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  136. <h1 id="scaling-synapse-via-workers"><a class="header" href="#scaling-synapse-via-workers">Scaling synapse via workers</a></h1>
  137. <p>For small instances it recommended to run Synapse in the default monolith mode.
  138. For larger instances where performance is a concern it can be helpful to split
  139. out functionality into multiple separate python processes. These processes are
  140. called 'workers', and are (eventually) intended to scale horizontally
  141. independently.</p>
  142. <p>Synapse's worker support is under active development and subject to change as
  143. we attempt to rapidly scale ever larger Synapse instances. However we are
  144. documenting it here to help admins needing a highly scalable Synapse instance
  145. similar to the one running <code></code>.</p>
  146. <p>All processes continue to share the same database instance, and as such,
  147. workers only work with PostgreSQL-based Synapse deployments. SQLite should only
  148. be used for demo purposes and any admin considering workers should already be
  149. running PostgreSQL.</p>
  150. <p>See also <a href=""> blog post</a>
  151. for a higher level overview.</p>
  152. <h2 id="main-processworker-communication"><a class="header" href="#main-processworker-communication">Main process/worker communication</a></h2>
  153. <p>The processes communicate with each other via a Synapse-specific protocol called
  154. 'replication' (analogous to MySQL- or Postgres-style database replication) which
  155. feeds streams of newly written data between processes so they can be kept in
  156. sync with the database state.</p>
  157. <p>When configured to do so, Synapse uses a
  158. <a href="">Redis pub/sub channel</a> to send the replication
  159. stream between all configured Synapse processes. Additionally, processes may
  160. make HTTP requests to each other, primarily for operations which need to wait
  161. for a reply ─ such as sending an event.</p>
  162. <p>Redis support was added in v1.13.0 with it becoming the recommended method in
  163. v1.18.0. It replaced the old direct TCP connections (which is deprecated as of
  164. v1.18.0) to the main process. With Redis, rather than all the workers connecting
  165. to the main process, all the workers and the main process connect to Redis,
  166. which relays replication commands between processes. This can give a significant
  167. cpu saving on the main process and will be a prerequisite for upcoming
  168. performance improvements.</p>
  169. <p>If Redis support is enabled Synapse will use it as a shared cache, as well as a
  170. pub/sub mechanism.</p>
  171. <p>See the <a href="#architectural-diagram">Architectural diagram</a> section at the end for
  172. a visualisation of what this looks like.</p>
  173. <h2 id="setting-up-workers"><a class="header" href="#setting-up-workers">Setting up workers</a></h2>
  174. <p>A Redis server is required to manage the communication between the processes.
  175. The Redis server should be installed following the normal procedure for your
  176. distribution (e.g. <code>apt install redis-server</code> on Debian). It is safe to use an
  177. existing Redis deployment if you have one.</p>
  178. <p>Once installed, check that Redis is running and accessible from the host running
  179. Synapse, for example by executing <code>echo PING | nc -q1 localhost 6379</code> and seeing
  180. a response of <code>+PONG</code>.</p>
  181. <p>The appropriate dependencies must also be installed for Synapse. If using a
  182. virtualenv, these can be installed with:</p>
  183. <pre><code class="language-sh">pip install &quot;matrix-synapse[redis]&quot;
  184. </code></pre>
  185. <p>Note that these dependencies are included when synapse is installed with <code>pip install matrix-synapse[all]</code>. They are also included in the debian packages from
  186. <code></code> and in the docker images at
  188. <p>To make effective use of the workers, you will need to configure an HTTP
  189. reverse-proxy such as nginx or haproxy, which will direct incoming requests to
  190. the correct worker, or to the main synapse instance. See
  191. <a href="reverse_proxy.html">the reverse proxy documentation</a> for information on setting up a reverse
  192. proxy.</p>
  193. <p>When using workers, each worker process has its own configuration file which
  194. contains settings specific to that worker, such as the HTTP listener that it
  195. provides (if any), logging configuration, etc.</p>
  196. <p>Normally, the worker processes are configured to read from a shared
  197. configuration file as well as the worker-specific configuration files. This
  198. makes it easier to keep common configuration settings synchronised across all
  199. the processes.</p>
  200. <p>The main process is somewhat special in this respect: it does not normally
  201. need its own configuration file and can take all of its configuration from the
  202. shared configuration file.</p>
  203. <h3 id="shared-configuration"><a class="header" href="#shared-configuration">Shared configuration</a></h3>
  204. <p>Normally, only a couple of changes are needed to make an existing configuration
  205. file suitable for use with workers. First, you need to enable an &quot;HTTP replication
  206. listener&quot; for the main process; and secondly, you need to enable redis-based
  207. replication. Optionally, a shared secret can be used to authenticate HTTP
  208. traffic between workers. For example:</p>
  209. <pre><code class="language-yaml"># extend the existing `listeners` section. This defines the ports that the
  210. # main process will listen on.
