1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 |
- global _start
- section .data
- align 16
- mydword:
- dd 0
- %include "header.inc"
- ; 32-bit register move should set higher bits to zero
- mov eax, -1
- mov eax, ss
- and eax, 0xffff0000
- mov ebx, -1
- db 66h
- mov ebx, ss
- and ebx, 0xffff0000
- ; 32-bit memory move should preserver higher bits
- mov dword [mydword], 0xdeadbeef
- mov [mydword], ss
- mov ecx, [mydword]
- and ecx, 0xffff0000
- mov dword [mydword+4], 0xdeadbeef
- db 66h
- mov [mydword+4], ss
- mov edx, [mydword+4]
- and edx, 0xffff0000
- %include "footer.inc"