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  136. <h1 id="tcp-replication"><a class="header" href="#tcp-replication">TCP Replication</a></h1>
  137. <h2 id="motivation"><a class="header" href="#motivation">Motivation</a></h2>
  138. <p>Previously the workers used an HTTP long poll mechanism to get updates
  139. from the master, which had the problem of causing a lot of duplicate
  140. work on the server. This TCP protocol replaces those APIs with the aim
  141. of increased efficiency.</p>
  142. <h2 id="overview"><a class="header" href="#overview">Overview</a></h2>
  143. <p>The protocol is based on fire and forget, line based commands. An
  144. example flow would be (where '&gt;' indicates master to worker and
  145. '&lt;' worker to master flows):</p>
  146. <pre><code>&gt; SERVER
  147. &lt; REPLICATE
  148. &gt; POSITION events master 53 53
  149. &gt; RDATA events master 54 [&quot;$;, ...]
  150. &gt; RDATA events master 55 [&quot;$;, ...]
  151. </code></pre>
  152. <p>The example shows the server accepting a new connection and sending its identity
  153. with the <code>SERVER</code> command, followed by the client server to respond with the
  154. position of all streams. The server then periodically sends <code>RDATA</code> commands
  155. which have the format <code>RDATA &lt;stream_name&gt; &lt;instance_name&gt; &lt;token&gt; &lt;row&gt;</code>, where
  156. the format of <code>&lt;row&gt;</code> is defined by the individual streams. The
  157. <code>&lt;instance_name&gt;</code> is the name of the Synapse process that generated the data
  158. (usually &quot;master&quot;).</p>
  159. <p>Error reporting happens by either the client or server sending an ERROR
  160. command, and usually the connection will be closed.</p>
  161. <p>Since the protocol is a simple line based, its possible to manually
  162. connect to the server using a tool like netcat. A few things should be
  163. noted when manually using the protocol:</p>
  164. <ul>
  165. <li>The federation stream is only available if federation sending has
  166. been disabled on the main process.</li>
  167. <li>The server will only time connections out that have sent a <code>PING</code>
  168. command. If a ping is sent then the connection will be closed if no
  169. further commands are receieved within 15s. Both the client and
  170. server protocol implementations will send an initial PING on
  171. connection and ensure at least one command every 5s is sent (not
  172. necessarily <code>PING</code>).</li>
  173. <li><code>RDATA</code> commands <em>usually</em> include a numeric token, however if the
  174. stream has multiple rows to replicate per token the server will send
  175. multiple <code>RDATA</code> commands, with all but the last having a token of
  176. <code>batch</code>. See the documentation on <code>commands.RdataCommand</code> for
  177. further details.</li>
  178. </ul>
  179. <h2 id="architecture"><a class="header" href="#architecture">Architecture</a></h2>
  180. <p>The basic structure of the protocol is line based, where the initial
  181. word of each line specifies the command. The rest of the line is parsed
  182. based on the command. For example, the RDATA command is defined as:</p>
  183. <pre><code>RDATA &lt;stream_name&gt; &lt;instance_name&gt; &lt;token&gt; &lt;row_json&gt;
  184. </code></pre>
  185. <p>(Note that &lt;row_json&gt; may contains spaces, but cannot contain
  186. newlines.)</p>
  187. <p>Blank lines are ignored.</p>
  188. <h3 id="keep-alives"><a class="header" href="#keep-alives">Keep alives</a></h3>
  189. <p>Both sides are expected to send at least one command every 5s or so, and
  190. should send a <code>PING</code> command if necessary. If either side do not receive
  191. a command within e.g. 15s then the connection should be closed.</p>
  192. <p>Because the server may be connected to manually using e.g. netcat, the
  193. timeouts aren't enabled until an initial <code>PING</code> command is seen. Both
  194. the client and server implementations below send a <code>PING</code> command
  195. immediately on connection to ensure the timeouts are enabled.</p>
  196. <p>This ensures that both sides can quickly realize if the tcp connection
  197. has gone and handle the situation appropriately.</p>
  198. <h3 id="start-up"><a class="header" href="#start-up">Start up</a></h3>
  199. <p>When a new connection is made, the server:</p>
  200. <ul>
  201. <li>Sends a <code>SERVER</code> command, which includes the identity of the server,
  202. allowing the client to detect if its connected to the expected
  203. server</li>
  204. <li>Sends a <code>PING</code> command as above, to enable the client to time out
  205. connections promptly.</li>
  206. </ul>
  207. <p>The client:</p>
  208. <ul>
  209. <li>Sends a <code>NAME</code> command, allowing the server to associate a human
  210. friendly name with the connection. This is optional.</li>