  211. listeners:
  212. # The HTTP replication port
  213. - port: 9093
  214. bind_address: ''
  215. type: http
  216. resources:
  217. - names: [replication]
  218. # Add a random shared secret to authenticate traffic.
  219. worker_replication_secret: &quot;&quot;
  220. redis:
  221. enabled: true
  222. </code></pre>
  223. <p>See the sample config for the full documentation of each option.</p>
  224. <p>Under <strong>no circumstances</strong> should the replication listener be exposed to the
  225. public internet; it has no authentication and is unencrypted.</p>
  226. <h3 id="worker-configuration"><a class="header" href="#worker-configuration">Worker configuration</a></h3>
  227. <p>In the config file for each worker, you must specify the type of worker
  228. application (<code>worker_app</code>), and you should specify a unique name for the worker
  229. (<code>worker_name</code>). The currently available worker applications are listed below.
  230. You must also specify the HTTP replication endpoint that it should talk to on
  231. the main synapse process. <code>worker_replication_host</code> should specify the host of
  232. the main synapse and <code>worker_replication_http_port</code> should point to the HTTP
  233. replication port. If the worker will handle HTTP requests then the
  234. <code>worker_listeners</code> option should be set with a <code>http</code> listener, in the same way
  235. as the <code>listeners</code> option in the shared config.</p>
  236. <p>For example:</p>
  237. <pre><code class="language-yaml">worker_app:
  238. worker_name: worker1
  239. # The replication listener on the main synapse process.
  240. worker_replication_host:
  241. worker_replication_http_port: 9093
  242. worker_listeners:
  243. - type: http
  244. port: 8083
  245. resources:
  246. - names:
  247. - client
  248. - federation
  249. worker_log_config: /home/matrix/synapse/config/worker1_log_config.yaml
  250. </code></pre>
  251. <p> a full configuration for a generic worker instance, which will expose a
  252. plain HTTP endpoint on port 8083 separately serving various endpoints, e.g.
  253. <code>/sync</code>, which are listed below.</p>
  254. <p>Obviously you should configure your reverse-proxy to route the relevant
  255. endpoints to the worker (<code>localhost:8083</code> in the above example).</p>
  256. <h3 id="running-synapse-with-workers"><a class="header" href="#running-synapse-with-workers">Running Synapse with workers</a></h3>
  257. <p>Finally, you need to start your worker processes. This can be done with either
  258. <code>synctl</code> or your distribution's preferred service manager such as <code>systemd</code>. We
  259. recommend the use of <code>systemd</code> where available: for information on setting up
  260. <code>systemd</code> to start synapse workers, see
  261. <a href="systemd-with-workers">Systemd with Workers</a>. To use <code>synctl</code>, see
  262. <a href="synctl_workers.html">Using synctl with Workers</a>.</p>
  263. <h2 id="available-worker-applications"><a class="header" href="#available-worker-applications">Available worker applications</a></h2>
  264. <h3 id="synapseappgeneric_worker"><a class="header" href="#synapseappgeneric_worker"><code></code></a></h3>
  265. <p>This worker can handle API requests matching the following regular expressions.
