3.6 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #
  3. # Default ENTRYPOINT for the docker image used for testing synapse with workers under complement
  4. set -e
  5. echo "Complement Synapse launcher"
  6. echo " Args: $@"
  8. function log {
  9. d=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%3N")
  10. echo "$d $@"
  11. }
  12. # Set the server name of the homeserver
  14. # No need to report stats here
  15. export SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS=no
  17. postgres)
  18. # Set postgres authentication details which will be placed in the homeserver config file
  19. export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=somesecret
  20. export POSTGRES_USER=postgres
  21. export POSTGRES_HOST=localhost
  22. # configure supervisord to start postgres
  23. export START_POSTGRES=true
  24. ;;
  25. sqlite|"")
  26. # Configure supervisord not to start Postgres, as we don't need it
  27. export START_POSTGRES=false
  28. ;;
  29. *)
  31. exit 1
  32. ;;
  33. esac
  34. if [[ -n "$SYNAPSE_COMPLEMENT_USE_WORKERS" ]]; then
  35. # Specify the workers to test with
  36. # Allow overriding by explicitly setting SYNAPSE_WORKER_TYPES outside, while still
  37. # utilizing WORKERS=1 for backwards compatibility.
  38. # -n True if the length of string is non-zero.
  39. # -z True if the length of string is zero.
  40. if [[ -z "$SYNAPSE_WORKER_TYPES" ]]; then
  41. export SYNAPSE_WORKER_TYPES="\
  42. event_persister, \
  43. event_persister, \
  44. background_worker, \
  45. frontend_proxy, \
  46. event_creator, \
  47. user_dir, \
  48. media_repository, \
  49. federation_inbound, \
  50. federation_reader, \
  51. federation_sender, \
  52. synchrotron, \
  53. client_reader, \
  54. appservice, \
  55. pusher"
  56. fi
  57. log "Workers requested: $SYNAPSE_WORKER_TYPES"
  58. # Improve startup times by using a launcher based on fork()
  60. else
  61. # Empty string here means 'main process only'
  62. export SYNAPSE_WORKER_TYPES=""
  63. fi
  64. # Add Complement's appservice registration directory, if there is one
  65. # (It can be absent when there are no application services in this test!)
  66. if [ -d /complement/appservice ]; then
  67. export SYNAPSE_AS_REGISTRATION_DIR=/complement/appservice
  68. fi
  69. # Generate a TLS key, then generate a certificate by having Complement's CA sign it
  70. # Note that both the key and certificate are in PEM format (not DER).
  71. # First generate a configuration file to set up a Subject Alternative Name.
  72. cat > /conf/server.tls.conf <<EOF
  73. .include /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
  74. [SAN]
  75. subjectAltName=DNS:${SERVER_NAME}
  76. EOF
  77. # Generate an RSA key
  78. openssl genrsa -out /conf/server.tls.key 2048
  79. # Generate a certificate signing request
  80. openssl req -new -config /conf/server.tls.conf -key /conf/server.tls.key -out /conf/server.tls.csr \
  81. -subj "/CN=${SERVER_NAME}" -reqexts SAN
  82. # Make the Complement Certificate Authority sign and generate a certificate.
  83. openssl x509 -req -in /conf/server.tls.csr \
  84. -CA /complement/ca/ca.crt -CAkey /complement/ca/ca.key -set_serial 1 \
  85. -out /conf/server.tls.crt -extfile /conf/server.tls.conf -extensions SAN
  86. # Assert that we have a Subject Alternative Name in the certificate.
  87. # (grep will exit with 1 here if there isn't a SAN in the certificate.)
  88. openssl x509 -in /conf/server.tls.crt -noout -text | grep DNS:
  89. export SYNAPSE_TLS_CERT=/conf/server.tls.crt
  90. export SYNAPSE_TLS_KEY=/conf/server.tls.key
  91. # Run the script that writes the necessary config files and starts supervisord, which in turn
  92. # starts everything else
  93. exec /