36 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd
  3. #
  4. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  5. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  6. # You may obtain a copy of the License at
  7. #
  8. #
  9. #
  10. # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  11. # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  12. # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  13. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  14. # limitations under the License.
  15. from collections import namedtuple
  16. import logging
  17. from twisted.internet import defer
  18. from import BackgroundUpdateStore
  19. from import PostgresEngine
  20. from synapse.util.caches import intern_string, CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR
  21. from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import cached, cachedList
  22. from synapse.util.caches.dictionary_cache import DictionaryCache
  23. from synapse.util.stringutils import to_ascii
  24. from ._base import SQLBaseStore
  25. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  27. class _GetStateGroupDelta(namedtuple("_GetStateGroupDelta", ("prev_group", "delta_ids"))):
  28. """Return type of get_state_group_delta that implements __len__, which lets
  29. us use the itrable flag when caching
  30. """
  31. __slots__ = []
  32. def __len__(self):
  33. return len(self.delta_ids) if self.delta_ids else 0
  34. class StateGroupWorkerStore(SQLBaseStore):
  35. """The parts of StateGroupStore that can be called from workers.
  36. """
  37. STATE_GROUP_DEDUPLICATION_UPDATE_NAME = "state_group_state_deduplication"
  38. STATE_GROUP_INDEX_UPDATE_NAME = "state_group_state_type_index"
  39. CURRENT_STATE_INDEX_UPDATE_NAME = "current_state_members_idx"
  40. def __init__(self, db_conn, hs):
  41. super(StateGroupWorkerStore, self).__init__(db_conn, hs)
  42. self._state_group_cache = DictionaryCache(
  43. "*stateGroupCache*", 100000 * CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR
  44. )
  45. @cached(max_entries=100000, iterable=True)
  46. def get_current_state_ids(self, room_id):
  47. """Get the current state event ids for a room based on the
  48. current_state_events table.
  49. Args:
  50. room_id (str)
  51. Returns:
  52. deferred: dict of (type, state_key) -> event_id
  53. """
  54. def _get_current_state_ids_txn(txn):
  55. txn.execute(
  56. """SELECT type, state_key, event_id FROM current_state_events
  57. WHERE room_id = ?
  58. """,
  59. (room_id,)
  60. )
  61. return {
  62. (intern_string(r[0]), intern_string(r[1])): to_ascii(r[2]) for r in txn
  63. }
  64. return self.runInteraction(
  65. "get_current_state_ids",
  66. _get_current_state_ids_txn,
  67. )
  68. @cached(max_entries=10000, iterable=True)
  69. def get_state_group_delta(self, state_group):
  70. """Given a state group try to return a previous group and a delta between
  71. the old and the new.
  72. Returns:
  73. (prev_group, delta_ids), where both may be None.
  74. """
  75. def _get_state_group_delta_txn(txn):
  76. prev_group = self._simple_select_one_onecol_txn(
  77. txn,
  78. table="state_group_edges",
  79. keyvalues={
  80. "state_group": state_group,
  81. },
  82. retcol="prev_state_group",
  83. allow_none=True,
  84. )
  85. if not prev_group:
  86. return _GetStateGroupDelta(None, None)
  87. delta_ids = self._simple_select_list_txn(
  88. txn,
  89. table="state_groups_state",
  90. keyvalues={
  91. "state_group": state_group,
  92. },
  93. retcols=("type", "state_key", "event_id",)
  94. )
  95. return _GetStateGroupDelta(prev_group, {
  96. (row["type"], row["state_key"]): row["event_id"]
  97. for row in delta_ids
  98. })
  99. return self.runInteraction(
  100. "get_state_group_delta",
  101. _get_state_group_delta_txn,
  102. )
  103. @defer.inlineCallbacks
  104. def get_state_groups_ids(self, room_id, event_ids):
  105. if not event_ids:
  106. defer.returnValue({})
  107. event_to_groups = yield self._get_state_group_for_events(
  108. event_ids,
  109. )
  110. groups = set(event_to_groups.itervalues())
  111. group_to_state = yield self._get_state_for_groups(groups)
  112. defer.returnValue(group_to_state)
  113. @defer.inlineCallbacks
  114. def get_state_ids_for_group(self, state_group):
  115. """Get the state IDs for the given state group
  116. Args:
  117. state_group (int)
  118. Returns:
  119. Deferred[dict]: Resolves to a map of (type, state_key) -> event_id
  120. """
  121. group_to_state = yield self._get_state_for_groups((state_group,))
  122. defer.returnValue(group_to_state[state_group])
  123. @defer.inlineCallbacks
  124. def get_state_groups(self, room_id, event_ids):
