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  136. <h1 id="msc1711-certificates-faq"><a class="header" href="#msc1711-certificates-faq">MSC1711 Certificates FAQ</a></h1>
  137. <h2 id="historical-note"><a class="header" href="#historical-note">Historical Note</a></h2>
  138. <p>This document was originally written to guide server admins through the upgrade
  139. path towards Synapse 1.0. Specifically,
  140. <a href="">MSC1711</a>
  141. required that all servers present valid TLS certificates on their federation
  142. API. Admins were encouraged to achieve compliance from version 0.99.0 (released
  143. in February 2019) ahead of version 1.0 (released June 2019) enforcing the
  144. certificate checks.</p>
  145. <p>Much of what follows is now outdated since most admins will have already
  146. upgraded, however it may be of use to those with old installs returning to the
  147. project.</p>
  148. <p>If you are setting up a server from scratch you almost certainly should look at
  149. the <a href="setup/installation.html">installation guide</a> instead.</p>
  150. <h2 id="introduction"><a class="header" href="#introduction">Introduction</a></h2>
  151. <p>The goal of Synapse 0.99.0 is to act as a stepping stone to Synapse 1.0.0. It
  152. supports the r0.1 release of the server to server specification, but is
  153. compatible with both the legacy Matrix federation behaviour (pre-r0.1) as well
  154. as post-r0.1 behaviour, in order to allow for a smooth upgrade across the
  155. federation.</p>
  156. <p>The most important thing to know is that Synapse 1.0.0 will require a valid TLS
  157. certificate on federation endpoints. Self signed certificates will not be
  158. sufficient.</p>
  159. <p>Synapse 0.99.0 makes it easy to configure TLS certificates and will
  160. interoperate with both &gt;= 1.0.0 servers as well as existing servers yet to
  161. upgrade.</p>
  162. <p><strong>It is critical that all admins upgrade to 0.99.0 and configure a valid TLS
  163. certificate.</strong> Admins will have 1 month to do so, after which 1.0.0 will be
  164. released and those servers without a valid certificate will not longer be able
  165. to federate with &gt;= 1.0.0 servers.</p>
  166. <p>Full details on how to carry out this configuration change is given
  167. <a href="#configuring-certificates-for-compatibility-with-synapse-100">below</a>. A
  168. timeline and some frequently asked questions are also given below.</p>
  169. <p>For more details and context on the release of the r0.1 Server/Server API and
  170. imminent Matrix 1.0 release, you can also see our
  171. <a href="">main talk from FOSDEM 2019</a>.</p>
  172. <h2 id="contents"><a class="header" href="#contents">Contents</a></h2>
  173. <ul>
  174. <li>Timeline</li>
  175. <li>Configuring certificates for compatibility with Synapse 1.0</li>
  176. <li>FAQ
  177. <ul>
  178. <li>Synapse 0.99.0 has just been released, what do I need to do right now?</li>
  179. <li>How do I upgrade?</li>
  180. <li>What will happen if I do not set up a valid federation certificate
  181. immediately?</li>
  182. <li>What will happen if I do nothing at all?</li>
  183. <li>When do I need a SRV record or .well-known URI?</li>
  184. <li>Can I still use an SRV record?</li>
  185. <li>I have created a .well-known URI. Do I still need an SRV record?</li>
  186. <li>It used to work just fine, why are you breaking everything?</li>
  187. <li>Can I manage my own certificates rather than having Synapse renew
  188. certificates itself?</li>
  189. <li>Do you still recommend against using a reverse proxy on the federation port?</li>
  190. <li>Do I still need to give my TLS certificates to Synapse if I am using a
  191. reverse proxy?</li>
  192. <li>Do I need the same certificate for the client and federation port?</li>
  193. <li>How do I tell Synapse to reload my keys/certificates after I replace them?</li>
  194. </ul>
  195. </li>
  196. </ul>
  197. <h2 id="timeline"><a class="header" href="#timeline">Timeline</a></h2>
  198. <p><strong>5th Feb 2019 - Synapse 0.99.0 is released.</strong></p>
  199. <p>All server admins are encouraged to upgrade.</p>
