pyproject.toml 14 KB

  1. [tool.towncrier]
  2. package = "synapse"
  3. filename = ""
  4. directory = "changelog.d"
  5. issue_format = "[\\#{issue}]({issue})"
  6. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  7. directory = "feature"
  8. name = "Features"
  9. showcontent = true
  10. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  11. directory = "bugfix"
  12. name = "Bugfixes"
  13. showcontent = true
  14. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  15. directory = "docker"
  16. name = "Updates to the Docker image"
  17. showcontent = true
  18. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  19. directory = "doc"
  20. name = "Improved Documentation"
  21. showcontent = true
  22. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  23. directory = "removal"
  24. name = "Deprecations and Removals"
  25. showcontent = true
  26. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  27. directory = "misc"
  28. name = "Internal Changes"
  29. showcontent = true
  30. []
  31. target-version = ['py37', 'py38', 'py39', 'py310']
  32. # black ignores everything in .gitignore by default, see
  33. #
  34. # Use `extend-exclude` if you want to exclude something in addition to this.
  35. [tool.ruff]
  36. line-length = 88
  37. # See
  38. # for error codes. The ones we ignore are:
  39. # E731: do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
  40. # E501: Line too long (black enforces this for us)
  41. #
  42. # flake8-bugbear compatible checks. Its error codes are described at
  43. #
  44. # B019: Use of functools.lru_cache or functools.cache on methods can lead to memory leaks
  45. # B023: Functions defined inside a loop must not use variables redefined in the loop
  46. # B024: Abstract base class with no abstract method.
  47. ignore = [
  48. "B019",
  49. "B023",
  50. "B024",
  51. "E501",
  52. "E731",
  53. ]
  54. select = [
  55. # pycodestyle checks.
  56. "E",
  57. "W",
  58. # pyflakes checks.
  59. "F",
  60. # flake8-bugbear checks.
  61. "B0",
  62. # flake8-comprehensions checks.
  63. "C4",
  64. ]
  65. [tool.isort]
  66. line_length = 88
  68. default_section = "THIRDPARTY"
  69. known_first_party = ["synapse"]
  70. known_tests = ["tests"]
  71. known_twisted = ["twisted", "OpenSSL"]
  72. multi_line_output = 3
  73. include_trailing_comma = true
  74. combine_as_imports = true
  75. skip_gitignore = true
  76. [tool.maturin]
  77. manifest-path = "rust/Cargo.toml"
  78. [tool.poetry]
  79. name = "matrix-synapse"
  80. version = "1.79.0"
  81. description = "Homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol"
  82. authors = [" Team and Contributors <>"]
  83. license = "Apache-2.0"
  84. readme = "README.rst"
  85. repository = ""
  86. packages = [
  87. { include = "synapse" },
  88. ]
  89. classifiers = [
  90. "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
  91. "Topic :: Communications :: Chat",
  92. ]
  93. include = [
  94. { path = "AUTHORS.rst", format = "sdist" },
  95. { path = "book.toml", format = "sdist" },
  96. { path = "changelog.d", format = "sdist" },
  97. { path = "", format = "sdist" },
  98. { path = "", format = "sdist" },
  99. { path = "demo", format = "sdist" },
  100. { path = "docs", format = "sdist" },
  101. { path = "", format = "sdist" },
  102. { path = "mypy.ini", format = "sdist" },
  103. { path = "scripts-dev", format = "sdist" },
  104. { path = "synmark", format="sdist" },
  105. { path = "sytest-blacklist", format = "sdist" },
  106. { path = "tests", format = "sdist" },
  107. { path = "UPGRADE.rst", format = "sdist" },
  108. { path = "Cargo.toml", format = "sdist" },
  109. { path = "Cargo.lock", format = "sdist" },
  110. { path = "rust/Cargo.toml", format = "sdist" },
  111. { path = "rust/", format = "sdist" },
  112. { path = "rust/src/**", format = "sdist" },
  113. ]
  114. exclude = [
  115. { path = "synapse/*.so", format = "sdist"}
  116. ]
  117. []
  118. script = ""
  119. generate-setup-file = true
  120. [tool.poetry.scripts]
  121. synapse_homeserver = ""
  122. synapse_worker = ""
  123. synctl = "synapse._scripts.synctl:main"
  124. export_signing_key = "synapse._scripts.export_signing_key:main"
  125. generate_config = "synapse._scripts.generate_config:main"
  126. generate_log_config = "synapse._scripts.generate_log_config:main"
  127. generate_signing_key = "synapse._scripts.generate_signing_key:main"
  128. hash_password = "synapse._scripts.hash_password:main"
  129. register_new_matrix_user = "synapse._scripts.register_new_matrix_user:main"
  130. synapse_port_db = "synapse._scripts.synapse_port_db:main"
  131. synapse_review_recent_signups = "synapse._scripts.review_recent_signups:main"
  132. update_synapse_database = "synapse._scripts.update_synapse_database:main"
  133. [tool.poetry.dependencies]
  134. python = "^3.7.1"
  135. # Mandatory Dependencies
  136. # ----------------------
  137. # we use the TYPE_CHECKER.redefine method added in jsonschema 3.0.0
  138. jsonschema = ">=3.0.0"
  139. # frozendict 2.1.2 is broken on Debian 10:
  140. # We cannot test our wheels against the 2.3.5 release in CI. Putting in an upper bound for this
  141. # because frozendict has been more trouble than it's worth; we would like to move to immutabledict.