  125. """ Get the state groups for the given list of event_ids
  126. The return value is a dict mapping group names to lists of events.
  127. """
  128. if not event_ids:
  129. defer.returnValue({})
  130. group_to_ids = yield self.get_state_groups_ids(room_id, event_ids)
  131. state_event_map = yield self.get_events(
  132. [
  133. ev_id for group_ids in group_to_ids.itervalues()
  134. for ev_id in group_ids.itervalues()
  135. ],
  136. get_prev_content=False
  137. )
  138. defer.returnValue({
  139. group: [
  140. state_event_map[v] for v in event_id_map.itervalues()
  141. if v in state_event_map
  142. ]
  143. for group, event_id_map in group_to_ids.iteritems()
  144. })
  145. @defer.inlineCallbacks
  146. def _get_state_groups_from_groups(self, groups, types):
  147. """Returns dictionary state_group -> (dict of (type, state_key) -> event id)
  148. """
  149. results = {}
  150. chunks = [groups[i:i + 100] for i in xrange(0, len(groups), 100)]
  151. for chunk in chunks:
  152. res = yield self.runInteraction(
  153. "_get_state_groups_from_groups",
  154. self._get_state_groups_from_groups_txn, chunk, types,
  155. )
  156. results.update(res)
  157. defer.returnValue(results)
  158. def _get_state_groups_from_groups_txn(self, txn, groups, types=None):
  159. results = {group: {} for group in groups}
  160. if types is not None:
  161. types = list(set(types)) # deduplicate types list
  162. if isinstance(self.database_engine, PostgresEngine):
  163. # Temporarily disable sequential scans in this transaction. This is
  164. # a temporary hack until we can add the right indices in
  165. txn.execute("SET LOCAL enable_seqscan=off")
  166. # The below query walks the state_group tree so that the "state"
  167. # table includes all state_groups in the tree. It then joins
  168. # against `state_groups_state` to fetch the latest state.
  169. # It assumes that previous state groups are always numerically
  170. # lesser.
  171. # The PARTITION is used to get the event_id in the greatest state
  172. # group for the given type, state_key.
  173. # This may return multiple rows per (type, state_key), but last_value
  174. # should be the same.
  175. sql = ("""
  176. WITH RECURSIVE state(state_group) AS (
  177. VALUES(?::bigint)
  178. UNION ALL
  179. SELECT prev_state_group FROM state_group_edges e, state s
  180. WHERE s.state_group = e.state_group
  181. )
  182. SELECT type, state_key, last_value(event_id) OVER (
  183. PARTITION BY type, state_key ORDER BY state_group ASC
  185. ) AS event_id FROM state_groups_state
  186. WHERE state_group IN (
  187. SELECT state_group FROM state
  188. )
  189. %s
  190. """)
  191. # Turns out that postgres doesn't like doing a list of OR's and
  192. # is about 1000x slower, so we just issue a query for each specific
  193. # type seperately.
  194. if types:
  195. clause_to_args = [
  196. (
  197. "AND type = ? AND state_key = ?",
  198. (etype, state_key)
  199. ) if state_key is not None else (
  200. "AND type = ?",
  201. (etype,)
  202. )
  203. for etype, state_key in types
  204. ]
  205. else:
  206. # If types is None we fetch all the state, and so just use an
  207. # empty where clause with no extra args.
