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  149. <h1 id="sso-mapping-providers"><a class="header" href="#sso-mapping-providers">SSO Mapping Providers</a></h1>
  150. <p>A mapping provider is a Python class (loaded via a Python module) that
  151. works out how to map attributes of a SSO response to Matrix-specific
  152. user attributes. Details such as user ID localpart, displayname, and even avatar
  153. URLs are all things that can be mapped from talking to a SSO service.</p>
  154. <p>As an example, a SSO service may return the email address
  155. &quot;; for a user, whereas Synapse will need to figure out how
  156. to turn that into a displayname when creating a Matrix user for this individual.
  157. It may choose <code>John Smith</code>, or <code>Smith, John []</code> or any number of
  158. variations. As each Synapse configuration may want something different, this is
  159. where SAML mapping providers come into play.</p>
  160. <p>SSO mapping providers are currently supported for OpenID and SAML SSO
  161. configurations. Please see the details below for how to implement your own.</p>
  162. <p>It is up to the mapping provider whether the user should be assigned a predefined
  163. Matrix ID based on the SSO attributes, or if the user should be allowed to
  164. choose their own username.</p>
  165. <p>In the first case - where users are automatically allocated a Matrix ID - it is
  166. the responsibility of the mapping provider to normalise the SSO attributes and
  167. map them to a valid Matrix ID. The <a href="">specification for Matrix
  168. IDs</a> has some
  169. information about what is considered valid.</p>
  170. <p>If the mapping provider does not assign a Matrix ID, then Synapse will
  171. automatically serve an HTML page allowing the user to pick their own username.</p>
  172. <p>External mapping providers are provided to Synapse in the form of an external
  173. Python module. You can retrieve this module from <a href="">PyPI</a> or elsewhere,
  174. but it must be importable via Synapse (e.g. it must be in the same virtualenv
  175. as Synapse). The Synapse config is then modified to point to the mapping provider
  176. (and optionally provide additional configuration for it).</p>
  177. <h2 id="openid-mapping-providers"><a class="header" href="#openid-mapping-providers">OpenID Mapping Providers</a></h2>
  178. <p>The OpenID mapping provider can be customized by editing the
  179. <code>oidc_config.user_mapping_provider.module</code> config option.</p>
  180. <p><code>oidc_config.user_mapping_provider.config</code> allows you to provide custom
  181. configuration options to the module. Check with the module's documentation for
  182. what options it provides (if any). The options listed by default are for the
  183. user mapping provider built in to Synapse. If using a custom module, you should
  184. comment these options out and use those specified by the module instead.</p>
  185. <h3 id="building-a-custom-openid-mapping-provider"><a class="header" href="#building-a-custom-openid-mapping-provider">Building a Custom OpenID Mapping Provider</a></h3>
  186. <p>A custom mapping provider must specify the following methods:</p>
  187. <ul>
  188. <li><code>def __init__(self, parsed_config)</code>
  189. <ul>
  190. <li>Arguments:
  191. <ul>
  192. <li><code>parsed_config</code> - A configuration object that is the return value of the
  193. <code>parse_config</code> method. You should set any configuration options needed by
  194. the module here.</li>
  195. </ul>
  196. </li>
  197. </ul>
  198. </li>
  199. <li><code>def parse_config(config)</code>
  200. <ul>
  201. <li>This method should have the <code>@staticmethod</code> decoration.</li>
  202. <li>Arguments:
  203. <ul>
  204. <li><code>config</code> - A <code>dict</code> representing the parsed content of the
  205. <code>oidc_config.user_mapping_provider.config</code> homeserver config option.
  206. Runs on homeserver startup. Providers should extract and validate
  207. any option values they need here.</li>
  208. </ul>
  209. </li>
  210. <li>Whatever is returned will be passed back to the user mapping provider module's
  211. <code>__init__</code> method during construction.</li>
  212. </ul>
  213. </li>
  214. <li><code>def get_remote_user_id(self, userinfo)</code>
  215. <ul>
  216. <li>Arguments:
  217. <ul>
  218. <li><code>userinfo</code> - A <code></code> object to extract user
  219. information from.</li>
  220. </ul>
  221. </li>
  222. <li>This method must return a string, which is the unique, immutable identifier
  223. for the user. Commonly the <code>sub</code> claim of the response.</li>
  224. </ul>
  225. </li>
  226. <li><code>async def map_user_attributes(self, userinfo, token, failures)</code>
  227. <ul>
  228. <li>This method must be async.</li>
  229. <li>Arguments:
  230. <ul>
  231. <li><code>userinfo</code> - A <code></code> object to extract user
  232. information from.</li>
  233. <li><code>token</code> - A dictionary which includes information necessary to make
  234. further requests to the OpenID provider.</li>
  235. <li><code>failures</code> - An <code>int</code> that represents the amount of times the returned
  236. mxid localpart mapping has failed. This should be used
  237. to create a deduplicated mxid localpart which should be
  238. returned instead. For example, if this method returns
  239. <code>john.doe</code> as the value of <code>localpart</code> in the returned
  240. dict, and that is already taken on the homeserver, this
  241. method will be called again with the same parameters but
  242. with failures=1. The method should then return a different
  243. <code>localpart</code> value, such as <code>john.doe1</code>.</li>
  244. </ul>
  245. </li>
  246. <li>Returns a dictionary with two keys:
  247. <ul>
  248. <li><code>localpart</code>: A string, used to generate the Matrix ID. If this is
  249. <code>None</code>, the user is prompted to pick their own username. This is only used
  250. during a user's first login. Once a localpart has been associated with a
  251. remote user ID (see <code>get_remote_user_id</code>) it cannot be updated.</li>
  252. <li><code>displayname</code>: An optional string, the display name for the user.</li>
  253. </ul>
  254. </li>
  255. </ul>
  256. </li>
  257. <li><code>async def get_extra_attributes(self, userinfo, token)</code>
  258. <ul>
  259. <li>
  260. <p>This method must be async.</p>
  261. </li>
  262. <li>
  263. <p>Arguments:</p>
  264. <ul>
  265. <li><code>userinfo</code> - A <code></code> object to extract user
  266. information from.</li>
  267. <li><code>token</code> - A dictionary which includes information necessary to make
  268. further requests to the OpenID provider.</li>
  269. </ul>
  270. </li>
  271. <li>
  272. <p>Returns a dictionary that is suitable to be serialized to JSON. This
  273. will be returned as part of the response during a successful login.</p>
  274. <p>Note that care should be taken to not overwrite any of the parameters
  275. usually returned as part of the <a href="">login response</a>.</p>
  276. </li>
  277. </ul>
  278. </li>
  279. </ul>
  280. <h3 id="default-openid-mapping-provider"><a class="header" href="#default-openid-mapping-provider">Default OpenID Mapping Provider</a></h3>
  281. <p>Synapse has a built-in OpenID mapping provider if a custom provider isn't
  282. specified in the config. It is located at
  283. <a href=""><code>synapse.handlers.oidc.JinjaOidcMappingProvider</code></a>.</p>
  284. <h2 id="saml-mapping-providers"><a class="header" href="#saml-mapping-providers">SAML Mapping Providers</a></h2>
  285. <p>The SAML mapping provider can be customized by editing the
  286. <code>saml2_config.user_mapping_provider.module</code> config option.</p>
  287. <p><code>saml2_config.user_mapping_provider.config</code> allows you to provide custom
  288. configuration options to the module. Check with the module's documentation for
  289. what options it provides (if any). The options listed by default are for the
  290. user mapping provider built in to Synapse. If using a custom module, you should
  291. comment these options out and use those specified by the module instead.</p>
  292. <h3 id="building-a-custom-saml-mapping-provider"><a class="header" href="#building-a-custom-saml-mapping-provider">Building a Custom SAML Mapping Provider</a></h3>
  293. <p>A custom mapping provider must specify the following methods:</p>
  294. <ul>
  295. <li><code>def __init__(self, parsed_config, module_api)</code>
  296. <ul>
  297. <li>Arguments:
  298. <ul>
  299. <li><code>parsed_config</code> - A configuration object that is the return value of the
  300. <code>parse_config</code> method. You should set any configuration options needed by
  301. the module here.</li>
  302. <li><code>module_api</code> - a <code>synapse.module_api.ModuleApi</code> object which provides the
  303. stable API available for extension modules.</li>
  304. </ul>
  305. </li>
  306. </ul>
  307. </li>
  308. <li><code>def parse_config(config)</code>
  309. <ul>
  310. <li><strong>This method should have the <code>@staticmethod</code> decoration.</strong></li>
  311. <li>Arguments:
  312. <ul>
  313. <li><code>config</code> - A <code>dict</code> representing the parsed content of the
  314. <code>saml_config.user_mapping_provider.config</code> homeserver config option.