  266. These endpoints can be routed to any worker. If a worker is set up to handle a
  267. stream then, for maximum efficiency, additional endpoints should be routed to that
  268. worker: refer to the <a href="#stream-writers">stream writers</a> section below for further
  269. information.</p>
  270. <pre><code># Sync requests
  271. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3)/sync$
  272. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3)/events$
  273. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3)/initialSync$
  274. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3)/rooms/[^/]+/initialSync$
  275. # Federation requests
  276. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/event/
  277. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/state/
  278. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/state_ids/
  279. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/backfill/
  280. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/get_missing_events/
  281. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/publicRooms
  282. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/query/
  283. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/make_join/
  284. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/make_leave/
  285. ^/_matrix/federation/(v1|v2)/send_join/
  286. ^/_matrix/federation/(v1|v2)/send_leave/
  287. ^/_matrix/federation/(v1|v2)/invite/
  288. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/event_auth/
  289. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/exchange_third_party_invite/
  290. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/user/devices/
  291. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/get_groups_publicised$
  292. ^/_matrix/key/v2/query
  293. ^/_matrix/federation/(v1|unstable/org.matrix.msc2946)/hierarchy/
  294. # Inbound federation transaction request
  295. ^/_matrix/federation/v1/send/
  296. # Client API requests
  297. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/createRoom$
  298. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/publicRooms$
  299. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/joined_members$
  300. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/context/.*$
  301. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/members$
  302. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/state$
  303. ^/_matrix/client/(v1|unstable/org.matrix.msc2946)/rooms/.*/hierarchy$
  304. ^/_matrix/client/unstable/im.nheko.summary/rooms/.*/summary$
  305. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/account/3pid$
  306. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/devices$
  307. ^/_matrix/client/versions$
  308. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/voip/turnServer$
  309. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/joined_groups$
  310. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/publicised_groups$
  311. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/publicised_groups/
  312. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/event/
  313. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/joined_rooms$
  314. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/search$
  315. # Encryption requests
  316. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/keys/query$
  317. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/keys/changes$
  318. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/keys/claim$
  319. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/room_keys/
  320. # Registration/login requests
  321. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/login$
  322. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/register$
  323. ^/_matrix/client/v1/register/m.login.registration_token/validity$
  324. # Event sending requests
  325. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/redact
  326. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/send
  327. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/state/
  328. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/(join|invite|leave|ban|unban|kick)$
  329. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/join/
  330. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/profile/
  331. # Device requests
  332. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/sendToDevice/
  333. # Account data requests
  334. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/.*/tags
  335. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/.*/account_data
  336. # Receipts requests
  337. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/receipt
  338. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/read_markers
  339. # Presence requests
  340. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/presence/
  341. </code></pre>
  342. <p>Additionally, the following REST endpoints can be handled for GET requests:</p>
  343. <pre><code>^/_matrix/federation/v1/groups/
  344. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/pushrules/
  345. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/groups/
  346. </code></pre>
  347. <p>Pagination requests can also be handled, but all requests for a given
  348. room must be routed to the same instance. Additionally, care must be taken to
  349. ensure that the purge history admin API is not used while pagination requests
  350. for the room are in flight:</p>
  351. <pre><code>^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/messages$
  352. </code></pre>
  353. <p>Additionally, the following endpoints should be included if Synapse is configured
  354. to use SSO (you only need to include the ones for whichever SSO provider you're
  355. using):</p>
  356. <pre><code># for all SSO providers
  357. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/login/sso/redirect
  358. ^/_synapse/client/pick_idp$
  359. ^/_synapse/client/pick_username
  360. ^/_synapse/client/new_user_consent$
  361. ^/_synapse/client/sso_register$
  362. # OpenID Connect requests.
  363. ^/_synapse/client/oidc/callback$
  364. # SAML requests.
  365. ^/_synapse/client/saml2/authn_response$
  366. # CAS requests.
  367. ^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/login/cas/ticket$
  368. </code></pre>
  369. <p>Ensure that all SSO logins go to a single process.
