Selaa lähdekoodia

mypy plugin to check `@cached` return types (#14911)

Co-authored-by: David Robertson <>
Co-authored-by: Patrick Cloke <>
Co-authored-by: Erik Johnston <>

Assert that the return type of callables wrapped in @cached
and @cachedList are cachable (aka immutable).
David Robertson 8 kuukautta sitten

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Improve type hints.

+ 251 - 38

@@ -16,13 +16,24 @@
 can crop up, e.g the cache descriptors.
-from typing import Callable, Optional, Type
+from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
+import mypy.types
 from mypy.erasetype import remove_instance_last_known_values
-from mypy.nodes import ARG_NAMED_OPT
-from mypy.plugin import MethodSigContext, Plugin
+from mypy.errorcodes import ErrorCode
+from mypy.nodes import ARG_NAMED_OPT, TempNode, Var
+from mypy.plugin import FunctionSigContext, MethodSigContext, Plugin
 from mypy.typeops import bind_self
-from mypy.types import CallableType, Instance, NoneType, UnionType
+from mypy.types import (
+    AnyType,
+    CallableType,
+    Instance,
+    NoneType,
+    TupleType,
+    TypeAliasType,
+    UninhabitedType,
+    UnionType,
 class SynapsePlugin(Plugin):
@@ -36,9 +47,37 @@ class SynapsePlugin(Plugin):
             return cached_function_method_signature
+        if fullname in (
+            "synapse.util.caches.descriptors._CachedFunctionDescriptor.__call__",
+            "synapse.util.caches.descriptors._CachedListFunctionDescriptor.__call__",
+        ):
+            return check_is_cacheable_wrapper
         return None
+def _get_true_return_type(signature: CallableType) -> mypy.types.Type:
+    """
+    Get the "final" return type of a callable which might return an Awaitable/Deferred.
+    """
+    if isinstance(signature.ret_type, Instance):
+        # If a coroutine, unwrap the coroutine's return type.
+        if signature.ret_type.type.fullname == "typing.Coroutine":
+            return signature.ret_type.args[2]
+        # If an awaitable, unwrap the awaitable's final value.
+        elif signature.ret_type.type.fullname == "typing.Awaitable":
+            return signature.ret_type.args[0]
+        # If a Deferred, unwrap the Deferred's final value.
+        elif signature.ret_type.type.fullname == "twisted.internet.defer.Deferred":
+            return signature.ret_type.args[0]
+    # Otherwise, return the raw value of the function.
+    return signature.ret_type
 def cached_function_method_signature(ctx: MethodSigContext) -> CallableType:
     """Fixes the `CachedFunction.__call__` signature to be correct.
@@ -47,16 +86,17 @@ def cached_function_method_signature(ctx: MethodSigContext) -> CallableType:
         1. the `self` argument needs to be marked as "bound";
         2. any `cache_context` argument should be removed;
         3. an optional keyword argument `on_invalidated` should be added.
+        4. Wrap the return type to always be a Deferred.
-    # First we mark this as a bound function signature.
-    signature = bind_self(ctx.default_signature)
+    # 1. Mark this as a bound function signature.
+    signature: CallableType = bind_self(ctx.default_signature)
-    # Secondly, we remove any "cache_context" args.
+    # 2. Remove any "cache_context" args.
     # Note: We should be only doing this if `cache_context=True` is set, but if
     # it isn't then the code will raise an exception when its called anyway, so
-    # its not the end of the world.
+    # it's not the end of the world.
     context_arg_index = None
     for idx, name in enumerate(signature.arg_names):
         if name == "cache_context":
@@ -72,7 +112,7 @@ def cached_function_method_signature(ctx: MethodSigContext) -> CallableType:
-    # Third, we add an optional "on_invalidate" argument.
+    # 3. Add an optional "on_invalidate" argument.
     # This is a either
     # - a callable which accepts no input and returns nothing, or
@@ -94,35 +134,16 @@ def cached_function_method_signature(ctx: MethodSigContext) -> CallableType:
     arg_kinds.append(ARG_NAMED_OPT)  # Arg is an optional kwarg.
-    # Finally we ensure the return type is a Deferred.
-    if (
-        isinstance(signature.ret_type, Instance)
-        and signature.ret_type.type.fullname == "twisted.internet.defer.Deferred"
-    ):
-        # If it is already a Deferred, nothing to do.
-        ret_type = signature.ret_type
-    else:
-        ret_arg = None
-        if isinstance(signature.ret_type, Instance):
-            # If a coroutine, wrap the coroutine's return type in a Deferred.
-            if signature.ret_type.type.fullname == "typing.Coroutine":
-                ret_arg = signature.ret_type.args[2]
-            # If an awaitable, wrap the awaitable's final value in a Deferred.
-            elif signature.ret_type.type.fullname == "typing.Awaitable":
-                ret_arg = signature.ret_type.args[0]
-        # Otherwise, wrap the return value in a Deferred.
-        if ret_arg is None:
-            ret_arg = signature.ret_type
-        # This should be able to use ctx.api.named_generic_type, but that doesn't seem
-        # to find the correct symbol for anything more than 1 module deep.
-        #
-        # modules is not part of CheckerPluginInterface. The following is a combination
-        # of TypeChecker.named_generic_type and TypeChecker.lookup_typeinfo.
-        sym = ctx.api.modules["twisted.internet.defer"].names.get("Deferred")  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
-        ret_type = Instance(sym.node, [remove_instance_last_known_values(ret_arg)])
+    # 4. Ensure the return type is a Deferred.
+    ret_arg = _get_true_return_type(signature)
+    # This should be able to use ctx.api.named_generic_type, but that doesn't seem
+    # to find the correct symbol for anything more than 1 module deep.
+    #
+    # modules is not part of CheckerPluginInterface. The following is a combination
+    # of TypeChecker.named_generic_type and TypeChecker.lookup_typeinfo.
+    sym = ctx.api.modules["twisted.internet.defer"].names.get("Deferred")  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+    ret_type = Instance(sym.node, [remove_instance_last_known_values(ret_arg)])
     signature = signature.copy_modified(
@@ -134,6 +155,198 @@ def cached_function_method_signature(ctx: MethodSigContext) -> CallableType:
     return signature
+def check_is_cacheable_wrapper(ctx: MethodSigContext) -> CallableType:
+    """Asserts that the signature of a method returns a value which can be cached.
+    Makes no changes to the provided method signature.
+    """
+    # The true signature, this isn't being modified so this is what will be returned.
+    signature: CallableType = ctx.default_signature
+    if not isinstance(ctx.args[0][0], TempNode):
+        ctx.api.note("Cached function is not a TempNode?!", ctx.context)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+        return signature
+    orig_sig = ctx.args[0][0].type
+    if not isinstance(orig_sig, CallableType):
+"Cached 'function' is not a callable", ctx.context)
+        return signature
+    check_is_cacheable(orig_sig, ctx)
+    return signature
+def check_is_cacheable(
+    signature: CallableType,
+    ctx: Union[MethodSigContext, FunctionSigContext],
+) -> None:
+    """
+    Check if a callable returns a type which can be cached.
+    Args:
+        signature: The callable to check.
+        ctx: The signature context, used for error reporting.
+    """
+    # Unwrap the true return type from the cached function.
+    return_type = _get_true_return_type(signature)
+    verbose = ctx.api.options.verbosity >= 1
+    # TODO Technically a cachedList only needs immutable values, but forcing them
+    # to return Mapping instead of Dict is fine.
+    ok, note = is_cacheable(return_type, signature, verbose)
+    if ok:
+        message = f"function {} is @cached, returning {return_type}"
+    else:
+        message = f"function {} is @cached, but has mutable return value {return_type}"
+    if note:
+        message += f" ({note})"
+    message = message.replace("builtins.", "").replace("typing.", "")
+    if ok and note:
+        ctx.api.note(message, ctx.context)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+    elif not ok:
+, ctx.context, code=AT_CACHED_MUTABLE_RETURN)
+# Immutable simple values.
+    "builtins.bool",
+    "",
+    "builtins.float",
+    "builtins.str",
+    "builtins.bytes",
+# Types defined in Synapse which are known to be immutable.
+    "synapse.synapse_rust.acl.ServerAclEvaluator",
+    "synapse.synapse_rust.push.FilteredPushRules",
+    # This is technically not immutable, but close enough.
+    "signedjson.types.VerifyKey",
+# Immutable containers only if the values are also immutable.
+    "builtins.frozenset",
+    "builtins.tuple",
