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  136. <h1 id="modules"><a class="header" href="#modules">Modules</a></h1>
  137. <p>Synapse supports extending its functionality by configuring external modules.</p>
  138. <h2 id="using-modules"><a class="header" href="#using-modules">Using modules</a></h2>
  139. <p>To use a module on Synapse, add it to the <code>modules</code> section of the configuration file:</p>
  140. <pre><code class="language-yaml">modules:
  141. - module: my_super_module.MySuperClass
  142. config:
  143. do_thing: true
  144. - module: my_other_super_module.SomeClass
  145. config: {}
  146. </code></pre>
  147. <p>Each module is defined by a path to a Python class as well as a configuration. This
  148. information for a given module should be available in the module's own documentation.</p>
  149. <p><strong>Note</strong>: When using third-party modules, you effectively allow someone else to run
  150. custom code on your Synapse homeserver. Server admins are encouraged to verify the
  151. provenance of the modules they use on their homeserver and make sure the modules aren't
  152. running malicious code on their instance.</p>
  153. <p>Also note that we are currently in the process of migrating module interfaces to this
  154. system. While some interfaces might be compatible with it, others still require
  155. configuring modules in another part of Synapse's configuration file. Currently, only the
  156. spam checker interface is compatible with this new system.</p>
  157. <h2 id="writing-a-module"><a class="header" href="#writing-a-module">Writing a module</a></h2>
  158. <p>A module is a Python class that uses Synapse's module API to interact with the
  159. homeserver. It can register callbacks that Synapse will call on specific operations, as
  160. well as web resources to attach to Synapse's web server.</p>
  161. <p>When instantiated, a module is given its parsed configuration as well as an instance of
  162. the <code>synapse.module_api.ModuleApi</code> class. The configuration is a dictionary, and is
  163. either the output of the module's <code>parse_config</code> static method (see below), or the
  164. configuration associated with the module in Synapse's configuration file.</p>
  165. <p>See the documentation for the <code>ModuleApi</code> class
  166. <a href="">here</a>.</p>
  167. <h3 id="handling-the-modules-configuration"><a class="header" href="#handling-the-modules-configuration">Handling the module's configuration</a></h3>
  168. <p>A module can implement the following static method:</p>
  169. <pre><code class="language-python">@staticmethod
  170. def parse_config(config: dict) -&gt; dict
  171. </code></pre>
  172. <p>This method is given a dictionary resulting from parsing the YAML configuration for the
  173. module. It may modify it (for example by parsing durations expressed as strings (e.g.
  174. &quot;5d&quot;) into milliseconds, etc.), and return the modified dictionary. It may also verify
  175. that the configuration is correct, and raise an instance of
  176. <code>synapse.module_api.errors.ConfigError</code> if not.</p>
  177. <h3 id="registering-a-web-resource"><a class="header" href="#registering-a-web-resource">Registering a web resource</a></h3>
  178. <p>Modules can register web resources onto Synapse's web server using the following module
  179. API method:</p>
  180. <pre><code class="language-python">def ModuleApi.register_web_resource(path: str, resource: IResource)
  181. </code></pre>
  182. <p>The path is the full absolute path to register the resource at. For example, if you
  183. register a resource for the path <code>/_synapse/client/my_super_module/say_hello</code>, Synapse
  184. will serve it at <code>http(s)://[HS_URL]/_synapse/client/my_super_module/say_hello</code>. Note
  185. that Synapse does not allow registering resources for several sub-paths in the <code>/_matrix</code>
  186. namespace (such as anything under <code>/_matrix/client</code> for example). It is strongly
  187. recommended that modules register their web resources under the <code>/_synapse/client</code>
  188. namespace.</p>
  189. <p>The provided resource is a Python class that implements Twisted's <a href="">IResource</a>
  190. interface (such as <a href="">Resource</a>).</p>
  191. <p>Only one resource can be registered for a given path. If several modules attempt to