  208. clause_to_args = [("", [])]
  209. for where_clause, where_args in clause_to_args:
  210. for group in groups:
  211. args = [group]
  212. args.extend(where_args)
  213. txn.execute(sql % (where_clause,), args)
  214. for row in txn:
  215. typ, state_key, event_id = row
  216. key = (typ, state_key)
  217. results[group][key] = event_id
  218. else:
  219. where_args = []
  220. where_clauses = []
  221. wildcard_types = False
  222. if types is not None:
  223. for typ in types:
  224. if typ[1] is None:
  225. where_clauses.append("(type = ?)")
  226. where_args.extend(typ[0])
  227. wildcard_types = True
  228. else:
  229. where_clauses.append("(type = ? AND state_key = ?)")
  230. where_args.extend([typ[0], typ[1]])
  231. where_clause = "AND (%s)" % (" OR ".join(where_clauses))
  232. else:
  233. where_clause = ""
  234. # We don't use WITH RECURSIVE on sqlite3 as there are distributions
  235. # that ship with an sqlite3 version that doesn't support it (e.g. wheezy)
  236. for group in groups:
  237. next_group = group
  238. while next_group:
  239. # We did this before by getting the list of group ids, and
  240. # then passing that list to sqlite to get latest event for
  241. # each (type, state_key). However, that was terribly slow
  242. # without the right indices (which we can't add until
  243. # after we finish deduping state, which requires this func)
  244. args = [next_group]
  245. if types:
  246. args.extend(where_args)
  247. txn.execute(
  248. "SELECT type, state_key, event_id FROM state_groups_state"
  249. " WHERE state_group = ? %s" % (where_clause,),
  250. args
  251. )
  252. results[group].update(
  253. ((typ, state_key), event_id)
  254. for typ, state_key, event_id in txn
  255. if (typ, state_key) not in results[group]
  256. )
  257. # If the number of entries in the (type,state_key)->event_id dict
  258. # matches the number of (type,state_keys) types we were searching
  259. # for, then we must have found them all, so no need to go walk
  260. # further down the tree... UNLESS our types filter contained
  261. # wildcards (i.e. Nones) in which case we have to do an exhaustive
  262. # search
  263. if (
  264. types is not None and
  265. not wildcard_types and
  266. len(results[group]) == len(types)
  267. ):
  268. break
  269. next_group = self._simple_select_one_onecol_txn(
  270. txn,
  271. table="state_group_edges",
  272. keyvalues={"state_group": next_group},
  273. retcol="prev_state_group",
  274. allow_none=True,
  275. )
  276. return results
  277. @defer.inlineCallbacks
  278. def get_state_for_events(self, event_ids, types):
  279. """Given a list of event_ids and type tuples, return a list of state
  280. dicts for each event. The state dicts will only have the type/state_keys
  281. that are in the `types` list.
  282. Args:
  283. event_ids (list)
  284. types (list): List of (type, state_key) tuples which are used to
  285. filter the state fetched. `state_key` may be None, which matches
  286. any `state_key`
  287. Returns:
  288. deferred: A list of dicts corresponding to the event_ids given.