  200. <p>0.99.0:</p>
  201. <ul>
  202. <li>
  203. <p>provides support for ACME to make setting up Let's Encrypt certs easy, as
  204. well as .well-known support.</p>
  205. </li>
  206. <li>
  207. <p>does not enforce that a valid CA cert is present on the federation API, but
  208. rather makes it easy to set one up.</p>
  209. </li>
  210. <li>
  211. <p>provides support for .well-known</p>
  212. </li>
  213. </ul>
  214. <p>Admins should upgrade and configure a valid CA cert. Homeservers that require a
  215. .well-known entry (see below), should retain their SRV record and use it
  216. alongside their .well-known record.</p>
  217. <p><strong>10th June 2019 - Synapse 1.0.0 is released</strong></p>
  218. <p>1.0.0 is scheduled for release on 10th June. In
  219. accordance with the the <a href="">S2S spec</a>
  220. 1.0.0 will enforce certificate validity. This means that any homeserver without a
  221. valid certificate after this point will no longer be able to federate with
  222. 1.0.0 servers.</p>
  223. <h2 id="configuring-certificates-for-compatibility-with-synapse-100"><a class="header" href="#configuring-certificates-for-compatibility-with-synapse-100">Configuring certificates for compatibility with Synapse 1.0.0</a></h2>
  224. <h3 id="if-you-do-not-currently-have-an-srv-record"><a class="header" href="#if-you-do-not-currently-have-an-srv-record">If you do not currently have an SRV record</a></h3>
  225. <p>In this case, your <code>server_name</code> points to the host where your Synapse is
  226. running. There is no need to create a <code>.well-known</code> URI or an SRV record, but
  227. you will need to give Synapse a valid, signed, certificate.</p>
  228. <h3 id="if-you-do-have-an-srv-record-currently"><a class="header" href="#if-you-do-have-an-srv-record-currently">If you do have an SRV record currently</a></h3>
  229. <p>If you are using an SRV record, your matrix domain (<code>server_name</code>) may not
  230. point to the same host that your Synapse is running on (the 'target
  231. domain'). (If it does, you can follow the recommendation above; otherwise, read
  232. on.)</p>
  233. <p>Let's assume that your <code>server_name</code> is <code></code>, and your Synapse is
  234. hosted at a target domain of <code></code>. Currently you should have
  235. an SRV record which looks like:</p>
  236. <pre><code> IN SRV 10 5 8000
  237. </code></pre>
  238. <p>In this situation, you have three choices for how to proceed:</p>
  239. <h4 id="option-1-give-synapse-a-certificate-for-your-matrix-domain"><a class="header" href="#option-1-give-synapse-a-certificate-for-your-matrix-domain">Option 1: give Synapse a certificate for your matrix domain</a></h4>
  240. <p>Synapse 1.0 will expect your server to present a TLS certificate for your
  241. <code>server_name</code> (<code></code> in the above example). You can achieve this by acquiring a
  242. certificate for the <code>server_name</code> yourself (for example, using <code>certbot</code>), and giving it
  243. and the key to Synapse via <code>tls_certificate_path</code> and <code>tls_private_key_path</code>.</p>
  244. <h4 id="option-2-run-synapse-behind-a-reverse-proxy"><a class="header" href="#option-2-run-synapse-behind-a-reverse-proxy">Option 2: run Synapse behind a reverse proxy</a></h4>
  245. <p>If you have an existing reverse proxy set up with correct TLS certificates for
  246. your domain, you can simply route all traffic through the reverse proxy by
  247. updating the SRV record appropriately (or removing it, if the proxy listens on
  248. 8448).</p>
  249. <p>See <a href="reverse_proxy.html">the reverse proxy documentation</a> for information on setting up a
  250. reverse proxy.</p>
  251. <h4 id="option-3-add-a-well-known-file-to-delegate-your-matrix-traffic"><a class="header" href="#option-3-add-a-well-known-file-to-delegate-your-matrix-traffic">Option 3: add a .well-known file to delegate your matrix traffic</a></h4>
  252. <p>This will allow you to keep Synapse on a separate domain, without having to
  253. give it a certificate for the matrix domain.</p>
  254. <p>You can do this with a <code>.well-known</code> file as follows:</p>