  142. frozendict = ">=1,!=2.1.2,<2.3.5"
  143. # We require 2.1.0 or higher for type hints. Previous guard was >= 1.1.0
  144. unpaddedbase64 = ">=2.1.0"
  145. # We require 1.5.0 to work around an issue when running against the C implementation of
  146. # frozendict:
  147. canonicaljson = "^1.5.0"
  148. # we use the type definitions added in signedjson 1.1.
  149. signedjson = "^1.1.0"
  150. # validating SSL certs for IP addresses requires service_identity 18.1.
  151. service-identity = ">=18.1.0"
  152. # Twisted 18.9 introduces some logger improvements that the structured
  153. # logger utilises
  154. Twisted = {extras = ["tls"], version = ">=18.9.0"}
  155. treq = ">=15.1"
  156. # Twisted has required pyopenssl 16.0 since about Twisted 16.6.
  157. pyOpenSSL = ">=16.0.0"
  158. PyYAML = ">=3.13"
  159. pyasn1 = ">=0.1.9"
  160. pyasn1-modules = ">=0.0.7"
  161. bcrypt = ">=3.1.7"
  162. Pillow = ">=5.4.0"
  163. # We use SortedDict.peekitem(), which was added in sortedcontainers 1.5.2.
  164. sortedcontainers = ">=1.5.2"
  165. pymacaroons = ">=0.13.0"
  166. msgpack = ">=0.5.2"
  167. phonenumbers = ">=8.2.0"
  168. # we use GaugeHistogramMetric, which was added in prom-client 0.4.0.
  169. prometheus-client = ">=0.4.0"
  170. # we use `order`, which arrived in attrs 19.2.0.
  171. # Note: 21.1.0 broke `/sync`, see #9936
  172. attrs = ">=19.2.0,!=21.1.0"
  173. netaddr = ">=0.7.18"
  174. # Jinja 2.x is incompatible with MarkupSafe>=2.1. To ensure that admins do not
  175. # end up with a broken installation, with recent MarkupSafe but old Jinja, we
  176. # add a lower bound to the Jinja2 dependency.
  177. Jinja2 = ">=3.0"
  178. bleach = ">=1.4.3"
  179. # We use `ParamSpec` and `Concatenate`, which were added in `typing-extensions`
  180. # Additionally we need to allow types to be
  181. # generic over ParamSpecs.
  182. typing-extensions = ">="
  183. # We enforce that we have a `cryptography` version that bundles an `openssl`
  184. # with the latest security patches.
  185. cryptography = ">=3.4.7"
  186. # ijson 3.1.4 fixes a bug with "." in property names
  187. ijson = ">=3.1.4"
  188. matrix-common = "^1.3.0"
  189. # We need packaging.requirements.Requirement, added in 16.1.
  190. packaging = ">=16.1"
  191. # At the time of writing, we only use functions from the version `importlib.metadata`
  192. # which shipped in Python 3.8. This corresponds to version 1.4 of the backport.