  289. The dicts are mappings from (type, state_key) -> state_events
  290. """
  291. event_to_groups = yield self._get_state_group_for_events(
  292. event_ids,
  293. )
  294. groups = set(event_to_groups.itervalues())
  295. group_to_state = yield self._get_state_for_groups(groups, types)
  296. state_event_map = yield self.get_events(
  297. [ev_id for sd in group_to_state.itervalues() for ev_id in sd.itervalues()],
  298. get_prev_content=False
  299. )
  300. event_to_state = {
  301. event_id: {
  302. k: state_event_map[v]
  303. for k, v in group_to_state[group].iteritems()
  304. if v in state_event_map
  305. }
  306. for event_id, group in event_to_groups.iteritems()
  307. }
  308. defer.returnValue({event: event_to_state[event] for event in event_ids})
  309. @defer.inlineCallbacks
  310. def get_state_ids_for_events(self, event_ids, types=None):
  311. """
  312. Get the state dicts corresponding to a list of events
  313. Args:
  314. event_ids(list(str)): events whose state should be returned
  315. types(list[(str, str)]|None): List of (type, state_key) tuples
  316. which are used to filter the state fetched. May be None, which
  317. matches any key
  318. Returns:
  319. A deferred dict from event_id -> (type, state_key) -> state_event
  320. """
  321. event_to_groups = yield self._get_state_group_for_events(
  322. event_ids,
  323. )
  324. groups = set(event_to_groups.itervalues())
  325. group_to_state = yield self._get_state_for_groups(groups, types)
  326. event_to_state = {
  327. event_id: group_to_state[group]
  328. for event_id, group in event_to_groups.iteritems()
  329. }
  330. defer.returnValue({event: event_to_state[event] for event in event_ids})
  331. @defer.inlineCallbacks
  332. def get_state_for_event(self, event_id, types=None):
  333. """
  334. Get the state dict corresponding to a particular event
  335. Args:
  336. event_id(str): event whose state should be returned
  337. types(list[(str, str)]|None): List of (type, state_key) tuples
  338. which are used to filter the state fetched. May be None, which
  339. matches any key
  340. Returns:
  341. A deferred dict from (type, state_key) -> state_event
  342. """
  343. state_map = yield self.get_state_for_events([event_id], types)
  344. defer.returnValue(state_map[event_id])
  345. @defer.inlineCallbacks
  346. def get_state_ids_for_event(self, event_id, types=None):
  347. """
  348. Get the state dict corresponding to a particular event
  349. Args:
  350. event_id(str): event whose state should be returned
  351. types(list[(str, str)]|None): List of (type, state_key) tuples
  352. which are used to filter the state fetched. May be None, which
  353. matches any key
  354. Returns:
  355. A deferred dict from (type, state_key) -> state_event
  356. """
  357. state_map = yield self.get_state_ids_for_events([event_id], types)
  358. defer.returnValue(state_map[event_id])
  359. @cached(max_entries=50000)
  360. def _get_state_group_for_event(self, event_id):
  361. return self._simple_select_one_onecol(
  362. table="event_to_state_groups",
  363. keyvalues={
  364. "event_id": event_id,
  365. },
  366. retcol="state_group",
  367. allow_none=True,
  368. desc="_get_state_group_for_event",
  369. )
  370. @cachedList(cached_method_name="_get_state_group_for_event",
  371. list_name="event_ids", num_args=1, inlineCallbacks=True)
  372. def _get_state_group_for_events(self, event_ids):
  373. """Returns mapping event_id -> state_group
  374. """
  375. rows = yield self._simple_select_many_batch(
  376. table="event_to_state_groups",
  377. column="event_id",
  378. iterable=event_ids,
  379. keyvalues={},
  380. retcols=("event_id", "state_group",),
  381. desc="_get_state_group_for_events",
  382. )
  383. defer.returnValue({row["event_id"]: row["state_group"] for row in rows})
  384. def _get_some_state_from_cache(self, group, types):
  385. """Checks if group is in cache. See `_get_state_for_groups`
  386. Returns 3-tuple (`state_dict`, `missing_types`, `got_all`).
  387. `missing_types` is the list of types that aren't in the cache for that
  388. group. `got_all` is a bool indicating if we successfully retrieved all
  389. requests state from the cache, if False we need to query the DB for the
  390. missing state.
  391. Args:
  392. group: The state group to lookup
  393. types (list): List of 2-tuples of the form (`type`, `state_key`),
  394. where a `state_key` of `None` matches all state_keys for the
  395. `type`.
