"""schema is a library for validating Python data structures, such as those obtained from config-files, forms, external services or command-line parsing, converted from JSON/YAML (or something else) to Python data-types.""" import re __version__ = '0.6.7' __all__ = ['Schema', 'And', 'Or', 'Regex', 'Optional', 'Use', 'Forbidden', 'Const', 'SchemaError', 'SchemaWrongKeyError', 'SchemaMissingKeyError', 'SchemaForbiddenKeyError', 'SchemaUnexpectedTypeError'] class SchemaError(Exception): """Error during Schema validation.""" def __init__(self, autos, errors=None): self.autos = autos if type(autos) is list else [autos] self.errors = errors if type(errors) is list else [errors] Exception.__init__(self, self.code) @property def code(self): """ Removes duplicates values in auto and error list. parameters. """ def uniq(seq): """ Utility function that removes duplicate. """ seen = set() seen_add = seen.add # This way removes duplicates while preserving the order. return [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)] data_set = uniq(i for i in self.autos if i is not None) error_list = uniq(i for i in self.errors if i is not None) if error_list: return '\n'.join(error_list) return '\n'.join(data_set) class SchemaWrongKeyError(SchemaError): """Error Should be raised when an unexpected key is detected within the data set being.""" pass class SchemaMissingKeyError(SchemaError): """Error should be raised when a mandatory key is not found within the data set being vaidated""" pass class SchemaForbiddenKeyError(SchemaError): """Error should be raised when a forbidden key is found within the data set being validated, and its value matches the value that was specified""" pass class SchemaUnexpectedTypeError(SchemaError): """Error should be raised when a type mismatch is detected within the data set being validated.""" pass class And: """ Utility function to combine validation directives in AND Boolean fashion. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self._args = args assert set(kw).issubset(['error', 'schema', 'ignore_extra_keys']) self._error = kw.get('error') self._ignore_extra_keys = kw.get('ignore_extra_keys', False) # You can pass your inherited Schema class. self._schema = kw.get('schema', Schema) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(repr(a) for a in self._args)) def validate(self, data): """ Validate data using defined sub schema/expressions ensuring all values are valid. :param data: to be validated with sub defined schemas. :return: returns validated data """ for s in [self._schema(s, error=self._error, ignore_extra_keys=self._ignore_extra_keys) for s in self._args]: data = s.validate(data) return data class Or(And): """Utility function to combine validation directives in a OR Boolean fashion.""" def validate(self, data): """ Validate data using sub defined schema/expressions ensuring at least one value is valid. :param data: data to be validated by provided schema. :return: return validated data if not validation """ x = SchemaError([], []) for s in [self._schema(s, error=self._error, ignore_extra_keys=self._ignore_extra_keys) for s in self._args]: try: return s.validate(data) except SchemaError as _x: x = _x raise SchemaError(['%r did not validate %r' % (self, data)] + x.autos, [self._error.format(data) if self._error else None] + x.errors) class Regex: """ Enables schema.py to validate string using regular expressions. """ # Map all flags bits to a more readable description NAMES = ['re.ASCII', 're.DEBUG', 're.VERBOSE', 're.UNICODE', 're.DOTALL', 're.MULTILINE', 're.LOCALE', 're.IGNORECASE', 're.TEMPLATE'] def __init__(self, pattern_str, flags=0, error=None): self._pattern_str = pattern_str flags_list = [Regex.NAMES[i] for i, f in # Name for each bit enumerate('{0:09b}'.format(flags)) if f != '0'] if flags_list: self._flags_names = ', flags=' + '|'.join(flags_list) else: self._flags_names = '' self._pattern = re.compile(pattern_str, flags=flags) self._error = error def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r%s)' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self._pattern_str, self._flags_names ) def validate(self, data): """ Validated data using defined regex. :param data: data to be validated :return: return validated data. """ e = self._error try: if self._pattern.search(data): return data else: raise SchemaError('%r does not match %r' % (self, data), e) except TypeError: raise SchemaError('%r is not string nor buffer' % data, e) class Use: """ For more general use cases, you can use the Use class to transform the data while it is being validate. """ def __init__(self, callable_, error=None): assert callable(callable_) self._callable = callable_ self._error = error def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._callable) def validate(self, data): try: return self._callable(data) except SchemaError as x: raise SchemaError([None] + x.autos, [self._error.format(data) if self._error else None] + x.errors) except BaseException as x: f = _callable_str(self._callable) raise SchemaError('%s(%r) raised %r' % (f, data, x), self._error.format(data) if self._error else None) COMPARABLE, CALLABLE, VALIDATOR, TYPE, DICT, ITERABLE = range(6) def _priority(s): """Return priority for a given