MAP.rst 2.1 KB

  1. Directory Structure
  2. ===================
  3. Warning: this may be a bit stale...
  4. ::
  5. .
  6. ├── cmdclient Basic CLI python Matrix client
  7. ├── demo Scripts for running standalone Matrix demos
  8. ├── docs All doc, including the draft Matrix API spec
  9. │   ├── client-server The client-server Matrix API spec
  10. │   ├── model Domain-specific elements of the Matrix API spec
  11. │   ├── server-server The server-server model of the Matrix API spec
  12. │   └── sphinx The internal API doc of the Synapse homeserver
  13. ├── experiments Early experiments of using Synapse's internal APIs
  14. ├── graph Visualisation of Matrix's distributed message store
  15. ├── synapse The reference Matrix homeserver implementation
  16. │   ├── api Common building blocks for the APIs
  17. │   │   ├── events Definition of state representation Events
  18. │   │   └── streams Definition of streamable Event objects
  19. │   ├── app The __main__ entry point for the homeserver
  20. │   ├── crypto The PKI client/server used for secure federation
  21. │   │   └── resource PKI helper objects (e.g. keys)
  22. │   ├── federation Server-server state replication logic
  23. │   ├── handlers The main business logic of the homeserver
  24. │   ├── http Wrappers around Twisted's HTTP server & client
  25. │   ├── rest Servlet-style RESTful API
  26. │   ├── storage Persistence subsystem (currently only sqlite3)
  27. │   │   └── schema sqlite persistence schema
  28. │   └── util Synapse-specific utilities
  29. ├── tests Unit tests for the Synapse homeserver
  30. └── webclient Basic AngularJS Matrix web client