-                    "prev_events": [
-                        "$YK4arsKKcc0LRoe700pS8DSjOvUT4NDv0HfInlMFw2M"
-                    ],
-                    "prev_state": [],
-                    "room_id": "!",
-                    "sender": "",
-                    "signatures": {
-                        "": {
-                            "ed25519:a_JaEG": "cs+OUKW/iHx5pEidbWxh0UiNNHwe46Ai9LwNz+Ah16aWDNszVIe2gaAcVZfvNsBhakQTew51tlKmL2kspXk/Dg"
-                        }
-                    },
-                    "type": "",
-                    "unsigned": {
-                        "age_ts": 1592291711430,
-                    }
-                },
-                "id": 2,
-                "reason": "foo",
-                "received_ts": 1570897107409,
-                "room_alias": "",
-                "room_id": "!",
-                "sender": "",
-                "user_id": ""
-            },
-            {
-                "content": {
-                    "reason": "bar",
-                    "score": -100
-                },
-                "event_id": "$3IcdZsDaN_En-S1DF4EMCy3v4gNRKeOJs8W5qTOKj4I",
-                "event_json": {
-                    // hidden items
-                    // see above
-                },
-                "id": 3,
-                "reason": "bar",
-                "received_ts": 1598889612059,
-                "room_alias": "",
-                "room_id": "!",
-                "sender": "",
-                "user_id": ""
-            }
-        ],
-        "next_token": 2,
-        "total": 4
-    }
-To paginate, check for ``next_token`` and if present, call the endpoint again
-with ``from`` set to the value of ``next_token``. This will return a new page.
-If the endpoint does not return a ``next_token`` then there are no more
-reports to paginate through.
-**URL parameters:**
-- ``limit``: integer - Is optional but is used for pagination,
-  denoting the maximum number of items to return in this call. Defaults to ``100``.
-- ``from``: integer - Is optional but used for pagination,
-  denoting the offset in the returned results. This should be treated as an opaque value and
-  not explicitly set to anything other than the return value of ``next_token`` from a previous call.
-  Defaults to ``0``.
-- ``dir``: string - Direction of event report order. Whether to fetch the most recent first (``b``) or the
-  oldest first (``f``). Defaults to ``b``.
-- ``user_id``: string - Is optional and filters to only return users with user IDs that contain this value.
-  This is the user who reported the event and wrote the reason.
-- ``room_id``: string - Is optional and filters to only return rooms with room IDs that contain this value.
-The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
-- ``id``: integer - ID of event report.
-- ``received_ts``: integer - The timestamp (in milliseconds since the unix epoch) when this report was sent.
-- ``room_id``: string - The ID of the room in which the event being reported is located.
-- ``event_id``: string - The ID of the reported event.
-- ``user_id``: string - This is the user who reported the event and wrote the reason.
-- ``reason``: string - Comment made by the ``user_id`` in this report. May be blank.
-- ``content``: object - Content of reported event.
-  - ``reason``: string - Comment made by the ``user_id`` in this report. May be blank.
-  - ``score``: integer - Content is reported based upon a negative score, where -100 is "most offensive" and 0 is "inoffensive".
-- ``sender``: string - This is the ID of the user who sent the original message/event that was reported.
-- ``room_alias``: string - The alias of the room. ``null`` if the room does not have a canonical alias set.
-- ``event_json``: object - Details of the original event that was reported.
-- ``next_token``: integer - Indication for pagination. See above.
-- ``total``: integer - Total number of event reports related to the query (``user_id`` and ``room_id``).

+ 80 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # List all media in a room
 This API gets a list of known media in a room.
+However, it only shows media from unencrypted events or rooms.
 The API is:
@@ -100,3 +101,82 @@ Response:
   "num_quarantined": 10  # The number of media items successfully quarantined
+# Delete local media
+This API deletes the *local* media from the disk of your own server.
+This includes any local thumbnails and copies of media downloaded from
+remote homeservers.
+This API will not affect media that has been uploaded to external
+media repositories (e.g
+See also [purge_remote_media.rst](purge_remote_media.rst).
+## Delete a specific local media
+Delete a specific `media_id`.
+DELETE /_synapse/admin/v1/media/<server_name>/<media_id>
+URL Parameters
+* `server_name`: string - The name of your local server (e.g ``)
+* `media_id`: string - The ID of the media (e.g `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx`)
+    {
+       "deleted_media": [
+          "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx"
+       ],
+       "total": 1
+    }
+The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
+* `deleted_media`: an array of strings - List of deleted `media_id`
+* `total`: integer - Total number of deleted `media_id`
+## Delete local media by date or size
+POST /_synapse/admin/v1/media/<server_name>/delete?before_ts=<before_ts>
+URL Parameters
+* `server_name`: string - The name of your local server (e.g ``).
+* `before_ts`: string representing a positive integer - Unix timestamp in ms.
+Files that were last used before this timestamp will be deleted. It is the timestamp of
+last access and not the timestamp creation. 
+* `size_gt`: Optional - string representing a positive integer - Size of the media in bytes.
+Files that are larger will be deleted. Defaults to `0`.
+* `keep_profiles`: Optional - string representing a boolean - Switch to also delete files
+that are still used in image data (e.g user profile, room avatar).
+If `false` these files will be deleted. Defaults to `true`.
+    {
+       "deleted_media": [
+          "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx",
+          "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwz"
+       ],
+       "total": 2
+    }
+The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
+* `deleted_media`: an array of strings - List of deleted `media_id`
+* `total`: integer - Total number of deleted `media_id`

+ 3 - 1

@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ To fetch the nonce, you need to request one from the API::
 Once you have the nonce, you can make a ``POST`` to the same URL with a JSON
 body containing the nonce, username, password, whether they are an admin
-(optional, False by default), and a HMAC digest of the content.
+(optional, False by default), and a HMAC digest of the content. Also you can
+set the displayname (optional, ``username`` by default).
 As an example::
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ As an example::
   > {
      "nonce": "thisisanonce",
      "username": "pepper_roni",
+     "displayname": "Pepper Roni",
      "password": "pizza",
      "admin": true,
      "mac": "mac_digest_here"

+ 6 - 4

@@ -265,12 +265,10 @@ Response:
 Once the `next_token` parameter is no longer present, we know we've reached the
 end of the list.
-# DRAFT: Room Details API
+# Room Details API
 The Room Details admin API allows server admins to get all details of a room.
-This API is still a draft and details might change!
 The following fields are possible in the JSON response body:
 * `room_id` - The ID of the room.
@@ -384,7 +382,7 @@ the new room. Users on other servers will be unaffected.
 The API is:
 POST /_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/<room_id>/delete
@@ -441,6 +439,10 @@ The following JSON body parameters are available:
             future attempts to join the room. Defaults to `false`.
 * `purge` - Optional. If set to `true`, it will remove all traces of the room from your database.
             Defaults to `true`.
+* `force_purge` - Optional, and ignored unless `purge` is `true`. If set to `true`, it
+  will force a purge to go ahead even if there are local users still in the room. Do not
+  use this unless a regular `purge` operation fails, as it could leave those users'
+  clients in a confused state.
 The JSON body must not be empty. The body must be at least `{}`.