object.""" if type(s) in (list, tuple, set, frozenset): return ITERABLE if type(s) is dict: return DICT if issubclass(type(s), type): return TYPE if hasattr(s, 'validate'): return VALIDATOR if callable(s): return CALLABLE else: return COMPARABLE class Schema: """ Entry point of the library, use this class to instantiate validation schema for the data that will be validated. """ def __init__(self, schema, error=None, ignore_extra_keys=False): self._schema = schema self._error = error self._ignore_extra_keys = ignore_extra_keys def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._schema) @staticmethod def _dict_key_priority(s): """Return priority for a given key object.""" if isinstance(s, Forbidden): return _priority(s._schema) - 0.5 if isinstance(s, Optional): return _priority(s._schema) + 0.5 return _priority(s) def validate(self, data): Schema = self.__class__ s = self._schema e = self._error i = self._ignore_extra_keys flavor = _priority(s) if flavor == ITERABLE: data = Schema(type(s), error=e).validate(data) o = Or(*s, error=e, schema=Schema, ignore_extra_keys=i) return type(data)(o.validate(d) for d in data) if flavor == DICT: data = Schema(dict, error=e).validate(data) new = type(data)() # new - is a dict of the validated values coverage = set() # matched schema keys # for each key and value find a schema entry matching them, if any sorted_skeys = sorted(s, key=self._dict_key_priority) for key, value in data.items(): for skey in sorted_skeys: svalue = s[skey] try: nkey = Schema(skey, error=e).validate(key) except SchemaError: pass else: if isinstance(skey, Forbidden): # As the content of the value makes little sense for # forbidden keys, we reverse its meaning: # we will only raise the SchemaErrorForbiddenKey # exception if the value does match, allowing for # excluding a key only if its value has a certain type, # and allowing Forbidden to work well in combination # with Optional. try: nvalue = Schema(svalue, error=e).validate(value) except SchemaError: continue raise SchemaForbiddenKeyError( 'Forbidden key encountered: %r in %r' % (nkey, data), e) try: nvalue = Schema(svalue, error=e, ignore_extra_keys=i).validate(value) except SchemaError as x: k = "Key '%s' error:" % nkey raise SchemaError([k] + x.autos, [e] + x.errors) else: new[nkey] = nvalue coverage.add(skey) break required = {k for k in s if type(k) not in [Optional, Forbidden]} if not required.issubset(coverage): missing_keys = required - coverage s_missing_keys = \ ', '.join(repr(k) for k in sorted(missing_keys, key=repr)) raise \ SchemaMissingKeyError('Missing keys: ' + s_missing_keys, e) if not self._ignore_extra_keys and (len(new) != len(data)): wrong_keys = set(data.keys()) - set(new.keys()) s_wrong_keys = \ ', '.join(repr(k) for k in sorted(wrong_keys, key=repr)) raise \ SchemaWrongKeyError( 'Wrong keys %s in %r' % (s_wrong_keys, data), e.format(data) if e else None) # Apply default-having optionals that haven't been used: defaults = {k for k in s if type(k) is Optional and hasattr(k, 'default')} - coverage for default in defaults: new[default.key] = default.default return new if flavor == TYPE: if isinstance(data, s): return data else: raise SchemaUnexpectedTypeError( '%r should be instance of %r' % (data, s.__name__), e.format(data) if e else None) if flavor == VALIDATOR: try: return s.validate(data) except SchemaError as x: raise SchemaError([None] + x.autos, [e] + x.errors) except BaseException as x: raise SchemaError( '%r.validate(%r) raised %r' % (s, data, x), self._error.format(data) if self._error else None) if flavor == CALLABLE: f = _callable_str(s) try: if s(data): return data except SchemaError as x: raise SchemaError([None] + x.autos, [e] + x.errors) except BaseException as x: raise SchemaError( '%s(%r) raised %r' % (f, data, x), self._error.format(data) if self._error else None) raise SchemaError('%s(%r) should evaluate to True' % (f, data), e) if s == data: return data else: raise SchemaError('%r does not match %r' % (s, data), e.format(data) if e else None) class Optional(Schema): """Marker for an optional part of the validation Schema.""" _MARKER = object() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default = kwargs.pop('default', self._MARKER) super(Optional, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if default is not self._MARKER: # See if I can come up with a static key to use for myself: if _priority(self._schema) != COMPARABLE: raise TypeError( 'Optional keys with defaults must have simple, ' 'predictable values, like literal strings or ints. ' '"%r" is too complex.' % (self._schema,)) self.default = default self.key = self._schema def __hash__(self): return hash(self._schema) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.__class__ is other.__class__ and getattr(self, 'default', self._MARKER) == getattr(other, 'default', self._MARKER) and self._schema == other._schema) class Forbidden(Schema): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Forbidden, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.key = self._schema class Const(Schema): def validate(self, data): super(Const, self).validate(data) return data def _callable_str(callable_): if hasattr(callable_, '__name__'): return callable_.__name__ return str(callable_)