  396. """
  397. is_all, known_absent, state_dict_ids = self._state_group_cache.get(group)
  398. type_to_key = {}
  399. missing_types = set()
  400. for typ, state_key in types:
  401. key = (typ, state_key)
  402. if state_key is None:
  403. type_to_key[typ] = None
  404. missing_types.add(key)
  405. else:
  406. if type_to_key.get(typ, object()) is not None:
  407. type_to_key.setdefault(typ, set()).add(state_key)
  408. if key not in state_dict_ids and key not in known_absent:
  409. missing_types.add(key)
  410. sentinel = object()
  411. def include(typ, state_key):
  412. valid_state_keys = type_to_key.get(typ, sentinel)
  413. if valid_state_keys is sentinel:
  414. return False
  415. if valid_state_keys is None:
  416. return True
  417. if state_key in valid_state_keys:
  418. return True
  419. return False
  420. got_all = is_all or not missing_types
  421. return {
  422. k: v for k, v in state_dict_ids.iteritems()
  423. if include(k[0], k[1])
  424. }, missing_types, got_all
  425. def _get_all_state_from_cache(self, group):
  426. """Checks if group is in cache. See `_get_state_for_groups`
  427. Returns 2-tuple (`state_dict`, `got_all`). `got_all` is a bool
  428. indicating if we successfully retrieved all requests state from the
  429. cache, if False we need to query the DB for the missing state.
  430. Args:
  431. group: The state group to lookup
  432. """
  433. is_all, _, state_dict_ids = self._state_group_cache.get(group)
  434. return state_dict_ids, is_all
  435. @defer.inlineCallbacks
  436. def _get_state_for_groups(self, groups, types=None):
  437. """Given list of groups returns dict of group -> list of state events
  438. with matching types. `types` is a list of `(type, state_key)`, where
  439. a `state_key` of None matches all state_keys. If `types` is None then
  440. all events are returned.
  441. """
  442. if types:
  443. types = frozenset(types)
  444. results = {}
  445. missing_groups = []
  446. if types is not None:
  447. for group in set(groups):
  448. state_dict_ids, _, got_all = self._get_some_state_from_cache(
  449. group, types
  450. )
  451. results[group] = state_dict_ids
  452. if not got_all:
  453. missing_groups.append(group)
  454. else:
  455. for group in set(groups):
  456. state_dict_ids, got_all = self._get_all_state_from_cache(
  457. group
  458. )
  459. results[group] = state_dict_ids
  460. if not got_all:
  461. missing_groups.append(group)
  462. if missing_groups:
  463. # Okay, so we have some missing_types, lets fetch them.
  464. cache_seq_num = self._state_group_cache.sequence
  465. group_to_state_dict = yield self._get_state_groups_from_groups(
  466. missing_groups, types
  467. )
  468. # Now we want to update the cache with all the things we fetched
  469. # from the database.
  470. for group, group_state_dict in group_to_state_dict.iteritems():
  471. state_dict = results[group]
  472. state_dict.update(
  473. ((intern_string(k[0]), intern_string(k[1])), to_ascii(v))
  474. for k, v in group_state_dict.iteritems()
  475. )
  476. self._state_group_cache.update(
  477. cache_seq_num,
  478. key=group,
  479. value=state_dict,
  480. full=(types is None),
  481. known_absent=types,
  482. )
  483. defer.returnValue(results)
  484. def store_state_group(self, event_id, room_id, prev_group, delta_ids,
  485. current_state_ids):
  486. """Store a new set of state, returning a newly assigned state group.
  487. Args:
  488. event_id (str): The event ID for which the state was calculated
  489. room_id (str)
  490. prev_group (int|None): A previous state group for the room, optional.
  491. delta_ids (dict|None): The delta between state at `prev_group` and
  492. `current_state_ids`, if `prev_group` was given. Same format as
  493. `current_state_ids`.
  494. current_state_ids (dict): The state to store. Map of (type, state_key)
  495. to event_id.
