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  136. <h1 id="templates"><a class="header" href="#templates">Templates</a></h1>
  137. <p>Synapse uses parametrised templates to generate the content of emails it sends and
  138. webpages it shows to users.</p>
  139. <p>By default, Synapse will use the templates listed <a href="https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/tree/master/synapse/res/templates">here</a>.
  140. Server admins can configure an additional directory for Synapse to look for templates
  141. in, allowing them to specify custom templates:</p>
  142. <pre><code class="language-yaml">templates:
  143. custom_templates_directory: /path/to/custom/templates/
  144. </code></pre>
  145. <p>If this setting is not set, or the files named below are not found within the directory,
  146. default templates from within the Synapse package will be used.</p>
  147. <p>Templates that are given variables when being rendered are rendered using <a href="https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.11.x/">Jinja 2</a>.
  148. Templates rendered by Jinja 2 can also access two functions on top of the functions
  149. already available as part of Jinja 2:</p>
  150. <pre><code class="language-python">format_ts(value: int, format: str) -&gt; str
  151. </code></pre>
  152. <p>Formats a timestamp in milliseconds.</p>
  153. <p>Example: <code>reason.last_sent_ts|format_ts(&quot;%c&quot;)</code></p>
  154. <pre><code class="language-python">mxc_to_http(value: str, width: int, height: int, resize_method: str = &quot;crop&quot;) -&gt; str
  155. </code></pre>
  156. <p>Turns a <code>mxc://</code> URL for media content into an HTTP(S) one using the homeserver's
  157. <code>public_baseurl</code> configuration setting as the URL's base.</p>
  158. <p>Example: <code>message.sender_avatar_url|mxc_to_http(32,32)</code></p>
  159. <h2 id="email-templates"><a class="header" href="#email-templates">Email templates</a></h2>
  160. <p>Below are the templates Synapse will look for when generating the content of an email:</p>
  161. <ul>
  162. <li><code>notif_mail.html</code> and <code>notif_mail.txt</code>: The contents of email notifications of missed
  163. events.
  164. When rendering, this template is given the following variables:
  165. <ul>
  166. <li><code>user_display_name</code>: the display name for the user receiving the notification</li>
  167. <li><code>unsubscribe_link</code>: the link users can click to unsubscribe from email notifications</li>
  168. <li><code>summary_text</code>: a summary of the notification(s). The text used can be customised
  169. by configuring the various settings in the <code>email.subjects</code> section of the
  170. configuration file.</li>
  171. <li><code>rooms</code>: a list of rooms containing events to include in the email. Each element is
  172. an object with the following attributes:
  173. <ul>
  174. <li><code>title</code>: a human-readable name for the room</li>
  175. <li><code>hash</code>: a hash of the ID of the room</li>
  176. <li><code>invite</code>: a boolean, which is <code>True</code> if the room is an invite the user hasn't
  177. accepted yet, <code>False</code> otherwise</li>
  178. <li><code>notifs</code>: a list of events, or an empty list if <code>invite</code> is <code>True</code>. Each element
  179. is an object with the following attributes:
  180. <ul>
  181. <li><code>link</code>: a <code>matrix.to</code> link to the event</li>
  182. <li><code>ts</code>: the time in milliseconds at which the event was received</li>
  183. <li><code>messages</code>: a list of messages containing one message before the event, the
  184. message in the event, and one message after the event. Each element is an
  185. object with the following attributes:
  186. <ul>
  187. <li><code>event_type</code>: the type of the event</li>
  188. <li><code>is_historical</code>: a boolean, which is <code>False</code> if the message is the one
  189. that triggered the notification, <code>True</code> otherwise</li>
  190. <li><code>id</code>: the ID of the event</li>
  191. <li><code>ts</code>: the time in milliseconds at which the event was sent</li>
  192. <li><code>sender_name</code>: the display name for the event's sender</li>
  193. <li><code>sender_avatar_url</code>: the avatar URL (as a <code>mxc://</code> URL) for the event's
  194. sender</li>
