Browse Source

things we don't need

Amber Brown 5 years ago

+ 6 - 14

@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ from canonicaljson import json
 from twisted.internet import defer
-from synapse.api.errors import StoreError
 from synapse.metrics.background_process_metrics import run_as_background_process
 from import LoggingTransaction, SQLBaseStore
 from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import cachedInlineCallbacks
@@ -851,19 +850,12 @@ class EventPushActionsStore(EventPushActionsWorkerStore):
         return caught_up
     def _rotate_notifs_before_txn(self, txn, rotate_to_stream_ordering):
-        try:
-            old_rotate_stream_ordering = self._simple_select_one_onecol_txn(
-                txn,
-                table="event_push_summary_stream_ordering",
-                keyvalues={},
-                retcol="stream_ordering",
-            )
-        except StoreError as e:
-            if e.code == 404:
-                # The database is empty, assume 0.
-                old_rotate_stream_ordering = 0
-            else:
-                raise
+        old_rotate_stream_ordering = self._simple_select_one_onecol_txn(
+            txn,
+            table="event_push_summary_stream_ordering",
+            keyvalues={},
+            retcol="stream_ordering",
+        )
         # Calculate the new counts that should be upserted into event_push_summary
         sql = """

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
--- add a new unique index to user_ips table
-INSERT INTO background_updates (update_name, progress_json) VALUES
-  ('user_ips_device_unique_index', '{}');

+ 0 - 3186

@@ -1,3186 +0,0 @@
--- PostgreSQL database dump
--- Dumped from database version 11.1
--- Dumped by pg_dump version 11.1
--- Name: access_tokens; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE access_tokens (
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    device_id text,
-    token text NOT NULL,
-    last_used bigint
--- Name: account_data; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE account_data (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    account_data_type text NOT NULL,
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    content text NOT NULL
--- Name: account_data_max_stream_id; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE account_data_max_stream_id (
-    lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL,
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    CONSTRAINT private_user_data_max_stream_id_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar))
--- Name: application_services; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE application_services (
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    url text,
-    token text,
-    hs_token text,
-    sender text
--- Name: application_services_regex; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE application_services_regex (
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    as_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    namespace integer,
-    regex text
--- Name: application_services_state; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE application_services_state (
-    as_id text NOT NULL,
-    state character varying(5),
-    last_txn integer
--- Name: application_services_txns; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE application_services_txns (
-    as_id text NOT NULL,
-    txn_id integer NOT NULL,
-    event_ids text NOT NULL
--- Name: appservice_room_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE appservice_room_list (
-    appservice_id text NOT NULL,
-    network_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: appservice_stream_position; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE appservice_stream_position (
-    lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL,
-    stream_ordering bigint,
-    CONSTRAINT appservice_stream_position_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar))
--- Name: background_updates; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE background_updates (
-    update_name text NOT NULL,
-    progress_json text NOT NULL,
-    depends_on text
--- Name: blocked_rooms; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE blocked_rooms (
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: cache_invalidation_stream; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE cache_invalidation_stream (
-    stream_id bigint,
-    cache_func text,
-    keys text[],
-    invalidation_ts bigint
--- Name: current_state_delta_stream; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE current_state_delta_stream (
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    type text NOT NULL,
-    state_key text NOT NULL,
-    event_id text,
-    prev_event_id text
--- Name: current_state_events; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE current_state_events (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    type text NOT NULL,
-    state_key text NOT NULL
--- Name: current_state_resets; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE current_state_resets (
-    event_stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: deleted_pushers; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE deleted_pushers (
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    app_id text NOT NULL,
-    pushkey text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: destinations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE destinations (
-    destination text NOT NULL,
-    retry_last_ts bigint,
-    retry_interval integer
--- Name: device_federation_inbox; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE device_federation_inbox (
-    origin text NOT NULL,
-    message_id text NOT NULL,
-    received_ts bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: device_federation_outbox; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE device_federation_outbox (
-    destination text NOT NULL,
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    queued_ts bigint NOT NULL,
-    messages_json text NOT NULL
--- Name: device_inbox; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE device_inbox (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    device_id text NOT NULL,
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    message_json text NOT NULL
--- Name: device_lists_outbound_last_success; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE device_lists_outbound_last_success (
-    destination text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: device_lists_outbound_pokes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE device_lists_outbound_pokes (
-    destination text NOT NULL,
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    device_id text NOT NULL,
-    sent boolean NOT NULL,
-    ts bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: device_lists_remote_cache; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE device_lists_remote_cache (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    device_id text NOT NULL,
-    content text NOT NULL
--- Name: device_lists_remote_extremeties; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE device_lists_remote_extremeties (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    stream_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: device_lists_stream; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE device_lists_stream (
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    device_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: device_max_stream_id; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE device_max_stream_id (
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: devices; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE devices (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    device_id text NOT NULL,
-    display_name text
--- Name: e2e_device_keys_json; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE e2e_device_keys_json (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    device_id text NOT NULL,
-    ts_added_ms bigint NOT NULL,
-    key_json text NOT NULL
--- Name: e2e_one_time_keys_json; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE e2e_one_time_keys_json (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    device_id text NOT NULL,
-    algorithm text NOT NULL,
-    key_id text NOT NULL,
-    ts_added_ms bigint NOT NULL,
-    key_json text NOT NULL
--- Name: e2e_room_keys; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE e2e_room_keys (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    session_id text NOT NULL,
-    version bigint NOT NULL,
-    first_message_index integer,
-    forwarded_count integer,
-    is_verified boolean,
-    session_data text NOT NULL
--- Name: e2e_room_keys_versions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE e2e_room_keys_versions (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    version bigint NOT NULL,
-    algorithm text NOT NULL,
-    auth_data text NOT NULL,
-    deleted smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
--- Name: erased_users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE erased_users (
-    user_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: event_auth; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_auth (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    auth_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: event_backward_extremities; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_backward_extremities (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: event_content_hashes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_content_hashes (
-    event_id text,
-    algorithm text,
-    hash bytea
--- Name: event_destinations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_destinations (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    destination text NOT NULL,
-    delivered_ts bigint DEFAULT 0
--- Name: event_edge_hashes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_edge_hashes (
-    event_id text,
-    prev_event_id text,
-    algorithm text,
-    hash bytea
--- Name: event_edges; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_edges (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    prev_event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    is_state boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: event_forward_extremities; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_forward_extremities (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: event_json; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_json (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    internal_metadata text NOT NULL,
-    json text NOT NULL
--- Name: event_push_actions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_push_actions (
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    profile_tag character varying(32),
-    actions text NOT NULL,
-    topological_ordering bigint,
-    stream_ordering bigint,
-    notif smallint,
-    highlight smallint
--- Name: event_push_actions_staging; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_push_actions_staging (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    actions text NOT NULL,
-    notif smallint NOT NULL,
-    highlight smallint NOT NULL
--- Name: event_push_summary; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_push_summary (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    notif_count bigint NOT NULL,
-    stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: event_push_summary_stream_ordering; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_push_summary_stream_ordering (
-    lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL,
-    stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL,
-    CONSTRAINT event_push_summary_stream_ordering_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar))
--- Name: event_reference_hashes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_reference_hashes (
-    event_id text,
-    algorithm text,
-    hash bytea
--- Name: event_reports; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_reports (
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    received_ts bigint NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    reason text,
-    content text
--- Name: event_search; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_search (
-    event_id text,
-    room_id text,
-    sender text,
-    key text,
-    vector tsvector,
-    origin_server_ts bigint,
-    stream_ordering bigint
--- Name: event_signatures; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_signatures (
-    event_id text,
-    signature_name text,
-    key_id text,
-    signature bytea
--- Name: event_to_state_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE event_to_state_groups (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    state_group bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: events; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE events (
-    stream_ordering integer NOT NULL,
-    topological_ordering bigint NOT NULL,
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    type text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    content text,
-    unrecognized_keys text,
-    processed boolean NOT NULL,
-    outlier boolean NOT NULL,
-    depth bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
-    origin_server_ts bigint,
-    received_ts bigint,
-    sender text,
-    contains_url boolean
--- Name: ex_outlier_stream; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE ex_outlier_stream (
-    event_stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL,
