setup.cfg 918 B

  1. [build_sphinx]
  2. source-dir = docs/sphinx
  3. build-dir = docs/build
  4. all_files = 1
  5. [trial]
  6. test_suite = tests
  7. [check-manifest]
  8. ignore =
  9. contrib
  10. contrib/*
  11. docs/*
  12. pylint.cfg
  13. tox.ini
  14. [pep8]
  15. max-line-length = 90
  16. # W503 requires that binary operators be at the end, not start, of lines. Erik
  17. # doesn't like it. E203 is contrary to PEP8. E731 is silly.
  18. ignore = W503,E203,E731
  19. [flake8]
  20. # note that flake8 inherits the "ignore" settings from "pep8" (because it uses
  21. # pep8 to do those checks), but not the "max-line-length" setting
  22. max-line-length = 90
  23. ignore=W503,E203,E731
  24. [isort]
  25. line_length = 89
  26. not_skip =
  28. default_section=THIRDPARTY
  29. known_first_party = synapse
  30. known_tests=tests
  31. known_compat = mock,six
  32. known_twisted=twisted,OpenSSL
  33. multi_line_output=3
  34. include_trailing_comma=true
  35. combine_as_imports=true