  255. <ol>
  256. <li>
  257. <p>Keep the SRV record in place - it is needed for backwards compatibility
  258. with Synapse 0.34 and earlier.</p>
  259. </li>
  260. <li>
  261. <p>Give Synapse a certificate corresponding to the target domain
  262. (<code></code> in the above example). You can do this by acquire a
  263. certificate for the target domain and giving it to Synapse via <code>tls_certificate_path</code>
  264. and <code>tls_private_key_path</code>.</p>
  265. </li>
  266. <li>
  267. <p>Restart Synapse to ensure the new certificate is loaded.</p>
  268. </li>
  269. <li>
  270. <p>Arrange for a <code>.well-known</code> file at
  271. <code>https://&lt;server_name&gt;/.well-known/matrix/server</code> with contents:</p>
  272. <pre><code class="language-json">{&quot;m.server&quot;: &quot;&lt;target server name&gt;&quot;}
  273. </code></pre>
  274. <p>where the target server name is resolved as usual (i.e. SRV lookup, falling
  275. back to talking to port 8448).</p>
  276. <p>In the above example, where synapse is listening on port 8000,
  277. <code></code> should have <code>m.server</code> set to one of:</p>
  278. <ol>
  279. <li>
  280. <p><code></code> ─ with a SRV record on
  281. <code></code> pointing to port 8000, or:</p>
  282. </li>
  283. <li>
  284. <p><code></code> ─ updating synapse to listen on the default port
  285. 8448, or:</p>
  286. </li>
  287. <li>
  288. <p><code></code> ─ ensuring that if there is a reverse proxy
  289. on <code></code> it correctly handles HTTP requests with
  290. Host header set to <code></code>.</p>
  291. </li>
  292. </ol>
  293. </li>
  294. </ol>
  295. <h2 id="faq"><a class="header" href="#faq">FAQ</a></h2>
  296. <h3 id="synapse-0990-has-just-been-released-what-do-i-need-to-do-right-now"><a class="header" href="#synapse-0990-has-just-been-released-what-do-i-need-to-do-right-now">Synapse 0.99.0 has just been released, what do I need to do right now?</a></h3>
  297. <p>Upgrade as soon as you can in preparation for Synapse 1.0.0, and update your
  298. TLS certificates as <a href="#configuring-certificates-for-compatibility-with-synapse-100">above</a>.</p>
  299. <h3 id="what-will-happen-if-i-do-not-set-up-a-valid-federation-certificate-immediately"><a class="header" href="#what-will-happen-if-i-do-not-set-up-a-valid-federation-certificate-immediately">What will happen if I do not set up a valid federation certificate immediately?</a></h3>
  300. <p>Nothing initially, but once 1.0.0 is in the wild it will not be possible to
  301. federate with 1.0.0 servers.</p>
  302. <h3 id="what-will-happen-if-i-do-nothing-at-all"><a class="header" href="#what-will-happen-if-i-do-nothing-at-all">What will happen if I do nothing at all?</a></h3>
  303. <p>If the admin takes no action at all, and remains on a Synapse &lt; 0.99.0 then the
  304. homeserver will be unable to federate with those who have implemented
  305. .well-known. Then, as above, once the month upgrade window has expired the
  306. homeserver will not be able to federate with any Synapse &gt;= 1.0.0</p>
  307. <h3 id="when-do-i-need-a-srv-record-or-well-known-uri"><a class="header" href="#when-do-i-need-a-srv-record-or-well-known-uri">When do I need a SRV record or .well-known URI?</a></h3>
  308. <p>If your homeserver listens on the default federation port (8448), and your
  309. <code>server_name</code> points to the host that your homeserver runs on, you do not need an
  310. SRV record or <code>.well-known/matrix/server</code> URI.</p>
  311. <p>For instance, if you registered <code></code> and pointed its DNS A record at a
  312. fresh Upcloud VPS or similar, you could install Synapse 0.99 on that host,
  313. giving it a server_name of <code></code>, and it would automatically generate a
  314. valid TLS certificate for you via Let's Encrypt and no SRV record or
  315. <code>.well-known</code> URI would be needed.</p>
  316. <p>This is the common case, although you can add an SRV record or
  317. <code>.well-known/matrix/server</code> URI for completeness if you wish.</p>
  318. <p><strong>However</strong>, if your server does not listen on port 8448, or if your <code>server_name</code>
