#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; process.on("unhandledRejection", exn => { throw exn; }); var TIMEOUT_EXTRA_FACTOR = +process.env.TIMEOUT_EXTRA_FACTOR || 1; var MAX_PARALLEL_TESTS = +process.env.MAX_PARALLEL_TESTS || 4; var TEST_NAME = process.env.TEST_NAME; const TEST_RELEASE_BUILD = +process.env.TEST_RELEASE_BUILD; const VERBOSE = false; const RUN_SLOW_TESTS = false; try { var V86 = require(`../../build/${TEST_RELEASE_BUILD ? "libv86" : "libv86-debug"}.js`).V86; } catch(e) { console.error("Failed to import build/libv86-debug.js. Run `make build/libv86-debug.js first."); process.exit(1); } const assert = require("assert").strict; var cluster = require("cluster"); var os = require("os"); var fs = require("fs"); var root_path = __dirname + "/../.."; var SCREEN_WIDTH = 80; function get_line(screen, y) { return screen.subarray(y * SCREEN_WIDTH, (y + 1) * SCREEN_WIDTH); } function line_to_text(screen, y) { return bytearray_to_string(get_line(screen, y)); } function string_to_bytearray(str) { return new Uint8Array(str.split("").map(chr => chr.charCodeAt(0))); } function bytearray_to_string(arr) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, arr); } function screen_to_text(s) { var result = []; result.push("+==================================== SCREEN ====================================+"); for(var i = 0; i < 25; i++) { var line = line_to_text(s, i); result.push("|" + line + "|"); } result.push("+================================================================================+"); return result.join("\n"); } function send_work_to_worker(worker, message) { if(current_test < tests.length) { worker.send(tests[current_test]); current_test++; } else { worker.disconnect(); } } if(cluster.isMaster) { var tests = [ { name: "FreeDOS boot", fda: root_path + "/images/freedos722.img", timeout: 20, expected_texts: [ "Welcome to FreeDOS", ], }, { name: "FreeDOS boot with Bochs BIOS", fda: root_path + "/images/freedos722.img", timeout: 20, alternative_bios: true, expected_texts: [ "Welcome to FreeDOS", ], }, { name: "Windows 1.01 boot", fda: root_path + "/images/windows101.img", timeout: 10, expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_mouse_registered: true, }, { name: "Sol OS", fda: root_path + "/images/os8.dsk", timeout: 20, expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_mouse_registered: true, actions: [ { on_text: " or press", run: "\n" }, ], }, { name: "Linux", cdrom: root_path + "/images/linux.iso", timeout: 90, expected_texts: [ "/root%", "test passed", ], actions: [ { on_text: "/root%", run: "cd tests; ./test-i386 > emu.test; diff emu.test reference.test && echo test pas''sed || echo failed\n", }, ], }, //{ // name: "Windows 98", // hda: root_path + "/images/windows98.img", // timeout: 60, // expect_graphical_mode: true, // expect_graphical_size: [800, 600], // expect_mouse_registered: true, // skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, //}, { name: "Windows 95", hda: root_path + "/images/w95.img", timeout: 60, expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_graphical_size: [1024, 768], expect_mouse_registered: true, skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, }, { name: "Oberon", hda: root_path + "/images/oberon.img", timeout: 30, expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_mouse_registered: true, }, { name: "Linux 3", cdrom: root_path + "/images/linux3.iso", timeout: 200, expected_texts: [ "test passed", ], actions: [ { on_text: "~%", run: "head -c 10000 /dev/urandom > rand; echo test pas''sed\n", after: 1000, }, ], }, { name: "KolibriOS", fda: root_path + "/images/kolibri.img", timeout: 120, expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_mouse_registered: true, }, { name: "Linux with Bochs BIOS", cdrom: root_path + "/images/linux.iso", timeout: 90, expected_texts: [ "/root%", "test passed", ], alternative_bios: true, actions: [ { on_text: "/root%", run: "cd tests; ./test-i386 > emu.test; diff emu.test reference.test && echo test pas''sed || echo failed\n", }, ], }, { name: "MS-DOS", skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, hda: root_path + "/images/msdos.img", timeout: 90, expected_texts: [ "C:\\>", ], }, { name: "Linux 4", skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, cdrom: root_path + "/images/linux4.iso", timeout: 200, expected_texts: [ "~%", ], expected_serial_text: [ "Files send via emulator appear in", ], expect_mouse_registered: true, }, { name: "Linux 4 bzImage", bzimage: root_path + "/images/bzImage", cmdline: "auto", timeout: 200, expected_texts: [ "~%", ], expected_serial_text: [ "Files send via emulator appear in", ], expect_mouse_registered: true, }, { name: "Linux 4 with bzImage from filesystem", bzimage_initrd_from_filesystem: true, filesystem: { basefs: root_path + "/build/integration-test-fs/fs.json", baseurl: root_path + "/build/integration-test-fs/flat/", }, cmdline: "auto", timeout: 200, expected_texts: [ "~%", ], expected_serial_text: [ "Files send via emulator appear in", ], expect_mouse_registered: true, }, { name: "OpenBSD Floppy", fda: root_path + "/images/openbsd-floppy.img", timeout: 180, expected_texts: ["(I)nstall, (U)pgrade or (S)hell"], }, { name: "OpenBSD", hda: root_path + "/images/openbsd.img", timeout: 300, actions: [ { on_text: "boot>", run: "boot -c\n", }, { on_text: "UKC>", run: "disable mpbios\nexit\n", }, { on_text: "login:", run: "root\n", }, { on_text: "Password:", run: "root\n", }, ], expected_texts: ["nyu# "], }, { name: "Windows 3.0", slow: 1, skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, timeout: 10 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/Win30.iso", expected_texts: [ "Press any key to continue", " **************************************************", ], expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_mouse_registered: true, actions: [ { on_text: "Press any key to continue . . .", after: 1000, run: "x", }, { on_text: " **************************************************", after: 1000, run: "x", }, { on_text: "C> ", after: 1000, run: "win\n", }, ], }, { name: "FreeBSD", skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, timeout: 10 * 60, hda: root_path + "/images/internal/freebsd/freebsd.img", expected_texts: [ "FreeBSD/i386 (nyu) (ttyv0)", "root@nyu:~ #", ], actions: [ { on_text: " Autoboot in", run: "\n", }, { // workaround for freebsd not accepting key inputs just before the boot prompt // (probably needs delay between keydown and keyup) on_text: "FreeBSD/i386 (nyu) (ttyv0)", run: "\x08", // backspace to avoid messing with login prompt }, { on_text: "login:", after: 1000, run: "root\n", }, { on_text: "Password:", after: 1000, run: "\n", }, ], }, { name: "FreeBSD cdrom", skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, slow: 1, timeout: 10 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso", expected_texts: ["Welcome to FreeBSD!"], actions: [ { on_text: " Autoboot in ", run: "\n", } ], }, { name: "FreeGEM", skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, timeout: 60, hda: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/freegem.bin", expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_mouse_registered: true, actions: [ { on_text: " Select from Menu", run: "3", } ], }, { name: "Haiku", skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, timeout: 15 * 60, memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, hda: root_path + "/images/experimental/haiku-master-hrev53609-x86_gcc2h-anyboot.iso", expected_serial_text: [ "cx23882: init_hardware()", "Running post install script /boot/system/boot/post-install/sshd_keymaker.sh", // After pressing enter in the boot dialog: "Running first login script /boot/system/boot/first-login/default_deskbar_items.sh", ], expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_graphical_size: [1024, 768], expect_mouse_registered: true, actions: [ { after: 1 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 2 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 3 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 4 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 5 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 6 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 7 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 8 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, ], }, { name: "ReactOS", timeout: 15 * 60, hda: root_path + "/images/experimental/reactos-livecd-0.4.15-dev-73-g03c09c9-x86-gcc-lin-dbg.iso", expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_graphical_size: [800, 600], expect_mouse_registered: true, actions: [ { after: 1 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 2 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 3 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 4 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 5 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 6 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 7 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, { after: 8 * 60 * 1000, run: "\n" }, ], expected_serial_text: [ "DnsIntCacheInitialize()", // when desktop is rendered: "err: Attempted to close thread desktop", ], }, { name: "ReactOS CD", timeout: 15 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/reactos-livecd-0.4.15-dev-73-g03c09c9-x86-gcc-lin-dbg.iso", expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_graphical_size: [800, 600], expect_mouse_registered: true, expected_serial_text: ["DnsIntCacheInitialize()"], }, { name: "HelenOS", skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, timeout: 3 