#!/usr/bin/env -S node --experimental-websocket "use strict"; process.on("unhandledRejection", exn => { throw exn; }); const TEST_RELEASE_BUILD = +process.env.TEST_RELEASE_BUILD; const V86 = require(`../../build/${TEST_RELEASE_BUILD ? "libv86" : "libv86-debug"}.js`).V86; const assert = require("assert").strict; const SHOW_LOGS = false; const tests = [ { name: "DHCP", start: () => { emulator.serial0_send("udhcpc\n"); emulator.serial0_send("echo -e done\\\\tudhcpc\n"); }, end_trigger: "done\tudhcpc", end: (capture) => { assert(/lease of obtained/.test(capture), "lease of obtained"); }, }, { name: "ifconfig", start: () => { emulator.serial0_send("ifconfig\n"); emulator.serial0_send("echo -e done\\\\tifconfig\n"); }, end_trigger: "done\tifconfig", end: (capture) => { assert(/, ""); }, }, { name: "route", start: () => { emulator.serial0_send("ip route\n"); emulator.serial0_send("echo -e done\\\\troute\n"); }, end_trigger: "done\troute", end: (capture) => { assert(/, ""); }, }, //{ // name: "arp -a", // start: () => // { // emulator.serial0_send("arp -a\n"); // emulator.serial0_send("echo -e done\\\\tarp\n"); // }, // end_trigger: "done\tarp", // end: (capture) => // { // assert(/. at 52:54:00:01:02:03 \[ether\] {2}on eth0/.test(capture), "( at 52:54:00:01:02:03 [ether] on eth0"); // }, //}, { name: "Curl example.org", allow_failure: true, start: () => { emulator.serial0_send("wget -T 10 -O - example.org\n"); emulator.serial0_send("echo -e done\\\\texample.org\n"); }, end_trigger: "done\texample.org", end: (capture) => { assert(/This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents/.test(capture), "got example.org text"); }, }, ]; const emulator = new V86({ bios: { url: __dirname + "/../../bios/seabios.bin" }, vga_bios: { url: __dirname + "/../../bios/vgabios.bin" }, cdrom: { url: __dirname + "/../../images/linux4.iso" }, autostart: true, memory_size: 64 * 1024 * 1024, disable_jit: +process.env.DISABLE_JIT, network_relay_url: "wisps://wisp.mercurywork.shop/", log_level: SHOW_LOGS ? 0x400000 : 0, }); let test_num = 0; let booted = false; let line = ""; let capture = ""; let end_trigger; emulator.bus.register("emulator-started", function() { console.log("Booting now, please stand by"); }); emulator.add_listener("serial0-output-byte", function(byte) { const chr = String.fromCharCode(byte); if(chr < " " && chr !== "\n" && chr !== "\t" || chr > "~") { return; } let new_line = ""; if(chr === "\n") { console.log(" Captured: %s", line); new_line = line; capture += line + "\n"; line = ""; } else { line += chr; } if(new_line === end_trigger) { let test_has_failed = false; try { tests[test_num].end(capture); } catch(e) { console.log(e); test_has_failed = true; } if(!test_has_failed) { console.log("[+] Test #%d passed: %s", test_num, tests[test_num].name); } else { if(tests[test_num].allow_failure) { console.warn("[!] Test #%d failed: %s (failure allowed)", test_num, tests[test_num].name); } else { console.error("[-] Test #%d failed: %s", test_num, tests[test_num].name); process.exit(1); } } test_num++; } if(!booted && line.endsWith("~% ") || new_line === end_trigger) { booted = true; if(test_num >= tests.length) { emulator.stop(); emulator.destroy(); console.log("Tests finished."); } else { console.log("Starting test #%d: %s", test_num, tests[test_num].name); capture = ""; end_trigger = tests[test_num].end_trigger; tests[test_num].start(); } } });