Browse Source

Roughly implement sb16 behaviour

Ernest Wong 6 years ago
6 changed files with 648 additions and 3 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 1 1
  3. 9 0
  4. 3 1
  5. 5 0
  6. 629 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ TRANSPILE_ES6_FLAGS=\
 CORE_FILES=const.js config.js io.js main.js lib.js fpu.js ide.js pci.js floppy.js memory.js \
 	   dma.js pit.js vga.js ps2.js pic.js rtc.js uart.js hpet.js acpi.js apic.js ioapic.js \
-	   state.js ne2k.js virtio.js bus.js log.js \
+	   state.js ne2k.js sb16.js virtio.js bus.js log.js \
 	   cpu.js translate.js modrm.js string.js arith.js misc_instr.js instructions.js debug.js \
 LIB_FILES=9p.js filesystem.js jor1k.js marshall.js utf8.js

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     var CORE_FILES =
         "const.js config.js log.js cpu.js debug.js translate.js modrm.js string.js arith.js misc_instr.js instructions.js " +
         "io.js main.js lib.js ide.js fpu.js pci.js floppy.js " +
-        "memory.js dma.js pit.js vga.js ps2.js pic.js rtc.js uart.js acpi.js apic.js ioapic.js hpet.js " +
+        "memory.js dma.js pit.js vga.js ps2.js pic.js rtc.js uart.js acpi.js apic.js ioapic.js hpet.js sb16.js " +
         "ne2k.js state.js virtio.js bus.js elf.js";
     var BROWSER_FILES = "main.js screen.js keyboard.js mouse.js speaker.js serial.js lib.js network.js starter.js worker_bus.js";

+ 9 - 0

@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ function SpeakerAdapter(bus)
     this.beep_frequency = 440;
     this.pit_enabled = false;
+    this.dac_processor = this.audio_context.createScriptProcessor(DSP_DACSIZE, 0, 2);
+    this.dac_processor.onaudioprocess = this.dac_process.bind(this);
+    this.dac_processor.connect(this.audio_context.destination);
     bus.register("pcspeaker-enable", function(yesplease)
         this.beep_enable = yesplease;
@@ -65,3 +69,8 @@ SpeakerAdapter.prototype.beep_update = function()
         this.beep_playing = false;
+SpeakerAdapter.prototype.dac_process = function(event)
+    this.bus.send("speaker-process", event);

+ 3 - 1

@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ var
 /** @const */ LOG_APIC =   0x080000,
 /** @const */ LOG_NET =    0x100000,
 /** @const */ LOG_VIRTIO = 0x200000,
-/** @const */ LOG_9P =     0x400000;
+/** @const */ LOG_9P =     0x400000,
+/** @const */ LOG_SB16 =   0x800000;
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ var LOG_NAMES = [
     [LOG_NET, "NET"],
     [LOG_VIRTIO, "VIO"],
     [LOG_9P, "9P"],
+    [LOG_SB16, "SB16"]

+ 5 - 0

@@ -747,6 +747,11 @@ CPU.prototype.init = function(settings, device_bus)
             this.devices.virtio = new VirtIO(this, device_bus, settings.fs9p);
+        if(true)
+        {
+            this.devices.sb16 = new SB16(this, device_bus);
+        }