  370. For multiple workers not handling the SSO endpoints properly, see
  371. <a href="">#7530</a> and
  372. <a href="">#9427</a>.</p>
  373. <p>Note that a HTTP listener with <code>client</code> and <code>federation</code> resources must be
  374. configured in the <code>worker_listeners</code> option in the worker config.</p>
  375. <h4 id="load-balancing"><a class="header" href="#load-balancing">Load balancing</a></h4>
  376. <p>It is possible to run multiple instances of this worker app, with incoming requests
  377. being load-balanced between them by the reverse-proxy. However, different endpoints
  378. have different characteristics and so admins
  379. may wish to run multiple groups of workers handling different endpoints so that
  380. load balancing can be done in different ways.</p>
  381. <p>For <code>/sync</code> and <code>/initialSync</code> requests it will be more efficient if all
  382. requests from a particular user are routed to a single instance. Extracting a
  383. user ID from the access token or <code>Authorization</code> header is currently left as an
  384. exercise for the reader. Admins may additionally wish to separate out <code>/sync</code>
  385. requests that have a <code>since</code> query parameter from those that don't (and
  386. <code>/initialSync</code>), as requests that don't are known as &quot;initial sync&quot; that happens
  387. when a user logs in on a new device and can be <em>very</em> resource intensive, so
  388. isolating these requests will stop them from interfering with other users ongoing
  389. syncs.</p>
  390. <p>Federation and client requests can be balanced via simple round robin.</p>
  391. <p>The inbound federation transaction request <code>^/_matrix/federation/v1/send/</code>
  392. should be balanced by source IP so that transactions from the same remote server
  393. go to the same process.</p>
  394. <p>Registration/login requests can be handled separately purely to help ensure that
  395. unexpected load doesn't affect new logins and sign ups.</p>
  396. <p>Finally, event sending requests can be balanced by the room ID in the URI (or
  397. the full URI, or even just round robin), the room ID is the path component after
  398. <code>/rooms/</code>. If there is a large bridge connected that is sending or may send lots
  399. of events, then a dedicated set of workers can be provisioned to limit the
  400. effects of bursts of events from that bridge on events sent by normal users.</p>
  401. <h4 id="stream-writers"><a class="header" href="#stream-writers">Stream writers</a></h4>
  402. <p>Additionally, there is <em>experimental</em> support for moving writing of specific
  403. streams (such as events) off of the main process to a particular worker. (This
  404. is only supported with Redis-based replication.)</p>
  405. <p>To enable this, the worker must have a HTTP replication listener configured,
  406. have a <code>worker_name</code> and be listed in the <code>instance_map</code> config. The same worker
  407. can handle multiple streams, but unless otherwise documented, each stream can only
  408. have a single writer.</p>
  409. <p>For example, to move event persistence off to a dedicated worker, the shared
  410. configuration would include:</p>
  411. <pre><code class="language-yaml">instance_map:
  412. event_persister1:
  413. host: localhost
  414. port: 8034
  415. stream_writers:
  416. events: event_persister1
  417. </code></pre>
  418. <p>Some of the streams have associated endpoints which, for maximum efficiency, should
  419. be routed to the workers handling that stream. See below for the currently supported
  420. streams and the endpoints associated with them:</p>
  421. <h5 id="the-events-stream"><a class="header" href="#the-events-stream">The <code>events</code> stream</a></h5>
  422. <p>The <code>events</code> stream experimentally supports having multiple writers, where work
  423. is sharded between them by room ID. Note that you <em>must</em> restart all worker
  424. instances when adding or removing event persisters. An example <code>stream_writers</code>
  425. configuration with multiple writers:</p>
  426. <pre><code class="language-yaml">stream_writers:
  427. events:
  428. - event_persister1
  429. - event_persister2
  430. </code></pre>
  431. <h5 id="the-typing-stream"><a class="header" href="#the-typing-stream">The <code>typing</code> stream</a></h5>
  432. <p>The following endpoints should be routed directly to the worker configured as
  433. the stream writer for the <code>typing</code> stream:</p>
  434. <pre><code>^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/typing
  435. </code></pre>
  436. <h5 id="the-to_device-stream"><a class="header" href="#the-to_device-stream">The <code>to_device</code> stream</a></h5>
  437. <p>The following endpoints should be routed directly to the worker configured as
  438. the stream writer for the <code>to_device</code> stream:</p>
  439. <pre><code>^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/sendToDevice/
  440. </code></pre>
  441. <h5 id="the-account_data-stream"><a class="header" href="#the-account_data-stream">The <code>account_data</code> stream</a></h5>
  442. <p>The following endpoints should be routed directly to the worker configured as
  443. the stream writer for the <code>account_data</code> stream:</p>