  192. register a resource for the same path, the module that appears first in Synapse's
  193. configuration file takes priority.</p>
  194. <p>Modules <strong>must</strong> register their web resources in their <code>__init__</code> method.</p>
  195. <h3 id="registering-a-callback"><a class="header" href="#registering-a-callback">Registering a callback</a></h3>
  196. <p>Modules can use Synapse's module API to register callbacks. Callbacks are functions that
  197. Synapse will call when performing specific actions. Callbacks must be asynchronous, and
  198. are split in categories. A single module may implement callbacks from multiple categories,
  199. and is under no obligation to implement all callbacks from the categories it registers
  200. callbacks for.</p>
  201. <h4 id="spam-checker-callbacks"><a class="header" href="#spam-checker-callbacks">Spam checker callbacks</a></h4>
  202. <p>To register one of the callbacks described in this section, a module needs to use the
  203. module API's <code>register_spam_checker_callbacks</code> method. The callback functions are passed
  204. to <code>register_spam_checker_callbacks</code> as keyword arguments, with the callback name as the
  205. argument name and the function as its value. This is demonstrated in the example below.</p>
  206. <p>The available spam checker callbacks are:</p>
  207. <pre><code class="language-python">async def check_event_for_spam(event: &quot;;) -&gt; Union[bool, str]
  208. </code></pre>
  209. <p>Called when receiving an event from a client or via federation. The module can return
  210. either a <code>bool</code> to indicate whether the event must be rejected because of spam, or a <code>str</code>
  211. to indicate the event must be rejected because of spam and to give a rejection reason to
  212. forward to clients.</p>
  213. <pre><code class="language-python">async def user_may_invite(inviter: str, invitee: str, room_id: str) -&gt; bool
  214. </code></pre>
  215. <p>Called when processing an invitation. The module must return a <code>bool</code> indicating whether
  216. the inviter can invite the invitee to the given room. Both inviter and invitee are
  217. represented by their Matrix user ID (i.e. <code></code>).</p>
  218. <pre><code class="language-python">async def user_may_create_room(user: str) -&gt; bool
  219. </code></pre>
  220. <p>Called when processing a room creation request. The module must return a <code>bool</code> indicating
  221. whether the given user (represented by their Matrix user ID) is allowed to create a room.</p>
  222. <pre><code class="language-python">async def user_may_create_room_alias(user: str, room_alias: &quot;synapse.types.RoomAlias&quot;) -&gt; bool
  223. </code></pre>
  224. <p>Called when trying to associate an alias with an existing room. The module must return a
  225. <code>bool</code> indicating whether the given user (represented by their Matrix user ID) is allowed
  226. to set the given alias.</p>
  227. <pre><code class="language-python">async def user_may_publish_room(user: str, room_id: str) -&gt; bool
  228. </code></pre>
  229. <p>Called when trying to publish a room to the homeserver's public rooms directory. The
  230. module must return a <code>bool</code> indicating whether the given user (represented by their
  231. Matrix user ID) is allowed to publish the given room.</p>
  232. <pre><code class="language-python">async def check_username_for_spam(user_profile: Dict[str, str]) -&gt; bool
  233. </code></pre>
  234. <p>Called when computing search results in the user directory. The module must return a
  235. <code>bool</code> indicating whether the given user profile can appear in search results. The profile
  236. is represented as a dictionary with the following keys:</p>
  237. <ul>
  238. <li><code>user_id</code>: The Matrix ID for this user.</li>
  239. <li><code>display_name</code>: The user's display name.</li>
  240. <li><code>avatar_url</code>: The <code>mxc://</code> URL to the user's avatar.</li>
  241. </ul>
  242. <p>The module is given a copy of the original dictionary, so modifying it from within the
  243. module cannot modify a user's profile when included in user directory search results.</p>
  244. <pre><code class="language-python">async def check_registration_for_spam(
  245. email_threepid: Optional[dict],
  246. username: Optional[str],