+ 629 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+"use strict";
+/** @const */ DSP_NO_COMMAND = 0,
+/** @const */ DSP_BUFSIZE = 64,
+/** @const */ DSP_DACSIZE = 1024,
+/** @const */ DMA_BUFSIZE = 1024,
+/** @const */ DMA_CHANNEL_8BIT = 1, // (ISA DMA standard sound card channels)
+/** @const */ DMA_CHANNEL_16BIT = 5,
+/** @const */ SB_IRQ = 5;
+// Probably inefficient, but it looks much nicer instead
+// of having a single large unorganised table.
+var DSP_command_sizes = new Uint8Array(256);
+var DSP_command_handlers = [];
+ * Sound Blaster 16 Emulator, or so it seems.
+ * Note: Uses AudioContext.createScriptProcessor, which is deprecated,
+ * but which no satisfactory substitute is availble.
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {CPU} cpu
+ * @param {BusConnector} bus
+ * @suppress {deprecated}
+ */
+function SB16(cpu, bus)
+    /** @const @type {CPU} */
+    this.cpu = cpu;
+    // I/O Buffers.
+    this.write_buffer = new ByteQueue(DSP_BUFSIZE);
+    this.read_buffer = new ByteQueue(DSP_BUFSIZE);
+    this.read_buffer_lastvalue = 0;
+    // Current DSP command info.
+    this.command = DSP_NO_COMMAND;
+    this.command_size = 0;
+    // Current Mixer info.
+    this.mixer_current_address = 0;
+    // Dummy status and test registers.
+    this.dummy_speaker_enabled = false;
+    this.test_register = 0;
+    // DSP state.
+    this.dsp_highspeed = false;
+    // Direct mode DAC buffer and DMA DAC buffer.
+    // In Web Audio API representation: between -1 and 1.
+    // Two channels interleaved.
+    this.dac_buffer = new ByteQueue(DSP_DACSIZE);
+    // Direct Memory Access transfer info.
+    this.dma = cpu.devices.dma;
+    this.dma_transfer_size = 0;
+    this.dma_channel = 0;
+    this.dma_autoinit = false;
+    this.dma_buffer = new Uint8Array(DMA_BUFSIZE);
+    this.sampling_rate = 22050;
+    //
+, this, this.port4_read);
+, this, this.port5_read);
+, this, this.portA_read);
+, this, this.portE_read);
+, this, this.portC_read);
+, this, this.portF_read);
+, this, this.port4_write);
+, this, this.port5_write);
+, this, this.port6_write);
+, this, this.portC_write);
+    bus.register("speaker-process", function(event)
+    {
+        this.audio_process(event);
+    }, this);
+// General:
+SB16.prototype.reset_dsp = function()
+    this.lower_irq();
+    this.write_buffer.clear();
+    this.read_buffer.clear();
+    this.command = DSP_NO_COMMAND;
+    //TODO
+// I/O handlers:
+// Mixer Address Port.
+SB16.prototype.port4_read = function()
+    dbg_log("224 read: mixer address port", LOG_SB16);
+    return this.mixer_current_address;
+// Mixer Data Port.
+SB16.prototype.port5_read = function()
+    dbg_log("225 read: mixer data port", LOG_SB16);
+    //return this.mixer[this.mixer_index];
+    return 0;
+// Read Data.
+// Used to acces in-bound DSP data.
+SB16.prototype.portA_read = function()
+    dbg_log("22A read: read data", LOG_SB16);
+    if(this.read_buffer.length)
+    {
+        return this.read_buffer_lastvalue;
+    }
+    return this.read_buffer_lastvalue = this.read_buffer.shift();
+// Read-Buffer Status.
+// Indicates whether there is any in-bound data available for reading.
+SB16.prototype.portE_read = function()
+    dbg_log("22E read: read-buffer status", LOG_SB16);
+    return ((!!this.read_buffer.length) << 7) | 0x7F;
+// Write-Buffer Status.
+// Indicates whether the DSP is ready to accept commands or data.
+SB16.prototype.portC_read = function()
+    dbg_log("22C read: write-buffer status", LOG_SB16);
+    // Always return ready (bit-7 set to low)
+    return 0x7F;
+// DSP interrupt acknowledgement.
+SB16.prototype.portF_read = function()
+    dbg_log("22F read: irq ack", LOG_SB16);
+    return 0;
+// Mixer Address Port.
+SB16.prototype.port4_write = function(value)
+    dbg_log("224 write: mixer address = " + h(value), LOG_SB16);