+ 83 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Users' media usage statistics
+Returns information about all local media usage of users. Gives the
+possibility to filter them by time and user.
+The API is:
+GET /_synapse/admin/v1/statistics/users/media
+To use it, you will need to authenticate by providing an `access_token`
+for a server admin: see [README.rst](README.rst).
+A response body like the following is returned:
+  "users": [
+    {
+      "displayname": "foo_user_0",
+      "media_count": 2,
+      "media_length": 134,
+      "user_id": "@foo_user_0:test"
+    },
+    {
+      "displayname": "foo_user_1",
+      "media_count": 2,
+      "media_length": 134,
+      "user_id": "@foo_user_1:test"
+    }
+  ],
+  "next_token": 3,
+  "total": 10
+To paginate, check for `next_token` and if present, call the endpoint
+again with `from` set to the value of `next_token`. This will return a new page.
+If the endpoint does not return a `next_token` then there are no more
+reports to paginate through.
+The following parameters should be set in the URL:
+* `limit`: string representing a positive integer - Is optional but is
+  used for pagination, denoting the maximum number of items to return
+  in this call. Defaults to `100`.
+* `from`: string representing a positive integer - Is optional but used for pagination,
+  denoting the offset in the returned results. This should be treated as an opaque value
+  and not explicitly set to anything other than the return value of `next_token` from a
+  previous call. Defaults to `0`.
+* `order_by` - string - The method in which to sort the returned list of users. Valid values are:
+  - `user_id` - Users are ordered alphabetically by `user_id`. This is the default.
+  - `displayname` - Users are ordered alphabetically by `displayname`.
+  - `media_length` - Users are ordered by the total size of uploaded media in bytes.
+    Smallest to largest.
+  - `media_count` - Users are ordered by number of uploaded media. Smallest to largest.
+* `from_ts` - string representing a positive integer - Considers only
+  files created at this timestamp or later. Unix timestamp in ms.
+* `until_ts` - string representing a positive integer - Considers only
+  files created at this timestamp or earlier. Unix timestamp in ms.
+* `search_term` - string - Filter users by their user ID localpart **or** displayname.
+  The search term can be found in any part of the string.
+  Defaults to no filtering.
+* `dir` - string - Direction of order. Either `f` for forwards or `b` for backwards.
+  Setting this value to `b` will reverse the above sort order. Defaults to `f`.
+The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
+* `users` - An array of objects, each containing information
+  about the user and their local media. Objects contain the following fields:
+  - `displayname` - string - Displayname of this user.
+  - `media_count` - integer - Number of uploaded media by this user.
+  - `media_length` - integer - Size of uploaded media in bytes by this user.
+  - `user_id` - string - Fully-qualified user ID (ex. ``).
+* `next_token` - integer - Opaque value used for pagination. See above.
+* `total` - integer - Total number of users after filtering.

+ 209 - 2

@@ -176,6 +176,13 @@ The api is::
     GET /_synapse/admin/v1/whois/<user_id>
+    GET /_matrix/client/r0/admin/whois/<userId>
+See also: `Client Server API Whois
 To use it, you will need to authenticate by providing an ``access_token`` for a
 server admin: see `README.rst <README.rst>`_.
@@ -254,7 +261,7 @@ with a body of:
        "new_password": "<secret>",
-       "logout_devices": true,
+       "logout_devices": true
 To use it, you will need to authenticate by providing an ``access_token`` for a
@@ -341,6 +348,124 @@ The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
 - ``total`` - Number of rooms.
+List media of an user
+Gets a list of all local media that a specific ``user_id`` has created.
+The response is ordered by creation date descending and media ID descending.
+The newest media is on top.
+The API is::
+  GET /_synapse/admin/v1/users/<user_id>/media
+To use it, you will need to authenticate by providing an ``access_token`` for a
+server admin: see `README.rst <README.rst>`_.
+A response body like the following is returned:
+.. code:: json
+    {
+      "media": [
+        {
+          "created_ts": 100400,
+          "last_access_ts": null,
+          "media_id": "qXhyRzulkwLsNHTbpHreuEgo",
+          "media_length": 67,
+          "media_type": "image/png",
+          "quarantined_by": null,
+          "safe_from_quarantine": false,
+          "upload_name": "test1.png"
+        },
+        {
+          "created_ts": 200400,
+          "last_access_ts": null,
+          "media_id": "FHfiSnzoINDatrXHQIXBtahw",
+          "media_length": 67,
+          "media_type": "image/png",
+          "quarantined_by": null,
+          "safe_from_quarantine": false,
+          "upload_name": "test2.png"
+        }
+      ],
+      "next_token": 3,
+      "total": 2
+    }
+To paginate, check for ``next_token`` and if present, call the endpoint again
+with ``from`` set to the value of ``next_token``. This will return a new page.
+If the endpoint does not return a ``next_token`` then there are no more
+reports to paginate through.
+The following parameters should be set in the URL:
+- ``user_id`` - string - fully qualified: for example, ````.
+- ``limit``: string representing a positive integer - Is optional but is used for pagination,
+  denoting the maximum number of items to return in this call. Defaults to ``100``.
+- ``from``: string representing a positive integer - Is optional but used for pagination,
+  denoting the offset in the returned results. This should be treated as an opaque value and
+  not explicitly set to anything other than the return value of ``next_token`` from a previous call.
+  Defaults to ``0``.
+The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
+- ``media`` - An array of objects, each containing information about a media.
+  Media objects contain the following fields:
+  - ``created_ts`` - integer - Timestamp when the content was uploaded in ms.
+  - ``last_access_ts`` - integer - Timestamp when the content was last accessed in ms.
+  - ``media_id`` - string - The id used to refer to the media.
+  - ``media_length`` - integer - Length of the media in bytes.
+  - ``media_type`` - string - The MIME-type of the media.
+  - ``quarantined_by`` - string - The user ID that initiated the quarantine request
+    for this media.
+  - ``safe_from_quarantine`` - bool - Status if this media is safe from quarantining.
+  - ``upload_name`` - string - The name the media was uploaded with.
+- ``next_token``: integer - Indication for pagination. See above.
+- ``total`` - integer - Total number of media.
+Login as a user
+Get an access token that can be used to authenticate as that user. Useful for
+when admins wish to do actions on behalf of a user.
+The API is::
+    POST /_synapse/admin/v1/users/<user_id>/login
+    {}
+An optional ``valid_until_ms`` field can be specified in the request body as an
+integer timestamp that specifies when the token should expire. By default tokens
+do not expire.
+A response body like the following is returned:
+.. code:: json
+    {
+        "access_token": "<opaque_access_token_string>"
+    }
+This API does *not* generate a new device for the user, and so will not appear
+their ``/devices`` list, and in general the target user should not be able to
+tell they have been logged in as.
+To expire the token call the standard ``/logout`` API with the token.
+Note: The token will expire if the *admin* user calls ``/logout/all`` from any
+of their devices, but the token will *not* expire if the target user does the
 User devices
@@ -375,7 +500,8 @@ A response body like the following is returned:
           "last_seen_ts": 1474491775025,
           "user_id": "<user_id>"
-      ]
+      ],
+      "total": 2
@@ -400,6 +526,8 @@ The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
     devices was last seen. (May be a few minutes out of date, for efficiency reasons).
   - ``user_id`` - Owner of  device.
+- ``total`` - Total number of user's devices.
 Delete multiple devices
 Deletes the given devices for a specific ``user_id``, and invalidates
@@ -525,3 +653,82 @@ The following parameters should be set in the URL:
 - ``user_id`` - fully qualified: for example, ````.
 - ``device_id`` - The device to delete.
+List all pushers
+Gets information about all pushers for a specific ``user_id``.
+The API is::
+  GET /_synapse/admin/v1/users/<user_id>/pushers
+To use it, you will need to authenticate by providing an ``access_token`` for a
+server admin: see `README.rst <README.rst>`_.
+A response body like the following is returned:
+.. code:: json
+    {
+      "pushers": [
+        {
+          "app_display_name":"HTTP Push Notifications",
+          "app_id":"m.http",
+          "data": {
+            "url":""
+          },
+          "device_display_name":"pushy push",
+          "kind":"http",
+          "lang":"None",
+          "profile_tag":"",
+          "pushkey":""
+        }
+      ],
+      "total": 1
+    }
+The following parameters should be set in the URL:
+- ``user_id`` - fully qualified: for example, ````.
+The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
+- ``pushers`` - An array containing the current pushers for the user
+  - ``app_display_name`` - string - A string that will allow the user to identify
+    what application owns this pusher.
+  - ``app_id`` - string - This is a reverse-DNS style identifier for the application.
+    Max length, 64 chars.
+  - ``data`` - A dictionary of information for the pusher implementation itself.
+    - ``url`` - string - Required if ``kind`` is ``http``. The URL to use to send
+      notifications to.
+    - ``format`` - string - The format to use when sending notifications to the
+      Push Gateway.
+  - ``device_display_name`` - string -  A string that will allow the user to identify
+    what device owns this pusher.
+  - ``profile_tag`` - string - This string determines which set of device specific rules
+    this pusher executes.
+  - ``kind`` - string -  The kind of pusher. "http" is a pusher that sends HTTP pokes.
+  - ``lang`` - string - The preferred language for receiving notifications
+    (e.g. 'en' or 'en-US')
+  - ``profile_tag`` - string - This string determines which set of device specific rules
+    this pusher executes.
+  - ``pushkey`` - string - This is a unique identifier for this pusher.
+    Max length, 512 bytes.
+- ``total`` - integer - Number of pushers.
+See also `Client-Server API Spec <>`_

