Todd A Ouska 13 ani în urmă
100 a modificat fișierele cu 23292 adăugiri și 0 ștergeri
  1. 0 0
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  25. 39 0
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  39. 38 0
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+ 0 - 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 0 - 0

+ 234 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+Installation Instructions
+Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005,
+2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is free documentation; the Free Software Foundation gives
+unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
+Basic Installation
+Briefly, the shell commands `./configure; make; make install' should
+configure, build, and install this package.  The following
+more-detailed instructions are generic; see the `README' file for
+instructions specific to this package.
+   The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
+various system-dependent variables used during compilation.  It uses
+those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
+It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
+definitions.  Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
+you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a
+file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for
+debugging `configure').
+   It can also use an optional file (typically called `config.cache'
+and enabled with `--cache-file=config.cache' or simply `-C') that saves
+the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring.  Caching is
+disabled by default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale
+cache files.
+   If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
+to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
+diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
+be considered for the next release.  If you are using the cache, and at
+some point `config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you
+may remove or edit it.
+   The file `' (or `') is used to create
+`configure' by a program called `autoconf'.  You need `' if
+you want to change it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version
+of `autoconf'.
+The simplest way to compile this package is:
+  1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
+     `./configure' to configure the package for your system.
+     Running `configure' might take a while.  While running, it prints
+     some messages telling which features it is checking for.
+  2. Type `make' to compile the package.
+  3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with
+     the package.
+  4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
+     documentation.
+  5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
+     source code directory by typing `make clean'.  To also remove the
+     files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for
+     a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'.  There is
+     also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly
+     for the package's developers.  If you use it, you may have to get
+     all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came
+     with the distribution.
+Compilers and Options
+Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that the
+`configure' script does not know about.  Run `./configure --help' for
+details on some of the pertinent environment variables.
+   You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters
+by setting variables in the command line or in the environment.  Here
+is an example:
+     ./configure CC=c99 CFLAGS=-g LIBS=-lposix
+   *Note Defining Variables::, for more details.
+Compiling For Multiple Architectures
+You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
+same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
+own directory.  To do this, you can use GNU `make'.  `cd' to the
+directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
+the `configure' script.  `configure' automatically checks for the
+source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.
+   With a non-GNU `make', it is safer to compile the package for one
+architecture at a time in the source code directory.  After you have
+installed the package for one architecture, use `make distclean' before
+reconfiguring for another architecture.
+Installation Names
+By default, `make install' installs the package's commands under
+`/usr/local/bin', include files under `/usr/local/include', etc.  You
+can specify an installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving
+`configure' the option `--prefix=PREFIX'.
+   You can specify separate installation prefixes for
+architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files.  If you
+pass the option `--exec-prefix=PREFIX' to `configure', the package uses
+PREFIX as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
+Documentation and other data files still use the regular prefix.
+   In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give
+options like `--bindir=DIR' to specify different values for particular
+kinds of files.  Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories
+you can set and what kinds of files go in them.
+   If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
+with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
+option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
+Optional Features
+Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
+`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
+They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
+is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System).  The
+`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
+package recognizes.
+   For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
+find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
+you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
+`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
+Specifying the System Type
+There may be some features `configure' cannot figure out automatically,
+but needs to determine by the type of machine the package will run on.
+Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the _same_
+architectures, `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints a
+message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the
+`--build=TYPE' option.  TYPE can either be a short name for the system
+type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name which has the form:
+where SYSTEM can have one of these forms:
+   See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field.  If
+`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
+need to know the machine type.
+   If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should
+use the option `--target=TYPE' to select the type of system they will
+produce code for.
+   If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a
+platform different from the build platform, you should specify the
+"host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will
+eventually be run) with `--host=TYPE'.
+Sharing Defaults
+If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share, you
+can create a site shell script called `' that gives default
+values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
+`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/' if it exists, then
+`PREFIX/etc/' if it exists.  Or, you can set the
+`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
+A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
+Defining Variables
+Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the
+environment passed to `configure'.  However, some packages may run
+configure again during the build, and the customized values of these
+variables may be lost.  In order to avoid this problem, you should set
+them in the `configure' command line, using `VAR=value'.  For example:
+     ./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc
+causes the specified `gcc' to be used as the C compiler (unless it is
+overridden in the site shell script).
+Unfortunately, this technique does not work for `CONFIG_SHELL' due to
+an Autoconf bug.  Until the bug is fixed you can use this workaround:
+     CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash /bin/bash ./configure CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash
+`configure' Invocation
+`configure' recognizes the following options to control how it operates.
+     Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit.
+     Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
+     script, and exit.
+     Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE,
+     traditionally `config.cache'.  FILE defaults to `/dev/null' to
+     disable caching.
+     Alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'.
+     Do not print messages saying which checks are being made.  To
+     suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error
+     messages will still be shown).
+     Look for the package's source code in directory DIR.  Usually
+     `configure' can determine that directory automatically.
+`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options.  Run
+`configure --help' for more details.

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+SUBDIRS = src ctaocrypt examples testsuite sslSniffer
+EXTRA_DIST = certs/*.pem certs/*.der certs/*.txt certs/*.raw \
+    lib/dummy *.sln *.vcproj cyassl-iphone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj \
+    doc/*.pdf swig/README swig/*.i swig/cyassl_adds.c swig/*.sh swig/runme.* \
+    swig/python_cyassl.vcproj swig/
+# !!!! first line of rule has to start with a hard (real) tab, not spaces
+	cd src; $(MAKE); cd ../testsuite; $(MAKE); cd ../
+	cd lib; ln -s ../src/.libs/libcyassl.a libcrypto.a; \
+    ln -s ../src/.libs/libcyassl.a libssl.a; \
+    ln -s ../src/.libs/libcyassl.a libcyassl.a; cd ../
+#  !!! test -e with a .name like .libs then a * like *dylib fails so just
+#      look for the .dylib on OS X, and .so otherwise but copy all parts
+	$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(includedir) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \
+    cp -fpR include/* $(DESTDIR)$(includedir); \
+    cp -fpR ctaocrypt/include/* $(DESTDIR)$(includedir); \
+    cp -fpR src/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \
+    if test -e src/.libs/libcyassl.a; then \
+    cp -fp src/.libs/libcyassl.a $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); fi; \
+    if test -e src/.libs/; then \
+    cp -fpR src/.libs/* $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); fi; \
+    if test -e src/.libs/libcyassl.dylib; then \
+    cp -fpR src/.libs/libcyassl.*dylib $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); fi;

+ 0 - 0

+ 525 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+*** Note, Please read ***
+CyaSSL takes a different approach to certificate verification than OpenSSL does.
+The default policy for the client is to verify the server, this means that if
+you don't load CAs to verify the server you'll get a connect error, unable to 
+verify.  It you want to mimic OpenSSL behavior of having SSL_connect succeed
+even if verifying the server fails and reducing security you can do this by
+SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, 0);
+before calling SSL_new();  Though it's not recommended.
+*** end Note ***
+CyaSSL Release 1.8.0 (12/23/2010)
+Release 1.8.0 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes, x509 v3 CA signed certificate
+generation, a C standard library abstraction layer, lower memory use, increased
+portability through the os_settings.h file, and the ability to use NTRU cipher
+suites when used in conjunction with an NTRU license and library.
+The initial CyaSSL manual offering is included in the doc/ directory.  For
+build instructions and comments about the new features please check the manual.
+Please send any comments or questions to
+Happy Holidays.
+********************* CyaSSL Release 1.6.5 (9/9/2010)
+Release 1.6.5 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes and x509 v3 self signed certificate
+For general build instructions see doc/Building_CyaSSL.pdf.
+To enable certificate generation support add this option to ./configure
+./configure --enable-certgen
+An example is included in ctaocrypt/test/test.c and documentation is provided
+in doc/CyaSSL_Extensions_Reference.pdf item 11.
+********************** CyaSSL Release 1.6.0 (8/27/2010)
+Release 1.6.0 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes, RIPEMD-160, SHA-512, and RSA key
+For general build instructions see doc/Building_CyaSSL.pdf.
+To add RIPEMD-160 support add this option to ./configure
+./configure --enable-ripemd
+To add SHA-512 support add this option to ./configure
+./configure --enable-sha512
+To add RSA key generation support add this option to ./configure
+./configure --enable-keygen
+Please see ctaocrypt/test/test.c for examples and usage.
+For Windows, RIPEMD-160 and SHA-512 are enabled by default but key generation is
+off by default.  To turn key generation on add the define CYASSL_KEY_GEN to
+*************   CyaSSL Release 1.5.6 (7/28/2010)
+Release 1.5.6 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes, compatibility for our JSSE provider,
+and a fix for GCC builds on some systems.
+For general build instructions see doc/Building_CyaSSL.pdf.
+To add AES-NI support add this option to ./configure
+./configure --enable-aesni
+You'll need GCC 4.4.3 or later to make use of the assembly.
+**************  CyaSSL Release 1.5.4 (7/7/2010)
+Release 1.5.4 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes, support for AES-NI, SHA1 speed 
+improvements from loop unrolling, and support for the Mongoose Web Server.
+For general build instructions see doc/Building_CyaSSL.pdf.
+To add AES-NI support add this option to ./configure
+./configure --enable-aesni
+You'll need GCC 4.4.3 or later to make use of the assembly.
+***************  CyaSSL Release 1.5.0 (5/11/2010)
+Release 1.5.0 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes, GoAhead WebServer support, sniffer
+support, and initial swig interface support.
+For general build instructions see doc/Building_CyaSSL.pdf.
+To add support for GoAhead WebServer either --enable-opensslExtra or if you
+don't want all the features of opensslExtra you can just define GOAHEAD_WS
+instead.  GOAHEAD_WS can be added to ./configure with CFLAGS=-DGOAHEAD_WS or
+you can define it yourself.
+To look at the sniffer support please see the sniffertest app in
+sslSniffer/sslSnifferTest.  Build with --enable-sniffer on *nix or use the
+vcproj files on windows.  You'll need to have pcap installed on *nix and
+WinPcap on windows.
+A swig interface file is now located in the swig directory for using Python,
+Java, Perl, and others with CyaSSL.  This is initial support and experimental,
+please send questions or comments to
+When doing load testing with CyaSSL, on the echoserver example say, the client
+machine may run out of tcp ephemeral ports, they will end up in the TIME_WAIT
+queue, and can't be reused by default.  There are generally two ways to fix
+this.  1) Reduce the length sockets remain on the TIME_WAIT queue or 2) Allow
+items on the TIME_WAIT queue to be reused.
+To reduce the TIME_WAIT length in OS X to 3 seconds (3000 milliseconds)
+sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.msl=3000
+In Linux
+sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1
+allows reuse of sockets in TIME_WAIT
+sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle=1
+works but seems to remove sockets from  TIME_WAIT entirely?
+sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=1
+doen't control TIME_WAIT, it controls FIN_WAIT(2) contrary to some posts
+******************** CyaSSL Release 1.4.0 (2/18/2010)
+Release 1.3.0 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes, better multi TLS/SSL version support
+through SSLv23_server_method(), and improved documentation in the doc/ folder.
+For general build instructions doc/Building_CyaSSL.pdf.
+******************** CyaSSL Release 1.3.0 (1/21/2010)
+Release 1.3.0 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes, a potential security problem fix,
+better porting support, removal of assert()s, and a complete THREADX port.
+For general build instructions see rc1 below.
+******************** CyaSSL Release 1.2.0 (11/2/2009)
+Release 1.2.0 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes and session negotiation if first use is
+read or write.
+For general build instructions see rc1 below.
+******************** CyaSSL Release 1.1.0 (9/2/2009)
+Release 1.1.0 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes, a check against malicious session
+cache use, support for lighttpd, and TLS 1.2.
+To get TLS 1.2 support please use the client and server functions:
+SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_2_server_method(void);
+SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_2_client_method(void);
+CyaSSL was tested against lighttpd 1.4.23.  To build CyaSSL for use with 
+lighttpd use the following commands from the CyaSSL install dir <CyaSSLDir>:
+./configure --disable-shared --enable-opensslExtra --enable-fastmath --without-zlib
+make openssl-links
+Then to build lighttpd with CyaSSL use the following commands from the
+lighttpd install dir:
+./configure --with-openssl --with-openssl-includes=<CyaSSLDir>/include --with-openssl-libs=<CyaSSLDir>/lib LDFLAGS=-lm
+On some systems you may get a linker error about a duplicate symbol for
+MD5_Init or other MD5 calls.  This seems to be caused by the lighttpd src file
+md5.c, which defines MD5_Init(), and is included in liblightcomp_la-md5.o.
+When liblightcomp is linked with the SSL_LIBs the linker may complain about
+the duplicate symbol.  This can be fixed by editing the lighttpd src file md5.c
+and adding this line to the beginning of the file:
+#if 0
+and this line to the end of the file
+Then from the lighttpd src dir do a:
+make clean
+If you get link errors about undefined symbols more than likely the actual
+OpenSSL libraries are found by the linker before the CyaSSL openssl-links that
+point to the CyaSSL library, causing the linker confusion.  This can be fixed
+by editing the Makefile in the lighttpd src directory and changing the line:
+SSL_LIB = -lssl -lcrypto
+SSL_LIB = -lcyassl
+Then from the lighttpd src dir do a:
+make clean
+This should remove any confusion the linker may be having with missing symbols.
+For any questions or concerns please contact .
+For general build instructions see rc1 below.
+******************CyaSSL Release 1.0.6 (8/03/2009)
+Release 1.0.6 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes, an improved session cache, and faster
+math with a huge code option.
+The session cache now defaults to a client mode, also good for embedded servers.
+For servers not under heavy load (less than 200 new sessions per minute), define
+BIG_SESSION_CACHE.  If the server will be under heavy load, define
+There is now a fasthugemath option for configure.  This enables fastmath plus
+even faster math by greatly increasing the code size of the math library. Use
+the benchmark utility to compare public key operations.
+For general build instructions see rc1 below.
+******************CyaSSL Release 1.0.3 (5/10/2009)
+Release 1.0.3 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes and add increased support for OpenSSL
+compatibility when building other applications.
+Release 1.0.3 includes an alpha release of DTLS for both client and servers.
+This is only for testing purposes at this time.  Rebroadcast and reordering
+aren't fully implemented at this time but will be for the next release.
+For general build instructions see rc1 below.
+******************CyaSSL Release 1.0.2 (4/3/2009)
+Release 1.0.2 for CyaSSL adds bug fixes for a couple I/O issues.  Some systems
+will send a SIGPIPE on socket recv() at any time and this should be handled by
+the application by turning off SIGPIPE through setsockopt() or returning from
+the handler.
+Release 1.0.2 includes an alpha release of DTLS for both client and servers.
+This is only for testing purposes at this time.  Rebroadcast and reordering
+aren't fully implemented at this time but will be for the next release.
+For general build instructions see rc1 below.
+*****************CyaSSL Release Candidiate 3 rc3-1.0.0 (2/25/2009)
+Release Candidate 3 for CyaSSL 1.0.0 adds bug fixes and adds a project file for
+iPhone development with Xcode.  cyassl-iphone.xcodeproj is located in the root
+directory.  This release also includes a fix for supporting other
+implementations that bundle multiple messages at the record layer, this was
+lost when cyassl i/o was re-implemented but is now fixed.
+For general build instructions see rc1 below.
+*****************CyaSSL Release Candidiate 2 rc2-1.0.0 (1/21/2009)
+Release Candidate 2 for CyaSSL 1.0.0 adds bug fixes and adds two new stream
+ciphers along with their respective cipher suites.  CyaSSL adds support for
+HC-128 and RABBIT stream ciphers.  The new suites are:
+And the corresponding cipher names are
+CyaSSL also adds support for building with devkitPro for PPC by changing the
+library proper to use libogc.  The examples haven't been changed yet but if
+there's interest they can be.  Here's an example ./configure to build CyaSSL
+for devkitPro:
+./configure --disable-shared CC=/pathTo/devkitpro/devkitPPC/bin/powerpc-gekko-gcc --host=ppc --without-zlib --enable-singleThreaded RANLIB=/pathTo/devkitpro/devkitPPC/bin/powerpc-gekko-ranlib CFLAGS="-DDEVKITPRO -DGEKKO"
+For linking purposes you'll need
+LDFLAGS="-g -mrvl -mcpu=750 -meabi -mhard-float -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map"
+For general build instructions see rc1 below.
+********************CyaSSL Release Candidiate 1 rc1-1.0.0 (12/17/2008)
+Release Candidate 1 for CyaSSL 1.0.0 contains major internal changes.  Several
+areas have optimization improvements, less dynamic memory use, and the I/O
+strategy has been refactored to allow alternate I/O handling or Library use.
+Many thanks to Thierry Fournier for providing these ideas and most of the work.
+Because of these changes, this release is only a candidate since some problems
+are probably inevitable on some platform with some I/O use.  Please report any
+problems and we'll try to resolve them as soon as possible.  You can contact us
+at or
+Using TomsFastMath by passing --enable-fastmath to ./configure now uses assembly
+on some platforms.  This is new so please report any problems as every compiler,
+mode, OS combination hasn't been tested.  On ia32 all of the registers need to
+be available so be sure to pass these options to CFLAGS:
+CFLAGS="-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
+OS X will also need -mdynamic-no-pic added to CFLAGS
+Also if you're building in shared mode for ia32 you'll need to pass options to
+LDFLAGS as well on OS X:
+This gives warnings for some symbols but seems to work.
+--To build on Linux, Solaris, *BSD, Mac OS X, or Cygwin:
+    ./configure
+    make
+    from the ./testsuite/ directory run ./testsuite 
+to make a debug build:
+    ./configure --enable-debug --disable-shared
+    make
+--To build on Win32
+Choose (Re)Build All from the project workspace
+Run the testsuite program
+*************************CyaSSL version 0.9.9 (7/25/2008) 
+This release of CyaSSL adds bug fixes, Pre-Shared Keys, over-rideable memory
+handling, and optionally TomsFastMath.  Thanks to Moisés Guimarães for the
+work on TomsFastMath.
+To optionally use TomsFastMath pass --enable-fastmath to ./configure
+Or define USE_FAST_MATH in each project from CyaSSL for MSVC.
+Please use the benchmark routine before and after to see the performance
+difference, on some platforms the gains will be little but RSA encryption
+always seems to be faster.  On x86-64 machines with GCC the normal math library
+may outperform the fast one when using CFLAGS=-m64 because TomsFastMath can't
+yet use -m64 because of GCCs inability to do 128bit division.
+     **** UPDATE GCC 4.2.1 can now do 128bit division ***
+See notes below (0.2.0) for complete build instructions.
+****************CyaSSL version 0.9.8 (5/7/2008) 
+This release of CyaSSL adds bug fixes, client side Diffie-Hellman, and better
+socket handling.
+See notes below (0.2.0) for complete build instructions.
+****************CyaSSL version 0.9.6 (1/31/2008) 
+This release of CyaSSL adds bug fixes, increased session management, and a fix
+for gnutls.
+See notes below (0.2.0) for complete build instructions.
+****************CyaSSL version 0.9.0 (10/15/2007) 
+This release of CyaSSL adds bug fixes, MSVC 2005 support, GCC 4.2 support, 
+IPV6 support and test, and new test certificates.
+See notes below (0.2.0) for complete build instructions.
+****************CyaSSL version 0.8.0 (1/10/2007) 
+This release of CyaSSL adds increased socket support, for non-blocking writes,
+connects, and interrupted system calls.
+See notes below (0.2.0) for complete build instructions.
+****************CyaSSL version 0.6.3 (10/30/2006) 
+This release of CyaSSL adds debug logging to stderr to aid in the debugging of
+CyaSSL on systems that may not provide the best support.
+If CyaSSL is built with debugging support then you need to call
+CyaSSL_Debugging_ON() to turn logging on.
+On Unix use ./configure --enable-debug
+On Windows define DEBUG_CYASSL when building CyaSSL
+To turn logging back off call CyaSSL_Debugging_OFF()
+See notes below (0.2.0) for complete build instructions.
+*****************CyaSSL version 0.6.2 (10/29/2006) 
+This release of CyaSSL adds TLS 1.1.
+Note that CyaSSL has certificate verification on by default, unlike OpenSSL.
+To emulate OpenSSL behavior, you must call SSL_CTX_set_verify() with
+SSL_VERIFY_NONE.  In order to have full security you should never do this, 
+provide CyaSSL with the proper certificates to eliminate impostors and call
+CyaSSL_check_domain_name() to prevent man in the middle attacks.
+See notes below (0.2.0) for build instructions.
+*****************CyaSSL version 0.6.0 (10/25/2006) 
+This release of CyaSSL adds more SSL functions, better autoconf, nonblocking
+I/O for accept, connect, and read.  There is now an --enable-small configure
+option that turns off TLS, AES, DES3, HMAC, and ERROR_STRINGS, see
+for the defines.  Note that TLS requires HMAC and AES requires TLS.
+See notes below (0.2.0) for build instructions.
+*****************CyaSSL version 0.5.5 (09/27/2006) 
+This mini release of CyaSSL adds better input processing through buffered input
+and big message support.  Added SSL_pending() and some sanity checks on user
+See notes below (0.2.0) for build instructions.
+*****************CyaSSL version 0.5.0 (03/27/2006) 
+This release of CyaSSL adds AES support and minor bug fixes. 
+See notes below (0.2.0) for build instructions.
+*****************CyaSSL version 0.4.0 (03/15/2006)
+This release of CyaSSL adds TLSv1 client/server support and libtool. 
+See notes below for build instructions.
+*****************CyaSSL version 0.3.0 (02/26/2006)
+This release of CyaSSL adds SSLv3 server support and session resumption. 
+See notes below for build instructions.
+*****************CyaSSL version 0.2.0 (02/19/2006)
+This is the first release of CyaSSL and its crypt brother, CTaoCrypt.  CyaSSL
+is written in ANSI C with the idea of a small code size, footprint, and memory
+usage in mind.  CTaoCrypt can be as small as 32K, and the current client
+version of CyaSSL can be as small as 12K.
+The first release of CTaoCrypt supports MD5, SHA-1, 3DES, ARC4, Big Integer
+Support, RSA, ASN parsing, and basic x509 (en/de)coding.
+The first release of CyaSSL supports normal client RSA mode SSLv3 connections
+with support for SHA-1 and MD5 digests.  Ciphers include 3DES and RC4.
+--To build on Linux, Solaris, *BSD, Mac OS X, or Cygwin:
+    ./configure
+    make
+    from the ./testsuite/ directory run ./testsuite 
+to make a debug build:
+    ./configure --enable-debug --disable-shared
+    make
+--To build on Win32
+Choose (Re)Build All from the project workspace
+Run the testsuite program
+*** The next release of CyaSSL will support a server and more OpenSSL
+compatibility functions.
+Please send questions or comments to

+ 242 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+dnl @summary figure out how to build C programs using POSIX threads
+dnl This macro figures out how to build C programs using POSIX threads.
+dnl It sets the PTHREAD_LIBS output variable to the threads library and
+dnl linker flags, and the PTHREAD_CFLAGS output variable to any special
+dnl C compiler flags that are needed. (The user can also force certain
+dnl compiler flags/libs to be tested by setting these environment
+dnl variables.)
+dnl Also sets PTHREAD_CC to any special C compiler that is needed for
+dnl multi-threaded programs (defaults to the value of CC otherwise).
+dnl (This is necessary on AIX to use the special cc_r compiler alias.)
+dnl NOTE: You are assumed to not only compile your program with these
+dnl flags, but also link it with them as well. e.g. you should link
+dnl $LIBS
+dnl If you are only building threads programs, you may wish to use
+dnl these variables in your default LIBS, CFLAGS, and CC:
+dnl        LIBS="$PTHREAD_LIBS $LIBS"
+dnl        CC="$PTHREAD_CC"
+dnl In addition, if the PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE thread-attribute
+dnl constant has a nonstandard name, defines PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE to
+dnl that name (e.g. PTHREAD_CREATE_UNDETACHED on AIX).
+dnl ACTION-IF-FOUND is a list of shell commands to run if a threads
+dnl library is found, and ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND is a list of commands to
+dnl run it if it is not found. If ACTION-IF-FOUND is not specified, the
+dnl default action will define HAVE_PTHREAD.
+dnl Please let the authors know if this macro fails on any platform, or
+dnl if you have any other suggestions or comments. This macro was based
+dnl on work by SGJ on autoconf scripts for FFTW ( (with
+dnl help from M. Frigo), as well as ac_pthread and hb_pthread macros
+dnl posted by Alejandro Forero Cuervo to the autoconf macro repository.
+dnl We are also grateful for the helpful feedback of numerous users.
+dnl @category InstalledPackages
+dnl @author Steven G. Johnson <>
+dnl @version 2006-05-29
+dnl @license GPLWithACException
+# We used to check for pthread.h first, but this fails if pthread.h
+# requires special compiler flags (e.g. on True64 or Sequent).
+# It gets checked for in the link test anyway.
+# First of all, check if the user has set any of the PTHREAD_LIBS,
+# etcetera environment variables, and if threads linking works using
+# them:
+if test x"$PTHREAD_LIBS$PTHREAD_CFLAGS" != x; then
+        save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+        save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+        AC_MSG_CHECKING([for pthread_join in LIBS=$PTHREAD_LIBS with CFLAGS=$PTHREAD_CFLAGS])
+        AC_TRY_LINK_FUNC(pthread_join, acx_pthread_ok=yes)
+        AC_MSG_RESULT($acx_pthread_ok)
+        if test x"$acx_pthread_ok" = xno; then
+                PTHREAD_LIBS=""
+                PTHREAD_CFLAGS=""
+        fi
+        LIBS="$save_LIBS"
+        CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS"
+# We must check for the threads library under a number of different
+# names; the ordering is very important because some systems
+# (e.g. DEC) have both -lpthread and -lpthreads, where one of the
+# libraries is broken (non-POSIX).
+# Create a list of thread flags to try.  Items starting with a "-" are
+# C compiler flags, and other items are library names, except for "none"
+# which indicates that we try without any flags at all, and "pthread-config"
+# which is a program returning the flags for the Pth emulation library.
+acx_pthread_flags="pthreads none -Kthread -kthread lthread -pthread -pthreads -mthreads pthread --thread-safe -mt pthread-config"
+# The ordering *is* (sometimes) important.  Some notes on the
+# individual items follow:
+# pthreads: AIX (must check this before -lpthread)
+# none: in case threads are in libc; should be tried before -Kthread and
+#       other compiler flags to prevent continual compiler warnings
+# -Kthread: Sequent (threads in libc, but -Kthread needed for pthread.h)
+# -kthread: FreeBSD kernel threads (preferred to -pthread since SMP-able)
+# lthread: LinuxThreads port on FreeBSD (also preferred to -pthread)
+# -pthread: Linux/gcc (kernel threads), BSD/gcc (userland threads)
+# -pthreads: Solaris/gcc
+# -mthreads: Mingw32/gcc, Lynx/gcc
+# -mt: Sun Workshop C (may only link SunOS threads [-lthread], but it
+#      doesn't hurt to check since this sometimes defines pthreads too;
+#      also defines -D_REENTRANT)
+#      ... -mt is also the pthreads flag for HP/aCC
+# pthread: Linux, etcetera
+# --thread-safe: KAI C++
+# pthread-config: use pthread-config program (for GNU Pth library)
+case "${host_cpu}-${host_os}" in
+        *solaris*)
+        # On Solaris (at least, for some versions), libc contains stubbed
+        # (non-functional) versions of the pthreads routines, so link-based
+        # tests will erroneously succeed.  (We need to link with -pthreads/-mt/
+        # -lpthread.)  (The stubs are missing pthread_cleanup_push, or rather
+        # a function called by this macro, so we could check for that, but
+        # who knows whether they'll stub that too in a future libc.)  So,
+        # we'll just look for -pthreads and -lpthread first:
+        acx_pthread_flags="-pthreads pthread -mt -pthread $acx_pthread_flags"
+        ;;
+if test x"$acx_pthread_ok" = xno; then
+for flag in $acx_pthread_flags; do
+        case $flag in
+                none)
+                AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether pthreads work without any flags])
+                ;;
+                -*)
+                AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether pthreads work with $flag])
+                PTHREAD_CFLAGS="$flag"
+                ;;
+		pthread-config)
+		AC_CHECK_PROG(acx_pthread_config, pthread-config, yes, no)
+		if test x"$acx_pthread_config" = xno; then continue; fi
+		PTHREAD_CFLAGS="`pthread-config --cflags`"
+		PTHREAD_LIBS="`pthread-config --ldflags` `pthread-config --libs`"
+		;;
+                *)
+                AC_MSG_CHECKING([for the pthreads library -l$flag])
+                PTHREAD_LIBS="-l$flag"
+                ;;
+        esac
+        save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+        save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+        # Check for various functions.  We must include pthread.h,
+        # since some functions may be macros.  (On the Sequent, we
+        # need a special flag -Kthread to make this header compile.)
+        # We check for pthread_join because it is in -lpthread on IRIX
+        # while pthread_create is in libc.  We check for pthread_attr_init
+        # due to DEC craziness with -lpthreads.  We check for
+        # pthread_cleanup_push because it is one of the few pthread
+        # functions on Solaris that doesn't have a non-functional libc stub.
+        # We try pthread_create on general principles.
+        AC_TRY_LINK([#include <pthread.h>],
+                    [pthread_t th; pthread_join(th, 0);
+                     pthread_attr_init(0); pthread_cleanup_push(0, 0);
+                     pthread_create(0,0,0,0); pthread_cleanup_pop(0); ],
+                    [acx_pthread_ok=yes])
+        LIBS="$save_LIBS"
+        CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS"
+        AC_MSG_RESULT($acx_pthread_ok)
+        if test "x$acx_pthread_ok" = xyes; then
+                break;
+        fi
+        PTHREAD_LIBS=""
+        PTHREAD_CFLAGS=""
+# Various other checks:
+if test "x$acx_pthread_ok" = xyes; then
+        save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+        save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+        # Detect AIX lossage: JOINABLE attribute is called UNDETACHED.
+	AC_MSG_CHECKING([for joinable pthread attribute])
+	attr_name=unknown
+	    AC_TRY_LINK([#include <pthread.h>], [int attr=$attr; return attr;],
+                        [attr_name=$attr; break])
+	done
+        AC_MSG_RESULT($attr_name)
+        if test "$attr_name" != PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE; then
+                               [Define to necessary symbol if this constant
+                                uses a non-standard name on your system.])
+        fi
+        AC_MSG_CHECKING([if more special flags are required for pthreads])
+        flag=no
+        case "${host_cpu}-${host_os}" in
+            *-aix* | *-freebsd* | *-darwin*) flag="-D_THREAD_SAFE";;
+            *solaris* | *-osf* | *-hpux*) flag="-D_REENTRANT";;
+        esac
+        AC_MSG_RESULT(${flag})
+        if test "x$flag" != xno; then
+        fi
+        LIBS="$save_LIBS"
+        CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS"
+        # More AIX lossage: must compile with xlc_r or cc_r
+	if test x"$GCC" != xyes; then
+          AC_CHECK_PROGS(PTHREAD_CC, xlc_r cc_r, ${CC})
+        else
+          PTHREAD_CC=$CC
+	fi
+        PTHREAD_CC="$CC"
+if test x"$acx_pthread_ok" = xyes; then
+        ifelse([$1],,AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PTHREAD,1,[Define if you have POSIX threads libraries and header files.]),[$1])
+        :
+        acx_pthread_ok=no
+        $2

+ 56 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            8a:37:22:65:73:f5:aa:e8
+        Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Montana, L=Bozeman, O=sawtooth, OU=consulting,
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 30 18:47:10 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Mar 26 18:47:10 2013 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Montana, L=Bozeman, O=sawtooth, OU=consulting,
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+            RSA Public Key: (512 bit)
+                Modulus (512 bit):
+                    00:97:30:b9:1a:92:ef:25:4f:ca:4c:11:31:95:1a:
+                    e1:c0:10:19:0a:20:b9:37:80:1a:57:38:02:4e:1b:
+                    c5:0f:28:4f:da:e3:c9:16:aa:50:bd:4a:fb:b7:71:
+                    c7:35:cc:63:81:c1:dd:9d:33:f9:38:16:88:32:a0:
+                    aa:56:23:03:a3
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                3B:66:FD:A0:40:C6:F4:E2:70:CF:21:1A:0C:4F:67:FE:B7:4B:42:09
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:3B:66:FD:A0:40:C6:F4:E2:70:CF:21:1A:0C:4F:67:FE:B7:4B:42:09
+                DirName:/C=US/ST=Montana/L=Bozeman/O=sawtooth/OU=consulting/
+                serial:8A:37:22:65:73:F5:AA:E8
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
+        32:65:a2:b1:dc:6d:e0:8d:8b:c8:58:29:8e:b8:18:4b:62:88:
+        13:67:f8:6c:75:46:75:8f:8a:19:a6:a3:d5:3c:fc:57:4e:7a:
+        68:a9:fc:93:dc:ae:29:7d:bb:4e:ec:ea:55:fa:a4:e3:00:61:
+        f4:b0:34:6d:d1:d5:a4:64:24:f8


+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@


+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            c5:d7:6c:11:36:f0:35:e1
+        Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Oregon, L=Portland, O=yaSSL, OU=programming,
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 30 18:39:39 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Mar 26 18:39:40 2013 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Oregon, L=Portland, O=yaSSL, OU=programming,
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+            RSA Public Key: (512 bit)
+                Modulus (512 bit):
+                    00:bd:51:4a:14:fd:6a:19:84:0c:33:38:fc:27:32:
+                    9c:97:0b:fc:a4:18:60:69:4e:d9:d8:78:50:0b:e9:
+                    20:5d:d6:1d:70:1c:0c:24:9f:23:82:cc:3a:01:d5:
+                    97:17:b2:73:6c:86:cf:b5:f1:e5:ce:68:0c:d9:a2:
+                    12:39:7c:f2:53
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                5C:F7:29:21:69:7A:09:78:9E:7B:CD:53:42:02:EC:CE:29:0D:11:DF
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:5C:F7:29:21:69:7A:09:78:9E:7B:CD:53:42:02:EC:CE:29:0D:11:DF
+                DirName:/C=US/ST=Oregon/L=Portland/O=yaSSL/OU=programming/
+                serial:C5:D7:6C:11:36:F0:35:E1
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
+        b4:a5:f1:71:26:4d:b9:ff:54:f3:09:1f:ac:e1:19:59:e5:ec:
+        57:e3:f1:0b:b2:8f:f3:29:eb:6b:c6:fa:27:33:3e:91:d0:77:
+        43:c9:ce:1e:0f:71:07:a9:f7:26:e0:7e:ff:30:7d:52:0a:e1:
+        80:48:46:bb:99:e9:d9:77:ce:75


+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED


+ 70 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            ce:df:23:31:64:b4:13:da
+        Signature Algorithm: dsaWithSHA1
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Oregon, L=Portland, O=yaSSL, OU=testing,
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 30 18:56:38 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Mar 26 18:56:39 2013 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Oregon, L=Portland, O=yaSSL, OU=testing,
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: dsaEncryption
+            DSA Public Key:
+                pub: 
+                    04:84:a0:26:31:72:0c:e8:4f:5d:53:17:62:b1:80:
+                    ca:c0:16:5f:c3:1e:ea:c5:d9:98:38:f9:be:56:53:
+                    47:68:ce:08:22:57:1c:bb:0d:77:91:cf:5b:36:ed:
+                    f3:24:82:90:8a:cd:90:7c:db:77:f9:17:2d:73:73:
+                    ef:bb:b9:82
+                P:   
+                    00:99:29:69:80:c9:3c:98:68:45:a9:82:fe:67:eb:
+                    95:88:c5:b4:0c:d6:26:45:95:19:2c:a0:20:5b:7e:
+                    df:69:e9:dc:c3:0f:f3:61:0a:25:9b:f2:21:01:6a:
+                    cd:aa:8c:37:e7:ca:66:db:56:f4:0f:7d:7a:d1:18:
+                    b9:42:fd:1b:11
+                Q:   
+                    00:ad:25:29:ab:0a:9f:09:1c:c1:ad:03:20:76:7f:
+                    a6:b7:dd:4d:03:09
+                G:   
+                    12:88:99:da:e7:d0:0b:93:9b:e6:ee:3c:21:7f:9c:
+                    b3:b4:8d:a5:8c:e2:37:80:3f:17:d1:81:4f:bd:f0:
+                    71:b6:32:08:54:dd:bf:01:e2:b3:77:06:64:75:8a:
+                    04:d6:79:39:b1:02:03:03:c6:06:74:e5:90:05:0a:
+                    10:46:19:31
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                BE:F9:8C:5D:D6:1C:B4:EE:81:DD:36:56:0A:21:E4:61:44:73:E9:E2
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:BE:F9:8C:5D:D6:1C:B4:EE:81:DD:36:56:0A:21:E4:61:44:73:E9:E2
+                DirName:/C=US/ST=Oregon/L=Portland/O=yaSSL/OU=testing/
+                serial:CE:DF:23:31:64:B4:13:DA
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: dsaWithSHA1
+        30:2d:02:14:00:a3:21:20:34:6a:2c:f9:fb:76:d7:20:c9:c0:
+        35:1b:64:9a:c2:83:02:15:00:a4:59:ac:6d:da:85:48:ff:f5:
+        0d:49:72:c8:cd:91:fc:ec:2f:5c:63


+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@


+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ASN1 OID: prime256v1

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@


+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 1 (0x0)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+        Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Montana, L=Bozeman, O=sawtooth, OU=consulting,
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jun 30 18:52:17 2010 GMT
+            Not After : Mar 26 18:52:17 2013 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Montana, L=Bozeman, O=yaSSL, OU=support,
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+            RSA Public Key: (512 bit)
+                Modulus (512 bit):
+                    00:c6:7b:c0:68:81:2f:de:82:3f:f9:ac:c3:86:4a:
+                    66:b7:ec:d4:f1:f6:64:21:ff:f5:a2:34:42:d0:38:
+                    9f:c6:dd:3b:6e:26:65:6a:54:96:dd:d2:7b:eb:36:
+                    a2:ae:7e:2a:9e:7e:56:a5:b6:87:9f:15:c7:18:66:
+                    7e:16:77:e2:a7
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+    Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
+        58:a9:98:e7:16:52:4c:40:e7:e1:47:92:19:1b:3a:8f:97:6c:
+        7b:b7:b0:cb:20:6d:ad:b5:d3:47:58:d8:e4:f2:3e:32:e9:ef:
+        87:77:e5:54:36:f4:8d:50:8d:07:b4:77:45:ea:9d:a4:33:36:
+        9b:0b:e0:74:58:11:c5:01:7b:4d

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number:
+            f4:cc:72:08:11:35:69:b3
+        Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA1
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=Washington, L=Seattle, O=Eliptic, OU=ECC,
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan 25 20:09:20 2011 GMT
+            Not After : Oct 21 20:09:20 2013 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=Washington, L=Seattle, O=Eliptic, OU=ECC,
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
+            EC Public Key:
+                pub: 
+                    04:bb:33:ac:4c:27:50:4a:c6:4a:a5:04:c3:3c:de:
+                    9f:36:db:72:2d:ce:94:ea:2b:fa:cb:20:09:39:2c:
+                    16:e8:61:02:e9:af:4d:d3:02:93:9a:31:5b:97:92:
+                    21:7f:f0:cf:18:da:91:11:02:34:86:e8:20:58:33:
+                    0b:80:34:89:d8
+                ASN1 OID: prime256v1
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                5D:5D:26:EF:AC:7E:36:F9:9B:76:15:2B:4A:25:02:23:EF:B2:89:30
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:5D:5D:26:EF:AC:7E:36:F9:9B:76:15:2B:4A:25:02:23:EF:B2:89:30
+                DirName:/C=US/ST=Washington/L=Seattle/O=Eliptic/OU=ECC/
+                serial:F4:CC:72:08:11:35:69:B3
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:TRUE
+    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA1
+        30:44:02:20:08:9b:66:9f:39:ef:49:2b:99:92:31:65:a1:87:
+        10:91:63:fe:69:e0:5f:b0:49:66:0a:71:41:fd:08:c0:8e:4c:
+        02:20:02:2a:60:37:e4:94:6b:3e:39:a8:6c:4f:07:75:2b:28:
+        b3:f5:9d:c2:26:c7:64:1b:a9:7f:6e:e9:2a:a3:5e:4e

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+-----END PRIVATE KEY-----

+ 86 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+***** Create a self signed cert ************
+1) openssl genrsa 512 > client-key.pem
+2) openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -md5 -days 1000 -key client-key.pem > client-cert.pem
+3) note sha1 would be -sha1
+-- adding metadata to beginning
+3) openssl x509 -in client-cert.pem -text > tmp.pem
+4) mv tmp.pem client-cert.pem
+***** Create a CA, signing authority **********
+same as self signed, use ca prefix instead of client
+***** Create a cert signed by CA **************
+1) openssl req -newkey rsa:512 -md5 -days 1000 -nodes -keyout server-key.pem > server-req.pem
+* note if using exisitng key do: -new -key keyName
+2) copy ca-key.pem   (why ????)
+3) openssl x509 -req -in server-req.pem -days 1000 -md5 -CA ca-cert.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -set_serial 01 > server-cert.pem
+***** To create a dsa cert ********************
+1) openssl dsaparam 512 > dsa512.param       # creates group params
+2) openssl gendsa dsa512.param > dsa512.pem  # creates private key
+3) openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 1000 -key dsa512.pem > dsa-cert.pem 
+***** To convert from PEM to DER **************
+a) openssl x509 -in cert.pem -inform PEM -out cert.der -outform DER
+to convert rsa private PEM to DER :
+b) openssl rsa -in key.pem -outform DER -out key.der
+**** To encrypt rsa key already in pem **********
+a) openssl rsa <server-key.pem.bak -des >server-keyEnc.pem
+note location of des, pass = yassl123
+*** To make a public key from a private key ******
+openssl rsa -in 1024rsa.priv -pubout -out
+**** To convert to pkcs8 *******
+openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -topk8 -in server-key.pem -out server-keyPkcs8.pem
+**** To convert from pkcs8 to traditional ****
+openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -in server-keyPkcs8.pem -out server-key.pem
+**** ECC ******
+1) make a key
+    to see types available do
+        openssl ecparam -list_curves
+    make a new key
+        openssl ecparam -genkey -text -name secp256r1 -out ecc-key.pem

