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  136. <h1 id="some-notes-on-how-we-use-git"><a class="header" href="#some-notes-on-how-we-use-git">Some notes on how we use git</a></h1>
  137. <h2 id="on-keeping-the-commit-history-clean"><a class="header" href="#on-keeping-the-commit-history-clean">On keeping the commit history clean</a></h2>
  138. <p>In an ideal world, our git commit history would be a linear progression of
  139. commits each of which contains a single change building on what came
  140. before. Here, by way of an arbitrary example, is the top of <code>git log --graph b2dba0607</code>:</p>
  141. <img src="img/git/clean.png" alt="clean git graph" width="500px">
  142. <p>Note how the commit comment explains clearly what is changing and why. Also
  143. note the <em>absence</em> of merge commits, as well as the absence of commits called
  144. things like (to pick a few culprits):
  145. <a href="">“pep8”</a>, <a href="">“fix broken
  146. test”</a>,
  147. <a href="">“oops”</a>,
  148. <a href="">“typo”</a>, or <a href="">“Who's
  149. the president?”</a>.</p>
  150. <p>There are a number of reasons why keeping a clean commit history is a good
  151. thing:</p>
  152. <ul>
  153. <li>
  154. <p>From time to time, after a change lands, it turns out to be necessary to
  155. revert it, or to backport it to a release branch. Those operations are
  156. <em>much</em> easier when the change is contained in a single commit.</p>
  157. </li>
  158. <li>
  159. <p>Similarly, it's much easier to answer questions like “is the fix for
  160. <code>/publicRooms</code> on the release branch?” if that change consists of a single
  161. commit.</p>
  162. </li>
  163. <li>
  164. <p>Likewise: “what has changed on this branch in the last week?” is much
  165. clearer without merges and “pep8” commits everywhere.</p>
  166. </li>
  167. <li>
  168. <p>Sometimes we need to figure out where a bug got introduced, or some
  169. behaviour changed. One way of doing that is with <code>git bisect</code>: pick an
  170. arbitrary commit between the known good point and the known bad point, and
  171. see how the code behaves. However, that strategy fails if the commit you
  172. chose is the middle of someone's epic branch in which they broke the world
  173. before putting it back together again.</p>
  174. </li>
  175. </ul>
  176. <p>One counterargument is that it is sometimes useful to see how a PR evolved as
  177. it went through review cycles. This is true, but that information is always
  178. available via the GitHub UI (or via the little-known <a href="">refs/pull
  179. namespace</a>).</p>
  180. <p>Of course, in reality, things are more complicated than that. We have release
  181. branches as well as <code>develop</code> and <code>master</code>, and we deliberately merge changes
  182. between them. Bugs often slip through and have to be fixed later. That's all
  183. fine: this not a cast-iron rule which must be obeyed, but an ideal to aim
  184. towards.</p>
  185. <h2 id="merges-squashes-rebases-wtf"><a class="header" href="#merges-squashes-rebases-wtf">Merges, squashes, rebases: wtf?</a></h2>
  186. <p>Ok, so that's what we'd like to achieve. How do we achieve it?</p>
  187. <p>The TL;DR is: when you come to merge a pull request, you <em>probably</em> want to
  188. “squash and merge”:</p>
  189. <p><img src="img/git/squash.png" alt="squash and merge" />.</p>
  190. <p>(This applies whether you are merging your own PR, or that of another
  191. contributor.)</p>
  192. <p>“Squash and merge”<sup id="a1"><a href="#f1">1</a></sup> takes all of the changes in the
  193. PR, and bundles them into a single commit. GitHub gives you the opportunity to
  194. edit the commit message before you confirm, and normally you should do so,
  195. because the default will be useless (again: <code>* woops typo</code> is not a useful
  196. thing to keep in the historical record).</p>
  197. <p>The main problem with this approach comes when you have a series of pull
  198. requests which build on top of one another: as soon as you squash-merge the
  199. first PR, you'll end up with a stack of conflicts to resolve in all of the
  200. others. In general, it's best to avoid this situation in the first place by
  201. trying not to have multiple related PRs in flight at the same time. Still,
  202. sometimes that's not possible and doing a regular merge is the lesser evil.</p>
  203. <p>Another occasion in which a regular merge makes more sense is a PR where you've
  204. deliberately created a series of commits each of which makes sense in its own
  205. right. For example: <a href="">a PR which gradually propagates a refactoring operation
  206. through the codebase</a>, or <a href="">a
  207. PR which is the culmination of several other
  208. PRs</a>. In this case the ability
  209. to figure out when a particular change/bug was introduced could be very useful.</p>
  210. <p>Ultimately: <strong>this is not a hard-and-fast-rule</strong>. If in doubt, ask yourself “do
  211. each of the commits I am about to merge make sense in their own right”, but
  212. remember that we're just doing our best to balance “keeping the commit history
  213. clean” with other factors.</p>
  214. <h2 id="git-branching-model"><a class="header" href="#git-branching-model">Git branching model</a></h2>
  215. <p>A <a href="">lot</a>
  216. <a href="">of</a>
  217. <a href="">words</a> have been
  218. written in the past about git branching models (no really, <a href="">a
  219. lot</a>). I tend to
  220. think the whole thing is overblown. Fundamentally, it's not that
  221. complicated. Here's how we do it.</p>
  222. <p>Let's start with a picture:</p>
  223. <p><img src="img/git/branches.jpg" alt="branching model" /></p>
  224. <p>It looks complicated, but it's really not. There's one basic rule: <em>anyone</em> is
  225. free to merge from <em>any</em> more-stable branch to <em>any</em> less-stable branch at
  226. <em>any</em> time<sup id="a2"><a href="#f2">2</a></sup>. (The principle behind this is that if a
  227. change is good enough for the more-stable branch, then it's also good enough go
  228. put in a less-stable branch.)</p>
  229. <p>Meanwhile, merging (or squashing, as per the above) from a less-stable to a
  230. more-stable branch is a deliberate action in which you want to publish a change
  231. or a set of changes to (some subset of) the world: for example, this happens
  232. when a PR is landed, or as part of our release process.</p>
  233. <p>So, what counts as a more- or less-stable branch? A little reflection will show
  234. that our active branches are ordered thus, from more-stable to less-stable:</p>
  235. <ul>
  236. <li><code>master</code> (tracks our last release).</li>
  237. <li><code>release-vX.Y</code> (the branch where we prepare the next release)<sup
  238. id="a3"><a href="#f3">3</a></sup>.</li>
  239. <li>PR branches which are targeting the release.</li>
  240. <li><code>develop</code> (our &quot;mainline&quot; branch containing our bleeding-edge).</li>
  241. <li>regular PR branches.</li>
  242. </ul>
  243. <p>The corollary is: if you have a bugfix that needs to land in both
  244. <code>release-vX.Y</code> <em>and</em> <code>develop</code>, then you should base your PR on
  245. <code>release-vX.Y</code>, get it merged there, and then merge from <code>release-vX.Y</code> to
  246. <code>develop</code>. (If a fix lands in <code>develop</code> and we later need it in a
  247. release-branch, we can of course cherry-pick it, but landing it in the release
  248. branch first helps reduce the chance of annoying conflicts.)</p>
  249. <hr />
  250. <p><b id="f1">[1]</b>: “Squash and merge” is GitHub's term for this
  251. operation. Given that there is no merge involved, I'm not convinced it's the
  252. most intuitive name. <a href="#a1">^</a></p>
  253. <p><b id="f2">[2]</b>: Well, anyone with commit access.<a href="#a2">^</a></p>
  254. <p><b id="f3">[3]</b>: Very, very occasionally (I think this has happened once in
  255. the history of Synapse), we've had two releases in flight at once. Obviously,
  256. <code>release-v1.2</code> is more-stable than <code>release-v1.3</code>. <a href="#a3">^</a></p>
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