+    this.mixer_current_address = value;
+// Mixer Data Port.
+SB16.prototype.port5_write = function(value)
+    dbg_log("225 write: mixer data = " + h(value), LOG_SB16);
+    //this.mixer_register[this.mixer_index] = value;
+// Reset.
+// Used to reset the DSP to its default state and to exit highspeed mode.
+SB16.prototype.port6_write = function(yesplease)
+    dbg_log("226 write: reset = " + h(yesplease), LOG_SB16);
+    if(!yesplease) return;
+    this.read_buffer.clear();
+    this.reset_dsp();
+    // Signal completion.
+    this.read_buffer.push(0x0AA);
+// Write Command/Data.
+// Used to send commands or data to the DSP.
+SB16.prototype.portC_write = function(value)
+    dbg_log("22C write: write command/data", LOG_SB16);
+    if(this.command === DSP_NO_COMMAND)
+    {
+        // New command.
+        dbg_log("22C write: command = " + h(value), LOG_SB16);
+        this.command = value;
+        this.write_buffer.clear();
+        this.command_size = DSP_command_sizes[value];
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        dbg_log("22C write: data: " + h(value), LOG_SB16);
+        this.write_buffer.push(value);
+    }
+    // Perform command when we have all the needed data.
+    if(this.write_buffer.length >= this.command_size)
+    {
+        this.command_do();
+    }
+// DSP command handlers
+SB16.prototype.command_do = function()
+    DSP_command_handlers[this.command].call(this);
+    // Reset Inputs.
+    this.command = DSP_NO_COMMAND;
+    this.command_size = 0;
+    this.write_buffer.clear();
+SB16.prototype.dsp_default_handler = function()
+    dbg_log("Unhandled command: " + h(this.command), LOG_SB16);
+ * @param {Array} commands
+ * @param {number} size
+ * @param {function()=} handler
+ */
+function register_dsp_command(commands, size, handler)
+    if(!handler)
+    {
+        handler = SB16.prototype.dsp_default_handler;
+    }
+    for(var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++)
+    {
+        DSP_command_sizes[commands[i]] = size;
+        DSP_command_handlers[commands[i]] = handler;
+    }
+function any_first_digit(base)
+    var commands = [];
+    for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+    {
+        commands.push(base + i);
+    }
+    return commands;
+// 8-bit direct mode single byte digitized sound output.
+register_dsp_command([0x10], 1, function()
+    var value = audio_from_8bit(this.write_buffer.shift());
+    // Push twice for both channels.
+    this.dac_buffer.push(value);
+    this.dac_buffer.push(value);
+// 8-bit single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output.
+register_dsp_command([0x14, 0x15], 2, function()
+    this.dma_channel = DMA_CHANNEL_8BIT;
+    this.dma_autoinit = false;
+    this.dma_signed = false;
+    this.dsp_highspeed = false;
+    this.dma_transfer_size_set();
+    this.dma_transfer_start();
+// Creative 8-bit to 2-bit ADPCM single-cycle DMA mode digitzed sound output.
+register_dsp_command([0x16], 2);
+// Creative 8-bit to 2-bit ADPCM single-cycle DMA mode digitzed sound output
+// with reference byte.
+register_dsp_command([0x17], 2);
+// 8-bit auto-init DMA mode digitized sound output.
+register_dsp_command([0x1C], 0, function()
+    this.dma_channel = DMA_CHANNEL_8BIT;
+    this.dma_autoinit = true;
+    this.dma_signed = false;
+    this.dsp_highspeed = false;
+    this.dma_transfer_start();
+// Creative 8-bit to 2-bit ADPCM auto-init DMA mode digitized sound output
+// with reference byte.
+register_dsp_command([0x1F], 0);
+// 8-bit direct mode single byte digitized sound input.
+register_dsp_command([0x20], 0, function()
+    // Fake silent input.
+    this.read_buffer.clear();
+    this.read_buffer.push(0x7f);
+// 8-bit single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound input.
+register_dsp_command([0x24], 2);
+// 8-bit auto-init DMA mode digitized sound input.