+ 431 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+dnl Include m4
+# make sure configure doesn't add to CFLAGS
+AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long long, 8)
+OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-Os -fomit-frame-pointer"
+OPTIMIZE_FAST_CFLAGS="-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
+    [  --enable-debug          Enable CyaSSL debugging support (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_DEBUG=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_DEBUG=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_DEBUG" = "yes"
+  # Full debug. Very slow in some cases
+  # Optimized version. No debug
+    [  --enable-small          Enable smallest build (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_SMALL=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_SMALL=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_SMALL" = "yes"
+  # make small no tls build with smallest cipher
+  # if you only want server or client you can define NO_CYASSL_SERVER or
+  # NO_CYASSL_CLIENT but then some of the examples and testsuite won't build
+  # note that TLS needs HMAC
+    [  --enable-singleThreaded Enable CyaSSL single threaded (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_SINGLETHREADED=$enableval ],
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_SINGLETHREADED" = "yes"
+    [  --enable-dtls           Enable CyaSSL DTLS (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_DTLS=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_DTLS=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_DTLS" = "yes"
+# OPENSSL Extra Compatibility
+    [  --enable-opensslExtra   Enable extra OpenSSL API, size+ (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_OPENSSLEXTRA=$enableval ],
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_OPENSSLEXTRA" = "yes"
+# IPv6 Test Apps
+    [  --enable-ipv6           Enable testing of IPV6 (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_IPV6=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_IPV6=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_IPV6" = "yes"
+# fastmath
+    [  --enable-fastmath       Enable fast math for BigInts(default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_FASTMATH=$enableval ],
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_FASTMATH" = "yes"
+# fast HUGE math
+    [  --enable-fasthugemath   Enable fast math + huge code for BigInts(def: off)],
+    [ ENABLED_FASTHUGEMATH=$enableval ],
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_FASTHUGEMATH" = "yes"
+# big cache
+    [  --enable-bigcache       Enable big session cache (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_BIGCACHE=$enableval ],
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_BIGCACHE" = "yes"
+# HUGE cache
+    [  --enable-hugecache      Enable huge session cache (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_HUGECACHE=$enableval ],
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_HUGECACHE" = "yes"
+    [  --enable-sniffer        Enable CyaSSL sniffer support (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_SNIFFER=$enableval ],
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_SNIFFER" = "yes"
+    [  --enable-aesni          Enable CyaSSL AES-NI support (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_AESNI=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_AESNI=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_AESNI" = "yes"
+    if test "$GCC" = "yes"
+    then
+        # GCC needs these flags, icc doesn't
+        CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -maes -msse4"
+    fi
+    [  --enable-ripemd         Enable CyaSSL RIPEMD-160 support (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_RIPEMD=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_RIPEMD=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_RIPEMD" = "yes"
+# SHA512
+    [  --enable-sha512         Enable CyaSSL SHA-160 support (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_SHA512=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_SHA512=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_SHA512" = "yes"
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_SHA512], [test "x$ENABLED_SHA512" = "xyes"])
+    [  --enable-sessioncerts   Enable session cert storing (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_SESSIONCERTS=$enableval ],
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_SESSIONCERTS" = "yes"
+    [  --enable-keygen         Enable key generation (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_KEYGEN=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_KEYGEN=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_KEYGEN" = "yes"
+    [  --enable-certgen        Enable cert generation (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_CERTGEN=$enableval ],
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_CERTGEN" = "yes"
+# HC128
+    [  --enable-hc128          Enable HC-128 (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_HC128=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_HC128=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_HC128" = "no"
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_HC128], [test "x$ENABLED_HC128" = "xyes"])
+# PSK 
+    [  --enable-psk            Enable PSK (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_PSK=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_PSK=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_PSK" = "no"
+# ECC 
+    [  --enable-ecc            Enable ECC (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_ECC=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_ECC=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_ECC" = "yes"
+    [  --enable-ntru           Enable NTRU (default: disabled)],
+    [ ENABLED_NTRU=$enableval ],
+    [ ENABLED_NTRU=no ]
+    )
+if test "$ENABLED_NTRU" = "yes"
+    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DHAVE_NTRU -I$ntruInclude"
+    LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$ntruLib"
+    LIBS="$LIBS -lntru_encrypt"
+    [  --with-libz=PATH        PATH to libz install (default /usr/) ],
+    [
+        AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libz])
+        LIBS="$LIBS -lz"
+        AC_TRY_LINK([#include <zlib.h>], [ deflateInit(NULL, 8); ],
+            [ libz_linked=yes ], [ libz_linked=no ])
+        if test "x$libz_linked" == "xno" ; then
+            if test "x$withval" != "xno" ; then
+                trylibzdir=$withval
+            fi
+            if test "x$withval" == "xyes" ; then
+                trylibzdir="/usr"
+            fi
+            LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$trylibzdir/lib"
+            CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$trylibzdir/include"
+            AC_TRY_LINK([#include <zlib.h>], [ deflateInit(NULL, 8); ],
+                [ libz_linked=yes ], [ libz_linked=no ])
+            if test "x$libz_linked" == "xno" ; then
+                AC_MSG_ERROR([libz isn't found.
+                If it's already installed, specify its path using --with-libz=/dir/])
+            fi
+            AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+        else
+            AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+        fi
+    ]
+if test "$GCC" = "yes"
+    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Wno-unused"
+    if test "$ENABLED_DEBUG" = "no"
+    then
+        if test "$ENABLED_FASTMATH" = "yes"
+        then
+            if test "$ENABLED_FASTHUGEMATH" = "yes"
+            then
+            fi
+        else
+        fi
+    fi
+AC_CONFIG_FILES(Makefile dnl
+        ctaocrypt/Makefile dnl
+        ctaocrypt/src/Makefile dnl
+        ctaocrypt/test/Makefile dnl
+        ctaocrypt/benchmark/Makefile dnl
+        src/Makefile dnl
+        examples/Makefile dnl
+        examples/client/Makefile dnl
+        examples/server/Makefile dnl
+        examples/echoclient/Makefile dnl
+        examples/echoserver/Makefile dnl
+        testsuite/Makefile dnl
+        sslSniffer/Makefile dnl
+        sslSniffer/sslSnifferTest/Makefile)

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+SUBDIRS = src test benchmark
+EXTRA_DIST = ctaocrypt.sln ctaocrypt.vcproj

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+INCLUDES = -I../include
+bin_PROGRAMS = benchmark
+benchmark_SOURCES = benchmark.c
+benchmark_LDFLAGS      = -L../src
+benchmark_LDADD        = ../../src/
+benchmark_DEPENDENCIES = ../../src/
+EXTRA_DIST =  *.der benchmark.sln benchmark.vcproj

+ 538 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+/* benchmark.c */
+/* CTaoCrypt benchmark */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "des3.h"
+#include "arc4.h"
+#include "hc128.h"
+#include "rabbit.h"
+#include "ctc_aes.h"
+#include "ctc_md5.h"
+#include "ctc_sha.h"
+#include "sha256.h"
+#include "sha512.h"
+#include "ctc_rsa.h"
+#include "asn.h"
+#include "ctc_ripemd.h"
+#include "ctc_dh.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+    /* 4996 warning to use MS extensions e.g., strcpy_s instead of strncpy */
+    #pragma warning(disable: 4996)
+void bench_des();
+void bench_arc4();
+void bench_hc128();
+void bench_rabbit();
+void bench_aes(int);
+void bench_md5();
+void bench_sha();
+void bench_sha256();
+void bench_sha512();
+void bench_ripemd();
+void bench_rsa();
+void bench_rsaKeyGen();
+void bench_dh();
+double current_time();
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+#ifndef NO_AES
+    bench_aes(0);
+    bench_aes(1);
+    bench_arc4();
+#ifndef NO_HC128
+    bench_hc128();
+#ifndef NO_RABBIT
+    bench_rabbit();
+#ifndef NO_DES3
+    bench_des();
+    printf("\n");
+    bench_md5();
+    bench_sha();
+#ifndef NO_SHA256
+    bench_sha256();
+#ifdef CYASSL_SHA512
+    bench_sha512();
+    bench_ripemd();
+    printf("\n");
+    bench_rsa();
+#ifndef NO_DH
+    bench_dh();
+    bench_rsaKeyGen();
+    return 0;
+const int megs  = 5;     /* how many megs to test (en/de)cryption */
+const int times = 100;   /* public key iterations */
+const byte key[] = 
+    0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67,0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef,
+    0xfe,0xde,0xba,0x98,0x76,0x54,0x32,0x10,
+    0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef,0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67
+const byte iv[] = 
+    0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x90,0xab,0xcd,0xef,
+    0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,
+    0x11,0x21,0x31,0x41,0x51,0x61,0x71,0x81
+byte plain [1024*1024];
+byte cipher[1024*1024];
+#ifndef NO_AES
+void bench_aes(int show)
+    Aes    enc;
+    double start, total, persec;
+    int    i;
+    AesSetKey(&enc, key, 16, iv, AES_ENCRYPTION);
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < megs; i++)
+        AesCbcEncrypt(&enc, plain, cipher, sizeof(plain));
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    persec = 1 / total * megs;
+    if (show)
+        printf("AES      %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %6.2f MB/s\n", megs, total,
+                                                                    persec);
+#ifndef NO_DES3
+void bench_des()
+    Des3   enc;
+    double start, total, persec;
+    int    i;
+    Des3_SetKey(&enc, key, iv, DES_ENCRYPTION);
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < megs; i++)
+        Des3_CbcEncrypt(&enc, plain, cipher, sizeof(plain));
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    persec = 1 / total * megs;
+    printf("3DES     %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %6.2f MB/s\n", megs, total,
+                                                             persec);
+void bench_arc4()
+    Arc4   enc;
+    double start, total, persec;
+    int    i;
+    Arc4SetKey(&enc, key, 16);
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < megs; i++)
+        Arc4Process(&enc, cipher, plain, sizeof(plain));
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    persec = 1 / total * megs;
+    printf("ARC4     %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %6.2f MB/s\n", megs, total,
+                                                             persec);
+#ifndef NO_HC128
+void bench_hc128()
+    HC128  enc;
+    double start, total, persec;
+    int    i;
+    Hc128_SetKey(&enc, key, iv);
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < megs; i++)
+        Hc128_Process(&enc, cipher, plain, sizeof(plain));
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    persec = 1 / total * megs;
+    printf("HC128    %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %6.2f MB/s\n", megs, total,
+                                                             persec);
+#endif /* NO_HC128 */
+#ifndef NO_RABBIT
+void bench_rabbit()
+    Rabbit  enc;
+    double start, total, persec;
+    int    i;
+    RabbitSetKey(&enc, key, iv);
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < megs; i++)
+        RabbitProcess(&enc, cipher, plain, sizeof(plain));
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    persec = 1 / total * megs;
+    printf("RABBIT   %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %6.2f MB/s\n", megs, total,
+                                                             persec);
+#endif /* NO_RABBIT */
+void bench_md5()
+    Md5    hash;
+    byte   digest[MD5_DIGEST_SIZE];
+    double start, total, persec;
+    int    i;
+    InitMd5(&hash);
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < megs; i++)
+        Md5Update(&hash, plain, sizeof(plain));
+    Md5Final(&hash, digest);
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    persec = 1 / total * megs;
+    printf("MD5      %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %6.2f MB/s\n", megs, total,
+                                                             persec);
+void bench_sha()
+    Sha    hash;
+    byte   digest[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE];
+    double start, total, persec;
+    int    i;
+    InitSha(&hash);
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < megs; i++)
+        ShaUpdate(&hash, plain, sizeof(plain));
+    ShaFinal(&hash, digest);
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    persec = 1 / total * megs;
+    printf("SHA      %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %6.2f MB/s\n", megs, total,
+                                                             persec);
+#ifndef NO_SHA256
+void bench_sha256()
+    Sha256 hash;
+    byte   digest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
+    double start, total, persec;
+    int    i;
+    InitSha256(&hash);
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < megs; i++)
+        Sha256Update(&hash, plain, sizeof(plain));
+    Sha256Final(&hash, digest);
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    persec = 1 / total * megs;
+    printf("SHA-256  %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %6.2f MB/s\n", megs, total,
+                                                             persec);
+#ifdef CYASSL_SHA512
+void bench_sha512()
+    Sha512 hash;
+    byte   digest[SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE];
+    double start, total, persec;
+    int    i;
+    InitSha512(&hash);
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < megs; i++)
+        Sha512Update(&hash, plain, sizeof(plain));
+    Sha512Final(&hash, digest);
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    persec = 1 / total * megs;
+    printf("SHA-512  %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %6.2f MB/s\n", megs, total,
+                                                             persec);
+void bench_ripemd()
+    RipeMd hash;
+    byte   digest[RIPEMD_DIGEST_SIZE];
+    double start, total, persec;
+    int    i;
+    InitRipeMd(&hash);
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < megs; i++)
+        RipeMdUpdate(&hash, plain, sizeof(plain));
+    RipeMdFinal(&hash, digest);
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    persec = 1 / total * megs;
+    printf("RIPEMD   %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %6.2f MB/s\n", megs, total,
+                                                             persec);
+RNG rng;
+void bench_rsa()
+    int    i;
+    byte   tmp[4096];
+    size_t bytes;
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    byte      message[] = "Everyone gets Friday off.";
+    byte      cipher[512];  /* for up to 4096 bit */
+    byte*     output;
+    const int len = (int)strlen((char*)message);
+    double    start, total, each, milliEach;
+    RsaKey key;
+    FILE*  file = fopen("./rsa1024.der", "rb");
+    if (!file) {
+        printf("can't find ./rsa1024.der\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    InitRng(&rng);
+    bytes = fread(tmp, 1, sizeof(tmp), file);
+    InitRsaKey(&key, 0);
+    bytes = RsaPrivateKeyDecode(tmp, &idx, &key, (word32)bytes);
+    start = current_time();
+    for (i = 0; i < times; i++)
+        bytes = RsaPublicEncrypt(message,len,cipher,sizeof(cipher), &key, &rng);
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    each  = total / times;   /* per second   */
+    milliEach = each * 1000; /* milliseconds */
+    printf("RSA 1024 encryption took %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" 
+           " iterations\n", milliEach, times);
+    start = current_time();
+    for (i = 0; i < times; i++)
+        RsaPrivateDecryptInline(cipher, (word32)bytes, &output, &key);
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    each  = total / times;   /* per second   */
+    milliEach = each * 1000; /* milliseconds */
+    printf("RSA 1024 decryption took %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" 
+           " iterations\n", milliEach, times);
+    fclose(file);
+    FreeRsaKey(&key);
+#ifndef NO_DH
+void bench_dh()
+    int    i;
+    byte   tmp[1024];
+    size_t bytes;
+    word32 idx = 0, pubSz, privSz, pubSz2, privSz2, agreeSz;
+    byte   pub[128];    /* for 1024 bit */
+    byte   priv[128];   /* for 1024 bit */
+    byte   pub2[128];   /* for 1024 bit */
+    byte   priv2[128];  /* for 1024 bit */
+    byte   agree[128];  /* for 1024 bit */
+    double start, total, each, milliEach;
+    DhKey  key;
+    FILE*  file = fopen("./dh1024.der", "rb");
+    if (!file) {
+        printf("can't find ./dh1024.der\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    bytes = fread(tmp, 1, 1024, file);
+    InitDhKey(&key);
+    bytes = DhKeyDecode(tmp, &idx, &key, (word32)bytes);
+    start = current_time();
+    for (i = 0; i < times; i++)
+        DhGenerateKeyPair(&key, &rng, priv, &privSz, pub, &pubSz);
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    each  = total / times;   /* per second   */
+    milliEach = each * 1000; /* milliseconds */
+    printf("DH  1024 key generation  %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" 
+           " iterations\n", milliEach, times);
+    DhGenerateKeyPair(&key, &rng, priv2, &privSz2, pub2, &pubSz2);
+    start = current_time();
+    for (i = 0; i < times; i++)
+        DhAgree(&key, agree, &agreeSz, priv, privSz, pub2, pubSz2);
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    each  = total / times;   /* per second   */
+    milliEach = each * 1000; /* milliseconds */
+    printf("DH  1024 key agreement   %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" 
+           " iterations\n", milliEach, times);
+    fclose(file);
+    FreeDhKey(&key);
+void bench_rsaKeyGen()
+    RsaKey genKey;
+    double start, total, each, milliEach;
+    int    i;
+    const int genTimes = 5;
+    /* 1024 bit */ 
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < genTimes; i++) {
+        InitRsaKey(&genKey, 0); 
+        MakeRsaKey(&genKey, 1024, 65537, &rng);
+        FreeRsaKey(&genKey);
+    }
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    each  = total / genTimes;  /* per second  */
+    milliEach = each * 1000;   /* millisconds */
+    printf("\n");
+    printf("RSA 1024 key generation  %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" 
+           " iterations\n", milliEach, genTimes);
+    /* 2048 bit */
+    start = current_time();
+    for(i = 0; i < genTimes; i++) {
+        InitRsaKey(&genKey, 0); 
+        MakeRsaKey(&genKey, 2048, 65537, &rng);
+        FreeRsaKey(&genKey);
+    }
+    total = current_time() - start;
+    each  = total / genTimes;  /* per second  */
+    milliEach = each * 1000;   /* millisconds */
+    printf("RSA 2048 key generation  %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" 
+           " iterations\n", milliEach, genTimes);
+#endif /* CYASSL_KEY_GEN */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+    #include <windows.h>
+    double current_time()
+    {
+        static int init = 0;
+        static LARGE_INTEGER freq;
+        LARGE_INTEGER count;
+        if (!init) {
+            QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq);
+            init = 1;
+        }
+        QueryPerformanceCounter(&count);
+        return (double)count.QuadPart / freq.QuadPart;
+    }
+    #include <sys/time.h>
+    double current_time()
+    {
+        struct timeval tv;
+        gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
+        return (double)tv.tv_sec + (double)tv.tv_usec / 1000000;
+    }
+#endif /* _WIN32 */

+ 20 - 0

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+				PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;OPENSSL_EXTRA"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="4"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLibrarianTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="Release"
+			IntermediateDirectory="Release"
+			ConfigurationType="4"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				AdditionalIncludeDirectories="include"
+				PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLibrarianTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<Filter
+			Name="Header Files"
+			Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd"
+			UniqueIdentifier="{93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}"
+			>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\aes.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\arc4.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\asn.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\coding.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\config.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\des3.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\dh.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\dsa.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\error.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\hc128.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\hmac.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\integer.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\md4.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\md5.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\misc.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\mpi_class.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\mpi_superclass.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\rabbit.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\random.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\rsa.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\sha.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\sha256.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\include\types.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+		</Filter>
+		<Filter
+			Name="Resource Files"
+			Filter="rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx"
+			UniqueIdentifier="{67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}"
+			>
+		</Filter>
+		<Filter
+			Name="Source Files"
+			Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
+			UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}"
+			>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\aes.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\arc4.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\asn.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\coding.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\des3.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\dh.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\dsa.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\hc128.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\hmac.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\integer.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\md4.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\md5.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\rabbit.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\random.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\rsa.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\sha.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\src\sha256.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+		</Filter>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>

+ 56 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* arc4.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef CTAO_CRYPT_ARC4_H
+#define CTAO_CRYPT_ARC4_H
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+enum {
+    ARC4_STATE_SIZE = 256
+/* ARC4 encryption and decryption */
+typedef struct Arc4 {
+    byte x;
+    byte y;
+    byte state[ARC4_STATE_SIZE];
+} Arc4;
+void Arc4Process(Arc4*, byte*, const byte*, word32);
+void Arc4SetKey(Arc4*, const byte*, word32);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_ARC4_H */

+ 319 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+/* asn.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "ctc_rsa.h"
+#include "ctc_dh.h"
+#include "ctc_dsa.h"
+#include "ctc_sha.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    #include "ctc_ecc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+enum {
+    ISSUER  = 0,
+    SUBJECT = 1,
+    BEFORE  = 0,
+    AFTER   = 1
+/* ASN Tags   */
+enum ASN_Tags {        
+    ASN_INTEGER           = 0x02,
+    ASN_BIT_STRING        = 0x03,
+    ASN_OCTET_STRING      = 0x04,
+    ASN_TAG_NULL          = 0x05,
+    ASN_OBJECT_ID         = 0x06,
+    ASN_SEQUENCE          = 0x10,
+    ASN_SET               = 0x11,
+    ASN_UTC_TIME          = 0x17,
+    ASN_LONG_LENGTH       = 0x80
+enum  ASN_Flags{
+    ASN_CONSTRUCTED       = 0x20,
+enum DN_Tags {
+    ASN_COMMON_NAME   = 0x03,   /* CN */
+    ASN_SUR_NAME      = 0x04,   /* SN */
+    ASN_COUNTRY_NAME  = 0x06,   /* C  */
+    ASN_LOCALITY_NAME = 0x07,   /* L  */
+    ASN_STATE_NAME    = 0x08,   /* ST */
+    ASN_ORG_NAME      = 0x0a,   /* O  */
+    ASN_ORGUNIT_NAME  = 0x0b    /* OU */
+enum Misc_ASN { 
+    ASN_NAME_MAX        = 256,    
+    SHA_SIZE            =  20,
+    RSA_INTS            =   8,     /* RSA ints in private key */
+    MIN_DATE_SIZE       =  13,
+    MAX_DATE_SIZE       =  32,
+    ASN_GEN_TIME_SZ     =  15,     /* 7 numbers * 2 + Zulu tag */
+    MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ  = 512,
+    MAX_SIG_SZ          = 256,
+    MAX_ALGO_SZ         =  20,
+    MAX_SEQ_SZ          =   5,     /* enum(seq | con) + length(4) */  
+    MAX_SET_SZ          =   5,     /* enum(set | con) + length(4) */  
+    MAX_VERSION_SZ      =   5,     /* enum + id + version(byte) + (header(2))*/
+    MAX_ENCODED_DIG_SZ  =  25,     /* sha + enum(bit or octet) + legnth(4) */
+    MAX_RSA_INT_SZ      = 517,     /* RSA raw sz 4096 for bits + tag + len(4) */
+    MAX_NTRU_KEY_SZ     = 610,     /* NTRU 112 bit public key */
+    MAX_NTRU_ENC_SZ     = 628,     /* NTRU 112 bit DER public encoding */
+    MAX_RSA_E_SZ        =  16,     /* Max RSA public e size */
+                                   /* use bigger NTRU size */
+    MAX_LENGTH_SZ       =   4 
+enum Oid_Types {
+    hashType = 0,
+    sigType  = 1,
+    keyType  = 2
+enum Sig_Sum  {
+    SHAwDSA   = 517,
+    MD2wRSA   = 646,
+    MD5wRSA   = 648,
+    SHAwRSA   = 649,
+    SHAwECDSA = 520
+enum Hash_Sum  {
+    MD2h  = 646,
+    MD5h  = 649,
+    SHAh  =  88
+enum Key_Sum {
+    DSAk   = 515,
+    RSAk   = 645,
+    NTRUk  = 364,
+    ECDSAk = 518
+enum Ecc_Sum {
+    ECC_256R1 = 526,
+    ECC_384R1 = 210,
+    ECC_521R1 = 211,
+    ECC_160R1 = 184,
+    ECC_192R1 = 520,
+    ECC_224R1 = 209
+/* Certificate file Type */
+enum CertType {
+    CERT_TYPE       = 0, 
+    CA_TYPE
+enum VerifyType {
+    NO_VERIFY = 0,
+    VERIFY    = 1
+typedef struct DecodedCert {
+    byte*   publicKey;
+    word32  pubKeySize;
+    int     pubKeyStored;
+    word32  certBegin;               /* offset to start of cert          */
+    word32  sigIndex;                /* offset to start of signature     */
+    word32  sigLength;               /* length of signature              */
+    word32  signatureOID;            /* sum of algorithm object id       */
+    word32  keyOID;                  /* sum of key algo  object id       */
+    byte    subjectHash[SHA_SIZE];   /* hash of all Names                */
+    byte    issuerHash[SHA_SIZE];    /* hash of all Names                */
+    byte*   signature;               /* not owned, points into raw cert  */
+    char*   subjectCN;               /* CommonName                       */
+    int     subjectCNLen;
+    char    issuer[ASN_NAME_MAX];    /* full name including common name  */
+    char    subject[ASN_NAME_MAX];   /* full name including common name  */
+    int     verify;                  /* Default to yes, but could be off */
+    byte*   source;                  /* byte buffer holder cert, NOT owner */
+    word32  srcIdx;                  /* current offset into buffer       */
+    void*   heap;                    /* for user memory overrides        */
+    /* easy access to sujbect info for other sign */
+    char*   subjectSN;
+    int     subjectSNLen;
+    char*   subjectC;
+    int     subjectCLen;
+    char*   subjectL;
+    int     subjectLLen;
+    char*   subjectST;
+    int     subjectSTLen;
+    char*   subjectO;
+    int     subjectOLen;
+    char*   subjectOU;
+    int     subjectOULen;
+    char*   subjectEmail;
+    int     subjectEmailLen;
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+} DecodedCert;
+typedef struct Signer Signer;
+/* CA Signers */
+struct Signer {
+    byte*   publicKey;
+    word32  pubKeySize;
+    word32  keyOID;                  /* key type */
+    char*   name;                    /* common name */
+    byte    hash[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE];   /* sha hash of names in certificate */
+    Signer* next;
+void InitDecodedCert(DecodedCert*, byte*, void*);
+void FreeDecodedCert(DecodedCert*);
+int  ParseCert(DecodedCert*, word32, int type, int verify, Signer* signer);
+int  ParseCertRelative(DecodedCert*, word32, int type, int verify,
+                       Signer* signer);
+word32 EncodeSignature(byte* out, const byte* digest, word32 digSz,int hashOID);
+Signer* MakeSigner(void*);
+void    FreeSigners(Signer*, void*);
+int RsaPrivateKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, RsaKey*, word32);
+int RsaPublicKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, RsaKey*, word32);
+int ToTraditional(byte* buffer, word32 length);
+#ifndef NO_DH
+int DhKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DhKey* key, word32);
+int DhSetKey(DhKey* key, const byte* p, word32 pSz, const byte* g, word32 gSz);
+#ifndef NO_DSA
+int DsaPublicKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DsaKey*, word32);
+int DsaPrivateKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DsaKey*, word32);
+int RsaKeyToDer(RsaKey*, byte* output, word32 inLen);
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    /* ASN sig helpers */
+    int StoreECC_DSA_Sig(byte* out, word32* outLen, mp_int* r, mp_int* s);
+    int DecodeECC_DSA_Sig(const byte* sig, word32 sigLen, mp_int* r, mp_int* s);
+    /* private key helpers */
+    int EccPrivateKeyDecode(const byte* input,word32* inOutIdx,ecc_key*,word32);
+#if defined(CYASSL_KEY_GEN) || defined(CYASSL_CERT_GEN)
+int DerToPem(const byte* der, word32 derSz, byte* output, word32 outputSz,
+             int type);
+enum cert_enums {
+    SERIAL_SIZE     =  8,
+    NAME_SIZE       = 64,
+    NAME_ENTRIES    =  8,
+    JOINT_LEN       =  2,
+    EMAIL_JOINT_LEN =  9,
+    RSA_KEY         = 10,
+    NTRU_KEY        = 11
+typedef struct CertName {
+    char country[NAME_SIZE];
+    char state[NAME_SIZE];
+    char locality[NAME_SIZE];
+    char sur[NAME_SIZE];
+    char org[NAME_SIZE];
+    char unit[NAME_SIZE];
+    char commonName[NAME_SIZE];
+    char email[NAME_SIZE];  /* !!!! email has to be last !!!! */
+} CertName;
+/* for user to fill for certificate generation */
+typedef struct Cert {
+    int      version;                   /* x509 version  */
+    byte     serial[SERIAL_SIZE];       /* serial number */
+    int      sigType;                   /* signature algo type */
+    CertName issuer;                    /* issuer info */
+    int      daysValid;                 /* validity days */
+    int      selfSigned;                /* self signed flag */
+    CertName subject;                   /* subject info */
+    /* internal use only */
+    int      bodySz;                    /* pre sign total size */
+    int      keyType;                   /* public key type of subject */
+} Cert;
+/* Initialize and Set Certficate defaults:
+   version    = 3 (0x2)
+   serial     = 0 (Will be randomly generated)
+   sigType    = MD5_WITH_RSA
+   issuer     = blank
+   daysValid  = 500
+   selfSigned = 1 (true) use subject as issuer
+   subject    = blank
+   keyType    = RSA_KEY (default)
+void InitCert(Cert*);
+int  MakeCert(Cert*, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz, RsaKey*, RNG*);
+int  SignCert(Cert*, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz, RsaKey*, RNG*);
+int  MakeSelfCert(Cert*, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz, RsaKey*, RNG*);
+int  SetIssuer(Cert*, const char*);
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+int  MakeNtruCert(Cert*, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz, const byte* ntruKey,
+                  word16 keySz, RNG*);
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_ASN_H */

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* coding.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* decode needed by CyaSSL */
+int Base64Decode(const byte* in, word32 inLen, byte* out, word32* outLen);
+#if defined(OPENSSL_EXTRA) || defined(SESSION_CERTS) || defined(CYASSL_KEY_GEN)  || defined(CYASSL_CERT_GEN)
+    /* encode isn't */
+    int Base64Encode(const byte* in, word32 inLen, byte* out, word32* outLen);
+    int Base16Decode(const byte* in, word32 inLen, byte* out, word32* outLen);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_CODING_H */

+ 86 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* ctaocrypt/include/config.h.  Generated from by configure.  */
+/* ctaocrypt/include/  Generated from by autoheader.  */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <errno.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_ERRNO_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `network' library (-lnetwork). */
+/* #undef HAVE_LIBNETWORK */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1
+/* Define if you have POSIX threads libraries and header files. */
+#define HAVE_PTHREAD 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STRING_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1
+/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries.
+   */
+#define LT_OBJDIR ".libs/"
+/* Define to 1 if your C compiler doesn't accept -c and -o together. */
+/* #undef NO_MINUS_C_MINUS_O */
+/* Name of package */
+#define PACKAGE "cyassl"
+/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+/* Define to the full name of this package. */
+#define PACKAGE_NAME ""
+/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
+#define PACKAGE_STRING ""
+/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
+/* Define to the version of this package. */
+/* Define to necessary symbol if this constant uses a non-standard name on
+   your system. */
+/* The size of `long', as computed by sizeof. */
+#define SIZEOF_LONG 8
+/* The size of `long long', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+#define STDC_HEADERS 1
+/* Version number of package */
+#define VERSION "1.8.8"
+/* Define to 1 if your processor stores words with the most significant byte
+   first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel and VAX). */
+/* #undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN */

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/* ctaocrypt/include/  Generated from by autoheader.  */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_DLFCN_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <errno.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_ERRNO_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `network' library (-lnetwork). */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
+/* Define if you have POSIX threads libraries and header files. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries.
+   */
+#undef LT_OBJDIR
+/* Define to 1 if your C compiler doesn't accept -c and -o together. */
+/* Name of package */
+#undef PACKAGE
+/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+/* Define to the full name of this package. */
+/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
+/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
+/* Define to the version of this package. */
+/* Define to necessary symbol if this constant uses a non-standard name on
+   your system. */
+/* The size of `long', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of `long long', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+/* Version number of package */
+#undef VERSION
+/* Define to 1 if your processor stores words with the most significant byte
+   first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel and VAX). */

+ 84 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* ctc_aes.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_AES
+#include "types.h"
+#include <wmmintrin.h>
+#if !defined (ALIGN16)
+    #if defined (__GNUC__)
+        #define ALIGN16 __attribute__ ( (aligned (16)))
+    #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+        #define ALIGN16 __declspec (align (16))
+    #else
+        #define ALIGN16
+    #endif
+#endif /* CYASSL_AESNI */
+#if !defined (ALIGN16)
+    #define ALIGN16
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+enum {
+    AES_BLOCK_SIZE = 16
+typedef struct Aes {
+    /* AESNI needs key first, rounds 2nd, not sure why yet */
+    ALIGN16 word32 key[60];
+    word32  rounds;
+    ALIGN16 word32 reg[AES_BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(word32)];      /* for CBC mode */
+    ALIGN16 word32 tmp[AES_BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(word32)];      /* same         */
+} Aes;
+int  AesSetKey(Aes* aes, const byte* key, word32 len, const byte* iv, int dir);
+void AesCbcEncrypt(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz);
+void AesCbcDecrypt(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_AES_H */
+#endif /* NO_AES */

+ 59 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* ctc_dh.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_DH
+#ifndef CTAO_CRYPT_DH_H
+#define CTAO_CRYPT_DH_H
+#include "types.h"
+#include "integer.h"
+#include "random.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* Diffie-Hellman Key */
+typedef struct DhKey {
+    mp_int p, g;                            /* group parameters  */
+} DhKey;
+void InitDhKey(DhKey* key);
+void FreeDhKey(DhKey* key);
+int DhGenerateKeyPair(DhKey* key, RNG* rng, byte* priv, word32* privSz,
+                      byte* pub, word32* pubSz);
+int DhAgree(DhKey* key, byte* agree, word32* agreeSz, const byte* priv,
+            word32 privSz, const byte* otherPub, word32 pubSz);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_DH_H */
+#endif /* NO_DH */

+ 61 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* ctc_dsa.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_DSA
+#include "types.h"
+#include "integer.h"
+#include "random.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+enum {
+    DSA_PUBLIC   = 0,
+    DSA_PRIVATE  = 1
+/* DSA */
+typedef struct DsaKey {
+    mp_int p, q, g, y, x;
+    int type;                               /* public or private */
+} DsaKey;
+void InitDsaKey(DsaKey* key);
+void FreeDsaKey(DsaKey* key);
+int DsaSign(const byte* digest, byte* out, DsaKey* key, RNG* rng);
+int DsaVerify(const byte* digest, const byte* sig, DsaKey* key, int* answer);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_DSA_H */
+#endif /* NO_DSA */

+ 119 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+/* ctc_ecc.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+#include "types.h"
+#include "integer.h"
+#include "random.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+enum {
+    ECC_PUBLICKEY  = 1,
+    ECC_MAXNAME    = 16,     /* MAX CURVE NAME LENGTH */
+    SIG_HEADER_SZ  =  6,     /* ECC signature header size */
+    ECC_BUFSIZE    = 256,    /* for exported keys temp buffer */
+    ECC_MAXSIZE    = 66      /* MAX Private Key size  */
+/* ECC set type defined a NIST GF(p) curve */
+typedef struct {
+    int size;       /* The size of the curve in octets */
+    char* name;     /* name of this curve */
+    char* prime;    /* prime that defines the field the curve is in (hex) */
+    char* B;        /* fields B param (hex) */
+    char* order;    /* order of the curve (hex) */
+    char* Gx;       /* x coordinate of the base point on curve (hex) */
+    char* Gy;       /* y coordinate of the base point on curve (hex) */
+} ecc_set_type;
+/* A point on an ECC curve, stored in Jacbobian format such that (x,y,z) =>
+   (x/z^2, y/z^3, 1) when interpreted as affine */
+typedef struct {
+    mp_int x;        /* The x coordinate */
+    mp_int y;        /* The y coordinate */
+    mp_int z;        /* The z coordinate */
+} ecc_point;
+/* An ECC Key */
+typedef struct {
+    int type;           /* Public or Private */
+    int idx;            /* Index into the ecc_sets[] for the parameters of
+                           this curve if -1, this key is using user supplied
+                           curve in dp */
+    const ecc_set_type* dp;     /* domain parameters, either points to NIST
+                                   curves (idx >= 0) or user supplied */
+    ecc_point pubkey;   /* public key */  
+    mp_int    k;        /* private key */
+} ecc_key;
+/* ECC predefined curve sets  */
+extern const ecc_set_type ecc_sets[];
+int ecc_make_key(RNG* rng, int keysize, ecc_key* key);
+int ecc_shared_secret(ecc_key* private_key, ecc_key* public_key, byte* out,
+                      word32* outlen);
+int ecc_sign_hash(const byte* in, word32 inlen, byte* out, word32 *outlen, 
+                  RNG* rng, ecc_key* key);
+int ecc_verify_hash(const byte* sig, word32 siglen, byte* hash, word32 hashlen, 
+                    int* stat, ecc_key* key);
+void ecc_init(ecc_key* key);
+void ecc_free(ecc_key* key);
+/* ASN key helpers */
+int ecc_export_x963(ecc_key*, byte* out, word32* outLen);
+int ecc_import_x963(const byte* in, word32 inLen, ecc_key* key);
+int ecc_import_private_key(const byte* priv, word32 privSz, const byte* pub,
+                           word32 pubSz, ecc_key* key);
+/* size helper */
+int ecc_size(ecc_key* key);
+int ecc_sig_size(ecc_key* key);
+/* TODO: fix mutex types */
+#define MUTEX_GLOBAL(x) int (x);
+#define MUTEX_LOCK(x)
+#define MUTEX_UNLOCK(x)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    }    /* extern "C" */    
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_ECC_H */
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/* ctc_hmac.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_HMAC
+#include "ctc_md5.h"
+#include "ctc_sha.h"
+#ifndef NO_SHA256
+    #include "sha256.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+enum {
+    IPAD    = 0x36,
+    OPAD    = 0x5C,
+#ifndef NO_SHA256
+    SHA256          = 2,                     /* hash type unique */
+/* hash union */
+typedef union {
+    Md5 md5;
+    Sha sha;
+    #ifndef NO_SHA256
+        Sha256 sha256;
+    #endif
+} Hash;
+/* Hmac digest */
+typedef struct Hmac {
+    Hash    hash;
+    word32  ipad[HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE  / sizeof(word32)];  /* same block size all*/
+    word32  opad[HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE  / sizeof(word32)];
+    word32  innerHash[INNER_HASH_SIZE / sizeof(word32)]; /* max size */
+    byte    macType;                                     /* md5 sha or sha256 */
+    byte    innerHashKeyed;                              /* keyed flag */
+} Hmac;
+void HmacSetKey(Hmac*, int type, const byte* key, word32 keySz); /* does init */
+void HmacUpdate(Hmac*, const byte*, word32);
+void HmacFinal(Hmac*, byte*);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_HMAC_H */
+#endif /* NO_HMAC */

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* ctc_md4.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_MD4
+#ifndef CTAO_CRYPT_MD4_H
+#define CTAO_CRYPT_MD4_H
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* in bytes */
+enum {
+    MD4_BLOCK_SIZE  = 64,
+    MD4_DIGEST_SIZE = 16,
+    MD4_PAD_SIZE    = 56
+/* MD4 digest */
+typedef struct Md4 {
+    word32  buffLen;   /* in bytes          */
+    word32  loLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word32  hiLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word32  digest[MD4_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(word32)];
+    word32  buffer[MD4_BLOCK_SIZE  / sizeof(word32)];
+} Md4;
+void InitMd4(Md4*);
+void Md4Update(Md4*, const byte*, word32);
+void Md4Final(Md4*, byte*);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_MD4_H */
+#endif /* NO_MD4 */

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* ctc_md5.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef CTAO_CRYPT_MD5_H
+#define CTAO_CRYPT_MD5_H
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* in bytes */
+enum {
+    MD5             =  0,      /* hash type unique */
+    MD5_BLOCK_SIZE  = 64,
+    MD5_DIGEST_SIZE = 16,
+    MD5_PAD_SIZE    = 56
+/* MD5 digest */
+typedef struct Md5 {
+    word32  buffLen;   /* in bytes          */
+    word32  loLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word32  hiLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word32  digest[MD5_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(word32)];
+    word32  buffer[MD5_BLOCK_SIZE  / sizeof(word32)];
+} Md5;
+void InitMd5(Md5*);
+void Md5Update(Md5*, const byte*, word32);
+void Md5Final(Md5*, byte*);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_MD5_H */

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* ctc_ripemd.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* in bytes */
+enum {
+    RIPEMD             =  3,    /* hash type unique */
+    RIPEMD_PAD_SIZE    = 56
+/* RipeMd 160 digest */
+typedef struct RipeMd {
+    word32  buffLen;   /* in bytes          */
+    word32  loLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word32  hiLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word32  digest[RIPEMD_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(word32)];
+    word32  buffer[RIPEMD_BLOCK_SIZE  / sizeof(word32)];
+} RipeMd;
+void InitRipeMd(RipeMd*);
+void RipeMdUpdate(RipeMd*, const byte*, word32);
+void RipeMdFinal(RipeMd*, byte*);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_RIPEMD_H */
+#endif /* CYASSL_RIPEMD */

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+/* ctc_rsa.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "integer.h"
+#include "random.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+enum {
+    RSA_PUBLIC   = 0,
+    RSA_PRIVATE  = 1
+/* RSA */
+typedef struct RsaKey {
+    mp_int n, e, d, p, q, dP, dQ, u;
+    int   type;                               /* public or private */
+    void* heap;                               /* for user memory overrides */
+} RsaKey;
+void InitRsaKey(RsaKey* key, void*);
+void FreeRsaKey(RsaKey* key);
+int  RsaPublicEncrypt(const byte* in, word32 inLen, byte* out, word32 outLen,
+                      RsaKey* key, RNG* rng);
+int  RsaPrivateDecryptInline(byte* in, word32 inLen, byte** out, RsaKey* key);
+int  RsaPrivateDecrypt(const byte* in, word32 inLen, byte* out, word32 outLen,
+                       RsaKey* key);
+int  RsaSSL_Sign(const byte* in, word32 inLen, byte* out, word32 outLen,
+                 RsaKey* key, RNG* rng);
+int  RsaSSL_VerifyInline(byte* in, word32 inLen, byte** out, RsaKey* key);
+int  RsaSSL_Verify(const byte* in, word32 inLen, byte* out, word32 outLen,
+                   RsaKey* key);
+int  RsaEncryptSize(RsaKey* key);
+    int MakeRsaKey(RsaKey* key, int size, long e, RNG* rng);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_RSA_H */