  319. does not point to the host that your homeserver runs on, you will need to let
  320. other servers know how to find it.</p>
  321. <p>In this case, you should see <a href="#if-you-do-have-an-srv-record-currently">&quot;If you do have an SRV record
  322. currently&quot;</a> above.</p>
  323. <h3 id="can-i-still-use-an-srv-record"><a class="header" href="#can-i-still-use-an-srv-record">Can I still use an SRV record?</a></h3>
  324. <p>Firstly, if you didn't need an SRV record before (because your server is
  325. listening on port 8448 of your server_name), you certainly don't need one now:
  326. the defaults are still the same.</p>
  327. <p>If you previously had an SRV record, you can keep using it provided you are
  328. able to give Synapse a TLS certificate corresponding to your server name. For
  329. example, suppose you had the following SRV record, which directs matrix traffic
  330. for to</p>
  331. <pre><code> IN SRV 10 5 443
  332. </code></pre>
  333. <p>In this case, Synapse must be given a certificate for - or be
  334. configured to acquire one from Let's Encrypt.</p>
  335. <p>If you are unable to give Synapse a certificate for your server_name, you will
  336. also need to use a .well-known URI instead. However, see also &quot;I have created a
  337. .well-known URI. Do I still need an SRV record?&quot;.</p>
  338. <h3 id="i-have-created-a-well-known-uri-do-i-still-need-an-srv-record"><a class="header" href="#i-have-created-a-well-known-uri-do-i-still-need-an-srv-record">I have created a .well-known URI. Do I still need an SRV record?</a></h3>
  339. <p>As of Synapse 0.99, Synapse will first check for the existence of a <code>.well-known</code>
  340. URI and follow any delegation it suggests. It will only then check for the
  341. existence of an SRV record.</p>
  342. <p>That means that the SRV record will often be redundant. However, you should
  343. remember that there may still be older versions of Synapse in the federation
  344. which do not understand <code>.well-known</code> URIs, so if you removed your SRV record you
  345. would no longer be able to federate with them.</p>
  346. <p>It is therefore best to leave the SRV record in place for now. Synapse 0.34 and
  347. earlier will follow the SRV record (and not care about the invalid
  348. certificate). Synapse 0.99 and later will follow the .well-known URI, with the
  349. correct certificate chain.</p>
  350. <h3 id="it-used-to-work-just-fine-why-are-you-breaking-everything"><a class="header" href="#it-used-to-work-just-fine-why-are-you-breaking-everything">It used to work just fine, why are you breaking everything?</a></h3>
  351. <p>We have always wanted Matrix servers to be as easy to set up as possible, and
  352. so back when we started federation in 2014 we didn't want admins to have to go
  353. through the cumbersome process of buying a valid TLS certificate to run a
  354. server. This was before Let's Encrypt came along and made getting a free and
  355. valid TLS certificate straightforward. So instead, we adopted a system based on
  356. <a href="">Perspectives</a>: an approach
  357. where you check a set of &quot;notary servers&quot; (in practice, homeservers) to vouch
  358. for the validity of a certificate rather than having it signed by a CA. As long
  359. as enough different notaries agree on the certificate's validity, then it is
  360. trusted.</p>
  361. <p>However, in practice this has never worked properly. Most people only use the
  362. default notary server (, leading to inadvertent centralisation which
  363. we want to eliminate. Meanwhile, we never implemented the full consensus
  364. algorithm to query the servers participating in a room to determine consensus
  365. on whether a given certificate is valid. This is fiddly to get right
  366. (especially in face of sybil attacks), and we found ourselves questioning
  367. whether it was worth the effort to finish the work and commit to maintaining a
  368. secure certificate validation system as opposed to focusing on core Matrix
  369. development.</p>
