pyproject.toml 1.5 KB

  1. [tool.towncrier]
  2. package = "synapse"
  3. filename = ""
  4. directory = "changelog.d"
  5. issue_format = "[\\#{issue}]({issue})"
  6. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  7. directory = "feature"
  8. name = "Features"
  9. showcontent = true
  10. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  11. directory = "bugfix"
  12. name = "Bugfixes"
  13. showcontent = true
  14. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  15. directory = "docker"
  16. name = "Updates to the Docker image"
  17. showcontent = true
  18. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  19. directory = "doc"
  20. name = "Improved Documentation"
  21. showcontent = true
  22. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  23. directory = "removal"
  24. name = "Deprecations and Removals"
  25. showcontent = true
  26. [[tool.towncrier.type]]
  27. directory = "misc"
  28. name = "Internal Changes"
  29. showcontent = true
  30. []
  31. target-version = ['py37', 'py38', 'py39', 'py310']
  32. exclude = '''
  33. (
  34. /(
  35. \.eggs # exclude a few common directories in the
  36. | \.git # root of the project
  37. | \.tox
  38. | \.venv
  39. | \.env
  40. | env
  41. | _build
  42. | _trial_temp.*
  43. | build
  44. | dist
  45. | debian
  46. )/
  47. )
  48. '''
  49. [tool.isort]
  50. line_length = 88
  52. default_section = "THIRDPARTY"
  53. known_first_party = ["synapse"]
  54. known_tests = ["tests"]
  55. known_twisted = ["twisted", "OpenSSL"]
  56. multi_line_output = 3
  57. include_trailing_comma = true
  58. combine_as_imports = true