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/* ctc_sha.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* in bytes */
+enum {
+    SHA              =  1,    /* hash type unique */
+    SHA_BLOCK_SIZE   = 64,
+    SHA_DIGEST_SIZE  = 20,
+    SHA_PAD_SIZE     = 56
+/* Sha digest */
+typedef struct Sha {
+    word32  buffLen;   /* in bytes          */
+    word32  loLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word32  hiLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word32  digest[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(word32)];
+    word32  buffer[SHA_BLOCK_SIZE  / sizeof(word32)];
+} Sha;
+void InitSha(Sha*);
+void ShaUpdate(Sha*, const byte*, word32);
+void ShaFinal(Sha*, byte*);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_SHA_H */

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/* des3.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_DES3
+#ifndef CTAO_CRYPT_DES3_H
+#define CTAO_CRYPT_DES3_H
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+enum {
+    DES_BLOCK_SIZE  = 8,
+    DES_KS_SIZE     = 32,
+/* DES encryption and decryption */
+typedef struct Des {
+    word32 key[DES_KS_SIZE];
+    word32 reg[DES_BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(word32)];      /* for CBC mode */
+    word32 tmp[DES_BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(word32)];      /* same         */
+} Des;
+/* DES3 encryption and decryption */
+typedef struct Des3 {
+    word32 key[3][DES_KS_SIZE];
+    word32 reg[DES_BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(word32)];      /* for CBC mode */
+    word32 tmp[DES_BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(word32)];      /* same         */
+} Des3;
+void Des_SetKey(Des* des, const byte* key, const byte* iv, int dir);
+void Des_CbcEncrypt(Des* des, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz);
+void Des_CbcDecrypt(Des* des, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz);
+void Des3_SetKey(Des3* des, const byte* key, const byte* iv, int dir);
+void Des3_CbcEncrypt(Des3* des, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz);
+void Des3_CbcDecrypt(Des3* des, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* NO_DES3 */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_DES3_H */

+ 106 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+/* error.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* error codes */
+enum {
+    MAX_ERROR_SZ       =  80,   /* max size of error string */
+    MAX_CODE_E         = -100,  /* errors -101 - -199 */
+    OPEN_RAN_E         = -101,  /* opening random device error */
+    READ_RAN_E         = -102,  /* reading random device error */
+    WINCRYPT_E         = -103,  /* windows crypt init error */
+    CRYPTGEN_E         = -104,  /* windows crypt generation error */
+    RAN_BLOCK_E        = -105,  /* reading random device would block */
+    MP_INIT_E          = -110,  /* mp_init error state */
+    MP_READ_E          = -111,  /* mp_read error state */
+    MP_EXPTMOD_E       = -112,  /* mp_exptmod error state */
+    MP_TO_E            = -113,  /* mp_to_xxx error state, can't convert */
+    MP_SUB_E           = -114,  /* mp_sub error state, can't subtract */
+    MP_ADD_E           = -115,  /* mp_add error state, can't add */
+    MP_MUL_E           = -116,  /* mp_mul error state, can't multiply */
+    MP_MULMOD_E        = -117,  /* mp_mulmod error state, can't multiply mod */
+    MP_MOD_E           = -118,  /* mp_mod error state, can't mod */
+    MP_INVMOD_E        = -119,  /* mp_invmod error state, can't inv mod */
+    MP_CMP_E           = -120,  /* mp_cmp error state */
+    MEMORY_E           = -125,  /* out of memory error */
+    RSA_WRONG_TYPE_E   = -130,  /* RSA wrong block type for RSA function */
+    RSA_BUFFER_E       = -131,  /* RSA buffer error, output too small or 
+                                   input too large */
+    BUFFER_E           = -132,  /* output buffer too small or input too large */
+    ALGO_ID_E          = -133,  /* setting algo id error */
+    PUBLIC_KEY_E       = -134,  /* setting public key error */
+    DATE_E             = -135,  /* setting date validity error */
+    SUBJECT_E          = -136,  /* setting subject name error */
+    ISSUER_E           = -137,  /* setting issuer  name error */
+    ASN_PARSE_E        = -140,  /* ASN parsing error, invalid input */
+    ASN_VERSION_E      = -141,  /* ASN version error, invalid number */
+    ASN_GETINT_E       = -142,  /* ASN get big int error, invalid data */
+    ASN_RSA_KEY_E      = -143,  /* ASN key init error, invalid input */
+    ASN_OBJECT_ID_E    = -144,  /* ASN object id error, invalid id */
+    ASN_TAG_NULL_E     = -145,  /* ASN tag error, not null */
+    ASN_EXPECT_0_E     = -146,  /* ASN expect error, not zero */
+    ASN_BITSTR_E       = -147,  /* ASN bit string error, wrong id */
+    ASN_UNKNOWN_OID_E  = -148,  /* ASN oid error, unknown sum id */
+    ASN_DATE_SZ_E      = -149,  /* ASN date error, bad size */
+    ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E  = -150,  /* ASN date error, current date before */
+    ASN_AFTER_DATE_E   = -151,  /* ASN date error, current date after */
+    ASN_SIG_OID_E      = -152,  /* ASN signature error, mismatched oid */
+    ASN_TIME_E         = -153,  /* ASN time error, unkown time type */
+    ASN_INPUT_E        = -154,  /* ASN input error, not enough data */
+    ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E  = -155,  /* ASN sig error, confirm failure */
+    ASN_SIG_HASH_E     = -156,  /* ASN sig error, unsupported hash type */
+    ASN_SIG_KEY_E      = -157,  /* ASN sig error, unsupported key  type */
+    ASN_DH_KEY_E       = -158,  /* ASN key init error, invalid input */
+    ASN_NTRU_KEY_E     = -159,  /* ASN ntru key decode error, invalid input */
+    /* TODO: TAO add ECC error strings to ErrorString() */
+    ECC_BAD_ARG_E      = -170,  /* ECC input argument of wrong type */
+    ASN_ECC_KEY_E      = -171,  /* ASN ECC bad input */
+    ECC_CURVE_OID_E    = -172,  /* Unsupported ECC OID curve type */
+    MIN_CODE_E         = -200   /* errors -101 - -199 */
+void CTaoCryptErrorString(int error, char* buffer);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_ERROR_H */

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* hc128.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_HC128
+#ifndef CTAO_CRYPT_HC128_H
+#define CTAO_CRYPT_HC128_H
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* HC-128 stream cipher */
+typedef struct HC128 {
+    word32 T[1024];             /* P[i] = T[i];  Q[i] = T[1024 + i ]; */
+    word32 X[16];
+    word32 Y[16];
+    word32 counter1024;         /* counter1024 = i mod 1024 at the ith step */
+    word32 key[8];
+    word32 iv[8];
+} HC128;
+void Hc128_Process(HC128*, byte*, const byte*, word32);
+void Hc128_SetKey(HC128*, const byte* key, const byte* iv);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_HC128_H */
+#endif /* NO_HC128 */

+ 329 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+/* integer.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+ * Based on public domain LibTomMath 0.38 by Tom St Denis,,
+ *
+ */
+/* may optionally use fast math instead, not yet supported on all platforms and
+   may not be faster on all
+#include "types.h"       /* will set MP_xxBIT if not default */
+    #include "tfm.h"
+#ifndef CHAR_BIT
+    #include <limits.h>
+#include "mpi_class.h"
+#ifndef MIN
+   #define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
+#ifndef MAX
+   #define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* C++ compilers don't like assigning void * to mp_digit * */
+#define  OPT_CAST(x)  (x *)
+/* C on the other hand doesn't care */
+#define  OPT_CAST(x)
+/* detect 64-bit mode if possible */
+#if defined(__x86_64__) 
+   #if !(defined(MP_64BIT) && defined(MP_16BIT) && defined(MP_8BIT))
+      #define MP_64BIT
+   #endif
+/* some default configurations.
+ *
+ * A "mp_digit" must be able to hold DIGIT_BIT + 1 bits
+ * A "mp_word" must be able to hold 2*DIGIT_BIT + 1 bits
+ *
+ * At the very least a mp_digit must be able to hold 7 bits
+ * [any size beyond that is ok provided it doesn't overflow the data type]
+ */
+#ifdef MP_8BIT
+   typedef unsigned char      mp_digit;
+   typedef unsigned short     mp_word;
+#elif defined(MP_16BIT)
+   typedef unsigned short     mp_digit;
+   typedef unsigned long      mp_word;
+#elif defined(MP_64BIT)
+   /* for GCC only on supported platforms */
+#ifndef CRYPT
+   typedef unsigned long long ulong64;
+   typedef signed long long   long64;
+   typedef unsigned long      mp_digit;
+   typedef unsigned long      mp_word __attribute__ ((mode(TI)));
+   #define DIGIT_BIT          60
+   /* this is the default case, 28-bit digits */
+   /* this is to make porting into LibTomCrypt easier :-) */
+#ifndef CRYPT
+   #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) 
+      typedef unsigned __int64   ulong64;
+      typedef signed __int64     long64;
+   #else
+      typedef unsigned long long ulong64;
+      typedef signed long long   long64;
+   #endif
+   typedef unsigned long      mp_digit;
+   typedef ulong64            mp_word;
+#ifdef MP_31BIT   
+   /* this is an extension that uses 31-bit digits */
+   #define DIGIT_BIT          31
+   /* default case is 28-bit digits, defines MP_28BIT as a handy test macro */
+   #define DIGIT_BIT          28
+   #define MP_28BIT
+/* otherwise the bits per digit is calculated automatically from the size of
+   a mp_digit */
+#ifndef DIGIT_BIT
+   #define DIGIT_BIT ((int)((CHAR_BIT * sizeof(mp_digit) - 1)))
+      /* bits per digit */
+#define MP_MASK          ((((mp_digit)1)<<((mp_digit)DIGIT_BIT))-((mp_digit)1))
+#define MP_DIGIT_MAX     MP_MASK
+/* equalities */
+#define MP_LT        -1   /* less than */
+#define MP_EQ         0   /* equal to */
+#define MP_GT         1   /* greater than */
+#define MP_ZPOS       0   /* positive integer */
+#define MP_NEG        1   /* negative */
+#define MP_OKAY       0   /* ok result */
+#define MP_MEM        -2  /* out of mem */
+#define MP_VAL        -3  /* invalid input */
+#define MP_RANGE      MP_VAL
+#define MP_YES        1   /* yes response */
+#define MP_NO         0   /* no response */
+/* Primality generation flags */
+#define LTM_PRIME_BBS      0x0001 /* BBS style prime */
+#define LTM_PRIME_SAFE     0x0002 /* Safe prime (p-1)/2 == prime */
+#define LTM_PRIME_2MSB_ON  0x0008 /* force 2nd MSB to 1 */
+typedef int           mp_err;
+/* define this to use lower memory usage routines (exptmods mostly) */
+#define MP_LOW_MEM
+/* default precision */
+#ifndef MP_PREC
+   #ifndef MP_LOW_MEM
+      #define MP_PREC                 32     /* default digits of precision */
+   #else
+      #define MP_PREC                 1      /* default digits of precision */
+   #endif   
+/* size of comba arrays, should be at least 2 * 2**(BITS_PER_WORD - 
+   BITS_PER_DIGIT*2) */
+#define MP_WARRAY  (1 << (sizeof(mp_word) * CHAR_BIT - 2 * DIGIT_BIT + 1))
+/* the infamous mp_int structure */
+typedef struct  {
+    int used, alloc, sign;
+    mp_digit *dp;
+} mp_int;
+/* callback for mp_prime_random, should fill dst with random bytes and return
+   how many read [upto len] */
+typedef int ltm_prime_callback(unsigned char *dst, int len, void *dat);
+#define USED(m)    ((m)->used)
+#define DIGIT(m,k) ((m)->dp[(k)])
+#define SIGN(m)    ((m)->sign)
+/* ---> Basic Manipulations <--- */
+#define mp_iszero(a) (((a)->used == 0) ? MP_YES : MP_NO)
+#define mp_iseven(a) \
+    (((a)->used > 0 && (((a)->dp[0] & 1) == 0)) ? MP_YES : MP_NO)
+#define mp_isodd(a) \
+    (((a)->used > 0 && (((a)->dp[0] & 1) == 1)) ? MP_YES : MP_NO)
+/* number of primes */
+#ifdef MP_8BIT
+   #define PRIME_SIZE      31
+   #define PRIME_SIZE      256
+#define mp_prime_random(a, t, size, bbs, cb, dat) \
+   mp_prime_random_ex(a, t, ((size) * 8) + 1, (bbs==1)?LTM_PRIME_BBS:0, cb, dat)
+#define mp_read_raw(mp, str, len) mp_read_signed_bin((mp), (str), (len))
+#define mp_raw_size(mp)           mp_signed_bin_size(mp)
+#define mp_toraw(mp, str)         mp_to_signed_bin((mp), (str))
+#define mp_read_mag(mp, str, len) mp_read_unsigned_bin((mp), (str), (len))
+#define mp_mag_size(mp)           mp_unsigned_bin_size(mp)
+#define mp_tomag(mp, str)         mp_to_unsigned_bin((mp), (str))
+#define mp_tobinary(M, S)  mp_toradix((M), (S), 2)
+#define mp_tooctal(M, S)   mp_toradix((M), (S), 8)
+#define mp_todecimal(M, S) mp_toradix((M), (S), 10)
+#define mp_tohex(M, S)     mp_toradix((M), (S), 16)
+#define s_mp_mul(a, b, c) s_mp_mul_digs(a, b, c, (a)->used + (b)->used + 1)
+extern const char *mp_s_rmap;
+/* 6 functions needed by Rsa */
+int  mp_init (mp_int * a);
+void mp_clear (mp_int * a);
+int  mp_unsigned_bin_size(mp_int * a);
+int  mp_read_unsigned_bin (mp_int * a, const unsigned char *b, int c);
+int  mp_to_unsigned_bin (mp_int * a, unsigned char *b);
+int  mp_exptmod (mp_int * G, mp_int * X, mp_int * P, mp_int * Y);
+/* end functions needed by Rsa */
+/* functions added to support above needed, removed TOOM and KARATSUBA */
+int  mp_count_bits (mp_int * a);
+int  mp_init_copy (mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  mp_copy (mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  mp_grow (mp_int * a, int size);
+void bn_reverse (unsigned char *s, int len);
+int  mp_div_2d (mp_int * a, int b, mp_int * c, mp_int * d);
+void mp_zero (mp_int * a);
+void mp_clamp (mp_int * a);
+void mp_exch (mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+void mp_rshd (mp_int * a, int b);
+int  mp_mod_2d (mp_int * a, int b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_read_unsigned_bin (mp_int * a, const unsigned char *b, int c);
+int  mp_mul_2d (mp_int * a, int b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_lshd (mp_int * a, int b);
+int  mp_exptmod (mp_int * G, mp_int * X, mp_int * P, mp_int * Y);
+int  mp_abs (mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  mp_invmod (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  fast_mp_invmod (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_invmod_slow (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_cmp_mag (mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  mp_cmp (mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  mp_cmp_d(mp_int * a, mp_digit b);
+void mp_set (mp_int * a, mp_digit b);
+int  mp_mod (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_div(mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c, mp_int * d);
+int  mp_div_2(mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  mp_add (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  s_mp_add (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  s_mp_sub (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_sub (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_init (mp_int * a);
+int  mp_reduce_is_2k_l(mp_int *a);
+int  mp_reduce_is_2k(mp_int *a);
+int  mp_dr_is_modulus(mp_int *a);
+int  mp_exptmod_fast (mp_int * G, mp_int * X, mp_int * P, mp_int * Y, int);
+int  mp_montgomery_setup (mp_int * n, mp_digit * rho);
+int  fast_mp_montgomery_reduce (mp_int * x, mp_int * n, mp_digit rho);
+int  mp_montgomery_reduce (mp_int * x, mp_int * n, mp_digit rho);
+void mp_dr_setup(mp_int *a, mp_digit *d);
+int  mp_dr_reduce (mp_int * x, mp_int * n, mp_digit k);
+int  mp_reduce_2k(mp_int *a, mp_int *n, mp_digit d);
+int  fast_s_mp_mul_high_digs (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c, int digs);
+int  s_mp_mul_high_digs (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c, int digs);
+int  mp_reduce_2k_setup_l(mp_int *a, mp_int *d);
+int  mp_reduce_2k_l(mp_int *a, mp_int *n, mp_int *d);
+int  mp_reduce (mp_int * x, mp_int * m, mp_int * mu);
+int  mp_reduce_setup (mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  s_mp_exptmod (mp_int * G, mp_int * X, mp_int * P, mp_int * Y, int redmode);
+int  mp_montgomery_calc_normalization (mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  s_mp_mul_digs (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c, int digs);
+int  s_mp_sqr (mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  fast_s_mp_mul_digs (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c, int digs);
+int  fast_s_mp_sqr (mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  mp_init_size (mp_int * a, int size);
+int  mp_div_3 (mp_int * a, mp_int *c, mp_digit * d);
+int  mp_mul_2(mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  mp_mul (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_sqr (mp_int * a, mp_int * b);
+int  mp_mulmod (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c, mp_int * d);
+int  mp_mul_d (mp_int * a, mp_digit b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_2expt (mp_int * a, int b);
+int  mp_reduce_2k_setup(mp_int *a, mp_digit *d);
+/* end support added functions */
+/* added */
+int mp_init_multi(mp_int* a, mp_int* b, mp_int* c, mp_int* d, mp_int* e,
+                  mp_int* f);
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    int mp_sqrmod(mp_int* a, mp_int* b, mp_int* c);
+    int mp_read_radix(mp_int* a, const char* str, int radix);
+    int mp_prime_is_prime (mp_int * a, int t, int *result);
+    int mp_set_int (mp_int * a, unsigned long b);
+    int mp_gcd (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+    int mp_lcm (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+    int mp_sub_d (mp_int * a, mp_digit b, mp_int * c);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+   }
+#endif /* USE_FAST_MATH */
+#endif  /* CTAO_CRYPT_INTEGER_H */

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* misc.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+#ifdef NO_INLINE
+word32 rotlFixed(word32, word32);
+word32 rotrFixed(word32, word32);
+word32 ByteReverseWord32(word32);
+void   ByteReverseWords(word32*, const word32*, word32);
+void   ByteReverseBytes(byte*, const byte*, word32);
+void XorWords(word*, const word*, word32);
+void xorbuf(byte*, const byte*, word32);
+#endif /* NO_INLINE */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    }   /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_MISC_H */

+ 996 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
+#if !(defined(LTM1) && defined(LTM2) && defined(LTM3))
+#if defined(LTM2)
+#define LTM3
+#if defined(LTM1)
+#define LTM2
+#define LTM1
+#if defined(LTM_ALL)
+#define BN_ERROR_C
+#define BN_FAST_S_MP_SQR_C
+#define BN_MP_2EXPT_C
+#define BN_MP_ABS_C
+#define BN_MP_ADD_C
+#define BN_MP_ADD_D_C
+#define BN_MP_ADDMOD_C
+#define BN_MP_AND_C
+#define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#define BN_MP_CMP_C
+#define BN_MP_CMP_D_C
+#define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+#define BN_MP_CNT_LSB_C
+#define BN_MP_COPY_C
+#define BN_MP_DIV_C
+#define BN_MP_DIV_2_C
+#define BN_MP_DIV_2D_C
+#define BN_MP_DIV_3_C
+#define BN_MP_DIV_D_C
+#define BN_MP_DR_REDUCE_C
+#define BN_MP_DR_SETUP_C
+#define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+#define BN_MP_EXPT_D_C
+#define BN_MP_EXPTMOD_C
+#define BN_MP_FREAD_C
+#define BN_MP_FWRITE_C
+#define BN_MP_GCD_C
+#define BN_MP_GET_INT_C
+#define BN_MP_GROW_C
+#define BN_MP_INIT_C
+#define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+#define BN_MP_INIT_SET_C
+#define BN_MP_INIT_SIZE_C
+#define BN_MP_INVMOD_C
+#define BN_MP_IS_SQUARE_C
+#define BN_MP_JACOBI_C
+#define BN_MP_LCM_C
+#define BN_MP_LSHD_C
+#define BN_MP_MOD_C
+#define BN_MP_MOD_2D_C
+#define BN_MP_MOD_D_C
+#define BN_MP_MUL_C
+#define BN_MP_MUL_2_C
+#define BN_MP_MUL_2D_C
+#define BN_MP_MUL_D_C
+#define BN_MP_MULMOD_C
+#define BN_MP_N_ROOT_C
+#define BN_MP_NEG_C
+#define BN_MP_OR_C
+#define BN_MP_RAND_C
+#define BN_MP_REDUCE_C
+#define BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_C
+#define BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_L_C
+#define BN_MP_REDUCE_IS_2K_C
+#define BN_MP_REDUCE_IS_2K_L_C
+#define BN_MP_RSHD_C
+#define BN_MP_SET_C
+#define BN_MP_SET_INT_C
+#define BN_MP_SHRINK_C
+#define BN_MP_SQR_C
+#define BN_MP_SQRMOD_C
+#define BN_MP_SQRT_C
+#define BN_MP_SUB_C
+#define BN_MP_SUB_D_C
+#define BN_MP_SUBMOD_C
+#define BN_MP_TOOM_MUL_C
+#define BN_MP_TOOM_SQR_C
+#define BN_MP_TORADIX_C
+#define BN_MP_TORADIX_N_C
+#define BN_MP_XOR_C
+#define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+#define BN_PRIME_TAB_C
+#define BN_REVERSE_C
+#define BN_S_MP_ADD_C
+#define BN_S_MP_EXPTMOD_C
+#define BN_S_MP_MUL_DIGS_C
+#define BN_S_MP_SQR_C
+#define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+#define BNCORE_C
+#if defined(BN_ERROR_C)
+#if defined(BN_FAST_MP_INVMOD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ISEVEN_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISODD_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_RSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+#if defined(BN_FAST_S_MP_MUL_DIGS_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_FAST_S_MP_MUL_HIGH_DIGS_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_FAST_S_MP_SQR_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_2EXPT_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_ABS_C)
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_ADD_C)
+   #define BN_S_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_ADD_D_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_ADDMOD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_AND_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_CLAMP_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_CLEAR_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_CLEAR_MULTI_C)
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_CMP_C)
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_CMP_D_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_CNT_LSB_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_COPY_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_DIV_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C
+   #define BN_MP_ABS_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_SIZE_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_LSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_RSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_DIV_2_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_DIV_2D_C)
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_RSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_DIV_3_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_SIZE_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_DIV_D_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_3_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_SIZE_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_DR_IS_MODULUS_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_DR_REDUCE_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_DR_SETUP_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_EXCH_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_EXPT_D_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_SQR_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_EXPTMOD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_INVMOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_ABS_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_REDUCE_IS_2K_L_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_EXPTMOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_DR_IS_MODULUS_C
+   #define BN_MP_REDUCE_IS_2K_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISODD_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXPTMOD_FAST_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_EXPTMOD_FAST_C)
+   #define BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_DR_SETUP_C
+   #define BN_MP_DR_REDUCE_C
+   #define BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_SETUP_C
+   #define BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_C
+   #define BN_MP_MULMOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_SQR_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_EXTEUCLID_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_NEG_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_MULTI_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_FREAD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_S_RMAP_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_D_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_FWRITE_C)
+   #define BN_MP_RADIX_SIZE_C
+   #define BN_MP_TORADIX_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_GCD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_ABS_C
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_CNT_LSB_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_GET_INT_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_GROW_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_INIT_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C)
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_INIT_MULTI_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ERR_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_INIT_SET_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_INIT_SET_INT_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_INT_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_INIT_SIZE_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_INVMOD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISODD_C
+   #define BN_FAST_MP_INVMOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_INVMOD_SLOW_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_INVMOD_SLOW_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISEVEN_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISODD_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_MULTI_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_IS_SQUARE_C)
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_SET_INT_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_GET_INT_C
+   #define BN_MP_SQRT_C
+   #define BN_MP_SQR_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_JACOBI_C)
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_CNT_LSB_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_KARATSUBA_MUL_C)
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_SIZE_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_LSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_KARATSUBA_SQR_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_SIZE_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_SQR_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_LSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_LCM_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_GCD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_MULTI_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_LSHD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_RSHD_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_MOD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_MOD_2D_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_MOD_D_C)
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C
+   #define BN_MP_2EXPT_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_2_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_RSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_MUL_C)
+   #define BN_MP_TOOM_MUL_C
+   #define BN_FAST_S_MP_MUL_DIGS_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_MUL_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_MUL_DIGS_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_MUL_2_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_MUL_2D_C)
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_LSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_MUL_D_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_MULMOD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_N_ROOT_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXPT_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_NEG_C)
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_OR_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_PRIME_FERMAT_C)
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXPTMOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_D_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_PRIME_IS_PRIME_C)
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CNT_LSB_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXPTMOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_SQRMOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_PRIME_NEXT_PRIME_C)
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISEVEN_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_PRIME_RANDOM_EX_C)
+   #define BN_MP_PRIME_IS_PRIME_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_2_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_D_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_RADIX_SIZE_C)
+   #define BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_RADIX_SMAP_C)
+   #define BN_MP_S_RMAP_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_RAND_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_LSHD_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_READ_RADIX_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_S_RMAP_C
+   #define BN_MP_RADIX_SMAP_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_READ_SIGNED_BIN_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_REDUCE_C)
+   #define BN_MP_REDUCE_SETUP_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_RSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_MUL_HIGH_DIGS_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_2D_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_MUL_DIGS_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_LSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_D_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_L_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_SETUP_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C
+   #define BN_MP_2EXPT_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_SETUP_L_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_2EXPT_C
+   #define BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_REDUCE_IS_2K_C)
+   #define BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_C
+   #define BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_REDUCE_IS_2K_L_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_REDUCE_SETUP_C)
+   #define BN_MP_2EXPT_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_RSHD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_SET_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_SET_INT_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_SHRINK_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_SIGNED_BIN_SIZE_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_SQR_C)
+   #define BN_MP_TOOM_SQR_C
+   #define BN_FAST_S_MP_SQR_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SQR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_SQRMOD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_SQR_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_SQRT_C)
+   #define BN_MP_N_ROOT_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_ZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_RSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_SUB_C)
+   #define BN_S_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CMP_MAG_C
+   #define BN_S_MP_SUB_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_SUB_D_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_SUBMOD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_TO_SIGNED_BIN_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_TO_SIGNED_BIN_N_C)
+   #define BN_MP_TO_SIGNED_BIN_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_TO_UNSIGNED_BIN_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_TO_UNSIGNED_BIN_N_C)
+#if defined(BN_MP_TOOM_MUL_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_RSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_2_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_3_C
+   #define BN_MP_LSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_MULTI_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_TOOM_SQR_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_RSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_SQR_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_2_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADD_C
+   #define BN_MP_SUB_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_2_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_2D_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_3_C
+   #define BN_MP_LSHD_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_MULTI_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_TORADIX_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_S_RMAP_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_TORADIX_N_C)
+   #define BN_MP_ISZERO_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_D_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_S_RMAP_C
+   #define BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_XOR_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_MP_ZERO_C)
+#if defined(BN_PRIME_TAB_C)
+#if defined(BN_REVERSE_C)
+#if defined(BN_S_MP_ADD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BN_S_MP_EXPTMOD_C)
+   #define BN_MP_COUNT_BITS_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+   #define BN_MP_REDUCE_SETUP_C
+   #define BN_MP_REDUCE_C
+   #define BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_SETUP_L_C
+   #define BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_L_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_COPY_C
+   #define BN_MP_SQR_C
+   #define BN_MP_MUL_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+#if defined(BN_S_MP_MUL_DIGS_C)
+   #define BN_FAST_S_MP_MUL_DIGS_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_SIZE_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_S_MP_MUL_HIGH_DIGS_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_SIZE_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_S_MP_SQR_C)
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_SIZE_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXCH_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_C
+#if defined(BN_S_MP_SUB_C)
+   #define BN_MP_GROW_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLAMP_C
+#if defined(BNCORE_C)
+#ifdef LTM3
+#define LTM_LAST
+#include "mpi_superclass.h"
+#include "mpi_class.h"
+#define LTM_LAST

+ 73 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* super class file for PK algos */
+/* default ... include all MPI */
+#define LTM_ALL
+/* RSA only (does not support DH/DSA/ECC) */
+/* #define SC_RSA_1 */
+/* For reference.... On an Athlon64 optimizing for speed...
+   LTM's mpi.o with all functions [striped] is 142KiB in size.
+/* Works for RSA only, mpi.o is 68KiB */
+#ifdef SC_RSA_1
+   #define BN_MP_SHRINK_C
+   #define BN_MP_LCM_C
+   #define BN_MP_INVMOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_GCD_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_MULMOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_ADDMOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_EXPTMOD_C
+   #define BN_MP_SET_INT_C
+   #define BN_MP_INIT_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_CLEAR_MULTI_C
+   #define BN_MP_MOD_D_C
+   #define BN_REVERSE_C
+   #define BN_PRIME_TAB_C
+   /* other modifiers */
+   #define BN_MP_DIV_SMALL                    /* Slower division, not critical */
+   /* here we are on the last pass so we turn things off.  The functions classes are still there
+    * but we remove them specifically from the build.  This also invokes tweaks in functions
+    * like removing support for even moduli, etc...
+    */
+#ifdef LTM_LAST
+   #undef  BN_MP_TOOM_MUL_C
+   #undef  BN_MP_TOOM_SQR_C
+   #undef  BN_MP_REDUCE_C
+   #undef  BN_MP_REDUCE_SETUP_C
+   #undef  BN_MP_DR_IS_MODULUS_C
+   #undef  BN_MP_DR_SETUP_C
+   #undef  BN_MP_DR_REDUCE_C
+   #undef  BN_MP_REDUCE_IS_2K_C
+   #undef  BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_SETUP_C
+   #undef  BN_MP_REDUCE_2K_C
+   #undef  BN_S_MP_EXPTMOD_C
+   #undef  BN_MP_DIV_3_C
+   #undef  BN_S_MP_MUL_HIGH_DIGS_C
+   #undef  BN_FAST_MP_INVMOD_C
+   /* To safely undefine these you have to make sure your RSA key won't exceed the Comba threshold
+    * which is roughly 255 digits [7140 bits for 32-bit machines, 15300 bits for 64-bit machines] 
+    * which means roughly speaking you can handle upto 2536-bit RSA keys with these defined without
+    * trouble.  
+    */
+   #undef  BN_S_MP_MUL_DIGS_C
+   #undef  BN_S_MP_SQR_C

+ 268 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+/* os_settings.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+/* Place OS specific preprocessor flags, defines, includes here, will be
+   included into every file because types.h includes it */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* Uncomment next line if using IPHONE */
+/* #define IPHONE */
+/* Uncomment next line if using ThreadX */
+/* #define THREADX */
+/* Uncomment next line if using Micrium ucOS */
+/* #define MICRIUM */
+/* Uncomment next line if using Mbed */
+/* #define MBED */
+#ifdef IPHONE
+    #define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8
+#ifdef THREADX 
+    #define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8
+#ifdef MBED
+    #define SINGLE_THREADED
+    #define CYASSL_USER_IO
+    #define NO_WRITEV
+    #define NO_DEV_RANDOM
+    #define NO_SHA512
+    #define NO_DH
+    #define NO_DSA
+    #define NO_HC128
+#endif /* MBED */
+#ifdef MICRIUM
+    #include "net_cfg.h"
+    #include "ssl_cfg.h"
+    #include "net_secure_os.h"
+    #define CYASSL_TYPES
+    typedef CPU_INT08U byte;
+    typedef CPU_INT16U word16;
+    typedef CPU_INT32U word32;
+        #define SIZEOF_LONG        4
+        #undef  SIZEOF_LONG_LONG
+    #else
+        #undef  SIZEOF_LONG
+        #define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG   8
+    #endif
+    #define STRING_USER
+    #define XSTRLEN(pstr) ((CPU_SIZE_T)Str_Len((CPU_CHAR *)(pstr)))
+    #define XSTRNCPY(pstr_dest, pstr_src, len_max) \
+                    ((CPU_CHAR *)Str_Copy_N((CPU_CHAR *)(pstr_dest), \
+                     (CPU_CHAR *)(pstr_src), (CPU_SIZE_T)(len_max)))
+    #define XSTRNCMP(pstr_1, pstr_2, len_max) \
+                    ((CPU_INT16S)Str_Cmp_N((CPU_CHAR *)(pstr_1), \
+                     (CPU_CHAR *)(pstr_2), (CPU_SIZE_T)(len_max)))  
+    #define XSTRSTR(pstr, pstr_srch) \
+                    ((CPU_CHAR *)Str_Str((CPU_CHAR *)(pstr), \
+                     (CPU_CHAR *)(pstr_srch)))
+    #define XMEMSET(pmem, data_val, size) \
+                    ((void)Mem_Set((void *)(pmem), (CPU_INT08U) (data_val), \
+                    (CPU_SIZE_T)(size)))
+    #define XMEMCPY(pdest, psrc, size) ((void)Mem_Copy((void *)(pdest), \
+                     (void *)(psrc), (CPU_SIZE_T)(size)))
+    #define XMEMCMP(pmem_1, pmem_2, size) \
+                   (((CPU_BOOLEAN)Mem_Cmp((void *)(pmem_1), (void *)(pmem_2), \
+                     (CPU_SIZE_T)(size))) ? DEF_NO : DEF_YES)
+    #define MICRIUM_MALLOC    
+    #define XMALLOC(s, h, type) ((void *)NetSecure_BlkGet((CPU_INT08U)(type), \
+                                 (CPU_SIZE_T)(s), (void *)0))
+    #define XFREE(p, h, type)   (NetSecure_BlkFree((CPU_INT08U)(type), \
+                                 (p), (void *)0))
+    #define XREALLOC(p, n, h, t) realloc((p), (n))
+        #undef  NO_FILESYSTEM
+    #else
+        #define NO_FILESYSTEM
+    #endif
+        #define DEBUG_CYASSL
+    #else
+        #undef  DEBUG_CYASSL
+    #endif
+        #define OPENSSL_EXTRA
+    #else
+        #undef  OPENSSL_EXTRA
+    #endif
+        #undef  SINGLE_THREADED
+    #else
+        #define SINGLE_THREADED
+    #endif
+        #undef  NO_DH
+    #else
+        #define NO_DH
+    #endif
+        #undef  NO_DSA
+    #else
+        #define NO_DSA
+    #endif
+        #undef  NO_PSK
+    #else
+        #define NO_PSK
+    #endif
+        #undef  NO_DES
+    #else
+        #define NO_DES
+    #endif
+        #undef  NO_AES
+    #else
+        #define NO_AES
+    #endif
+    #if (SSL_CFG_RC4_EN == DEF_ENABLED)
+        #undef  NO_RC4
+    #else
+        #define NO_RC4
+    #endif
+        #undef  NO_RABBIT
+    #else
+        #define NO_RABBIT
+    #endif
+    #if (SSL_CFG_HC128_EN == DEF_ENABLED)
+        #undef  NO_HC128
+    #else
+        #define NO_HC128
+    #endif
+        #define BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER
+    #else
+        #undef  BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER
+        #define LITTLE_ENDIAN_ORDER
+    #endif
+    #if (SSL_CFG_MD4_EN == DEF_ENABLED)
+        #undef  NO_MD4
+    #else
+        #define NO_MD4
+    #endif
+        #undef  NO_WRITEV
+    #else
+        #define NO_WRITEV
+    #endif
+        #define NO_DEV_RANDOM   
+    #else
+        #undef  NO_DEV_RANDOM
+    #endif
+        #define CYASSL_USER_IO   
+    #else
+        #undef  CYASSL_USER_IO
+    #endif
+        #undef  LARGE_STATIC_BUFFERS
+        #undef  STATIC_CHUNKS_ONLY
+    #else
+        #define LARGE_STATIC_BUFFERS
+        #define STATIC_CHUNKS_ONLY
+    #endif
+        #define  CYASSL_DER_LOAD
+    #else
+        #undef   CYASSL_DER_LOAD
+    #endif
+        #define  CYASSL_DTLS
+    #else
+        #undef   CYASSL_DTLS
+    #endif
+         #define CYASSL_CALLBACKS
+    #else
+         #undef  CYASSL_CALLBACKS
+    #endif
+         #define USE_FAST_MATH
+    #else
+         #undef  USE_FAST_MATH
+    #endif
+         #define TFM_TIMING_RESISTANT
+    #else
+         #undef  TFM_TIMING_RESISTANT
+    #endif
+#endif /* MICRIUM */
+/* Place any other flags or defines here */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    }   /* extern "C" */

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* pwdbased.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_PWDBASED
+#include "types.h"
+#include "ctc_md5.h"       /* for hash type */
+#include "ctc_sha.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+int PBKDF1(byte* output, const byte* passwd, int pLen, const byte* salt,
+           int sLen, int iterations, int kLen, int hashType);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* NO_PWDBASED */

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/* rabbit.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_RABBIT
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* Rabbit Context */
+typedef struct RabbitCtx {
+    word32 x[8];
+    word32 c[8];
+    word32 carry;
+} RabbitCtx;
+/* Rabbit stream cipher */
+typedef struct Rabbit {
+    RabbitCtx masterCtx;
+    RabbitCtx workCtx;
+} Rabbit;
+void RabbitProcess(Rabbit*, byte*, const byte*, word32);
+void RabbitSetKey(Rabbit*, const byte* key, const byte* iv);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_RABBIT_H */
+#endif /* NO_RABBIT */

+ 72 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* random.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "arc4.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+#if defined(USE_WINDOWS_API)
+    #if defined(_WIN64)
+        typedef unsigned __int64 ProviderHandle;
+        /* type HCRYPTPROV, avoid #include <windows.h> */
+    #else
+        typedef unsigned long ProviderHandle;
+    #endif
+/* OS specific seeder */
+typedef struct OS_Seed {
+    #if defined(USE_WINDOWS_API)
+        ProviderHandle handle;
+    #else
+        int fd;
+    #endif
+} OS_Seed;
+int GenerateSeed(OS_Seed* os, byte* seed, word32 sz);
+/* secure Random Nnumber Generator */
+typedef struct RNG {
+    OS_Seed seed;
+    Arc4    cipher;
+} RNG;
+int  InitRng(RNG*);
+void RNG_GenerateBlock(RNG*, byte*, word32 sz);
+byte RNG_GenerateByte(RNG*);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_RANDOM_H */

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/* sha256.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+/* code submitted by */
+#ifndef NO_SHA256
+#ifndef CTAO_CRYPT_SHA256_H
+#define CTAO_CRYPT_SHA256_H
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* in bytes */
+enum {
+    SHA256              =  2,   /* hash type unique */
+    SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE   = 64,
+    SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE  = 32,
+    SHA256_PAD_SIZE     = 56
+/* Sha256 digest */
+typedef struct Sha256 {
+    word32  buffLen;   /* in bytes          */
+    word32  loLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word32  hiLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word32  digest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(word32)];
+    word32  buffer[SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE  / sizeof(word32)];
+} Sha256;
+void InitSha256(Sha256*);
+void Sha256Update(Sha256*, const byte*, word32);
+void Sha256Final(Sha256*, byte*);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_SHA256_H */
+#endif /* NO_SHA256 */

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* sha512.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifdef CYASSL_SHA512
+#ifndef CTAO_CRYPT_SHA512_H
+#define CTAO_CRYPT_SHA512_H
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* in bytes */
+enum {
+    SHA512              =   4,   /* hash type unique */
+    SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE   = 128,
+    SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE  =  64,
+    SHA512_PAD_SIZE     = 112 
+/* Sha512 digest */
+typedef struct Sha512 {
+    word32  buffLen;   /* in bytes          */
+    word32  loLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word32  hiLen;     /* length in bytes   */
+    word64  digest[SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(word64)];
+    word64  buffer[SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE  / sizeof(word64)];
+} Sha512;
+void InitSha512(Sha512*);
+void Sha512Update(Sha512*, const byte*, word32);
+void Sha512Final(Sha512*, byte*);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_SHA512_H */
+#endif /* CYASSL_SHA512 */