  370. <p>Meanwhile, Let's Encrypt came along in 2016, and put the final nail in the
  371. coffin of the Perspectives project (which was already pretty dead). So, the
  372. Spec Core Team decided that a better approach would be to mandate valid TLS
  373. certificates for federation alongside the rest of the Web. More details can be
  374. found in
  375. <a href="">MSC1711</a>.</p>
  376. <p>This results in a breaking change, which is disruptive, but absolutely critical
  377. for the security model. However, the existence of Let's Encrypt as a trivial
  378. way to replace the old self-signed certificates with valid CA-signed ones helps
  379. smooth things over massively, especially as Synapse can now automate Let's
  380. Encrypt certificate generation if needed.</p>
  381. <h3 id="can-i-manage-my-own-certificates-rather-than-having-synapse-renew-certificates-itself"><a class="header" href="#can-i-manage-my-own-certificates-rather-than-having-synapse-renew-certificates-itself">Can I manage my own certificates rather than having Synapse renew certificates itself?</a></h3>
  382. <p>Yes, you are welcome to manage your certificates yourself. Synapse will only
  383. attempt to obtain certificates from Let's Encrypt if you configure it to do
  384. so.The only requirement is that there is a valid TLS cert present for
  385. federation end points.</p>
  386. <h3 id="do-you-still-recommend-against-using-a-reverse-proxy-on-the-federation-port"><a class="header" href="#do-you-still-recommend-against-using-a-reverse-proxy-on-the-federation-port">Do you still recommend against using a reverse proxy on the federation port?</a></h3>
  387. <p>We no longer actively recommend against using a reverse proxy. Many admins will
  388. find it easier to direct federation traffic to a reverse proxy and manage their
  389. own TLS certificates, and this is a supported configuration.</p>
  390. <p>See <a href="reverse_proxy.html">the reverse proxy documentation</a> for information on setting up a
  391. reverse proxy.</p>
  392. <h3 id="do-i-still-need-to-give-my-tls-certificates-to-synapse-if-i-am-using-a-reverse-proxy"><a class="header" href="#do-i-still-need-to-give-my-tls-certificates-to-synapse-if-i-am-using-a-reverse-proxy">Do I still need to give my TLS certificates to Synapse if I am using a reverse proxy?</a></h3>
  393. <p>Practically speaking, this is no longer necessary.</p>
  394. <p>If you are using a reverse proxy for all of your TLS traffic, then you can set
  395. <code>no_tls: True</code>. In that case, the only reason Synapse needs the certificate is
  396. to populate a legacy 'tls_fingerprints' field in the federation API. This is
  397. ignored by Synapse 0.99.0 and later, and the only time pre-0.99 Synapses will
  398. check it is when attempting to fetch the server keys - and generally this is
  399. delegated via <code></code>, which is on 0.99.0.</p>
  400. <p>However, there is a bug in Synapse 0.99.0
  401. <a href="">4554</a> which prevents
  402. Synapse from starting if you do not give it a TLS certificate. To work around
  403. this, you can give it any TLS certificate at all. This will be fixed soon.</p>
  404. <h3 id="do-i-need-the-same-certificate-for-the-client-and-federation-port"><a class="header" href="#do-i-need-the-same-certificate-for-the-client-and-federation-port">Do I need the same certificate for the client and federation port?</a></h3>
  405. <p>No. There is nothing stopping you from using different certificates,
  406. particularly if you are using a reverse proxy. However, Synapse will use the
  407. same certificate on any ports where TLS is configured.</p>
  408. <h3 id="how-do-i-tell-synapse-to-reload-my-keyscertificates-after-i-replace-them"><a class="header" href="#how-do-i-tell-synapse-to-reload-my-keyscertificates-after-i-replace-them">How do I tell Synapse to reload my keys/certificates after I replace them?</a></h3>
  409. <p>Synapse will reload the keys and certificates when it receives a SIGHUP - for
  410. example <code>kill -HUP $(cat</code>. Alternatively, simply restart
  411. Synapse, though this will result in downtime while it restarts.</p>
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