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  149. <h1 id="auth-chain-difference-algorithm"><a class="header" href="#auth-chain-difference-algorithm">Auth Chain Difference Algorithm</a></h1>
  150. <p>The auth chain difference algorithm is used by V2 state resolution, where a
  151. naive implementation can be a significant source of CPU and DB usage.</p>
  152. <h3 id="definitions"><a class="header" href="#definitions">Definitions</a></h3>
  153. <p>A <em>state set</em> is a set of state events; e.g. the input of a state resolution
  154. algorithm is a collection of state sets.</p>
  155. <p>The <em>auth chain</em> of a set of events are all the events' auth events and <em>their</em>
  156. auth events, recursively (i.e. the events reachable by walking the graph induced
  157. by an event's auth events links).</p>
  158. <p>The <em>auth chain difference</em> of a collection of state sets is the union minus the
  159. intersection of the sets of auth chains corresponding to the state sets, i.e an
  160. event is in the auth chain difference if it is reachable by walking the auth
  161. event graph from at least one of the state sets but not from <em>all</em> of the state
  162. sets.</p>
  163. <h2 id="breadth-first-walk-algorithm"><a class="header" href="#breadth-first-walk-algorithm">Breadth First Walk Algorithm</a></h2>
  164. <p>A way of calculating the auth chain difference without calculating the full auth
  165. chains for each state set is to do a parallel breadth first walk (ordered by
  166. depth) of each state set's auth chain. By tracking which events are reachable
  167. from each state set we can finish early if every pending event is reachable from
  168. every state set.</p>
  169. <p>This can work well for state sets that have a small auth chain difference, but
  170. can be very inefficient for larger differences. However, this algorithm is still
  171. used if we don't have a chain cover index for the room (e.g. because we're in
  172. the process of indexing it).</p>
  173. <h2 id="chain-cover-index"><a class="header" href="#chain-cover-index">Chain Cover Index</a></h2>
  174. <p>Synapse computes auth chain differences by pre-computing a &quot;chain cover&quot; index
  175. for the auth chain in a room, allowing efficient reachability queries like &quot;is
  176. event A in the auth chain of event B&quot;. This is done by assigning every event a
  177. <em>chain ID</em> and <em>sequence number</em> (e.g. <code>(5,3)</code>), and having a map of <em>links</em>
  178. between chains (e.g. <code>(5,3) -&gt; (2,4)</code>) such that A is reachable by B (i.e. <code>A</code>
  179. is in the auth chain of <code>B</code>) if and only if either:</p>
  180. <ol>
  181. <li>A and B have the same chain ID and <code>A</code>'s sequence number is less than <code>B</code>'s
  182. sequence number; or</li>
  183. <li>there is a link <code>L</code> between <code>B</code>'s chain ID and <code>A</code>'s chain ID such that
  184. <code>L.start_seq_no</code> &lt;= <code>B.seq_no</code> and <code>A.seq_no</code> &lt;= <code>L.end_seq_no</code>.</li>
  185. </ol>
  186. <p>There are actually two potential implementations, one where we store links from
  187. each chain to every other reachable chain (the transitive closure of the links
  188. graph), and one where we remove redundant links (the transitive reduction of the
  189. links graph) e.g. if we have chains <code>C3 -&gt; C2 -&gt; C1</code> then the link <code>C3 -&gt; C1</code>
  190. would not be stored. Synapse uses the former implementations so that it doesn't
  191. need to recurse to test reachability between chains.</p>
  192. <h3 id="example"><a class="header" href="#example">Example</a></h3>
  193. <p>An example auth graph would look like the following, where chains have been
  194. formed based on type/state_key and are denoted by colour and are labelled with
  195. <code>(chain ID, sequence number)</code>. Links are denoted by the arrows (links in grey
  196. are those that would be remove in the second implementation described above).</p>
  197. <p><img src="" alt="Example" /></p>
  198. <p>Note that we don't include all links between events and their auth events, as
  199. most of those links would be redundant. For example, all events point to the
  200. create event, but each chain only needs the one link from it's base to the
  201. create event.</p>
  202. <h2 id="using-the-index"><a class="header" href="#using-the-index">Using the Index</a></h2>
  203. <p>This index can be used to calculate the auth chain difference of the state sets
  204. by looking at the chain ID and sequence numbers reachable from each state set:</p>
  205. <ol>
  206. <li>For every state set lookup the chain ID/sequence numbers of each state event</li>
  207. <li>Use the index to find all chains and the maximum sequence number reachable
  208. from each state set.</li>
  209. <li>The auth chain difference is then all events in each chain that have sequence
  210. numbers between the maximum sequence number reachable from <em>any</em> state set and
  211. the minimum reachable by <em>all</em> state sets (if any).</li>
  212. </ol>
  213. <p>Note that steps 2 is effectively calculating the auth chain for each state set
  214. (in terms of chain IDs and sequence numbers), and step 3 is calculating the
  215. difference between the union and intersection of the auth chains.</p>
  216. <h3 id="worked-example"><a class="header" href="#worked-example">Worked Example</a></h3>
  217. <p>For example, given the above graph, we can calculate the difference between
  218. state sets consisting of:</p>
  219. <ol>
  220. <li><code>S1</code>: Alice's invite <code>(4,1)</code> and Bob's second join <code>(2,2)</code>; and</li>
  221. <li><code>S2</code>: Alice's second join <code>(4,3)</code> and Bob's first join <code>(2,1)</code>.</li>
  222. </ol>
  223. <p>Using the index we see that the following auth chains are reachable from each
  224. state set:</p>
  225. <ol>
  226. <li><code>S1</code>: <code>(1,1)</code>, <code>(2,2)</code>, <code>(3,1)</code> &amp; <code>(4,1)</code></li>
  227. <li><code>S2</code>: <code>(1,1)</code>, <code>(2,1)</code>, <code>(3,2)</code> &amp; <code>(4,3)</code></li>
  228. </ol>
  229. <p>And so, for each the ranges that are in the auth chain difference:</p>
  230. <ol>
  231. <li>Chain 1: None, (since everything can reach the create event).</li>
  232. <li>Chain 2: The range <code>(1, 2]</code> (i.e. just <code>2</code>), as <code>1</code> is reachable by all state
  233. sets and the maximum reachable is <code>2</code> (corresponding to Bob's second join).</li>
  234. <li>Chain 3: Similarly the range <code>(1, 2]</code> (corresponding to the second power
  235. level).</li>
  236. <li>Chain 4: The range <code>(1, 3]</code> (corresponding to both of Alice's joins).</li>
  237. </ol>
  238. <p>So the final result is: Bob's second join <code>(2,2)</code>, the second power level
  239. <code>(3,2)</code> and both of Alice's joins <code>(4,2)</code> &amp; <code>(4,3)</code>.</p>
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