  211. <li>Sends a <code>PING</code> as above</li>
  212. <li>Sends a <code>REPLICATE</code> to get the current position of all streams.</li>
  213. <li>On receipt of a <code>SERVER</code> command, checks that the server name
  214. matches the expected server name.</li>
  215. </ul>
  216. <h3 id="error-handling"><a class="header" href="#error-handling">Error handling</a></h3>
  217. <p>If either side detects an error it can send an <code>ERROR</code> command and close
  218. the connection.</p>
  219. <p>If the client side loses the connection to the server it should
  220. reconnect, following the steps above.</p>
  221. <h3 id="congestion"><a class="header" href="#congestion">Congestion</a></h3>
  222. <p>If the server sends messages faster than the client can consume them the
  223. server will first buffer a (fairly large) number of commands and then
  224. disconnect the client. This ensures that we don't queue up an unbounded
  225. number of commands in memory and gives us a potential oppurtunity to
  226. squawk loudly. When/if the client recovers it can reconnect to the
  227. server and ask for missed messages.</p>
  228. <h3 id="reliability"><a class="header" href="#reliability">Reliability</a></h3>
  229. <p>In general the replication stream should be considered an unreliable
  230. transport since e.g. commands are not resent if the connection
  231. disappears.</p>
  232. <p>The exception to that are the replication streams, i.e. RDATA commands,
  233. since these include tokens which can be used to restart the stream on
  234. connection errors.</p>
  235. <p>The client should keep track of the token in the last RDATA command
  236. received for each stream so that on reconneciton it can start streaming
  237. from the correct place. Note: not all RDATA have valid tokens due to
  238. batching. See <code>RdataCommand</code> for more details.</p>
  239. <h3 id="example"><a class="header" href="#example">Example</a></h3>
  240. <p>An example iteraction is shown below. Each line is prefixed with '&gt;'
  241. or '&lt;' to indicate which side is sending, these are <em>not</em> included on
  242. the wire:</p>
  243. <pre><code>* connection established *
  244. &gt; SERVER localhost:8823
  245. &gt; PING 1490197665618
  246. &lt; NAME
  247. &lt; PING 1490197665618
  248. &lt; REPLICATE
  249. &gt; POSITION events master 1 1
  250. &gt; POSITION backfill master 1 1
  251. &gt; POSITION caches master 1 1
  252. &gt; RDATA caches master 2 [&quot;get_user_by_id&quot;,[&quot;@01register-user:localhost:8823&quot;],1490197670513]
  253. &gt; RDATA events master 14 [&quot;$149019767112vOHxz:localhost:8823&quot;,
  254. &quot;!AFDCvgApUmpdfVjIXm:localhost:8823&quot;,&quot;;,&quot;&quot;,null]
  255. &lt; PING 1490197675618
  256. &gt; ERROR server stopping
  257. * connection closed by server *
  258. </code></pre>
  259. <p>The <code>POSITION</code> command sent by the server is used to set the clients
  260. position without needing to send data with the <code>RDATA</code> command.</p>
  261. <p>An example of a batched set of <code>RDATA</code> is:</p>
  262. <pre><code>&gt; RDATA caches master batch [&quot;get_user_by_id&quot;,[&quot;@test:localhost:8823&quot;],1490197670513]
  263. &gt; RDATA caches master batch [&quot;get_user_by_id&quot;,[&quot;@test2:localhost:8823&quot;],1490197670513]
  264. &gt; RDATA caches master batch [&quot;get_user_by_id&quot;,[&quot;@test3:localhost:8823&quot;],1490197670513]
  265. &gt; RDATA caches master 54 [&quot;get_user_by_id&quot;,[&quot;@test4:localhost:8823&quot;],1490197670513]
  266. </code></pre>
  267. <p>In this case the client shouldn't advance their caches token until it
  268. sees the the last <code>RDATA</code>.</p>
  269. <h3 id="list-of-commands"><a class="header" href="#list-of-commands">List of commands</a></h3>
  270. <p>The list of valid commands, with which side can send it: server (S) or
  271. client (C):</p>
  272. <h4 id="server-s"><a class="header" href="#server-s">SERVER (S)</a></h4>
  273. <p>Sent at the start to identify which server the client is talking to</p>
  274. <h4 id="rdata-s"><a class="header" href="#rdata-s">RDATA (S)</a></h4>
  275. <p>A single update in a stream</p>
  276. <h4 id="position-s"><a class="header" href="#position-s">POSITION (S)</a></h4>
  277. <p>On receipt of a POSITION command clients should check if they have missed any
  278. updates, and if so then fetch them out of band. Sent in response to a
  279. REPLICATE command (but can happen at any time).</p>
  280. <p>The POSITION command includes the source of the stream. Currently all streams
  281. are written by a single process (usually &quot;master&quot;). If fetching missing
  282. updates via HTTP API, rather than via the DB, then processes should make the
  283. request to the appropriate process.</p>
  284. <p>Two positions are included, the &quot;new&quot; position and the last position sent respectively.