+register_dsp_command([0x2C], 0);
+// Polling mode MIDI input.
+register_dsp_command([0x30], 0);
+// Interrupt mode MIDI input.
+register_dsp_command([0x31], 0);
+// UART polling mode MIDI I/O.
+register_dsp_command([0x34], 0);
+// UART interrupt mode MIDI I/O.
+register_dsp_command([0x35], 0);
+// UART polling mode MIDI I/O with time stamping.
+register_dsp_command([0x36], 0);
+// UART interrupt mode MIDI I/O with time stamping.
+register_dsp_command([0x37], 0);
+// MIDI output.
+register_dsp_command([0x38], 0);
+// Set digitized sound transfer Time Constant.
+register_dsp_command([0x40], 1, function()
+    this.sampling_rate_change(
+        1000000
+        / (256 - this.write_buffer.shift())
+        / this.get_channel_count()
+    );
+// Set digitized sound output sampling rate.
+// Set digitized sound input sampling rate.
+register_dsp_command([0x41, 0x42], 2, function()
+    this.sampling_rate_change(
+        (this.write_buffer.shift() << 8)
+        | this.write_buffer.shift()
+    );
+// Set DSP block transfer size.
+register_dsp_command([0x48], 2, function()
+    this.dma_transfer_size_set();
+// Creative 8-bit to 4-bit ADPCM single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output.
+register_dsp_command([0x74], 2);
+// Creative 8-bit to 4-bit ADPCM single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output
+// with referene byte.
+register_dsp_command([0x75], 2);
+// Creative 8-bit to 3-bit ADPCM single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output.
+register_dsp_command([0x76], 2);
+// Creative 8-bit to 3-bit ADPCM single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output
+// with referene byte.
+register_dsp_command([0x77], 2);
+// Creative 8-bit to 4-bit ADPCM auto-init DMA mode digitized sound output
+// with reference byte.
+register_dsp_command([0x7D], 0);
+// Creative 8-bit to 3-bit ADPCM auto-init DMA mode digitized sound output
+// with reference byte.
+register_dsp_command([0x7F], 0);
+// Pause DAC for a duration.
+register_dsp_command([0x80], 2);
+// 8-bit high-speed auto-init DMA mode digitized sound output.
+register_dsp_command([0x90], 0, function()
+    this.dma_channel = DMA_CHANNEL_8BIT;
+    this.dma_autoinit = true;
+    this.dma_signed = false;
+    this.dsp_highspeed = true;
+    this.dma_transfer_start();
+// 8-bit high-speed single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound input.
+register_dsp_command([0x91], 0);
+// 8-bit high-speed auto-init DMA mode digitized sound input.
+register_dsp_command([0x98], 0);
+// 8-bit high-speed single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound input.
+register_dsp_command([0x99], 0);
+// Set input mode to mono.
+register_dsp_command([0xA0], 0);
+// Set input mode to stereo.
+register_dsp_command([0xA8], 0);
+// Program 16-bit DMA mode digitized sound I/O.
+register_dsp_command(any_first_digit(0xB0), 3, function()
+    if (this.command & (1 << 3))
+    {
+        // Analogue to digital not implemented.
+        this.dsp_default_handler();
+        return;
+    }
+    var mode = this.write_buffer.shift();
+    this.dma_channel = DMA_CHANNEL_16BIT;
+    this.dma_autoinit = !!(this.command & (1 << 2));
+    this.dma_signed = !!(mode & (1 << 4));
+    this.dsp_stereo = !!(mode & (1 << 5));
+    this.dma_transfer_size_set();
+    this.dma_transfer_start();
+// Program 8-bit DMA mode digitized sound I/O.
+register_dsp_command(any_first_digit(0xC0), 3, function()
+    if (this.command & (1 << 3))
+    {
+        // Analogue to digital not implemented.
+        this.dsp_default_handler();
+        return;
+    }
+    var mode = this.write_buffer.shift();
+    this.dma_channel = DMA_CHANNEL_8BIT;
+    this.dma_autoinit = !!(this.command & (1 << 2));
+    this.dma_signed = !!(mode & (1 << 4));
+    this.dsp_stereo = !!(mode & (1 << 5));
+    this.dma_transfer_size_set();
+    this.dma_transfer_start();
