windows-xp.md 3.0 KB

Most of this document also applies to Windows 2000.

You can download Windows 2000 from WinWorld. Use QEMU to create winxp.img:

qemu-img create winxp.img 2G
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 512 -drive file=winxp.img,format=raw -cdrom en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-73974.iso

Follow the setup instructions. This step fixes the error Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded in Chromium during Windows 2000/XP startup in v86.

After installation, change the computer type to "Standard PC" as described here: Start > Right Click "My Computer" > Manage > Device Manager > Computer > Right Click "ACPI Uniprocessor PC" > Update Driver... > No, not this time > Next > Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) > Next > Don't search. I will choose the driver to install. > Next > Standard PC > Next > Finish. Restart the VM, follow multiple "Found New Hardware Wizard" dialogs with default options.

Now, winxp.img is ready for v86. You can use the website to run it: Specify winxp.img as a hard disk, and optionally set the memory size to 512 MB. Or run it in a custom HTML file as described below.

Get seabios.bin and vgabios.bin from here, and get libv86.js and v86.wasm from releases. Create winxp.htm with this content (assuming all the files are in the same folder):

<!doctype html>
<script src="libv86.js"></script>

onload = function()
    new V86({
        wasm_path: "v86.wasm",
        bios: { url: "seabios.bin" },
        vga_bios: { url: "vgabios.bin" },
        hda: {
            url: "winxp.img",
            size: 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
            async: true
        memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024,
        screen_container: screen_container,
        autostart: true,

<div id=screen_container>
    <div style="white-space: pre; font: 14px monospace"></div>
    <canvas style="display: none"></canvas>

To open this HTML file locally, a HTTP server is needed. The standard Python server python -m http.server doesn't support HTTP range requests. You can use http-server or devd. Start the server (from the same folder as winxp.htm):

npx http-server

Open http://localhost:8080/winxp.htm in the browser.

Windows XP load time (until start button becomes responsive) in Chromium on my computer:

  • 3 min second time
  • 4 min (first time or if cache is disabled)
  • 12 min second time if Network tab in Developer Tools is open
  • 17 min (first time or if cache is disabled) and Network tab in Developer Tools is open

Sometimes Windows XP hangs after boot (before it is interactive) in v86, displaying only desktop wallpaper without taskbar or desktop icons.