"use strict"; // Resources: // https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2006/readings/i386/toc.htm // https://www-ssl.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/architectures-software-developer-manuals.html // http://ref.x86asm.net/geek32.html /** @constructor */ function CPU(bus, wm, next_tick_immediately) { this.next_tick_immediately = next_tick_immediately; this.wm = wm; this.wasm_patch(); this.create_jit_imports(); const memory = this.wm.exports.memory; this.wasm_memory = memory; this.memory_size = v86util.view(Uint32Array, memory, 812, 1); this.mem8 = new Uint8Array(0); this.mem32s = new Int32Array(this.mem8.buffer); this.segment_is_null = v86util.view(Uint8Array, memory, 724, 8); this.segment_offsets = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 736, 8); this.segment_limits = v86util.view(Uint32Array, memory, 768, 8); /** * Wheter or not in protected mode */ this.protected_mode = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 800, 1); this.idtr_size = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 564, 1); this.idtr_offset = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 568, 1); /** * global descriptor table register */ this.gdtr_size = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 572, 1); this.gdtr_offset = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 576, 1); this.tss_size_32 = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 1128, 1); /* * whether or not a page fault occured */ this.page_fault = v86util.view(Uint32Array, memory, 540, 8); this.cr = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 580, 8); // current privilege level this.cpl = v86util.view(Uint8Array, memory, 612, 1); // current operand/address size this.is_32 = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 804, 1); this.stack_size_32 = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 808, 1); /** * Was the last instruction a hlt? */ this.in_hlt = v86util.view(Uint8Array, memory, 616, 1); this.last_virt_eip = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 620, 1); this.eip_phys = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 624, 1); this.sysenter_cs = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 636, 1); this.sysenter_esp = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 640, 1); this.sysenter_eip = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 644, 1); this.prefixes = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 648, 1); this.flags = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 120, 1); /** * bitmap of flags which are not updated in the flags variable * changed by arithmetic instructions, so only relevant to arithmetic flags */ this.flags_changed = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 100, 1); /** * enough infos about the last arithmetic operation to compute eflags */ this.last_op_size = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 96, 1); this.last_op1 = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 104, 1); this.last_result = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 112, 1); this.current_tsc = v86util.view(Uint32Array, memory, 960, 2); // 64 bit /** @type {!Object} */ this.devices = {}; this.instruction_pointer = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 556, 1); this.previous_ip = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 560, 1); // configured by guest this.apic_enabled = v86util.view(Uint8Array, memory, 548, 1); // configured when the emulator starts (changes bios initialisation) this.acpi_enabled = v86util.view(Uint8Array, memory, 552, 1); // managed in io.js /** @const */ this.memory_map_read8 = []; /** @const */ this.memory_map_write8 = []; /** @const */ this.memory_map_read32 = []; /** @const */ this.memory_map_write32 = []; /** * @const * @type {{main: ArrayBuffer, vga: ArrayBuffer}} */ this.bios = { main: null, vga: null, }; this.instruction_counter = v86util.view(Uint32Array, memory, 664, 1); // registers this.reg32 = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 64, 8); this.fpu_st = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 1152, 4 * 8); this.fpu_stack_empty = v86util.view(Uint8Array, memory, 816, 1); this.fpu_stack_empty[0] = 0xFF; this.fpu_stack_ptr = v86util.view(Uint8Array, memory, 1032, 1); this.fpu_stack_ptr[0] = 0; this.fpu_control_word = v86util.view(Uint16Array, memory, 1036, 1); this.fpu_control_word[0] = 0x37F; this.fpu_status_word = v86util.view(Uint16Array, memory, 1040, 1); this.fpu_status_word[0] = 0; this.fpu_ip = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 1048, 1); this.fpu_ip[0] = 0; this.fpu_ip_selector = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 1052, 1); this.fpu_ip_selector[0] = 0; this.fpu_opcode = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 1044, 1); this.fpu_opcode[0] = 0; this.fpu_dp = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 1056, 1); this.fpu_dp[0] = 0; this.fpu_dp_selector = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 1060, 1); this.fpu_dp_selector[0] = 0; this.reg_xmm32s = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 832, 8 * 4); this.mxcsr = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 824, 1); // segment registers, tr and ldtr this.sreg = v86util.view(Uint16Array, memory, 668, 8); // debug registers this.dreg = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 684, 8); this.reg_pdpte = v86util.view(Int32Array, memory, 968, 8); this.svga_dirty_bitmap_min_offset = v86util.view(Uint32Array, memory, 716, 1); this.svga_dirty_bitmap_max_offset = v86util.view(Uint32Array, memory, 720, 1); this.fw_value = []; this.fw_pointer = 0; this.option_roms = []; this.io = undefined; this.bus = bus; this.set_tsc(0, 0); this.debug_init(); if(DEBUG) { this.do_many_cycles_count = 0; this.do_many_cycles_total = 0; this.seen_code = {}; this.seen_code_uncompiled = {}; } //Object.seal(this); } CPU.prototype.clear_opstats = function() { new Uint8Array(this.wasm_memory.buffer, 0x8000, 0x20000).fill(0); this.wm.exports["profiler_init"](); }; CPU.prototype.create_jit_imports = function() { // Set this.jit_imports as generated WASM modules will expect const jit_imports = Object.create(null); jit_imports["m"] = this.wm.exports["memory"]; for(let name of Object.keys(this.wm.exports)) { if(name.startsWith("_") || name.startsWith("zstd") || name.endsWith("_js")) { continue; } jit_imports[name] = this.wm.exports[name]; } this.jit_imports = jit_imports; }; CPU.prototype.wasm_patch = function() { const get_optional_import = (name) => { return this.wm.exports[name]; }; const get_import = (name) => { const f = get_optional_import(name); console.assert(f, "Missing import: " + name); return f; }; this.reset_cpu = get_import("reset_cpu"); this.getiopl = get_import("getiopl"); this.get_eflags = get_import("get_eflags"); this.get_eflags_no_arith = get_import("get_eflags_no_arith"); this.pic_call_irq = get_import("pic_call_irq"); this.do_many_cycles_native = get_import("do_many_cycles_native"); this.do_many_cycles_native_nojit = get_import("do_many_cycles_native_nojit"); this.read8 = get_import("read8"); this.read16 = get_import("read16"); this.read32s = get_import("read32s"); this.write8 = get_import("write8"); this.write16 = get_import("write16"); this.write32 = get_import("write32"); this.in_mapped_range = get_import("in_mapped_range"); // used by nasmtests this.fpu_load_tag_word = get_import("fpu_load_tag_word"); this.fpu_load_status_word = get_import("fpu_load_status_word"); this.fpu_get_sti_f64 = get_import("fpu_get_sti_f64"); this.translate_address_system_read = get_import("translate_address_system_read_js"); this.get_seg_cs = get_import("get_seg_cs"); this.get_real_eip = get_import("get_real_eip"); this.clear_tlb = get_import("clear_tlb"); this.full_clear_tlb = get_import("full_clear_tlb"); this.update_state_flags = get_import("update_state_flags"); this.set_tsc = get_import("set_tsc"); this.store_current_tsc = get_import("store_current_tsc"); this.set_cpuid_level = get_import("set_cpuid_level"); if(DEBUG) { this.jit_force_generate_unsafe = get_optional_import("jit_force_generate_unsafe"); } this.jit_clear_cache = get_import("jit_clear_cache_js"); this.jit_dirty_cache = get_import("jit_dirty_cache"); this.codegen_finalize_finished = get_import("codegen_finalize_finished"); this.allocate_memory = get_import("allocate_memory"); this.zero_memory = get_import("zero_memory"); this.svga_allocate_memory = get_import("svga_allocate_memory"); this.svga_allocate_dest_buffer = get_import("svga_allocate_dest_buffer"); this.svga_fill_pixel_buffer = get_import("svga_fill_pixel_buffer"); this.svga_mark_dirty = get_import("svga_mark_dirty"); this.zstd_create_ctx = get_import("zstd_create_ctx"); this.zstd_get_src_ptr = get_import("zstd_get_src_ptr"); this.zstd_free_ctx = get_import("zstd_free_ctx"); this.zstd_read = get_import("zstd_read"); this.zstd_read_free = get_import("zstd_read_free"); }; CPU.prototype.jit_force_generate = function(addr) { if(!this.jit_force_generate_unsafe) { dbg_assert(false, "Not supported in this wasm build: jit_force_generate_unsafe"); return; } this.jit_force_generate_unsafe(addr); }; CPU.prototype.jit_clear_func = function(index) { dbg_assert(index >= 0 && index < WASM_TABLE_SIZE); this.wm.wasm_table.set(index + WASM_TABLE_OFFSET, null); }; CPU.prototype.jit_clear_all_funcs = function() { const table = this.wm.wasm_table; for(let i = 0; i < WASM_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { table.set(WASM_TABLE_OFFSET + i, null); } }; CPU.prototype.get_state = function() { var state = []; state[0] = this.memory_size[0]; state[1] = this.segment_is_null; state[2] = this.segment_offsets; state[3] = this.segment_limits; state[4] = this.protected_mode[0]; state[5] = this.idtr_offset[0]; state[6] = this.idtr_size[0]; state[7] = this.gdtr_offset[0]; state[8] = this.gdtr_size[0]; state[9] = this.page_fault[0]; state[10] = this.cr; state[11] = this.cpl[0]; state[13] = this.is_32[0]; state[16] = this.stack_size_32[0]; state[17] = this.in_hlt[0]; state[18] = this.last_virt_eip[0]; state[19] = this.eip_phys[0]; state[22] = this.sysenter_cs[0]; state[23] = this.sysenter_eip[0]; state[24] = this.sysenter_esp[0]; state[25] = this.prefixes[0]; state[26] = this.flags[0]; state[27] = this.flags_changed[0]; state[28] = this.last_op1[0]; state[30] = this.last_op_size[0]; state[37] = this.instruction_pointer[0]; state[38] = this.previous_ip[0]; state[39] = this.reg32; state[40] = this.sreg; state[41] = this.dreg; state[42] = this.reg_pdpte; this.store_current_tsc(); state[43] = this.current_tsc; state[45] = this.devices.virtio_9p; state[46] = this.devices.apic; state[47] = this.devices.rtc; state[48] = this.devices.pci; state[49] = this.devices.dma; state[50] = this.devices.acpi; state[51] = this.devices.hpet; state[52] = this.devices.vga; state[53] = this.devices.ps2; state[54] = this.devices.uart0; state[55] = this.devices.fdc; state[56] = this.devices.cdrom; state[57] = this.devices.hda; state[58] = this.devices.pit; state[59] = this.devices.net; state[60] = this.devices.pic; state[61] = this.devices.sb16; state[62] = this.fw_value; state[63] = this.devices.ioapic; state[64] = this.tss_size_32[0]; state[66] = this.reg_xmm32s; state[67] = this.fpu_st; state[68] = this.fpu_stack_empty[0]; state[69] = this.fpu_stack_ptr[0]; state[70] = this.fpu_control_word[0]; state[71] = this.fpu_ip[0]; state[72] = this.fpu_ip_selector[0]; state[73] = this.fpu_dp[0]; state[74] = this.fpu_dp_selector[0]; state[75] = this.fpu_opcode[0]; const { packed_memory, bitmap } = this.pack_memory(); state[77] = packed_memory; state[78] = new Uint8Array(bitmap.get_buffer()); state[79] = this.devices.uart1; state[80] = this.devices.uart2; state[81] = this.devices.uart3; return state; }; CPU.prototype.set_state = function(state) { this.memory_size[0] = state[0]; if(this.mem8.length !== this.memory_size[0]) { console.warn("Note: Memory size mismatch. we=" + this.mem8.length + " state=" + this.memory_size[0]); } this.segment_is_null.set(state[1]); this.segment_offsets.set(state[2]); this.segment_limits.set(state[3]); this.protected_mode[0] = state[4]; this.idtr_offset[0] = state[5]; this.idtr_size[0] = state[6]; this.gdtr_offset[0] = state[7]; this.gdtr_size[0] = state[8]; this.page_fault[0] = state[9]; this.cr.set(state[10]); this.cpl[0] = state[11]; this.is_32[0] = state[13]; this.stack_size_32[0] = state[16]; this.in_hlt[0] = state[17]; this.last_virt_eip[0] = state[18]; this.eip_phys[0] = state[19]; this.sysenter_cs[0] = state[22]; this.sysenter_eip[0] = state[23]; this.sysenter_esp[0] = state[24]; this.prefixes[0] = state[25]; this.flags[0] = state[26]; this.flags_changed[0] = state[27]; this.last_op1[0] = state[28]; this.last_op_size[0] = state[30]; this.instruction_pointer[0] = state[37]; this.previous_ip[0] = state[38]; this.reg32.set(state[39]); this.sreg.set(state[40]); this.dreg.set(state[41]); state[42] && this.reg_pdpte.set(state[42]); this.set_tsc(state[43][0], state[43][1]); this.devices.virtio_9p && this.devices.virtio_9p.set_state(state[45]); this.devices.apic && this.devices.apic.set_state(state[46]); this.devices.rtc && this.devices.rtc.set_state(state[47]); this.devices.pci && this.devices.pci.set_state(state[48]); this.devices.dma && this.devices.dma.set_state(state[49]); this.devices.acpi && this.devices.acpi.set_state(state[50]); this.devices.hpet && this.devices.hpet.set_state(state[51]); this.devices.vga && this.devices.vga.set_state(state[52]); this.devices.ps2 && this.devices.ps2.set_state(state[53]); this.devices.uart0 && this.devices.uart0.set_state(state[54]); this.devices.fdc && this.devices.fdc.set_state(state[55]); this.devices.cdrom && this.devices.cdrom.set_state(state[56]); this.devices.hda && this.devices.hda.set_state(state[57]); this.devices.pit && this.devices.pit.set_state(state[58]); this.devices.net && this.devices.net.set_state(state[59]); this.devices.pic && this.devices.pic.set_state(state[60]); this.devices.sb16 && this.devices.sb16.set_state(state[61]); this.devices.uart1 && this.devices.uart1.set_state(state[79]); this.devices.uart2 && this.devices.uart2.set_state(state[80]); this.devices.uart3 && this.devices.uart3.set_state(state[81]); this.fw_value = state[62]; this.devices.ioapic && this.devices.ioapic.set_state(state[63]); this.tss_size_32[0] = state[64]; this.reg_xmm32s.set(state[66]); this.fpu_st.set(state[67]); this.fpu_stack_empty[0] = state[68]; this.fpu_stack_ptr[0] = state[69]; this.fpu_control_word[0] = state[70]; this.fpu_ip[0] = state[71]; this.fpu_ip_selector[0] = state[72]; this.fpu_dp[0] = state[73]; this.fpu_dp_selector[0] = state[74]; this.fpu_opcode[0] = state[75]; const bitmap = new v86util.Bitmap(state[78].buffer); const packed_memory = state[77]; this.unpack_memory(bitmap, packed_memory); this.update_state_flags(); this.full_clear_tlb(); this.jit_clear_cache(); }; CPU.prototype.pack_memory = function() { dbg_assert((this.mem8.length & 0xFFF) === 0); const page_count = this.mem8.length >> 12; const nonzero_pages = []; for(let page = 0; page < page_count; page++) { const offset = page << 12; const view = this.mem32s.subarray(offset >> 2, offset + 0x1000 >> 2); let is_zero = true; for(let i = 0; i < view.length; i++) { if(view[i] !== 0) { is_zero = false; break; } } if(!is_zero) { nonzero_pages.push(page); } } const bitmap = new v86util.Bitmap(page_count); const packed_memory = new Uint8Array(nonzero_pages.length << 12); for(let [i, page] of nonzero_pages.entries()) { bitmap.set(page, 1); const offset = page << 12; const page_contents = this.mem8.subarray(offset, offset + 0x1000); packed_memory.set(page_contents, i << 12); } return { bitmap, packed_memory }; }; CPU.prototype.unpack_memory = function(bitmap, packed_memory) { this.zero_memory(this.memory_size[0]); const page_count = this.memory_size[0] >> 12; let packed_page = 0; for(let page = 0; page < page_count; page++) { if(bitmap.get(page)) { let offset = packed_page << 12; let view = packed_memory.subarray(offset, offset + 0x1000); this.mem8.set(view, page << 12); packed_page++; } } }; /** * @return {number} time in ms until this method should becalled again */ CPU.prototype.main_run = function() { if(this.in_hlt[0]) { const t = this.hlt_loop(); if(this.in_hlt[0]) { return t; } } const start = v86.microtick(); let now = start; for(; now - start < TIME_PER_FRAME;) { this.do_many_cycles(); now = v86.microtick(); const t = this.run_hardware_timers(now); this.handle_irqs(); if(this.in_hlt[0]) { return t; } } return 0; }; CPU.prototype.reboot_internal = function() { this.reset_cpu(); this.fw_value = []; if(this.devices.virtio) { this.devices.virtio.reset(); } this.load_bios(); }; CPU.prototype.reset_memory = function() { this.mem8.fill(0); }; /** @export */ CPU.prototype.create_memory = function(size) { if(size < 1024 * 1024) { size = 1024 * 1024; } else if((size | 0) < 0) { size = Math.pow(2, 31) - MMAP_BLOCK_SIZE; } size = ((size - 1) | (MMAP_BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) + 1 | 0; dbg_assert((size | 0) > 0); dbg_assert((size & MMAP_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) === 0); console.assert(this.memory_size[0] === 0, "Expected uninitialised memory"); this.memory_size[0] = size; const memory_offset = this.allocate_memory(size); this.mem8 = v86util.view(Uint8Array, this.wasm_memory, memory_offset, size); this.mem32s = v86util.view(Uint32Array, this.wasm_memory, memory_offset, size >> 2); }; CPU.prototype.init = function(settings, device_bus) { if(typeof settings.log_level === "number") { // XXX: Shared between all emulator instances LOG_LEVEL = settings.log_level; } this.create_memory(typeof settings.memory_size === "number" ? settings.memory_size : 1024 * 1024 * 64); if(settings.disable_jit) { this.do_many_cycles_native = this.do_many_cycles_native_nojit; } settings.cpuid_level && this.set_cpuid_level(settings.cpuid_level); this.acpi_enabled[0] = +settings.acpi; this.reset_cpu(); var io = new IO(this); this.io = io; this.bios.main = settings.bios; this.bios.vga = settings.vga_bios; this.load_bios(); if(settings.bzimage) { const { option_rom } = load_kernel(this.mem8, settings.bzimage, settings.initrd, settings.cmdline || ""); if(option_rom) { this.option_roms.push(option_rom); } } io.register_read(0xB3, this, function() { // seabios smm_relocate_and_restore dbg_log("port 0xB3 read"); return 0; }); var a20_byte = 0; io.register_read(0x92, this, function() { return a20_byte; }); io.register_write(0x92, this, function(out_byte) { a20_byte = out_byte; }); io.register_read(0x511, this, function() { // bios config port (used by seabios and kvm-unit-test) if(this.fw_pointer < this.fw_value.length) { return this.fw_value[this.fw_pointer++]; } else { dbg_assert(false, "config port: Read past value"); return 0; } }); io.register_write(0x510, this, undefined, function(value) { // https://wiki.osdev.org/QEMU_fw_cfg // https://github.com/qemu/qemu/blob/master/docs/specs/fw_cfg.txt dbg_log("bios config port, index=" + h(value)); function i32(x) { return new Uint8Array(Int32Array.of(x).buffer); } function to_be16(x) { return x >> 8 | x << 8 & 0xFF00; } function to_be32(x) { return x << 24 | x << 8 & 0xFF0000 | x >> 8 & 0xFF00 | x >>> 24; } this.fw_pointer = 0; if(value === FW_CFG_SIGNATURE) { // Pretend to be qemu (for seabios) this.fw_value = i32(FW_CFG_SIGNATURE_QEMU); } else if(value === FW_CFG_ID) { this.fw_value = i32(0); } else if(value === FW_CFG_RAM_SIZE) { this.fw_value = i32(this.memory_size[0]); } else if(value === FW_CFG_NB_CPUS) { this.fw_value = i32(1); } else if(value === FW_CFG_MAX_CPUS) { this.fw_value = i32(1); } else if(value === FW_CFG_NUMA) { this.fw_value = new Uint8Array(16); } else if(value === FW_CFG_FILE_DIR) { const buffer_size = 4 + 64 * this.option_roms.length; const buffer32 = new Int32Array(buffer_size); const buffer8 = new Uint8Array(buffer32.buffer); buffer32[0] = to_be32(this.option_roms.length); for(let i = 0; i < this.option_roms.length; i++) { const { name, data } = this.option_roms[i]; const file_struct_ptr = 4 + 64 * i; dbg_assert(FW_CFG_FILE_START + i < 0x10000); buffer32[file_struct_ptr + 0 >> 2] = to_be32(data.length); buffer32[file_struct_ptr + 4 >> 2] = to_be16(FW_CFG_FILE_START + i); dbg_assert(name.length < 64 - 8); for(let j = 0; j < name.length; j++) { buffer8[file_struct_ptr + 8 + j] = name.charCodeAt(j); } } this.fw_value = buffer8; } else if(value >= FW_CFG_CUSTOM_START && value < FW_CFG_FILE_START) { this.fw_value = i32(0); } else if(value >= FW_CFG_FILE_START && value - FW_CFG_FILE_START < this.option_roms.length) { const i = value - FW_CFG_FILE_START; this.fw_value = this.option_roms[i].data; } else { dbg_log("Warning: Unimplemented fw index: " + h(value)); this.fw_value = i32(0); } }); if(DEBUG) { // Avoid logging noisey ports io.register_write(0x80, this, function(out_byte) {}); io.register_read(0x80, this, function() { return 0xFF; }); io.register_write(0xE9, this, function(out_byte) {}); } this.devices = {}; // TODO: Make this more configurable if(settings.load_devices) { this.devices.pic = new PIC(this); this.devices.pci = new PCI(this); if(this.acpi_enabled[0]) { this.devices.ioapic = new IOAPIC(this); this.devices.apic = new APIC(this); this.devices.acpi = new ACPI(this); } this.devices.rtc = new RTC(this); this.fill_cmos(this.devices.rtc, settings); this.devices.dma = new DMA(this); if(ENABLE_HPET) { this.devices.hpet = new HPET(this); } this.devices.vga = new VGAScreen(this, device_bus, settings.vga_memory_size || 8 * 1024 * 1024); this.devices.ps2 = new PS2(this, device_bus); this.devices.uart0 = new UART(this, 0x3F8, device_bus); if(settings.uart1) { this.devices.uart1 = new UART(this, 0x2F8, device_bus); } if(settings.uart2) { this.devices.uart2 = new UART(this, 0x3E8, device_bus); } if(settings.uart3) { this.devices.uart3 = new UART(this, 0x2E8, device_bus); } this.devices.fdc = new FloppyController(this, settings.fda, settings.fdb); var ide_device_count = 0; if(settings.hda) { this.devices.hda = new IDEDevice(this, settings.hda, settings.hdb, false, ide_device_count++, device_bus); } if(settings.cdrom) { this.devices.cdrom = new IDEDevice(this, settings.cdrom, undefined, true, ide_device_count++, device_bus); } this.devices.pit = new PIT(this, device_bus); if(settings.enable_ne2k) { this.devices.net = new Ne2k(this, device_bus, settings.preserve_mac_from_state_image, settings.mac_address_translation); } if(settings.fs9p) { this.devices.virtio_9p = new Virtio9p(settings.fs9p, this, device_bus); } if(true) { this.devices.sb16 = new SB16(this, device_bus); } } if(settings.multiboot) { this.load_multiboot(settings.multiboot); } if(DEBUG) { this.debug.init(); } }; CPU.prototype.load_multiboot = function(buffer) { // https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/multiboot/multiboot.html dbg_log("Trying multiboot from buffer of size " + buffer.byteLength, LOG_CPU); const MAGIC = 0x1BADB002; const ELF_MAGIC = 0x464C457F; const MULTIBOOT_HEADER_ADDRESS = 0x10000; const MULTIBOOT_SEARCH_BYTES = 8192; if(buffer.byteLength < MULTIBOOT_SEARCH_BYTES) { var buf32 = new Int32Array(MULTIBOOT_SEARCH_BYTES / 4); new Uint8Array(buf32.buffer).set(new Uint8Array(buffer)); } else { var buf32 = new Int32Array(buffer, 0, MULTIBOOT_SEARCH_BYTES / 4); } for(var offset = 0; offset < MULTIBOOT_SEARCH_BYTES; offset += 4) { if(buf32[offset >> 2] === MAGIC) { var flags = buf32[offset + 4 >> 2]; var checksum = buf32[offset + 8 >> 2]; var total = MAGIC + flags + checksum | 0; if(total) { dbg_log("Multiboot checksum check failed", LOG_CPU); continue; } } else { continue; } dbg_log("Multiboot magic found, flags: " + h(flags >>> 0, 8), LOG_CPU); dbg_assert((flags & ~MULTIBOOT_HEADER_ADDRESS) === 0, "TODO"); this.reg32[REG_EAX] = 0x2BADB002; let multiboot_info_addr = 0x7C00; this.reg32[REG_EBX] = multiboot_info_addr; this.write32(multiboot_info_addr, 0); this.cr[0] = 1; this.protected_mode[0] = +true; this.flags[0] = FLAGS_DEFAULT; this.is_32[0] = +true; this.stack_size_32[0] = +true; for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { this.segment_is_null[i] = 0; this.segment_offsets[i] = 0; this.segment_limits[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Value doesn't matter, OS isn't allowed to reload without setting // up a proper GDT this.sreg[i] = 0xB002; } if(flags & MULTIBOOT_HEADER_ADDRESS) { dbg_log("Multiboot specifies its own address table", LOG_CPU); var header_addr = buf32[offset + 12 >> 2]; var load_addr = buf32[offset + 16 >> 2]; var load_end_addr = buf32[offset + 20 >> 2]; var bss_end_addr = buf32[offset + 24 >> 2]; var entry_addr = buf32[offset + 28 >> 2]; dbg_log("header=" + h(header_addr, 8) + " load=" + h(load_addr, 8) + " load_end=" + h(load_end_addr, 8) + " bss_end=" + h(bss_end_addr, 8) + " entry=" + h(entry_addr, 8)); dbg_assert(load_addr <= header_addr); var file_start = offset - (header_addr - load_addr); if(load_end_addr === 0) { var length = undefined; } else { dbg_assert(load_end_addr >= load_addr); var length = load_end_addr - load_addr; } let blob = new Uint8Array(buffer, file_start, length); this.write_blob(blob, load_addr); this.instruction_pointer[0] = this.get_seg_cs() + entry_addr | 0; } else if(buf32[0] === ELF_MAGIC) { dbg_log("Multiboot image is in elf format", LOG_CPU); let elf = read_elf(buffer); this.instruction_pointer[0] = this.get_seg_cs() + elf.header.entry | 0; for(let program of elf.program_headers) { if(program.type === 0) { // null } else if(program.type === 1) { // load // Since multiboot specifies that paging is disabled, // virtual and physical address must be equal dbg_assert(program.paddr === program.vaddr); dbg_assert(program.filesz <= program.memsz); if(program.paddr + program.memsz < this.memory_size[0]) { if(program.filesz) // offset might be outside of buffer if filesz is 0 { let blob = new Uint8Array(buffer, program.offset, program.filesz); this.write_blob(blob, program.paddr); } } else { dbg_log("Warning: Skipped loading section, paddr=" + h(program.paddr) + " memsz=" + program.memsz, LOG_CPU); } } else if( program.type === 2 || program.type === 3 || program.type === 4 || program.type === 6 || program.type === 0x6474e550 || program.type === 0x6474e551 || program.type === 0x6474e553) { // ignore for now } else { dbg_assert(false, "unimplemented elf section type: " + h(program.type)); } } } else { dbg_assert(false, "Not a bootable multiboot format"); } // only for kvm-unit-test this.io.register_write_consecutive(0xF4, this, function(value) { console.log("Test exited with code " + h(value, 2)); throw "HALT"; }, function() {}, function() {}, function() {}); // only for kvm-unit-test for(let i = 0; i <= 0xF; i++) { function handle_write(value) { dbg_log("kvm-unit-test: Set irq " + h(i) + " to " + h(value, 2)); if(value) { this.device_raise_irq(i); } else { this.device_lower_irq(i); } } this.io.register_write(0x2000 + i, this, handle_write, handle_write, handle_write); } this.update_state_flags(); dbg_log("Starting multiboot kernel at:", LOG_CPU); this.debug.dump_state(); this.debug.dump_regs(); break; } }; CPU.prototype.fill_cmos = function(rtc, settings) { var boot_order = settings.boot_order || BOOT_ORDER_CD_FIRST; // Used by seabios to determine the boot order // Nibble // 1: FloppyPrio // 2: HDPrio // 3: CDPrio // 4: BEVPrio // bootflag 1, high nibble, lowest priority // Low nibble: Disable floppy signature check (1) rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_BIOS_BOOTFLAG1 , 1 | boot_order >> 4 & 0xF0); // bootflag 2, both nibbles, high and middle priority rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_BIOS_BOOTFLAG2, boot_order & 0xFF); // 640k or less if less memory is used rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_MEM_BASE_LOW, 640 & 0xFF); rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_MEM_BASE_HIGH, 640 >> 8); var memory_above_1m = 0; // in k if(this.memory_size[0] >= 1024 * 1024) { memory_above_1m = (this.memory_size[0] - 1024 * 1024) >> 10; memory_above_1m = Math.min(memory_above_1m, 0xFFFF); } rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_MEM_OLD_EXT_LOW, memory_above_1m & 0xFF); rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_MEM_OLD_EXT_HIGH, memory_above_1m >> 8 & 0xFF); rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_MEM_EXTMEM_LOW, memory_above_1m & 0xFF); rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_MEM_EXTMEM_HIGH, memory_above_1m >> 8 & 0xFF); var memory_above_16m = 0; // in 64k blocks if(this.memory_size[0] >= 16 * 1024 * 1024) { memory_above_16m = (this.memory_size[0] - 16 * 1024 * 1024) >> 16; memory_above_16m = Math.min(memory_above_16m, 0xFFFF); } rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_MEM_EXTMEM2_LOW, memory_above_16m & 0xFF); rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_MEM_EXTMEM2_HIGH, memory_above_16m >> 8 & 0xFF); // memory above 4G (not supported by this emulator) rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_MEM_HIGHMEM_LOW, 0); rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_MEM_HIGHMEM_MID, 0); rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_MEM_HIGHMEM_HIGH, 0); rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_EQUIPMENT_INFO, 0x2F); rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_BIOS_SMP_COUNT, 0); // Used by bochs BIOS to skip the boot menu delay. if (settings.fastboot) rtc.cmos_write(0x3f, 0x01); }; CPU.prototype.load_bios = function() { var bios = this.bios.main; var vga_bios = this.bios.vga; if(!bios) { dbg_log("Warning: No BIOS"); return; } // load bios var data = new Uint8Array(bios), start = 0x100000 - bios.byteLength; this.write_blob(data, start); if(vga_bios) { // load vga bios var vga_bios8 = new Uint8Array(vga_bios); // older versions of seabios this.write_blob(vga_bios8, 0xC0000); // newer versions of seabios (needs to match pci rom address, see vga.js) this.io.mmap_register(0xFEB00000, 0x100000, function(addr) { addr = (addr - 0xFEB00000) | 0; if(addr < vga_bios8.length) { return vga_bios8[addr]; } else { return 0; } }, function(addr, value) { dbg_assert(false, "Unexpected write to VGA rom"); }); } else { dbg_log("Warning: No VGA BIOS"); } // seabios expects the bios to be mapped to 0xFFF00000 also this.io.mmap_register(0xFFF00000, 0x100000, function(addr) { addr &= 0xFFFFF; return this.mem8[addr]; }.bind(this), function(addr, value) { addr &= 0xFFFFF; this.mem8[addr] = value; }.bind(this)); }; CPU.prototype.do_many_cycles = function() { if(DEBUG) { var start_time = v86.microtick(); } this.do_many_cycles_native(); if(DEBUG) { this.do_many_cycles_total += v86.microtick() - start_time; this.do_many_cycles_count++; } }; CPU.prototype.codegen_finalize = function(wasm_table_index, start, state_flags, ptr, len) { ptr >>>= 0; len >>>= 0; dbg_assert(wasm_table_index >= 0 && wasm_table_index < WASM_TABLE_SIZE); const code = new Uint8Array(this.wasm_memory.buffer, ptr, len); if(DEBUG) { if(DUMP_GENERATED_WASM && !this.seen_code[start]) { this.debug.dump_wasm(code); const DUMP_ASSEMBLY = false; if(DUMP_ASSEMBLY) { let end = 0; if((start ^ end) & ~0xFFF) { dbg_log("truncated disassembly start=" + h(start >>> 0) + " end=" + h(end >>> 0)); end = (start | 0xFFF) + 1; // until the end of the page } dbg_assert(end >= start); const buffer = new Uint8Array(end - start); for(let i = start; i < end; i++) { buffer[i - start] = this.read8(i); } this.debug.dump_code(this.is_32[0] ? 