+ 0 - 2

@@ -64,8 +64,6 @@ save as it takes a while and is very resource intensive.
     -   Use underscores for functions and variables.
 -   **Docstrings**: should follow the [google code
-    This is so that we can generate documentation with
-    [sphinx](
     See the
     in the sphinx documentation.

+ 44 - 9

@@ -5,22 +5,54 @@ The "manhole" allows server administrators to access a Python shell on a running
 Synapse installation. This is a very powerful mechanism for administration and
+**_Security Warning_**
+Note that this will give administrative access to synapse to **all users** with
+shell access to the server. It should therefore **not** be enabled in
+environments where untrusted users have shell access.
 To enable it, first uncomment the `manhole` listener configuration in
+`homeserver.yaml`. The configuration is slightly different if you're using docker.
+#### Docker config
+If you are using Docker, set `bind_addresses` to `['']` as shown:
   - port: 9000
-    bind_addresses: ['::1', '']
+    bind_addresses: ['']
     type: manhole
-(`bind_addresses` in the above is important: it ensures that access to the
-manhole is only possible for local users).
+When using `docker run` to start the server, you will then need to change the command to the following to include the
+`manhole` port forwarding. The `-p` below is important: it 
+ensures that access to the `manhole` is only possible for local users.
-Note that this will give administrative access to synapse to **all users** with
-shell access to the server. It should therefore **not** be enabled in
-environments where untrusted users have shell access.
+docker run -d --name synapse \
+    --mount type=volume,src=synapse-data,dst=/data \
+    -p 8008:8008 \
+    -p \
+    matrixdotorg/synapse:latest
+#### Native config
+If you are not using docker, set `bind_addresses` to `['::1', '']` as shown.
+The `bind_addresses` in the example below is important: it ensures that access to the
+`manhole` is only possible for local users).
+  - port: 9000
+    bind_addresses: ['::1', '']
+    type: manhole
+#### Accessing synapse manhole
 Then restart synapse, and point an ssh client at port 9000 on localhost, using
 the username `matrix`:
@@ -35,9 +67,12 @@ This gives a Python REPL in which `hs` gives access to the
 `synapse.server.HomeServer` object - which in turn gives access to many other
 parts of the process.
+Note that any call which returns a coroutine will need to be wrapped in `ensureDeferred`.
 As a simple example, retrieving an event from the database:
->>> hs.get_datastore().get_event('$')
+>>> from twisted.internet import defer
+>>> defer.ensureDeferred(hs.get_datastore().get_event('$'))
 <Deferred at 0x7ff253fc6998 current result: <FrozenEvent event_id='$', type='', state_key=''>>

+ 22 - 12

@@ -136,24 +136,34 @@ the server's database.
 ### Lifetime limits
-**Note: this feature is mainly useful within a closed federation or on
-servers that don't federate, because there currently is no way to
-enforce these limits in an open federation.**
-Server admins can restrict the values their local users are allowed to
-use for both `min_lifetime` and `max_lifetime`. These limits can be
-defined as such in the `retention` section of the configuration file:
+Server admins can set limits on the values of `max_lifetime` to use when
+purging old events in a room. These limits can be defined as such in the
+`retention` section of the configuration file:
   allowed_lifetime_min: 1d
   allowed_lifetime_max: 1y
-Here, `allowed_lifetime_min` is the lowest value a local user can set
-for both `min_lifetime` and `max_lifetime`, and `allowed_lifetime_max`
-is the highest value. Both parameters are optional (e.g. setting
-`allowed_lifetime_min` but not `allowed_lifetime_max` only enforces a
-minimum and no maximum).
+The limits are considered when running purge jobs. If necessary, the
+effective value of `max_lifetime` will be brought between
+`allowed_lifetime_min` and `allowed_lifetime_max` (inclusive).
+This means that, if the value of `max_lifetime` defined in the room's state
+is lower than `allowed_lifetime_min`, the value of `allowed_lifetime_min`
+will be used instead. Likewise, if the value of `max_lifetime` is higher
+than `allowed_lifetime_max`, the value of `allowed_lifetime_max` will be
+used instead.
+In the example above, we ensure Synapse never deletes events that are less
+than one day old, and that it always deletes events that are over a year
+If a default policy is set, and its `max_lifetime` value is lower than
+`allowed_lifetime_min` or higher than `allowed_lifetime_max`, the same
+process applies.
+Both parameters are optional; if one is omitted Synapse won't use it to
+adjust the effective value of `max_lifetime`.
 Like other settings in this section, these parameters can be expressed
 either as a duration or as a number of milliseconds.

+ 58 - 16

@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@
     can be enabled by adding the \"metrics\" resource to the existing
     listener as such:
-        resources:
-          - names:
-            - client
-            - metrics
+    ```yaml
+      resources:
+        - names:
+          - client
+          - metrics
+    ```
     This provides a simple way of adding metrics to your Synapse
     installation, and serves under `/_synapse/metrics`. If you do not
@@ -31,11 +33,13 @@
     Add a new listener to homeserver.yaml:
-        listeners:
-          - type: metrics
-            port: 9000
-            bind_addresses:
-              - ''
+    ```yaml
+      listeners:
+        - type: metrics
+          port: 9000
+          bind_addresses:
+            - ''
+    ```
     For both options, you will need to ensure that `enable_metrics` is
     set to `True`.
@@ -47,10 +51,13 @@
     It needs to set the `metrics_path` to a non-default value (under
-        - job_name: "synapse"
-          metrics_path: "/_synapse/metrics"
-          static_configs:
-            - targets: [""]
+    ```yaml
+      - job_name: "synapse"
+        scrape_interval: 15s
+        metrics_path: "/_synapse/metrics"
+        static_configs:
+          - targets: [""]
+    ```
     where `` is the IP address of Synapse, and `port` is
     the listener port configured with the `metrics` resource.
@@ -60,6 +67,9 @@
 1.  Restart Prometheus.
+1.  Consider using the [grafana dashboard](
+    and required [recording rules]( 
 ## Monitoring workers
 To monitor a Synapse installation using
@@ -74,9 +84,9 @@ To allow collecting metrics from a worker, you need to add a
 under `worker_listeners`:
- - type: metrics
-   bind_address: ''
-   port: 9101
+  - type: metrics
+    bind_address: ''
+    port: 9101
 The `bind_address` and `port` parameters should be set so that
@@ -85,6 +95,38 @@ don't clash with an existing worker.
 With this example, the worker's metrics would then be available
 on ``.
+Example Prometheus target for Synapse with workers:
+  - job_name: "synapse"
+    scrape_interval: 15s
+    metrics_path: "/_synapse/metrics"
+    static_configs:
+      - targets: [""]
+        labels:
+          instance: "my.server"
+          job: "master"
+          index: 1
+      - targets: [""]
+        labels:
+          instance: "my.server"
+          job: "generic_worker"
+          index: 1
+      - targets: [""]
+        labels:
+          instance: "my.server"
+          job: "generic_worker"
+          index: 2
+      - targets: [""]
+        labels:
+          instance: "my.server"
+          job: "media_repository"
+          index: 1
+Labels (`instance`, `job`, `index`) can be defined as anything.
+The labels are used to group graphs in grafana.
 ## Renaming of metrics & deprecation of old names in 1.2
 Synapse 1.2 updates the Prometheus metrics to match the naming