  496. Returns:
  497. Deferred[int]: The state group ID
  498. """
  499. def _store_state_group_txn(txn):
  500. if current_state_ids is None:
  501. # AFAIK, this can never happen
  502. raise Exception("current_state_ids cannot be None")
  503. state_group = self.database_engine.get_next_state_group_id(txn)
  504. self._simple_insert_txn(
  505. txn,
  506. table="state_groups",
  507. values={
  508. "id": state_group,
  509. "room_id": room_id,
  510. "event_id": event_id,
  511. },
  512. )
  513. # We persist as a delta if we can, while also ensuring the chain
  514. # of deltas isn't tooo long, as otherwise read performance degrades.
  515. if prev_group:
  516. is_in_db = self._simple_select_one_onecol_txn(
  517. txn,
  518. table="state_groups",
  519. keyvalues={"id": prev_group},
  520. retcol="id",
  521. allow_none=True,
  522. )
  523. if not is_in_db:
  524. raise Exception(
  525. "Trying to persist state with unpersisted prev_group: %r"
  526. % (prev_group,)
  527. )
  528. potential_hops = self._count_state_group_hops_txn(
  529. txn, prev_group
  530. )
  531. if prev_group and potential_hops < MAX_STATE_DELTA_HOPS:
  532. self._simple_insert_txn(
  533. txn,
  534. table="state_group_edges",
  535. values={
  536. "state_group": state_group,
  537. "prev_state_group": prev_group,
  538. },
  539. )
  540. self._simple_insert_many_txn(
  541. txn,
  542. table="state_groups_state",
  543. values=[
  544. {
  545. "state_group": state_group,
  546. "room_id": room_id,
  547. "type": key[0],
  548. "state_key": key[1],
  549. "event_id": state_id,
  550. }
  551. for key, state_id in delta_ids.iteritems()
  552. ],
  553. )
  554. else:
  555. self._simple_insert_many_txn(
  556. txn,
  557. table="state_groups_state",
  558. values=[
  559. {
  560. "state_group": state_group,
  561. "room_id": room_id,
  562. "type": key[0],
  563. "state_key": key[1],
  564. "event_id": state_id,
  565. }
  566. for key, state_id in current_state_ids.iteritems()
  567. ],
  568. )
  569. # Prefill the state group cache with this group.
  570. # It's fine to use the sequence like this as the state group map
  571. # is immutable. (If the map wasn't immutable then this prefill could
  572. # race with another update)
  573. txn.call_after(
  574. self._state_group_cache.update,
  575. self._state_group_cache.sequence,
  576. key=state_group,
  577. value=dict(current_state_ids),
  578. full=True,
  579. )
  580. return state_group
  581. return self.runInteraction("store_state_group", _store_state_group_txn)
  582. def _count_state_group_hops_txn(self, txn, state_group):
  583. """Given a state group, count how many hops there are in the tree.
  584. This is used to ensure the delta chains don't get too long.
  585. """
  586. if isinstance(self.database_engine, PostgresEngine):
  587. sql = ("""
  588. WITH RECURSIVE state(state_group) AS (
  589. VALUES(?::bigint)
  590. UNION ALL
  591. SELECT prev_state_group FROM state_group_edges e, state s
  592. WHERE s.state_group = e.state_group
  593. )
  594. SELECT count(*) FROM state;
  595. """)
  596. txn.execute(sql, (state_group,))
  597. row = txn.fetchone()
  598. if row and row[0]:
  599. return row[0]
  600. else:
  601. return 0
  602. else:
  603. # We don't use WITH RECURSIVE on sqlite3 as there are distributions
  604. # that ship with an sqlite3 version that doesn't support it (e.g. wheezy)
  605. next_group = state_group
  606. count = 0
  607. while next_group:
  608. next_group = self._simple_select_one_onecol_txn(
  609. txn,
  610. table="state_group_edges",
  611. keyvalues={"state_group": next_group},
  612. retcol="prev_state_group",
  613. allow_none=True,
  614. )
  615. if next_group:
  616. count += 1
  617. return count
  618. class StateStore(StateGroupWorkerStore, BackgroundUpdateStore):
  619. """ Keeps track of the state at a given event.