+// Pause 8-bit DMA mode digitized sound I/O.
+register_dsp_command([0xD0], 0);
+// Turn on speaker.
+register_dsp_command([0xD1], 0, function()
+    this.dummy_speaker_enabled = true;
+// Turn off speaker.
+register_dsp_command([0xD3], 0, function()
+    this.dummy_speaker_enabled = false;
+// Continue 8-bit DMA mode digitized sound I/O.
+register_dsp_command([0xD4], 0);
+// Pause 16-bit DMA mode digitized sound I/O.
+register_dsp_command([0xD5], 0);
+// Continue 16-bit DMA mode digitized sound I/O.
+register_dsp_command([0xD6], 0);
+// Get speaker status.
+register_dsp_command([0xD8], 0, function()
+    this.read_buffer.clear();
+    this.read_buffer.push(this.dummy_speaker_enabled * 0xFF);
+// Exit 16-bit auto-init DMA mode digitized sound I/O.
+// Exit 8-bit auto-init mode digitized sound I/O.
+register_dsp_command([0xD9, 0xDA], 0, function()
+    this.dma_autoinit = false;
+// Get DSP version number.
+register_dsp_command([0xE1], 0, function()
+    this.read_buffer.clear();
+    this.read_buffer.push(4);
+    this.read_buffer.push(5);
+// Get DSP copyright.
+register_dsp_command([0xE3], 0, function()
+    this.read_buffer.clear();
+    for(var i = 0; i < DSP_COPYRIGHT.length; i++)
+    {
+        this.read_buffer.push(DSP_COPYRIGHT.charCodeAt(i));
+    }
+// Write test register.
+register_dsp_command([0xE4], 1, function()
+    this.test_register = this.write_buffer.shift();
+// Read test register.
+register_dsp_command([0xE8], 0, function()
+    this.read_buffer.clear();
+    this.read_buffer.push(this.test_register);
+// Trigger IRQ
+register_dsp_command([0xF2, 0xF3], 0, function()
+    this.raise_irq();
+SB16.prototype.sampling_rate_change = function(rate)
+    this.sampling_rate = rate;
+SB16.prototype.get_channel_count = function()
+    return this.dsp_stereo? 2 : 1;
+SB16.prototype.dma_transfer_size_set = function()
+    this.dma_transfer_size = 1
+        + (this.write_buffer.shift() << 0)
+        + (this.write_buffer.shift() << 8);
+SB16.prototype.dma_transfer_start = function()
+    dbg_log("begin dma transfer", LOG_SB16);
+    this.dma.do_read(this.dma_buffer, 0, this.dma_transfer_size, this.dma_channel, function(error)
+    {
+        this.dma_to_dac();
+        this.raise_irq();
+    });
+SB16.prototype.dma_to_dac = function()
+    for(var i = 0; i < this.dma_buffer.length; i++)
+    {
+        var value = this.dma_buffer[i];
+        if (this.dma_signed)
+        {
+            value = audio_from_16bit(value);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            value = audio_from_8bit(value);
+        }
+        this.dac_buffer.push(value);
+        if (!this.dsp_stereo)
+        {
+            // Again for both channels.
+            this.dac_buffer.push(value);
+        }
+    }
+SB16.prototype.audio_process = function(event)
+    var out = event.outputBuffer;
+    var out0 = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
+    var out1 = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1);
+    for(var i = 0; i < out.length; i++)
+    {
+        out0[i] = (!!this.dac_buffer.length) * this.dac_buffer.shift();
+        out1[i] = (!!this.dac_buffer.length) * this.dac_buffer.shift();
+    }
+    if(this.dma_autoinit)
+    {
+        // Resend. Emulate DMA autoinit mode.
+        this.dma_to_dac();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Clear.
+        this.dma_buffer.fill(0);
+    }
+SB16.prototype.raise_irq = function()
+    this.cpu.device_raise_irq(SB_IRQ);
+SB16.prototype.lower_irq = function()
+    this.cpu.device_lower_irq(SB_IRQ);
+function audio_from_8bit(value)
+    return audio_clip(value / 255 - 0.5, -1, 1);
+function audio_from_16bit(value)
+    return audio_clip(value / (1 << 16), -1, 1);
+function audio_clip(value, low, high)
+    return (value < low) * low + (value > high) * high + (low <= value && value <= high) * value;