+ 62 - 14

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ as follows:
    provided by `` so no further action is needed.
  * If you installed Synapse into a virtualenv, run `/path/to/env/bin/pip
-   install synapse[oidc]` to install the necessary dependencies.
+   install matrix-synapse[oidc]` to install the necessary dependencies.
  * For other installation mechanisms, see the documentation provided by the
@@ -52,14 +52,39 @@ specific providers.
 Here are a few configs for providers that should work with Synapse.
+### Microsoft Azure Active Directory
+Azure AD can act as an OpenID Connect Provider. Register a new application under 
+*App registrations* in the Azure AD management console. The RedirectURI for your
+application should point to your matrix server: `[synapse public baseurl]/_synapse/oidc/callback`
+Go to *Certificates & secrets* and register a new client secret. Make note of your 
+Directory (tenant) ID as it will be used in the Azure links.
+Edit your Synapse config file and change the `oidc_config` section:
+   enabled: true
+   issuer: "<tenant id>/v2.0"
+   client_id: "<client id>"
+   client_secret: "<client secret>"
+   scopes: ["openid", "profile"]
+   authorization_endpoint: "<tenant id>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize"
+   token_endpoint: "<tenant id>/oauth2/v2.0/token"
+   userinfo_endpoint: ""
+   user_mapping_provider:
+     config:
+       localpart_template: "{{ user.preferred_username.split('@')[0] }}"
+       display_name_template: "{{ }}"
 ### [Dex][dex-idp]
 [Dex][dex-idp] is a simple, open-source, certified OpenID Connect Provider.
 Although it is designed to help building a full-blown provider with an
 external database, it can be configured with static passwords in a config file.
-Follow the [Getting Started
+Follow the [Getting Started guide](
 to install Dex.
 Edit `examples/config-dev.yaml` config file from the Dex repo to add a client:
@@ -73,7 +98,7 @@ staticClients:
   name: 'Synapse'
-Run with `dex serve examples/config-dex.yaml`.
+Run with `dex serve examples/config-dev.yaml`.
 Synapse config:
@@ -180,7 +205,7 @@ GitHub is a bit special as it is not an OpenID Connect compliant provider, but
 just a regular OAuth2 provider.
 The [`/user` API endpoint](
-can be used to retrieve information on the authenticated user. As the Synaspse
+can be used to retrieve information on the authenticated user. As the Synapse
 login mechanism needs an attribute to uniquely identify users, and that endpoint
 does not return a `sub` property, an alternative `subject_claim` has to be set.
@@ -238,13 +263,36 @@ Synapse config:
-   enabled: true
-   issuer: ""
-   client_id: "your-client-id" # TO BE FILLED
-   client_secret: "your-client-secret" # TO BE FILLED
-   client_auth_method: "client_secret_post"
-   user_mapping_provider:
-     config:
-       localpart_template: '{{ user.preferred_username }}'
-       display_name_template: '{{ }}'
+  enabled: true
+  issuer: ""
+  client_id: "your-client-id" # TO BE FILLED
+  client_secret: "your-client-secret" # TO BE FILLED
+  client_auth_method: "client_secret_post"
+  user_mapping_provider:
+    config:
+      localpart_template: "{{ user.preferred_username }}"
+      display_name_template: "{{ }}"
+### GitLab
+1. Create a [new application](
+2. Add the `read_user` and `openid` scopes.
+3. Add this Callback URL: `[synapse public baseurl]/_synapse/oidc/callback`
+Synapse config:
+  enabled: true
+  issuer: ""
+  client_id: "your-client-id" # TO BE FILLED
+  client_secret: "your-client-secret" # TO BE FILLED
+  client_auth_method: "client_secret_post"
+  scopes: ["openid", "read_user"]
+  user_profile_method: "userinfo_endpoint"
+  user_mapping_provider:
+    config:
+      localpart_template: '{{ user.nickname }}'
+      display_name_template: '{{ }}'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Password auth provider classes must provide the following methods:
   It should perform any appropriate sanity checks on the provided
   configuration, and return an object which is then passed into
+  `__init__`.
   This method should have the `@staticmethod` decoration.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ server {
         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
         # Nginx by default only allows file uploads up to 1M in size
         # Increase client_max_body_size to match max_upload_size defined in homeserver.yaml
-        client_max_body_size 10M;
+        client_max_body_size 50M;