  444. <pre><code>^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/.*/tags
  445. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/.*/account_data
  446. </code></pre>
  447. <h5 id="the-receipts-stream"><a class="header" href="#the-receipts-stream">The <code>receipts</code> stream</a></h5>
  448. <p>The following endpoints should be routed directly to the worker configured as
  449. the stream writer for the <code>receipts</code> stream:</p>
  450. <pre><code>^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/receipt
  451. ^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/rooms/.*/read_markers
  452. </code></pre>
  453. <h5 id="the-presence-stream"><a class="header" href="#the-presence-stream">The <code>presence</code> stream</a></h5>
  454. <p>The following endpoints should be routed directly to the worker configured as
  455. the stream writer for the <code>presence</code> stream:</p>
  456. <pre><code>^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/presence/
  457. </code></pre>
  458. <h4 id="background-tasks"><a class="header" href="#background-tasks">Background tasks</a></h4>
  459. <p>There is also <em>experimental</em> support for moving background tasks to a separate
  460. worker. Background tasks are run periodically or started via replication. Exactly
  461. which tasks are configured to run depends on your Synapse configuration (e.g. if
  462. stats is enabled).</p>
  463. <p>To enable this, the worker must have a <code>worker_name</code> and can be configured to run
  464. background tasks. For example, to move background tasks to a dedicated worker,
  465. the shared configuration would include:</p>
  466. <pre><code class="language-yaml">run_background_tasks_on: background_worker
  467. </code></pre>
  468. <p>You might also wish to investigate the <code>update_user_directory</code> and
  469. <code>media_instance_running_background_jobs</code> settings.</p>
  470. <h3 id="synapseapppusher"><a class="header" href="#synapseapppusher"><code></code></a></h3>
  471. <p>Handles sending push notifications to sygnal and email. Doesn't handle any
  472. REST endpoints itself, but you should set <code>start_pushers: False</code> in the
  473. shared configuration file to stop the main synapse sending push notifications.</p>
  474. <p>To run multiple instances at once the <code>pusher_instances</code> option should list all
  475. pusher instances by their worker name, e.g.:</p>
  476. <pre><code class="language-yaml">pusher_instances:
  477. - pusher_worker1
  478. - pusher_worker2
  479. </code></pre>
  480. <h3 id="synapseappappservice"><a class="header" href="#synapseappappservice"><code></code></a></h3>
  481. <p>Handles sending output traffic to Application Services. Doesn't handle any
  482. REST endpoints itself, but you should set <code>notify_appservices: False</code> in the
  483. shared configuration file to stop the main synapse sending appservice notifications.</p>
  484. <p>Note this worker cannot be load-balanced: only one instance should be active.</p>
  485. <h3 id="synapseappfederation_sender"><a class="header" href="#synapseappfederation_sender"><code></code></a></h3>
  486. <p>Handles sending federation traffic to other servers. Doesn't handle any
  487. REST endpoints itself, but you should set <code>send_federation: False</code> in the
  488. shared configuration file to stop the main synapse sending this traffic.</p>
  489. <p>If running multiple federation senders then you must list each
  490. instance in the <code>federation_sender_instances</code> option by their <code>worker_name</code>.
  491. All instances must be stopped and started when adding or removing instances.
  492. For example:</p>
  493. <pre><code class="language-yaml">federation_sender_instances:
  494. - federation_sender1
  495. - federation_sender2
  496. </code></pre>
  497. <h3 id="synapseappmedia_repository"><a class="header" href="#synapseappmedia_repository"><code></code></a></h3>
  498. <p>Handles the media repository. It can handle all endpoints starting with:</p>
  499. <pre><code>/_matrix/media/
  500. </code></pre>
  501. <p>... and the following regular expressions matching media-specific administration APIs:</p>
  502. <pre><code>^/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_media_cache$
  503. ^/_synapse/admin/v1/room/.*/media.*$
  504. ^/_synapse/admin/v1/user/.*/media.*$
  505. ^/_synapse/admin/v1/media/.*$
  506. ^/_synapse/admin/v1/quarantine_media/.*$
  507. ^/_synapse/admin/v1/users/.*/media$
  508. </code></pre>
  509. <p>You should also set <code>enable_media_repo: False</code> in the shared configuration
  510. file to stop the main synapse running background jobs related to managing the
  511. media repository. Note that doing so will prevent the main process from being
  512. able to handle the above endpoints.</p>
  513. <p>In the <code>media_repository</code> worker configuration file, configure the http listener to
  514. expose the <code>media</code> resource. For example:</p>
  515. <pre><code class="language-yaml">worker_listeners:
  516. - type: http
  517. port: 8085
  518. resources:
  519. - names:
  520. - media
  521. </code></pre>
  522. <p>Note that if running multiple media repositories they must be on the same server
  523. and you must configure a single instance to run the background tasks, e.g.:</p>