  193. importlib_metadata = { version = ">=1.4", python = "<3.8" }
  194. # This is the most recent version of Pydantic with available on common distros.
  195. pydantic = ">=1.7.4"
  196. # This is for building the rust components during "poetry install", which
  197. # currently ignores the `build-system.requires` directive (c.f.
  198. # Both `pip install` and
  199. # `poetry build` do the right thing without this explicit dependency.
  200. #
  201. # This isn't really a dev-dependency, as `poetry install --no-dev` will fail,
  202. # but the alternative is to add it to the main list of deps where it isn't
  203. # needed.
  204. setuptools_rust = ">=1.3"
  205. # Optional Dependencies
  206. # ---------------------
  207. matrix-synapse-ldap3 = { version = ">=0.1", optional = true }
  208. psycopg2 = { version = ">=2.8", markers = "platform_python_implementation != 'PyPy'", optional = true }
  209. psycopg2cffi = { version = ">=2.8", markers = "platform_python_implementation == 'PyPy'", optional = true }
  210. psycopg2cffi-compat = { version = "==1.1", markers = "platform_python_implementation == 'PyPy'", optional = true }
  211. pysaml2 = { version = ">=4.5.0", optional = true }
  212. authlib = { version = ">=0.15.1", optional = true }
  213. # systemd-python is necessary for logging to the systemd journal via
  214. # `systemd.journal.JournalHandler`, as is documented in
  215. # `contrib/systemd/log_config.yaml`.
  216. # Note: systemd-python 231 appears to have been yanked from pypi
  217. systemd-python = { version = ">=231", optional = true }
  218. lxml = { version = ">=4.2.0", optional = true }
  219. sentry-sdk = { version = ">=0.7.2", optional = true }
  220. opentracing = { version = ">=2.2.0", optional = true }
  221. jaeger-client = { version = ">=4.0.0", optional = true }
  222. txredisapi = { version = ">=1.4.7", optional = true }
  223. hiredis = { version = "*", optional = true }
  224. Pympler = { version = "*", optional = true }
  225. parameterized = { version = ">=0.7.4", optional = true }
  226. idna = { version = ">=2.5", optional = true }
  227. pyicu = { version = ">=2.10.2", optional = true }
  228. [tool.poetry.extras]
  229. # NB: Packages that should be part of `pip install matrix-synapse[all]` need to be specified
  230. # twice: once here, and once in the `all` extra.
  231. matrix-synapse-ldap3 = ["matrix-synapse-ldap3"]
  232. postgres = ["psycopg2", "psycopg2cffi", "psycopg2cffi-compat"]
  233. saml2 = ["pysaml2"]
  234. oidc = ["authlib"]
  235. # systemd-python is necessary for logging to the systemd journal via
  236. # `systemd.journal.JournalHandler`, as is documented in
  237. # `contrib/systemd/log_config.yaml`.
  238. systemd = ["systemd-python"]
  239. url-preview = ["lxml"]
  240. sentry = ["sentry-sdk"]
  241. opentracing = ["jaeger-client", "opentracing"]
  242. jwt = ["authlib"]
  243. # hiredis is not a *strict* dependency, but it makes things much faster.
  244. # (if it is not installed, we fall back to slow code.)
  245. redis = ["txredisapi", "hiredis"]
  246. # Required to use experimental `caches.track_memory_usage` config option.
  247. cache-memory = ["pympler"]
  248. test = ["parameterized", "idna"]
  249. # Allows for better search for international characters in the user directory. This
  250. # requires libicu's development headers installed on the system (e.g. libicu-dev on
  251. # Debian-based distributions).
  252. user-search = ["pyicu"]
  253. # The duplication here is awful. I hate hate hate hate hate it. However, for now I want
  254. # to ensure you can still `pip install matrix-synapse[all]` like today. Two motivations:
  255. # 1) for new installations, I want instructions in existing documentation and tutorials
  256. # out there to still work.
  257. # 2) I don't want to hard-code a list of extras into CI if I can help it. The ideal
  258. # solution here would be something like
  259. # Poetry 1.2's dependency groups might make this easier. But I'm not trying that out
  260. # until there's a stable release of 1.2.
  261. #
  262. # NB: the strings in this list must be *package* names, not extra names.
  263. # Some of our extra names _are_ package names, which can lead to great confusion.
