"use strict"; var v86util = v86util || {}; // pad string with spaces on the right v86util.pads = function(str, len) { str = (str || str === 0) ? str + "" : ""; return str.padEnd(len, " "); }; v86util.check_env_node = function() { return typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions && process.versions.node; }; // pad string with zeros on the left v86util.pad0 = function(str, len) { str = (str || str === 0) ? str + "" : ""; return str.padStart(len, "0"); }; // generates array given size with zeros v86util.zeros = function(size) { return Array(size).fill(0); }; // generates [0, 1, 2, ..., size-1] v86util.range = function(size) { return Array.from(Array(size).keys()); }; /** * number to hex * @param {number} n * @param {number=} len * @return {string} */ function h(n, len) { if(!n) { var str = ""; } else { var str = n.toString(16); } return "0x" + v86util.pad0(str.toUpperCase(), len || 1); } if(typeof window !== "undefined" && window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues) { let rand_data = new Int32Array(1); v86util.has_rand_int = function() { return true; }; v86util.get_rand_int = function() { window.crypto.getRandomValues(rand_data); return rand_data[0]; }; } else { v86util.has_rand_int = function() { return false; }; v86util.get_rand_int = function() { console.assert(false); }; } /** * Synchronous access to ArrayBuffer * @constructor */ function SyncBuffer(buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; this.byteLength = buffer.byteLength; this.onload = undefined; this.onprogress = undefined; } SyncBuffer.prototype.load = function() { this.onload && this.onload({ buffer: this.buffer }); }; /** * @param {number} start * @param {number} len * @param {function(!Uint8Array)} fn */ SyncBuffer.prototype.get = function(start, len, fn) { dbg_assert(start + len <= this.byteLength); fn(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, start, len)); }; /** * @param {number} start * @param {!Uint8Array} slice * @param {function()} fn */ SyncBuffer.prototype.set = function(start, slice, fn) { dbg_assert(start + slice.byteLength <= this.byteLength); new Uint8Array(this.buffer, start, slice.byteLength).set(slice); fn(); }; /** * @param {function(!ArrayBuffer)} fn */ SyncBuffer.prototype.get_buffer = function(fn) { fn(this.buffer); }; (function() { var int_log2_table = new Int8Array(256); for(var i = 0, b = -2; i < 256; i++) { if(!(i & i - 1)) b++; int_log2_table[i] = b; } /** * calculate the integer logarithm base 2 of a byte * @param {number} x * @return {number} */ v86util.int_log2_byte = function(x) { dbg_assert(x > 0); dbg_assert(x < 0x100); return int_log2_table[x]; }; /** * calculate the integer logarithm base 2 * @param {number} x * @return {number} */ v86util.int_log2 = function(x) { x >>>= 0; dbg_assert(x > 0); // http://jsperf.com/integer-log2/6 var tt = x >>> 16; if(tt) { var t = tt >>> 8; if(t) { return 24 + int_log2_table[t]; } else { return 16 + int_log2_table[tt]; } } else { var t = x >>> 8; if(t) { return 8 + int_log2_table[t]; } else { return int_log2_table[x]; } } }; })(); /** * @constructor * * Queue wrapper around Uint8Array * Used by devices such as the PS2 controller */ function ByteQueue(size) { var data = new Uint8Array(size), start, end; dbg_assert((size & size - 1) === 0); this.length = 0; this.push = function(item) { if(this.length === size) { // intentional overwrite } else { this.length++; } data[end] = item; end = end + 1 & size - 1; }; this.shift = function() { if(!this.length) { return -1; } else { var item = data[start]; start = start + 1 & size - 1; this.length--; return item; } }; this.peek = function() { if(!this.length) { return -1; } else { return data[start]; } }; this.clear = function() { start = 0; end = 0; this.length = 0; }; this.clear(); } /** * Simple circular queue for logs * * @param {number} size * @constructor */ function CircularQueue(size) { this.data = []; this.index = 0; this.size = size; } CircularQueue.prototype.add = function(item) { this.data[this.index] = item; this.index = (this.index + 1) % this.size; }; CircularQueue.prototype.toArray = function() { return [].slice.call(this.data, this.index).concat([].slice.call(this.data, 0, this.index)); }; CircularQueue.prototype.clear = function() { this.data = []; this.index = 0; }; /** * @param {Array} new_data */ CircularQueue.prototype.set = function(new_data) { this.data = new_data; this.index = 0; };