+ 162 - 71

@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ pid_file: DATADIR/
 # For example, for room version 1, default_room_version should be set
 # to "1".
-#default_room_version: "5"
+#default_room_version: "6"
 # The GC threshold parameters to pass to `gc.set_threshold`, if defined
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ media_store_path: "DATADIR/media_store"
 # The largest allowed upload size in bytes
-#max_upload_size: 10M
+#max_upload_size: 50M
 # Maximum number of pixels that will be thumbnailed
@@ -1235,8 +1235,9 @@ account_validity:
 # email will be globally disabled.
 # Additionally, if `msisdn` is not set, registration and password resets via msisdn
-# will be disabled regardless. This is due to Synapse currently not supporting any
-# method of sending SMS messages on its own.
+# will be disabled regardless, and users will not be able to associate an msisdn
+# identifier to their account. This is due to Synapse currently not supporting
+# any method of sending SMS messages on its own.
 # To enable using an identity server for operations regarding a particular third-party
 # identifier type, set the value to the URL of that identity server as shown in the
@@ -1510,10 +1511,8 @@ trusted_key_servers:
 ## Single sign-on integration ##
-# Enable SAML2 for registration and login. Uses pysaml2.
-# At least one of `sp_config` or `config_path` must be set in this section to
-# enable SAML login.
+# The following settings can be used to make Synapse use a single sign-on
+# provider for authentication, instead of its internal password database.
 # You will probably also want to set the following options to `false` to
 # disable the regular login/registration flows:
@@ -1522,6 +1521,11 @@ trusted_key_servers:
 # You will also want to investigate the settings under the "sso" configuration
 # section below.
+# Enable SAML2 for registration and login. Uses pysaml2.
+# At least one of `sp_config` or `config_path` must be set in this section to
+# enable SAML login.
 # Once SAML support is enabled, a metadata file will be exposed at
 # https://<server>:<port>/_matrix/saml2/metadata.xml, which you may be able to
@@ -1537,40 +1541,70 @@ saml2_config:
   # so it is not normally necessary to specify them unless you need to
   # override them.
-  #sp_config:
-  #  # point this to the IdP's metadata. You can use either a local file or
-  #  # (preferably) a URL.
-  #  metadata:
-  #    #local: ["saml2/idp.xml"]
-  #    remote:
-  #      - url: https://our_idp/metadata.xml
-  #
-  #  # By default, the user has to go to our login page first. If you'd like
-  #  # to allow IdP-initiated login, set 'allow_unsolicited: true' in a
-  #  # 'service.sp' section:
-  #  #
-  #  #service:
-  #  #  sp:
-  #  #    allow_unsolicited: true
-  #
-  #  # The examples below are just used to generate our metadata xml, and you
-  #  # may well not need them, depending on your setup. Alternatively you
-  #  # may need a whole lot more detail - see the pysaml2 docs!
-  #
-  #  description: ["My awesome SP", "en"]
-  #  name: ["Test SP", "en"]
-  #
-  #  organization:
-  #    name: Example com
-  #    display_name:
-  #      - ["Example co", "en"]
-  #    url: ""
-  #
-  #  contact_person:
-  #    - given_name: Bob
-  #      sur_name: "the Sysadmin"
-  #      email_address": [""]
-  #      contact_type": technical
+  sp_config:
+    # Point this to the IdP's metadata. You must provide either a local
+    # file via the `local` attribute or (preferably) a URL via the
+    # `remote` attribute.
+    #
+    #metadata:
+    #  local: ["saml2/idp.xml"]
+    #  remote:
+    #    - url: https://our_idp/metadata.xml
+    # Allowed clock difference in seconds between the homeserver and IdP.
+    #
+    # Uncomment the below to increase the accepted time difference from 0 to 3 seconds.
+    #
+    #accepted_time_diff: 3
+    # By default, the user has to go to our login page first. If you'd like
+    # to allow IdP-initiated login, set 'allow_unsolicited: true' in a
+    # 'service.sp' section:
+    #
+    #service:
+    #  sp:
+    #    allow_unsolicited: true
+    # The examples below are just used to generate our metadata xml, and you
+    # may well not need them, depending on your setup. Alternatively you
+    # may need a whole lot more detail - see the pysaml2 docs!
+    #description: ["My awesome SP", "en"]
+    #name: ["Test SP", "en"]
+    #ui_info:
+    #  display_name:
+    #    - lang: en
+    #      text: "Display Name is the descriptive name of your service."
+    #  description:
+    #    - lang: en
+    #      text: "Description should be a short paragraph explaining the purpose of the service."
+    #  information_url:
+    #    - lang: en
+    #      text: ""
+    #  privacy_statement_url:
+    #    - lang: en
+    #      text: ""
+    #  keywords:
+    #    - lang: en
+    #      text: ["Matrix", "Element"]
+    #  logo:
+    #    - lang: en
+    #      text: ""
+    #      width: "200"
+    #      height: "80"
+    #organization:
+    #  name: Example com
+    #  display_name:
+    #    - ["Example co", "en"]
+    #  url: ""
+    #contact_person:
+    #  - given_name: Bob
+    #    sur_name: "the Sysadmin"
+    #    email_address": [""]
+    #    contact_type": technical
   # Instead of putting the config inline as above, you can specify a
   # separate pysaml2 configuration file:
@@ -1645,12 +1679,19 @@ saml2_config:
   #  - attribute: department
   #    value: "sales"
+  # If the metadata XML contains multiple IdP entities then the `idp_entityid`
+  # option must be set to the entity to redirect users to.
+  #
+  # Most deployments only have a single IdP entity and so should omit this
+  # option.
+  #
+  #idp_entityid: 'https://our_idp/entityid'
-# OpenID Connect integration. The following settings can be used to make Synapse
-# use an OpenID Connect Provider for authentication, instead of its internal
-# password database.
+# Enable OpenID Connect (OIDC) / OAuth 2.0 for registration and login.
-# See
+# See
+# for some example configurations.
   # Uncomment the following to enable authorization against an OpenID Connect
@@ -1719,6 +1760,14 @@ oidc_config:
   #skip_verification: true
+  # Whether to fetch the user profile from the userinfo endpoint. Valid
+  # values are: "auto" or "userinfo_endpoint".
+  #
+  # Defaults to "auto", which fetches the userinfo endpoint if "openid" is included
+  # in `scopes`. Uncomment the following to always fetch the userinfo endpoint.
+  #
+  #user_profile_method: "userinfo_endpoint"
   # Uncomment to allow a user logging in via OIDC to match a pre-existing account instead
   # of failing. This could be used if switching from password logins to OIDC. Defaults to false.
@@ -1775,15 +1824,37 @@ oidc_config:
-# Enable CAS for registration and login.
+# Enable Central Authentication Service (CAS) for registration and login.
-#   enabled: true
-#   server_url: ""
-#   service_url: ""
-#   #displayname_attribute: name
-#   #required_attributes:
-#   #    name: value
+  # Uncomment the following to enable authorization against a CAS server.
+  # Defaults to false.
+  #
+  #enabled: true
+  # The URL of the CAS authorization endpoint.
+  #
+  #server_url: ""
+  # The public URL of the homeserver.
+  #
+  #service_url: ""
+  # The attribute of the CAS response to use as the display name.
+  #
+  # If unset, no displayname will be set.
+  #
+  #displayname_attribute: name
+  # It is possible to configure Synapse to only allow logins if CAS attributes
+  # match particular values. All of the keys in the mapping below must exist
+  # and the values must match the given value. Alternately if the given value
+  # is None then any value is allowed (the attribute just must exist).
+  # All of the listed attributes must match for the login to be permitted.
+  #
+  #required_attributes:
+  #  userGroup: "staff"
+  #  department: None
 # Additional settings to use with single-sign on systems such as OpenID Connect,
@@ -1883,7 +1954,7 @@ sso:
 # and issued at ("iat") claims are validated if present.
 # Note that this is a non-standard login type and client support is
-# expected to be non-existant.
+# expected to be non-existent.
 # See
@@ -2185,20 +2256,35 @@ password_providers:
-# Clients requesting push notifications can either have the body of
-# the message sent in the notification poke along with other details
-# like the sender, or just the event ID and room ID (`event_id_only`).
-# If clients choose the former, this option controls whether the
-# notification request includes the content of the event (other details
-# like the sender are still included). For `event_id_only` push, it
-# has no effect.
-# For modern android devices the notification content will still appear
-# because it is loaded by the app. iPhone, however will send a
-# notification saying only that a message arrived and who it came from.
-#  include_content: true
+## Push ##
+  # Clients requesting push notifications can either have the body of
+  # the message sent in the notification poke along with other details
+  # like the sender, or just the event ID and room ID (`event_id_only`).
+  # If clients choose the former, this option controls whether the
+  # notification request includes the content of the event (other details
+  # like the sender are still included). For `event_id_only` push, it
+  # has no effect.
+  #
+  # For modern android devices the notification content will still appear
+  # because it is loaded by the app. iPhone, however will send a
+  # notification saying only that a message arrived and who it came from.
+  #
+  # The default value is "true" to include message details. Uncomment to only
+  # include the event ID and room ID in push notification payloads.
+  #
+  #include_content: false
+  # When a push notification is received, an unread count is also sent.
+  # This number can either be calculated as the number of unread messages
+  # for the user, or the number of *rooms* the user has unread messages in.
+  #
+  # The default value is "true", meaning push clients will see the number of
+  # rooms with unread messages in them. Uncomment to instead send the number
+  # of unread messages.
+  #
+  #group_unread_count_by_room: false
 # Spam checkers are third-party modules that can block specific actions
@@ -2399,7 +2485,7 @@ spam_checker:
 # Options for the rules include:
-#   user_id: Matches agaisnt the creator of the alias
+#   user_id: Matches against the creator of the alias
 #   room_id: Matches against the room ID being published
 #   alias: Matches against any current local or canonical aliases
 #            associated with the room
@@ -2445,7 +2531,7 @@ opentracing:
     # This is a list of regexes which are matched against the server_name of the
     # homeserver.
-    # By defult, it is empty, so no servers are matched.
+    # By default, it is empty, so no servers are matched.
     #  - ".*"
@@ -2501,6 +2587,11 @@ opentracing:
 #  events: worker1
 #  typing: worker1
+# The worker that is used to run background tasks (e.g. cleaning up expired
+# data). If not provided this defaults to the main process.
+#run_background_tasks_on: worker1
 # Configuration for Redis when using workers. This *must* be enabled when
 # using workers (unless using old style direct TCP configuration).