+    "typing.AbstractSet",
+    "typing.Sequence",
+    "immutabledict.immutabledict",
+    "builtins.set",
+    "builtins.list",
+    "builtins.dict",
+    "synapse-@cached-mutable",
+    "@cached() should have an immutable return type",
+    "General",
+def is_cacheable(
+    rt: mypy.types.Type, signature: CallableType, verbose: bool
+) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]:
+    """
+    Check if a particular type is cachable.
+    A type is cachable if it is immutable; for complex types this recurses to
+    check each type parameter.
+    Returns: a 2-tuple (cacheable, message).
+        - cachable: False means the type is definitely not cacheable;
+            true means anything else.
+        - Optional message.
+    """
+    # This should probably be done via a TypeVisitor. Apologies to the reader!
+    if isinstance(rt, AnyType):
+        return True, ("may be mutable" if verbose else None)
+    elif isinstance(rt, Instance):
+        if (
+            rt.type.fullname in IMMUTABLE_VALUE_TYPES
+            or rt.type.fullname in IMMUTABLE_CUSTOM_TYPES
+        ):
+            # "Simple" types are generally immutable.
+            return True, None
+        elif rt.type.fullname == "typing.Mapping":
+            # Generally mapping keys are immutable, but they only *have* to be
+            # hashable, which doesn't imply immutability. E.g. Mapping[K, V]
+            # is cachable iff K and V are cachable.
+            return is_cacheable(rt.args[0], signature, verbose) and is_cacheable(
+                rt.args[1], signature, verbose
+            )
+            # E.g. Collection[T] is cachable iff T is cachable.
+            return is_cacheable(rt.args[0], signature, verbose)
+        elif rt.type.fullname in MUTABLE_CONTAINER_TYPES:
+            # Mutable containers are mutable regardless of their underlying type.
+            return False, None
+        elif "attrs" in rt.type.metadata:
+            # attrs classes are only cachable iff it is frozen (immutable itself)
+            # and all attributes are cachable.
+            frozen = rt.type.metadata["attrs"]["frozen"]
+            if frozen:
+                for attribute in rt.type.metadata["attrs"]["attributes"]:
+                    attribute_name = attribute["name"]
+                    symbol_node = rt.type.names[attribute_name].node
+                    assert isinstance(symbol_node, Var)
+                    assert symbol_node.type is not None
+                    ok, note = is_cacheable(symbol_node.type, signature, verbose)
+                    if not ok:
+                        return False, f"non-frozen attrs property: {attribute_name}"
+                # All attributes were frozen.
+                return True, None
+            else:
+                return False, "non-frozen attrs class"
+        else:
+            # Ensure we fail for unknown types, these generally means that the
+            # above code is not complete.
+            return (
+                False,
+                f"Don't know how to handle {rt.type.fullname} return type instance",
+            )
+    elif isinstance(rt, NoneType):
+        # None is cachable.
+        return True, None
+    elif isinstance(rt, (TupleType, UnionType)):
+        # Tuples and unions are cachable iff all their items are cachable.
+        for item in rt.items:
+            ok, note = is_cacheable(item, signature, verbose)
+            if not ok:
+                return False, note
+        # This discards notes but that's probably fine
+        return True, None
+    elif isinstance(rt, TypeAliasType):
+        # For a type alias, check if the underlying real type is cachable.
+        return is_cacheable(mypy.types.get_proper_type(rt), signature, verbose)
+    elif isinstance(rt, UninhabitedType) and rt.is_noreturn:
+        # There is no return value, just consider it cachable. This is only used
+        # in tests.
+        return True, None
+    else:
+        # Ensure we fail for unknown types, these generally means that the
+        # above code is not complete.
+        return False, f"Don't know how to handle {type(rt).__qualname__} return type"
 def plugin(version: str) -> Type[SynapsePlugin]:
     # This is the entry point of the plugin, and lets us deal with the fact
     # that the mypy plugin interface is *not* stable by looking at the version