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/HelenOS-0.5.0-ia32.iso", expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_mouse_registered: true, }, { name: "Minix", skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, timeout: 60, hda: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/minix2hd.img", actions: [ { on_text: " = Start Minix", run: "=", }, { on_text: "noname login:", run: "root\n", }, ], expected_texts: ["noname login:", "# "], }, { name: "Mobius", skip_if_disk_image_missing: true, timeout: 2 * 60, fda: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/mobius-fd-release5.img", expect_graphical_mode: true, actions: [ { on_text: " The highlighted entry will be booted automatically", run: "\n", }, ], }, { name: "Tiny Core 11 CD", skip_if_disk_image_missing: 1, timeout: 5 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/TinyCore-11.0.iso", expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_mouse_registered: true, actions: [{ on_text: "boot:", run: "\n" }], }, { name: "Tiny Core 11 HD", skip_if_disk_image_missing: 1, timeout: 5 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/TinyCore-11.0.iso", expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_mouse_registered: true, actions: [{ on_text: "boot:", run: "\n" }], }, { name: "Core 9", skip_if_disk_image_missing: 1, timeout: 5 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/Core-9.0.iso", expected_texts: ["tc@box"], actions: [{ on_text: "boot:", run: "\n" }], }, { name: "Core 8", skip_if_disk_image_missing: 1, timeout: 5 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/Core-8.0.iso", expected_texts: ["tc@box"], actions: [{ on_text: "boot:", run: "\n" }], }, { name: "Core 7", skip_if_disk_image_missing: 1, timeout: 5 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/Core-7.2.iso", expected_texts: ["tc@box"], actions: [{ on_text: "boot:", run: "\n" }], }, { name: "Core 6", skip_if_disk_image_missing: 1, timeout: 5 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/Core-6.4.1.iso", expected_texts: ["tc@box"], actions: [{ on_text: "boot:", run: "\n" }], }, { name: "Core 5", skip_if_disk_image_missing: 1, timeout: 5 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/Core-5.4.iso", expected_texts: ["tc@box"], actions: [{ on_text: "boot:", run: "\n" }], }, { name: "Core 4", skip_if_disk_image_missing: 1, timeout: 5 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/experimental/os/Core-4.7.7.iso", expected_texts: ["tc@box"], actions: [{ on_text: "boot:", run: "\n" }], }, { name: "Damn Small Linux", skip_if_disk_image_missing: 1, timeout: 5 * 60, cdrom: root_path + "/images/dsl-4.11.rc2.iso", expect_graphical_mode: true, expect_graphical_size: [1024, 768], expect_mouse_registered: true, }, ]; if(TEST_NAME) { tests = tests.filter(test => test.name === TEST_NAME); } var nr_of_cpus = Math.min(Math.round(os.cpus().length / 2) || 1, tests.length, MAX_PARALLEL_TESTS); console.log("Using %d cpus", nr_of_cpus); var current_test = 0; for(var i = 0; i < nr_of_cpus; i++) { var worker = cluster.fork(); worker.on("message", send_work_to_worker.bind(null, worker)); worker.on("online", send_work_to_worker.bind(null, worker)); worker.on("exit", function(code, signal) { if(signal) { console.warn("Worker killed by signal " + signal); process.exit(1); } else if(code !== 0) { process.exit(code); } }); worker.on("error", function(error) { console.error("Worker error: ", error.toString(), error); process.exit(1); }); } } else { cluster.worker.on("message", function(test_case) { run_test(test_case, function() { process.send("I'm done"); }); }); } function bytearray_starts_with(arr, search) { for(var i = 0; i < search.length; i++) { if(arr[i] !== search[i]) { return false; } } return true; } function run_test(test, done) { console.log("Starting test: %s", test.name); let image = test.fda || test.hda || test.cdrom || test.bzimage || test.filesystem.basefs; assert(image, "Bootable drive expected"); if(!fs.existsSync(image)) { if(test.skip_if_disk_image_missing) { console.warn("Missing disk image: " + image + ", test skipped"); console.warn(); done(); return; } else { console.warn("Missing disk image: " + image); process.exit(1); } } if(test.slow && !RUN_SLOW_TESTS) { console.warn("Slow test: " + test.name + ", skipped"); console.warn(); done(); return; } if(test.alternative_bios) { var bios = root_path + "/bios/bochs-bios.bin"; var vga_bios = root_path + "/bios/bochs-vgabios.bin"; } else if(TEST_RELEASE_BUILD) { var bios = root_path + "/bios/seabios.bin"; var vga_bios = root_path + "/bios/vgabios.bin"; } else { var bios = root_path + "/bios/seabios-debug.bin"; var vga_bios = root_path + "/bios/vgabios-debug.bin"; } var settings = { bios: { url: bios }, vga_bios: { url: vga_bios }, autostart: true, memory_size: test.memory_size || 128 * 1024 * 1024, log_level: 0, }; if(test.cdrom) { settings.cdrom = { url: test.cdrom }; } if(test.fda) { settings.fda = { url: test.fda }; } if(test.hda) { settings.hda = { url: test.hda, async: true }; } if(test.bzimage) { settings.bzimage = { url: test.bzimage }; } if(test.filesystem) { settings.filesystem = test.filesystem; } settings.cmdline = test.cmdline; settings.bzimage_initrd_from_filesystem = test.bzimage_initrd_from_filesystem; if(test.expected_texts) { test.expected_texts = test.expected_texts.map(string_to_bytearray); } else { test.expected_texts = []; } if(!test.expected_serial_text) { test.expected_serial_text = []; } var emulator = new V86(settings); var screen = new Uint8Array(SCREEN_WIDTH * 25); function check_text_test_done() { return test.expected_texts.length === 0; } function check_serial_test_done() { return test.expected_serial_text.length === 0; } var mouse_test_done = false; function check_mouse_test_done() { return !test.expect_mouse_registered || mouse_test_done; } var graphical_test_done = false; var size_test_done = false; function check_grapical_test_done() { return !test.expect_graphical_mode || (graphical_test_done && (!test.expect_graphical_size || size_test_done)); } var test_start = Date.now(); var timeout_seconds = test.timeout * TIMEOUT_EXTRA_FACTOR; var timeout = setTimeout(check_test_done, (timeout_seconds + 1) * 1000); var timeouts = [timeout]; var on_text = []; var stopped = false; function check_test_done() { if(stopped) { return; } if(check_text_test_done() && check_mouse_test_done() && check_grapical_test_done() && check_serial_test_done()) { var end = Date.now(); for(let timeout of timeouts) clearTimeout(timeout); stopped = true; emulator.stop(); console.warn("Passed test: %s (took %ds)", test.name, (end - test_start) / 1000); console.warn(); done(); } else if(Date.now() >= test_start + timeout_seconds * 1000) { for(let timeout of timeouts) clearTimeout(timeout); stopped = true; emulator.stop(); emulator.destroy(); console.warn(screen_to_text(screen)); console.warn("Test failed: %s\n", test.name); if(!check_text_test_done()) { console.warn('Expected text "%s" after %d seconds.', bytearray_to_string(test.expected_texts[0]), timeout_seconds); } if(!check_grapical_test_done()) { console.warn("Expected graphical mode after %d seconds.", timeout_seconds); } if(!check_mouse_test_done()) { console.warn("Expected mouse activation after %d seconds.", timeout_seconds); } if(on_text.length) { console.warn(`Note: Expected text "${bytearray_to_string(on_text[0].text)}" to run "${on_text[0].run}"`); } process.exit(1); } } emulator.add_listener("mouse-enable", function() { mouse_test_done = true; check_test_done(); }); emulator.add_listener("screen-set-mode", function(is_graphical) { graphical_test_done = is_graphical; check_test_done(); }); emulator.add_listener("screen-set-size-graphical", function(size) { if(test.expect_graphical_size) { size_test_done = size[0] === test.expect_graphical_size[0] && size[1] === test.expect_graphical_size[1]; check_test_done(); } }); emulator.add_listener("screen-put-char", function(chr) { var y = chr[0]; var x = chr[1]; var code = chr[2]; screen[x + SCREEN_WIDTH * y] = code; var line = get_line(screen, y); if(!check_text_test_done()) { let expected = test.expected_texts[0]; if(x < expected.length && bytearray_starts_with(line, expected)) { test.expected_texts.shift(); if(VERBOSE) console.log(`Passed: "${bytearray_to_string(expected)}" on screen (${test.name})`); check_test_done(); } } if(on_text.length) { let expected = on_text[0].text; if(x < expected.length && bytearray_starts_with(line, expected)) { var action = on_text.shift(); timeouts.push( setTimeout(() => { if(VERBOSE) console.error("Sending '%s'", action.run); emulator.keyboard_send_text(action.run); }, action.after || 0) ); } } }); //if(VERBOSE) //{ // setInterval(() => { // console.warn(screen_to_text(screen)); // }, 10000); //} let serial_line = ""; emulator.add_listener("serial0-output-char", function(c) { if(c === "\n") { if(VERBOSE) { console.log(`Serial (${test.name}):`, serial_line); } if(test.expected_serial_text.length) { const expected = test.expected_serial_text[0]; if(serial_line.includes(expected)) { test.expected_serial_text.shift(); if(VERBOSE) console.log(`Passed: "${expected}" on serial (${test.name})`); check_test_done(); } } serial_line = ""; } else if(c >= " " && c <= "~") { serial_line += c; } }); test.actions && test.actions.forEach(function(action) { if(action.on_text) { on_text.push({ text: string_to_bytearray(action.on_text), run: action.run, after: action.after }); } else { timeouts.push( setTimeout(() => { if(VERBOSE) console.error("Sending '%s'", action.run); emulator.keyboard_send_text(action.run); }, action.after || 0) ); } }); }