  620. This is done by the concept of `state groups`. Every event is a assigned
  621. a state group (identified by an arbitrary string), which references a
  622. collection of state events. The current state of an event is then the
  623. collection of state events referenced by the event's state group.
  624. Hence, every change in the current state causes a new state group to be
  625. generated. However, if no change happens (e.g., if we get a message event
  626. with only one parent it inherits the state group from its parent.)
  627. There are three tables:
  628. * `state_groups`: Stores group name, first event with in the group and
  629. room id.
  630. * `event_to_state_groups`: Maps events to state groups.
  631. * `state_groups_state`: Maps state group to state events.
  632. """
  633. STATE_GROUP_DEDUPLICATION_UPDATE_NAME = "state_group_state_deduplication"
  634. STATE_GROUP_INDEX_UPDATE_NAME = "state_group_state_type_index"
  635. CURRENT_STATE_INDEX_UPDATE_NAME = "current_state_members_idx"
  636. def __init__(self, db_conn, hs):
  637. super(StateStore, self).__init__(db_conn, hs)
  638. self.register_background_update_handler(
  640. self._background_deduplicate_state,
  641. )
  642. self.register_background_update_handler(
  644. self._background_index_state,
  645. )
  646. self.register_background_index_update(
  648. index_name="current_state_events_member_index",
  649. table="current_state_events",
  650. columns=["state_key"],
  651. where_clause="type=''",
  652. )
  653. def _store_event_state_mappings_txn(self, txn, events_and_contexts):
  654. state_groups = {}
  655. for event, context in events_and_contexts:
  656. if event.internal_metadata.is_outlier():
  657. continue
  658. # if the event was rejected, just give it the same state as its
  659. # predecessor.
  660. if context.rejected:
  661. state_groups[event.event_id] = context.prev_group
  662. continue
  663. state_groups[event.event_id] = context.state_group
  664. self._simple_insert_many_txn(
  665. txn,
  666. table="event_to_state_groups",
  667. values=[
  668. {
  669. "state_group": state_group_id,
  670. "event_id": event_id,
  671. }
  672. for event_id, state_group_id in state_groups.iteritems()
  673. ],
  674. )
  675. for event_id, state_group_id in state_groups.iteritems():
  676. txn.call_after(
  677. self._get_state_group_for_event.prefill,
  678. (event_id,), state_group_id
  679. )
  680. @defer.inlineCallbacks
  681. def _background_deduplicate_state(self, progress, batch_size):
  682. """This background update will slowly deduplicate state by reencoding
  683. them as deltas.
  684. """
  685. last_state_group = progress.get("last_state_group", 0)
  686. rows_inserted = progress.get("rows_inserted", 0)
  687. max_group = progress.get("max_group", None)
  689. batch_size = max(1, int(batch_size / BATCH_SIZE_SCALE_FACTOR))
  690. if max_group is None:
  691. rows = yield self._execute(
  692. "_background_deduplicate_state", None,
  693. "SELECT coalesce(max(id), 0) FROM state_groups",
  694. )
  695. max_group = rows[0][0]
  696. def reindex_txn(txn):
  697. new_last_state_group = last_state_group
  698. for count in xrange(batch_size):
  699. txn.execute(
  700. "SELECT id, room_id FROM state_groups"
  701. " WHERE ? < id AND id <= ?"
  702. " ORDER BY id ASC"
  703. " LIMIT 1",
  704. (new_last_state_group, max_group,)
  705. )
  706. row = txn.fetchone()
  707. if row:
  708. state_group, room_id = row
  709. if not row or not state_group:
  710. return True, count
  711. txn.execute(
  712. "SELECT state_group FROM state_group_edges"
  713. " WHERE state_group = ?",
  714. (state_group,)
  715. )
  716. # If we reach a point where we've already started inserting
  717. # edges we should stop.
