FROM i386/alpine:3.18.6 ENV KERNEL=lts ENV HOSTNAME=localhost ENV ROOT_PASSWORD='root' ENV ADDPKGS='' RUN apk add openrc \ alpine-base \ agetty \ alpine-conf \ $ADDPKGS # Install mkinitfs from edge (todo: remove this when 3.19+ has worked properly with 9pfs) RUN apk add mkinitfs --no-cache --allow-untrusted --repository RUN if [ "$KERNEL" == "lts" ]; then \ apk add linux-lts \ linux-firmware-none \ linux-firmware-sb16; \ else \ apk add linux-$KERNEL; \ fi RUN sed -i 's/getty 38400 tty1/agetty --autologin root tty1 linux/' /etc/inittab && \ echo "root:$ROOT_PASSWORD" | chpasswd RUN setup-hostname $HOSTNAME # Adding script (works only on lts kernel yet) RUN if [ "$KERNEL" == "lts" ]; then \ echo -e "rmmod ne2k-pci && modprobe ne2k-pci\nhwclock -s\nsetup-interfaces -a -r" > /root/ && \ chmod +x /root/; \ fi # RUN for i in devfs dmesg mdev hwdrivers; do rc-update add $i sysinit; done RUN for i in hwclock modules sysctl hostname syslog bootmisc; do rc-update add $i boot; done RUN rc-update add killprocs shutdown # Generate initramfs with 9p modules RUN mkinitfs -F "ata base ide scsi virtio ext4 9p" $(cat /usr/share/kernel/$KERNEL/kernel.release)