123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- # Example log_config file for synapse. To enable, point `log_config` to it in
- # `homeserver.yaml`, and restart synapse.
- #
- # This configuration will produce similar results to the defaults within
- # synapse, but can be edited to give more flexibility.
- version: 1
- formatters:
- fmt:
- format: '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(request)s- %(message)s'
- filters:
- context:
- (): synapse.util.logcontext.LoggingContextFilter
- request: ""
- handlers:
- # example output to console
- console:
- class: logging.StreamHandler
- formatter: fmt
- filters: [context]
- # example output to file - to enable, edit 'root' config below.
- file:
- class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
- formatter: fmt
- filename: /var/log/synapse/homeserver.log
- maxBytes: 100000000
- backupCount: 3
- filters: [context]
- encoding: utf8
- root:
- level: INFO
- handlers: [console] # to use file handler instead, switch to [file]
- loggers:
- synapse:
- level: INFO
- synapse.storage.SQL:
- # beware: increasing this to DEBUG will make synapse log sensitive
- # information such as access tokens.
- level: INFO
- # example of enabling debugging for a component:
- #
- # synapse.federation.transport.server:
- # level: DEBUG