1 : 0, buffer, start); } } this.seen_code[start] = (this.seen_code[start] || 0) + 1; if(this.test_hook_did_generate_wasm) { this.test_hook_did_generate_wasm(code); } } const SYNC_COMPILATION = false; if(SYNC_COMPILATION) { const module = new WebAssembly.Module(code); const result = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, { "e": this.jit_imports }); const f = result.exports["f"]; this.wm.wasm_table.set(wasm_table_index + WASM_TABLE_OFFSET, f); this.codegen_finalize_finished(wasm_table_index, start, state_flags); if(this.test_hook_did_finalize_wasm) { this.test_hook_did_finalize_wasm(code); } return; } const result = WebAssembly.instantiate(code, { "e": this.jit_imports }).then(result => { const f = result.instance.exports["f"]; this.wm.wasm_table.set(wasm_table_index + WASM_TABLE_OFFSET, f); this.codegen_finalize_finished(wasm_table_index, start, state_flags); if(this.test_hook_did_finalize_wasm) { this.test_hook_did_finalize_wasm(code); } }); if(DEBUG) { result.catch(e => { console.log(e); debugger; throw e; }); } }; CPU.prototype.log_uncompiled_code = function(start, end) { if(!DEBUG || !DUMP_UNCOMPILED_ASSEMBLY) { return; } if((this.seen_code_uncompiled[start] || 0) < 100) { this.seen_code_uncompiled[start] = (this.seen_code_uncompiled[start] || 0) + 1; end += 8; // final jump is not included if((start ^ end) & ~0xFFF) { dbg_log("truncated disassembly start=" + h(start >>> 0) + " end=" + h(end >>> 0)); end = (start | 0xFFF) + 1; // until the end of the page } if(end < start) end = start; dbg_assert(end >= start); const buffer = new Uint8Array(end - start); for(let i = start; i < end; i++) { buffer[i - start] = this.read8(i); } dbg_log("Uncompiled code:"); this.debug.dump_code(this.is_32[0] ? 1 : 0, buffer, start); } }; CPU.prototype.dump_function_code = function(block_ptr, count) { if(!DEBUG || !DUMP_GENERATED_WASM) { return; } const SIZEOF_BASIC_BLOCK_IN_DWORDS = 7; const mem32 = new Int32Array(this.wasm_memory.buffer); dbg_assert((block_ptr & 3) === 0); const is_32 = this.is_32[0]; for(let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const struct_start = (block_ptr >> 2) + i * SIZEOF_BASIC_BLOCK_IN_DWORDS; const start = mem32[struct_start + 0]; const end = mem32[struct_start + 1]; const is_entry_block = mem32[struct_start + 6] & 0xFF00; const buffer = new Uint8Array(end - start); for(let i = start; i < end; i++) { buffer[i - start] = this.read8(this.translate_address_system_read(i)); } dbg_log("---" + (is_entry_block ? " entry" : "")); this.debug.dump_code(is_32 ? 1 : 0, buffer, start); } }; CPU.prototype.hlt_loop = function() { if(this.get_eflags_no_arith() & FLAG_INTERRUPT) { const t = this.run_hardware_timers(v86.microtick()); this.handle_irqs(); return t; } else { return 100; } }; CPU.prototype.run_hardware_timers = function(now) { if(ENABLE_HPET) { var pit_time = this.devices.pit.timer(now, this.devices.hpet.legacy_mode); var rtc_time = this.devices.rtc.timer(now, this.devices.hpet.legacy_mode); var hpet_time = this.devices.hpet.timer(now); } else { var pit_time = this.devices.pit.timer(now, false); var rtc_time = this.devices.rtc.timer(now, false); var hpet_time = 100; } let acpi_time = 100; let apic_time = 100; if(this.acpi_enabled[0]) { acpi_time = this.devices.acpi.timer(now); apic_time = this.devices.apic.timer(now); } return Math.min(pit_time, rtc_time, hpet_time, acpi_time, apic_time); }; CPU.prototype.hlt_op = function() { if((this.get_eflags_no_arith() & FLAG_INTERRUPT) === 0) { // execution can never resume (until NMIs are supported) this.bus.send("cpu-event-halt"); } // get out of here and into hlt_loop this.in_hlt[0] = +true; // Try an hlt loop right now: This will run timer interrupts, and if one is // due it will immediately call call_interrupt_vector and continue // execution without an unnecessary cycle through do_run this.hlt_loop(); }; CPU.prototype.handle_irqs = function() { //dbg_assert(this.prefixes[0] === 0); if(this.get_eflags_no_arith() & FLAG_INTERRUPT) { this.pic_acknowledge(); this.next_tick_immediately(); } }; CPU.prototype.pic_acknowledge = function() { dbg_assert(this.get_eflags_no_arith() & FLAG_INTERRUPT); if(this.devices.pic) { this.devices.pic.acknowledge_irq(); } if(this.devices.apic) { this.devices.apic.acknowledge_irq(); } }; CPU.prototype.device_raise_irq = function(i) { dbg_assert(arguments.length === 1); if(this.devices.pic) { this.devices.pic.set_irq(i); } if(this.devices.ioapic) { this.devices.ioapic.set_irq(i); } }; CPU.prototype.device_lower_irq = function(i) { if(this.devices.pic) { this.devices.pic.clear_irq(i); } if(this.devices.ioapic) { this.devices.ioapic.clear_irq(i); } }; // Closure Compiler's way of exporting if(typeof window !== "undefined") { window["CPU"] = CPU; } else if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof module.exports !== "undefined") { module.exports["CPU"] = CPU; } else if(typeof importScripts === "function") { self["CPU"] = CPU; }