  718. if txn.fetchall():
  719. return True, count
  720. txn.execute(
  721. "SELECT coalesce(max(id), 0) FROM state_groups"
  722. " WHERE id < ? AND room_id = ?",
  723. (state_group, room_id,)
  724. )
  725. prev_group, = txn.fetchone()
  726. new_last_state_group = state_group
  727. if prev_group:
  728. potential_hops = self._count_state_group_hops_txn(
  729. txn, prev_group
  730. )
  731. if potential_hops >= MAX_STATE_DELTA_HOPS:
  732. # We want to ensure chains are at most this long,#
  733. # otherwise read performance degrades.
  734. continue
  735. prev_state = self._get_state_groups_from_groups_txn(
  736. txn, [prev_group], types=None
  737. )
  738. prev_state = prev_state[prev_group]
  739. curr_state = self._get_state_groups_from_groups_txn(
  740. txn, [state_group], types=None
  741. )
  742. curr_state = curr_state[state_group]
  743. if not set(prev_state.keys()) - set(curr_state.keys()):
  744. # We can only do a delta if the current has a strict super set
  745. # of keys
  746. delta_state = {
  747. key: value for key, value in curr_state.iteritems()
  748. if prev_state.get(key, None) != value
  749. }
  750. self._simple_delete_txn(
  751. txn,
  752. table="state_group_edges",
  753. keyvalues={
  754. "state_group": state_group,
  755. }
  756. )
  757. self._simple_insert_txn(
  758. txn,
  759. table="state_group_edges",
  760. values={
  761. "state_group": state_group,
  762. "prev_state_group": prev_group,
  763. }
  764. )
  765. self._simple_delete_txn(
  766. txn,
  767. table="state_groups_state",
  768. keyvalues={
  769. "state_group": state_group,
  770. }
  771. )
  772. self._simple_insert_many_txn(
  773. txn,
  774. table="state_groups_state",
  775. values=[
  776. {
  777. "state_group": state_group,
  778. "room_id": room_id,
  779. "type": key[0],
  780. "state_key": key[1],
  781. "event_id": state_id,
  782. }
  783. for key, state_id in delta_state.iteritems()
  784. ],
  785. )
  786. progress = {
  787. "last_state_group": state_group,
  788. "rows_inserted": rows_inserted + batch_size,
  789. "max_group": max_group,
  790. }
  791. self._background_update_progress_txn(
  793. )
  794. return False, batch_size
  795. finished, result = yield self.runInteraction(
  797. )
  798. if finished:
  799. yield self._end_background_update(self.STATE_GROUP_DEDUPLICATION_UPDATE_NAME)
  800. defer.returnValue(result * BATCH_SIZE_SCALE_FACTOR)
  801. @defer.inlineCallbacks
  802. def _background_index_state(self, progress, batch_size):
  803. def reindex_txn(conn):
  804. conn.rollback()
  805. if isinstance(self.database_engine, PostgresEngine):
  806. # postgres insists on autocommit for the index
  807. conn.set_session(autocommit=True)
  808. try:
  809. txn = conn.cursor()
  810. txn.execute(
  811. "CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY state_groups_state_type_idx"
  812. " ON state_groups_state(state_group, type, state_key)"
  813. )
  814. txn.execute(
  815. "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS state_groups_state_id"
  816. )
  817. finally:
  818. conn.set_session(autocommit=False)
  819. else:
  820. txn = conn.cursor()
  821. txn.execute(
  822. "CREATE INDEX state_groups_state_type_idx"
  823. " ON state_groups_state(state_group, type, state_key)"
  824. )
  825. txn.execute(
  826. "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS state_groups_state_id"
  827. )
  828. yield self.runWithConnection(reindex_txn)
  829. yield self._end_background_update(self.STATE_GROUP_INDEX_UPDATE_NAME)
  830. defer.returnValue(1)