  247. request_info: Collection[Tuple[str, str]],
  248. auth_provider_id: Optional[str] = None,
  249. ) -&gt; &quot;synapse.spam_checker_api.RegistrationBehaviour&quot;
  250. </code></pre>
  251. <p>Called when registering a new user. The module must return a <code>RegistrationBehaviour</code>
  252. indicating whether the registration can go through or must be denied, or whether the user
  253. may be allowed to register but will be shadow banned.</p>
  254. <p>The arguments passed to this callback are:</p>
  255. <ul>
  256. <li><code>email_threepid</code>: The email address used for registering, if any.</li>
  257. <li><code>username</code>: The username the user would like to register. Can be <code>None</code>, meaning that
  258. Synapse will generate one later.</li>
  259. <li><code>request_info</code>: A collection of tuples, which first item is a user agent, and which
  260. second item is an IP address. These user agents and IP addresses are the ones that were
  261. used during the registration process.</li>
  262. <li><code>auth_provider_id</code>: The identifier of the SSO authentication provider, if any.</li>
  263. </ul>
  264. <pre><code class="language-python">async def check_media_file_for_spam(
  265. file_wrapper: &quot;;,
  266. file_info: &quot;;
  267. ) -&gt; bool
  268. </code></pre>
  269. <p>Called when storing a local or remote file. The module must return a boolean indicating
  270. whether the given file can be stored in the homeserver's media store.</p>
  271. <h3 id="porting-an-existing-module-that-uses-the-old-interface"><a class="header" href="#porting-an-existing-module-that-uses-the-old-interface">Porting an existing module that uses the old interface</a></h3>
  272. <p>In order to port a module that uses Synapse's old module interface, its author needs to:</p>
  273. <ul>
  274. <li>ensure the module's callbacks are all asynchronous.</li>
  275. <li>register their callbacks using one or more of the <code>register_[...]_callbacks</code> methods
  276. from the <code>ModuleApi</code> class in the module's <code>__init__</code> method (see <a href="#registering-a-callback">this section</a>
  277. for more info).</li>
  278. </ul>
  279. <p>Additionally, if the module is packaged with an additional web resource, the module
  280. should register this resource in its <code>__init__</code> method using the <code>register_web_resource</code>
  281. method from the <code>ModuleApi</code> class (see <a href="#registering-a-web-resource">this section</a> for
  282. more info).</p>
  283. <p>The module's author should also update any example in the module's configuration to only
  284. use the new <code>modules</code> section in Synapse's configuration file (see <a href="#using-modules">this section</a>
  285. for more info).</p>
  286. <h3 id="example"><a class="header" href="#example">Example</a></h3>
  287. <p>The example below is a module that implements the spam checker callback
  288. <code>user_may_create_room</code> to deny room creation to user <code></code>, and registers
  289. a web resource to the path <code>/_synapse/client/demo/hello</code> that returns a JSON object.</p>
  290. <pre><code class="language-python">import json
  291. from twisted.web.resource import Resource
  292. from twisted.web.server import Request
  293. from synapse.module_api import ModuleApi
  294. class DemoResource(Resource):
  295. def __init__(self, config):
  296. super(DemoResource, self).__init__()
  297. self.config = config
  298. def render_GET(self, request: Request):
  299. name = request.args.get(b&quot;name&quot;)[0]
  300. request.setHeader(b&quot;Content-Type&quot;, b&quot;application/json&quot;)
  301. return json.dumps({&quot;hello&quot;: name})
  302. class DemoModule:
  303. def __init__(self, config: dict, api: ModuleApi):
  304. self.config = config
  305. self.api = api
  306. self.api.register_web_resource(
  307. path=&quot;/_synapse/client/demo/hello&quot;,
  308. resource=DemoResource(self.config),
  309. )
  310. self.api.register_spam_checker_callbacks(
  311. user_may_create_room=self.user_may_create_room,
  312. )
  313. @staticmethod
  314. def parse_config(config):
  315. return config
  316. async def user_may_create_room(self, user: str) -&gt; bool:
  317. if user == &quot;;:
  318. return False
  319. return True
  320. </code></pre>
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