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    state_group bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: federation_stream_position; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE federation_stream_position (
-    type text NOT NULL,
-    stream_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: feedback; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE feedback (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    feedback_type text,
-    target_event_id text,
-    sender text,
-    room_id text
--- Name: group_attestations_remote; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE group_attestations_remote (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    valid_until_ms bigint NOT NULL,
-    attestation_json text NOT NULL
--- Name: group_attestations_renewals; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE group_attestations_renewals (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    valid_until_ms bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: group_invites; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE group_invites (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: group_roles; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE group_roles (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    role_id text NOT NULL,
-    profile text NOT NULL,
-    is_public boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: group_room_categories; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE group_room_categories (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    category_id text NOT NULL,
-    profile text NOT NULL,
-    is_public boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: group_rooms; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE group_rooms (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    is_public boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: group_summary_roles; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE group_summary_roles (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    role_id text NOT NULL,
-    role_order bigint NOT NULL,
-    CONSTRAINT group_summary_roles_role_order_check CHECK ((role_order > 0))
--- Name: group_summary_room_categories; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE group_summary_room_categories (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    category_id text NOT NULL,
-    cat_order bigint NOT NULL,
-    CONSTRAINT group_summary_room_categories_cat_order_check CHECK ((cat_order > 0))
--- Name: group_summary_rooms; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE group_summary_rooms (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    category_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_order bigint NOT NULL,
-    is_public boolean NOT NULL,
-    CONSTRAINT group_summary_rooms_room_order_check CHECK ((room_order > 0))
--- Name: group_summary_users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE group_summary_users (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    role_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_order bigint NOT NULL,
-    is_public boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: group_users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE group_users (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    is_admin boolean NOT NULL,
-    is_public boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE groups (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    name text,
-    avatar_url text,
-    short_description text,
-    long_description text,
-    is_public boolean NOT NULL,
-    join_policy text DEFAULT 'invite'::text NOT NULL
--- Name: guest_access; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE guest_access (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    guest_access text NOT NULL
--- Name: history_visibility; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE history_visibility (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    history_visibility text NOT NULL
--- Name: local_group_membership; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE local_group_membership (
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    is_admin boolean NOT NULL,
-    membership text NOT NULL,
-    is_publicised boolean NOT NULL,
-    content text NOT NULL
--- Name: local_group_updates; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE local_group_updates (
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    group_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    type text NOT NULL,
-    content text NOT NULL
--- Name: local_invites; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE local_invites (
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    inviter text NOT NULL,
-    invitee text NOT NULL,
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    locally_rejected text,
-    replaced_by text
--- Name: local_media_repository; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE local_media_repository (
-    media_id text,
-    media_type text,
-    media_length integer,
-    created_ts bigint,
-    upload_name text,
-    user_id text,
-    quarantined_by text,
-    url_cache text,
-    last_access_ts bigint
--- Name: local_media_repository_thumbnails; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE local_media_repository_thumbnails (
-    media_id text,
-    thumbnail_width integer,
-    thumbnail_height integer,
-    thumbnail_type text,
-    thumbnail_method text,
-    thumbnail_length integer
--- Name: local_media_repository_url_cache; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE local_media_repository_url_cache (
-    url text,
-    response_code integer,
-    etag text,
-    expires_ts bigint,
-    og text,
-    media_id text,
-    download_ts bigint
--- Name: monthly_active_users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE monthly_active_users (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    "timestamp" bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: open_id_tokens; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE open_id_tokens (
-    token text NOT NULL,
-    ts_valid_until_ms bigint NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: presence; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE presence (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    state character varying(20),
-    status_msg text,
-    mtime bigint
--- Name: presence_allow_inbound; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE presence_allow_inbound (
-    observed_user_id text NOT NULL,
-    observer_user_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: presence_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE presence_list (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    observed_user_id text NOT NULL,
-    accepted boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: presence_stream; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE presence_stream (
-    stream_id bigint,
-    user_id text,
-    state text,
-    last_active_ts bigint,
-    last_federation_update_ts bigint,
-    last_user_sync_ts bigint,
-    status_msg text,
-    currently_active boolean
--- Name: profiles; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE profiles (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    displayname text,
-    avatar_url text
--- Name: public_room_list_stream; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE public_room_list_stream (
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    visibility boolean NOT NULL,
-    appservice_id text,
-    network_id text
--- Name: push_rules; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE push_rules (
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    user_name text NOT NULL,
-    rule_id text NOT NULL,
-    priority_class smallint NOT NULL,
-    priority integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
-    conditions text NOT NULL,
-    actions text NOT NULL
--- Name: push_rules_enable; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE push_rules_enable (
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    user_name text NOT NULL,
-    rule_id text NOT NULL,
-    enabled smallint
--- Name: push_rules_stream; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE push_rules_stream (
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    event_stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    rule_id text NOT NULL,
-    op text NOT NULL,
-    priority_class smallint,
-    priority integer,
-    conditions text,
-    actions text
--- Name: pusher_throttle; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE pusher_throttle (
-    pusher bigint NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    last_sent_ts bigint,
-    throttle_ms bigint
--- Name: pushers; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE pushers (
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    user_name text NOT NULL,
-    access_token bigint,
-    profile_tag text NOT NULL,
-    kind text NOT NULL,
-    app_id text NOT NULL,
-    app_display_name text NOT NULL,
-    device_display_name text NOT NULL,
-    pushkey text NOT NULL,
-    ts bigint NOT NULL,
-    lang text,
-    data text,
-    last_stream_ordering integer,
-    last_success bigint,
-    failing_since bigint
--- Name: ratelimit_override; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE ratelimit_override (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    messages_per_second bigint,
-    burst_count bigint
--- Name: receipts_graph; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE receipts_graph (
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    receipt_type text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    event_ids text NOT NULL,
-    data text NOT NULL
--- Name: receipts_linearized; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE receipts_linearized (
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    receipt_type text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    data text NOT NULL
--- Name: received_transactions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE received_transactions (
-    transaction_id text,
-    origin text,
-    ts bigint,
-    response_code integer,
-    response_json bytea,
-    has_been_referenced smallint DEFAULT 0
--- Name: redactions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE redactions (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    redacts text NOT NULL
--- Name: rejections; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE rejections (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    reason text NOT NULL,
-    last_check text NOT NULL
--- Name: remote_media_cache; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE remote_media_cache (
-    media_origin text,
-    media_id text,
-    media_type text,
-    created_ts bigint,
-    upload_name text,
-    media_length integer,
-    filesystem_id text,
-    last_access_ts bigint,
-    quarantined_by text
--- Name: remote_media_cache_thumbnails; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE remote_media_cache_thumbnails (
-    media_origin text,
-    media_id text,
-    thumbnail_width integer,
-    thumbnail_height integer,
-    thumbnail_method text,
-    thumbnail_type text,
-    thumbnail_length integer,
-    filesystem_id text
--- Name: remote_profile_cache; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE remote_profile_cache (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    displayname text,
-    avatar_url text,
-    last_check bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: room_account_data; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE room_account_data (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    account_data_type text NOT NULL,
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
-    content text NOT NULL
--- Name: room_alias_servers; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE room_alias_servers (
-    room_alias text NOT NULL,
-    server text NOT NULL
--- Name: room_aliases; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE room_aliases (
-    room_alias text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    creator text
--- Name: room_depth; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE room_depth (
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    min_depth integer NOT NULL
--- Name: room_hosts; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE room_hosts (
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    host text NOT NULL
--- Name: room_memberships; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE room_memberships (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    sender text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    membership text NOT NULL,
-    forgotten integer DEFAULT 0,
-    display_name text,
-    avatar_url text
--- Name: room_names; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE room_names (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    name text NOT NULL
--- Name: room_tags; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE room_tags (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    tag text NOT NULL,
-    content text NOT NULL
--- Name: room_tags_revisions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE room_tags_revisions (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    stream_id bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: rooms; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    is_public boolean,
-    creator text
--- Name: server_keys_json; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE server_keys_json (
-    server_name text NOT NULL,
-    key_id text NOT NULL,
-    from_server text NOT NULL,
-    ts_added_ms bigint NOT NULL,
-    ts_valid_until_ms bigint NOT NULL,
-    key_json bytea NOT NULL
--- Name: server_signature_keys; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE server_signature_keys (
-    server_name text,
-    key_id text,
-    from_server text,
-    ts_added_ms bigint,
-    verify_key bytea
--- Name: server_tls_certificates; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE server_tls_certificates (
-    server_name text,
-    fingerprint text,
-    from_server text,
-    ts_added_ms bigint,
-    tls_certificate bytea
--- Name: state_events; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE state_events (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    type text NOT NULL,
-    state_key text NOT NULL,
-    prev_state text
--- Name: state_forward_extremities; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE state_forward_extremities (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    type text NOT NULL,
-    state_key text NOT NULL
--- Name: state_group_edges; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE state_group_edges (
-    state_group bigint NOT NULL,
-    prev_state_group bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: state_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE state_group_id_seq
-    CACHE 1;
--- Name: state_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE state_groups (
-    id bigint NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    event_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: state_groups_state; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE state_groups_state (
-    state_group bigint NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    type text NOT NULL,
-    state_key text NOT NULL,
-    event_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: stats_reporting; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE stats_reporting (
-    reported_stream_token integer,
-    reported_time bigint
--- Name: stream_ordering_to_exterm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE stream_ordering_to_exterm (
-    stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    event_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: threepid_guest_access_tokens; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE threepid_guest_access_tokens (
-    medium text,
-    address text,
-    guest_access_token text,
-    first_inviter text
--- Name: topics; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE topics (
-    event_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    topic text NOT NULL
--- Name: transaction_id_to_pdu; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE transaction_id_to_pdu (
-    transaction_id integer,
-    destination text,
-    pdu_id text,
-    pdu_origin text
--- Name: user_daily_visits; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE user_daily_visits (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    device_id text,
-    "timestamp" bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: user_directory; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE user_directory (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text,
-    display_name text,
-    avatar_url text
--- Name: user_directory_search; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE user_directory_search (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    vector tsvector
--- Name: user_directory_stream_pos; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE user_directory_stream_pos (
-    lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL,
-    stream_id bigint,
-    CONSTRAINT user_directory_stream_pos_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar))
--- Name: user_filters; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE user_filters (
-    user_id text,
-    filter_id bigint,
-    filter_json bytea
--- Name: user_ips; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE user_ips (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    access_token text NOT NULL,
-    device_id text,
-    ip text NOT NULL,
-    user_agent text NOT NULL,
-    last_seen bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: user_threepids; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE user_threepids (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    medium text NOT NULL,
-    address text NOT NULL,
-    validated_at bigint NOT NULL,
-    added_at bigint NOT NULL
--- Name: users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    name text,
-    password_hash text,
-    creation_ts bigint,
-    admin smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
-    upgrade_ts bigint,
-    is_guest smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
-    appservice_id text,
-    consent_version text,
-    consent_server_notice_sent text,
-    user_type text
--- Name: users_in_public_rooms; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE users_in_public_rooms (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: users_pending_deactivation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE users_pending_deactivation (
-    user_id text NOT NULL
--- Name: users_who_share_rooms; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE users_who_share_rooms (
-    user_id text NOT NULL,
-    other_user_id text NOT NULL,
-    room_id text NOT NULL,
-    share_private boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: access_tokens access_tokens_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY access_tokens
-    ADD CONSTRAINT access_tokens_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: access_tokens access_tokens_token_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY access_tokens
-    ADD CONSTRAINT access_tokens_token_key UNIQUE (token);
--- Name: account_data account_data_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY account_data
-    ADD CONSTRAINT account_data_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, account_data_type);
--- Name: application_services application_services_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY application_services
-    ADD CONSTRAINT application_services_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: application_services_regex application_services_regex_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY application_services_regex
-    ADD CONSTRAINT application_services_regex_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: application_services_state application_services_state_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY application_services_state
-    ADD CONSTRAINT application_services_state_pkey PRIMARY KEY (as_id);
--- Name: application_services application_services_token_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY application_services
-    ADD CONSTRAINT application_services_token_key UNIQUE (token);
--- Name: application_services_txns application_services_txns_as_id_txn_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY application_services_txns
-    ADD CONSTRAINT application_services_txns_as_id_txn_id_key UNIQUE (as_id, txn_id);
--- Name: appservice_stream_position appservice_stream_position_lock_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY appservice_stream_position
-    ADD CONSTRAINT appservice_stream_position_lock_key UNIQUE (lock);
--- Name: background_updates background_updates_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY background_updates
-    ADD CONSTRAINT background_updates_uniqueness UNIQUE (update_name);
--- Name: current_state_events current_state_events_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY current_state_events
-    ADD CONSTRAINT current_state_events_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: current_state_events current_state_events_room_id_type_state_key_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY current_state_events
-    ADD CONSTRAINT current_state_events_room_id_type_state_key_key UNIQUE (room_id, type, state_key);
--- Name: current_state_resets current_state_resets_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY current_state_resets
-    ADD CONSTRAINT current_state_resets_pkey PRIMARY KEY (event_stream_ordering);
--- Name: destinations destinations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY destinations
-    ADD CONSTRAINT destinations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (destination);
--- Name: devices device_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT device_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, device_id);
--- Name: e2e_device_keys_json e2e_device_keys_json_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY e2e_device_keys_json
-    ADD CONSTRAINT e2e_device_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, device_id);
--- Name: e2e_one_time_keys_json e2e_one_time_keys_json_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY e2e_one_time_keys_json
-    ADD CONSTRAINT e2e_one_time_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, device_id, algorithm, key_id);
--- Name: event_backward_extremities event_backward_extremities_event_id_room_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_backward_extremities
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_backward_extremities_event_id_room_id_key UNIQUE (event_id, room_id);
--- Name: event_content_hashes event_content_hashes_event_id_algorithm_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_content_hashes
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_content_hashes_event_id_algorithm_key UNIQUE (event_id, algorithm);
--- Name: event_destinations event_destinations_event_id_destination_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_destinations
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_destinations_event_id_destination_key UNIQUE (event_id, destination);
--- Name: event_edge_hashes event_edge_hashes_event_id_prev_event_id_algorithm_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_edge_hashes
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_edge_hashes_event_id_prev_event_id_algorithm_key UNIQUE (event_id, prev_event_id, algorithm);
--- Name: event_edges event_edges_event_id_prev_event_id_room_id_is_state_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_edges
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_edges_event_id_prev_event_id_room_id_is_state_key UNIQUE (event_id, prev_event_id, room_id, is_state);
--- Name: event_forward_extremities event_forward_extremities_event_id_room_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_forward_extremities
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_forward_extremities_event_id_room_id_key UNIQUE (event_id, room_id);
--- Name: event_push_actions event_id_user_id_profile_tag_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_push_actions
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_id_user_id_profile_tag_uniqueness UNIQUE (room_id, event_id, user_id, profile_tag);
--- Name: event_json event_json_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_json
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_json_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: event_push_summary_stream_ordering event_push_summary_stream_ordering_lock_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_push_summary_stream_ordering
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_push_summary_stream_ordering_lock_key UNIQUE (lock);
--- Name: event_reference_hashes event_reference_hashes_event_id_algorithm_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_reference_hashes
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_reference_hashes_event_id_algorithm_key UNIQUE (event_id, algorithm);
--- Name: event_reports event_reports_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_reports
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_reports_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: event_signatures event_signatures_event_id_signature_name_key_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_signatures
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_signatures_event_id_signature_name_key_id_key UNIQUE (event_id, signature_name, key_id);
--- Name: event_to_state_groups event_to_state_groups_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY event_to_state_groups
-    ADD CONSTRAINT event_to_state_groups_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: events events_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT events_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: events events_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT events_pkey PRIMARY KEY (stream_ordering);
--- Name: ex_outlier_stream ex_outlier_stream_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY ex_outlier_stream
-    ADD CONSTRAINT ex_outlier_stream_pkey PRIMARY KEY (event_stream_ordering);
--- Name: feedback feedback_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT feedback_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: group_roles group_roles_group_id_role_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY group_roles
-    ADD CONSTRAINT group_roles_group_id_role_id_key UNIQUE (group_id, role_id);
--- Name: group_room_categories group_room_categories_group_id_category_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY group_room_categories
-    ADD CONSTRAINT group_room_categories_group_id_category_id_key UNIQUE (group_id, category_id);
--- Name: group_summary_roles group_summary_roles_group_id_role_id_role_order_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY group_summary_roles
-    ADD CONSTRAINT group_summary_roles_group_id_role_id_role_order_key UNIQUE (group_id, role_id, role_order);
--- Name: group_summary_room_categories group_summary_room_categories_group_id_category_id_cat_orde_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY group_summary_room_categories
-    ADD CONSTRAINT group_summary_room_categories_group_id_category_id_cat_orde_key UNIQUE (group_id, category_id, cat_order);
--- Name: group_summary_rooms group_summary_rooms_group_id_category_id_room_id_room_order_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY group_summary_rooms
-    ADD CONSTRAINT group_summary_rooms_group_id_category_id_room_id_room_order_key UNIQUE (group_id, category_id, room_id, room_order);
--- Name: guest_access guest_access_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY guest_access
-    ADD CONSTRAINT guest_access_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: history_visibility history_visibility_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY history_visibility
-    ADD CONSTRAINT history_visibility_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: local_media_repository local_media_repository_media_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY local_media_repository
-    ADD CONSTRAINT local_media_repository_media_id_key UNIQUE (media_id);
--- Name: local_media_repository_thumbnails local_media_repository_thumbn_media_id_thumbnail_width_thum_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY local_media_repository_thumbnails
-    ADD CONSTRAINT local_media_repository_thumbn_media_id_thumbnail_width_thum_key UNIQUE (media_id, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, thumbnail_type);
--- Name: user_threepids medium_address; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY user_threepids
-    ADD CONSTRAINT medium_address UNIQUE (medium, address);
--- Name: open_id_tokens open_id_tokens_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY open_id_tokens
-    ADD CONSTRAINT open_id_tokens_pkey PRIMARY KEY (token);
--- Name: presence_allow_inbound presence_allow_inbound_observed_user_id_observer_user_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY presence_allow_inbound
-    ADD CONSTRAINT presence_allow_inbound_observed_user_id_observer_user_id_key UNIQUE (observed_user_id, observer_user_id);
--- Name: presence_list presence_list_user_id_observed_user_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY presence_list
-    ADD CONSTRAINT presence_list_user_id_observed_user_id_key UNIQUE (user_id, observed_user_id);
--- Name: presence presence_user_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT presence_user_id_key UNIQUE (user_id);
--- Name: account_data_max_stream_id private_user_data_max_stream_id_lock_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY account_data_max_stream_id
-    ADD CONSTRAINT private_user_data_max_stream_id_lock_key UNIQUE (lock);
--- Name: profiles profiles_user_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT profiles_user_id_key UNIQUE (user_id);
--- Name: push_rules_enable push_rules_enable_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY push_rules_enable
-    ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_enable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: push_rules_enable push_rules_enable_user_name_rule_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY push_rules_enable
-    ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_enable_user_name_rule_id_key UNIQUE (user_name, rule_id);
--- Name: push_rules push_rules_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY push_rules
-    ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: push_rules push_rules_user_name_rule_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY push_rules
-    ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_user_name_rule_id_key UNIQUE (user_name, rule_id);
--- Name: pusher_throttle pusher_throttle_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY pusher_throttle
-    ADD CONSTRAINT pusher_throttle_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pusher, room_id);
--- Name: pushers pushers2_app_id_pushkey_user_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT pushers2_app_id_pushkey_user_name_key UNIQUE (app_id, pushkey, user_name);
--- Name: pushers pushers2_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT pushers2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: receipts_graph receipts_graph_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY receipts_graph
-    ADD CONSTRAINT receipts_graph_uniqueness UNIQUE (room_id, receipt_type, user_id);
--- Name: receipts_linearized receipts_linearized_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY receipts_linearized
-    ADD CONSTRAINT receipts_linearized_uniqueness UNIQUE (room_id, receipt_type, user_id);
--- Name: received_transactions received_transactions_transaction_id_origin_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY received_transactions
-    ADD CONSTRAINT received_transactions_transaction_id_origin_key UNIQUE (transaction_id, origin);
--- Name: redactions redactions_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY redactions
-    ADD CONSTRAINT redactions_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: rejections rejections_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY rejections
-    ADD CONSTRAINT rejections_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: remote_media_cache remote_media_cache_media_origin_media_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY remote_media_cache
-    ADD CONSTRAINT remote_media_cache_media_origin_media_id_key UNIQUE (media_origin, media_id);
--- Name: remote_media_cache_thumbnails remote_media_cache_thumbnails_media_origin_media_id_thumbna_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY remote_media_cache_thumbnails
-    ADD CONSTRAINT remote_media_cache_thumbnails_media_origin_media_id_thumbna_key UNIQUE (media_origin, media_id, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, thumbnail_type);
--- Name: room_account_data room_account_data_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY room_account_data
-    ADD CONSTRAINT room_account_data_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, room_id, account_data_type);
--- Name: room_aliases room_aliases_room_alias_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY room_aliases
-    ADD CONSTRAINT room_aliases_room_alias_key UNIQUE (room_alias);
--- Name: room_depth room_depth_room_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY room_depth
-    ADD CONSTRAINT room_depth_room_id_key UNIQUE (room_id);
--- Name: room_hosts room_hosts_room_id_host_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY room_hosts
-    ADD CONSTRAINT room_hosts_room_id_host_key UNIQUE (room_id, host);
--- Name: room_memberships room_memberships_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY room_memberships
-    ADD CONSTRAINT room_memberships_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: room_names room_names_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY room_names
-    ADD CONSTRAINT room_names_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: room_tags_revisions room_tag_revisions_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY room_tags_revisions
-    ADD CONSTRAINT room_tag_revisions_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, room_id);
--- Name: room_tags room_tag_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT room_tag_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, room_id, tag);
--- Name: rooms rooms_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT rooms_pkey PRIMARY KEY (room_id);
--- Name: server_keys_json server_keys_json_uniqueness; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY server_keys_json
-    ADD CONSTRAINT server_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE (server_name, key_id, from_server);
--- Name: server_signature_keys server_signature_keys_server_name_key_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY server_signature_keys
-    ADD CONSTRAINT server_signature_keys_server_name_key_id_key UNIQUE (server_name, key_id);
--- Name: server_tls_certificates server_tls_certificates_server_name_fingerprint_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY server_tls_certificates
-    ADD CONSTRAINT server_tls_certificates_server_name_fingerprint_key UNIQUE (server_name, fingerprint);
--- Name: state_events state_events_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY state_events
-    ADD CONSTRAINT state_events_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: state_forward_extremities state_forward_extremities_event_id_room_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY state_forward_extremities
-    ADD CONSTRAINT state_forward_extremities_event_id_room_id_key UNIQUE (event_id, room_id);
--- Name: state_groups state_groups_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY state_groups
-    ADD CONSTRAINT state_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: topics topics_event_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT topics_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
--- Name: transaction_id_to_pdu transaction_id_to_pdu_transaction_id_destination_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY transaction_id_to_pdu
-    ADD CONSTRAINT transaction_id_to_pdu_transaction_id_destination_key UNIQUE (transaction_id, destination);
--- Name: user_directory_stream_pos user_directory_stream_pos_lock_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY user_directory_stream_pos
-    ADD CONSTRAINT user_directory_stream_pos_lock_key UNIQUE (lock);
--- Name: users users_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-    ADD CONSTRAINT users_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: access_tokens_device_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX access_tokens_device_id ON access_tokens USING btree (user_id, device_id);
--- Name: account_data_stream_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX account_data_stream_id ON account_data USING btree (user_id, stream_id);
--- Name: application_services_txns_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX application_services_txns_id ON application_services_txns USING btree (as_id);
--- Name: appservice_room_list_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX appservice_room_list_idx ON appservice_room_list USING btree (appservice_id, network_id, room_id);
--- Name: blocked_rooms_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX blocked_rooms_idx ON blocked_rooms USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: cache_invalidation_stream_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX cache_invalidation_stream_id ON cache_invalidation_stream USING btree (stream_id);
--- Name: current_state_delta_stream_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX current_state_delta_stream_idx ON current_state_delta_stream USING btree (stream_id);
--- Name: current_state_events_member_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX current_state_events_member_index ON current_state_events USING btree (state_key) WHERE (type = ''::text);
--- Name: deleted_pushers_stream_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX deleted_pushers_stream_id ON deleted_pushers USING btree (stream_id);
--- Name: device_federation_inbox_sender_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX device_federation_inbox_sender_id ON device_federation_inbox USING btree (origin, message_id);
--- Name: device_federation_outbox_destination_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX device_federation_outbox_destination_id ON device_federation_outbox USING btree (destination, stream_id);
--- Name: device_federation_outbox_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX device_federation_outbox_id ON device_federation_outbox USING btree (stream_id);
--- Name: device_inbox_stream_id_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX device_inbox_stream_id_user_id ON device_inbox USING btree (stream_id, user_id);
--- Name: device_inbox_user_stream_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX device_inbox_user_stream_id ON device_inbox USING btree (user_id, device_id, stream_id);
--- Name: device_lists_outbound_last_success_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_last_success_idx ON device_lists_outbound_last_success USING btree (destination, user_id, stream_id);
--- Name: device_lists_outbound_pokes_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_id ON device_lists_outbound_pokes USING btree (destination, stream_id);
--- Name: device_lists_outbound_pokes_stream; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_stream ON device_lists_outbound_pokes USING btree (stream_id);
--- Name: device_lists_outbound_pokes_user; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_user ON device_lists_outbound_pokes USING btree (destination, user_id);
--- Name: device_lists_remote_cache_unique_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX device_lists_remote_cache_unique_id ON device_lists_remote_cache USING btree (user_id, device_id);
--- Name: device_lists_remote_extremeties_unique_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX device_lists_remote_extremeties_unique_idx ON device_lists_remote_extremeties USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: device_lists_stream_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_stream_id ON device_lists_stream USING btree (stream_id, user_id);
--- Name: device_lists_stream_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_stream_user_id ON device_lists_stream USING btree (user_id, device_id);
--- Name: e2e_room_keys_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX e2e_room_keys_idx ON e2e_room_keys USING btree (user_id, room_id, session_id);
--- Name: e2e_room_keys_versions_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX e2e_room_keys_versions_idx ON e2e_room_keys_versions USING btree (user_id, version);
--- Name: erased_users_user; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX erased_users_user ON erased_users USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: ev_b_extrem_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX ev_b_extrem_id ON event_backward_extremities USING btree (event_id);
--- Name: ev_b_extrem_room; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX ev_b_extrem_room ON event_backward_extremities USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: ev_edges_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX ev_edges_id ON event_edges USING btree (event_id);
--- Name: ev_edges_prev_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX ev_edges_prev_id ON event_edges USING btree (prev_event_id);
--- Name: ev_extrem_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX ev_extrem_id ON event_forward_extremities USING btree (event_id);
--- Name: ev_extrem_room; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX ev_extrem_room ON event_forward_extremities USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: evauth_edges_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX evauth_edges_id ON event_auth USING btree (event_id);
--- Name: event_contains_url_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_contains_url_index ON events USING btree (room_id, topological_ordering, stream_ordering) WHERE ((contains_url = true) AND (outlier = false));
--- Name: event_json_room_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_json_room_id ON event_json USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: event_push_actions_highlights_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_highlights_index ON event_push_actions USING btree (user_id, room_id, topological_ordering, stream_ordering) WHERE (highlight = 1);
--- Name: event_push_actions_rm_tokens; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_rm_tokens ON event_push_actions USING btree (user_id, room_id, topological_ordering, stream_ordering);
--- Name: event_push_actions_room_id_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_room_id_user_id ON event_push_actions USING btree (room_id, user_id);
--- Name: event_push_actions_staging_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_staging_id ON event_push_actions_staging USING btree (event_id);
--- Name: event_push_actions_stream_ordering; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_stream_ordering ON event_push_actions USING btree (stream_ordering, user_id);
--- Name: event_push_actions_u_highlight; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_u_highlight ON event_push_actions USING btree (user_id, stream_ordering);
--- Name: event_push_summary_user_rm; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_push_summary_user_rm ON event_push_summary USING btree (user_id, room_id);
--- Name: event_reference_hashes_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_reference_hashes_id ON event_reference_hashes USING btree (event_id);
--- Name: event_search_ev_ridx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_search_ev_ridx ON event_search USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: event_search_event_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_search_event_id_idx ON event_search USING btree (event_id);
--- Name: event_search_fts_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_search_fts_idx ON event_search USING gin (vector);
--- Name: event_to_state_groups_sg_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX event_to_state_groups_sg_index ON event_to_state_groups USING btree (state_group);
--- Name: events_order_room; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX events_order_room ON events USING btree (room_id, topological_ordering, stream_ordering);
--- Name: events_room_stream; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX events_room_stream ON events USING btree (room_id, stream_ordering);
--- Name: events_ts; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX events_ts ON events USING btree (origin_server_ts, stream_ordering);
--- Name: group_attestations_remote_g_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_remote_g_idx ON group_attestations_remote USING btree (group_id, user_id);
--- Name: group_attestations_remote_u_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_remote_u_idx ON group_attestations_remote USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: group_attestations_remote_v_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_remote_v_idx ON group_attestations_remote USING btree (valid_until_ms);
--- Name: group_attestations_renewals_g_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_renewals_g_idx ON group_attestations_renewals USING btree (group_id, user_id);
--- Name: group_attestations_renewals_u_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_renewals_u_idx ON group_attestations_renewals USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: group_attestations_renewals_v_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_renewals_v_idx ON group_attestations_renewals USING btree (valid_until_ms);
--- Name: group_invites_g_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_invites_g_idx ON group_invites USING btree (group_id, user_id);
--- Name: group_invites_u_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX group_invites_u_idx ON group_invites USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: group_rooms_g_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_rooms_g_idx ON group_rooms USING btree (group_id, room_id);
--- Name: group_rooms_r_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX group_rooms_r_idx ON group_rooms USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: group_summary_rooms_g_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_summary_rooms_g_idx ON group_summary_rooms USING btree (group_id, room_id, category_id);
--- Name: group_summary_users_g_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX group_summary_users_g_idx ON group_summary_users USING btree (group_id);
--- Name: group_users_g_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_users_g_idx ON group_users USING btree (group_id, user_id);
--- Name: group_users_u_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX group_users_u_idx ON group_users USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: groups_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX groups_idx ON groups USING btree (group_id);
--- Name: local_group_membership_g_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX local_group_membership_g_idx ON local_group_membership USING btree (group_id);
--- Name: local_group_membership_u_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX local_group_membership_u_idx ON local_group_membership USING btree (user_id, group_id);
--- Name: local_invites_for_user_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX local_invites_for_user_idx ON local_invites USING btree (invitee, locally_rejected, replaced_by, room_id);
--- Name: local_invites_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX local_invites_id ON local_invites USING btree (stream_id);
--- Name: local_media_repository_thumbnails_media_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_thumbnails_media_id ON local_media_repository_thumbnails USING btree (media_id);
--- Name: local_media_repository_url_cache_by_url_download_ts; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_by_url_download_ts ON local_media_repository_url_cache USING btree (url, download_ts);
--- Name: local_media_repository_url_cache_expires_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_expires_idx ON local_media_repository_url_cache USING btree (expires_ts);
--- Name: local_media_repository_url_cache_media_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_media_idx ON local_media_repository_url_cache USING btree (media_id);
--- Name: local_media_repository_url_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_idx ON local_media_repository USING btree (created_ts) WHERE (url_cache IS NOT NULL);
--- Name: monthly_active_users_time_stamp; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX monthly_active_users_time_stamp ON monthly_active_users USING btree ("timestamp");
--- Name: monthly_active_users_users; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX monthly_active_users_users ON monthly_active_users USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: open_id_tokens_ts_valid_until_ms; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX open_id_tokens_ts_valid_until_ms ON open_id_tokens USING btree (ts_valid_until_ms);
--- Name: presence_list_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX presence_list_user_id ON presence_list USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: presence_stream_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX presence_stream_id ON presence_stream USING btree (stream_id, user_id);
--- Name: presence_stream_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX presence_stream_user_id ON presence_stream USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: public_room_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX public_room_index ON rooms USING btree (is_public);
--- Name: public_room_list_stream_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX public_room_list_stream_idx ON public_room_list_stream USING btree (stream_id);
--- Name: public_room_list_stream_rm_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX public_room_list_stream_rm_idx ON public_room_list_stream USING btree (room_id, stream_id);
--- Name: push_rules_enable_user_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX push_rules_enable_user_name ON push_rules_enable USING btree (user_name);
--- Name: push_rules_stream_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX push_rules_stream_id ON push_rules_stream USING btree (stream_id);
--- Name: push_rules_stream_user_stream_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX push_rules_stream_user_stream_id ON push_rules_stream USING btree (user_id, stream_id);
--- Name: push_rules_user_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX push_rules_user_name ON push_rules USING btree (user_name);
--- Name: ratelimit_override_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ratelimit_override_idx ON ratelimit_override USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: receipts_linearized_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_id ON receipts_linearized USING btree (stream_id);
--- Name: receipts_linearized_room_stream; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_room_stream ON receipts_linearized USING btree (room_id, stream_id);
--- Name: receipts_linearized_user; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_user ON receipts_linearized USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: received_transactions_ts; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX received_transactions_ts ON received_transactions USING btree (ts);
--- Name: redactions_redacts; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX redactions_redacts ON redactions USING btree (redacts);
--- Name: remote_profile_cache_time; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX remote_profile_cache_time ON remote_profile_cache USING btree (last_check);
--- Name: remote_profile_cache_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX remote_profile_cache_user_id ON remote_profile_cache USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: room_account_data_stream_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX room_account_data_stream_id ON room_account_data USING btree (user_id, stream_id);
--- Name: room_alias_servers_alias; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX room_alias_servers_alias ON room_alias_servers USING btree (room_alias);
--- Name: room_aliases_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX room_aliases_id ON room_aliases USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: room_depth_room; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX room_depth_room ON room_depth USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: room_memberships_room_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX room_memberships_room_id ON room_memberships USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: room_memberships_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX room_memberships_user_id ON room_memberships USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: room_names_room_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX room_names_room_id ON room_names USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: st_extrem_keys; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX st_extrem_keys ON state_forward_extremities USING btree (room_id, type, state_key);
--- Name: state_group_edges_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX state_group_edges_idx ON state_group_edges USING btree (state_group);
--- Name: state_group_edges_prev_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX state_group_edges_prev_idx ON state_group_edges USING btree (prev_state_group);
--- Name: state_groups_state_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX state_groups_state_type_idx ON state_groups_state USING btree (state_group, type, state_key);
--- Name: stream_ordering_to_exterm_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX stream_ordering_to_exterm_idx ON stream_ordering_to_exterm USING btree (stream_ordering);
--- Name: stream_ordering_to_exterm_rm_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX stream_ordering_to_exterm_rm_idx ON stream_ordering_to_exterm USING btree (room_id, stream_ordering);
--- Name: threepid_guest_access_tokens_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX threepid_guest_access_tokens_index ON threepid_guest_access_tokens USING btree (medium, address);
--- Name: topics_room_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX topics_room_id ON topics USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: transaction_id_to_pdu_dest; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX transaction_id_to_pdu_dest ON transaction_id_to_pdu USING btree (destination);
--- Name: user_daily_visits_ts_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX user_daily_visits_ts_idx ON user_daily_visits USING btree ("timestamp");
--- Name: user_daily_visits_uts_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX user_daily_visits_uts_idx ON user_daily_visits USING btree (user_id, "timestamp");
--- Name: user_directory_room_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX user_directory_room_idx ON user_directory USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: user_directory_search_fts_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX user_directory_search_fts_idx ON user_directory_search USING gin (vector);
--- Name: user_directory_search_user_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_directory_search_user_idx ON user_directory_search USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: user_directory_user_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_directory_user_idx ON user_directory USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: user_filters_by_user_id_filter_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX user_filters_by_user_id_filter_id ON user_filters USING btree (user_id, filter_id);
--- Name: user_ips_device_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX user_ips_device_id ON user_ips USING btree (user_id, device_id, last_seen);
--- Name: user_ips_device_unique_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_ips_device_unique_id ON user_ips USING btree (user_id, access_token, ip, user_agent, device_id);
--- Name: user_ips_last_seen; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX user_ips_last_seen ON user_ips USING btree (user_id, last_seen);
--- Name: user_ips_last_seen_only; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX user_ips_last_seen_only ON user_ips USING btree (last_seen);
--- Name: user_ips_user_ip; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX user_ips_user_ip ON user_ips USING btree (user_id, access_token, ip);
--- Name: user_threepids_medium_address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX user_threepids_medium_address ON user_threepids USING btree (medium, address);
--- Name: user_threepids_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX user_threepids_user_id ON user_threepids USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: users_creation_ts; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX users_creation_ts ON users USING btree (creation_ts);
--- Name: users_in_public_rooms_room_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX users_in_public_rooms_room_idx ON users_in_public_rooms USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: users_in_public_rooms_user_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_in_public_rooms_user_idx ON users_in_public_rooms USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: users_who_share_rooms_o_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX users_who_share_rooms_o_idx ON users_who_share_rooms USING btree (other_user_id);
--- Name: users_who_share_rooms_r_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX users_who_share_rooms_r_idx ON users_who_share_rooms USING btree (room_id);
--- Name: users_who_share_rooms_u_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_who_share_rooms_u_idx ON users_who_share_rooms USING btree (user_id, other_user_id);
--- Name: application_services_regex application_services_regex_as_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY application_services_regex
-    ADD CONSTRAINT application_services_regex_as_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (as_id) REFERENCES application_services(id);
--- PostgreSQL database dump complete

+ 0 - 1203

@@ -1,1203 +0,0 @@
-CREATE TABLE application_services(
-  url TEXT,
-  token TEXT,
-  hs_token TEXT,
-  sender TEXT,
-  UNIQUE(token)
-CREATE TABLE application_services_regex(
-  namespace INTEGER,
-  regex TEXT,
-  FOREIGN KEY(as_id) REFERENCES application_services(id)
-CREATE TABLE application_services_state(
-  state VARCHAR(5),
-  last_txn INTEGER
-CREATE TABLE application_services_txns(
-  as_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  event_ids TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(as_id, txn_id)
-CREATE INDEX application_services_txns_id ON application_services_txns(as_id);
-CREATE TABLE presence(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  state VARCHAR(20),
-  status_msg TEXT,
-  mtime BIGINT,
-  UNIQUE(user_id)
-CREATE TABLE presence_allow_inbound(
-  observed_user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  observer_user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(observed_user_id, observer_user_id)
-CREATE TABLE presence_list(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  observed_user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  accepted BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(user_id, observed_user_id)
-CREATE INDEX presence_list_user_id ON presence_list(user_id);
-  name TEXT,
-  password_hash TEXT,
-  creation_ts BIGINT,
-  upgrade_ts BIGINT,
-  appservice_id TEXT,
-  consent_version TEXT,
-  consent_server_notice_sent TEXT,
-  user_type TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(name)
-CREATE TABLE access_tokens(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  device_id TEXT,
-  token TEXT NOT NULL,
-  last_used BIGINT,
-  UNIQUE(token)
-CREATE TABLE user_ips(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  access_token TEXT NOT NULL,
-  device_id TEXT,
-  user_agent TEXT NOT NULL,
-  last_seen BIGINT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX user_ips_user_ip ON user_ips(user_id, access_token, ip);
-CREATE TABLE profiles(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  displayname TEXT,
-  avatar_url TEXT,
-  UNIQUE(user_id)
-CREATE TABLE received_transactions(
-  transaction_id TEXT,
-  origin TEXT,
-  ts BIGINT,
-  response_code INTEGER,
-  response_json bytea,
-  has_been_referenced smallint default 0,
-  UNIQUE(transaction_id, origin)
-CREATE TABLE transaction_id_to_pdu(
-  transaction_id INTEGER,
-  destination TEXT,
-  pdu_id TEXT,
-  pdu_origin TEXT,
-  UNIQUE(transaction_id, destination)
-CREATE INDEX transaction_id_to_pdu_dest ON transaction_id_to_pdu(destination);
-CREATE TABLE destinations(
-  destination TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
-  retry_last_ts BIGINT,
-  retry_interval INTEGER
-  stream_ordering INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
-  topological_ordering BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  content TEXT,
-  unrecognized_keys TEXT,
-  processed BOOL NOT NULL,
-  outlier BOOL NOT NULL,
-  origin_server_ts BIGINT,
-  received_ts BIGINT,
-  sender TEXT,
-  contains_url BOOLEAN,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-CREATE INDEX events_order_room ON events(
-  room_id,
-  topological_ordering,
-  stream_ordering
-CREATE TABLE event_json(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  internal_metadata TEXT NOT NULL,
-  json TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-CREATE INDEX event_json_room_id ON event_json(room_id);
-CREATE TABLE state_events(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  state_key TEXT NOT NULL,
-  prev_state TEXT,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-CREATE TABLE current_state_events(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  state_key TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id),
-  UNIQUE(room_id, type, state_key)
-CREATE TABLE room_memberships(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  sender TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  membership TEXT NOT NULL,
-  forgotten INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
-  display_name TEXT,
-  avatar_url TEXT,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-CREATE INDEX room_memberships_room_id ON room_memberships(room_id);
-CREATE INDEX room_memberships_user_id ON room_memberships(user_id);
-CREATE TABLE feedback(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  feedback_type TEXT,
-  target_event_id TEXT,
-  sender TEXT,
-  room_id TEXT,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  topic TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-CREATE INDEX topics_room_id ON topics(room_id);
-CREATE TABLE room_names(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  name TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-CREATE INDEX room_names_room_id ON room_names(room_id);
-  is_public BOOL,
-  creator TEXT
-CREATE TABLE room_hosts(
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  host TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(room_id, host)
-CREATE TABLE server_tls_certificates(
-  server_name TEXT,
-  fingerprint TEXT,
-  from_server TEXT,
-  ts_added_ms BIGINT,
-  tls_certificate bytea,
-  UNIQUE(server_name, fingerprint)
-CREATE TABLE server_signature_keys(
-  server_name TEXT,
-  key_id TEXT,
-  from_server TEXT,
-  ts_added_ms BIGINT,
-  verify_key bytea,
-  UNIQUE(server_name, key_id)
-CREATE TABLE rejections(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  reason TEXT NOT NULL,
-  last_check TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-CREATE TABLE push_rules(
-  user_name TEXT NOT NULL,
-  rule_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  priority_class SMALLINT NOT NULL,
-  conditions TEXT NOT NULL,
-  actions TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(user_name, rule_id)
-CREATE INDEX push_rules_user_name on push_rules(user_name);
-CREATE TABLE user_filters(user_id TEXT, filter_id BIGINT, filter_json bytea);
-CREATE INDEX user_filters_by_user_id_filter_id ON user_filters(
-  user_id,
-  filter_id
-CREATE TABLE push_rules_enable(
-  user_name TEXT NOT NULL,
-  rule_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  enabled SMALLINT,
-  UNIQUE(user_name, rule_id)
-CREATE INDEX push_rules_enable_user_name on push_rules_enable(user_name);
-CREATE TABLE event_forward_extremities(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id, room_id)
-CREATE INDEX ev_extrem_room ON event_forward_extremities(room_id);
-CREATE INDEX ev_extrem_id ON event_forward_extremities(event_id);
-CREATE TABLE event_backward_extremities(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id, room_id)
-CREATE INDEX ev_b_extrem_room ON event_backward_extremities(room_id);
-CREATE INDEX ev_b_extrem_id ON event_backward_extremities(event_id);
-CREATE TABLE event_edges(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  prev_event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  is_state BOOL NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id, prev_event_id, room_id, is_state)
-CREATE INDEX ev_edges_id ON event_edges(event_id);
-CREATE INDEX ev_edges_prev_id ON event_edges(prev_event_id);
-CREATE TABLE room_depth(
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  min_depth INTEGER NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(room_id)
-CREATE INDEX room_depth_room ON room_depth(room_id);
-CREATE TABLE event_destinations(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  destination TEXT NOT NULL,
-  delivered_ts BIGINT DEFAULT 0,
-  UNIQUE(event_id, destination)
-CREATE TABLE state_forward_extremities(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  state_key TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id, room_id)
-CREATE INDEX st_extrem_keys ON state_forward_extremities(
-  room_id,
-  type,
-  state_key
-CREATE TABLE state_groups(
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE state_groups_state(
-  state_group BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  state_key TEXT NOT NULL,
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE event_to_state_groups(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  state_group BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-CREATE TABLE local_media_repository(
-  media_id TEXT,
-  media_type TEXT,
-  media_length INTEGER,
-  created_ts BIGINT,
-  upload_name TEXT,
-  user_id TEXT,
-  quarantined_by TEXT,
-  url_cache TEXT,
-  last_access_ts BIGINT,
-  UNIQUE(media_id)
-CREATE TABLE local_media_repository_thumbnails(
-  media_id TEXT,
-  thumbnail_width INTEGER,
-  thumbnail_height INTEGER,
-  thumbnail_type TEXT,
-  thumbnail_method TEXT,
-  thumbnail_length INTEGER,
-  UNIQUE(media_id, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, thumbnail_type)
-CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_thumbnails_media_id ON local_media_repository_thumbnails(
-  media_id
-CREATE TABLE remote_media_cache(
-  media_origin TEXT,
-  media_id TEXT,
-  media_type TEXT,
-  created_ts BIGINT,
-  upload_name TEXT,
-  media_length INTEGER,
-  filesystem_id TEXT,
-  last_access_ts BIGINT,
-  quarantined_by TEXT,
-  UNIQUE(media_origin, media_id)
-CREATE TABLE remote_media_cache_thumbnails(
-  media_origin TEXT,
-  media_id TEXT,
-  thumbnail_width INTEGER,
-  thumbnail_height INTEGER,
-  thumbnail_method TEXT,
-  thumbnail_type TEXT,
-  thumbnail_length INTEGER,
-  filesystem_id TEXT,
-  UNIQUE(media_origin, media_id, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, thumbnail_type)
-CREATE TABLE redactions(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  redacts TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-CREATE INDEX redactions_redacts ON redactions(redacts);
-CREATE TABLE room_aliases(