+ 667 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+/* tfm.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+ * Based on public domain TomsFastMath 0.10 by Tom St Denis,,
+ *
+ */
+ *  Edited by Moisés Guimarães (
+ *  to fit CyaSSL's needs.
+ */
+#include "types.h"
+#ifndef CHAR_BIT
+    #include <limits.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+#ifndef MIN
+   #define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
+#ifndef MAX
+   #define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
+/* externally define this symbol to ignore the default settings, useful for changing the build from the make process */
+/* do we want the large set of small multiplications ? 
+   Enable these if you are going to be doing a lot of small (<= 16 digit) multiplications say in ECC
+   Or if you're on a 64-bit machine doing RSA as a 1024-bit integer == 16 digits ;-)
+ */
+/* need to refactor the function */
+/*#define TFM_SMALL_SET */
+/* do we want huge code 
+   Enable these if you are doing 20, 24, 28, 32, 48, 64 digit multiplications (useful for RSA)
+   Less important on 64-bit machines as 32 digits == 2048 bits
+ */
+#if 0
+#define TFM_MUL3
+#define TFM_MUL4
+#define TFM_MUL6
+#define TFM_MUL7
+#define TFM_MUL8
+#define TFM_MUL9
+#define TFM_MUL12
+#define TFM_MUL17
+#define TFM_MUL20
+#define TFM_MUL24
+#define TFM_MUL28
+#define TFM_MUL32
+#define TFM_MUL48
+#define TFM_MUL64
+#if 0
+#define TFM_SQR3
+#define TFM_SQR4
+#define TFM_SQR6
+#define TFM_SQR7
+#define TFM_SQR8
+#define TFM_SQR9
+#define TFM_SQR12
+#define TFM_SQR17
+#define TFM_SQR20
+#define TFM_SQR24
+#define TFM_SQR28
+#define TFM_SQR32
+#define TFM_SQR48
+#define TFM_SQR64
+/* do we want some overflow checks
+   Not required if you make sure your numbers are within range (e.g. by default a modulus for fp_exptmod() can only be upto 2048 bits long)
+ */
+/* #define TFM_CHECK */
+/* Is the target a P4 Prescott
+ */
+/* #define TFM_PRESCOTT */
+/* Do we want timing resistant fp_exptmod() ?
+ * This makes it slower but also timing invariant with respect to the exponent 
+ */
+/* Max size of any number in bits.  Basically the largest size you will be multiplying
+ * should be half [or smaller] of FP_MAX_SIZE-four_digit
+ *
+ * You can externally define this or it defaults to 4096-bits [allowing multiplications upto 2048x2048 bits ]
+ */
+#ifndef FP_MAX_SIZE
+   #define FP_MAX_SIZE           (4096+(8*DIGIT_BIT))
+/* will this lib work? */
+#if (CHAR_BIT & 7)
+   #error CHAR_BIT must be a multiple of eight.
+   #error FP_MAX_SIZE must be a multiple of CHAR_BIT
+/* autodetect x86-64 and make sure we are using 64-bit digits with x86-64 asm */
+#if defined(__x86_64__)
+   #if defined(TFM_X86) || defined(TFM_SSE2) || defined(TFM_ARM) 
+       #error x86-64 detected, x86-32/SSE2/ARM optimizations are not valid!
+   #endif
+   #if !defined(TFM_X86_64) && !defined(TFM_NO_ASM)
+      #define TFM_X86_64
+   #endif
+#if defined(TFM_X86_64)
+    #if !defined(FP_64BIT)
+       #define FP_64BIT
+    #endif
+/* try to detect x86-32 */
+#if defined(__i386__) && !defined(TFM_SSE2)
+   #if defined(TFM_X86_64) || defined(TFM_ARM) 
+       #error x86-32 detected, x86-64/ARM optimizations are not valid!
+   #endif
+   #if !defined(TFM_X86) && !defined(TFM_NO_ASM)
+      #define TFM_X86
+   #endif
+/* make sure we're 32-bit for x86-32/sse/arm/ppc32 */
+#if (defined(TFM_X86) || defined(TFM_SSE2) || defined(TFM_ARM) || defined(TFM_PPC32)) && defined(FP_64BIT)
+   #warning x86-32, SSE2 and ARM, PPC32 optimizations require 32-bit digits (undefining)
+   #undef FP_64BIT
+/* multi asms? */
+#ifdef TFM_X86
+   #define TFM_ASM
+#ifdef TFM_X86_64
+   #ifdef TFM_ASM
+      #error TFM_ASM already defined!
+   #endif
+   #define TFM_ASM
+#ifdef TFM_SSE2
+   #ifdef TFM_ASM
+      #error TFM_ASM already defined!
+   #endif
+   #define TFM_ASM
+#ifdef TFM_ARM
+   #ifdef TFM_ASM
+      #error TFM_ASM already defined!
+   #endif
+   #define TFM_ASM
+#ifdef TFM_PPC32
+   #ifdef TFM_ASM
+      #error TFM_ASM already defined!
+   #endif
+   #define TFM_ASM
+#ifdef TFM_PPC64
+   #ifdef TFM_ASM
+      #error TFM_ASM already defined!
+   #endif
+   #define TFM_ASM
+#ifdef TFM_AVR32
+   #ifdef TFM_ASM
+      #error TFM_ASM already defined!
+   #endif
+   #define TFM_ASM
+/* we want no asm? */
+#ifdef TFM_NO_ASM
+   #undef TFM_X86
+   #undef TFM_X86_64
+   #undef TFM_SSE2
+   #undef TFM_ARM
+   #undef TFM_PPC32
+   #undef TFM_PPC64
+   #undef TFM_AVR32
+   #undef TFM_ASM   
+/* ECC helpers */
+#ifdef TFM_ECC192
+   #ifdef FP_64BIT
+       #define TFM_MUL3
+       #define TFM_SQR3
+   #else
+       #define TFM_MUL6
+       #define TFM_SQR6
+   #endif
+#ifdef TFM_ECC224
+   #ifdef FP_64BIT
+       #define TFM_MUL4
+       #define TFM_SQR4
+   #else
+       #define TFM_MUL7
+       #define TFM_SQR7
+   #endif
+#ifdef TFM_ECC256
+   #ifdef FP_64BIT
+       #define TFM_MUL4
+       #define TFM_SQR4
+   #else
+       #define TFM_MUL8
+       #define TFM_SQR8
+   #endif
+#ifdef TFM_ECC384
+   #ifdef FP_64BIT
+       #define TFM_MUL6
+       #define TFM_SQR6
+   #else
+       #define TFM_MUL12
+       #define TFM_SQR12
+   #endif
+#ifdef TFM_ECC521
+   #ifdef FP_64BIT
+       #define TFM_MUL9
+       #define TFM_SQR9
+   #else
+       #define TFM_MUL17
+       #define TFM_SQR17
+   #endif
+/* some default configurations.
+ */
+#if defined(FP_64BIT)
+   /* for GCC only on supported platforms */
+#ifndef CRYPT
+   typedef unsigned long ulong64;
+   typedef ulong64            fp_digit;
+   typedef unsigned long      fp_word __attribute__ ((mode(TI)));
+   /* this is to make porting into LibTomCrypt easier :-) */
+#ifndef CRYPT
+   #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) 
+      typedef unsigned __int64   ulong64;
+      typedef signed __int64     long64;
+   #else
+      typedef unsigned long long ulong64;
+      typedef signed long long   long64;
+   #endif
+   typedef unsigned long      fp_digit;
+   typedef ulong64            fp_word;
+/* # of digits this is */
+#define DIGIT_BIT  (int)((CHAR_BIT) * sizeof(fp_digit))
+#define FP_MASK    (fp_digit)(-1)
+/* signs */
+#define FP_ZPOS     0
+#define FP_NEG      1
+/* return codes */
+#define FP_OKAY     0
+#define FP_VAL      1
+#define FP_MEM      2
+/* equalities */
+#define FP_LT        -1   /* less than */
+#define FP_EQ         0   /* equal to */
+#define FP_GT         1   /* greater than */
+/* replies */
+#define FP_YES        1   /* yes response */
+#define FP_NO         0   /* no response */
+/* a FP type */
+typedef struct {
+    fp_digit dp[FP_SIZE];
+    int      used, 
+             sign;
+} fp_int;
+/* functions */
+/* returns a TFM ident string useful for debugging... */
+/*const char *fp_ident(void);*/
+/* initialize [or zero] an fp int */
+#define fp_init(a)  (void)XMEMSET((a), 0, sizeof(fp_int))
+#define fp_zero(a)  fp_init(a)
+/* zero/even/odd ? */
+#define fp_iszero(a) (((a)->used == 0) ? FP_YES : FP_NO)
+#define fp_iseven(a) (((a)->used >= 0 && (((a)->dp[0] & 1) == 0)) ? FP_YES : FP_NO)
+#define fp_isodd(a)  (((a)->used > 0  && (((a)->dp[0] & 1) == 1)) ? FP_YES : FP_NO)
+/* set to a small digit */
+void fp_set(fp_int *a, fp_digit b);
+/* copy from a to b */
+#define fp_copy(a, b)  (void)(((a) != (b)) ? (XMEMCPY((b), (a), sizeof(fp_int))) : (void)0)
+#define fp_init_copy(a, b) fp_copy(b, a)
+/* clamp digits */
+#define fp_clamp(a)   { while ((a)->used && (a)->dp[(a)->used-1] == 0) --((a)->used); (a)->sign = (a)->used ? (a)->sign : FP_ZPOS; }
+/* negate and absolute */
+#define fp_neg(a, b)  { fp_copy(a, b); (b)->sign ^= 1; fp_clamp(b); }
+#define fp_abs(a, b)  { fp_copy(a, b); (b)->sign  = 0; }
+/* right shift x digits */
+void fp_rshd(fp_int *a, int x);
+/* left shift x digits */
+void fp_lshd(fp_int *a, int x);
+/* signed comparison */
+int fp_cmp(fp_int *a, fp_int *b);
+/* unsigned comparison */
+int fp_cmp_mag(fp_int *a, fp_int *b);
+/* power of 2 operations */
+void fp_div_2d(fp_int *a, int b, fp_int *c, fp_int *d);
+void fp_mod_2d(fp_int *a, int b, fp_int *c);
+void fp_mul_2d(fp_int *a, int b, fp_int *c);
+void fp_2expt (fp_int *a, int b);
+void fp_mul_2(fp_int *a, fp_int *c);
+void fp_div_2(fp_int *a, fp_int *c);
+/* Counts the number of lsbs which are zero before the first zero bit */
+/*int fp_cnt_lsb(fp_int *a);*/
+/* c = a + b */
+void fp_add(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);
+/* c = a - b */
+void fp_sub(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);
+/* c = a * b */
+void fp_mul(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);
+/* b = a*a  */
+void fp_sqr(fp_int *a, fp_int *b);
+/* a/b => cb + d == a */
+int fp_div(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c, fp_int *d);
+/* c = a mod b, 0 <= c < b  */
+int fp_mod(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);
+/* compare against a single digit */
+int fp_cmp_d(fp_int *a, fp_digit b);
+/* c = a + b */
+/*void fp_add_d(fp_int *a, fp_digit b, fp_int *c);*/
+/* c = a - b */
+/*void fp_sub_d(fp_int *a, fp_digit b, fp_int *c);*/
+/* c = a * b */
+void fp_mul_d(fp_int *a, fp_digit b, fp_int *c);
+/* a/b => cb + d == a */
+/*int fp_div_d(fp_int *a, fp_digit b, fp_int *c, fp_digit *d);*/
+/* c = a mod b, 0 <= c < b  */
+/*int fp_mod_d(fp_int *a, fp_digit b, fp_digit *c);*/
+/* ---> number theory <--- */
+/* d = a + b (mod c) */
+/*int fp_addmod(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c, fp_int *d);*/
+/* d = a - b (mod c) */
+/*int fp_submod(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c, fp_int *d);*/
+/* d = a * b (mod c) */
+int fp_mulmod(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c, fp_int *d);
+/* c = a * a (mod b) */
+/*int fp_sqrmod(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);*/
+/* c = 1/a (mod b) */
+int fp_invmod(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);
+/* c = (a, b) */
+/*void fp_gcd(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);*/
+/* c = [a, b] */
+/*void fp_lcm(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);*/
+/* setups the montgomery reduction */
+int fp_montgomery_setup(fp_int *a, fp_digit *mp);
+/* computes a = B**n mod b without division or multiplication useful for
+ * normalizing numbers in a Montgomery system.
+ */
+void fp_montgomery_calc_normalization(fp_int *a, fp_int *b);
+/* computes x/R == x (mod N) via Montgomery Reduction */
+void fp_montgomery_reduce(fp_int *a, fp_int *m, fp_digit mp);
+/* d = a**b (mod c) */
+int fp_exptmod(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c, fp_int *d);
+/* primality stuff */
+/* perform a Miller-Rabin test of a to the base b and store result in "result" */
+/*void fp_prime_miller_rabin (fp_int * a, fp_int * b, int *result);*/
+/* 256 trial divisions + 8 Miller-Rabins, returns FP_YES if probable prime  */
+/*int fp_isprime(fp_int *a);*/
+/* Primality generation flags */
+/*#define TFM_PRIME_BBS      0x0001 */ /* BBS style prime */
+/*#define TFM_PRIME_SAFE     0x0002 */ /* Safe prime (p-1)/2 == prime */
+/*#define TFM_PRIME_2MSB_OFF 0x0004 */ /* force 2nd MSB to 0 */
+/*#define TFM_PRIME_2MSB_ON  0x0008 */ /* force 2nd MSB to 1 */
+/* callback for fp_prime_random, should fill dst with random bytes and return how many read [upto len] */
+/*typedef int tfm_prime_callback(unsigned char *dst, int len, void *dat);*/
+/*#define fp_prime_random(a, t, size, bbs, cb, dat) fp_prime_random_ex(a, t, ((size) * 8) + 1, (bbs==1)?TFM_PRIME_BBS:0, cb, dat)*/
+/*int fp_prime_random_ex(fp_int *a, int t, int size, int flags, tfm_prime_callback cb, void *dat);*/
+/* radix conersions */
+int fp_count_bits(fp_int *a);
+int fp_unsigned_bin_size(fp_int *a);
+void fp_read_unsigned_bin(fp_int *a, unsigned char *b, int c);
+void fp_to_unsigned_bin(fp_int *a, unsigned char *b);
+/*int fp_signed_bin_size(fp_int *a);*/
+/*void fp_read_signed_bin(fp_int *a, unsigned char *b, int c);*/
+/*void fp_to_signed_bin(fp_int *a, unsigned char *b);*/
+/*int fp_read_radix(fp_int *a, char *str, int radix);*/
+/*int fp_toradix(fp_int *a, char *str, int radix);*/
+/*int fp_toradix_n(fp_int * a, char *str, int radix, int maxlen);*/
+void s_fp_add(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);
+void s_fp_sub(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);
+void fp_reverse(unsigned char *s, int len);
+void fp_mul_comba(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+void fp_mul_comba_small(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL3
+void fp_mul_comba3(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL4
+void fp_mul_comba4(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL6
+void fp_mul_comba6(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL7
+void fp_mul_comba7(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL8
+void fp_mul_comba8(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL9
+void fp_mul_comba9(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL12
+void fp_mul_comba12(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL17
+void fp_mul_comba17(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL20
+void fp_mul_comba20(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL24
+void fp_mul_comba24(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL28
+void fp_mul_comba28(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL32
+void fp_mul_comba32(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL48
+void fp_mul_comba48(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+#ifdef TFM_MUL64
+void fp_mul_comba64(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C);
+void fp_sqr_comba(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+void fp_sqr_comba_small(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR3
+void fp_sqr_comba3(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR4
+void fp_sqr_comba4(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR6
+void fp_sqr_comba6(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR7
+void fp_sqr_comba7(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR8
+void fp_sqr_comba8(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR9
+void fp_sqr_comba9(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR12
+void fp_sqr_comba12(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR17
+void fp_sqr_comba17(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR20
+void fp_sqr_comba20(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR24
+void fp_sqr_comba24(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR28
+void fp_sqr_comba28(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR32
+void fp_sqr_comba32(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR48
+void fp_sqr_comba48(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+#ifdef TFM_SQR64
+void fp_sqr_comba64(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+/*extern const char *fp_s_rmap;*/
+ * Used by CyaSSL 
+ */
+/* Types */
+    typedef fp_digit mp_digit;
+    typedef fp_word  mp_word;
+    typedef fp_int mp_int;
+/* Constants */
+    #define MP_LT   FP_LT   /* less than    */
+    #define MP_EQ   FP_EQ   /* equal to     */
+    #define MP_GT   FP_GT   /* greater than */
+    #define MP_OKAY FP_OKAY /* ok result    */
+    #define MP_NO   FP_NO   /* yes/no result */
+    #define MP_YES  FP_YES  /* yes/no result */
+/* Prototypes */
+int  mp_init (mp_int * a);
+void mp_clear (mp_int * a);
+int mp_init_multi(mp_int* a, mp_int* b, mp_int* c, mp_int* d, mp_int* e, mp_int* f);
+int  mp_add (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_sub (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_mul (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c);
+int  mp_mulmod (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c, mp_int * d);
+int  mp_mod(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
+int  mp_invmod(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
+int  mp_exptmod (mp_int * G, mp_int * X, mp_int * P, mp_int * Y);
+int  mp_cmp(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
+int  mp_cmp_d(mp_int *a, mp_digit b);
+int  mp_unsigned_bin_size(mp_int * a);
+int  mp_read_unsigned_bin (mp_int * a, const unsigned char *b, int c);
+int  mp_to_unsigned_bin (mp_int * a, unsigned char *b);
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    int mp_sqrmod(mp_int* a, mp_int* b, mp_int* c);
+    int mp_montgomery_calc_normalization(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
+    int mp_read_radix(mp_int* a, const char* str, int radix);
+    int mp_iszero(mp_int* a);
+    int mp_set(fp_int *a, fp_digit b);
+    int mp_sqr(fp_int *A, fp_int *B);
+    int mp_montgomery_reduce(fp_int *a, fp_int *m, fp_digit mp);
+    int mp_montgomery_setup(fp_int *a, fp_digit *rho);
+    int mp_isodd(mp_int* a);
+    int mp_div_2(fp_int * a, fp_int * b);
+#if defined(HAVE_ECC) || defined(CYASSL_KEY_GEN)
+    int  mp_copy(fp_int* a, fp_int* b);
+int  mp_set_int(fp_int *a, fp_digit b);
+int  mp_gcd(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);
+int  mp_lcm(fp_int *a, fp_int *b, fp_int *c);
+int  mp_sub_d(fp_int *a, fp_digit b, fp_int *c);
+int  mp_prime_is_prime(mp_int* a, int t, int* result);
+#endif /* CYASSL_KEY_GEN */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+   }
+#endif  /* CTAO_CRYPT_TFM_H */

+ 198 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+/* types.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "os_settings.h"
+    #include "config.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || (defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(__INTEL__))
+    #define BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER
+    typedef unsigned char  byte;
+    typedef unsigned short word16;
+    typedef unsigned int   word32;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BCPLUSPLUS__)
+    #define WORD64_AVAILABLE
+    #define W64LIT(x) x##ui64
+    typedef unsigned __int64 word64;
+#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 8
+    #define WORD64_AVAILABLE
+    #define W64LIT(x) x##LL
+    typedef unsigned long word64;
+#elif SIZEOF_LONG_LONG == 8 
+    #define WORD64_AVAILABLE
+    #define W64LIT(x) x##LL
+    typedef unsigned long long word64;
+    #define MP_16BIT  /* for mp_int, mp_word needs to be twice as big as
+                         mp_digit, no 64 bit type so make mp_digit 16 bit */
+/* These platforms have 64-bit CPU registers.  */
+#if (defined(__alpha__) || defined(__ia64__) || defined(_ARCH_PPC64) || \
+     defined(__mips64)  || defined(__x86_64__)) 
+    typedef word64 word;
+    typedef word32 word;
+    #ifdef WORD64_AVAILABLE
+        #define CTAOCRYPT_SLOW_WORD64
+    #endif
+enum {
+    WORD_SIZE  = sizeof(word),
+    BIT_SIZE   = 8,
+/* use inlining if compiler allows */
+#ifndef INLINE
+#ifndef NO_INLINE
+    #ifdef _MSC_VER
+        #define INLINE __inline
+    #elif defined(__GNUC__)
+        #define INLINE inline
+    #elif defined(THREADX)
+        #define INLINE _Inline
+    #else
+        #define INLINE 
+    #endif
+    #define INLINE 
+/* set up rotate style */
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BCPLUSPLUS__)
+	#define FAST_ROTATE
+#elif defined(__MWERKS__) && TARGET_CPU_PPC
+	#define FAST_ROTATE
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)
+        /* GCC does peephole optimizations which should result in using rotate
+           instructions  */
+	#define FAST_ROTATE
+/* Micrium will use Visual Studio for compilation but not the Win32 API */
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(MICRIUM)
+    #define USE_WINDOWS_API
+/* idea to add global alloc override by Moisés Guimarães  */
+/* default to libc stuff */
+/* XREALLOC is used once in mormal math lib, not in fast math lib */
+/* XFREE on some embeded systems doesn't like free(0) so test  */
+    /* prototypes for user heap override functions */
+    #include <stddef.h>  /* for size_t */
+    extern void *XMALLOC(size_t n, void* heap, int type);
+    extern void *XREALLOC(void *p, size_t n, void* heap, int type);
+    extern void XFREE(void *p, void* heap, int type);
+#elif !defined(MICRIUM_MALLOC)
+    /* defaults to C runtime if user doesn't override and not Micrium */
+    #include <stdlib.h>
+    #define XMALLOC(s, h, t)     malloc((s))
+    #define XFREE(p, h, t)       {void* xp = (p); if((xp)) free((xp));}
+    #define XREALLOC(p, n, h, t) realloc((p), (n))
+#ifndef STRING_USER
+    #include <string.h>
+    #define XMEMCPY(d,s,l)    memcpy((d),(s),(l))
+    #define XMEMSET(b,c,l)    memset((b),(c),(l))
+    #define XMEMCMP(s1,s2,n)  memcmp((s1),(s2),(n))
+    #define XMEMMOVE(d,s,l)   memmove((d),(s),(l))
+    #define XSTRLEN(s1)       strlen((s1))
+    #define XSTRNCPY(s1,s2,n) strncpy((s1),(s2),(n))
+    /* strstr and strncmp only used by CyaSSL proper, not required for
+       CTaoCrypt only */
+    #define XSTRSTR(s1,s2)    strstr((s1),(s2))
+    #define XSTRNCMP(s1,s2,n) strncmp((s1),(s2),(n))
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    #ifndef CTYPE_USER
+        #include <ctype.h>
+        #define XTOUPPER(c)     toupper((c))
+    #endif
+/* memory allocation types for user hints */
+enum {
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_CA         = 1,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT       = 2,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_KEY        = 3,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_FILE       = 4,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_NONE       = 8,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA        = 10,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_METHOD     = 11,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_INFO       = 14,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_DH         = 15,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_DOMAIN     = 16,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_SSL        = 17,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_CTX        = 18,
+    DYNAMIC_TYPE_WRITEV     = 19,
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    }   /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_TYPES_H */

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+EXTRA_DIST = ../include/*.h *.c *.i

+ 1308 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1308 @@
+/* aes.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_AES
+#include "ctc_aes.h"
+#ifdef NO_INLINE
+    #include "misc.h"
+    #include "misc.c"
+static const word32 rcon[] = {
+    0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0x04000000, 0x08000000,
+    0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000,
+    0x1B000000, 0x36000000, 
+    /* for 128-bit blocks, Rijndael never uses more than 10 rcon values */
+static const word32 Te[5][256] = {
+    0xc66363a5U, 0xf87c7c84U, 0xee777799U, 0xf67b7b8dU,
+    0xfff2f20dU, 0xd66b6bbdU, 0xde6f6fb1U, 0x91c5c554U,
+    0x60303050U, 0x02010103U, 0xce6767a9U, 0x562b2b7dU,
+    0xe7fefe19U, 0xb5d7d762U, 0x4dababe6U, 0xec76769aU,
+    0x8fcaca45U, 0x1f82829dU, 0x89c9c940U, 0xfa7d7d87U,
+    0xeffafa15U, 0xb25959ebU, 0x8e4747c9U, 0xfbf0f00bU,
+    0x41adadecU, 0xb3d4d467U, 0x5fa2a2fdU, 0x45afafeaU,
+    0x239c9cbfU, 0x53a4a4f7U, 0xe4727296U, 0x9bc0c05bU,
+    0x75b7b7c2U, 0xe1fdfd1cU, 0x3d9393aeU, 0x4c26266aU,
+    0x6c36365aU, 0x7e3f3f41U, 0xf5f7f702U, 0x83cccc4fU,
+    0x6834345cU, 0x51a5a5f4U, 0xd1e5e534U, 0xf9f1f108U,
+    0xe2717193U, 0xabd8d873U, 0x62313153U, 0x2a15153fU,
+    0x0804040cU, 0x95c7c752U, 0x46232365U, 0x9dc3c35eU,
+    0x30181828U, 0x379696a1U, 0x0a05050fU, 0x2f9a9ab5U,
+    0x0e070709U, 0x24121236U, 0x1b80809bU, 0xdfe2e23dU,
+    0xcdebeb26U, 0x4e272769U, 0x7fb2b2cdU, 0xea75759fU,
+    0x1209091bU, 0x1d83839eU, 0x582c2c74U, 0x341a1a2eU,
+    0x361b1b2dU, 0xdc6e6eb2U, 0xb45a5aeeU, 0x5ba0a0fbU,
+    0xa45252f6U, 0x763b3b4dU, 0xb7d6d661U, 0x7db3b3ceU,
+    0x5229297bU, 0xdde3e33eU, 0x5e2f2f71U, 0x13848497U,
+    0xa65353f5U, 0xb9d1d168U, 0x00000000U, 0xc1eded2cU,
+    0x40202060U, 0xe3fcfc1fU, 0x79b1b1c8U, 0xb65b5bedU,
+    0xd46a6abeU, 0x8dcbcb46U, 0x67bebed9U, 0x7239394bU,
+    0x944a4adeU, 0x984c4cd4U, 0xb05858e8U, 0x85cfcf4aU,
+    0xbbd0d06bU, 0xc5efef2aU, 0x4faaaae5U, 0xedfbfb16U,
+    0x864343c5U, 0x9a4d4dd7U, 0x66333355U, 0x11858594U,
+    0x8a4545cfU, 0xe9f9f910U, 0x04020206U, 0xfe7f7f81U,
+    0xa05050f0U, 0x783c3c44U, 0x259f9fbaU, 0x4ba8a8e3U,
+    0xa25151f3U, 0x5da3a3feU, 0x804040c0U, 0x058f8f8aU,
+    0x3f9292adU, 0x219d9dbcU, 0x70383848U, 0xf1f5f504U,
+    0x63bcbcdfU, 0x77b6b6c1U, 0xafdada75U, 0x42212163U,
+    0x20101030U, 0xe5ffff1aU, 0xfdf3f30eU, 0xbfd2d26dU,
+    0x81cdcd4cU, 0x180c0c14U, 0x26131335U, 0xc3ecec2fU,
+    0xbe5f5fe1U, 0x359797a2U, 0x884444ccU, 0x2e171739U,
+    0x93c4c457U, 0x55a7a7f2U, 0xfc7e7e82U, 0x7a3d3d47U,
+    0xc86464acU, 0xba5d5de7U, 0x3219192bU, 0xe6737395U,
+    0xc06060a0U, 0x19818198U, 0x9e4f4fd1U, 0xa3dcdc7fU,
+    0x44222266U, 0x542a2a7eU, 0x3b9090abU, 0x0b888883U,
+    0x8c4646caU, 0xc7eeee29U, 0x6bb8b8d3U, 0x2814143cU,
+    0xa7dede79U, 0xbc5e5ee2U, 0x160b0b1dU, 0xaddbdb76U,
+    0xdbe0e03bU, 0x64323256U, 0x743a3a4eU, 0x140a0a1eU,
+    0x924949dbU, 0x0c06060aU, 0x4824246cU, 0xb85c5ce4U,
+    0x9fc2c25dU, 0xbdd3d36eU, 0x43acacefU, 0xc46262a6U,
+    0x399191a8U, 0x319595a4U, 0xd3e4e437U, 0xf279798bU,
+    0xd5e7e732U, 0x8bc8c843U, 0x6e373759U, 0xda6d6db7U,
+    0x018d8d8cU, 0xb1d5d564U, 0x9c4e4ed2U, 0x49a9a9e0U,
+    0xd86c6cb4U, 0xac5656faU, 0xf3f4f407U, 0xcfeaea25U,
+    0xca6565afU, 0xf47a7a8eU, 0x47aeaee9U, 0x10080818U,
+    0x6fbabad5U, 0xf0787888U, 0x4a25256fU, 0x5c2e2e72U,
+    0x381c1c24U, 0x57a6a6f1U, 0x73b4b4c7U, 0x97c6c651U,
+    0xcbe8e823U, 0xa1dddd7cU, 0xe874749cU, 0x3e1f1f21U,
+    0x964b4bddU, 0x61bdbddcU, 0x0d8b8b86U, 0x0f8a8a85U,
+    0xe0707090U, 0x7c3e3e42U, 0x71b5b5c4U, 0xcc6666aaU,
+    0x904848d8U, 0x06030305U, 0xf7f6f601U, 0x1c0e0e12U,
+    0xc26161a3U, 0x6a35355fU, 0xae5757f9U, 0x69b9b9d0U,
+    0x17868691U, 0x99c1c158U, 0x3a1d1d27U, 0x279e9eb9U,
+    0xd9e1e138U, 0xebf8f813U, 0x2b9898b3U, 0x22111133U,
+    0xd26969bbU, 0xa9d9d970U, 0x078e8e89U, 0x339494a7U,
+    0x2d9b9bb6U, 0x3c1e1e22U, 0x15878792U, 0xc9e9e920U,
+    0x87cece49U, 0xaa5555ffU, 0x50282878U, 0xa5dfdf7aU,
+    0x038c8c8fU, 0x59a1a1f8U, 0x09898980U, 0x1a0d0d17U,
+    0x65bfbfdaU, 0xd7e6e631U, 0x844242c6U, 0xd06868b8U,
+    0x824141c3U, 0x299999b0U, 0x5a2d2d77U, 0x1e0f0f11U,
+    0x7bb0b0cbU, 0xa85454fcU, 0x6dbbbbd6U, 0x2c16163aU,
+    0xa5c66363U, 0x84f87c7cU, 0x99ee7777U, 0x8df67b7bU,
+    0x0dfff2f2U, 0xbdd66b6bU, 0xb1de6f6fU, 0x5491c5c5U,
+    0x50603030U, 0x03020101U, 0xa9ce6767U, 0x7d562b2bU,
+    0x19e7fefeU, 0x62b5d7d7U, 0xe64dababU, 0x9aec7676U,
+    0x458fcacaU, 0x9d1f8282U, 0x4089c9c9U, 0x87fa7d7dU,
+    0x15effafaU, 0xebb25959U, 0xc98e4747U, 0x0bfbf0f0U,
+    0xec41adadU, 0x67b3d4d4U, 0xfd5fa2a2U, 0xea45afafU,
+    0xbf239c9cU, 0xf753a4a4U, 0x96e47272U, 0x5b9bc0c0U,
+    0xc275b7b7U, 0x1ce1fdfdU, 0xae3d9393U, 0x6a4c2626U,
+    0x5a6c3636U, 0x417e3f3fU, 0x02f5f7f7U, 0x4f83ccccU,
+    0x5c683434U, 0xf451a5a5U, 0x34d1e5e5U, 0x08f9f1f1U,
+    0x93e27171U, 0x73abd8d8U, 0x53623131U, 0x3f2a1515U,
+    0x0c080404U, 0x5295c7c7U, 0x65462323U, 0x5e9dc3c3U,
+    0x28301818U, 0xa1379696U, 0x0f0a0505U, 0xb52f9a9aU,
+    0x090e0707U, 0x36241212U, 0x9b1b8080U, 0x3ddfe2e2U,
+    0x26cdebebU, 0x694e2727U, 0xcd7fb2b2U, 0x9fea7575U,
+    0x1b120909U, 0x9e1d8383U, 0x74582c2cU, 0x2e341a1aU,
+    0x2d361b1bU, 0xb2dc6e6eU, 0xeeb45a5aU, 0xfb5ba0a0U,
+    0xf6a45252U, 0x4d763b3bU, 0x61b7d6d6U, 0xce7db3b3U,
+    0x7b522929U, 0x3edde3e3U, 0x715e2f2fU, 0x97138484U,
+    0xf5a65353U, 0x68b9d1d1U, 0x00000000U, 0x2cc1ededU,
+    0x60402020U, 0x1fe3fcfcU, 0xc879b1b1U, 0xedb65b5bU,
+    0xbed46a6aU, 0x468dcbcbU, 0xd967bebeU, 0x4b723939U,
+    0xde944a4aU, 0xd4984c4cU, 0xe8b05858U, 0x4a85cfcfU,
+    0x6bbbd0d0U, 0x2ac5efefU, 0xe54faaaaU, 0x16edfbfbU,
+    0xc5864343U, 0xd79a4d4dU, 0x55663333U, 0x94118585U,
+    0xcf8a4545U, 0x10e9f9f9U, 0x06040202U, 0x81fe7f7fU,
+    0xf0a05050U, 0x44783c3cU, 0xba259f9fU, 0xe34ba8a8U,
+    0xf3a25151U, 0xfe5da3a3U, 0xc0804040U, 0x8a058f8fU,
+    0xad3f9292U, 0xbc219d9dU, 0x48703838U, 0x04f1f5f5U,
+    0xdf63bcbcU, 0xc177b6b6U, 0x75afdadaU, 0x63422121U,
+    0x30201010U, 0x1ae5ffffU, 0x0efdf3f3U, 0x6dbfd2d2U,
+    0x4c81cdcdU, 0x14180c0cU, 0x35261313U, 0x2fc3ececU,
+    0xe1be5f5fU, 0xa2359797U, 0xcc884444U, 0x392e1717U,
+    0x5793c4c4U, 0xf255a7a7U, 0x82fc7e7eU, 0x477a3d3dU,
+    0xacc86464U, 0xe7ba5d5dU, 0x2b321919U, 0x95e67373U,
+    0xa0c06060U, 0x98198181U, 0xd19e4f4fU, 0x7fa3dcdcU,
+    0x66442222U, 0x7e542a2aU, 0xab3b9090U, 0x830b8888U,
+    0xca8c4646U, 0x29c7eeeeU, 0xd36bb8b8U, 0x3c281414U,
+    0x79a7dedeU, 0xe2bc5e5eU, 0x1d160b0bU, 0x76addbdbU,
+    0x3bdbe0e0U, 0x56643232U, 0x4e743a3aU, 0x1e140a0aU,
+    0xdb924949U, 0x0a0c0606U, 0x6c482424U, 0xe4b85c5cU,
+    0x5d9fc2c2U, 0x6ebdd3d3U, 0xef43acacU, 0xa6c46262U,
+    0xa8399191U, 0xa4319595U, 0x37d3e4e4U, 0x8bf27979U,
+    0x32d5e7e7U, 0x438bc8c8U, 0x596e3737U, 0xb7da6d6dU,
+    0x8c018d8dU, 0x64b1d5d5U, 0xd29c4e4eU, 0xe049a9a9U,
+    0xb4d86c6cU, 0xfaac5656U, 0x07f3f4f4U, 0x25cfeaeaU,
+    0xafca6565U, 0x8ef47a7aU, 0xe947aeaeU, 0x18100808U,
+    0xd56fbabaU, 0x88f07878U, 0x6f4a2525U, 0x725c2e2eU,
+    0x24381c1cU, 0xf157a6a6U, 0xc773b4b4U, 0x5197c6c6U,
+    0x23cbe8e8U, 0x7ca1ddddU, 0x9ce87474U, 0x213e1f1fU,
+    0xdd964b4bU, 0xdc61bdbdU, 0x860d8b8bU, 0x850f8a8aU,
+    0x90e07070U, 0x427c3e3eU, 0xc471b5b5U, 0xaacc6666U,
+    0xd8904848U, 0x05060303U, 0x01f7f6f6U, 0x121c0e0eU,
+    0xa3c26161U, 0x5f6a3535U, 0xf9ae5757U, 0xd069b9b9U,
+    0x91178686U, 0x5899c1c1U, 0x273a1d1dU, 0xb9279e9eU,
+    0x38d9e1e1U, 0x13ebf8f8U, 0xb32b9898U, 0x33221111U,
+    0xbbd26969U, 0x70a9d9d9U, 0x89078e8eU, 0xa7339494U,
+    0xb62d9b9bU, 0x223c1e1eU, 0x92158787U, 0x20c9e9e9U,
+    0x4987ceceU, 0xffaa5555U, 0x78502828U, 0x7aa5dfdfU,
+    0x8f038c8cU, 0xf859a1a1U, 0x80098989U, 0x171a0d0dU,
+    0xda65bfbfU, 0x31d7e6e6U, 0xc6844242U, 0xb8d06868U,
+    0xc3824141U, 0xb0299999U, 0x775a2d2dU, 0x111e0f0fU,
+    0xcb7bb0b0U, 0xfca85454U, 0xd66dbbbbU, 0x3a2c1616U,
+    0x63a5c663U, 0x7c84f87cU, 0x7799ee77U, 0x7b8df67bU,
+    0xf20dfff2U, 0x6bbdd66bU, 0x6fb1de6fU, 0xc55491c5U,
+    0x30506030U, 0x01030201U, 0x67a9ce67U, 0x2b7d562bU,
+    0xfe19e7feU, 0xd762b5d7U, 0xabe64dabU, 0x769aec76U,
+    0xca458fcaU, 0x829d1f82U, 0xc94089c9U, 0x7d87fa7dU,
+    0xfa15effaU, 0x59ebb259U, 0x47c98e47U, 0xf00bfbf0U,
+    0xadec41adU, 0xd467b3d4U, 0xa2fd5fa2U, 0xafea45afU,
+    0x9cbf239cU, 0xa4f753a4U, 0x7296e472U, 0xc05b9bc0U,
+    0xb7c275b7U, 0xfd1ce1fdU, 0x93ae3d93U, 0x266a4c26U,
+    0x365a6c36U, 0x3f417e3fU, 0xf702f5f7U, 0xcc4f83ccU,
+    0x345c6834U, 0xa5f451a5U, 0xe534d1e5U, 0xf108f9f1U,
+    0x7193e271U, 0xd873abd8U, 0x31536231U, 0x153f2a15U,
+    0x040c0804U, 0xc75295c7U, 0x23654623U, 0xc35e9dc3U,
+    0x18283018U, 0x96a13796U, 0x050f0a05U, 0x9ab52f9aU,
+    0x07090e07U, 0x12362412U, 0x809b1b80U, 0xe23ddfe2U,
+    0xeb26cdebU, 0x27694e27U, 0xb2cd7fb2U, 0x759fea75U,
+    0x091b1209U, 0x839e1d83U, 0x2c74582cU, 0x1a2e341aU,
+    0x1b2d361bU, 0x6eb2dc6eU, 0x5aeeb45aU, 0xa0fb5ba0U,
+    0x52f6a452U, 0x3b4d763bU, 0xd661b7d6U, 0xb3ce7db3U,
+    0x297b5229U, 0xe33edde3U, 0x2f715e2fU, 0x84971384U,
+    0x53f5a653U, 0xd168b9d1U, 0x00000000U, 0xed2cc1edU,
+    0x20604020U, 0xfc1fe3fcU, 0xb1c879b1U, 0x5bedb65bU,
+    0x6abed46aU, 0xcb468dcbU, 0xbed967beU, 0x394b7239U,
+    0x4ade944aU, 0x4cd4984cU, 0x58e8b058U, 0xcf4a85cfU,
+    0xd06bbbd0U, 0xef2ac5efU, 0xaae54faaU, 0xfb16edfbU,
+    0x43c58643U, 0x4dd79a4dU, 0x33556633U, 0x85941185U,
+    0x45cf8a45U, 0xf910e9f9U, 0x02060402U, 0x7f81fe7fU,
+    0x50f0a050U, 0x3c44783cU, 0x9fba259fU, 0xa8e34ba8U,
+    0x51f3a251U, 0xa3fe5da3U, 0x40c08040U, 0x8f8a058fU,
+    0x92ad3f92U, 0x9dbc219dU, 0x38487038U, 0xf504f1f5U,
+    0xbcdf63bcU, 0xb6c177b6U, 0xda75afdaU, 0x21634221U,
+    0x10302010U, 0xff1ae5ffU, 0xf30efdf3U, 0xd26dbfd2U,
+    0xcd4c81cdU, 0x0c14180cU, 0x13352613U, 0xec2fc3ecU,
+    0x5fe1be5fU, 0x97a23597U, 0x44cc8844U, 0x17392e17U,
+    0xc45793c4U, 0xa7f255a7U, 0x7e82fc7eU, 0x3d477a3dU,
+    0x64acc864U, 0x5de7ba5dU, 0x192b3219U, 0x7395e673U,
+    0x60a0c060U, 0x81981981U, 0x4fd19e4fU, 0xdc7fa3dcU,
+    0x22664422U, 0x2a7e542aU, 0x90ab3b90U, 0x88830b88U,
+    0x46ca8c46U, 0xee29c7eeU, 0xb8d36bb8U, 0x143c2814U,
+    0xde79a7deU, 0x5ee2bc5eU, 0x0b1d160bU, 0xdb76addbU,
+    0xe03bdbe0U, 0x32566432U, 0x3a4e743aU, 0x0a1e140aU,
+    0x49db9249U, 0x060a0c06U, 0x246c4824U, 0x5ce4b85cU,
+    0xc25d9fc2U, 0xd36ebdd3U, 0xacef43acU, 0x62a6c462U,
+    0x91a83991U, 0x95a43195U, 0xe437d3e4U, 0x798bf279U,
+    0xe732d5e7U, 0xc8438bc8U, 0x37596e37U, 0x6db7da6dU,
+    0x8d8c018dU, 0xd564b1d5U, 0x4ed29c4eU, 0xa9e049a9U,
+    0x6cb4d86cU, 0x56faac56U, 0xf407f3f4U, 0xea25cfeaU,
+    0x65afca65U, 0x7a8ef47aU, 0xaee947aeU, 0x08181008U,
+    0xbad56fbaU, 0x7888f078U, 0x256f4a25U, 0x2e725c2eU,
+    0x1c24381cU, 0xa6f157a6U, 0xb4c773b4U, 0xc65197c6U,
+    0xe823cbe8U, 0xdd7ca1ddU, 0x749ce874U, 0x1f213e1fU,
+    0x4bdd964bU, 0xbddc61bdU, 0x8b860d8bU, 0x8a850f8aU,
+    0x7090e070U, 0x3e427c3eU, 0xb5c471b5U, 0x66aacc66U,
+    0x48d89048U, 0x03050603U, 0xf601f7f6U, 0x0e121c0eU,
+    0x61a3c261U, 0x355f6a35U, 0x57f9ae57U, 0xb9d069b9U,
+    0x86911786U, 0xc15899c1U, 0x1d273a1dU, 0x9eb9279eU,
+    0xe138d9e1U, 0xf813ebf8U, 0x98b32b98U, 0x11332211U,
+    0x69bbd269U, 0xd970a9d9U, 0x8e89078eU, 0x94a73394U,
+    0x9bb62d9bU, 0x1e223c1eU, 0x87921587U, 0xe920c9e9U,
+    0xce4987ceU, 0x55ffaa55U, 0x28785028U, 0xdf7aa5dfU,
+    0x8c8f038cU, 0xa1f859a1U, 0x89800989U, 0x0d171a0dU,
+    0xbfda65bfU, 0xe631d7e6U, 0x42c68442U, 0x68b8d068U,
+    0x41c38241U, 0x99b02999U, 0x2d775a2dU, 0x0f111e0fU,
+    0xb0cb7bb0U, 0x54fca854U, 0xbbd66dbbU, 0x163a2c16U,
+    0x6363a5c6U, 0x7c7c84f8U, 0x777799eeU, 0x7b7b8df6U,
+    0xf2f20dffU, 0x6b6bbdd6U, 0x6f6fb1deU, 0xc5c55491U,
+    0x30305060U, 0x01010302U, 0x6767a9ceU, 0x2b2b7d56U,
+    0xfefe19e7U, 0xd7d762b5U, 0xababe64dU, 0x76769aecU,
+    0xcaca458fU, 0x82829d1fU, 0xc9c94089U, 0x7d7d87faU,
+    0xfafa15efU, 0x5959ebb2U, 0x4747c98eU, 0xf0f00bfbU,
+    0xadadec41U, 0xd4d467b3U, 0xa2a2fd5fU, 0xafafea45U,
+    0x9c9cbf23U, 0xa4a4f753U, 0x727296e4U, 0xc0c05b9bU,
+    0xb7b7c275U, 0xfdfd1ce1U, 0x9393ae3dU, 0x26266a4cU,
+    0x36365a6cU, 0x3f3f417eU, 0xf7f702f5U, 0xcccc4f83U,
+    0x34345c68U, 0xa5a5f451U, 0xe5e534d1U, 0xf1f108f9U,
+    0x717193e2U, 0xd8d873abU, 0x31315362U, 0x15153f2aU,
+    0x04040c08U, 0xc7c75295U, 0x23236546U, 0xc3c35e9dU,
+    0x18182830U, 0x9696a137U, 0x05050f0aU, 0x9a9ab52fU,
+    0x0707090eU, 0x12123624U, 0x80809b1bU, 0xe2e23ddfU,
+    0xebeb26cdU, 0x2727694eU, 0xb2b2cd7fU, 0x75759feaU,
+    0x09091b12U, 0x83839e1dU, 0x2c2c7458U, 0x1a1a2e34U,
+    0x1b1b2d36U, 0x6e6eb2dcU, 0x5a5aeeb4U, 0xa0a0fb5bU,
+    0x5252f6a4U, 0x3b3b4d76U, 0xd6d661b7U, 0xb3b3ce7dU,
+    0x29297b52U, 0xe3e33eddU, 0x2f2f715eU, 0x84849713U,
+    0x5353f5a6U, 0xd1d168b9U, 0x00000000U, 0xeded2cc1U,
+    0x20206040U, 0xfcfc1fe3U, 0xb1b1c879U, 0x5b5bedb6U,
+    0x6a6abed4U, 0xcbcb468dU, 0xbebed967U, 0x39394b72U,
+    0x4a4ade94U, 0x4c4cd498U, 0x5858e8b0U, 0xcfcf4a85U,
+    0xd0d06bbbU, 0xefef2ac5U, 0xaaaae54fU, 0xfbfb16edU,
+    0x4343c586U, 0x4d4dd79aU, 0x33335566U, 0x85859411U,
+    0x4545cf8aU, 0xf9f910e9U, 0x02020604U, 0x7f7f81feU,
+    0x5050f0a0U, 0x3c3c4478U, 0x9f9fba25U, 0xa8a8e34bU,
+    0x5151f3a2U, 0xa3a3fe5dU, 0x4040c080U, 0x8f8f8a05U,
+    0x9292ad3fU, 0x9d9dbc21U, 0x38384870U, 0xf5f504f1U,
+    0xbcbcdf63U, 0xb6b6c177U, 0xdada75afU, 0x21216342U,
+    0x10103020U, 0xffff1ae5U, 0xf3f30efdU, 0xd2d26dbfU,
+    0xcdcd4c81U, 0x0c0c1418U, 0x13133526U, 0xecec2fc3U,
+    0x5f5fe1beU, 0x9797a235U, 0x4444cc88U, 0x1717392eU,
+    0xc4c45793U, 0xa7a7f255U, 0x7e7e82fcU, 0x3d3d477aU,
+    0x6464acc8U, 0x5d5de7baU, 0x19192b32U, 0x737395e6U,
+    0x6060a0c0U, 0x81819819U, 0x4f4fd19eU, 0xdcdc7fa3U,
+    0x22226644U, 0x2a2a7e54U, 0x9090ab3bU, 0x8888830bU,
+    0x4646ca8cU, 0xeeee29c7U, 0xb8b8d36bU, 0x14143c28U,
+    0xdede79a7U, 0x5e5ee2bcU, 0x0b0b1d16U, 0xdbdb76adU,
+    0xe0e03bdbU, 0x32325664U, 0x3a3a4e74U, 0x0a0a1e14U,
+    0x4949db92U, 0x06060a0cU, 0x24246c48U, 0x5c5ce4b8U,
+    0xc2c25d9fU, 0xd3d36ebdU, 0xacacef43U, 0x6262a6c4U,
+    0x9191a839U, 0x9595a431U, 0xe4e437d3U, 0x79798bf2U,
+    0xe7e732d5U, 0xc8c8438bU, 0x3737596eU, 0x6d6db7daU,
+    0x8d8d8c01U, 0xd5d564b1U, 0x4e4ed29cU, 0xa9a9e049U,
+    0x6c6cb4d8U, 0x5656faacU, 0xf4f407f3U, 0xeaea25cfU,
+    0x6565afcaU, 0x7a7a8ef4U, 0xaeaee947U, 0x08081810U,
+    0xbabad56fU, 0x787888f0U, 0x25256f4aU, 0x2e2e725cU,
+    0x1c1c2438U, 0xa6a6f157U, 0xb4b4c773U, 0xc6c65197U,
+    0xe8e823cbU, 0xdddd7ca1U, 0x74749ce8U, 0x1f1f213eU,
+    0x4b4bdd96U, 0xbdbddc61U, 0x8b8b860dU, 0x8a8a850fU,
+    0x707090e0U, 0x3e3e427cU, 0xb5b5c471U, 0x6666aaccU,
+    0x4848d890U, 0x03030506U, 0xf6f601f7U, 0x0e0e121cU,
+    0x6161a3c2U, 0x35355f6aU, 0x5757f9aeU, 0xb9b9d069U,
+    0x86869117U, 0xc1c15899U, 0x1d1d273aU, 0x9e9eb927U,
+    0xe1e138d9U, 0xf8f813ebU, 0x9898b32bU, 0x11113322U,
+    0x6969bbd2U, 0xd9d970a9U, 0x8e8e8907U, 0x9494a733U,
+    0x9b9bb62dU, 0x1e1e223cU, 0x87879215U, 0xe9e920c9U,
+    0xcece4987U, 0x5555ffaaU, 0x28287850U, 0xdfdf7aa5U,
+    0x8c8c8f03U, 0xa1a1f859U, 0x89898009U, 0x0d0d171aU,
+    0xbfbfda65U, 0xe6e631d7U, 0x4242c684U, 0x6868b8d0U,
+    0x4141c382U, 0x9999b029U, 0x2d2d775aU, 0x0f0f111eU,
+    0xb0b0cb7bU, 0x5454fca8U, 0xbbbbd66dU, 0x16163a2cU,
+    0x63636363U, 0x7c7c7c7cU, 0x77777777U, 0x7b7b7b7bU,
+    0xf2f2f2f2U, 0x6b6b6b6bU, 0x6f6f6f6fU, 0xc5c5c5c5U,
+    0x30303030U, 0x01010101U, 0x67676767U, 0x2b2b2b2bU,
+    0xfefefefeU, 0xd7d7d7d7U, 0xababababU, 0x76767676U,
+    0xcacacacaU, 0x82828282U, 0xc9c9c9c9U, 0x7d7d7d7dU,
+    0xfafafafaU, 0x59595959U, 0x47474747U, 0xf0f0f0f0U,
+    0xadadadadU, 0xd4d4d4d4U, 0xa2a2a2a2U, 0xafafafafU,
+    0x9c9c9c9cU, 0xa4a4a4a4U, 0x72727272U, 0xc0c0c0c0U,
+    0xb7b7b7b7U, 0xfdfdfdfdU, 0x93939393U, 0x26262626U,
+    0x36363636U, 0x3f3f3f3fU, 0xf7f7f7f7U, 0xccccccccU,
+    0x34343434U, 0xa5a5a5a5U, 0xe5e5e5e5U, 0xf1f1f1f1U,
+    0x71717171U, 0xd8d8d8d8U, 0x31313131U, 0x15151515U,
+    0x04040404U, 0xc7c7c7c7U, 0x23232323U, 0xc3c3c3c3U,
+    0x18181818U, 0x96969696U, 0x05050505U, 0x9a9a9a9aU,
+    0x07070707U, 0x12121212U, 0x80808080U, 0xe2e2e2e2U,
+    0xebebebebU, 0x27272727U, 0xb2b2b2b2U, 0x75757575U,
+    0x09090909U, 0x83838383U, 0x2c2c2c2cU, 0x1a1a1a1aU,
+    0x1b1b1b1bU, 0x6e6e6e6eU, 0x5a5a5a5aU, 0xa0a0a0a0U,
+    0x52525252U, 0x3b3b3b3bU, 0xd6d6d6d6U, 0xb3b3b3b3U,
+    0x29292929U, 0xe3e3e3e3U, 0x2f2f2f2fU, 0x84848484U,
+    0x53535353U, 0xd1d1d1d1U, 0x00000000U, 0xededededU,
+    0x20202020U, 0xfcfcfcfcU, 0xb1b1b1b1U, 0x5b5b5b5bU,
+    0x6a6a6a6aU, 0xcbcbcbcbU, 0xbebebebeU, 0x39393939U,
+    0x4a4a4a4aU, 0x4c4c4c4cU, 0x58585858U, 0xcfcfcfcfU,
+    0xd0d0d0d0U, 0xefefefefU, 0xaaaaaaaaU, 0xfbfbfbfbU,
+    0x43434343U, 0x4d4d4d4dU, 0x33333333U, 0x85858585U,
+    0x45454545U, 0xf9f9f9f9U, 0x02020202U, 0x7f7f7f7fU,
+    0x50505050U, 0x3c3c3c3cU, 0x9f9f9f9fU, 0xa8a8a8a8U,
+    0x51515151U, 0xa3a3a3a3U, 0x40404040U, 0x8f8f8f8fU,
+    0x92929292U, 0x9d9d9d9dU, 0x38383838U, 0xf5f5f5f5U,
+    0xbcbcbcbcU, 0xb6b6b6b6U, 0xdadadadaU, 0x21212121U,
+    0x10101010U, 0xffffffffU, 0xf3f3f3f3U, 0xd2d2d2d2U,
+    0xcdcdcdcdU, 0x0c0c0c0cU, 0x13131313U, 0xececececU,
+    0x5f5f5f5fU, 0x97979797U, 0x44444444U, 0x17171717U,
+    0xc4c4c4c4U, 0xa7a7a7a7U, 0x7e7e7e7eU, 0x3d3d3d3dU,
+    0x64646464U, 0x5d5d5d5dU, 0x19191919U, 0x73737373U,
+    0x60606060U, 0x81818181U, 0x4f4f4f4fU, 0xdcdcdcdcU,
+    0x22222222U, 0x2a2a2a2aU, 0x90909090U, 0x88888888U,
+    0x46464646U, 0xeeeeeeeeU, 0xb8b8b8b8U, 0x14141414U,
+    0xdedededeU, 0x5e5e5e5eU, 0x0b0b0b0bU, 0xdbdbdbdbU,
+    0xe0e0e0e0U, 0x32323232U, 0x3a3a3a3aU, 0x0a0a0a0aU,
+    0x49494949U, 0x06060606U, 0x24242424U, 0x5c5c5c5cU,
+    0xc2c2c2c2U, 0xd3d3d3d3U, 0xacacacacU, 0x62626262U,
+    0x91919191U, 0x95959595U, 0xe4e4e4e4U, 0x79797979U,
+    0xe7e7e7e7U, 0xc8c8c8c8U, 0x37373737U, 0x6d6d6d6dU,
+    0x8d8d8d8dU, 0xd5d5d5d5U, 0x4e4e4e4eU, 0xa9a9a9a9U,
+    0x6c6c6c6cU, 0x56565656U, 0xf4f4f4f4U, 0xeaeaeaeaU,
+    0x65656565U, 0x7a7a7a7aU, 0xaeaeaeaeU, 0x08080808U,
+    0xbabababaU, 0x78787878U, 0x25252525U, 0x2e2e2e2eU,
+    0x1c1c1c1cU, 0xa6a6a6a6U, 0xb4b4b4b4U, 0xc6c6c6c6U,
+    0xe8e8e8e8U, 0xddddddddU, 0x74747474U, 0x1f1f1f1fU,
+    0x4b4b4b4bU, 0xbdbdbdbdU, 0x8b8b8b8bU, 0x8a8a8a8aU,
+    0x70707070U, 0x3e3e3e3eU, 0xb5b5b5b5U, 0x66666666U,
+    0x48484848U, 0x03030303U, 0xf6f6f6f6U, 0x0e0e0e0eU,
+    0x61616161U, 0x35353535U, 0x57575757U, 0xb9b9b9b9U,
+    0x86868686U, 0xc1c1c1c1U, 0x1d1d1d1dU, 0x9e9e9e9eU,
+    0xe1e1e1e1U, 0xf8f8f8f8U, 0x98989898U, 0x11111111U,
+    0x69696969U, 0xd9d9d9d9U, 0x8e8e8e8eU, 0x94949494U,
+    0x9b9b9b9bU, 0x1e1e1e1eU, 0x87878787U, 0xe9e9e9e9U,
+    0xcecececeU, 0x55555555U, 0x28282828U, 0xdfdfdfdfU,
+    0x8c8c8c8cU, 0xa1a1a1a1U, 0x89898989U, 0x0d0d0d0dU,
+    0xbfbfbfbfU, 0xe6e6e6e6U, 0x42424242U, 0x68686868U,
+    0x41414141U, 0x99999999U, 0x2d2d2d2dU, 0x0f0f0f0fU,
+    0xb0b0b0b0U, 0x54545454U, 0xbbbbbbbbU, 0x16161616U,
+static const word32 Td[5][256] = {
+    0x51f4a750U, 0x7e416553U, 0x1a17a4c3U, 0x3a275e96U,
+    0x3bab6bcbU, 0x1f9d45f1U, 0xacfa58abU, 0x4be30393U,
+    0x2030fa55U, 0xad766df6U, 0x88cc7691U, 0xf5024c25U,
+    0x4fe5d7fcU, 0xc52acbd7U, 0x26354480U, 0xb562a38fU,
+    0xdeb15a49U, 0x25ba1b67U, 0x45ea0e98U, 0x5dfec0e1U,
+    0xc32f7502U, 0x814cf012U, 0x8d4697a3U, 0x6bd3f9c6U,
+    0x038f5fe7U, 0x15929c95U, 0xbf6d7aebU, 0x955259daU,
+    0xd4be832dU, 0x587421d3U, 0x49e06929U, 0x8ec9c844U,
+    0x75c2896aU, 0xf48e7978U, 0x99583e6bU, 0x27b971ddU,
+    0xbee14fb6U, 0xf088ad17U, 0xc920ac66U, 0x7dce3ab4U,
+    0x63df4a18U, 0xe51a3182U, 0x97513360U, 0x62537f45U,
+    0xb16477e0U, 0xbb6bae84U, 0xfe81a01cU, 0xf9082b94U,
+    0x70486858U, 0x8f45fd19U, 0x94de6c87U, 0x527bf8b7U,
+    0xab73d323U, 0x724b02e2U, 0xe31f8f57U, 0x6655ab2aU,
+    0xb2eb2807U, 0x2fb5c203U, 0x86c57b9aU, 0xd33708a5U,
+    0x302887f2U, 0x23bfa5b2U, 0x02036abaU, 0xed16825cU,
+    0x8acf1c2bU, 0xa779b492U, 0xf307f2f0U, 0x4e69e2a1U,
+    0x65daf4cdU, 0x0605bed5U, 0xd134621fU, 0xc4a6fe8aU,
+    0x342e539dU, 0xa2f355a0U, 0x058ae132U, 0xa4f6eb75U,
+    0x0b83ec39U, 0x4060efaaU, 0x5e719f06U, 0xbd6e1051U,
+    0x3e218af9U, 0x96dd063dU, 0xdd3e05aeU, 0x4de6bd46U,
+    0x91548db5U, 0x71c45d05U, 0x0406d46fU, 0x605015ffU,
+    0x1998fb24U, 0xd6bde997U, 0x894043ccU, 0x67d99e77U,
+    0xb0e842bdU, 0x07898b88U, 0xe7195b38U, 0x79c8eedbU,
+    0xa17c0a47U, 0x7c420fe9U, 0xf8841ec9U, 0x00000000U,
+    0x09808683U, 0x322bed48U, 0x1e1170acU, 0x6c5a724eU,
+    0xfd0efffbU, 0x0f853856U, 0x3daed51eU, 0x362d3927U,
+    0x0a0fd964U, 0x685ca621U, 0x9b5b54d1U, 0x24362e3aU,
+    0x0c0a67b1U, 0x9357e70fU, 0xb4ee96d2U, 0x1b9b919eU,
+    0x80c0c54fU, 0x61dc20a2U, 0x5a774b69U, 0x1c121a16U,
+    0xe293ba0aU, 0xc0a02ae5U, 0x3c22e043U, 0x121b171dU,
+    0x0e090d0bU, 0xf28bc7adU, 0x2db6a8b9U, 0x141ea9c8U,
+    0x57f11985U, 0xaf75074cU, 0xee99ddbbU, 0xa37f60fdU,
+    0xf701269fU, 0x5c72f5bcU, 0x44663bc5U, 0x5bfb7e34U,
+    0x8b432976U, 0xcb23c6dcU, 0xb6edfc68U, 0xb8e4f163U,
+    0xd731dccaU, 0x42638510U, 0x13972240U, 0x84c61120U,
+    0x854a247dU, 0xd2bb3df8U, 0xaef93211U, 0xc729a16dU,
+    0x1d9e2f4bU, 0xdcb230f3U, 0x0d8652ecU, 0x77c1e3d0U,
+    0x2bb3166cU, 0xa970b999U, 0x119448faU, 0x47e96422U,
+    0xa8fc8cc4U, 0xa0f03f1aU, 0x567d2cd8U, 0x223390efU,
+    0x87494ec7U, 0xd938d1c1U, 0x8ccaa2feU, 0x98d40b36U,
+    0xa6f581cfU, 0xa57ade28U, 0xdab78e26U, 0x3fadbfa4U,
+    0x2c3a9de4U, 0x5078920dU, 0x6a5fcc9bU, 0x547e4662U,
+    0xf68d13c2U, 0x90d8b8e8U, 0x2e39f75eU, 0x82c3aff5U,
+    0x9f5d80beU, 0x69d0937cU, 0x6fd52da9U, 0xcf2512b3U,
+    0xc8ac993bU, 0x10187da7U, 0xe89c636eU, 0xdb3bbb7bU,
+    0xcd267809U, 0x6e5918f4U, 0xec9ab701U, 0x834f9aa8U,
+    0xe6956e65U, 0xaaffe67eU, 0x21bccf08U, 0xef15e8e6U,
+    0xbae79bd9U, 0x4a6f36ceU, 0xea9f09d4U, 0x29b07cd6U,
+    0x31a4b2afU, 0x2a3f2331U, 0xc6a59430U, 0x35a266c0U,
+    0x744ebc37U, 0xfc82caa6U, 0xe090d0b0U, 0x33a7d815U,
+    0xf104984aU, 0x41ecdaf7U, 0x7fcd500eU, 0x1791f62fU,
+    0x764dd68dU, 0x43efb04dU, 0xccaa4d54U, 0xe49604dfU,
+    0x9ed1b5e3U, 0x4c6a881bU, 0xc12c1fb8U, 0x4665517fU,
+    0x9d5eea04U, 0x018c355dU, 0xfa877473U, 0xfb0b412eU,
+    0xb3671d5aU, 0x92dbd252U, 0xe9105633U, 0x6dd64713U,
+    0x9ad7618cU, 0x37a10c7aU, 0x59f8148eU, 0xeb133c89U,
+    0xcea927eeU, 0xb761c935U, 0xe11ce5edU, 0x7a47b13cU,
+    0x9cd2df59U, 0x55f2733fU, 0x1814ce79U, 0x73c737bfU,
+    0x53f7cdeaU, 0x5ffdaa5bU, 0xdf3d6f14U, 0x7844db86U,
+    0xcaaff381U, 0xb968c43eU, 0x3824342cU, 0xc2a3405fU,
+    0x161dc372U, 0xbce2250cU, 0x283c498bU, 0xff0d9541U,
+    0x39a80171U, 0x080cb3deU, 0xd8b4e49cU, 0x6456c190U,
+    0x7bcb8461U, 0xd532b670U, 0x486c5c74U, 0xd0b85742U,
+    0x5051f4a7U, 0x537e4165U, 0xc31a17a4U, 0x963a275eU,
+    0xcb3bab6bU, 0xf11f9d45U, 0xabacfa58U, 0x934be303U,
+    0x552030faU, 0xf6ad766dU, 0x9188cc76U, 0x25f5024cU,
+    0xfc4fe5d7U, 0xd7c52acbU, 0x80263544U, 0x8fb562a3U,
+    0x49deb15aU, 0x6725ba1bU, 0x9845ea0eU, 0xe15dfec0U,
+    0x02c32f75U, 0x12814cf0U, 0xa38d4697U, 0xc66bd3f9U,
+    0xe7038f5fU, 0x9515929cU, 0xebbf6d7aU, 0xda955259U,
+    0x2dd4be83U, 0xd3587421U, 0x2949e069U, 0x448ec9c8U,
+    0x6a75c289U, 0x78f48e79U, 0x6b99583eU, 0xdd27b971U,
+    0xb6bee14fU, 0x17f088adU, 0x66c920acU, 0xb47dce3aU,
+    0x1863df4aU, 0x82e51a31U, 0x60975133U, 0x4562537fU,
+    0xe0b16477U, 0x84bb6baeU, 0x1cfe81a0U, 0x94f9082bU,
+    0x58704868U, 0x198f45fdU, 0x8794de6cU, 0xb7527bf8U,
+    0x23ab73d3U, 0xe2724b02U, 0x57e31f8fU, 0x2a6655abU,
+    0x07b2eb28U, 0x032fb5c2U, 0x9a86c57bU, 0xa5d33708U,
+    0xf2302887U, 0xb223bfa5U, 0xba02036aU, 0x5ced1682U,
+    0x2b8acf1cU, 0x92a779b4U, 0xf0f307f2U, 0xa14e69e2U,
+    0xcd65daf4U, 0xd50605beU, 0x1fd13462U, 0x8ac4a6feU,
+    0x9d342e53U, 0xa0a2f355U, 0x32058ae1U, 0x75a4f6ebU,
+    0x390b83ecU, 0xaa4060efU, 0x065e719fU, 0x51bd6e10U,
+    0xf93e218aU, 0x3d96dd06U, 0xaedd3e05U, 0x464de6bdU,
+    0xb591548dU, 0x0571c45dU, 0x6f0406d4U, 0xff605015U,
+    0x241998fbU, 0x97d6bde9U, 0xcc894043U, 0x7767d99eU,
+    0xbdb0e842U, 0x8807898bU, 0x38e7195bU, 0xdb79c8eeU,
+    0x47a17c0aU, 0xe97c420fU, 0xc9f8841eU, 0x00000000U,
+    0x83098086U, 0x48322bedU, 0xac1e1170U, 0x4e6c5a72U,
+    0xfbfd0effU, 0x560f8538U, 0x1e3daed5U, 0x27362d39U,
+    0x640a0fd9U, 0x21685ca6U, 0xd19b5b54U, 0x3a24362eU,
+    0xb10c0a67U, 0x0f9357e7U, 0xd2b4ee96U, 0x9e1b9b91U,
+    0x4f80c0c5U, 0xa261dc20U, 0x695a774bU, 0x161c121aU,
+    0x0ae293baU, 0xe5c0a02aU, 0x433c22e0U, 0x1d121b17U,
+    0x0b0e090dU, 0xadf28bc7U, 0xb92db6a8U, 0xc8141ea9U,
+    0x8557f119U, 0x4caf7507U, 0xbbee99ddU, 0xfda37f60U,
+    0x9ff70126U, 0xbc5c72f5U, 0xc544663bU, 0x345bfb7eU,
+    0x768b4329U, 0xdccb23c6U, 0x68b6edfcU, 0x63b8e4f1U,
+    0xcad731dcU, 0x10426385U, 0x40139722U, 0x2084c611U,
+    0x7d854a24U, 0xf8d2bb3dU, 0x11aef932U, 0x6dc729a1U,
+    0x4b1d9e2fU, 0xf3dcb230U, 0xec0d8652U, 0xd077c1e3U,
+    0x6c2bb316U, 0x99a970b9U, 0xfa119448U, 0x2247e964U,
+    0xc4a8fc8cU, 0x1aa0f03fU, 0xd8567d2cU, 0xef223390U,
+    0xc787494eU, 0xc1d938d1U, 0xfe8ccaa2U, 0x3698d40bU,
+    0xcfa6f581U, 0x28a57adeU, 0x26dab78eU, 0xa43fadbfU,
+    0xe42c3a9dU, 0x0d507892U, 0x9b6a5fccU, 0x62547e46U,
+    0xc2f68d13U, 0xe890d8b8U, 0x5e2e39f7U, 0xf582c3afU,
+    0xbe9f5d80U, 0x7c69d093U, 0xa96fd52dU, 0xb3cf2512U,
+    0x3bc8ac99U, 0xa710187dU, 0x6ee89c63U, 0x7bdb3bbbU,
+    0x09cd2678U, 0xf46e5918U, 0x01ec9ab7U, 0xa8834f9aU,
+    0x65e6956eU, 0x7eaaffe6U, 0x0821bccfU, 0xe6ef15e8U,
+    0xd9bae79bU, 0xce4a6f36U, 0xd4ea9f09U, 0xd629b07cU,
+    0xaf31a4b2U, 0x312a3f23U, 0x30c6a594U, 0xc035a266U,
+    0x37744ebcU, 0xa6fc82caU, 0xb0e090d0U, 0x1533a7d8U,
+    0x4af10498U, 0xf741ecdaU, 0x0e7fcd50U, 0x2f1791f6U,
+    0x8d764dd6U, 0x4d43efb0U, 0x54ccaa4dU, 0xdfe49604U,
+    0xe39ed1b5U, 0x1b4c6a88U, 0xb8c12c1fU, 0x7f466551U,
+    0x049d5eeaU, 0x5d018c35U, 0x73fa8774U, 0x2efb0b41U,
+    0x5ab3671dU, 0x5292dbd2U, 0x33e91056U, 0x136dd647U,
+    0x8c9ad761U, 0x7a37a10cU, 0x8e59f814U, 0x89eb133cU,
+    0xeecea927U, 0x35b761c9U, 0xede11ce5U, 0x3c7a47b1U,
+    0x599cd2dfU, 0x3f55f273U, 0x791814ceU, 0xbf73c737U,
+    0xea53f7cdU, 0x5b5ffdaaU, 0x14df3d6fU, 0x867844dbU,
+    0x81caaff3U, 0x3eb968c4U, 0x2c382434U, 0x5fc2a340U,
+    0x72161dc3U, 0x0cbce225U, 0x8b283c49U, 0x41ff0d95U,
+    0x7139a801U, 0xde080cb3U, 0x9cd8b4e4U, 0x906456c1U,
+    0x617bcb84U, 0x70d532b6U, 0x74486c5cU, 0x42d0b857U,
+    0xa75051f4U, 0x65537e41U, 0xa4c31a17U, 0x5e963a27U,
+    0x6bcb3babU, 0x45f11f9dU, 0x58abacfaU, 0x03934be3U,
+    0xfa552030U, 0x6df6ad76U, 0x769188ccU, 0x4c25f502U,
+    0xd7fc4fe5U, 0xcbd7c52aU, 0x44802635U, 0xa38fb562U,
+    0x5a49deb1U, 0x1b6725baU, 0x0e9845eaU, 0xc0e15dfeU,
+    0x7502c32fU, 0xf012814cU, 0x97a38d46U, 0xf9c66bd3U,
+    0x5fe7038fU, 0x9c951592U, 0x7aebbf6dU, 0x59da9552U,
+    0x832dd4beU, 0x21d35874U, 0x692949e0U, 0xc8448ec9U,
+    0x896a75c2U, 0x7978f48eU, 0x3e6b9958U, 0x71dd27b9U,
+    0x4fb6bee1U, 0xad17f088U, 0xac66c920U, 0x3ab47dceU,
+    0x4a1863dfU, 0x3182e51aU, 0x33609751U, 0x7f456253U,
+    0x77e0b164U, 0xae84bb6bU, 0xa01cfe81U, 0x2b94f908U,
+    0x68587048U, 0xfd198f45U, 0x6c8794deU, 0xf8b7527bU,
+    0xd323ab73U, 0x02e2724bU, 0x8f57e31fU, 0xab2a6655U,
+    0x2807b2ebU, 0xc2032fb5U, 0x7b9a86c5U, 0x08a5d337U,
+    0x87f23028U, 0xa5b223bfU, 0x6aba0203U, 0x825ced16U,
+    0x1c2b8acfU, 0xb492a779U, 0xf2f0f307U, 0xe2a14e69U,
+    0xf4cd65daU, 0xbed50605U, 0x621fd134U, 0xfe8ac4a6U,
+    0x539d342eU, 0x55a0a2f3U, 0xe132058aU, 0xeb75a4f6U,
+    0xec390b83U, 0xefaa4060U, 0x9f065e71U, 0x1051bd6eU,
+    0x8af93e21U, 0x063d96ddU, 0x05aedd3eU, 0xbd464de6U,
+    0x8db59154U, 0x5d0571c4U, 0xd46f0406U, 0x15ff6050U,
+    0xfb241998U, 0xe997d6bdU, 0x43cc8940U, 0x9e7767d9U,
+    0x42bdb0e8U, 0x8b880789U, 0x5b38e719U, 0xeedb79c8U,
+    0x0a47a17cU, 0x0fe97c42U, 0x1ec9f884U, 0x00000000U,
+    0x86830980U, 0xed48322bU, 0x70ac1e11U, 0x724e6c5aU,
+    0xfffbfd0eU, 0x38560f85U, 0xd51e3daeU, 0x3927362dU,
+    0xd9640a0fU, 0xa621685cU, 0x54d19b5bU, 0x2e3a2436U,
+    0x67b10c0aU, 0xe70f9357U, 0x96d2b4eeU, 0x919e1b9bU,
+    0xc54f80c0U, 0x20a261dcU, 0x4b695a77U, 0x1a161c12U,
+    0xba0ae293U, 0x2ae5c0a0U, 0xe0433c22U, 0x171d121bU,
+    0x0d0b0e09U, 0xc7adf28bU, 0xa8b92db6U, 0xa9c8141eU,
+    0x198557f1U, 0x074caf75U, 0xddbbee99U, 0x60fda37fU,
+    0x269ff701U, 0xf5bc5c72U, 0x3bc54466U, 0x7e345bfbU,
+    0x29768b43U, 0xc6dccb23U, 0xfc68b6edU, 0xf163b8e4U,
+    0xdccad731U, 0x85104263U, 0x22401397U, 0x112084c6U,
+    0x247d854aU, 0x3df8d2bbU, 0x3211aef9U, 0xa16dc729U,
+    0x2f4b1d9eU, 0x30f3dcb2U, 0x52ec0d86U, 0xe3d077c1U,
+    0x166c2bb3U, 0xb999a970U, 0x48fa1194U, 0x642247e9U,
+    0x8cc4a8fcU, 0x3f1aa0f0U, 0x2cd8567dU, 0x90ef2233U,
+    0x4ec78749U, 0xd1c1d938U, 0xa2fe8ccaU, 0x0b3698d4U,
+    0x81cfa6f5U, 0xde28a57aU, 0x8e26dab7U, 0xbfa43fadU,
+    0x9de42c3aU, 0x920d5078U, 0xcc9b6a5fU, 0x4662547eU,
+    0x13c2f68dU, 0xb8e890d8U, 0xf75e2e39U, 0xaff582c3U,
+    0x80be9f5dU, 0x937c69d0U, 0x2da96fd5U, 0x12b3cf25U,
+    0x993bc8acU, 0x7da71018U, 0x636ee89cU, 0xbb7bdb3bU,
+    0x7809cd26U, 0x18f46e59U, 0xb701ec9aU, 0x9aa8834fU,
+    0x6e65e695U, 0xe67eaaffU, 0xcf0821bcU, 0xe8e6ef15U,
+    0x9bd9bae7U, 0x36ce4a6fU, 0x09d4ea9fU, 0x7cd629b0U,
+    0xb2af31a4U, 0x23312a3fU, 0x9430c6a5U, 0x66c035a2U,
+    0xbc37744eU, 0xcaa6fc82U, 0xd0b0e090U, 0xd81533a7U,
+    0x984af104U, 0xdaf741ecU, 0x500e7fcdU, 0xf62f1791U,
+    0xd68d764dU, 0xb04d43efU, 0x4d54ccaaU, 0x04dfe496U,
+    0xb5e39ed1U, 0x881b4c6aU, 0x1fb8c12cU, 0x517f4665U,
+    0xea049d5eU, 0x355d018cU, 0x7473fa87U, 0x412efb0bU,
+    0x1d5ab367U, 0xd25292dbU, 0x5633e910U, 0x47136dd6U,
+    0x618c9ad7U, 0x0c7a37a1U, 0x148e59f8U, 0x3c89eb13U,
+    0x27eecea9U, 0xc935b761U, 0xe5ede11cU, 0xb13c7a47U,
+    0xdf599cd2U, 0x733f55f2U, 0xce791814U, 0x37bf73c7U,
+    0xcdea53f7U, 0xaa5b5ffdU, 0x6f14df3dU, 0xdb867844U,
+    0xf381caafU, 0xc43eb968U, 0x342c3824U, 0x405fc2a3U,
+    0xc372161dU, 0x250cbce2U, 0x498b283cU, 0x9541ff0dU,
+    0x017139a8U, 0xb3de080cU, 0xe49cd8b4U, 0xc1906456U,
+    0x84617bcbU, 0xb670d532U, 0x5c74486cU, 0x5742d0b8U,
+    0xf4a75051U, 0x4165537eU, 0x17a4c31aU, 0x275e963aU,
+    0xab6bcb3bU, 0x9d45f11fU, 0xfa58abacU, 0xe303934bU,
+    0x30fa5520U, 0x766df6adU, 0xcc769188U, 0x024c25f5U,
+    0xe5d7fc4fU, 0x2acbd7c5U, 0x35448026U, 0x62a38fb5U,
+    0xb15a49deU, 0xba1b6725U, 0xea0e9845U, 0xfec0e15dU,
+    0x2f7502c3U, 0x4cf01281U, 0x4697a38dU, 0xd3f9c66bU,
+    0x8f5fe703U, 0x929c9515U, 0x6d7aebbfU, 0x5259da95U,
+    0xbe832dd4U, 0x7421d358U, 0xe0692949U, 0xc9c8448eU,
+    0xc2896a75U, 0x8e7978f4U, 0x583e6b99U, 0xb971dd27U,
+    0xe14fb6beU, 0x88ad17f0U, 0x20ac66c9U, 0xce3ab47dU,
+    0xdf4a1863U, 0x1a3182e5U, 0x51336097U, 0x537f4562U,
+    0x6477e0b1U, 0x6bae84bbU, 0x81a01cfeU, 0x082b94f9U,
+    0x48685870U, 0x45fd198fU, 0xde6c8794U, 0x7bf8b752U,
+    0x73d323abU, 0x4b02e272U, 0x1f8f57e3U, 0x55ab2a66U,
+    0xeb2807b2U, 0xb5c2032fU, 0xc57b9a86U, 0x3708a5d3U,
+    0x2887f230U, 0xbfa5b223U, 0x036aba02U, 0x16825cedU,
+    0xcf1c2b8aU, 0x79b492a7U, 0x07f2f0f3U, 0x69e2a14eU,
+    0xdaf4cd65U, 0x05bed506U, 0x34621fd1U, 0xa6fe8ac4U,
+    0x2e539d34U, 0xf355a0a2U, 0x8ae13205U, 0xf6eb75a4U,
+    0x83ec390bU, 0x60efaa40U, 0x719f065eU, 0x6e1051bdU,
+    0x218af93eU, 0xdd063d96U, 0x3e05aeddU, 0xe6bd464dU,
+    0x548db591U, 0xc45d0571U, 0x06d46f04U, 0x5015ff60U,
+    0x98fb2419U, 0xbde997d6U, 0x4043cc89U, 0xd99e7767U,
+    0xe842bdb0U, 0x898b8807U, 0x195b38e7U, 0xc8eedb79U,
+    0x7c0a47a1U, 0x420fe97cU, 0x841ec9f8U, 0x00000000U,
+    0x80868309U, 0x2bed4832U, 0x1170ac1eU, 0x5a724e6cU,
+    0x0efffbfdU, 0x8538560fU, 0xaed51e3dU, 0x2d392736U,
+    0x0fd9640aU, 0x5ca62168U, 0x5b54d19bU, 0x362e3a24U,
+    0x0a67b10cU, 0x57e70f93U, 0xee96d2b4U, 0x9b919e1bU,
+    0xc0c54f80U, 0xdc20a261U, 0x774b695aU, 0x121a161cU,
+    0x93ba0ae2U, 0xa02ae5c0U, 0x22e0433cU, 0x1b171d12U,
+    0x090d0b0eU, 0x8bc7adf2U, 0xb6a8b92dU, 0x1ea9c814U,
+    0xf1198557U, 0x75074cafU, 0x99ddbbeeU, 0x7f60fda3U,
+    0x01269ff7U, 0x72f5bc5cU, 0x663bc544U, 0xfb7e345bU,
+    0x4329768bU, 0x23c6dccbU, 0xedfc68b6U, 0xe4f163b8U,
+    0x31dccad7U, 0x63851042U, 0x97224013U, 0xc6112084U,
+    0x4a247d85U, 0xbb3df8d2U, 0xf93211aeU, 0x29a16dc7U,
+    0x9e2f4b1dU, 0xb230f3dcU, 0x8652ec0dU, 0xc1e3d077U,
+    0xb3166c2bU, 0x70b999a9U, 0x9448fa11U, 0xe9642247U,
+    0xfc8cc4a8U, 0xf03f1aa0U, 0x7d2cd856U, 0x3390ef22U,
+    0x494ec787U, 0x38d1c1d9U, 0xcaa2fe8cU, 0xd40b3698U,
+    0xf581cfa6U, 0x7ade28a5U, 0xb78e26daU, 0xadbfa43fU,
+    0x3a9de42cU, 0x78920d50U, 0x5fcc9b6aU, 0x7e466254U,
+    0x8d13c2f6U, 0xd8b8e890U, 0x39f75e2eU, 0xc3aff582U,
+    0x5d80be9fU, 0xd0937c69U, 0xd52da96fU, 0x2512b3cfU,
+    0xac993bc8U, 0x187da710U, 0x9c636ee8U, 0x3bbb7bdbU,
+    0x267809cdU, 0x5918f46eU, 0x9ab701ecU, 0x4f9aa883U,
+    0x956e65e6U, 0xffe67eaaU, 0xbccf0821U, 0x15e8e6efU,
+    0xe79bd9baU, 0x6f36ce4aU, 0x9f09d4eaU, 0xb07cd629U,
+    0xa4b2af31U, 0x3f23312aU, 0xa59430c6U, 0xa266c035U,
+    0x4ebc3774U, 0x82caa6fcU, 0x90d0b0e0U, 0xa7d81533U,
+    0x04984af1U, 0xecdaf741U, 0xcd500e7fU, 0x91f62f17U,
+    0x4dd68d76U, 0xefb04d43U, 0xaa4d54ccU, 0x9604dfe4U,
+    0xd1b5e39eU, 0x6a881b4cU, 0x2c1fb8c1U, 0x65517f46U,
+    0x5eea049dU, 0x8c355d01U, 0x877473faU, 0x0b412efbU,
+    0x671d5ab3U, 0xdbd25292U, 0x105633e9U, 0xd647136dU,
+    0xd7618c9aU, 0xa10c7a37U, 0xf8148e59U, 0x133c89ebU,
+    0xa927eeceU, 0x61c935b7U, 0x1ce5ede1U, 0x47b13c7aU,
+    0xd2df599cU, 0xf2733f55U, 0x14ce7918U, 0xc737bf73U,
+    0xf7cdea53U, 0xfdaa5b5fU, 0x3d6f14dfU, 0x44db8678U,
+    0xaff381caU, 0x68c43eb9U, 0x24342c38U, 0xa3405fc2U,
+    0x1dc37216U, 0xe2250cbcU, 0x3c498b28U, 0x0d9541ffU,
+    0xa8017139U, 0x0cb3de08U, 0xb4e49cd8U, 0x56c19064U,
+    0xcb84617bU, 0x32b670d5U, 0x6c5c7448U, 0xb85742d0U,
+    0x52525252U, 0x09090909U, 0x6a6a6a6aU, 0xd5d5d5d5U,
+    0x30303030U, 0x36363636U, 0xa5a5a5a5U, 0x38383838U,
+    0xbfbfbfbfU, 0x40404040U, 0xa3a3a3a3U, 0x9e9e9e9eU,
+    0x81818181U, 0xf3f3f3f3U, 0xd7d7d7d7U, 0xfbfbfbfbU,
+    0x7c7c7c7cU, 0xe3e3e3e3U, 0x39393939U, 0x82828282U,
+    0x9b9b9b9bU, 0x2f2f2f2fU, 0xffffffffU, 0x87878787U,
+    0x34343434U, 0x8e8e8e8eU, 0x43434343U, 0x44444444U,
+    0xc4c4c4c4U, 0xdedededeU, 0xe9e9e9e9U, 0xcbcbcbcbU,
+    0x54545454U, 0x7b7b7b7bU, 0x94949494U, 0x32323232U,
+    0xa6a6a6a6U, 0xc2c2c2c2U, 0x23232323U, 0x3d3d3d3dU,
+    0xeeeeeeeeU, 0x4c4c4c4cU, 0x95959595U, 0x0b0b0b0bU,
+    0x42424242U, 0xfafafafaU, 0xc3c3c3c3U, 0x4e4e4e4eU,
+    0x08080808U, 0x2e2e2e2eU, 0xa1a1a1a1U, 0x66666666U,
+    0x28282828U, 0xd9d9d9d9U, 0x24242424U, 0xb2b2b2b2U,
+    0x76767676U, 0x5b5b5b5bU, 0xa2a2a2a2U, 0x49494949U,
+    0x6d6d6d6dU, 0x8b8b8b8bU, 0xd1d1d1d1U, 0x25252525U,
+    0x72727272U, 0xf8f8f8f8U, 0xf6f6f6f6U, 0x64646464U,
+    0x86868686U, 0x68686868U, 0x98989898U, 0x16161616U,
+    0xd4d4d4d4U, 0xa4a4a4a4U, 0x5c5c5c5cU, 0xccccccccU,
+    0x5d5d5d5dU, 0x65656565U, 0xb6b6b6b6U, 0x92929292U,
+    0x6c6c6c6cU, 0x70707070U, 0x48484848U, 0x50505050U,
+    0xfdfdfdfdU, 0xededededU, 0xb9b9b9b9U, 0xdadadadaU,
+    0x5e5e5e5eU, 0x15151515U, 0x46464646U, 0x57575757U,
+    0xa7a7a7a7U, 0x8d8d8d8dU, 0x9d9d9d9dU, 0x84848484U,
+    0x90909090U, 0xd8d8d8d8U, 0xababababU, 0x00000000U,
+    0x8c8c8c8cU, 0xbcbcbcbcU, 0xd3d3d3d3U, 0x0a0a0a0aU,
+    0xf7f7f7f7U, 0xe4e4e4e4U, 0x58585858U, 0x05050505U,
+    0xb8b8b8b8U, 0xb3b3b3b3U, 0x45454545U, 0x06060606U,
+    0xd0d0d0d0U, 0x2c2c2c2cU, 0x1e1e1e1eU, 0x8f8f8f8fU,
+    0xcacacacaU, 0x3f3f3f3fU, 0x0f0f0f0fU, 0x02020202U,
+    0xc1c1c1c1U, 0xafafafafU, 0xbdbdbdbdU, 0x03030303U,
+    0x01010101U, 0x13131313U, 0x8a8a8a8aU, 0x6b6b6b6bU,
+    0x3a3a3a3aU, 0x91919191U, 0x11111111U, 0x41414141U,
+    0x4f4f4f4fU, 0x67676767U, 0xdcdcdcdcU, 0xeaeaeaeaU,
+    0x97979797U, 0xf2f2f2f2U, 0xcfcfcfcfU, 0xcecececeU,
+    0xf0f0f0f0U, 0xb4b4b4b4U, 0xe6e6e6e6U, 0x73737373U,
+    0x96969696U, 0xacacacacU, 0x74747474U, 0x22222222U,
+    0xe7e7e7e7U, 0xadadadadU, 0x35353535U, 0x85858585U,
+    0xe2e2e2e2U, 0xf9f9f9f9U, 0x37373737U, 0xe8e8e8e8U,
+    0x1c1c1c1cU, 0x75757575U, 0xdfdfdfdfU, 0x6e6e6e6eU,
+    0x47474747U, 0xf1f1f1f1U, 0x1a1a1a1aU, 0x71717171U,
+    0x1d1d1d1dU, 0x29292929U, 0xc5c5c5c5U, 0x89898989U,
+    0x6f6f6f6fU, 0xb7b7b7b7U, 0x62626262U, 0x0e0e0e0eU,
+    0xaaaaaaaaU, 0x18181818U, 0xbebebebeU, 0x1b1b1b1bU,
+    0xfcfcfcfcU, 0x56565656U, 0x3e3e3e3eU, 0x4b4b4b4bU,
+    0xc6c6c6c6U, 0xd2d2d2d2U, 0x79797979U, 0x20202020U,
+    0x9a9a9a9aU, 0xdbdbdbdbU, 0xc0c0c0c0U, 0xfefefefeU,
+    0x78787878U, 0xcdcdcdcdU, 0x5a5a5a5aU, 0xf4f4f4f4U,
+    0x1f1f1f1fU, 0xddddddddU, 0xa8a8a8a8U, 0x33333333U,
+    0x88888888U, 0x07070707U, 0xc7c7c7c7U, 0x31313131U,
+    0xb1b1b1b1U, 0x12121212U, 0x10101010U, 0x59595959U,
+    0x27272727U, 0x80808080U, 0xececececU, 0x5f5f5f5fU,
+    0x60606060U, 0x51515151U, 0x7f7f7f7fU, 0xa9a9a9a9U,
+    0x19191919U, 0xb5b5b5b5U, 0x4a4a4a4aU, 0x0d0d0d0dU,
+    0x2d2d2d2dU, 0xe5e5e5e5U, 0x7a7a7a7aU, 0x9f9f9f9fU,
+    0x93939393U, 0xc9c9c9c9U, 0x9c9c9c9cU, 0xefefefefU,
+    0xa0a0a0a0U, 0xe0e0e0e0U, 0x3b3b3b3bU, 0x4d4d4d4dU,
+    0xaeaeaeaeU, 0x2a2a2a2aU, 0xf5f5f5f5U, 0xb0b0b0b0U,
+    0xc8c8c8c8U, 0xebebebebU, 0xbbbbbbbbU, 0x3c3c3c3cU,
+    0x83838383U, 0x53535353U, 0x99999999U, 0x61616161U,
+    0x17171717U, 0x2b2b2b2bU, 0x04040404U, 0x7e7e7e7eU,
+    0xbabababaU, 0x77777777U, 0xd6d6d6d6U, 0x26262626U,
+    0xe1e1e1e1U, 0x69696969U, 0x14141414U, 0x63636363U,
+    0x55555555U, 0x21212121U, 0x0c0c0c0cU, 0x7d7d7d7dU,
+#define GETBYTE(x, y) (word32)((byte)((x) >> (8 * (y))))
+#define cpuid(func,ax,bx,cx,dx)\
+        __asm__ __volatile__ ("cpuid":\
+                       "=a" (ax), "=b" (bx), "=c" (cx), "=d" (dx) : "a" (func));
+static int Check_CPU_support_AES()
+    unsigned int a,b,c,d;
+    cpuid(1,a,b,c,d);
+    if (c & 0x2000000)
+        return 1;
+    return 0;
+static int checkAESNI = 0;
+static int haveAESNI  = 0;
+void AES_CBC_encrypt(const unsigned char* in, unsigned char* out,
+                     unsigned char* ivec, unsigned long length,
+                     const unsigned char* KS, int nr);
+void AES_CBC_decrypt(const unsigned char* in, unsigned char* out,
+                     unsigned char* ivec, unsigned long length,
+                     const unsigned char* KS, int nr);
+void AES_128_Key_Expansion(const unsigned char* userkey, 
+                           unsigned char* key_schedule);
+void AES_192_Key_Expansion(const unsigned char* userkey, 
+                           unsigned char* key_schedule);
+void AES_256_Key_Expansion(const unsigned char* userkey, 
+                           unsigned char* key_schedule);
+int AES_set_encrypt_key (const unsigned char *userKey, const int bits,
+                         Aes* aes)
+    if (!userKey || !aes)
+        return -1;
+    if (bits == 128) {
+       AES_128_Key_Expansion (userKey,(byte*)aes->key); aes->rounds = 10;
+       return 0;
+    }
+    else if (bits == 192) {
+       AES_192_Key_Expansion (userKey,(byte*)aes->key); aes->rounds = 12;
+       return 0;
+    }
+    else if (bits == 256) {
+       AES_256_Key_Expansion (userKey,(byte*)aes->key); aes->rounds = 14;
+       return 0;
+    }
+    return -1;
+int AES_set_decrypt_key (const unsigned char* userKey, const int bits,
+                         Aes* aes)
+    int nr;
+    Aes temp_key;
+    __m128i *Key_Schedule = (__m128i*)aes->key;
+    __m128i *Temp_Key_Schedule = (__m128i*)temp_key.key;
+    if (!userKey || !aes)
+        return -1;
+    if (AES_set_encrypt_key(userKey,bits,&temp_key) == -1)
+        return -1;
+    nr = temp_key.rounds;
+    aes->rounds = nr;
+    Key_Schedule[nr] = Temp_Key_Schedule[0];
+    Key_Schedule[nr-1] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[1]);
+    Key_Schedule[nr-2] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[2]);
+    Key_Schedule[nr-3] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[3]);
+    Key_Schedule[nr-4] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[4]);
+    Key_Schedule[nr-5] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[5]);
+    Key_Schedule[nr-6] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[6]);
+    Key_Schedule[nr-7] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[7]);
+    Key_Schedule[nr-8] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[8]);
+    Key_Schedule[nr-9] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[9]);
+    if(nr>10) {
+        Key_Schedule[nr-10] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[10]);
+        Key_Schedule[nr-11] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[11]);
+    }
+    if(nr>12) {
+        Key_Schedule[nr-12] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[12]);
+        Key_Schedule[nr-13] = _mm_aesimc_si128(Temp_Key_Schedule[13]);
+    }
+    Key_Schedule[0] = Temp_Key_Schedule[nr];
+    return 0;
+#endif /* CYASSL_AESNI */
+int AesSetKey(Aes* aes, const byte* userKey, word32 keylen, const byte* iv,
+               int dir)
+    word32 temp, *rk = aes->key;
+    unsigned int i = 0;
+    if (!((keylen == 16) || (keylen == 24) || (keylen == 32)))
+        return -1;
+    if (checkAESNI == 0) {
+        haveAESNI  = Check_CPU_support_AES();
+        checkAESNI = 1;
+    }
+    if (haveAESNI) {
+        XMEMCPY(aes->reg, iv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        if (dir == AES_ENCRYPTION)
+            return AES_set_encrypt_key(userKey, keylen * 8, aes);
+        else
+            return AES_set_decrypt_key(userKey, keylen * 8, aes);
+    }
+#endif /* CYASSL_AESNI */
+    aes->rounds = keylen/4 + 6;
+    XMEMCPY(rk, userKey, keylen);
+        ByteReverseWords(rk, rk, keylen);
+    #endif
+    switch(keylen)
+    {
+    case 16:
+        while (1)
+        {
+            temp  = rk[3];
+            rk[4] = rk[0] ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 2)] & 0xff000000) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 1)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 0)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 3)] & 0x000000ff) ^
+                rcon[i];
+            rk[5] = rk[1] ^ rk[4];
+            rk[6] = rk[2] ^ rk[5];
+            rk[7] = rk[3] ^ rk[6];
+            if (++i == 10)
+                break;
+            rk += 4;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 24:
+        while (1)  /* for (;;) here triggers a bug in VC60 SP4 w/ Pro Pack */
+        {
+            temp = rk[ 5];
+            rk[ 6] = rk[ 0] ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 2)] & 0xff000000) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 1)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 0)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 3)] & 0x000000ff) ^
+                rcon[i];
+            rk[ 7] = rk[ 1] ^ rk[ 6];
+            rk[ 8] = rk[ 2] ^ rk[ 7];
+            rk[ 9] = rk[ 3] ^ rk[ 8];
+            if (++i == 8)
+                break;
+            rk[10] = rk[ 4] ^ rk[ 9];
+            rk[11] = rk[ 5] ^ rk[10];
+            rk += 6;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 32:
+        while (1)
+        {
+            temp = rk[ 7];
+            rk[ 8] = rk[ 0] ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 2)] & 0xff000000) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 1)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 0)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 3)] & 0x000000ff) ^
+                rcon[i];
+            rk[ 9] = rk[ 1] ^ rk[ 8];
+            rk[10] = rk[ 2] ^ rk[ 9];
+            rk[11] = rk[ 3] ^ rk[10];
+            if (++i == 7)
+                break;
+            temp = rk[11];
+            rk[12] = rk[ 4] ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 3)] & 0xff000000) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 2)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 1)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+                (Te[4][GETBYTE(temp, 0)] & 0x000000ff);
+            rk[13] = rk[ 5] ^ rk[12];
+            rk[14] = rk[ 6] ^ rk[13];
+            rk[15] = rk[ 7] ^ rk[14];
+            rk += 8;
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    if (dir == AES_DECRYPTION)
+    {
+        unsigned int i, j;
+        rk = aes->key;
+        /* invert the order of the round keys: */
+        for (i = 0, j = 4* aes->rounds; i < j; i += 4, j -= 4) {
+            temp = rk[i    ]; rk[i    ] = rk[j    ]; rk[j    ] = temp;
+            temp = rk[i + 1]; rk[i + 1] = rk[j + 1]; rk[j + 1] = temp;
+            temp = rk[i + 2]; rk[i + 2] = rk[j + 2]; rk[j + 2] = temp;
+            temp = rk[i + 3]; rk[i + 3] = rk[j + 3]; rk[j + 3] = temp;
+        }
+        /* apply the inverse MixColumn transform to all round keys but the
+           first and the last: */
+        for (i = 1; i < aes->rounds; i++) {
+            rk += 4;
+            rk[0] =
+                Td[0][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[0], 3)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[1][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[0], 2)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[2][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[0], 1)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[3][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[0], 0)] & 0xff];
+            rk[1] =
+                Td[0][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[1], 3)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[1][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[1], 2)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[2][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[1], 1)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[3][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[1], 0)] & 0xff];
+            rk[2] =
+                Td[0][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[2], 3)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[1][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[2], 2)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[2][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[2], 1)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[3][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[2], 0)] & 0xff];
+            rk[3] =
+                Td[0][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[3], 3)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[1][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[3], 2)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[2][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[3], 1)] & 0xff] ^
+                Td[3][Te[4][GETBYTE(rk[3], 0)] & 0xff];
+        }
+    }
+    XMEMCPY(aes->reg, iv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+    return 0;
+void AesEncrypt(Aes* aes, const byte* inBlock, byte* outBlock)
+    word32 s0, s1, s2, s3;
+    word32 t0, t1, t2, t3;
+    word32 r = aes->rounds >> 1;
+    const word32* rk = aes->key;
+    /*
+     * map byte array block to cipher state
+     * and add initial round key:
+     */
+    XMEMCPY(&s0, inBlock,                  sizeof(s0));
+    XMEMCPY(&s1, inBlock + sizeof(s0),     sizeof(s1));
+    XMEMCPY(&s2, inBlock + 2 * sizeof(s0), sizeof(s2));
+    XMEMCPY(&s3, inBlock + 3 * sizeof(s0), sizeof(s3));
+        s0 = ByteReverseWord32(s0);
+        s1 = ByteReverseWord32(s1);
+        s2 = ByteReverseWord32(s2);
+        s3 = ByteReverseWord32(s3);
+    #endif
+    s0 ^= rk[0];
+    s1 ^= rk[1];
+    s2 ^= rk[2];
+    s3 ^= rk[3];
+    /*
+     * Nr - 1 full rounds:
+     */
+    for (;;) {
+        t0 =
+            Te[0][GETBYTE(s0, 3)]  ^
+            Te[1][GETBYTE(s1, 2)]  ^
+            Te[2][GETBYTE(s2, 1)]  ^
+            Te[3][GETBYTE(s3, 0)]  ^
+            rk[4];
+        t1 =
+            Te[0][GETBYTE(s1, 3)]  ^
+            Te[1][GETBYTE(s2, 2)]  ^
+            Te[2][GETBYTE(s3, 1)]  ^
+            Te[3][GETBYTE(s0, 0)]  ^
+            rk[5];
+        t2 =
+            Te[0][GETBYTE(s2, 3)] ^
+            Te[1][GETBYTE(s3, 2)]  ^
+            Te[2][GETBYTE(s0, 1)]  ^
+            Te[3][GETBYTE(s1, 0)]  ^
+            rk[6];
+        t3 =
+            Te[0][GETBYTE(s3, 3)] ^
+            Te[1][GETBYTE(s0, 2)]  ^
+            Te[2][GETBYTE(s1, 1)]  ^
+            Te[3][GETBYTE(s2, 0)]  ^
+            rk[7];
+        rk += 8;
+        if (--r == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        s0 =
+            Te[0][GETBYTE(t0, 3)] ^
+            Te[1][GETBYTE(t1, 2)] ^
+            Te[2][GETBYTE(t2, 1)] ^
+            Te[3][GETBYTE(t3, 0)] ^
+            rk[0];
+        s1 =
+            Te[0][GETBYTE(t1, 3)] ^
+            Te[1][GETBYTE(t2, 2)] ^
+            Te[2][GETBYTE(t3, 1)] ^
+            Te[3][GETBYTE(t0, 0)] ^
+            rk[1];
+        s2 =
+            Te[0][GETBYTE(t2, 3)] ^
+            Te[1][GETBYTE(t3, 2)] ^
+            Te[2][GETBYTE(t0, 1)] ^
+            Te[3][GETBYTE(t1, 0)] ^
+            rk[2];
+        s3 =
+            Te[0][GETBYTE(t3, 3)] ^
+            Te[1][GETBYTE(t0, 2)] ^
+            Te[2][GETBYTE(t1, 1)] ^
+            Te[3][GETBYTE(t2, 0)] ^
+            rk[3];
+    }
+    /*
+     * apply last round and
+     * map cipher state to byte array block:
+     */
+    s0 =
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t0, 3)] & 0xff000000) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t1, 2)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t2, 1)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t3, 0)] & 0x000000ff) ^
+        rk[0];
+    s1 =
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t1, 3)] & 0xff000000) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t2, 2)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t3, 1)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t0, 0)] & 0x000000ff) ^
+        rk[1];
+    s2 =
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t2, 3)] & 0xff000000) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t3, 2)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t0, 1)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t1, 0)] & 0x000000ff) ^
+        rk[2];
+    s3 =
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t3, 3)] & 0xff000000) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t0, 2)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t1, 1)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+        (Te[4][GETBYTE(t2, 0)] & 0x000000ff) ^
+        rk[3];
+    /* write out */
+        s0 = ByteReverseWord32(s0);
+        s1 = ByteReverseWord32(s1);
+        s2 = ByteReverseWord32(s2);
+        s3 = ByteReverseWord32(s3);
+    #endif
+    XMEMCPY(outBlock,                  &s0, sizeof(s0));
+    XMEMCPY(outBlock + sizeof(s0),     &s1, sizeof(s1));
+    XMEMCPY(outBlock + 2 * sizeof(s0), &s2, sizeof(s2));
+    XMEMCPY(outBlock + 3 * sizeof(s0), &s3, sizeof(s3));
+void AesDecrypt(Aes* aes, const byte* inBlock, byte* outBlock)
+    word32 s0, s1, s2, s3;
+    word32 t0, t1, t2, t3;
+    word32 r = aes->rounds >> 1;
+    const word32* rk = aes->key;
+    /*
+     * map byte array block to cipher state
+     * and add initial round key:
+     */
+    XMEMCPY(&s0, inBlock,                  sizeof(s0));
+    XMEMCPY(&s1, inBlock + sizeof(s0),     sizeof(s1));
+    XMEMCPY(&s2, inBlock + 2 * sizeof(s0), sizeof(s2));
+    XMEMCPY(&s3, inBlock + 3 * sizeof(s0), sizeof(s3));
+        s0 = ByteReverseWord32(s0);
+        s1 = ByteReverseWord32(s1);
+        s2 = ByteReverseWord32(s2);
+        s3 = ByteReverseWord32(s3);
+    #endif
+    s0 ^= rk[0];
+    s1 ^= rk[1];
+    s2 ^= rk[2];
+    s3 ^= rk[3];
+    /*
+     * Nr - 1 full rounds:
+     */
+    for (;;) {
+        t0 =
+            Td[0][GETBYTE(s0, 3)] ^
+            Td[1][GETBYTE(s3, 2)] ^
+            Td[2][GETBYTE(s2, 1)] ^
+            Td[3][GETBYTE(s1, 0)] ^
+            rk[4];
+        t1 =
+            Td[0][GETBYTE(s1, 3)] ^
+            Td[1][GETBYTE(s0, 2)] ^
+            Td[2][GETBYTE(s3, 1)] ^
+            Td[3][GETBYTE(s2, 0)] ^
+            rk[5];
+        t2 =
+            Td[0][GETBYTE(s2, 3)] ^
+            Td[1][GETBYTE(s1, 2)] ^
+            Td[2][GETBYTE(s0, 1)] ^
+            Td[3][GETBYTE(s3, 0)] ^
+            rk[6];
+        t3 =
+            Td[0][GETBYTE(s3, 3)] ^
+            Td[1][GETBYTE(s2, 2)] ^
+            Td[2][GETBYTE(s1, 1)] ^
+            Td[3][GETBYTE(s0, 0)] ^
+            rk[7];
+        rk += 8;
+        if (--r == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        s0 =
+            Td[0][GETBYTE(t0, 3)] ^
+            Td[1][GETBYTE(t3, 2)] ^
+            Td[2][GETBYTE(t2, 1)] ^
+            Td[3][GETBYTE(t1, 0)] ^
+            rk[0];
+        s1 =
+            Td[0][GETBYTE(t1, 3)] ^
+            Td[1][GETBYTE(t0, 2)] ^
+            Td[2][GETBYTE(t3, 1)] ^
+            Td[3][GETBYTE(t2, 0)] ^
+            rk[1];
+        s2 =
+            Td[0][GETBYTE(t2, 3)] ^
+            Td[1][GETBYTE(t1, 2)] ^
+            Td[2][GETBYTE(t0, 1)] ^
+            Td[3][GETBYTE(t3, 0)] ^
+            rk[2];
+        s3 =
+            Td[0][GETBYTE(t3, 3)] ^
+            Td[1][GETBYTE(t2, 2)] ^
+            Td[2][GETBYTE(t1, 1)] ^
+            Td[3][GETBYTE(t0, 0)] ^
+            rk[3];
+    }
+    /*
+     * apply last round and
+     * map cipher state to byte array block:
+     */
+    s0 =
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t0, 3)] & 0xff000000) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t3, 2)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t2, 1)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t1, 0)] & 0x000000ff) ^
+        rk[0];
+    s1 =
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t1, 3)] & 0xff000000) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t0, 2)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t3, 1)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t2, 0)] & 0x000000ff) ^
+        rk[1];
+    s2 =
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t2, 3)] & 0xff000000) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t1, 2)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t0, 1)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t3, 0)] & 0x000000ff) ^
+        rk[2];
+    s3 =
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t3, 3)] & 0xff000000) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t2, 2)] & 0x00ff0000) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t1, 1)] & 0x0000ff00) ^
+        (Td[4][GETBYTE(t0, 0)] & 0x000000ff) ^
+        rk[3];
+    /* write out */
+        s0 = ByteReverseWord32(s0);
+        s1 = ByteReverseWord32(s1);
+        s2 = ByteReverseWord32(s2);
+        s3 = ByteReverseWord32(s3);
+    #endif
+    XMEMCPY(outBlock,                  &s0, sizeof(s0));
+    XMEMCPY(outBlock + sizeof(s0),     &s1, sizeof(s1));
+    XMEMCPY(outBlock + 2 * sizeof(s0), &s2, sizeof(s2));
+    XMEMCPY(outBlock + 3 * sizeof(s0), &s3, sizeof(s3));
+void AesCbcEncrypt(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz)
+    word32 blocks = sz / AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+    if (haveAESNI) {
+        #ifdef DEBUG_AESNI
+            printf("about to aes cbc encrypt\n");
+            printf("in  = %p\n", in);
+            printf("out = %p\n", out);
+            printf("aes->key = %p\n", aes->key);
+            printf("aes->reg = %p\n", aes->reg);
+            printf("aes->rounds = %d\n", aes->rounds);
+            printf("sz = %d\n", sz);
+        #endif
+        AES_CBC_encrypt(in, out, (byte*)aes->reg, sz, (byte*)aes->key,
+                        aes->rounds);
+        /* store iv for next call */
+        XMEMCPY(aes->reg, out + sz - AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        return;
+    }
+    while (blocks--) {
+        xorbuf((byte*)aes->reg, in, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        AesEncrypt(aes, (byte*)aes->reg, (byte*)aes->reg);
+        XMEMCPY(out, aes->reg, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        out += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+        in  += AES_BLOCK_SIZE; 
+    }
+void AesCbcDecrypt(Aes* aes, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz)
+    word32 blocks = sz / AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+    if (haveAESNI) {
+        #ifdef DEBUG_AESNI
+            printf("about to aes cbc decrypt\n");
+            printf("in  = %p\n", in);
+            printf("out = %p\n", out);
+            printf("aes->key = %p\n", aes->key);
+            printf("aes->reg = %p\n", aes->reg);
+            printf("aes->rounds = %d\n", aes->rounds);
+            printf("sz = %d\n", sz);
+        #endif
+        /* if input and output same will overwirte input iv */
+        XMEMCPY(aes->tmp, in + sz - AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        AES_CBC_decrypt(in, out, (byte*)aes->reg, sz, (byte*)aes->key,
+                        aes->rounds);
+        /* store iv for next call */
+        XMEMCPY(aes->reg, aes->tmp, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        return;
+    }
+    while (blocks--) {
+        XMEMCPY(aes->tmp, in, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        AesDecrypt(aes, (byte*)aes->tmp, out);
+        xorbuf(out, (byte*)aes->reg, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        XMEMCPY(aes->reg, aes->tmp, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        out += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+        in  += AES_BLOCK_SIZE; 
+    }
+#endif /* NO_AES */

