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Admin API endpoint to delete a reported event (#15116)

* Admin api to delete event report

* lint +  tests

* newsfile

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: David Robertson <>

* revert changes - move to WorkerStore

* update unit test

* Note that timestamp is in millseconds


Co-authored-by: David Robertson <>
Dirk Klimpel 1 year ago

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Add an [admin API]( to delete a [specific event report](

+ 14 - 0

@@ -169,3 +169,17 @@ The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
 * `canonical_alias`: string - The canonical alias of the room. `null` if the room does not
   have a canonical alias set.
 * `event_json`: object - Details of the original event that was reported.
+# Delete a specific event report
+This API deletes a specific event report. If the request is successful, the response body
+will be an empty JSON object.
+The api is:
+DELETE /_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports/<report_id>
+**URL parameters:**
+* `report_id`: string - The ID of the event report.

+ 33 - 8

@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ class EventReportsRestServlet(RestServlet):
     PATTERNS = admin_patterns("/event_reports$")
     def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
-        self.auth = hs.get_auth()
- = hs.get_datastores().main
+        self._auth = hs.get_auth()
+        self._store = hs.get_datastores().main
     async def on_GET(self, request: SynapseRequest) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
-        await assert_requester_is_admin(self.auth, request)
+        await assert_requester_is_admin(self._auth, request)
         start = parse_integer(request, "from", default=0)
         limit = parse_integer(request, "limit", default=100)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class EventReportsRestServlet(RestServlet):
-        event_reports, total = await
+        event_reports, total = await self._store.get_event_reports_paginate(
             start, limit, direction, user_id, room_id
         ret = {"event_reports": event_reports, "total": total}
@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ class EventReportDetailRestServlet(RestServlet):
     PATTERNS = admin_patterns("/event_reports/(?P<report_id>[^/]*)$")
     def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
-        self.auth = hs.get_auth()
- = hs.get_datastores().main
+        self._auth = hs.get_auth()
+        self._store = hs.get_datastores().main
     async def on_GET(
         self, request: SynapseRequest, report_id: str
     ) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
-        await assert_requester_is_admin(self.auth, request)
+        await assert_requester_is_admin(self._auth, request)
         message = (
             "The report_id parameter must be a string representing a positive integer."
@@ -131,8 +131,33 @@ class EventReportDetailRestServlet(RestServlet):
                 HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, message, errcode=Codes.INVALID_PARAM
-        ret = await
+        ret = await self._store.get_event_report(resolved_report_id)
         if not ret:
             raise NotFoundError("Event report not found")
         return HTTPStatus.OK, ret
+    async def on_DELETE(
+        self, request: SynapseRequest, report_id: str
+    ) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
+        await assert_requester_is_admin(self._auth, request)
+        message = (
+            "The report_id parameter must be a string representing a positive integer."
+        )
+        try:
+            resolved_report_id = int(report_id)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise SynapseError(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, message, errcode=Codes.INVALID_PARAM
+            )
+        if resolved_report_id < 0:
+            raise SynapseError(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, message, errcode=Codes.INVALID_PARAM
+            )
+        if await self._store.delete_event_report(resolved_report_id):
+            return HTTPStatus.OK, {}
+        raise NotFoundError("Event report not found")

+ 35 - 1

@@ -1417,6 +1417,27 @@ class RoomWorkerStore(CacheInvalidationWorkerStore):
+    async def delete_event_report(self, report_id: int) -> bool:
+        """Remove an event report from database.
+        Args:
+            report_id: Report to delete
+        Returns:
+            Whether the report was successfully deleted or not.
+        """
+        try:
+            await self.db_pool.simple_delete_one(
+                table="event_reports",
+                keyvalues={"id": report_id},
+                desc="delete_event_report",
+            )
+        except StoreError:
+            # Deletion failed because report does not exist
+            return False
+        return True
 class _BackgroundUpdates:
     REMOVE_TOMESTONED_ROOMS_BG_UPDATE = "remove_tombstoned_rooms_from_directory"
@@ -2139,7 +2160,19 @@ class RoomStore(RoomBackgroundUpdateStore, RoomWorkerStore):
         reason: Optional[str],
         content: JsonDict,
         received_ts: int,
-    ) -> None:
+    ) -> int:
+        """Add an event report
+        Args:
+            room_id: Room that contains the reported event.
+            event_id: The reported event.
+            user_id: User who reports the event.
+            reason: Description that the user specifies.
+            content: Report request body (score and reason).
+            received_ts: Time when the user submitted the report (milliseconds).
+        Returns:
+            Id of the event report.
+        """
         next_id = self._event_reports_id_gen.get_next()
         await self.db_pool.simple_insert(
@@ -2154,6 +2187,7 @@ class RoomStore(RoomBackgroundUpdateStore, RoomWorkerStore):
+        return next_id
     async def get_event_report(self, report_id: int) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
         """Retrieve an event report