+ 5 - 1

@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 # This is a YAML file containing a standard Python logging configuration
 # dictionary. See [1] for details on the valid settings.
+# Synapse also supports structured logging for machine readable logs which can
+# be ingested by ELK stacks. See [2] for details.
 # [1]:
+# [2]:
 version: 1
@@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ root:
     # then write them to a file.
     # Replace "buffer" with "console" to log to stderr instead. (Note that you'll
-    # also need to update the configuation for the `twisted` logger above, in
+    # also need to update the configuration for the `twisted` logger above, in
     # this case.)
     handlers: [buffer]

+ 3 - 6

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ able to be imported by the running Synapse.
 The Python class is instantiated with two objects:
 * Any configuration (see below).
-* An instance of `synapse.spam_checker_api.SpamCheckerApi`.
+* An instance of `synapse.module_api.ModuleApi`.
 It then implements methods which return a boolean to alter behavior in Synapse.
@@ -26,11 +26,8 @@ well as some specific methods:
 The details of the each of these methods (as well as their inputs and outputs)
 are documented in the `` class.
-The `SpamCheckerApi` class provides a way for the custom spam checker class to
-call back into the homeserver internals. It currently implements the following
-* `get_state_events_in_room`
+The `ModuleApi` class provides a way for the custom spam checker class to
+call back into the homeserver internals.
 ### Example

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-TODO: how (if at all) is this actually maintained?

+ 0 - 271

@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
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-# sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jun 10 17:31:02 2014.
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-project = "Synapse"
-copyright = (
-    "Copyright 2014-2017 OpenMarket Ltd, 2017 Vector Creations Ltd, 2017 New Vector Ltd"
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-# docs.  This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
-# pixels large.
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-# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
-# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-html_static_path = ["_static"]
-# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
-# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
-# directly to the root of the documentation.
-# html_extra_path = []
-# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
-# using the given strftime format.
-# html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
-# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
-# typographically correct entities.
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-# html_sidebars = {}
-# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
-# template names.
-# html_additional_pages = {}
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-# If false, no index is generated.
-# html_use_index = True
-# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
-# html_split_index = False
-# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
-# html_show_sourcelink = True
-# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-# html_show_sphinx = True
-# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-# html_show_copyright = True
-# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
-# contain a <link> tag referring to it.  The value of this option must be the
-# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
-# html_use_opensearch = ''
-# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
-# html_file_suffix = None
-# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = "Synapsedoc"
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-# (source start file, target name, title,
-#  author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
-latex_documents = [("index", "Synapse.tex", "Synapse Documentation", "TNG", "manual")]
-# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
-# the title page.
-# latex_logo = None
-# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
-# not chapters.
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-# latex_show_pagerefs = False
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-# latex_show_urls = False
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-# latex_appendices = []
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-# latex_domain_indices = True
-# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
-# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
-# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
-man_pages = [("index", "synapse", "Synapse Documentation", ["TNG"], 1)]
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-# man_show_urls = False
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-# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
-# (source start file, target name, title, author,
-#  dir menu entry, description, category)
-texinfo_documents = [
-    (
-        "index",
-        "Synapse",
-        "Synapse Documentation",
-        "TNG",
-        "Synapse",
-        "One line description of project.",
-        "Miscellaneous",
-    )
-# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-# texinfo_appendices = []
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-# texinfo_domain_indices = True
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-# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
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+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-.. Synapse documentation master file, created by
-   sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jun 10 17:31:02 2014.
-   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
-   contain the root `toctree` directive.
-Welcome to Synapse's documentation!
-.. toctree::
-   synapse
-Indices and tables
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`modindex`
-* :ref:`search`

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 4
-   synapse

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.auth module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.auth
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.constants module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.constants
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.dbobjects module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.dbobjects
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.errors module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.errors
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.event_stream module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.event_stream
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ module
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ module
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ package
-.. toctree::
-Module contents
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ module
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.handlers.factory module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.handlers.factory
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.handlers.federation module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.handlers.federation
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.handlers.register module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.handlers.register
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ module
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.handlers package
-.. toctree::
-   synapse.api.handlers.factory
-   synapse.api.handlers.federation
-   synapse.api.handlers.register
-Module contents
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.handlers
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.notifier module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.notifier
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.register_events module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.register_events
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.room_events module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.room_events
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 30

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api package
-.. toctree::
-    synapse.api.handlers
-    synapse.api.streams
-.. toctree::
-   synapse.api.auth
-   synapse.api.constants
-   synapse.api.errors
-   synapse.api.notifier
-Module contents
-.. automodule:: synapse.api
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.server module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.server
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ module
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ module
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.streams.event module
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.streams.event
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-synapse.api.streams package
-.. toctree::
-   synapse.api.streams.event
-Module contents
-.. automodule:: synapse.api.streams
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ module
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ package
-.. toctree::
-Module contents
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-synapse.db package
-Module contents
-.. automodule:: synapse.db
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.federation.handler module
-.. automodule:: synapse.federation.handler
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.federation.messaging module
-.. automodule:: synapse.federation.messaging
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.federation.pdu_codec module
-.. automodule:: synapse.federation.pdu_codec
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.federation.persistence module
-.. automodule:: synapse.federation.persistence
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.federation.replication module
-.. automodule:: synapse.federation.replication
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 22

@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-synapse.federation package
-.. toctree::
-   synapse.federation.handler
-   synapse.federation.pdu_codec
-   synapse.federation.persistence
-   synapse.federation.replication
-   synapse.federation.transport
-   synapse.federation.units
-Module contents
-.. automodule:: synapse.federation
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.federation.transport module
-.. automodule:: synapse.federation.transport
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.federation.units module
-.. automodule:: synapse.federation.units
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 19

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-synapse.persistence package
-.. toctree::
-   synapse.persistence.service
-   synapse.persistence.tables
-   synapse.persistence.transactions
-Module contents
-.. automodule:: synapse.persistence
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.persistence.service module
-.. automodule:: synapse.persistence.service
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.persistence.tables module
-.. automodule:: synapse.persistence.tables
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.persistence.transactions module
-.. automodule:: synapse.persistence.transactions
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ module
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ module
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ module
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ module
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ package
-.. toctree::
-Module contents
-.. automodule::
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 30

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-synapse package
-.. toctree::
-    synapse.api
-    synapse.federation
-    synapse.persistence
-    synapse.util
-.. toctree::
-   synapse.server
-   synapse.state
-Module contents
-.. automodule:: synapse
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.server module
-.. automodule:: synapse.server
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.state module
-.. automodule:: synapse.state
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.util.async module
-.. automodule:: synapse.util.async
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.util.dbutils module
-.. automodule:: synapse.util.dbutils
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.util.http module
-.. automodule:: synapse.util.http
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.util.lockutils module
-.. automodule:: synapse.util.lockutils
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.util.logutils module
-.. automodule:: synapse.util.logutils
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-synapse.util package
-.. toctree::
-   synapse.util.async
-   synapse.util.http
-   synapse.util.lockutils
-   synapse.util.logutils
-   synapse.util.stringutils
-Module contents
-.. automodule:: synapse.util
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-synapse.util.stringutils module
-.. automodule:: synapse.util.stringutils
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :show-inheritance:

+ 25 - 2

@@ -15,8 +15,15 @@ where SAML mapping providers come into play.
 SSO mapping providers are currently supported for OpenID and SAML SSO
 configurations. Please see the details below for how to implement your own.
+It is the responsibility of the mapping provider to normalise the SSO attributes
+and map them to a valid Matrix ID. The
+[specification for Matrix IDs](
+has some information about what is considered valid. Alternately an easy way to
+ensure it is valid is to use a Synapse utility function:
 External mapping providers are provided to Synapse in the form of an external
-Python module. You can retrieve this module from [PyPi]( or elsewhere,
+Python module. You can retrieve this module from [PyPI]( or elsewhere,
 but it must be importable via Synapse (e.g. it must be in the same virtualenv
 as Synapse). The Synapse config is then modified to point to the mapping provider
 (and optionally provide additional configuration for it).
@@ -56,13 +63,22 @@ A custom mapping provider must specify the following methods:
                      information from.
     - This method must return a string, which is the unique identifier for the
       user. Commonly the ``sub`` claim of the response.
-* `map_user_attributes(self, userinfo, token)`
+* `map_user_attributes(self, userinfo, token, failures)`
     - This method must be async.
     - Arguments:
       - `userinfo` - A `` object to extract user
                      information from.
       - `token` - A dictionary which includes information necessary to make
                   further requests to the OpenID provider.
+      - `failures` - An `int` that represents the amount of times the returned
+                     mxid localpart mapping has failed.  This should be used
+                     to create a deduplicated mxid localpart which should be
+                     returned instead. For example, if this method returns
+                     `john.doe` as the value of `localpart` in the returned
+                     dict, and that is already taken on the homeserver, this
+                     method will be called again with the same parameters but
+                     with failures=1. The method should then return a different
+                     `localpart` value, such as `john.doe1`.
     - Returns a dictionary with two keys:
       - localpart: A required string, used to generate the Matrix ID.
       - displayname: An optional string, the display name for the user.
@@ -152,6 +168,13 @@ A custom mapping provider must specify the following methods:
                          the value of `mxid_localpart`.
        * `emails` - A list of emails for the new user. If not provided, will
                     default to an empty list.
+       Alternatively it can raise a `synapse.api.errors.RedirectException` to
+       redirect the user to another page. This is useful to prompt the user for
+       additional information, e.g. if you want them to provide their own username.
+       It is the responsibility of the mapping provider to either redirect back
+       to `client_redirect_url` (including any additional information) or to
+       complete registration using methods from the `ModuleApi`.
 ### Default SAML Mapping Provider

+ 121 - 43

@@ -1,83 +1,161 @@
 # Structured Logging
-A structured logging system can be useful when your logs are destined for a machine to parse and process. By maintaining its machine-readable characteristics, it enables more efficient searching and aggregations when consumed by software such as the "ELK stack".
+A structured logging system can be useful when your logs are destined for a
+machine to parse and process. By maintaining its machine-readable characteristics,
+it enables more efficient searching and aggregations when consumed by software
+such as the "ELK stack".
-Synapse's structured logging system is configured via the file that Synapse's `log_config` config option points to. The file must be YAML and contain `structured: true`. It must contain a list of "drains" (places where logs go to).
+Synapse's structured logging system is configured via the file that Synapse's
+`log_config` config option points to. The file should include a formatter which
+uses the `synapse.logging.TerseJsonFormatter` class included with Synapse and a
+handler which uses the above formatter.
+There is also a `synapse.logging.JsonFormatter` option which does not include
+a timestamp in the resulting JSON. This is useful if the log ingester adds its
+own timestamp.
 A structured logging configuration looks similar to the following:
-structured: true
+version: 1
+    structured:
+        class: synapse.logging.TerseJsonFormatter
+    file:
+        class: logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler
+        formatter: structured
+        filename: /path/to/my/logs/homeserver.log
+        when: midnight
+        backupCount: 3  # Does not include the current log file.
+        encoding: utf8
         level: INFO
+        handlers: [remote]
         level: WARNING
-    console:
-        type: console
-        location: stdout
-    file:
-        type: file_json
-        location: homeserver.log
-The above logging config will set Synapse as 'INFO' logging level by default, with the SQL layer at 'WARNING', and will have two logging drains (to the console and to a file, stored as JSON).
-## Drain Types
+The above logging config will set Synapse as 'INFO' logging level by default,
+with the SQL layer at 'WARNING', and will log to a file, stored as JSON.
-Drain types can be specified by the `type` key.
+It is also possible to figure Synapse to log to a remote endpoint by using the
+`synapse.logging.RemoteHandler` class included with Synapse. It takes the
+following arguments:
-### `console`
+- `host`: Hostname or IP address of the log aggregator.
+- `port`: Numerical port to contact on the host.
+- `maximum_buffer`: (Optional, defaults to 1000) The maximum buffer size to allow.
-Outputs human-readable logs to the console.
+A remote structured logging configuration looks similar to the following:
+version: 1
-- `location`: Either `stdout` or `stderr`.
+    structured:
+        class: synapse.logging.TerseJsonFormatter
-### `console_json`
+    remote:
+        class: synapse.logging.RemoteHandler
+        formatter: structured
+        host:
+        port: 9999
-Outputs machine-readable JSON logs to the console.
+    synapse:
+        level: INFO
+        handlers: [remote]
+        level: WARNING
+The above logging config will set Synapse as 'INFO' logging level by default,
+with the SQL layer at 'WARNING', and will log JSON formatted messages to a
+remote endpoint at
-- `location`: Either `stdout` or `stderr`.
+## Upgrading from legacy structured logging configuration
-### `console_json_terse`
+Versions of Synapse prior to v1.23.0 included a custom structured logging
+configuration which is deprecated. It used a `structured: true` flag and
+configured `drains` instead of ``handlers`` and `formatters`.
-Outputs machine-readable JSON logs to the console, separated by newlines. This
-format is not designed to be read and re-formatted into human-readable text, but
-is optimal for a logging aggregation system.
+Synapse currently automatically converts the old configuration to the new
+configuration, but this will be removed in a future version of Synapse. The
+following reference can be used to update your configuration. Based on the drain
+`type`, we can pick a new handler:
+1. For a type of `console`, `console_json`, or `console_json_terse`: a handler
+   with a class of `logging.StreamHandler` and a `stream` of `ext://sys.stdout`
+   or `ext://sys.stderr` should be used.
+2. For a type of `file` or `file_json`: a handler of `logging.FileHandler` with
+   a location of the file path should be used.
+3. For a type of `network_json_terse`: a handler of `synapse.logging.RemoteHandler`
+   with the host and port should be used.
-- `location`: Either `stdout` or `stderr`.
+Then based on the drain `type` we can pick a new formatter:
-### `file`
+1. For a type of `console` or `file` no formatter is necessary.
+2. For a type of `console_json` or `file_json`: a formatter of
+   `synapse.logging.JsonFormatter` should be used.
+3. For a type of `console_json_terse` or `network_json_terse`: a formatter of
+   `synapse.logging.TerseJsonFormatter` should be used.
-Outputs human-readable logs to a file.
+For each new handler and formatter they should be added to the logging configuration
+and then assigned to either a logger or the root logger.
+An example legacy configuration:
-- `location`: An absolute path to the file to log to.
+structured: true
-### `file_json`
+    synapse:
+        level: INFO
+        level: WARNING
-Outputs machine-readable logs to a file.
+    console:
+        type: console
+        location: stdout
+    file:
+        type: file_json
+        location: homeserver.log
+Would be converted into a new configuration:
-- `location`: An absolute path to the file to log to.
+version: 1
-### `network_json_terse`
+    json:
+        class: synapse.logging.JsonFormatter
-Delivers machine-readable JSON logs to a log aggregator over TCP. This is
-compatible with LogStash's TCP input with the codec set to `json_lines`.
+    console:
+        class: logging.StreamHandler
+        location: ext://sys.stdout
+    file:
+        class: logging.FileHandler
+        formatter: json
+        filename: homeserver.log
+    synapse:
+        level: INFO
+        handlers: [console, file]
+        level: WARNING
-- `host`: Hostname or IP address of the log aggregator.
-- `port`: Numerical port to contact on the host.
+The new logging configuration is a bit more verbose, but significantly more
+flexible. It allows for configuration that were not previously possible, such as
+sending plain logs over the network, or using different handlers for different

