.gitignore 481 B

  1. # filename patterns
  2. *~
  3. .*.swp
  4. .#*
  5. *.deb
  6. *.egg
  7. *.egg-info
  8. *.lock
  9. *.pyc
  10. *.snap
  11. *.tac
  12. _trial_temp/
  13. _trial_temp*/
  14. /out
  15. # stuff that is likely to exist when you run a server locally
  16. /*.db
  17. /*.log
  18. /*.log.config
  19. /*.pid
  20. /.python-version
  21. /*.signing.key
  22. /env/
  23. /.venv*/
  24. /homeserver*.yaml
  25. /logs
  26. /media_store/
  27. /uploads
  28. # IDEs
  29. /.idea/
  30. /.ropeproject/
  31. /.vscode/
  32. # build products
  33. !/.coveragerc
  34. /.coverage*
  35. /.mypy_cache/
  36. /.tox
  37. /build/
  38. /coverage.*
  39. /dist/
  40. /docs/build/
  41. /htmlcov
  42. /pip-wheel-metadata/