  195. <li><code>sender_hash</code>: a hash of the user ID of the sender</li>
  196. <li><code>msgtype</code>: the type of the message</li>
  197. <li><code>body_text_html</code>: html representation of the message</li>
  198. <li><code>body_text_plain</code>: plaintext representation of the message</li>
  199. <li><code>image_url</code>: mxc url of an image, when &quot;msgtype&quot; is &quot;m.image&quot;</li>
  200. </ul>
  201. </li>
  202. </ul>
  203. </li>
  204. <li><code>link</code>: a <code>matrix.to</code> link to the room</li>
  205. <li><code>avator_url</code>: url to the room's avator</li>
  206. </ul>
  207. </li>
  208. <li><code>reason</code>: information on the event that triggered the email to be sent. It's an
  209. object with the following attributes:
  210. <ul>
  211. <li><code>room_id</code>: the ID of the room the event was sent in</li>
  212. <li><code>room_name</code>: a human-readable name for the room the event was sent in</li>
  213. <li><code>now</code>: the current time in milliseconds</li>
  214. <li><code>received_at</code>: the time in milliseconds at which the event was received</li>
  215. <li><code>delay_before_mail_ms</code>: the amount of time in milliseconds Synapse always waits
  216. before ever emailing about a notification (to give the user a chance to respond
  217. to other push or notice the window)</li>
  218. <li><code>last_sent_ts</code>: the time in milliseconds at which a notification was last sent
  219. for an event in this room</li>
  220. <li><code>throttle_ms</code>: the minimum amount of time in milliseconds between two
  221. notifications can be sent for this room</li>
  222. </ul>
  223. </li>
  224. </ul>
  225. </li>
  226. <li><code>password_reset.html</code> and <code>password_reset.txt</code>: The contents of password reset emails
  227. sent by the homeserver.
  228. When rendering, these templates are given a <code>link</code> variable which contains the link the
  229. user must click in order to reset their password.</li>
  230. <li><code>registration.html</code> and <code>registration.txt</code>: The contents of address verification emails
  231. sent during registration.
  232. When rendering, these templates are given a <code>link</code> variable which contains the link the
  233. user must click in order to validate their email address.</li>
  234. <li><code>add_threepid.html</code> and <code>add_threepid.txt</code>: The contents of address verification emails
  235. sent when an address is added to a Matrix account.
  236. When rendering, these templates are given a <code>link</code> variable which contains the link the
  237. user must click in order to validate their email address.</li>
  238. </ul>
  239. <h2 id="html-page-templates-for-registration-and-password-reset"><a class="header" href="#html-page-templates-for-registration-and-password-reset">HTML page templates for registration and password reset</a></h2>
  240. <p>Below are the templates Synapse will look for when generating pages related to
  241. registration and password reset:</p>
  242. <ul>
  243. <li><code>password_reset_confirmation.html</code>: An HTML page that a user will see when they follow
  244. the link in the password reset email. The user will be asked to confirm the action
  245. before their password is reset.
  246. When rendering, this template is given the following variables:
  247. <ul>
  248. <li><code>sid</code>: the session ID for the password reset</li>
  249. <li><code>token</code>: the token for the password reset</li>
  250. <li><code>client_secret</code>: the client secret for the password reset</li>
  251. </ul>
  252. </li>
  253. <li><code>password_reset_success.html</code> and <code>password_reset_failure.html</code>: HTML pages for success
  254. and failure that a user will see when they confirm the password reset flow using the
  255. page above.
  256. When rendering, <code>password_reset_success.html</code> is given no variable, and
  257. <code>password_reset_failure.html</code> is given a <code>failure_reason</code>, which contains the reason
  258. for the password reset failure. </li>
  259. <li><code>registration_success.html</code> and <code>registration_failure.html</code>: HTML pages for success and
  260. failure that a user will see when they follow the link in an address verification email
  261. sent during registration.
  262. When rendering, <code>registration_success.html</code> is given no variable, and
  263. <code>registration_failure.html</code> is given a <code>failure_reason</code>, which contains the reason
  264. for the registration failure.</li>
  265. <li><code>add_threepid_success.html</code> and <code>add_threepid_failure.html</code>: HTML pages for success and
  266. failure that a user will see when they follow the link in an address verification email
  267. sent when an address is added to a Matrix account.
  268. When rendering, <code>add_threepid_success.html</code> is given no variable, and
  269. <code>add_threepid_failure.html</code> is given a <code>failure_reason</code>, which contains the reason
  270. for the registration failure.</li>
  271. </ul>
  272. <h2 id="html-page-templates-for-single-sign-on-sso"><a class="header" href="#html-page-templates-for-single-sign-on-sso">HTML page templates for Single Sign-On (SSO)</a></h2>
  273. <p>Below are the templates Synapse will look for when generating pages related to SSO:</p>
  274. <ul>
  275. <li><code>sso_login_idp_picker.html</code>: HTML page to prompt the user to choose an
  276. Identity Provider during login.
  277. This is only used if multiple SSO Identity Providers are configured.
  278. When rendering, this template is given the following variables:
  279. <ul>
  280. <li><code>redirect_url</code>: the URL that the user will be redirected to after
  281. login.</li>
  282. <li><code>server_name</code>: the homeserver's name.</li>
  283. <li><code>providers</code>: a list of available Identity Providers. Each element is
  284. an object with the following attributes:
  285. <ul>
  286. <li><code>idp_id</code>: unique identifier for the IdP</li>
  287. <li><code>idp_name</code>: user-facing name for the IdP</li>
  288. <li><code>idp_icon</code>: if specified in the IdP config, an MXC URI for an icon
  289. for the IdP</li>
  290. <li><code>idp_brand</code>: if specified in the IdP config, a textual identifier
  291. for the brand of the IdP
  292. The rendered HTML page should contain a form which submits its results
  293. back as a GET request, with the following query parameters:</li>
  294. </ul>
  295. </li>
  296. <li><code>redirectUrl</code>: the client redirect URI (ie, the <code>redirect_url</code> passed
  297. to the template)</li>
  298. <li><code>idp</code>: the 'idp_id' of the chosen IDP.</li>
  299. </ul>
  300. </li>
  301. <li><code>sso_auth_account_details.html</code>: HTML page to prompt new users to enter a
  302. userid and confirm other details. This is only shown if the
  303. SSO implementation (with any <code>user_mapping_provider</code>) does not return
  304. a localpart.
  305. When rendering, this template is given the following variables:
  306. <ul>
  307. <li><code>server_name</code>: the homeserver's name.</li>
  308. <li><code>idp</code>: details of the SSO Identity Provider that the user logged in
  309. with: an object with the following attributes:
  310. <ul>
  311. <li><code>idp_id</code>: unique identifier for the IdP</li>
  312. <li><code>idp_name</code>: user-facing name for the IdP</li>
  313. <li><code>idp_icon</code>: if specified in the IdP config, an MXC URI for an icon
  314. for the IdP</li>
  315. <li><code>idp_brand</code>: if specified in the IdP config, a textual identifier
  316. for the brand of the IdP</li>
  317. </ul>
  318. </li>
  319. <li><code>user_attributes</code>: an object containing details about the user that
  320. we received from the IdP. May have the following attributes:
  321. <ul>
  322. <li>display_name: the user's display_name</li>
  323. <li>emails: a list of email addresses
  324. The template should render a form which submits the following fields:</li>
  325. </ul>
  326. </li>
  327. <li><code>username</code>: the localpart of the user's chosen user id</li>
  328. </ul>
  329. </li>
  330. <li><code>sso_new_user_consent.html</code>: HTML page allowing the user to consent to the
  331. server's terms and conditions. This is only shown for new users, and only if
  332. <code>user_consent.require_at_registration</code> is set.