+ 2 - 2

@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ synapse master process to be started as part of the ``
 1. For each worker process to be enabled, run `systemctl enable
 matrix-synapse-worker@<worker_name>.service`. For each `<worker_name>`, there
-should be a corresponding configuration file
+should be a corresponding configuration file.
 1. Start all the synapse processes with `systemctl start`.
-1. Tell systemd to start synapse on boot with `systemctl enable`/
+1. Tell systemd to start synapse on boot with `systemctl enable`.
 ## Usage

+ 9 - 4

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ example flow would be (where '>' indicates master to worker and
     > SERVER
-    > POSITION events master 53
+    > POSITION events master 53 53
     > RDATA events master 54 ["$", ...]
     > RDATA events master 55 ["$", ...]
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ the wire:
     < NAME
     < PING 1490197665618
-    > POSITION events master 1
-    > POSITION backfill master 1
-    > POSITION caches master 1
+    > POSITION events master 1 1
+    > POSITION backfill master 1 1
+    > POSITION caches master 1 1
     > RDATA caches master 2 ["get_user_by_id",["@01register-user:localhost:8823"],1490197670513]
     > RDATA events master 14 ["$149019767112vOHxz:localhost:8823",
@@ -185,6 +185,11 @@ client (C):
    updates via HTTP API, rather than via the DB, then processes should make the
    request to the appropriate process.
+   Two positions are included, the "new" position and the last position sent respectively.
+   This allows servers to tell instances that the positions have advanced but no
+   data has been written, without clients needlessly checking to see if they
+   have missed any updates.
 #### ERROR (S, C)
    There was an error

+ 123 - 8

@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ This will install and start a systemd service called `coturn`.
-    > You may need to install `libevent2`: if so, you should do so in
-    > the way recommended by your operating system. You can ignore
-    > warnings about lack of database support: a database is unnecessary
-    > for this purpose.
+    You may need to install `libevent2`: if so, you should do so in
+    the way recommended by your operating system. You can ignore
+    warnings about lack of database support: a database is unnecessary
+    for this purpose.
 1.  Build and install it:
@@ -66,6 +66,19 @@ This will install and start a systemd service called `coturn`.
         pwgen -s 64 1
+    A `realm` must be specified, but its value is somewhat arbitrary. (It is
+    sent to clients as part of the authentication flow.) It is conventional to
+    set it to be your server name.
+1.  You will most likely want to configure coturn to write logs somewhere. The
+    easiest way is normally to send them to the syslog:
+        syslog
+    (in which case, the logs will be available via `journalctl -u coturn` on a
+    systemd system). Alternatively, coturn can be configured to write to a
+    logfile - check the example config file supplied with coturn.
 1.  Consider your security settings. TURN lets users request a relay which will
     connect to arbitrary IP addresses and ports. The following configuration is
     suggested as a minimum starting point:
@@ -96,11 +109,31 @@ This will install and start a systemd service called `coturn`.
         # TLS private key file
+    In this case, replace the `turn:` schemes in the `turn_uri` settings below
+    with `turns:`.
+    We recommend that you only try to set up TLS/DTLS once you have set up a
+    basic installation and got it working.
 1.  Ensure your firewall allows traffic into the TURN server on the ports
-    you've configured it to listen on (By default: 3478 and 5349 for the TURN(s)
+    you've configured it to listen on (By default: 3478 and 5349 for TURN
     traffic (remember to allow both TCP and UDP traffic), and ports 49152-65535
     for the UDP relay.)
+1.  We do not recommend running a TURN server behind NAT, and are not aware of
+    anyone doing so successfully.
+    If you want to try it anyway, you will at least need to tell coturn its
+    external IP address:
+        external-ip=
+    ... and your NAT gateway must forward all of the relayed ports directly
+    (eg, port 56789 on the external IP must be always be forwarded to port
+    56789 on the internal IP).
+    If you get this working, let us know!
 1.  (Re)start the turn server:
     * If you used the Debian package (or have set up a systemd unit yourself):
@@ -137,9 +170,10 @@ Your home server configuration file needs the following extra keys:
     without having gone through a CAPTCHA or similar to register a
     real account.
-As an example, here is the relevant section of the config file for
+As an example, here is the relevant section of the config file for ``. The
+`turn_uris` are appropriate for TURN servers listening on the default ports, with no TLS.
-    turn_uris: [ "", "" ]
+    turn_uris: [ "", "" ]
     turn_shared_secret: "n0t4ctuAllymatr1Xd0TorgSshar3d5ecret4obvIousreAsons"
     turn_user_lifetime: 86400000
     turn_allow_guests: True
@@ -155,5 +189,86 @@ After updating the homeserver configuration, you must restart synapse:
     systemctl restart synapse.service
+... and then reload any clients (or wait an hour for them to refresh their
+## Troubleshooting
+The normal symptoms of a misconfigured TURN server are that calls between
+devices on different networks ring, but get stuck at "call
+connecting". Unfortunately, troubleshooting this can be tricky.
+Here are a few things to try:
+ * Check that your TURN server is not behind NAT. As above, we're not aware of
+   anyone who has successfully set this up.
+ * Check that you have opened your firewall to allow TCP and UDP traffic to the
+   TURN ports (normally 3478 and 5479).
+ * Check that you have opened your firewall to allow UDP traffic to the UDP
+   relay ports (49152-65535 by default).
+ * Some WebRTC implementations (notably, that of Google Chrome) appear to get
+   confused by TURN servers which are reachable over IPv6 (this appears to be
+   an unexpected side-effect of its handling of multiple IP addresses as
+   defined by
+   [`draft-ietf-rtcweb-ip-handling`](
+   Try removing any AAAA records for your TURN server, so that it is only
+   reachable over IPv4.
+ * Enable more verbose logging in coturn via the `verbose` setting:
+   ```
+   verbose
+   ```
+   ... and then see if there are any clues in its logs.
+ * If you are using a browser-based client under Chrome, check
+   `chrome://webrtc-internals/` for insights into the internals of the
+   negotiation. On Firefox, check the "Connection Log" on `about:webrtc`.
+   (Understanding the output is beyond the scope of this document!)
+ * There is a WebRTC test tool at
+ To
+   use it, you will need a username/password for your TURN server. You can
+   either:
+    * look for the `GET /_matrix/client/r0/voip/turnServer` request made by a
+      matrix client to your homeserver in your browser's network inspector. In
+      the response you should see `username` and `password`. Or:
+    * Use the following shell commands:
+      ```sh
+      secret=staticAuthSecretHere
+      u=$((`date +%s` + 3600)):test
+      p=$(echo -n $u | openssl dgst -hmac $secret -sha1 -binary | base64)
+      echo -e "username: $u\npassword: $p"
+      ```
+      Or:
+    * Temporarily configure coturn to accept a static username/password. To do
+      this, comment out `use-auth-secret` and `static-auth-secret` and add the
+      following:
+      ```
+      lt-cred-mech
+      user=username:password
+      ```
+      **Note**: these settings will not take effect unless `use-auth-secret`
+      and `static-auth-secret` are disabled.
+      Restart coturn after changing the configuration file.
+      Remember to restore the original settings to go back to testing with
+      Matrix clients!
-..and your Home Server now supports VoIP relaying!
+   If the TURN server is working correctly, you should see at least one `relay`
+   entry in the results.

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff