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Used codespell and fixed obvious typos.

jordan 5 months ago
5 changed files with 8 additions and 8 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 1 1
  3. 2 2
  4. 3 3
  5. 1 1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
-    ARIA Ciper Suite.
+    ARIA Cipher Suite.
     The ARIA cipher needs a 3rd party source binary, typically called

+ 1 - 1

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ make
 ## Asynchronous Cryptography Design
-When a cryptogaphic call is handed off to harware it return `WC_PENDING_E` up to caller. Then it can keep calling until the operation completes. For some platforms it is required to call `wolfSSL_AsyncPoll`. At the TLS layer a "devId" (Device ID) must be set using `wolfSSL_CTX_SetDevId` to indicate desire to offload cryptography.
+When a cryptogaphic call is handed off to hardware it return `WC_PENDING_E` up to caller. Then it can keep calling until the operation completes. For some platforms it is required to call `wolfSSL_AsyncPoll`. At the TLS layer a "devId" (Device ID) must be set using `wolfSSL_CTX_SetDevId` to indicate desire to offload cryptography.
 For further design details please see:

+ 2 - 2

@@ -3073,7 +3073,7 @@ static WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int wc_AesDecrypt(
         #ifdef DEBUG_WOLFSSL
             ESP_LOGW(TAG, "wc_AesSetKeyLocal ByteReverseWords");
-            /* When not ESP32 HW, we need to reverse endianess */
+            /* When not ESP32 HW, we need to reverse endianness */
             ByteReverseWords(rk, rk, keylen);
@@ -12078,7 +12078,7 @@ int  wc_AesEaxEncryptUpdate(AesEax* eax, byte* out,
  * Decrypts input ciphertext using AES EAX mode, adding optional auth data to
  * the authentication stream
- * Returns 0 on sucess
+ * Returns 0 on success
  * Returns error code on failure
 int  wc_AesEaxDecryptUpdate(AesEax* eax, byte* out,

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_mul_10(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a,
  * a   First number to multiply in Montgomery form.
  * b   Second number to multiply in Montgomery form.
  * m   Modulus (prime).
- * mp  Montgomery mulitplier.
+ * mp  Montgomery multiplier.
 static void sp_256_mont_mul_10(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b,
         const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp)
@@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_sqr_10(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a)
  * r   Result of squaring.
  * a   Number to square in Montgomery form.
  * m   Modulus (prime).
- * mp  Montgomery mulitplier.
+ * mp  Montgomery multiplier.
 static void sp_256_mont_sqr_10(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m,
         sp_digit mp)
@@ -1297,7 +1297,7 @@ static void sp_256_mont_sqr_10(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m
  * a   Number to square in Montgomery form.
  * n   Number of times to square.
  * m   Modulus (prime).
- * mp  Montgomery mulitplier.
+ * mp  Montgomery multiplier.
 static void sp_256_mont_sqr_n_10(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, int n,
         const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -19092,7 +19092,7 @@ int sp_prime_is_prime_ex(const sp_int* a, int trials, int* result, WC_RNG* rng)
  * a and b are positive integers.
- * Euclidian Algorithm:
+ * Euclidean Algorithm:
  *  1. If a > b then a = b, b = a
  *  2. u = a
  *  3. v = b % a