  264. all = [
  265. # matrix-synapse-ldap3
  266. "matrix-synapse-ldap3",
  267. # postgres
  268. "psycopg2", "psycopg2cffi", "psycopg2cffi-compat",
  269. # saml2
  270. "pysaml2",
  271. # oidc and jwt
  272. "authlib",
  273. # url-preview
  274. "lxml",
  275. # sentry
  276. "sentry-sdk",
  277. # opentracing
  278. "jaeger-client", "opentracing",
  279. # redis
  280. "txredisapi", "hiredis",
  281. # cache-memory
  282. "pympler",
  283. # improved user search
  284. "pyicu",
  285. # omitted:
  286. # - test: it's useful to have this separate from dev deps in the olddeps job
  287. # - systemd: this is a system-based requirement
  288. ]
  289. []
  290. # We pin black so that our tests don't start failing on new releases.
  291. isort = ">=5.10.1"
  292. black = ">=22.3.0"
  293. ruff = "0.0.252"
  294. # Typechecking
  295. mypy = "*"
  296. mypy-zope = "*"
  297. types-bleach = ">=4.1.0"
  298. types-commonmark = ">=0.9.2"
  299. types-jsonschema = ">=3.2.0"
  300. types-netaddr = ">="
  301. types-opentracing = ">=2.4.2"
  302. types-Pillow = ">=8.3.4"
  303. types-psycopg2 = ">=2.9.9"
  304. types-pyOpenSSL = ">=20.0.7"
  305. types-PyYAML = ">=5.4.10"
  306. types-requests = ">=2.26.0"
  307. types-setuptools = ">=57.4.0"
  308. # Dependencies which are exclusively required by unit test code. This is
  309. # NOT a list of all modules that are necessary to run the unit tests.
  310. # Tests assume that all optional dependencies are installed.
  311. # parameterized<0.7.4 can create classes with names that would normally be invalid
  312. # identifiers. trial really does not like this when running with multiple workers.
  313. parameterized = ">=0.7.4"
  314. idna = ">=2.5"
  315. # The following are used by the release script
  316. click = ">=8.1.3"
  317. # GitPython was == 3.1.14; bumped to 3.1.20, the first release with type hints.
  318. GitPython = ">=3.1.20"
  319. commonmark = ">=0.9.1"
  320. pygithub = ">=1.55"
  321. # The following are executed as commands by the release script.
  322. twine = "*"
  323. # Towncrier min version comes from #3425. Rationale unclear.
  324. towncrier = ">=18.6.0rc1"
  325. # Used for checking the Poetry lockfile
  326. tomli = ">=1.2.3"
  327. [build-system]
  328. # The upper bounds here are defensive, intended to prevent situations like
  329. # #13849 and #14079 where we see buildtime or runtime errors caused by build
  330. # system changes.
  331. # We are happy to raise these upper bounds upon request,
  332. # provided we check that it's safe to do so (i.e. that CI passes).
  333. requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0,<=1.5.0", "setuptools_rust>=1.3,<=1.5.2"]
  334. build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
  335. [tool.cibuildwheel]
  336. # Skip unsupported platforms (by us or by Rust).
  337. skip = "cp36* *-musllinux_i686 pp*aarch64 *-musllinux_aarch64"
  338. # We need a rust compiler
  339. before-all = "curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain stable -y --profile minimal"
  340. environment= { PATH = "$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin" }
  341. # For some reason if we don't manually clean the build directory we
  342. # can end up polluting the next build with a .so that is for the wrong
  343. # Python version.
  344. before-build = "rm -rf {project}/build"
  345. build-frontend = "build"
  346. test-command = "python -c 'from synapse.synapse_rust import sum_as_string; print(sum_as_string(1, 2))'"
  347. [tool.cibuildwheel.linux]
  348. # Wrap the repair command to correctly rename the built cpython wheels as ABI3.
  349. repair-wheel-command = "./.ci/scripts/ -w {dest_dir} {wheel}"
  350. [tool.cibuildwheel.macos]
  351. # Wrap the repair command to correctly rename the built cpython wheels as ABI3.
  352. repair-wheel-command = "./.ci/scripts/ --require-archs {delocate_archs} -w {dest_dir} {wheel}"