tox.ini 858 B

  1. [tox]
  2. envlist = packaging, py27, pep8
  3. [testenv]
  4. deps =
  5. coverage
  6. Twisted>=15.1
  7. mock
  8. python-subunit
  9. junitxml
  10. # needed by some of the tests
  11. lxml
  12. setenv =
  14. # As of twisted 16.4, trial tries to import the tests as a package, which
  15. # means it needs to be on the pythonpath.
  16. PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}
  17. commands =
  18. /bin/sh -c "find {toxinidir} -name '*.pyc' -delete ; coverage run {env:COVERAGE_OPTS:} --source={toxinidir}/synapse \
  19. {envbindir}/trial {env:TRIAL_FLAGS:} {posargs:tests} {env:TOXSUFFIX:}"
  20. {env:DUMP_COVERAGE_COMMAND:coverage report -m}
  21. [testenv:packaging]
  22. deps =
  23. check-manifest
  24. commands =
  25. check-manifest
  26. [testenv:pep8]
  27. skip_install = True
  28. basepython = python2.7
  29. deps =
  30. flake8
  31. commands = /bin/sh -c "flake8 synapse tests {env:PEP8SUFFIX:}"