+ 2 - 2

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ from synapse.api.errors import (
-from synapse.types import JsonDict, ThirdPartyInstanceID
+from synapse.types import JsonDict, JsonMapping, ThirdPartyInstanceID
 from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import _CacheContext, cached
 from synapse.util.caches.response_cache import ResponseCache
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ class RoomListHandler:
         cache_context: _CacheContext,
         with_alias: bool = True,
         allow_private: bool = False,
-    ) -> Optional[JsonDict]:
+    ) -> Optional[JsonMapping]:
         """Returns the entry for a room

+ 4 - 3

@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ class UserPushAction(EmailPushAction):
     profile_tag: str
+# TODO This is used as a cached value and is mutable.
 @attr.s(slots=True, auto_attribs=True)
 class NotifCounts:
@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ class NotifCounts:
     highlight_count: int = 0
-@attr.s(slots=True, auto_attribs=True)
+@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True)
 class RoomNotifCounts:
     The per-user, per-room count of notifications. Used by sync and push.
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ class RoomNotifCounts:
     main_timeline: NotifCounts
     # Map of thread ID to the notification counts.
-    threads: Dict[str, NotifCounts]
+    threads: Mapping[str, NotifCounts]
     def empty() -> "RoomNotifCounts":
@@ -483,7 +484,7 @@ class EventPushActionsWorkerStore(ReceiptsWorkerStore, StreamWorkerStore, SQLBas
         return room_to_count
-    @cached(tree=True, max_entries=5000, iterable=True)
+    @cached(tree=True, max_entries=5000, iterable=True)  # type: ignore[synapse-@cached-mutable]
     async def get_unread_event_push_actions_by_room_for_user(
         room_id: str,

+ 7 - 5

@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ class RelationsWorkerStore(SQLBaseStore):
         return result is not None
-    @cached()
+    @cached()  # type: ignore[synapse-@cached-mutable]
     async def get_references_for_event(self, event_id: str) -> List[JsonDict]:
         raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -512,11 +512,12 @@ class RelationsWorkerStore(SQLBaseStore):
             "_get_references_for_events_txn", _get_references_for_events_txn
-    @cached()
+    @cached()  # type: ignore[synapse-@cached-mutable]
     def get_applicable_edit(self, event_id: str) -> Optional[EventBase]:
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    @cachedList(cached_method_name="get_applicable_edit", list_name="event_ids")
+    # TODO: This returns a mutable object, which is generally bad.
+    @cachedList(cached_method_name="get_applicable_edit", list_name="event_ids")  # type: ignore[synapse-@cached-mutable]
     async def get_applicable_edits(
         self, event_ids: Collection[str]
     ) -> Mapping[str, Optional[EventBase]]:
@@ -598,11 +599,12 @@ class RelationsWorkerStore(SQLBaseStore):
             for original_event_id in event_ids
-    @cached()
+    @cached()  # type: ignore[synapse-@cached-mutable]
     def get_thread_summary(self, event_id: str) -> Optional[Tuple[int, EventBase]]:
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    @cachedList(cached_method_name="get_thread_summary", list_name="event_ids")
+    # TODO: This returns a mutable object, which is generally bad.
+    @cachedList(cached_method_name="get_thread_summary", list_name="event_ids")  # type: ignore[synapse-@cached-mutable]
     async def get_thread_summaries(
         self, event_ids: Collection[str]
     ) -> Mapping[str, Optional[Tuple[int, EventBase]]]:

+ 3 - 2

@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class RoomMemberWorkerStore(EventsWorkerStore, CacheInvalidationWorkerStore):
-    @cached(max_entries=100000)
+    @cached(max_entries=100000)  # type: ignore[synapse-@cached-mutable]
     async def get_room_summary(self, room_id: str) -> Mapping[str, MemberSummary]:
         """Get the details of a room roughly suitable for use by the room
         summary extension to /sync. Useful when lazy loading room members.
@@ -1071,7 +1071,8 @@ class RoomMemberWorkerStore(EventsWorkerStore, CacheInvalidationWorkerStore):
         return {row["event_id"]: row["membership"] for row in rows}
-    @cached(max_entries=10000)
+    # TODO This returns a mutable object, which is generally confusing when using a cache.
+    @cached(max_entries=10000)  # type: ignore[synapse-@cached-mutable]
     def _get_joined_hosts_cache(self, room_id: str) -> "_JoinedHostsCache":
         return _JoinedHostsCache()

+ 1 - 0

@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ class ProfileInfo:
     display_name: Optional[str]
+# TODO This is used as a cached value and is mutable.
 @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, weakref_slot=False, auto_attribs=True)
 class MemberSummary:
     # A truncated list of (user_id, event_id) tuples for users of a given

+ 55 - 9

@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ from typing import (
 from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
+import attr
 from twisted.internet import defer
 from twisted.python.failure import Failure
@@ -466,6 +468,35 @@ class _CacheContext:
+@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True, frozen=True)
+class _CachedFunctionDescriptor:
+    """Helper for `@cached`, we name it so that we can hook into it with mypy
+    plugin."""
+    max_entries: int
+    num_args: Optional[int]
+    uncached_args: Optional[Collection[str]]
+    tree: bool
+    cache_context: bool
+    iterable: bool
+    prune_unread_entries: bool
+    name: Optional[str]
+    def __call__(self, orig: F) -> CachedFunction[F]:
+        d = DeferredCacheDescriptor(
+            orig,
+            max_entries=self.max_entries,
+            num_args=self.num_args,
+            uncached_args=self.uncached_args,
+            tree=self.tree,
+            cache_context=self.cache_context,
+            iterable=self.iterable,
+            prune_unread_entries=self.prune_unread_entries,
+  ,
+        )
+        return cast(CachedFunction[F], d)
 def cached(
     max_entries: int = 1000,
@@ -476,9 +507,8 @@ def cached(
     iterable: bool = False,
     prune_unread_entries: bool = True,
     name: Optional[str] = None,
-) -> Callable[[F], CachedFunction[F]]:
-    func = lambda orig: DeferredCacheDescriptor(
-        orig,
+) -> _CachedFunctionDescriptor:
+    return _CachedFunctionDescriptor(
@@ -489,7 +519,26 @@ def cached(
-    return cast(Callable[[F], CachedFunction[F]], func)
+@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True, frozen=True)
+class _CachedListFunctionDescriptor:
+    """Helper for `@cachedList`, we name it so that we can hook into it with mypy
+    plugin."""
+    cached_method_name: str
+    list_name: str
+    num_args: Optional[int] = None
+    name: Optional[str] = None
+    def __call__(self, orig: F) -> CachedFunction[F]:
+        d = DeferredCacheListDescriptor(
+            orig,
+            cached_method_name=self.cached_method_name,
+            list_name=self.list_name,
+            num_args=self.num_args,
+  ,
+        )
+        return cast(CachedFunction[F], d)
 def cachedList(
@@ -498,7 +547,7 @@ def cachedList(
     list_name: str,
     num_args: Optional[int] = None,
     name: Optional[str] = None,
-) -> Callable[[F], CachedFunction[F]]:
+) -> _CachedListFunctionDescriptor:
     """Creates a descriptor that wraps a function in a `DeferredCacheListDescriptor`.
     Used to do batch lookups for an already created cache. One of the arguments
@@ -527,16 +576,13 @@ def cachedList(
             def batch_do_something(self, first_arg, second_args):
-    func = lambda orig: DeferredCacheListDescriptor(
-        orig,
+    return _CachedListFunctionDescriptor(
-    return cast(Callable[[F], CachedFunction[F]], func)
 def _get_cache_key_builder(
     param_names: Sequence[str],