  333. When rendering, this template is given the following variables:
  334. <ul>
  335. <li><code>server_name</code>: the homeserver's name.</li>
  336. <li><code>user_id</code>: the user's matrix proposed ID.</li>
  337. <li><code>user_profile.display_name</code>: the user's proposed display name, if any.</li>
  338. <li>consent_version: the version of the terms that the user will be
  339. shown</li>
  340. <li><code>terms_url</code>: a link to the page showing the terms.
  341. The template should render a form which submits the following fields:</li>
  342. <li><code>accepted_version</code>: the version of the terms accepted by the user
  343. (ie, 'consent_version' from the input variables).</li>
  344. </ul>
  345. </li>
  346. <li><code>sso_redirect_confirm.html</code>: HTML page for a confirmation step before redirecting back
  347. to the client with the login token.
  348. When rendering, this template is given the following variables:
  349. <ul>
  350. <li><code>redirect_url</code>: the URL the user is about to be redirected to.</li>
  351. <li><code>display_url</code>: the same as <code>redirect_url</code>, but with the query
  352. parameters stripped. The intention is to have a
  353. human-readable URL to show to users, not to use it as
  354. the final address to redirect to.</li>
  355. <li><code>server_name</code>: the homeserver's name.</li>
  356. <li><code>new_user</code>: a boolean indicating whether this is the user's first time
  357. logging in.</li>
  358. <li><code>user_id</code>: the user's matrix ID.</li>
  359. <li><code>user_profile.avatar_url</code>: an MXC URI for the user's avatar, if any.
  360. <code>None</code> if the user has not set an avatar.</li>
  361. <li><code>user_profile.display_name</code>: the user's display name. <code>None</code> if the user
  362. has not set a display name.</li>
  363. </ul>
  364. </li>
  365. <li><code>sso_auth_confirm.html</code>: HTML page which notifies the user that they are authenticating
  366. to confirm an operation on their account during the user interactive authentication
  367. process.
  368. When rendering, this template is given the following variables:
  369. <ul>
  370. <li><code>redirect_url</code>: the URL the user is about to be redirected to.</li>
  371. <li><code>description</code>: the operation which the user is being asked to confirm</li>
  372. <li><code>idp</code>: details of the Identity Provider that we will use to confirm
  373. the user's identity: an object with the following attributes:
  374. <ul>
  375. <li><code>idp_id</code>: unique identifier for the IdP</li>
  376. <li><code>idp_name</code>: user-facing name for the IdP</li>
  377. <li><code>idp_icon</code>: if specified in the IdP config, an MXC URI for an icon
  378. for the IdP</li>
  379. <li><code>idp_brand</code>: if specified in the IdP config, a textual identifier
  380. for the brand of the IdP</li>
  381. </ul>
  382. </li>
  383. </ul>
  384. </li>
  385. <li><code>sso_auth_success.html</code>: HTML page shown after a successful user interactive
  386. authentication session.
  387. Note that this page must include the JavaScript which notifies of a successful
  388. authentication (see https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.6.0#fallback).
  389. This template has no additional variables.</li>
  390. <li><code>sso_auth_bad_user.html</code>: HTML page shown after a user-interactive authentication
  391. session which does not map correctly onto the expected user.
  392. When rendering, this template is given the following variables:
  393. <ul>
  394. <li><code>server_name</code>: the homeserver's name.</li>
  395. <li><code>user_id_to_verify</code>: the MXID of the user that we are trying to
  396. validate.</li>
  397. </ul>
  398. </li>
  399. <li><code>sso_account_deactivated.html</code>: HTML page shown during single sign-on if a deactivated
  400. user (according to Synapse's database) attempts to login.
  401. This template has no additional variables.</li>
  402. <li><code>sso_error.html</code>: HTML page to display to users if something goes wrong during the
  403. OpenID Connect authentication process.
  404. When rendering, this template is given two variables:
  405. <ul>
  406. <li><code>error</code>: the technical name of the error</li>
  407. <li><code>error_description</code>: a human-readable message for the error</li>
  408. </ul>
  409. </li>
  410. </ul>
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