  315. Runs on homeserver startup. Providers should extract and validate
  316. any option values they need here.</li>
  317. </ul>
  318. </li>
  319. <li>Whatever is returned will be passed back to the user mapping provider module's
  320. <code>__init__</code> method during construction.</li>
  321. </ul>
  322. </li>
  323. <li><code>def get_saml_attributes(config)</code>
  324. <ul>
  325. <li><strong>This method should have the <code>@staticmethod</code> decoration.</strong></li>
  326. <li>Arguments:
  327. <ul>
  328. <li><code>config</code> - A object resulting from a call to <code>parse_config</code>.</li>
  329. </ul>
  330. </li>
  331. <li>Returns a tuple of two sets. The first set equates to the SAML auth
  332. response attributes that are required for the module to function, whereas
  333. the second set consists of those attributes which can be used if available,
  334. but are not necessary.</li>
  335. </ul>
  336. </li>
  337. <li><code>def get_remote_user_id(self, saml_response, client_redirect_url)</code>
  338. <ul>
  339. <li>Arguments:
  340. <ul>
  341. <li><code>saml_response</code> - A <code>saml2.response.AuthnResponse</code> object to extract user
  342. information from.</li>
  343. <li><code>client_redirect_url</code> - A string, the URL that the client will be
  344. redirected to.</li>
  345. </ul>
  346. </li>
  347. <li>This method must return a string, which is the unique, immutable identifier
  348. for the user. Commonly the <code>uid</code> claim of the response.</li>
  349. </ul>
  350. </li>
  351. <li><code>def saml_response_to_user_attributes(self, saml_response, failures, client_redirect_url)</code>
  352. <ul>
  353. <li>
  354. <p>Arguments:</p>
  355. <ul>
  356. <li><code>saml_response</code> - A <code>saml2.response.AuthnResponse</code> object to extract user
  357. information from.</li>
  358. <li><code>failures</code> - An <code>int</code> that represents the amount of times the returned
  359. mxid localpart mapping has failed. This should be used
  360. to create a deduplicated mxid localpart which should be
  361. returned instead. For example, if this method returns
  362. <code>john.doe</code> as the value of <code>mxid_localpart</code> in the returned
  363. dict, and that is already taken on the homeserver, this
  364. method will be called again with the same parameters but
  365. with failures=1. The method should then return a different
  366. <code>mxid_localpart</code> value, such as <code>john.doe1</code>.</li>
  367. <li><code>client_redirect_url</code> - A string, the URL that the client will be
  368. redirected to.</li>
  369. </ul>
  370. </li>
  371. <li>
  372. <p>This method must return a dictionary, which will then be used by Synapse
  373. to build a new user. The following keys are allowed:</p>
  374. <ul>
  375. <li><code>mxid_localpart</code> - A string, the mxid localpart of the new user. If this is
  376. <code>None</code>, the user is prompted to pick their own username. This is only used
  377. during a user's first login. Once a localpart has been associated with a
  378. remote user ID (see <code>get_remote_user_id</code>) it cannot be updated.</li>
  379. <li><code>displayname</code> - The displayname of the new user. If not provided, will default to
  380. the value of <code>mxid_localpart</code>.</li>
  381. <li><code>emails</code> - A list of emails for the new user. If not provided, will
  382. default to an empty list.</li>
  383. </ul>
  384. <p>Alternatively it can raise a <code>synapse.api.errors.RedirectException</code> to
  385. redirect the user to another page. This is useful to prompt the user for
  386. additional information, e.g. if you want them to provide their own username.
  387. It is the responsibility of the mapping provider to either redirect back
  388. to <code>client_redirect_url</code> (including any additional information) or to
  389. complete registration using methods from the <code>ModuleApi</code>.</p>
  390. </li>
  391. </ul>
  392. </li>
  393. </ul>
  394. <h3 id="default-saml-mapping-provider"><a class="header" href="#default-saml-mapping-provider">Default SAML Mapping Provider</a></h3>
  395. <p>Synapse has a built-in SAML mapping provider if a custom provider isn't
  396. specified in the config. It is located at
  397. <a href=""><code>synapse.handlers.saml.DefaultSamlMappingProvider</code></a>.</p>
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