+ 141 - 2

@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class EventReportsTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         Try to get an event report without authentication.
-        channel = self.make_request("GET", self.url, b"{}")
+        channel = self.make_request("GET", self.url, {})
         self.assertEqual(401, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
         self.assertEqual(Codes.MISSING_TOKEN, channel.json_body["errcode"])
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ class EventReportDetailTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         Try to get event report without authentication.
-        channel = self.make_request("GET", self.url, b"{}")
+        channel = self.make_request("GET", self.url, {})
         self.assertEqual(401, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
         self.assertEqual(Codes.MISSING_TOKEN, channel.json_body["errcode"])
@@ -599,3 +599,142 @@ class EventReportDetailTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self.assertIn("room_id", content["event_json"])
         self.assertIn("sender", content["event_json"])
         self.assertIn("content", content["event_json"])
+class DeleteEventReportTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
+    servlets = [
+        login.register_servlets,
+    ]
+    def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None:
+        self._store = hs.get_datastores().main
+        self.admin_user = self.register_user("admin", "pass", admin=True)
+        self.admin_user_tok = self.login("admin", "pass")
+        self.other_user = self.register_user("user", "pass")
+        self.other_user_tok = self.login("user", "pass")
+        # create report
+        event_id = self.get_success(
+            self._store.add_event_report(
+                "room_id",
+                "event_id",
+                self.other_user,
+                "this makes me sad",
+                {},
+                self.clock.time_msec(),
+            )
+        )
+        self.url = f"/_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports/{event_id}"
+    def test_no_auth(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Try to delete event report without authentication.
+        """
+        channel = self.make_request("DELETE", self.url)
+        self.assertEqual(401, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
+        self.assertEqual(Codes.MISSING_TOKEN, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+    def test_requester_is_no_admin(self) -> None:
+        """
+        If the user is not a server admin, an error 403 is returned.
+        """
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "DELETE",
+            self.url,
+            access_token=self.other_user_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(403, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
+        self.assertEqual(Codes.FORBIDDEN, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+    def test_delete_success(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Testing delete a report.
+        """
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "DELETE",
+            self.url,
+            access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
+        self.assertEqual({}, channel.json_body)
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "GET",
+            self.url,
+            access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+        )
+        # check that report was deleted
+        self.assertEqual(404, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
+        self.assertEqual(Codes.NOT_FOUND, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+    def test_invalid_report_id(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Testing that an invalid `report_id` returns a 400.
+        """
+        # `report_id` is negative
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "DELETE",
+            "/_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports/-123",
+            access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(400, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
+        self.assertEqual(Codes.INVALID_PARAM, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "The report_id parameter must be a string representing a positive integer.",
+            channel.json_body["error"],
+        )
+        # `report_id` is a non-numerical string
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "DELETE",
+            "/_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports/abcdef",
+            access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(400, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
+        self.assertEqual(Codes.INVALID_PARAM, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "The report_id parameter must be a string representing a positive integer.",
+            channel.json_body["error"],
+        )
+        # `report_id` is undefined
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "DELETE",
+            "/_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports/",
+            access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(400, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
+        self.assertEqual(Codes.INVALID_PARAM, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "The report_id parameter must be a string representing a positive integer.",
+            channel.json_body["error"],
+        )
+    def test_report_id_not_found(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Testing that a not existing `report_id` returns a 404.
+        """
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "DELETE",
+            "/_synapse/admin/v1/event_reports/123",
+            access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(404, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
+        self.assertEqual(Codes.NOT_FOUND, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+        self.assertEqual("Event report not found", channel.json_body["error"])