  524. <pre><code class="language-yaml">media_instance_running_background_jobs: &quot;media-repository-1&quot;
  525. </code></pre>
  526. <p>Note that if a reverse proxy is used , then <code>/_matrix/media/</code> must be routed for both inbound client and federation requests (if they are handled separately).</p>
  527. <h3 id="synapseappuser_dir"><a class="header" href="#synapseappuser_dir"><code></code></a></h3>
  528. <p>Handles searches in the user directory. It can handle REST endpoints matching
  529. the following regular expressions:</p>
  530. <pre><code>^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/user_directory/search$
  531. </code></pre>
  532. <p>When using this worker you must also set <code>update_user_directory: false</code> in the
  533. shared configuration file to stop the main synapse running background
  534. jobs related to updating the user directory.</p>
  535. <p>Above endpoint is not <em>required</em> to be routed to this worker. By default,
  536. <code>update_user_directory</code> is set to <code>true</code>, which means the main process
  537. will handle updates. All workers configured with <code>client</code> can handle the above
  538. endpoint as long as either this worker or the main process are configured to
  539. handle it, and are online.</p>
  540. <p>If <code>update_user_directory</code> is set to <code>false</code>, and this worker is not running,
  541. the above endpoint may give outdated results.</p>
  542. <h3 id="synapseappfrontend_proxy"><a class="header" href="#synapseappfrontend_proxy"><code></code></a></h3>
  543. <p>Proxies some frequently-requested client endpoints to add caching and remove
  544. load from the main synapse. It can handle REST endpoints matching the following
  545. regular expressions:</p>
  546. <pre><code>^/_matrix/client/(r0|v3|unstable)/keys/upload
  547. </code></pre>
  548. <p>If <code>use_presence</code> is False in the homeserver config, it can also handle REST
  549. endpoints matching the following regular expressions:</p>
  550. <pre><code>^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/presence/[^/]+/status
  551. </code></pre>
  552. <p>This &quot;stub&quot; presence handler will pass through <code>GET</code> request but make the
  553. <code>PUT</code> effectively a no-op.</p>
  554. <p>It will proxy any requests it cannot handle to the main synapse instance. It
  555. must therefore be configured with the location of the main instance, via
  556. the <code>worker_main_http_uri</code> setting in the <code>frontend_proxy</code> worker configuration
  557. file. For example:</p>
  558. <pre><code class="language-yaml">worker_main_http_uri:
  559. </code></pre>
  560. <h3 id="historical-apps"><a class="header" href="#historical-apps">Historical apps</a></h3>
  561. <p><em>Note:</em> Historically there used to be more apps, however they have been
  562. amalgamated into a single <code></code> app. The remaining apps
  563. are ones that do specific processing unrelated to requests, e.g. the <code>pusher</code>
  564. that handles sending out push notifications for new events. The intention is for
  565. all these to be folded into the <code>generic_worker</code> app and to use config to define
  566. which processes handle the various proccessing such as push notifications.</p>
  567. <h2 id="migration-from-old-config"><a class="header" href="#migration-from-old-config">Migration from old config</a></h2>
  568. <p>There are two main independent changes that have been made: introducing Redis
  569. support and merging apps into <code></code>. Both these changes
  570. are backwards compatible and so no changes to the config are required, however
  571. server admins are encouraged to plan to migrate to Redis as the old style direct
  572. TCP replication config is deprecated.</p>
  573. <p>To migrate to Redis add the <code>redis</code> config as above, and optionally remove the
  574. TCP <code>replication</code> listener from master and <code>worker_replication_port</code> from worker
  575. config.</p>
  576. <p>To migrate apps to use <code></code> simply update the
  577. <code>worker_app</code> option in the worker configs, and where worker are started (e.g.
  578. in systemd service files, but not required for synctl).</p>
  579. <h2 id="architectural-diagram"><a class="header" href="#architectural-diagram">Architectural diagram</a></h2>
  580. <p>The following shows an example setup using Redis and a reverse proxy:</p>
  581. <pre><code> Clients &amp; Federation
  582. |
  583. v
  584. +-----------+
  585. | |
  586. | Reverse |
  587. | Proxy |
  588. | |
  589. +-----------+
  590. | | |
  591. | | | HTTP requests
  592. +-------------------+ | +-----------+
  593. | +---+ |
  594. | | |
  595. v v v
  596. +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+
  597. | Main | | Generic | | Generic | | Event |
  598. | Process | | Worker 1 | | Worker 2 | | Persister |
  599. +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+
  600. ^ ^ | ^ | | ^ | ^ ^
  601. | | | | | | | | | |
  602. | | | | | HTTP | | | | |
  603. | +----------+&lt;--|---|---------+ | | | |
  604. | | +-------------|--&gt;+----------+ |
  605. | | | |
  606. | | | |
  607. v v v v
  608. ====================================================================
  609. Redis pub/sub channel
  610. </code></pre>
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