+ 484 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+/* aes_asm.s
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+/* See Intel® Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Instructions Set White Paper
+ * by Intel Mobility Group, Israel Development Center, Israel Shay Gueron
+ */
+//AES_CBC_encrypt (const unsigned char *in,
+//	unsigned char *out,
+//	unsigned char ivec[16],
+//	unsigned long length,
+//	const unsigned char *KS,
+//	int nr)
+.globl AES_CBC_encrypt
+# parameter 1: %rdi
+# parameter 2: %rsi
+# parameter 3: %rdx
+# parameter 4: %rcx
+# parameter 5: %r8
+# parameter 6: %r9d
+movq	%rcx, %r10
+shrq	$4, %rcx
+shlq	$60, %r10
+addq	$1, %rcx
+subq	$16, %rsi
+movdqa	(%rdx), %xmm1
+pxor	(%rdi), %xmm1
+pxor	(%r8), %xmm1
+addq	$16,%rsi
+addq	$16,%rdi
+cmpl	$12, %r9d
+aesenc	16(%r8),%xmm1
+aesenc	32(%r8),%xmm1
+aesenc	48(%r8),%xmm1
+aesenc	64(%r8),%xmm1
+aesenc	80(%r8),%xmm1
+aesenc	96(%r8),%xmm1
+aesenc	112(%r8),%xmm1
+aesenc	128(%r8),%xmm1
+aesenc	144(%r8),%xmm1
+movdqa	160(%r8),%xmm2
+jb	LAST
+cmpl	$14, %r9d
+aesenc	160(%r8),%xmm1
+aesenc	176(%r8),%xmm1
+movdqa	192(%r8),%xmm2
+jb	LAST
+aesenc	192(%r8),%xmm1
+aesenc	208(%r8),%xmm1
+movdqa	224(%r8),%xmm2
+decq	%rcx
+aesenclast %xmm2,%xmm1
+movdqu	%xmm1,(%rsi)
+jne	LOOP
+//AES_CBC_decrypt (const unsigned char *in,
+//  unsigned char *out,
+//  unsigned char ivec[16],
+//  unsigned long length,
+//  const unsigned char *KS,
+// int nr)
+.globl AES_CBC_decrypt
+# parameter 1: %rdi
+# parameter 2: %rsi
+# parameter 3: %rdx
+# parameter 4: %rcx
+# parameter 5: %r8
+# parameter 6: %r9d
+movq    %rcx, %r10
+shrq $4, %rcx
+shlq   $60, %r10
+je    DNO_PARTS_4
+addq    $1, %rcx
+movq   %rcx, %r10
+shlq    $62, %r10
+shrq  $62, %r10
+shrq  $2, %rcx
+movdqu (%rdx),%xmm5
+subq   $64, %rsi
+movdqu (%rdi), %xmm1
+movdqu  16(%rdi), %xmm2
+movdqu  32(%rdi), %xmm3
+movdqu  48(%rdi), %xmm4
+movdqa  %xmm1, %xmm6
+movdqa %xmm2, %xmm7
+movdqa %xmm3, %xmm8
+movdqa %xmm4, %xmm15
+movdqa    (%r8), %xmm9
+movdqa 16(%r8), %xmm10
+movdqa  32(%r8), %xmm11
+movdqa  48(%r8), %xmm12
+pxor    %xmm9, %xmm1
+pxor   %xmm9, %xmm2
+pxor   %xmm9, %xmm3
+pxor    %xmm9, %xmm4
+aesdec %xmm10, %xmm1
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm2
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm3
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm4
+aesdec    %xmm11, %xmm1
+aesdec    %xmm11, %xmm2
+aesdec    %xmm11, %xmm3
+aesdec    %xmm11, %xmm4
+aesdec    %xmm12, %xmm1
+aesdec    %xmm12, %xmm2
+aesdec    %xmm12, %xmm3
+aesdec    %xmm12, %xmm4
+movdqa    64(%r8), %xmm9
+movdqa   80(%r8), %xmm10
+movdqa  96(%r8), %xmm11
+movdqa  112(%r8), %xmm12
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm1
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm2
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm3
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm4
+aesdec %xmm10, %xmm1
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm2
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm3
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm4
+aesdec    %xmm11, %xmm1
+aesdec    %xmm11, %xmm2
+aesdec    %xmm11, %xmm3
+aesdec    %xmm11, %xmm4
+aesdec    %xmm12, %xmm1
+aesdec    %xmm12, %xmm2
+aesdec    %xmm12, %xmm3
+aesdec    %xmm12, %xmm4
+movdqa    128(%r8), %xmm9
+movdqa  144(%r8), %xmm10
+movdqa 160(%r8), %xmm11
+cmpl   $12, %r9d
+aesdec  %xmm9, %xmm1
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm2
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm3
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm4
+aesdec %xmm10, %xmm1
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm2
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm3
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm4
+jb    DLAST_4
+movdqa  160(%r8), %xmm9
+movdqa  176(%r8), %xmm10
+movdqa 192(%r8), %xmm11
+cmpl   $14, %r9d
+aesdec  %xmm9, %xmm1
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm2
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm3
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm4
+aesdec %xmm10, %xmm1
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm2
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm3
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm4
+jb    DLAST_4
+movdqa  192(%r8), %xmm9
+movdqa  208(%r8), %xmm10
+movdqa 224(%r8), %xmm11
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm1
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm2
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm3
+aesdec %xmm9, %xmm4
+aesdec %xmm10, %xmm1
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm2
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm3
+aesdec    %xmm10, %xmm4
+addq   $64, %rdi
+addq    $64, %rsi
+decq  %rcx
+aesdeclast %xmm11, %xmm1
+aesdeclast %xmm11, %xmm2
+aesdeclast %xmm11, %xmm3
+aesdeclast %xmm11, %xmm4
+pxor   %xmm5 ,%xmm1
+pxor    %xmm6 ,%xmm2
+pxor   %xmm7 ,%xmm3
+pxor   %xmm8 ,%xmm4
+movdqu %xmm1, (%rsi)
+movdqu    %xmm2, 16(%rsi)
+movdqu  %xmm3, 32(%rsi)
+movdqu  %xmm4, 48(%rsi)
+movdqa  %xmm15,%xmm5
+jne    DLOOP_4
+addq    $64, %rsi
+cmpq    $0, %r10
+je  DEND_4
+movdqu  (%rdi), %xmm1
+movdqa    %xmm1 ,%xmm15
+addq  $16, %rdi
+pxor  (%r8), %xmm1
+movdqu 160(%r8), %xmm2
+cmpl    $12, %r9d
+aesdec    16(%r8), %xmm1
+aesdec   32(%r8), %xmm1
+aesdec   48(%r8), %xmm1
+aesdec   64(%r8), %xmm1
+aesdec   80(%r8), %xmm1
+aesdec   96(%r8), %xmm1
+aesdec   112(%r8), %xmm1
+aesdec  128(%r8), %xmm1
+aesdec  144(%r8), %xmm1
+jb  DLAST_4_2
+movdqu    192(%r8), %xmm2
+cmpl    $14, %r9d
+aesdec    160(%r8), %xmm1
+aesdec  176(%r8), %xmm1
+jb  DLAST_4_2
+movdqu    224(%r8), %xmm2
+aesdec  192(%r8), %xmm1
+aesdec  208(%r8), %xmm1
+aesdeclast %xmm2, %xmm1
+pxor    %xmm5, %xmm1
+movdqa %xmm15, %xmm5
+movdqu    %xmm1, (%rsi)
+addq    $16, %rsi
+decq    %r10
+jne DLOOP_4_2
+//void AES_128_Key_Expansion(const unsigned char* userkey,
+//   unsigned char* key_schedule);
+.align  16,0x90
+.globl AES_128_Key_Expansion
+# parameter 1: %rdi
+# parameter 2: %rsi
+movl    $10, 240(%rsi)
+movdqu  (%rdi), %xmm1
+movdqa    %xmm1, (%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $1, %xmm1, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 16(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $2, %xmm1, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 32(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $4, %xmm1, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 48(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $8, %xmm1, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 64(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $16, %xmm1, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 80(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $32, %xmm1, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 96(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $64, %xmm1, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 112(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x80, %xmm1, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 128(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x1b, %xmm1, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 144(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x36, %xmm1, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 160(%rsi)
+pshufd $255, %xmm2, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, %xmm3
+pslldq $4, %xmm3
+pxor %xmm3, %xmm1
+pslldq $4, %xmm3
+pxor %xmm3, %xmm1
+pslldq $4, %xmm3
+pxor %xmm3, %xmm1
+pxor %xmm2, %xmm1
+//void AES_192_Key_Expansion (const unsigned char *userkey,
+//  unsigned char *key)
+.globl AES_192_Key_Expansion
+# parameter 1: %rdi
+# parameter 2: %rsi
+movdqu (%rdi), %xmm1
+movdqu 16(%rdi), %xmm3
+movdqa %xmm1, (%rsi)
+movdqa %xmm3, %xmm5
+aeskeygenassist $0x1, %xmm3, %xmm2
+shufpd $0, %xmm1, %xmm5
+movdqa %xmm5, 16(%rsi)
+movdqa %xmm1, %xmm6
+shufpd $1, %xmm3, %xmm6
+movdqa %xmm6, 32(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x2, %xmm3, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 48(%rsi)
+movdqa %xmm3, %xmm5
+aeskeygenassist $0x4, %xmm3, %xmm2
+shufpd $0, %xmm1, %xmm5
+movdqa %xmm5, 64(%rsi)
+movdqa %xmm1, %xmm6
+shufpd $1, %xmm3, %xmm6
+movdqa %xmm6, 80(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x8, %xmm3, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 96(%rsi)
+movdqa %xmm3, %xmm5
+aeskeygenassist $0x10, %xmm3, %xmm2
+shufpd $0, %xmm1, %xmm5
+movdqa %xmm5, 112(%rsi)
+movdqa %xmm1, %xmm6
+shufpd $1, %xmm3, %xmm6
+movdqa %xmm6, 128(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x20, %xmm3, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 144(%rsi)
+movdqa %xmm3, %xmm5
+aeskeygenassist $0x40, %xmm3, %xmm2
+shufpd $0, %xmm1, %xmm5
+movdqa %xmm5, 160(%rsi)
+movdqa %xmm1, %xmm6
+shufpd $1, %xmm3, %xmm6
+movdqa %xmm6, 176(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x80, %xmm3, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, 192(%rsi)
+movdqa %xmm3, 208(%rsi)
+pshufd $0x55, %xmm2, %xmm2
+movdqu %xmm1, %xmm4
+pslldq $4, %xmm4
+pxor   %xmm4, %xmm1
+pslldq $4, %xmm4
+pxor   %xmm4, %xmm1
+pslldq $4, %xmm4
+pxor  %xmm4, %xmm1
+pxor   %xmm2, %xmm1
+pshufd $0xff, %xmm1, %xmm2
+movdqu %xmm3, %xmm4
+pslldq $4, %xmm4
+pxor   %xmm4, %xmm3
+pxor   %xmm2, %xmm3
+//void AES_256_Key_Expansion (const unsigned char *userkey,
+//  unsigned char *key)
+.globl AES_256_Key_Expansion
+# parameter 1: %rdi
+# parameter 2: %rsi
+movdqu (%rdi), %xmm1
+movdqu 16(%rdi), %xmm3
+movdqa %xmm1, (%rsi)
+movdqa %xmm3, 16(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x1, %xmm3, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_a
+movdqa %xmm1, 32(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x0, %xmm1, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_b
+movdqa %xmm3, 48(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x2, %xmm3, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_a
+movdqa %xmm1, 64(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x0, %xmm1, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_b
+movdqa %xmm3, 80(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x4, %xmm3, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_a
+movdqa %xmm1, 96(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x0, %xmm1, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_b
+movdqa %xmm3, 112(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x8, %xmm3, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_a
+movdqa %xmm1, 128(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x0, %xmm1, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_b
+movdqa %xmm3, 144(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x10, %xmm3, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_a
+movdqa %xmm1, 160(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x0, %xmm1, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_b
+movdqa %xmm3, 176(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x20, %xmm3, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_a
+movdqa %xmm1, 192(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x0, %xmm1, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_b
+movdqa %xmm3, 208(%rsi)
+aeskeygenassist $0x40, %xmm3, %xmm2
+call MAKE_RK256_a
+movdqa %xmm1, 224(%rsi)
+pshufd $0xff, %xmm2, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm1, %xmm4
+pslldq $4, %xmm4
+pxor   %xmm4, %xmm1
+pslldq $4, %xmm4
+pxor  %xmm4, %xmm1
+pslldq $4, %xmm4
+pxor  %xmm4, %xmm1
+pxor   %xmm2, %xmm1
+pshufd $0xaa, %xmm2, %xmm2
+movdqa %xmm3, %xmm4
+pslldq $4, %xmm4
+pxor   %xmm4, %xmm3
+pslldq $4, %xmm4
+pxor  %xmm4, %xmm3
+pslldq $4, %xmm4
+pxor  %xmm4, %xmm3
+pxor   %xmm2, %xmm3

+ 76 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* arc4.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "arc4.h"
+void Arc4SetKey(Arc4* arc4, const byte* key, word32 length)
+    word32 i;
+    word32 keyIndex = 0, stateIndex = 0;
+    arc4->x = 1;
+    arc4->y = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < ARC4_STATE_SIZE; i++)
+        arc4->state[i] = i;
+    for (i = 0; i < ARC4_STATE_SIZE; i++) {
+        word32 a = arc4->state[i];
+        stateIndex += key[keyIndex] + a;
+        stateIndex &= 0xFF;
+        arc4->state[i] = arc4->state[stateIndex];
+        arc4->state[stateIndex] = a;
+        if (++keyIndex >= length)
+            keyIndex = 0;
+    }
+static INLINE word32 MakeByte(word32* x, word32* y, byte* s)
+    word32 a = s[*x], b;
+    *y = (*y+a) & 0xff;
+    b = s[*y];
+    s[*x] = b;
+    s[*y] = a;
+    *x = (*x+1) & 0xff;
+    return s[(a+b) & 0xff];
+void Arc4Process(Arc4* arc4, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 length)
+    word32 x = arc4->x;
+    word32 y = arc4->y;
+    while(length--)
+        *out++ = *in++ ^ MakeByte(&x, &y, arc4->state);
+    arc4->x = x;
+    arc4->y = y;