-  room_alias TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  creator TEXT,
-  UNIQUE(room_alias)
-CREATE INDEX room_aliases_id ON room_aliases(room_id);
-CREATE TABLE room_alias_servers(
-  room_alias TEXT NOT NULL,
-  server TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX room_alias_servers_alias ON room_alias_servers(room_alias);
-CREATE TABLE event_content_hashes(
-  event_id TEXT,
-  algorithm TEXT,
-  hash bytea,
-  UNIQUE(event_id, algorithm)
-CREATE TABLE event_reference_hashes(
-  event_id TEXT,
-  algorithm TEXT,
-  hash bytea,
-  UNIQUE(event_id, algorithm)
-CREATE INDEX event_reference_hashes_id ON event_reference_hashes(event_id);
-CREATE TABLE event_signatures(
-  event_id TEXT,
-  signature_name TEXT,
-  key_id TEXT,
-  signature bytea,
-  UNIQUE(event_id, signature_name, key_id)
-CREATE TABLE event_edge_hashes(
-  event_id TEXT,
-  prev_event_id TEXT,
-  algorithm TEXT,
-  hash bytea,
-  UNIQUE(event_id, prev_event_id, algorithm)
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "server_keys_json"(
-  server_name TEXT NOT NULL,
-  key_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  from_server TEXT NOT NULL,
-  ts_added_ms BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  ts_valid_until_ms BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  key_json bytea NOT NULL,
-  CONSTRAINT server_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE(server_name, key_id, from_server)
-CREATE TABLE e2e_device_keys_json(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  device_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  ts_added_ms BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  key_json TEXT NOT NULL,
-  CONSTRAINT e2e_device_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE(user_id, device_id)
-CREATE TABLE e2e_one_time_keys_json(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  device_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  algorithm TEXT NOT NULL,
-  key_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  ts_added_ms BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  key_json TEXT NOT NULL,
-  CONSTRAINT e2e_one_time_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE(user_id, device_id, algorithm, key_id)
-CREATE TABLE receipts_graph(
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  receipt_type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  event_ids TEXT NOT NULL,
-  data TEXT NOT NULL,
-  CONSTRAINT receipts_graph_uniqueness UNIQUE(room_id, receipt_type, user_id)
-CREATE TABLE receipts_linearized(
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  receipt_type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  data TEXT NOT NULL,
-  CONSTRAINT receipts_linearized_uniqueness UNIQUE(room_id, receipt_type, user_id)
-CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_id ON receipts_linearized(stream_id);
-CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_room_stream ON receipts_linearized(
-  room_id,
-  stream_id
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "user_threepids"(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  medium TEXT NOT NULL,
-  address TEXT NOT NULL,
-  validated_at BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  added_at BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  CONSTRAINT medium_address UNIQUE(medium, address)
-CREATE INDEX user_threepids_user_id ON user_threepids(user_id);
-CREATE TABLE stats_reporting(
-  reported_stream_token INTEGER,
-  reported_time BIGINT
-CREATE TABLE background_updates(
-  update_name TEXT NOT NULL,
-  progress_json TEXT NOT NULL,
-  depends_on TEXT,
-  CONSTRAINT background_updates_uniqueness UNIQUE(update_name)
-CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE event_search USING fts4(
-  event_id,
-  room_id,
-  sender,
-  key,
-  value
-/* event_search(
-  event_id,
-  room_id,
-  sender,
-  "key",
-  value
-) */;
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'event_search_content'(
-  'c0event_id',
-  'c1room_id',
-  'c2sender',
-  'c3key',
-  'c4value'
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'event_search_segments'(blockid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, block BLOB);
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'event_search_segdir'(
-  level INTEGER,
-  idx INTEGER,
-  start_block INTEGER,
-  leaves_end_block INTEGER,
-  end_block INTEGER,
-  root BLOB,
-  PRIMARY KEY(level, idx)
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'event_search_docsize'(docid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, size BLOB);
-CREATE TABLE guest_access(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  guest_access TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-CREATE TABLE history_visibility(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  history_visibility TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(event_id)
-CREATE TABLE room_tags(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  content TEXT NOT NULL,
-  CONSTRAINT room_tag_uniqueness UNIQUE(user_id, room_id, tag)
-CREATE TABLE room_tags_revisions(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  CONSTRAINT room_tag_revisions_uniqueness UNIQUE(user_id, room_id)
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "account_data_max_stream_id"(
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  CHECK(Lock='X')
-CREATE TABLE account_data(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  account_data_type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  content TEXT NOT NULL,
-  CONSTRAINT account_data_uniqueness UNIQUE(user_id, account_data_type)
-CREATE TABLE room_account_data(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  account_data_type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  content TEXT NOT NULL,
-  CONSTRAINT room_account_data_uniqueness UNIQUE(user_id, room_id, account_data_type)
-CREATE INDEX account_data_stream_id on account_data(user_id, stream_id);
-CREATE INDEX room_account_data_stream_id on room_account_data(
-  user_id,
-  stream_id
-CREATE INDEX events_ts ON events(origin_server_ts, stream_ordering);
-CREATE TABLE event_push_actions(
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  profile_tag VARCHAR(32),
-  actions TEXT NOT NULL,
-  topological_ordering BIGINT,
-  stream_ordering BIGINT,
-  notif SMALLINT,
-  highlight SMALLINT,
-  CONSTRAINT event_id_user_id_profile_tag_uniqueness UNIQUE(room_id, event_id, user_id, profile_tag)
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_room_id_user_id on event_push_actions(
-  room_id,
-  user_id
-CREATE INDEX events_room_stream on events(room_id, stream_ordering);
-CREATE INDEX public_room_index on rooms(is_public);
-CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_user ON receipts_linearized(user_id);
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_rm_tokens on event_push_actions(
-  user_id,
-  room_id,
-  topological_ordering,
-  stream_ordering
-CREATE TABLE presence_stream(
-  stream_id BIGINT,
-  user_id TEXT,
-  state TEXT,
-  last_active_ts BIGINT,
-  last_federation_update_ts BIGINT,
-  last_user_sync_ts BIGINT,
-  status_msg TEXT,
-  currently_active BOOLEAN
-CREATE INDEX presence_stream_id ON presence_stream(stream_id, user_id);
-CREATE INDEX presence_stream_user_id ON presence_stream(user_id);
-CREATE TABLE push_rules_stream(
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  event_stream_ordering BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  rule_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  priority_class SMALLINT,
-  priority INTEGER,
-  conditions TEXT,
-  actions TEXT
-CREATE INDEX push_rules_stream_id ON push_rules_stream(stream_id);
-CREATE INDEX push_rules_stream_user_stream_id on push_rules_stream(
-  user_id,
-  stream_id
-CREATE TABLE current_state_resets(
-  event_stream_ordering BIGINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE ex_outlier_stream(
-  event_stream_ordering BIGINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  state_group BIGINT NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE threepid_guest_access_tokens(
-  medium TEXT,
-  address TEXT,
-  guest_access_token TEXT,
-  first_inviter TEXT
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX threepid_guest_access_tokens_index ON threepid_guest_access_tokens(
-  medium,
-  address
-CREATE TABLE local_invites(
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  inviter TEXT NOT NULL,
-  invitee TEXT NOT NULL,
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  locally_rejected TEXT,
-  replaced_by TEXT
-CREATE INDEX local_invites_id ON local_invites(stream_id);
-CREATE INDEX local_invites_for_user_idx ON local_invites(
-  invitee,
-  locally_rejected,
-  replaced_by,
-  room_id
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_stream_ordering on event_push_actions(
-  stream_ordering,
-  user_id
-CREATE TABLE open_id_tokens(
-  ts_valid_until_ms bigint NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(token)
-CREATE INDEX open_id_tokens_ts_valid_until_ms ON open_id_tokens(
-  ts_valid_until_ms
-CREATE TABLE pusher_throttle(
-  pusher BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  last_sent_ts BIGINT,
-  throttle_ms BIGINT,
-  PRIMARY KEY(pusher, room_id)
-CREATE TABLE event_reports(
-  received_ts BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  reason TEXT,
-  content TEXT
-CREATE TABLE devices(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  device_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  display_name TEXT,
-  CONSTRAINT device_uniqueness UNIQUE(user_id, device_id)
-CREATE TABLE appservice_stream_position(
-  stream_ordering BIGINT,
-  CHECK(Lock='X')
-CREATE TABLE device_inbox(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  device_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  message_json TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX device_inbox_user_stream_id ON device_inbox(
-  user_id,
-  device_id,
-  stream_id
-CREATE INDEX received_transactions_ts ON received_transactions(ts);
-CREATE TABLE device_federation_outbox(
-  destination TEXT NOT NULL,
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  queued_ts BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  messages_json TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX device_federation_outbox_destination_id ON device_federation_outbox(
-  destination,
-  stream_id
-CREATE TABLE device_federation_inbox(
-  origin TEXT NOT NULL,
-  message_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  received_ts BIGINT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX device_federation_inbox_sender_id ON device_federation_inbox(
-  origin,
-  message_id
-CREATE TABLE device_max_stream_id(stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL);
-CREATE TABLE public_room_list_stream(
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  visibility BOOLEAN NOT NULL ,
-  appservice_id TEXT,
-  network_id TEXT
-CREATE INDEX public_room_list_stream_idx on public_room_list_stream(stream_id);
-CREATE INDEX public_room_list_stream_rm_idx on public_room_list_stream(
-  room_id,
-  stream_id
-CREATE TABLE state_group_edges(
-  state_group BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  prev_state_group BIGINT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX state_group_edges_idx ON state_group_edges(state_group);
-CREATE INDEX state_group_edges_prev_idx ON state_group_edges(prev_state_group);
-CREATE TABLE stream_ordering_to_exterm(
-  stream_ordering BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX stream_ordering_to_exterm_idx on stream_ordering_to_exterm(
-  stream_ordering
-CREATE INDEX stream_ordering_to_exterm_rm_idx on stream_ordering_to_exterm(
-  room_id,
-  stream_ordering
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  auth_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX evauth_edges_id ON event_auth(event_id);
-CREATE INDEX user_threepids_medium_address on user_threepids(medium, address);
-CREATE TABLE appservice_room_list(
-  appservice_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  network_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX appservice_room_list_idx ON appservice_room_list(
-  appservice_id,
-  network_id,
-  room_id
-CREATE INDEX device_federation_outbox_id ON device_federation_outbox(
-  stream_id
-CREATE TABLE federation_stream_position(
-  type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  stream_id INTEGER NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE device_lists_remote_cache(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  device_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  content TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE device_lists_remote_extremeties(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  stream_id TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE device_lists_stream(
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  device_id TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_stream_id ON device_lists_stream(stream_id, user_id);
-CREATE TABLE device_lists_outbound_pokes(
-  destination TEXT NOT NULL,
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  device_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_id ON device_lists_outbound_pokes(
-  destination,
-  stream_id
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_user ON device_lists_outbound_pokes(
-  destination,
-  user_id
-CREATE TABLE event_push_summary(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  notif_count BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  stream_ordering BIGINT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX event_push_summary_user_rm ON event_push_summary(
-  user_id,
-  room_id
-CREATE TABLE event_push_summary_stream_ordering(