  285. This allows servers to tell instances that the positions have advanced but no
  286. data has been written, without clients needlessly checking to see if they
  287. have missed any updates.</p>
  288. <h4 id="error-s-c"><a class="header" href="#error-s-c">ERROR (S, C)</a></h4>
  289. <p>There was an error</p>
  290. <h4 id="ping-s-c"><a class="header" href="#ping-s-c">PING (S, C)</a></h4>
  291. <p>Sent periodically to ensure the connection is still alive</p>
  292. <h4 id="name-c"><a class="header" href="#name-c">NAME (C)</a></h4>
  293. <p>Sent at the start by client to inform the server who they are</p>
  294. <h4 id="replicate-c"><a class="header" href="#replicate-c">REPLICATE (C)</a></h4>
  295. <p>Asks the server for the current position of all streams.</p>
  296. <h4 id="user_sync-c"><a class="header" href="#user_sync-c">USER_SYNC (C)</a></h4>
  297. <p>A user has started or stopped syncing on this process.</p>
  298. <h4 id="clear_user_sync-c"><a class="header" href="#clear_user_sync-c">CLEAR_USER_SYNC (C)</a></h4>
  299. <p>The server should clear all associated user sync data from the worker.</p>
  300. <p>This is used when a worker is shutting down.</p>
  301. <h4 id="federation_ack-c"><a class="header" href="#federation_ack-c">FEDERATION_ACK (C)</a></h4>
  302. <p>Acknowledge receipt of some federation data</p>
  303. <h3 id="remote_server_up-s-c"><a class="header" href="#remote_server_up-s-c">REMOTE_SERVER_UP (S, C)</a></h3>
  304. <p>Inform other processes that a remote server may have come back online.</p>
  305. <p>See <code>synapse/replication/tcp/</code> for a detailed description and
  306. the format of each command.</p>
  307. <h3 id="cache-invalidation-stream"><a class="header" href="#cache-invalidation-stream">Cache Invalidation Stream</a></h3>
  308. <p>The cache invalidation stream is used to inform workers when they need
  309. to invalidate any of their caches in the data store. This is done by
  310. streaming all cache invalidations done on master down to the workers,
  311. assuming that any caches on the workers also exist on the master.</p>
  312. <p>Each individual cache invalidation results in a row being sent down
  313. replication, which includes the cache name (the name of the function)
  314. and they key to invalidate. For example:</p>
  315. <pre><code>&gt; RDATA caches master 550953771 [&quot;get_user_by_id&quot;, [&quot;;], 1550574873251]
  316. </code></pre>
  317. <p>Alternatively, an entire cache can be invalidated by sending down a <code>null</code>
  318. instead of the key. For example:</p>
  319. <pre><code>&gt; RDATA caches master 550953772 [&quot;get_user_by_id&quot;, null, 1550574873252]
  320. </code></pre>
  321. <p>However, there are times when a number of caches need to be invalidated
  322. at the same time with the same key. To reduce traffic we batch those
  323. invalidations into a single poke by defining a special cache name that
  324. workers understand to mean to expand to invalidate the correct caches.</p>
  325. <p>Currently the special cache names are declared in
  326. <code>synapse/storage/</code> and are:</p>
  327. <ol>
  328. <li><code>cs_cache_fake</code> ─ invalidates caches that depend on the current
  329. state</li>
  330. </ol>
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