+ 1302 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1302 @@
+/* asm.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+ * Based on public domain TomsFastMath 0.10 by Tom St Denis,,
+ *
+ */
+/* fp_montgomery_reduce.c asm or generic */
+#if defined(TFM_X86) && !defined(TFM_SSE2) 
+/* x86-32 code */
+#define MONT_START 
+#define MONT_FINI
+#define LOOP_END
+#define LOOP_START \
+   mu = c[x] * mp
+#define INNERMUL                                          \
+asm(                                                      \
+   "movl %5,%%eax \n\t"                                   \
+   "mull %4       \n\t"                                   \
+   "addl %1,%%eax \n\t"                                   \
+   "adcl $0,%%edx \n\t"                                   \
+   "addl %%eax,%0 \n\t"                                   \
+   "adcl $0,%%edx \n\t"                                   \
+   "movl %%edx,%1 \n\t"                                   \
+:"=g"(_c[LO]), "=r"(cy)                                   \
+:"0"(_c[LO]), "1"(cy), "g"(mu), "g"(*tmpm++)              \
+: "%eax", "%edx", "%cc")
+#define PROPCARRY                           \
+asm(                                        \
+   "addl   %1,%0    \n\t"                   \
+   "setb   %%al     \n\t"                   \
+   "movzbl %%al,%1 \n\t"                    \
+:"=g"(_c[LO]), "=r"(cy)                     \
+:"0"(_c[LO]), "1"(cy)                       \
+: "%eax", "%cc")
+#elif defined(TFM_X86_64)
+/* x86-64 code */
+#define MONT_START 
+#define MONT_FINI
+#define LOOP_END
+#define LOOP_START \
+   mu = c[x] * mp
+#define INNERMUL                                          \
+asm(                                                      \
+   "movq %5,%%rax \n\t"                                   \
+   "mulq %4       \n\t"                                   \
+   "addq %1,%%rax \n\t"                                   \
+   "adcq $0,%%rdx \n\t"                                   \
+   "addq %%rax,%0 \n\t"                                   \
+   "adcq $0,%%rdx \n\t"                                   \
+   "movq %%rdx,%1 \n\t"                                   \
+:"=g"(_c[LO]), "=r"(cy)                                   \
+:"0"(_c[LO]), "1"(cy), "r"(mu), "r"(*tmpm++)              \
+: "%rax", "%rdx", "%cc")
+#define INNERMUL8 \
+ asm(                  \
+ "movq 0(%5),%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0(%2),%%r10    \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x8(%5),%%r11  \n\t"  \
+ "mulq %4             \n\t"  \
+ "addq %%r10,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x8(%2),%%r10  \n\t"  \
+ "addq %3,%%rax       \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rax,0(%0)    \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rdx,%1       \n\t"  \
+ \
+ "movq %%r11,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x10(%5),%%r11 \n\t"  \
+ "mulq %4             \n\t"  \
+ "addq %%r10,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x10(%2),%%r10 \n\t"  \
+ "addq %3,%%rax       \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rax,0x8(%0)  \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rdx,%1       \n\t"  \
+ \
+ "movq %%r11,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x18(%5),%%r11 \n\t"  \
+ "mulq %4             \n\t"  \
+ "addq %%r10,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x18(%2),%%r10 \n\t"  \
+ "addq %3,%%rax       \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rax,0x10(%0) \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rdx,%1       \n\t"  \
+ \
+ "movq %%r11,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x20(%5),%%r11 \n\t"  \
+ "mulq %4             \n\t"  \
+ "addq %%r10,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x20(%2),%%r10 \n\t"  \
+ "addq %3,%%rax       \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rax,0x18(%0) \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rdx,%1       \n\t"  \
+ \
+ "movq %%r11,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x28(%5),%%r11 \n\t"  \
+ "mulq %4             \n\t"  \
+ "addq %%r10,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x28(%2),%%r10 \n\t"  \
+ "addq %3,%%rax       \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rax,0x20(%0) \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rdx,%1       \n\t"  \
+ \
+ "movq %%r11,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x30(%5),%%r11 \n\t"  \
+ "mulq %4             \n\t"  \
+ "addq %%r10,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x30(%2),%%r10 \n\t"  \
+ "addq %3,%%rax       \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rax,0x28(%0) \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rdx,%1       \n\t"  \
+ \
+ "movq %%r11,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x38(%5),%%r11 \n\t"  \
+ "mulq %4             \n\t"  \
+ "addq %%r10,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq 0x38(%2),%%r10 \n\t"  \
+ "addq %3,%%rax       \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rax,0x30(%0) \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rdx,%1       \n\t"  \
+ \
+ "movq %%r11,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "mulq %4             \n\t"  \
+ "addq %%r10,%%rax    \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "addq %3,%%rax       \n\t"  \
+ "adcq $0,%%rdx       \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rax,0x38(%0) \n\t"  \
+ "movq %%rdx,%1       \n\t"  \
+ \
+:"=r"(_c), "=r"(cy)                    \
+: "0"(_c),  "1"(cy), "g"(mu), "r"(tmpm)\
+: "%rax", "%rdx", "%r10", "%r11", "%cc")
+#define PROPCARRY                           \
+asm(                                        \
+   "addq   %1,%0    \n\t"                   \
+   "setb   %%al     \n\t"                   \
+   "movzbq %%al,%1 \n\t"                    \
+:"=g"(_c[LO]), "=r"(cy)                     \
+:"0"(_c[LO]), "1"(cy)                       \
+: "%rax", "%cc")
+#elif defined(TFM_SSE2)  
+/* SSE2 code (assumes 32-bit fp_digits) */
+/* XMM register assignments:
+ * xmm0  *tmpm++, then Mu * (*tmpm++)
+ * xmm1  c[x], then Mu
+ * xmm2  mp
+ * xmm3  cy
+ * xmm4  _c[LO]
+ */
+#define MONT_START \
+   asm("movd %0,%%mm2"::"g"(mp))
+#define MONT_FINI \
+   asm("emms")
+#define LOOP_START          \
+asm(                        \
+"movd %0,%%mm1        \n\t" \
+"pxor %%mm3,%%mm3     \n\t" \
+"pmuludq %%mm2,%%mm1  \n\t" \
+:: "g"(c[x]))
+/* pmuludq on mmx registers does a 32x32->64 multiply. */
+#define INNERMUL               \
+asm(                           \
+   "movd %1,%%mm4        \n\t" \
+   "movd %2,%%mm0        \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm4,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm0  \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm0,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "movd %%mm3,%0        \n\t" \
+   "psrlq $32, %%mm3     \n\t" \
+:"=g"(_c[LO]) : "0"(_c[LO]), "g"(*tmpm++) );
+#define INNERMUL8 \
+asm(                           \
+   "movd 0(%1),%%mm4     \n\t" \
+   "movd 0(%2),%%mm0     \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm4,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm0  \n\t" \
+   "movd 4(%2),%%mm5     \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm0,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "movd 4(%1),%%mm6     \n\t" \
+   "movd %%mm3,0(%0)     \n\t" \
+   "psrlq $32, %%mm3     \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm6,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm5  \n\t" \
+   "movd 8(%2),%%mm6     \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm5,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "movd 8(%1),%%mm7     \n\t" \
+   "movd %%mm3,4(%0)     \n\t" \
+   "psrlq $32, %%mm3     \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm7,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm6  \n\t" \
+   "movd 12(%2),%%mm7    \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm6,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "movd 12(%1),%%mm5     \n\t" \
+   "movd %%mm3,8(%0)     \n\t" \
+   "psrlq $32, %%mm3     \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm5,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm7  \n\t" \
+   "movd 16(%2),%%mm5    \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm7,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "movd 16(%1),%%mm6    \n\t" \
+   "movd %%mm3,12(%0)    \n\t" \
+   "psrlq $32, %%mm3     \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm6,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm5  \n\t" \
+   "movd 20(%2),%%mm6    \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm5,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "movd 20(%1),%%mm7    \n\t" \
+   "movd %%mm3,16(%0)    \n\t" \
+   "psrlq $32, %%mm3     \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm7,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm6  \n\t" \
+   "movd 24(%2),%%mm7    \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm6,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "movd 24(%1),%%mm5     \n\t" \
+   "movd %%mm3,20(%0)    \n\t" \
+   "psrlq $32, %%mm3     \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm5,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm7  \n\t" \
+   "movd 28(%2),%%mm5    \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm7,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "movd 28(%1),%%mm6    \n\t" \
+   "movd %%mm3,24(%0)    \n\t" \
+   "psrlq $32, %%mm3     \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm6,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm5  \n\t" \
+   "paddq %%mm5,%%mm3    \n\t" \
+   "movd %%mm3,28(%0)    \n\t" \
+   "psrlq $32, %%mm3     \n\t" \
+:"=r"(_c) : "0"(_c), "r"(tmpm) );
+/* TAO switched tmpm from "g" to "r" after gcc tried to index the indexed stack
+   pointer */
+#define LOOP_END \
+asm( "movd %%mm3,%0  \n" :"=r"(cy))
+#define PROPCARRY                           \
+asm(                                        \
+   "addl   %1,%0    \n\t"                   \
+   "setb   %%al     \n\t"                   \
+   "movzbl %%al,%1 \n\t"                    \
+:"=g"(_c[LO]), "=r"(cy)                     \
+:"0"(_c[LO]), "1"(cy)                       \
+: "%eax", "%cc")
+#elif defined(TFM_ARM)
+   /* ARMv4 code */
+#define MONT_START 
+#define MONT_FINI
+#define LOOP_END
+#define LOOP_START \
+   mu = c[x] * mp
+#define INNERMUL                    \
+asm(                                \
+    " LDR    r0,%1            \n\t" \
+    " ADDS   r0,r0,%0         \n\t" \
+    " MOVCS  %0,#1            \n\t" \
+    " MOVCC  %0,#0            \n\t" \
+    " UMLAL  r0,%0,%3,%4      \n\t" \
+    " STR    r0,%1            \n\t" \
+#define PROPCARRY                  \
+asm(                               \
+    " LDR   r0,%1            \n\t" \
+    " ADDS  r0,r0,%0         \n\t" \
+    " STR   r0,%1            \n\t" \
+    " MOVCS %0,#1            \n\t" \
+    " MOVCC %0,#0            \n\t" \
+#elif defined(TFM_PPC32)
+/* PPC32 */
+#define MONT_START 
+#define MONT_FINI
+#define LOOP_END
+#define LOOP_START \
+   mu = c[x] * mp
+#define INNERMUL                     \
+asm(                                 \
+   " mullw    16,%3,%4       \n\t"   \
+   " mulhwu   17,%3,%4       \n\t"   \
+   " addc     16,16,%0       \n\t"   \
+   " addze    17,17          \n\t"   \
+   " lwz      18,%1          \n\t"   \
+   " addc     16,16,18       \n\t"   \
+   " addze    %0,17          \n\t"   \
+   " stw      16,%1          \n\t"   \
+:"=r"(cy),"=m"(_c[0]):"0"(cy),"r"(mu),"r"(tmpm[0]),"1"(_c[0]):"16", "17", "18","%cc"); ++tmpm;
+#define PROPCARRY                    \
+asm(                                 \
+   " lwz      16,%1         \n\t"    \
+   " addc     16,16,%0      \n\t"    \
+   " stw      16,%1         \n\t"    \
+   " xor      %0,%0,%0      \n\t"    \
+   " addze    %0,%0         \n\t"    \
+#elif defined(TFM_PPC64)
+/* PPC64 */
+#define MONT_START 
+#define MONT_FINI
+#define LOOP_END
+#define LOOP_START \
+   mu = c[x] * mp
+#define INNERMUL                     \
+asm(                                 \
+   " mulld    16,%3,%4       \n\t"   \
+   " mulhdu   17,%3,%4       \n\t"   \
+   " addc     16,16,%0       \n\t"   \
+   " addze    17,17          \n\t"   \
+   " ldx      18,0,%1        \n\t"   \
+   " addc     16,16,18       \n\t"   \
+   " addze    %0,17          \n\t"   \
+   " sdx      16,0,%1        \n\t"   \
+:"=r"(cy),"=m"(_c[0]):"0"(cy),"r"(mu),"r"(tmpm[0]),"1"(_c[0]):"16", "17", "18","%cc"); ++tmpm;
+#define PROPCARRY                    \
+asm(                                 \
+   " ldx      16,0,%1       \n\t"    \
+   " addc     16,16,%0      \n\t"    \
+   " sdx      16,0,%1       \n\t"    \
+   " xor      %0,%0,%0      \n\t"    \
+   " addze    %0,%0         \n\t"    \
+#elif defined(TFM_AVR32)
+/* AVR32 */
+#define MONT_START 
+#define MONT_FINI
+#define LOOP_END
+#define LOOP_START \
+   mu = c[x] * mp
+#define INNERMUL                    \
+asm(                                \
+    " ld.w   r2,%1            \n\t" \
+    " add    r2,%0            \n\t" \
+    " eor    r3,r3            \n\t" \
+    " acr    r3               \n\t" \
+    " macu.d r2,%3,%4         \n\t" \
+    " st.w   %1,r2            \n\t" \
+    " mov    %0,r3            \n\t" \
+#define PROPCARRY                    \
+asm(                                 \
+   " ld.w     r2,%1         \n\t"    \
+   " add      r2,%0         \n\t"    \
+   " st.w     %1,r2         \n\t"    \
+   " eor      %0,%0         \n\t"    \
+   " acr      %0            \n\t"    \
+/* ISO C code */
+#define MONT_START 
+#define MONT_FINI
+#define LOOP_END
+#define LOOP_START \
+   mu = c[x] * mp
+#define INNERMUL                                      \
+   do { fp_word t;                                    \
+   _c[0] = t  = ((fp_word)_c[0] + (fp_word)cy) +      \
+                (((fp_word)mu) * ((fp_word)*tmpm++)); \
+   cy = (t >> DIGIT_BIT);                             \
+   } while (0)
+#define PROPCARRY \
+   do { fp_digit t = _c[0] += cy; cy = (t < cy); } while (0)
+#define LO  0
+/* end fp_montogomery_reduce.c asm */
+/* start fp_sqr_comba.c asm */
+#if defined(TFM_X86)
+/* x86-32 optimized */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define CLEAR_CARRY \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define CARRY_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_FINI
+#define SQRADD(i, j)                                      \
+asm(                                            \
+     "movl  %6,%%eax     \n\t"                            \
+     "mull  %%eax        \n\t"                            \
+     "addl  %%eax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  %%edx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2): "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "m"(i) :"%eax","%edx","%cc");
+#define SQRADD2(i, j)                                     \
+asm(                                            \
+     "movl  %6,%%eax     \n\t"                            \
+     "mull  %7           \n\t"                            \
+     "addl  %%eax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  %%edx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     "addl  %%eax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  %%edx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2): "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "m"(i), "m"(j)  :"%eax","%edx", "%cc");
+#define SQRADDSC(i, j)                                    \
+asm(                                                     \
+     "movl  %3,%%eax     \n\t"                            \
+     "mull  %4           \n\t"                            \
+     "movl  %%eax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "movl  %%edx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "xorl  %2,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2): "g"(i), "g"(j) :"%eax","%edx","%cc");
+/* TAO removed sc0,1,2 as input to remove warning so %6,%7 become %3,%4 */
+#define SQRADDAC(i, j)                                    \
+asm(                                                     \
+     "movl  %6,%%eax     \n\t"                            \
+     "mull  %7           \n\t"                            \
+     "addl  %%eax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  %%edx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2): "0"(sc0), "1"(sc1), "2"(sc2), "g"(i), "g"(j) :"%eax","%edx","%cc");
+#define SQRADDDB                                          \
+asm(                                                     \
+     "addl %6,%0         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl %7,%1         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl %8,%2         \n\t"                            \
+     "addl %6,%0         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl %7,%1         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl %8,%2         \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2) : "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(sc0), "r"(sc1), "r"(sc2) : "%cc");
+#elif defined(TFM_X86_64)
+/* x86-64 optimized */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define CLEAR_CARRY \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define CARRY_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_FINI
+#define SQRADD(i, j)                                      \
+asm(                                                     \
+     "movq  %6,%%rax     \n\t"                            \
+     "mulq  %%rax        \n\t"                            \
+     "addq  %%rax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq  %%rdx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2): "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "g"(i) :"%rax","%rdx","%cc");
+#define SQRADD2(i, j)                                     \
+asm(                                                     \
+     "movq  %6,%%rax     \n\t"                            \
+     "mulq  %7           \n\t"                            \
+     "addq  %%rax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq  %%rdx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     "addq  %%rax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq  %%rdx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2): "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "g"(i), "g"(j)  :"%rax","%rdx","%cc");
+#define SQRADDSC(i, j)                                    \
+asm(                                                     \
+     "movq  %3,%%rax     \n\t"                            \
+     "mulq  %4           \n\t"                            \
+     "movq  %%rax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "movq  %%rdx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "xorq  %2,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2): "g"(i), "g"(j) :"%rax","%rdx","%cc");
+/* TAO removed sc0,1,2 as input to remove warning so %6,%7 become %3,%4 */
+#define SQRADDAC(i, j)                                                         \
+asm(                                                     \
+     "movq  %6,%%rax     \n\t"                            \
+     "mulq  %7           \n\t"                            \
+     "addq  %%rax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq  %%rdx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2): "0"(sc0), "1"(sc1), "2"(sc2), "g"(i), "g"(j) :"%rax","%rdx","%cc");
+#define SQRADDDB                                          \
+asm(                                                     \
+     "addq %6,%0         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq %7,%1         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq %8,%2         \n\t"                            \
+     "addq %6,%0         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq %7,%1         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq %8,%2         \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2) : "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(sc0), "r"(sc1), "r"(sc2) : "%cc");
+#elif defined(TFM_SSE2)
+/* SSE2 Optimized */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define CLEAR_CARRY \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define CARRY_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_FINI \
+   asm("emms");
+#define SQRADD(i, j)                                      \
+asm(                                            \
+     "movd  %6,%%mm0     \n\t"                            \
+     "pmuludq %%mm0,%%mm0\n\t"                            \
+     "movd  %%mm0,%%eax  \n\t"                            \
+     "psrlq $32,%%mm0    \n\t"                            \
+     "addl  %%eax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "movd  %%mm0,%%eax  \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  %%eax,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2): "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "m"(i) :"%eax","%cc");
+#define SQRADD2(i, j)                                     \
+asm(                                            \
+     "movd  %6,%%mm0     \n\t"                            \
+     "movd  %7,%%mm1     \n\t"                            \
+     "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm0\n\t"                            \
+     "movd  %%mm0,%%eax  \n\t"                            \
+     "psrlq $32,%%mm0    \n\t"                            \
+     "movd  %%mm0,%%edx  \n\t"                            \
+     "addl  %%eax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  %%edx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     "addl  %%eax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  %%edx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2): "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "m"(i), "m"(j)  :"%eax","%edx","%cc");
+#define SQRADDSC(i, j)                                                         \
+asm(                                            \
+     "movd  %3,%%mm0     \n\t"                            \
+     "movd  %4,%%mm1     \n\t"                            \
+     "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm0\n\t"                            \
+     "movd  %%mm0,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "psrlq $32,%%mm0    \n\t"                            \
+     "movd  %%mm0,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "xorl  %2,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2): "m"(i), "m"(j));
+/* TAO removed sc0,1,2 as input to remove warning so %6,%7 become %3,%4 */
+#define SQRADDAC(i, j)                                                         \
+asm(                                            \
+     "movd  %6,%%mm0     \n\t"                            \
+     "movd  %7,%%mm1     \n\t"                            \
+     "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm0\n\t"                            \
+     "movd  %%mm0,%%eax  \n\t"                            \
+     "psrlq $32,%%mm0    \n\t"                            \
+     "movd  %%mm0,%%edx  \n\t"                            \
+     "addl  %%eax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  %%edx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2): "0"(sc0), "1"(sc1), "2"(sc2), "m"(i), "m"(j)  :"%eax","%edx","%cc");
+#define SQRADDDB                                          \
+asm(                                                     \
+     "addl %6,%0         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl %7,%1         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl %8,%2         \n\t"                            \
+     "addl %6,%0         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl %7,%1         \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl %8,%2         \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2) : "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(sc0), "r"(sc1), "r"(sc2) : "%cc");
+#elif defined(TFM_ARM)
+/* ARM code */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define CLEAR_CARRY \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define CARRY_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_FINI
+/* multiplies point i and j, updates carry "c1" and digit c2 */
+#define SQRADD(i, j)                                             \
+asm(                                                             \
+"  UMULL  r0,r1,%6,%6              \n\t"                         \
+"  ADDS   %0,%0,r0                 \n\t"                         \
+"  ADCS   %1,%1,r1                 \n\t"                         \
+"  ADC    %2,%2,#0                 \n\t"                         \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2) : "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i) : "r0", "r1", "%cc");
+/* for squaring some of the terms are doubled... */
+#define SQRADD2(i, j)                                            \
+asm(                                                             \
+"  UMULL  r0,r1,%6,%7              \n\t"                         \
+"  ADDS   %0,%0,r0                 \n\t"                         \
+"  ADCS   %1,%1,r1                 \n\t"                         \
+"  ADC    %2,%2,#0                 \n\t"                         \
+"  ADDS   %0,%0,r0                 \n\t"                         \
+"  ADCS   %1,%1,r1                 \n\t"                         \
+"  ADC    %2,%2,#0                 \n\t"                         \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2) : "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i), "r"(j) : "r0", "r1", "%cc");
+#define SQRADDSC(i, j)                                           \
+asm(                                                             \
+"  UMULL  %0,%1,%6,%7              \n\t"                         \
+"  SUB    %2,%2,%2                 \n\t"                         \
+:"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2) : "0"(sc0), "1"(sc1), "2"(sc2), "r"(i), "r"(j) : "%cc");
+#define SQRADDAC(i, j)                                           \
+asm(                                                             \
+"  UMULL  r0,r1,%6,%7              \n\t"                         \
+"  ADDS   %0,%0,r0                 \n\t"                         \
+"  ADCS   %1,%1,r1                 \n\t"                         \
+"  ADC    %2,%2,#0                 \n\t"                         \
+:"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2) : "0"(sc0), "1"(sc1), "2"(sc2), "r"(i), "r"(j) : "r0", "r1", "%cc");
+#define SQRADDDB                                                 \
+asm(                                                             \
+"  ADDS  %0,%0,%3                     \n\t"                      \
+"  ADCS  %1,%1,%4                     \n\t"                      \
+"  ADC   %2,%2,%5                     \n\t"                      \
+"  ADDS  %0,%0,%3                     \n\t"                      \
+"  ADCS  %1,%1,%4                     \n\t"                      \
+"  ADC   %2,%2,%5                     \n\t"                      \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2) : "r"(sc0), "r"(sc1), "r"(sc2), "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2) : "%cc");
+#elif defined(TFM_PPC32)
+/* PPC32 */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define CLEAR_CARRY \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define CARRY_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_FINI
+/* multiplies point i and j, updates carry "c1" and digit c2 */
+#define SQRADD(i, j)             \
+asm(                             \
+   " mullw  16,%6,%6       \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,16       \n\t" \
+   " mulhwu 16,%6,%6       \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,16       \n\t" \
+   " addze  %2,%2          \n\t" \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2):"0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i):"16","%cc");
+/* for squaring some of the terms are doubled... */
+#define SQRADD2(i, j)            \
+asm(                             \
+   " mullw  16,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " mulhwu 17,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,16       \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,17       \n\t" \
+   " addze  %2,%2          \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,16       \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,17       \n\t" \
+   " addze  %2,%2          \n\t" \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2):"0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i), "r"(j):"16", "17","%cc");
+#define SQRADDSC(i, j)            \
+asm(                              \
+   " mullw  %0,%6,%7        \n\t" \
+   " mulhwu %1,%6,%7        \n\t" \
+   " xor    %2,%2,%2        \n\t" \
+:"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2):"0"(sc0), "1"(sc1), "2"(sc2), "r"(i),"r"(j) : "%cc");
+#define SQRADDAC(i, j)           \
+asm(                             \
+   " mullw  16,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,16       \n\t" \
+   " mulhwu 16,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,16       \n\t" \
+   " addze  %2,%2          \n\t" \
+:"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2):"0"(sc0), "1"(sc1), "2"(sc2), "r"(i), "r"(j):"16", "%cc");
+#define SQRADDDB                  \
+asm(                              \
+   " addc   %0,%0,%3        \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,%4        \n\t" \
+   " adde   %2,%2,%5        \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,%3        \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,%4        \n\t" \
+   " adde   %2,%2,%5        \n\t" \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2) : "r"(sc0), "r"(sc1), "r"(sc2), "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2) : "%cc");
+#elif defined(TFM_PPC64)
+/* PPC64 */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define CLEAR_CARRY \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define CARRY_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_FINI
+/* multiplies point i and j, updates carry "c1" and digit c2 */
+#define SQRADD(i, j)             \
+asm(                             \
+   " mulld  16,%6,%6       \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,16       \n\t" \
+   " mulhdu 16,%6,%6       \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,16       \n\t" \
+   " addze  %2,%2          \n\t" \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2):"0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i):"16","%cc");
+/* for squaring some of the terms are doubled... */
+#define SQRADD2(i, j)            \
+asm(                             \
+   " mulld  16,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " mulhdu 17,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,16       \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,17       \n\t" \
+   " addze  %2,%2          \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,16       \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,17       \n\t" \
+   " addze  %2,%2          \n\t" \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2):"0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i), "r"(j):"16", "17","%cc");
+#define SQRADDSC(i, j)            \
+asm(                              \
+   " mulld  %0,%6,%7        \n\t" \
+   " mulhdu %1,%6,%7        \n\t" \
+   " xor    %2,%2,%2        \n\t" \
+:"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2):"0"(sc0), "1"(sc1), "2"(sc2), "r"(i),"r"(j) : "%cc");
+#define SQRADDAC(i, j)           \
+asm(                             \
+   " mulld  16,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,16       \n\t" \
+   " mulhdu 16,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,16       \n\t" \
+   " addze  %2,%2          \n\t" \
+:"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2):"0"(sc0), "1"(sc1), "2"(sc2), "r"(i), "r"(j):"16", "%cc");
+#define SQRADDDB                  \
+asm(                              \
+   " addc   %0,%0,%3        \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,%4        \n\t" \
+   " adde   %2,%2,%5        \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,%3        \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,%4        \n\t" \
+   " adde   %2,%2,%5        \n\t" \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2) : "r"(sc0), "r"(sc1), "r"(sc2), "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2) : "%cc");
+#elif defined(TFM_AVR32)
+/* AVR32 */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define CLEAR_CARRY \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define CARRY_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_FINI
+/* multiplies point i and j, updates carry "c1" and digit c2 */
+#define SQRADD(i, j)             \
+asm(                             \
+   " mulu.d r2,%6,%6       \n\t" \
+   " add    %0,%0,r2       \n\t" \
+   " adc    %1,%1,r3       \n\t" \
+   " acr    %2             \n\t" \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2):"0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i):"r2","r3");
+/* for squaring some of the terms are doubled... */
+#define SQRADD2(i, j)            \
+asm(                             \
+   " mulu.d r2,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " add    %0,%0,r2       \n\t" \
+   " adc    %1,%1,r3       \n\t" \
+   " acr    %2,            \n\t" \
+   " add    %0,%0,r2       \n\t" \
+   " adc    %1,%1,r3       \n\t" \
+   " acr    %2,            \n\t" \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2):"0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i), "r"(j):"r2", "r3");
+#define SQRADDSC(i, j)            \
+asm(                              \
+   " mulu.d r2,%6,%7        \n\t" \
+   " mov    %0,r2           \n\t" \
+   " mov    %1,r3           \n\t" \
+   " eor    %2,%2           \n\t" \
+:"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2):"0"(sc0), "1"(sc1), "2"(sc2), "r"(i),"r"(j) : "r2", "r3");
+#define SQRADDAC(i, j)           \
+asm(                             \
+   " mulu.d r2,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " add    %0,%0,r2       \n\t" \
+   " adc    %1,%1,r3       \n\t" \
+   " acr    %2             \n\t" \
+:"=r"(sc0), "=r"(sc1), "=r"(sc2):"0"(sc0), "1"(sc1), "2"(sc2), "r"(i), "r"(j):"r2", "r3");
+#define SQRADDDB                  \
+asm(                              \
+   " add    %0,%0,%3        \n\t" \
+   " adc    %1,%1,%4        \n\t" \
+   " adc    %2,%2,%5        \n\t" \
+   " add    %0,%0,%3        \n\t" \
+   " adc    %1,%1,%4        \n\t" \
+   " adc    %2,%2,%5        \n\t" \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2) : "r"(sc0), "r"(sc1), "r"(sc2), "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2) : "%cc");
+#define TFM_ISO
+/* ISO C portable code */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define CLEAR_CARRY \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define CARRY_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_FINI
+/* multiplies point i and j, updates carry "c1" and digit c2 */
+#define SQRADD(i, j)                                 \
+   do { fp_word t;                                   \
+   t = c0 + ((fp_word)i) * ((fp_word)j);  c0 = t;    \
+   t = c1 + (t >> DIGIT_BIT);             c1 = t; c2 += t >> DIGIT_BIT; \
+   } while (0);
+/* for squaring some of the terms are doubled... */
+#define SQRADD2(i, j)                                                 \
+   do { fp_word t;                                                    \
+   t  = ((fp_word)i) * ((fp_word)j);                                  \
+   tt = (fp_word)c0 + t;                 c0 = tt;                              \
+   tt = (fp_word)c1 + (tt >> DIGIT_BIT); c1 = tt; c2 += tt >> DIGIT_BIT;       \
+   tt = (fp_word)c0 + t;                 c0 = tt;                              \
+   tt = (fp_word)c1 + (tt >> DIGIT_BIT); c1 = tt; c2 += tt >> DIGIT_BIT;       \
+   } while (0);
+#define SQRADDSC(i, j)                                                         \
+   do { fp_word t;                                                             \
+      t =  ((fp_word)i) * ((fp_word)j);                                        \
+      sc0 = (fp_digit)t; sc1 = (t >> DIGIT_BIT); sc2 = 0;                      \
+   } while (0);
+#define SQRADDAC(i, j)                                                         \
+   do { fp_word t;                                                             \
+   t = sc0 + ((fp_word)i) * ((fp_word)j);  sc0 = t;                            \
+   t = sc1 + (t >> DIGIT_BIT);             sc1 = t; sc2 += t >> DIGIT_BIT;     \
+   } while (0);
+#define SQRADDDB                                                               \
+   do { fp_word t;                                                             \
+   t = ((fp_word)sc0) + ((fp_word)sc0) + c0; c0 = t;                                                 \
+   t = ((fp_word)sc1) + ((fp_word)sc1) + c1 + (t >> DIGIT_BIT); c1 = t;                              \
+   c2 = c2 + ((fp_word)sc2) + ((fp_word)sc2) + (t >> DIGIT_BIT);                                     \
+   } while (0);
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_small_set.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_3.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_4.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_6.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_7.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_8.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_9.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_12.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_17.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_20.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_24.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_28.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_32.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_48.i"
+#include "fp_sqr_comba_64.i"
+/* end fp_sqr_comba.c asm */
+/* start fp_mul_comba.c asm */
+/* these are the combas.  Worship them. */
+#if defined(TFM_X86)
+/* Generic x86 optimized code */
+/* anything you need at the start */
+#define COMBA_START
+/* clear the chaining variables */
+#define COMBA_CLEAR \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+/* forward the carry to the next digit */
+#define COMBA_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+/* store the first sum */
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+/* store the second sum [carry] */
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+/* anything you need at the end */
+#define COMBA_FINI
+/* this should multiply i and j  */
+#define MULADD(i, j)                                      \
+asm(                                                      \
+     "movl  %6,%%eax     \n\t"                            \
+     "mull  %7           \n\t"                            \
+     "addl  %%eax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  %%edx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcl  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2): "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "m"(i), "m"(j)  :"%eax","%edx","%cc");
+#elif defined(TFM_X86_64)
+/* x86-64 optimized */
+/* anything you need at the start */
+#define COMBA_START
+/* clear the chaining variables */
+#define COMBA_CLEAR \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+/* forward the carry to the next digit */
+#define COMBA_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+/* store the first sum */
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+/* store the second sum [carry] */
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+/* anything you need at the end */
+#define COMBA_FINI
+/* this should multiply i and j  */
+#define MULADD(i, j)                                      \
+asm  (                                                    \
+     "movq  %6,%%rax     \n\t"                            \
+     "mulq  %7           \n\t"                            \
+     "addq  %%rax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq  %%rdx,%1     \n\t"                            \
+     "adcq  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+     :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2): "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "g"(i), "g"(j)  :"%rax","%rdx","%cc");
+#elif defined(TFM_SSE2)
+/* use SSE2 optimizations */
+/* anything you need at the start */
+#define COMBA_START
+/* clear the chaining variables */
+#define COMBA_CLEAR \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+/* forward the carry to the next digit */
+#define COMBA_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+/* store the first sum */
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+/* store the second sum [carry] */
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+/* anything you need at the end */
+#define COMBA_FINI \
+   asm("emms");
+/* this should multiply i and j  */
+#define MULADD(i, j)                                     \
+asm(                                                     \
+    "movd  %6,%%mm0     \n\t"                            \
+    "movd  %7,%%mm1     \n\t"                            \
+    "pmuludq %%mm1,%%mm0\n\t"                            \
+    "movd  %%mm0,%%eax  \n\t"                            \
+    "psrlq $32,%%mm0    \n\t"                            \
+    "addl  %%eax,%0     \n\t"                            \
+    "movd  %%mm0,%%eax  \n\t"                            \
+    "adcl  %%eax,%1     \n\t"                            \
+    "adcl  $0,%2        \n\t"                            \
+    :"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2): "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "m"(i), "m"(j)  :"%eax","%cc");
+#elif defined(TFM_ARM)
+/* ARM code */
+#define COMBA_START 
+#define COMBA_CLEAR \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define COMBA_FINI
+#define MULADD(i, j)                                          \
+asm(                                                          \
+"  UMULL  r0,r1,%6,%7           \n\t"                         \
+"  ADDS   %0,%0,r0              \n\t"                         \
+"  ADCS   %1,%1,r1              \n\t"                         \
+"  ADC    %2,%2,#0              \n\t"                         \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2) : "0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i), "r"(j) : "r0", "r1", "%cc");
+#elif defined(TFM_PPC32)
+/* For 32-bit PPC */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define COMBA_CLEAR \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define COMBA_FINI 
+/* untested: will mulhwu change the flags?  Docs say no */
+#define MULADD(i, j)              \
+asm(                              \
+   " mullw  16,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,16       \n\t" \
+   " mulhwu 16,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,16       \n\t" \
+   " addze  %2,%2          \n\t" \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2):"0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i), "r"(j):"16");
+#elif defined(TFM_PPC64)
+/* For 64-bit PPC */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define COMBA_CLEAR \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define COMBA_FINI 
+/* untested: will mulhwu change the flags?  Docs say no */
+#define MULADD(i, j)              \
+asm(                              \
+   " mulld  16,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " addc   %0,%0,16       \n\t" \
+   " mulhdu 16,%6,%7       \n\t" \
+   " adde   %1,%1,16       \n\t" \
+   " addze  %2,%2          \n\t" \
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2):"0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i), "r"(j):"16");
+#elif defined(TFM_AVR32)
+/* ISO C code */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define COMBA_CLEAR \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define COMBA_FINI 
+#define MULADD(i, j)             \
+asm(                             \
+   " mulu.d r2,%6,%7        \n\t"\
+   " add    %0,r2           \n\t"\
+   " adc    %1,%1,r3        \n\t"\
+   " acr    %2              \n\t"\
+:"=r"(c0), "=r"(c1), "=r"(c2):"0"(c0), "1"(c1), "2"(c2), "r"(i), "r"(j):"r2","r3");
+/* ISO C code */
+#define COMBA_START
+#define COMBA_CLEAR \
+   c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
+#define COMBA_FORWARD \
+   do { c0 = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = 0; } while (0);
+#define COMBA_STORE(x) \
+   x = c0;
+#define COMBA_STORE2(x) \
+   x = c1;
+#define COMBA_FINI 
+#define MULADD(i, j)                                                              \
+   do { fp_word t;                                                                \
+   t = (fp_word)c0 + ((fp_word)i) * ((fp_word)j); c0 = t;                         \
+   t = (fp_word)c1 + (t >> DIGIT_BIT);            c1 = t; c2 += t >> DIGIT_BIT;   \
+   } while (0);
+#include "fp_mul_comba_small_set.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_3.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_4.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_6.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_7.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_8.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_9.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_12.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_17.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_20.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_24.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_28.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_32.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_48.i"
+#include "fp_mul_comba_64.i"
+/* end fp_mul_comba.c asm */