-  stream_ordering BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  CHECK(Lock='X')
-  user_name TEXT NOT NULL,
-  access_token BIGINT DEFAULT NULL,
-  profile_tag TEXT NOT NULL,
-  kind TEXT NOT NULL,
-  app_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  app_display_name TEXT NOT NULL,
-  device_display_name TEXT NOT NULL,
-  pushkey TEXT NOT NULL,
-  lang TEXT,
-  data TEXT,
-  last_stream_ordering INTEGER,
-  last_success BIGINT,
-  failing_since BIGINT,
-  UNIQUE(app_id, pushkey, user_name)
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_stream ON device_lists_outbound_pokes(
-  stream_id
-CREATE TABLE ratelimit_override(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  messages_per_second BIGINT,
-  burst_count BIGINT
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ratelimit_override_idx ON ratelimit_override(user_id);
-CREATE TABLE current_state_delta_stream(
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  state_key TEXT NOT NULL,
-  event_id TEXT,
-  prev_event_id TEXT
-CREATE INDEX current_state_delta_stream_idx ON current_state_delta_stream(
-  stream_id
-CREATE TABLE device_lists_outbound_last_success(
-  destination TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_last_success_idx ON device_lists_outbound_last_success(
-  destination,
-  user_id,
-  stream_id
-CREATE TABLE user_directory_stream_pos(
-  stream_id BIGINT,
-  CHECK(Lock='X')
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "users_in_public_rooms"(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE user_directory_search USING fts4(
-  user_id,
-  value
-/* user_directory_search(
-  user_id,
-  value
-) */;
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'user_directory_search_content'(
-  'c0user_id',
-  'c1value'
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'user_directory_search_segments'(
-  block BLOB
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'user_directory_search_segdir'(
-  level INTEGER,
-  idx INTEGER,
-  start_block INTEGER,
-  leaves_end_block INTEGER,
-  end_block INTEGER,
-  root BLOB,
-  PRIMARY KEY(level, idx)
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'user_directory_search_docsize'(
-  size BLOB
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'user_directory_search_stat'(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value BLOB);
-CREATE TABLE blocked_rooms(room_id TEXT NOT NULL, user_id TEXT NOT NULL);
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX blocked_rooms_idx ON blocked_rooms(room_id);
-CREATE TABLE users_who_share_rooms(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  other_user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  share_private BOOLEAN NOT NULL
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_who_share_rooms_u_idx ON users_who_share_rooms(
-  user_id,
-  other_user_id
-CREATE INDEX users_who_share_rooms_r_idx ON users_who_share_rooms(room_id);
-CREATE INDEX users_who_share_rooms_o_idx ON users_who_share_rooms(
-  other_user_id
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "local_media_repository_url_cache"(
-  url TEXT,
-  response_code INTEGER,
-  etag TEXT,
-  expires_ts BIGINT,
-  og TEXT,
-  media_id TEXT,
-  download_ts BIGINT
-CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_expires_idx ON local_media_repository_url_cache(
-  expires_ts
-CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_by_url_download_ts ON local_media_repository_url_cache(
-  url,
-  download_ts
-CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_media_idx ON local_media_repository_url_cache(
-  media_id
-CREATE TABLE group_users(
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  is_admin BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
-  is_public BOOLEAN NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE group_invites(group_id TEXT NOT NULL, user_id TEXT NOT NULL);
-CREATE TABLE group_rooms(
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  is_public BOOLEAN NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE group_summary_rooms(
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  category_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_order BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  is_public BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(group_id, category_id, room_id, room_order),
-  CHECK(room_order > 0)
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_summary_rooms_g_idx ON group_summary_rooms(
-  group_id,
-  room_id,
-  category_id
-CREATE TABLE group_summary_room_categories(
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  category_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  cat_order BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(group_id, category_id, cat_order),
-  CHECK(cat_order > 0)
-CREATE TABLE group_room_categories(
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  category_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  profile TEXT NOT NULL,
-  is_public BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(group_id, category_id)
-CREATE TABLE group_summary_users(
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  role_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_order BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  is_public BOOLEAN NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX group_summary_users_g_idx ON group_summary_users(group_id);
-CREATE TABLE group_summary_roles(
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  role_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  role_order BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(group_id, role_id, role_order),
-  CHECK(role_order > 0)
-CREATE TABLE group_roles(
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  role_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  profile TEXT NOT NULL,
-  is_public BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE(group_id, role_id)
-CREATE TABLE group_attestations_renewals(
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  valid_until_ms BIGINT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_renewals_g_idx ON group_attestations_renewals(
-  group_id,
-  user_id
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_renewals_u_idx ON group_attestations_renewals(
-  user_id
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_renewals_v_idx ON group_attestations_renewals(
-  valid_until_ms
-CREATE TABLE group_attestations_remote(
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  valid_until_ms BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  attestation_json TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_remote_g_idx ON group_attestations_remote(
-  group_id,
-  user_id
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_remote_u_idx ON group_attestations_remote(
-  user_id
-CREATE INDEX group_attestations_remote_v_idx ON group_attestations_remote(
-  valid_until_ms
-CREATE TABLE local_group_membership(
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  is_admin BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
-  membership TEXT NOT NULL,
-  is_publicised BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
-  content TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX local_group_membership_u_idx ON local_group_membership(
-  user_id,
-  group_id
-CREATE INDEX local_group_membership_g_idx ON local_group_membership(group_id);
-CREATE TABLE local_group_updates(
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  type TEXT NOT NULL,
-  content TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE remote_profile_cache(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  displayname TEXT,
-  avatar_url TEXT,
-  last_check BIGINT NOT NULL
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX remote_profile_cache_user_id ON remote_profile_cache(
-  user_id
-CREATE INDEX remote_profile_cache_time ON remote_profile_cache(last_check);
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "deleted_pushers"(
-  stream_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  app_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  pushkey TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX deleted_pushers_stream_id ON deleted_pushers(stream_id);
-  group_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  name TEXT,
-  avatar_url TEXT,
-  short_description TEXT,
-  long_description TEXT,
-  is_public BOOL NOT NULL ,
-  join_policy TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'invite'
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX groups_idx ON groups(group_id);
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "user_directory"(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT,
-  display_name TEXT,
-  avatar_url TEXT
-CREATE INDEX user_directory_room_idx ON user_directory(room_id);
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_directory_user_idx ON user_directory(user_id);
-CREATE INDEX users_in_public_rooms_room_idx ON users_in_public_rooms(room_id);
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_in_public_rooms_user_idx ON users_in_public_rooms(
-  user_id
-CREATE TABLE event_push_actions_staging(
-  event_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  actions TEXT NOT NULL,
-  highlight SMALLINT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_staging_id ON event_push_actions_staging(
-  event_id
-CREATE TABLE users_pending_deactivation(user_id TEXT NOT NULL);
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_invites_g_idx ON group_invites(group_id, user_id);
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_users_g_idx ON group_users(group_id, user_id);
-CREATE INDEX group_users_u_idx ON group_users(user_id);
-CREATE INDEX group_invites_u_idx ON group_invites(user_id);
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_rooms_g_idx ON group_rooms(group_id, room_id);
-CREATE INDEX group_rooms_r_idx ON group_rooms(room_id);
-CREATE TABLE user_daily_visits(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  device_id TEXT,
-  timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX user_daily_visits_uts_idx ON user_daily_visits(
-  user_id,
-  timestamp
-CREATE INDEX user_daily_visits_ts_idx ON user_daily_visits(timestamp);
-CREATE TABLE erased_users(user_id TEXT NOT NULL);
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX erased_users_user ON erased_users(user_id);
-CREATE TABLE monthly_active_users(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX monthly_active_users_users ON monthly_active_users(
-  user_id
-CREATE INDEX monthly_active_users_time_stamp ON monthly_active_users(
-  timestamp
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "e2e_room_keys_versions"(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  version BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  algorithm TEXT NOT NULL,
-  auth_data TEXT NOT NULL,
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX e2e_room_keys_versions_idx ON e2e_room_keys_versions(
-  user_id,
-  version
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "e2e_room_keys"(
-  user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  session_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-  version BIGINT NOT NULL,
-  first_message_index INT,
-  forwarded_count INT,
-  is_verified BOOLEAN,
-  session_data TEXT NOT NULL
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX e2e_room_keys_idx ON e2e_room_keys(
-  user_id,
-  room_id,
-  session_id
-CREATE INDEX access_tokens_device_id ON access_tokens(user_id, device_id);
-CREATE INDEX user_ips_device_id ON user_ips(user_id, device_id, last_seen);
-CREATE INDEX event_contains_url_index ON events(
-  room_id,
-  topological_ordering,
-  stream_ordering
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_u_highlight ON event_push_actions(
-  user_id,
-  stream_ordering
-CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_highlights_index ON event_push_actions(
-  user_id,
-  room_id,
-  topological_ordering,
-  stream_ordering
-CREATE INDEX current_state_events_member_index ON current_state_events(
-  state_key
-CREATE INDEX device_inbox_stream_id_user_id ON device_inbox(
-  stream_id,
-  user_id
-CREATE INDEX device_lists_stream_user_id ON device_lists_stream(
-  user_id,
-  device_id
-CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_idx ON local_media_repository(
-  created_ts
-CREATE INDEX user_ips_last_seen ON user_ips(user_id, last_seen);
-CREATE INDEX user_ips_last_seen_only ON user_ips(last_seen);
-CREATE INDEX users_creation_ts ON users(creation_ts);
-CREATE INDEX event_to_state_groups_sg_index ON event_to_state_groups(
-  state_group
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX device_lists_remote_cache_unique_id ON device_lists_remote_cache(
-  user_id,
-  device_id
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_ips_device_unique_id ON user_ips(
-  user_id,
-  access_token,
-  ip,
-  user_agent,
-  device_id
-CREATE INDEX state_groups_state_type_idx ON state_groups_state(
-  state_group,
-  type,
-  state_key
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX device_lists_remote_extremeties_unique_idx ON device_lists_remote_extremeties(
-  user_id

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO user_directory_stream_pos (stream_id) VALUES (null);
-INSERT INTO appservice_stream_position (stream_ordering)
-    SELECT COALESCE(MAX(stream_ordering), 0) FROM events;
-INSERT INTO device_max_stream_id (stream_id)
-    SELECT COALESCE(MAX(stream_id), 0) FROM device_inbox;
-INSERT INTO event_push_summary_stream_ordering (stream_ordering) VALUES (0);
-INSERT INTO federation_stream_position (type, stream_id) VALUES ('federation', -1);
-INSERT INTO federation_stream_position (type, stream_id) SELECT 'events', coalesce(max(stream_ordering), -1) FROM events;