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Print complement failure results last (#13639)

Since github always scrolls to the bottom of any test output, let's put the
failed tests last and hide any successful packages.
Richard van der Hoff 1 year ago

+ 6 - 8

@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ which is under the Unlicense licence.
         {{- . -}}{{- "\n" -}}
     {{- end -}}
     {{- with .TestCases -}}
-        {{- /* Failing tests are first */ -}}
+        {{- /* Passing tests are first */ -}}
         {{- range . -}}
-            {{- if and (ne .Result "PASS") (ne .Result "SKIP") -}}
-                ::group::{{ "\033" }}[0;31m❌{{ " " }}{{- .Name -}}
+            {{- if eq .Result "PASS" -}}
+                ::group::{{ "\033" }}[0;32m✅{{ " " }}{{- .Name -}}
                 {{- "\033" -}}[0;37m ({{if $settings.ShowTestStatus}}{{.Result}}; {{end}}{{ .Duration -}}
                 {{- with .Coverage -}}
                     , coverage: {{ . }}%
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ which is under the Unlicense licence.
             {{- end -}}
         {{- end -}}
         {{- /* Then skipped tests are second */ -}}
         {{- range . -}}
             {{- if eq .Result "SKIP" -}}
@@ -68,11 +67,10 @@ which is under the Unlicense licence.
             {{- end -}}
         {{- end -}}
-        {{- /* Then passing tests are last */ -}}
+        {{- /* and failing tests are last */ -}}
         {{- range . -}}
-            {{- if eq .Result "PASS" -}}
-                ::group::{{ "\033" }}[0;32m✅{{ " " }}{{- .Name -}}
+            {{- if and (ne .Result "PASS") (ne .Result "SKIP") -}}
+                ::group::{{ "\033" }}[0;31m❌{{ " " }}{{- .Name -}}
                 {{- "\033" -}}[0;37m ({{if $settings.ShowTestStatus}}{{.Result}}; {{end}}{{ .Duration -}}
                 {{- with .Coverage -}}
                     , coverage: {{ . }}%

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# wraps `gotestfmt`, hiding output from successful packages unless
+# all tests passed.
+set -o pipefail
+set -e
+# tee the test results to a log, whilst also piping them into gotestfmt,
+# telling it to hide successful results, so that we can clearly see
+# unsuccessful results.
+tee complement.log | gotestfmt -hide successful-packages
+# gotestfmt will exit non-zero if there were any failures, so if we got to this
+# point, we must have had a successful result.
+echo "All tests successful; showing all test results"
+# Pipe the test results back through gotestfmt, showing all results.
+# The log file consists of JSON lines giving the test results, interspersed
+# with regular stdout lines (including reports of downloaded packages).
+grep '^{"Time":' complement.log | gotestfmt

+ 1 - 1

@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ jobs:
       - run: |
           set -o pipefail
-          TEST_ONLY_IGNORE_POETRY_LOCKFILE=1 POSTGRES=${{ (matrix.database == 'Postgres') && 1 || '' }} WORKERS=${{ (matrix.arrangement == 'workers') && 1 || '' }} COMPLEMENT_DIR=`pwd`/complement synapse/scripts-dev/ -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt
+          TEST_ONLY_IGNORE_POETRY_LOCKFILE=1 POSTGRES=${{ (matrix.database == 'Postgres') && 1 || '' }} WORKERS=${{ (matrix.arrangement == 'workers') && 1 || '' }} COMPLEMENT_DIR=`pwd`/complement synapse/scripts-dev/ -json 2>&1 | synapse/.ci/scripts/gotestfmt
         shell: bash
         name: Run Complement Tests

+ 1 - 1

@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ jobs:
       - run: |
           set -o pipefail
-          POSTGRES=${{ (matrix.database == 'Postgres') && 1 || '' }} WORKERS=${{ (matrix.arrangement == 'workers') && 1 || '' }} COMPLEMENT_DIR=`pwd`/complement synapse/scripts-dev/ -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt
+          POSTGRES=${{ (matrix.database == 'Postgres') && 1 || '' }} WORKERS=${{ (matrix.arrangement == 'workers') && 1 || '' }} COMPLEMENT_DIR=`pwd`/complement synapse/scripts-dev/ -json 2>&1 | synapse/.ci/scripts/gotestfmt
         shell: bash
         name: Run Complement Tests

+ 1 - 1

@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ jobs:
       - run: |
           set -o pipefail
-          TEST_ONLY_SKIP_DEP_HASH_VERIFICATION=1 POSTGRES=${{ (matrix.database == 'Postgres') && 1 || '' }} WORKERS=${{ (matrix.arrangement == 'workers') && 1 || '' }} COMPLEMENT_DIR=`pwd`/complement synapse/scripts-dev/ -json 2>&1 | gotestfmt
+          TEST_ONLY_SKIP_DEP_HASH_VERIFICATION=1 POSTGRES=${{ (matrix.database == 'Postgres') && 1 || '' }} WORKERS=${{ (matrix.arrangement == 'workers') && 1 || '' }} COMPLEMENT_DIR=`pwd`/complement synapse/scripts-dev/ -json 2>&1 | synapse/.ci/scripts/gotestfmt
         shell: bash
         name: Run Complement Tests

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Improve readability of Complement CI logs by printing failure results last.