+ 2866 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2866 @@
+/* asn.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifdef THREADX
+    #include "os.h"           /* dc_rtc_api needs    */
+    #include "dc_rtc_api.h"   /* to get current time */
+#include "asn.h"
+#include "coding.h"
+#include "ctc_sha.h"
+#include "ctc_md5.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+    #include "crypto_ntru.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    #include "ctc_ecc.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+    /* 4996 warning to use MS extensions e.g., strcpy_s instead of XSTRNCPY */
+    #pragma warning(disable: 4996)
+#ifndef TRUE
+enum {
+    FALSE = 0,
+    TRUE  = 1
+#ifdef THREADX
+    /* uses parital <time.h> structures */
+    #define XTIME(tl)  (0)
+    #define XGMTIME(c) my_gmtime((c))
+    #define XVALIDATE_DATE(d, f, t) ValidateDate((d), (f), (t))
+#elif defined(MICRIUM)
+        #define XVALIDATE_DATE(d,f,t) NetSecure_ValidateDateHandler((d),(f),(t))
+    #else
+        #define XVALIDATE_DATE(d, f, t) (0)
+    #endif
+    #define NO_TIME_H
+    /* since Micrium not defining XTIME or XGMTIME, CERT_GEN not available */
+#elif defined(USER_TIME)
+    /* no <time.h> strucutres used */
+    #define NO_TIME_H
+    /* user time, and gmtime compatible functions, there is a gmtime 
+       implementation here that WINCE uses, so really just need some ticks
+       since the EPOCH 
+    */
+    /* default */
+    /* uses complete <time.h> facility */
+    #include <time.h> 
+    #define XTIME(tl)  time((tl))
+    #define XGMTIME(c) gmtime((c))
+    #define XVALIDATE_DATE(d, f, t) ValidateDate((d), (f), (t))
+#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
+/* no time() or gmtime() even though in time.h header?? */
+#include <windows.h>
+time_t time(time_t* timer)
+    SYSTEMTIME     sysTime;
+    FILETIME       fTime;
+    ULARGE_INTEGER intTime;
+    time_t         localTime;
+    if (timer == NULL)
+        timer = &localTime;
+    GetSystemTime(&sysTime);
+    SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysTime, &fTime);
+    XMEMCPY(&intTime, &fTime, sizeof(FILETIME));
+    /* subtract EPOCH */
+    intTime.QuadPart -= 0x19db1ded53e8000;
+    /* to secs */
+    intTime.QuadPart /= 10000000;
+    *timer = (time_t)intTime.QuadPart;
+    return *timer;
+struct tm* gmtime(const time_t* timer)
+    #define YEAR0          1900
+    #define EPOCH_YEAR     1970
+    #define SECS_DAY       (24L * 60L * 60L)
+    #define LEAPYEAR(year) (!((year) % 4) && (((year) % 100) || !((year) %400)))
+    #define YEARSIZE(year) (LEAPYEAR(year) ? 366 : 365)
+    static const int _ytab[2][12] =
+    {
+        {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31},
+        {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}
+    };
+    static struct tm st_time;
+    struct tm* ret = &st_time;
+    time_t time = *timer;
+    unsigned long dayclock, dayno;
+    int year = EPOCH_YEAR;
+    dayclock = (unsigned long)time % SECS_DAY;
+    dayno    = (unsigned long)time / SECS_DAY;
+    ret->tm_sec  =  dayclock % 60;
+    ret->tm_min  = (dayclock % 3600) / 60;
+    ret->tm_hour =  dayclock / 3600;
+    ret->tm_wday = (dayno + 4) % 7;        /* day 0 a Thursday */
+    while(dayno >= (unsigned long)YEARSIZE(year)) {
+        dayno -= YEARSIZE(year);
+        year++;
+    }
+    ret->tm_year = year - YEAR0;
+    ret->tm_yday = dayno;
+    ret->tm_mon  = 0;
+    while(dayno >= (unsigned long)_ytab[LEAPYEAR(year)][ret->tm_mon]) {
+        dayno -= _ytab[LEAPYEAR(year)][ret->tm_mon];
+        ret->tm_mon++;
+    }
+    ret->tm_mday  = ++dayno;
+    ret->tm_isdst = 0;
+    return ret;
+#endif /* _WIN32_WCE */
+#ifdef  THREADX
+#define YEAR0          1900
+struct tm* my_gmtime(const time_t* timer)       /* has a gmtime() but hangs */
+    static struct tm st_time;
+    struct tm* ret = &st_time;
+    dc_rtc_time_get(&cal, TRUE);
+    ret->tm_year  = cal.year - YEAR0;       /* gm starts at 1900 */
+    ret->tm_mon   = cal.month - 1;          /* gm starts at 0 */
+    ret->tm_mday  =;
+    ret->tm_hour  = cal.hour;
+    ret->tm_min   = cal.minute;
+    ret->tm_sec   = cal.second;
+    return ret;
+#endif /* THREADX */
+static INLINE word32 btoi(byte b)
+    return b - 0x30;
+/* two byte date/time, add to value */
+static INLINE void GetTime(int* value, const byte* date, int* idx)
+    int i = *idx;
+    *value += btoi(date[i++]) * 10;
+    *value += btoi(date[i++]);
+    *idx = i;
+#if defined(MICRIUM)
+CPU_INT32S NetSecure_ValidateDateHandler(CPU_INT08U *date, CPU_INT08U format,
+                                         CPU_INT08U dateType)
+    CPU_BOOLEAN  rtn_code;
+    CPU_INT32S   i;
+    CPU_INT32S   val;    
+    CPU_INT16U   year;
+    CPU_INT08U   month;
+    CPU_INT16U   day;
+    CPU_INT08U   hour;
+    CPU_INT08U   min;
+    CPU_INT08U   sec;
+    i    = 0;
+    year = 0u;
+    if (format == ASN_UTC_TIME) {
+        if (btoi(date[0]) >= 5)
+            year = 1900;
+        else
+            year = 2000;
+    }
+    else  { /* format == GENERALIZED_TIME */
+        year += btoi(date[i++]) * 1000;
+        year += btoi(date[i++]) * 100;
+    }    
+    val = year;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);
+    year = (CPU_INT16U)val;
+    val = 0;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);   
+    month = (CPU_INT08U)val;   
+    val = 0;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);  
+    day = (CPU_INT16U)val;
+    val = 0;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);  
+    hour = (CPU_INT08U)val;
+    val = 0;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);  
+    min = (CPU_INT08U)val;
+    val = 0;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);  
+    sec = (CPU_INT08U)val;
+    return NetSecure_ValidateDate(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, dateType); 
+#endif /* MICRIUM */
+int GetLength(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* len)
+    int     length = 0;
+    word32  i = *inOutIdx;
+    byte b = input[i++];
+    if (b >= ASN_LONG_LENGTH) {        
+        word32 bytes = b & 0x7F;
+        while (bytes--) {
+            b = input[i++];
+            length = (length << 8) | b;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        length = b;
+    *inOutIdx = i;
+    *len      = length;
+    return length;
+int GetSequence(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* len)
+    int    length = -1;
+    word32 idx    = *inOutIdx;
+    if (input[idx++] != (ASN_SEQUENCE | ASN_CONSTRUCTED) ||
+            GetLength(input, &idx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    *len      = length;
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return length;
+int GetSet(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* len)
+    int    length = -1;
+    word32 idx    = *inOutIdx;
+    if (input[idx++] != (ASN_SET | ASN_CONSTRUCTED) ||
+            GetLength(input, &idx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    *len      = length;
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return length;
+/* winodws header clash for WinCE using GetVersion */
+int GetMyVersion(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* version)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    if (input[idx++] != ASN_INTEGER)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (input[idx++] != 0x01)
+        return ASN_VERSION_E;
+    *version  = input[idx++];
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return *version;
+/* May not have one, not an error */
+int GetExplicitVersion(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* version)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    if (input[idx++] == (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN_CONSTRUCTED)) {
+        *inOutIdx = ++idx;  /* eat header */
+        return GetMyVersion(input, inOutIdx, version);
+    }
+    /* go back as is */
+    *version = 0;
+    return 0;
+int GetInt(mp_int* mpi, const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx )
+    word32 i = *inOutIdx;
+    byte   b = input[i++];
+    int    length;
+    if (b != ASN_INTEGER)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetLength(input, &i, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if ( (b = input[i++]) == 0x00)
+        length--;
+    else
+        i--;
+    mp_init(mpi); 
+    if (mp_read_unsigned_bin(mpi, (byte*)input + i, length) != 0) {
+        mp_clear(mpi);
+        return ASN_GETINT_E;
+    }
+    *inOutIdx = i + length;
+    return 0;
+static int GetAlgoId(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, word32* oid)
+    int    length;
+    word32 i = *inOutIdx;
+    byte   b;
+    *oid = 0;
+    if (GetSequence(input, &i, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    b = input[i++];
+    if (b != ASN_OBJECT_ID) 
+        return ASN_OBJECT_ID_E;
+    if (GetLength(input, &i, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    while(length--)
+        *oid += input[i++];
+    /* just sum it up for now */
+    /* could have NULL tag and 0 terminator, but may not */
+    b = input[i++];
+    if (b == ASN_TAG_NULL) {
+        b = input[i++];
+        if (b != 0) 
+            return ASN_EXPECT_0_E;
+    }
+    else
+    /* go back, didn't have it */
+        i--;
+    *inOutIdx = i;
+    return 0;
+int RsaPrivateKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, RsaKey* key,
+                        word32 inSz)
+    word32 begin = *inOutIdx;
+    int    version, length;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if ((word32)length > (inSz - (*inOutIdx - begin)))
+        return ASN_INPUT_E;
+    if (GetMyVersion(input, inOutIdx, &version) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    key->type = RSA_PRIVATE;
+    if (GetInt(&key->n,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->e,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->d,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->p,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->q,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->dP, input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->dQ, input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->u,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 )  return ASN_RSA_KEY_E;
+    return 0;
+/* Remove PKCS8 header, move beginning of traditional to beginning of input */
+int ToTraditional(byte* input, word32 sz)
+    word32 inOutIdx = 0, oid;
+    int    version, length;
+    if (GetSequence(input, &inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if ((word32)length > (sz - inOutIdx))
+        return ASN_INPUT_E;
+    if (GetMyVersion(input, &inOutIdx, &version) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetAlgoId(input, &inOutIdx, &oid) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (input[inOutIdx++] != ASN_OCTET_STRING)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetLength(input, &inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if ((word32)length > (sz - inOutIdx))
+        return ASN_INPUT_E;
+    XMEMMOVE(input, input + inOutIdx, length);
+    return 0;
+int RsaPublicKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, RsaKey* key,
+                       word32 inSz)
+    word32 begin = *inOutIdx;
+    int    length;
+    byte   b;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if ((word32)length > (inSz - (*inOutIdx - begin)))
+        return ASN_INPUT_E;
+    key->type = RSA_PUBLIC;
+    b = input[*inOutIdx];
+#ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA    
+    if (b != ASN_INTEGER) {
+        /* not from decoded cert, will have algo id, skip past */
+        if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        b = input[(*inOutIdx)++];
+        if (b != ASN_OBJECT_ID) 
+            return ASN_OBJECT_ID_E;
+        if (GetLength(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        *inOutIdx += length;   /* skip past */
+        /* could have NULL tag and 0 terminator, but may not */
+        b = input[(*inOutIdx)++];
+        if (b == ASN_TAG_NULL) {
+            b = input[(*inOutIdx)++];
+            if (b != 0) 
+                return ASN_EXPECT_0_E;
+        }
+        else
+        /* go back, didn't have it */
+            (*inOutIdx)--;
+        /* should have bit tag length and seq next */
+        b = input[(*inOutIdx)++];
+        if (b != ASN_BIT_STRING)
+            return ASN_BITSTR_E;
+        if (GetLength(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        /* could have 0 */
+        b = input[(*inOutIdx)++];
+        if (b != 0)
+            (*inOutIdx)--;
+        if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+#endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+    if (GetInt(&key->n,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->e,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 )  return ASN_RSA_KEY_E;
+    return 0;
+#ifndef NO_DH
+int DhKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DhKey* key, word32 inSz)
+    word32 begin = *inOutIdx;
+    int    length;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if ((word32)length > (inSz - (*inOutIdx - begin)))
+        return ASN_INPUT_E;
+    if (GetInt(&key->p,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->g,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 )  return ASN_DH_KEY_E;
+    return 0;
+int DhSetKey(DhKey* key, const byte* p, word32 pSz, const byte* g, word32 gSz)
+    /* may have leading 0 */
+    if (p[0] == 0) {
+        pSz--; p++;
+    }
+    if (g[0] == 0) {
+        gSz--; g++;
+    }
+    mp_init(&key->p);
+    if (mp_read_unsigned_bin(&key->p, p, pSz) != 0) {
+        mp_clear(&key->p);
+        return ASN_DH_KEY_E;
+    }
+    mp_init(&key->g);
+    if (mp_read_unsigned_bin(&key->g, g, gSz) != 0) {
+        mp_clear(&key->p);
+        return ASN_DH_KEY_E;
+    }
+    return 0;
+#endif /* NO_DH */
+#ifndef NO_DSA
+int DsaPublicKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DsaKey* key,
+                        word32 inSz)
+    word32 begin = *inOutIdx;
+    int    length;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if ((word32)length > (inSz - (*inOutIdx - begin)))
+        return ASN_INPUT_E;
+    if (GetInt(&key->p,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->q,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->g,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->y,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 )  return ASN_DH_KEY_E;
+    key->type = DSA_PUBLIC;
+    return 0;
+int DsaPrivateKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DsaKey* key,
+                        word32 inSz)
+    word32 begin = *inOutIdx;
+    int    length, version;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if ((word32)length > (inSz - (*inOutIdx - begin)))
+        return ASN_INPUT_E;
+    if (GetMyVersion(input, inOutIdx, &version) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetInt(&key->p,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->q,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->g,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->y,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->x,  input, inOutIdx) < 0 )  return ASN_DH_KEY_E;
+    key->type = DSA_PRIVATE;
+    return 0;
+#endif /* NO_DSA */
+void InitDecodedCert(DecodedCert* cert, byte* source, void* heap)
+    cert->publicKey       = 0;
+    cert->pubKeyStored    = 0;
+    cert->signature       = 0;
+    cert->subjectCN       = 0;
+    cert->subjectCNLen    = 0;
+    cert->source          = source;  /* don't own */
+    cert->srcIdx          = 0;
+    cert->heap            = heap;
+    cert->subjectSN       = 0;
+    cert->subjectSNLen    = 0;
+    cert->subjectC        = 0;
+    cert->subjectCLen     = 0;
+    cert->subjectL        = 0;
+    cert->subjectLLen     = 0;
+    cert->subjectST       = 0;
+    cert->subjectSTLen    = 0;
+    cert->subjectO        = 0;
+    cert->subjectOLen     = 0;
+    cert->subjectOU       = 0;
+    cert->subjectOULen    = 0;
+    cert->subjectEmail    = 0;
+    cert->subjectEmailLen = 0;
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+void FreeDecodedCert(DecodedCert* cert)
+    if (cert->subjectCNLen == 0)  /* 0 means no longer pointer to raw, we own */
+        XFREE(cert->subjectCN, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_SUBJECT_CN);
+    if (cert->pubKeyStored == 1)
+        XFREE(cert->publicKey, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY);
+static int GetCertHeader(DecodedCert* cert, word32 inSz)
+    int    ret = 0, version, len;
+    word32 begin = cert->srcIdx;
+    mp_int mpi;
+    if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &len) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if ((word32)len > (inSz - (cert->srcIdx - begin))) return ASN_INPUT_E;
+    cert->certBegin = cert->srcIdx;
+    GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &len);
+    cert->sigIndex = len + cert->srcIdx;
+    if (GetExplicitVersion(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &version) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetInt(&mpi, cert->source, &cert->srcIdx) < 0) 
+        ret = ASN_PARSE_E;
+    mp_clear(&mpi);
+    return ret;
+/* Store Rsa Key, may save later, Dsa could use in future */
+static int StoreRsaKey(DecodedCert* cert)
+    int    length;
+    word32 read = cert->srcIdx;
+    if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    read = cert->srcIdx - read;
+    length += read;
+    while (read--)
+       cert->srcIdx--;
+    cert->pubKeySize = length;
+    cert->publicKey = cert->source + cert->srcIdx;
+    cert->srcIdx += length;
+    return 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    /* return 0 on sucess if the ECC curve oid sum is supported */
+    static int CheckCurve(word32 oid)
+    {
+        if (oid != ECC_256R1 && oid != ECC_384R1 && oid != ECC_521R1 && oid !=
+                   ECC_160R1 && oid != ECC_192R1 && oid != ECC_224R1)
+            return -1;
+        return 0;
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+static int GetKey(DecodedCert* cert)
+    int length;
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+    int tmpIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+    if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetAlgoId(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &cert->keyOID) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (cert->keyOID == RSAk) {
+        byte b = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+        if (b != ASN_BIT_STRING)
+            return ASN_BITSTR_E;
+        if (GetLength(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        b = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+        if (b != 0x00)
+            return ASN_EXPECT_0_E;
+    }
+    else if (cert->keyOID == DSAk )
+        ;   /* do nothing */
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+    else if (cert->keyOID == NTRUk ) {
+        const byte* key = &cert->source[tmpIdx];
+        byte*       next = (byte*)key;
+        word16      keyLen;
+        byte        keyBlob[MAX_NTRU_KEY_SZ];
+        word32 rc = crypto_ntru_encrypt_subjectPublicKeyInfo2PublicKey(key,
+                            &keyLen, NULL, &next);
+        if (rc != NTRU_OK)
+            return ASN_NTRU_KEY_E;
+        if (keyLen > sizeof(keyBlob))
+            return ASN_NTRU_KEY_E;
+        rc = crypto_ntru_encrypt_subjectPublicKeyInfo2PublicKey(key, &keyLen,
+                                                                keyBlob, &next);
+        if (rc != NTRU_OK)
+            return ASN_NTRU_KEY_E;
+        if ( (next - key) < 0)
+            return ASN_NTRU_KEY_E;
+        cert->srcIdx = tmpIdx + (next - key);
+        cert->publicKey = (byte*) XMALLOC(keyLen, cert->heap,
+                                          DYNAMIC_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY);
+        if (cert->publicKey == NULL)
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        memcpy(cert->publicKey, keyBlob, keyLen);
+        cert->pubKeyStored = 1;
+        cert->pubKeySize   = keyLen;
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_NTRU */
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    else if (cert->keyOID == ECDSAk ) {
+        word32 oid = 0;
+        int    oidSz = 0;
+        byte   b = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+        if (b != ASN_OBJECT_ID) 
+            return ASN_OBJECT_ID_E;
+        if (GetLength(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &oidSz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        while(oidSz--)
+            oid += cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+        if (CheckCurve(oid) < 0)
+            return ECC_CURVE_OID_E;
+        /* key header */
+        b = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+        if (b != ASN_BIT_STRING)
+            return ASN_BITSTR_E;
+        if (GetLength(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        b = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+        if (b != 0x00)
+            return ASN_EXPECT_0_E;
+        /* actual key, use length - 1 since preceding 0 */
+        cert->publicKey = (byte*) XMALLOC(length - 1, cert->heap,
+                                          DYNAMIC_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY);
+        if (cert->publicKey == NULL)
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        memcpy(cert->publicKey, &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], length - 1);
+        cert->pubKeyStored = 1;
+        cert->pubKeySize   = length - 1;
+        cert->srcIdx += length;
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+    else
+        return ASN_UNKNOWN_OID_E;
+    if (cert->keyOID == RSAk) 
+        return StoreRsaKey(cert);
+    return 0;
+/* process NAME, either issuer or subject */
+static int GetName(DecodedCert* cert, int nameType)
+    Sha    sha;
+    int    length;  /* length of all distinguished names */
+    int    dummy;
+    char* full = (nameType == ISSUER) ? cert->issuer : cert->subject;
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    InitSha(&sha);
+    if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    length += cert->srcIdx;
+    while (cert->srcIdx < (word32)length) {
+        byte   b;
+        byte   joint[2];
+        int    oidSz;
+        if (GetSet(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &dummy) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &dummy) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        b = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+        if (b != ASN_OBJECT_ID) 
+            return ASN_OBJECT_ID_E;
+        if (GetLength(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &oidSz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        XMEMCPY(joint, &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], sizeof(joint));
+        /* v1 name types */
+        if (joint[0] == 0x55 && joint[1] == 0x04) {
+            byte   id;
+            byte   copy = FALSE;
+            int    strLen;
+            cert->srcIdx += 2;
+            id = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++]; 
+            b  = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];    /* strType */
+            if (GetLength(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &strLen) < 0)
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            if (strLen > (int)(ASN_NAME_MAX - idx))
+                return ASN_PARSE_E; 
+            if (4  > (ASN_NAME_MAX - idx))  /* make sure room for biggest */
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;         /* pre fix header too "/CN=" */
+            if (id == ASN_COMMON_NAME) {
+                if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                    cert->subjectCN = (char *)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                    cert->subjectCNLen = strLen;
+                }
+                XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/CN=", 4);
+                idx += 4;
+                copy = TRUE;
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_SUR_NAME) {
+                XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/SN=", 4);
+                idx += 4;
+                copy = TRUE;
+                if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                    cert->subjectSN = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                    cert->subjectSNLen = strLen;
+                }
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_COUNTRY_NAME) {
+                XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/C=", 3);
+                idx += 3;
+                copy = TRUE;
+                if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                    cert->subjectC = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                    cert->subjectCLen = strLen;
+                }
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_LOCALITY_NAME) {
+                XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/L=", 3);
+                idx += 3;
+                copy = TRUE;
+                if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                    cert->subjectL = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                    cert->subjectLLen = strLen;
+                }
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_STATE_NAME) {
+                XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/ST=", 4);
+                idx += 4;
+                copy = TRUE;
+                if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                    cert->subjectST = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                    cert->subjectSTLen = strLen;
+                }
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_ORG_NAME) {
+                XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/O=", 3);
+                idx += 3;
+                copy = TRUE;
+                if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                    cert->subjectO = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                    cert->subjectOLen = strLen;
+                }
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_ORGUNIT_NAME) {
+                XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/OU=", 4);
+                idx += 4;
+                copy = TRUE;
+                if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                    cert->subjectOU = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                    cert->subjectOULen = strLen;
+                }
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+            }
+            if (copy) {
+                XMEMCPY(&full[idx], &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], strLen);
+                idx += strLen;
+            }
+            ShaUpdate(&sha, &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], strLen);
+            cert->srcIdx += strLen;
+        }
+        else {
+            /* skip */
+            byte email = FALSE;
+            int  adv;
+            if (joint[0] == 0x2a && joint[1] == 0x86)  /* email id hdr */
+                email = TRUE;
+            cert->srcIdx += oidSz + 1;
+            if (GetLength(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &adv) < 0)
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            if (adv > (int)(ASN_NAME_MAX - idx))
+                return ASN_PARSE_E; 
+            if (email) {
+                if (14 > (ASN_NAME_MAX - idx))
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E; 
+                XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/emailAddress=", 14);
+                idx += 14;
+                if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                    cert->subjectEmail = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                    cert->subjectEmailLen = adv;
+                }
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+                XMEMCPY(&full[idx], &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], adv);
+                idx += adv;
+            }
+            cert->srcIdx += adv;
+        }
+    }
+    full[idx++] = 0;
+    if (nameType == ISSUER)
+        ShaFinal(&sha, cert->issuerHash);
+    else
+        ShaFinal(&sha, cert->subjectHash);
+    return 0;
+#ifndef NO_TIME_H
+/* to the second */
+static int DateGreaterThan(const struct tm* a, const struct tm* b)
+    if (a->tm_year > b->tm_year)
+        return 1;
+    if (a->tm_year == b->tm_year && a->tm_mon > b->tm_mon)
+        return 1;
+    if (a->tm_year == b->tm_year && a->tm_mon == b->tm_mon &&
+           a->tm_mday > b->tm_mday)
+        return 1;
+    if (a->tm_year == b->tm_year && a->tm_mon == b->tm_mon &&
+        a->tm_mday == b->tm_mday && a->tm_hour > b->tm_hour)
+        return 1;
+    if (a->tm_year == b->tm_year && a->tm_mon == b->tm_mon &&
+        a->tm_mday == b->tm_mday && a->tm_hour == b->tm_hour &&
+        a->tm_min > b->tm_min)
+        return 1;
+    if (a->tm_year == b->tm_year && a->tm_mon == b->tm_mon &&
+        a->tm_mday == b->tm_mday && a->tm_hour == b->tm_hour &&
+        a->tm_min  == b->tm_min  && a->tm_sec > b->tm_sec)
+        return 1;
+    return 0; /* false */
+static INLINE int DateLessThan(const struct tm* a, const struct tm* b)
+    return !DateGreaterThan(a,b);
+/* like atoi but only use first byte */
+/* Make sure before and after dates are valid */
+static int ValidateDate(const byte* date, byte format, int dateType)
+    time_t ltime;
+    struct tm  certTime;
+    struct tm* localTime;
+    int    i = 0;
+    ltime = XTIME(0);
+    XMEMSET(&certTime, 0, sizeof(certTime));
+    if (format == ASN_UTC_TIME) {
+        if (btoi(date[0]) >= 5)
+            certTime.tm_year = 1900;
+        else
+            certTime.tm_year = 2000;
+    }
+    else  { /* format == GENERALIZED_TIME */
+        certTime.tm_year += btoi(date[i++]) * 1000;
+        certTime.tm_year += btoi(date[i++]) * 100;
+    }
+    GetTime(&certTime.tm_year, date, &i); certTime.tm_year -= 1900; /* adjust */
+    GetTime(&certTime.tm_mon,  date, &i); certTime.tm_mon  -= 1;    /* adjust */
+    GetTime(&certTime.tm_mday, date, &i);
+    GetTime(&certTime.tm_hour, date, &i); 
+    GetTime(&certTime.tm_min,  date, &i); 
+    GetTime(&certTime.tm_sec,  date, &i); 
+    if (date[i] != 'Z')     /* only Zulu supported for this profile */
+        return 0;
+    localTime = XGMTIME(&ltime);
+    if (dateType == BEFORE) {
+        if (DateLessThan(localTime, &certTime))
+            return 0;
+    }
+    else
+        if (DateGreaterThan(localTime, &certTime))
+            return 0;
+    return 1;
+#endif /* NO_TIME_H */
+static int GetDate(DecodedCert* cert, int dateType)
+    int    length;
+    byte   date[MAX_DATE_SIZE];
+    byte   b = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+    if (b != ASN_UTC_TIME && b != ASN_GENERALIZED_TIME)
+        return ASN_TIME_E;
+    if (GetLength(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (length > MAX_DATE_SIZE || length < MIN_DATE_SIZE)
+        return ASN_DATE_SZ_E;
+    XMEMCPY(date, &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], length);
+    cert->srcIdx += length;
+    if (!XVALIDATE_DATE(date, b, dateType)) {
+        if (dateType == BEFORE)
+            return ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E;
+        else
+            return ASN_AFTER_DATE_E;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int GetValidity(DecodedCert* cert, int verify)
+    int length;
+    int badDate = 0;
+    if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetDate(cert, BEFORE) < 0 && verify)
+        badDate = ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E;           /* continue parsing */
+    if (GetDate(cert, AFTER) < 0 && verify)
+        return ASN_AFTER_DATE_E;
+    if (badDate != 0)
+        return badDate;
+    return 0;
+static int DecodeToKey(DecodedCert* cert, word32 inSz, int verify)
+    int badDate = 0;
+    int ret;
+    if ( (ret = GetCertHeader(cert, inSz)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if ( (ret = GetAlgoId(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx,&cert->signatureOID)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if ( (ret = GetName(cert, ISSUER)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if ( (ret = GetValidity(cert, verify)) < 0)
+        badDate = ret;
+    if ( (ret = GetName(cert, SUBJECT)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if ( (ret = GetKey(cert)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (badDate != 0)
+        return badDate;
+    return ret;
+static int GetSignature(DecodedCert* cert)
+    int    length;
+    byte   b = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+    if (b != ASN_BIT_STRING)
+        return ASN_BITSTR_E;
+    if (GetLength(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    cert->sigLength = length;
+    b = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+    if (b != 0x00)
+        return ASN_EXPECT_0_E;
+    cert->sigLength--;
+    cert->signature = &cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+    cert->srcIdx += cert->sigLength;
+    return 0;
+static word32 SetDigest(const byte* digest, word32 digSz, byte* output)
+    output[0] = ASN_OCTET_STRING;
+    output[1] = digSz;
+    XMEMCPY(&output[2], digest, digSz);
+    return digSz + 2;
+static word32 BytePrecision(word32 value)
+    word32 i;
+    for (i = sizeof(value); i; --i)
+        if (value >> (i - 1) * 8)
+            break;
+    return i;
+static word32 SetLength(word32 length, byte* output)
+    word32 i = 0, j;
+    if (length < ASN_LONG_LENGTH)
+        output[i++] = length;
+    else {
+        output[i++] = BytePrecision(length) | ASN_LONG_LENGTH;
+        for (j = BytePrecision(length); j; --j) {
+            output[i] = length >> (j - 1) * 8;
+            i++;
+        }
+    }
+    return i;
+static word32 SetSequence(word32 len, byte* output)
+    return SetLength(len, output + 1) + 1;
+static word32 SetAlgoID(int algoOID, byte* output, int type)
+    /* adding TAG_NULL and 0 to end */
+    /* hashTypes */
+    static const byte shaAlgoID[] = { 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1a,
+                                      0x05, 0x00 };
+    static const byte md5AlgoID[] = { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d,
+                                      0x02, 0x05, 0x05, 0x00  };
+    static const byte md2AlgoID[] = { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d,
+                                      0x02, 0x02, 0x05, 0x00};
+    /* sigTypes */
+    static const byte md5wRSA_AlgoID[] = { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d,
+                                      0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00};
+    /* keyTypes */
+    static const byte RSA_AlgoID[] = { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d,
+                                      0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00};
+    int    algoSz = 0;
+    word32 idSz, seqSz;
+    const  byte* algoName = 0;
+    byte ID_Length[MAX_LENGTH_SZ];
+    byte seqArray[MAX_SEQ_SZ + 1];  /* add object_id to end */
+    if (type == hashType) {
+        switch (algoOID) {
+        case SHAh:
+            algoSz = sizeof(shaAlgoID);
+            algoName = shaAlgoID;
+            break;
+        case MD2h:
+            algoSz = sizeof(md2AlgoID);
+            algoName = md2AlgoID;
+            break;
+        case MD5h:
+            algoSz = sizeof(md5AlgoID);
+            algoName = md5AlgoID;
+            break;
+        default:
+            return 0;  /* UNKOWN_HASH_E; */
+        }
+    }
+    else if (type == sigType) {    /* sigType */
+        switch (algoOID) {
+        case MD5wRSA:
+            algoSz = sizeof(md5wRSA_AlgoID);
+            algoName = md5wRSA_AlgoID;
+            break;
+        default:
+            return 0;  /* UNKOWN_HASH_E; */
+        }
+    }
+    else if (type == keyType) {    /* keyType */
+        switch (algoOID) {
+        case RSAk:
+            algoSz = sizeof(RSA_AlgoID);
+            algoName = RSA_AlgoID;
+            break;
+        default:
+            return 0;  /* UNKOWN_HASH_E; */
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        return 0;  /* UNKNOWN_TYPE */
+    idSz  = SetLength(algoSz - 2, ID_Length); /* don't include TAG_NULL/0 */
+    seqSz = SetSequence(idSz + algoSz + 1, seqArray);
+    seqArray[seqSz++] = ASN_OBJECT_ID;
+    XMEMCPY(output, seqArray, seqSz);
+    XMEMCPY(output + seqSz, ID_Length, idSz);
+    XMEMCPY(output + seqSz + idSz, algoName, algoSz);
+    return seqSz + idSz + algoSz;
+word32 EncodeSignature(byte* out, const byte* digest, word32 digSz, int hashOID)
+    byte digArray[MAX_ENCODED_DIG_SZ];
+    byte algoArray[MAX_ALGO_SZ];
+    byte seqArray[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    word32 encDigSz, algoSz, seqSz; 
+    encDigSz = SetDigest(digest, digSz, digArray);
+    algoSz   = SetAlgoID(hashOID, algoArray, hashType);
+    seqSz    = SetSequence(encDigSz + algoSz, seqArray);
+    XMEMCPY(out, seqArray, seqSz);
+    XMEMCPY(out + seqSz, algoArray, algoSz);
+    XMEMCPY(out + seqSz + algoSz, digArray, encDigSz);
+    return encDigSz + algoSz + seqSz;
+/* return true (1) for Confirmation */
+static int ConfirmSignature(DecodedCert* cert, const byte* key, word32 keySz,
+                            word32 keyOID)
+    byte digest[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE]; /* max size */
+    int  hashType, digestSz, ret;
+    if (cert->signatureOID == MD5wRSA) {
+        Md5 md5;
+        InitMd5(&md5);
+        Md5Update(&md5, cert->source + cert->certBegin,
+                  cert->sigIndex - cert->certBegin);
+        Md5Final(&md5, digest);
+        hashType = MD5h;
+        digestSz = MD5_DIGEST_SIZE;
+    }
+    else if (cert->signatureOID == SHAwRSA || cert->signatureOID == SHAwDSA ||
+                                              cert->signatureOID == SHAwECDSA) {
+        Sha sha;
+        InitSha(&sha);
+        ShaUpdate(&sha, cert->source + cert->certBegin,
+                  cert->sigIndex - cert->certBegin);
+        ShaFinal(&sha, digest);
+        hashType = SHAh;
+        digestSz = SHA_DIGEST_SIZE;
+    }
+    else
+        return 0; /* ASN_SIG_HASH_E; */
+    if (keyOID == RSAk) {
+        RsaKey pubKey;
+        byte   encodedSig[MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ];
+        byte   plain[MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ];
+        word32 idx = 0;
+        int    sigSz, verifySz;
+        byte*  out;
+        if (cert->sigLength > MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ)
+            return 0; /* the key is too big */
+        InitRsaKey(&pubKey, cert->heap);
+        if (RsaPublicKeyDecode(key, &idx, &pubKey, keySz) < 0)
+            ret = 0; /* ASN_KEY_DECODE_E; */
+        else {
+            XMEMCPY(plain, cert->signature, cert->sigLength);
+            if ( (verifySz = RsaSSL_VerifyInline(plain, cert->sigLength, &out,
+                                           &pubKey)) < 0)
+                ret = 0; /* ASN_VERIFY_E; */
+            else {
+                /* make sure we're right justified */
+                sigSz = EncodeSignature(encodedSig, digest, digestSz, hashType);
+                if (sigSz != verifySz || XMEMCMP(out, encodedSig, sigSz) != 0)
+                    ret = 0; /* ASN_VERIFY_MATCH_E; */
+                else
+                    ret = 1; /* match */
+            }
+        }
+        FreeRsaKey(&pubKey);
+        return ret;
+    }
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    else if (keyOID == ECDSAk) {
+        ecc_key pubKey;
+        int     verify = 0;
+        if (ecc_import_x963(key, keySz, &pubKey) < 0)
+            return 0; /* ASN_KEY_DECODE_E */
+        ret = ecc_verify_hash(cert->signature, cert->sigLength, digest,
+                              digestSz, &verify, &pubKey);
+        ecc_free(&pubKey);
+        if (ret == 0 && verify == 1)
+            return 1;  /* match */
+        return 0;  /* ASN_VERIFY_E */
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+    else
+        return 0; /* ASN_SIG_KEY_E; */
+int ParseCert(DecodedCert* cert, word32 inSz, int type, int verify,
+              Signer* signers)
+    int   ret;
+    char* ptr;
+    ret = ParseCertRelative(cert, inSz, type, verify, signers);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (cert->subjectCNLen > 0) {
+        ptr = (char*) XMALLOC(cert->subjectCNLen + 1, cert->heap,
+                              DYNAMIC_TYPE_SUBJECT_CN);
+        if (ptr == NULL)
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        XMEMCPY(ptr, cert->subjectCN, cert->subjectCNLen);
+        ptr[cert->subjectCNLen] = '\0';
+        cert->subjectCN = ptr;
+        cert->subjectCNLen = 0;
+    }
+    if (cert->keyOID == RSAk && cert->pubKeySize > 0) {
+        ptr = (char*) XMALLOC(cert->pubKeySize, cert->heap,
+                              DYNAMIC_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY);
+        if (ptr == NULL)
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        XMEMCPY(ptr, cert->publicKey, cert->pubKeySize);
+        cert->publicKey = (byte *)ptr;
+        cert->pubKeyStored = 1;
+    }
+    return ret;
+int ParseCertRelative(DecodedCert* cert, word32 inSz, int type, int verify,
+              Signer* signers)
+    word32 confirmOID;
+    int    ret;
+    int    badDate = 0;
+    int    confirm = 0;
+    if ((ret = DecodeToKey(cert, inSz, verify)) < 0) {
+        if (ret == ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E || ret == ASN_AFTER_DATE_E)
+            badDate = ret;
+        else
+            return ret;
+    }
+    if (cert->srcIdx != cert->sigIndex)
+        cert->srcIdx =  cert->sigIndex;
+    if ((ret = GetAlgoId(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &confirmOID)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if ((ret = GetSignature(cert)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (confirmOID != cert->signatureOID)
+        return ASN_SIG_OID_E;
+    if (verify && type != CA_TYPE) {
+        while (signers) {
+            if (XMEMCMP(cert->issuerHash, signers->hash, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE)
+                       == 0) {
+                /* other confirm */
+                if (!ConfirmSignature(cert, signers->publicKey,
+                                      signers->pubKeySize, signers->keyOID))
+                    return ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E;
+                else {
+                    confirm = 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            signers = signers->next;
+        }
+        if (!confirm)
+            return ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E;
+    }
+    if (badDate != 0)
+        return badDate;
+    return 0;
+Signer* MakeSigner(void* heap)
+    Signer* signer = (Signer*) XMALLOC(sizeof(Signer), heap,
+                                       DYNAMIC_TYPE_SIGNER);
+    if (signer) {
+        signer->name      = 0;
+        signer->publicKey = 0;
+        signer->next      = 0;
+    }
+    return signer;
+void FreeSigners(Signer* signer, void* heap)
+    Signer* next = signer;
+    while( (signer = next) ) {
+        next = signer->next;
+        XFREE(signer->name, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_SUBJECT_CN);
+        XFREE(signer->publicKey, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY);
+        XFREE(signer, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_SIGNER);
+    }
+void CTaoCryptErrorString(int error, char* buffer)
+    const int max = MAX_ERROR_SZ;   /* shorthand */
+    XSTRNCPY(buffer, "no support for error strings built in", max);
+    switch (error) {
+    case OPEN_RAN_E :        
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "opening random device error", max);
+        break;
+    case READ_RAN_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "reading random device error", max);
+        break;
+    case WINCRYPT_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "windows crypt init error", max);
+        break;
+    case CRYPTGEN_E : 
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "windows crypt generation error", max);
+        break;
+    case RAN_BLOCK_E : 
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "random device read would block error", max);
+        break;
+    case MP_INIT_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "mp_init error state", max);
+        break;
+    case MP_READ_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "mp_read error state", max);
+        break;
+    case MP_EXPTMOD_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "mp_exptmod error state", max);
+        break;
+    case MP_TO_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "mp_to_xxx error state, can't convert", max);
+        break;
+    case MP_SUB_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "mp_sub error state, can't subtract", max);
+        break;
+    case MP_ADD_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "mp_add error state, can't add", max);
+        break;
+    case MP_MUL_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "mp_mul error state, can't multiply", max);
+        break;
+    case MP_MULMOD_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "mp_mulmod error state, can't multiply mod", max);
+        break;
+    case MP_MOD_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "mp_mod error state, can't mod", max);
+        break;
+    case MP_INVMOD_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "mp_invmod error state, can't inv mod", max);
+        break; 
+    case MP_CMP_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "mp_cmp error state", max);
+        break; 
+    case MEMORY_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "out of memory error", max);
+        break;
+    case RSA_WRONG_TYPE_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "RSA wrong block type for RSA function", max);
+        break; 
+    case RSA_BUFFER_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "RSA buffer error, output too small or input too big",
+                max);
+        break; 
+    case BUFFER_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "Buffer error, output too small or input too big", max);
+        break; 
+    case ALGO_ID_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "Setting Cert AlogID error", max);
+        break; 
+    case PUBLIC_KEY_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "Setting Cert Public Key error", max);
+        break; 
+    case DATE_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "Setting Cert Date validity error", max);
+        break; 
+    case SUBJECT_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "Setting Cert Subject name error", max);
+        break; 
+    case ISSUER_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "Setting Cert Issuer name error", max);
+        break; 
+    case ASN_PARSE_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN parsing error, invalid input", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_VERSION_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN version error, invalid number", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_GETINT_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN get big int error, invalid data", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_RSA_KEY_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN key init error, invalid input", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_OBJECT_ID_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN object id error, invalid id", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_TAG_NULL_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN tag error, not null", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_EXPECT_0_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN expect error, not zero", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_BITSTR_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN bit string error, wrong id", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_UNKNOWN_OID_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN oid error, unknown sum id", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_DATE_SZ_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN date error, bad size", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN date error, current date before", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_AFTER_DATE_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN date error, current date after", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_SIG_OID_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN signature error, mismatched oid", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_TIME_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN time error, unkown time type", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_INPUT_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN input error, not enough data", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN sig error, confirm failure", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_SIG_HASH_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN sig error, unsupported hash type", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_SIG_KEY_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN sig error, unsupported key type", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_DH_KEY_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN key init error, invalid input", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_NTRU_KEY_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ASN NTRU key decode error, invalid input", max);
+        break;
+    case ECC_BAD_ARG_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ECC input argument wrong type, invalid input", max);
+        break;
+    case ASN_ECC_KEY_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ECC ASN1 bad key data, invalid input", max);
+        break;
+    case ECC_CURVE_OID_E :
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "ECC curve sum OID unsupported, invalid input", max);
+        break;
+    default:
+        XSTRNCPY(buffer, "unknown error number", max);
+    }
+#endif /* NO_ERROR_STRINGS */
+#if defined(CYASSL_KEY_GEN) || defined(CYASSL_CERT_GEN)
+static int SetMyVersion(word32 version, byte* output, int header)
+    int i = 0;
+    if (header) {
+        output[i++] = ASN_BIT_STRING;
+    }
+    output[i++] = ASN_INTEGER;
+    output[i++] = 0x01;
+    output[i++] = version;
+    return i;
+int DerToPem(const byte* der, word32 derSz, byte* output, word32 outSz,
+             int type)
+    char header[80];
+    char footer[80];
+    int headerLen;
+    int footerLen;
+    int i;
+    int outLen;   /* return length or error */
+    if (type == CERT_TYPE) {
+        XSTRNCPY(header, "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n", sizeof(header));
+        XSTRNCPY(footer, "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n", sizeof(footer));
+    } else {
+        XSTRNCPY(header, "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n", sizeof(header));
+        XSTRNCPY(footer, "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n", sizeof(footer));
+    }
+    headerLen = XSTRLEN(header);
+    footerLen = XSTRLEN(footer);
+    if (!der || !output)
+        return -1;
+    /* don't even try if outSz too short */
+    if (outSz < headerLen + footerLen + derSz)
+        return -1;
+    /* header */
+    XMEMCPY(output, header, headerLen);
+    i = headerLen;
+    /* body */
+    outLen = outSz;  /* input to Base64Encode */
+    if (Base64Encode(der, derSz, output + i, (word32*)&outLen) < 0)
+        return -1;
+    i += outLen;
+    /* footer */
+    if ( (i + footerLen) > (int)outSz)
+        return -1;
+    XMEMCPY(output + i, footer, footerLen);
+    return outLen + headerLen + footerLen;
+static mp_int* GetRsaInt(RsaKey* key, int index)
+    if (index == 0)
+        return &key->n;
+    if (index == 1)
+        return &key->e;
+    if (index == 2)
+        return &key->d;
+    if (index == 3)
+        return &key->p;
+    if (index == 4)
+        return &key->q;
+    if (index == 5)
+        return &key->dP;
+    if (index == 6)
+        return &key->dQ;
+    if (index == 7)
+        return &key->u;
+    return NULL;
+/* Convert RsaKey key to DER format, write to output (inLen), return bytes
+   written */
+int RsaKeyToDer(RsaKey* key, byte* output, word32 inLen)
+    word32 seqSz, verSz, rawLen, intTotalLen = 0;
+    word32 sizes[RSA_INTS];
+    int    i, j, outLen;
+    byte seq[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    byte ver[MAX_VERSION_SZ];
+    byte tmps[RSA_INTS][MAX_RSA_INT_SZ];
+    if (!key || !output)
+        return -1;
+    if (key->type != RSA_PRIVATE)
+        return -1;
+    /* write all big ints from key to DER tmps */
+    for (i = 0; i < RSA_INTS; i++) {
+        mp_int* keyInt = GetRsaInt(key, i);
+        rawLen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(keyInt);
+        tmps[i][0] = ASN_INTEGER;
+        sizes[i] = SetLength(rawLen, tmps[i] + 1) + 1;  /* int tag */
+        if ( (sizes[i] + rawLen) < sizeof(tmps[i])) {
+            int err = mp_to_unsigned_bin(keyInt, tmps[i] + sizes[i]);
+            if (err == MP_OKAY) {
+                sizes[i] += rawLen;
+                intTotalLen += sizes[i];
+            }
+            else
+                return err;
+        }
+        else
+            return -1;
+    }
+    /* make headers */
+    verSz = SetMyVersion(0, ver, FALSE);
+    seqSz = SetSequence(verSz + intTotalLen, seq);
+    outLen = seqSz + verSz + intTotalLen;
+    if (outLen > (int)inLen)
+        return -1;
+    /* write to output */
+    XMEMCPY(output, seq, seqSz);
+    j = seqSz;
+    XMEMCPY(output + j, ver, verSz);
+    j += verSz;
+    for (i = 0; i < RSA_INTS; i++) {
+        XMEMCPY(output + j, tmps[i], sizes[i]);
+        j += sizes[i];
+    }
+    return outLen;
+#endif /* CYASSL_KEY_GEN */
+/* Initialize and Set Certficate defaults:
+   version    = 3 (0x2)
+   serial     = 0
+   sigType    = MD5_WITH_RSA
+   issuer     = blank
+   daysValid  = 500
+   selfSigned = 1 (true) use subject as issuer
+   subject    = blank
+void InitCert(Cert* cert)
+    cert->version    = 2;   /* version 3 is hex 2 */
+    cert->sigType    = MD5wRSA;
+    cert->daysValid  = 500;
+    cert->selfSigned = 1;
+    cert->bodySz     = 0;
+    cert->keyType    = RSA_KEY;
+    XMEMSET(cert->serial, 0, SERIAL_SIZE);
+    cert->[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.state[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.locality[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.sur[0] = '\0';
+    cert->[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.unit[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.commonName[0] = '\0';
+    cert->[0] = '\0';
+    cert->[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.state[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.locality[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.sur[0] = '\0';
+    cert->[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.unit[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.commonName[0] = '\0';
+    cert->[0] = '\0';
+/* DER encoded x509 Certificate */
+typedef struct DerCert {
+    byte size[MAX_LENGTH_SZ];          /* length encoded */
+    byte version[MAX_VERSION_SZ];      /* version encoded */
+    byte serial[SERIAL_SIZE + MAX_LENGTH_SZ]; /* serial number encoded */
+    byte sigAlgo[MAX_ALGO_SZ];         /* signature algo encoded */
+    byte issuer[ASN_NAME_MAX];         /* issuer  encoded */
+    byte subject[ASN_NAME_MAX];        /* subject encoded */
+    byte validity[MAX_DATE_SIZE*2 + MAX_SEQ_SZ*2];  /* before and after dates */
+    byte publicKey[MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_SZ]; /* rsa / ntru public key encoded */
+    int  sizeSz;                       /* encoded size length */
+    int  versionSz;                    /* encoded version length */
+    int  serialSz;                     /* encoded serial length */
+    int  sigAlgoSz;                    /* enocded sig alog length */
+    int  issuerSz;                     /* encoded issuer length */
+    int  subjectSz;                    /* encoded subject length */
+    int  validitySz;                   /* encoded validity length */
+    int  publicKeySz;                  /* encoded public key length */
+    int  total;                        /* total encoded lengths */
+} DerCert;
+/* Write a set header to output */
+static word32 SetSet(word32 len, byte* output)
+    output[0] = ASN_SET | ASN_CONSTRUCTED;
+    return SetLength(len, output + 1) + 1;
+/* Write a serial number to output */
+static int SetSerial(const byte* serial, byte* output)
+    int length = 0;
+    output[length++] = ASN_INTEGER;
+    length += SetLength(SERIAL_SIZE, &output[length]);
+    XMEMCPY(&output[length], serial, SERIAL_SIZE);
+    return length + SERIAL_SIZE;
+/* Write a public RSA key to output */
+static int SetPublicKey(byte* output, RsaKey* key)
+    byte n[MAX_RSA_INT_SZ];
+    byte e[MAX_RSA_E_SZ];
+    byte algo[MAX_ALGO_SZ];
+    byte seq[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    byte len[MAX_LENGTH_SZ + 1];  /* trailing 0 */
+    int  nSz;
+    int  eSz;
+    int  algoSz;
+    int  seqSz;
+    int  lenSz;
+    int  idx;
+    int  rawLen;
+    /* n */
+    rawLen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&key->n);
+    n[0] = ASN_INTEGER;
+    nSz  = SetLength(rawLen, n + 1) + 1;  /* int tag */
+    if ( (nSz + rawLen) < sizeof(n)) {
+        int err = mp_to_unsigned_bin(&key->n, n + nSz);
+        if (err == MP_OKAY)
+            nSz += rawLen;
+        else
+            return MP_TO_E;
+    }
+    else
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    /* e */
+    rawLen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&key->e);
+    e[0] = ASN_INTEGER;
+    eSz  = SetLength(rawLen, e + 1) + 1;  /* int tag */
+    if ( (eSz + rawLen) < sizeof(e)) {
+        int err = mp_to_unsigned_bin(&key->e, e + eSz);
+        if (err == MP_OKAY)
+            eSz += rawLen;
+        else
+            return MP_TO_E;
+    }
+    else
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    /* headers */
+    algoSz = SetAlgoID(RSAk, algo, keyType);
+    seqSz  = SetSequence(nSz + eSz, seq);
+    lenSz  = SetLength(seqSz + nSz + eSz + 1, len);
+    len[lenSz++] = 0;   /* trailing 0 */
+    /* write */
+    idx = SetSequence(nSz + eSz + seqSz + lenSz + 1 + algoSz, output);
+        /* 1 is for ASN_BIT_STRING */
+    /* algo */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, algo, algoSz);
+    idx += algoSz;
+    /* bit string */
+    output[idx++] = ASN_BIT_STRING;
+    /* length */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, len, lenSz);
+    idx += lenSz;
+    /* seq */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, seq, seqSz);
+    idx += seqSz;
+    /* n */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, n, nSz);
+    idx += nSz;
+    /* e */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, e, eSz);
+    idx += eSz;
+    return idx;
+static INLINE byte itob(int number)
+    return (byte)number + 0x30;
+/* write time to output, format */
+static void SetTime(struct tm* date, byte* output)
+    int i = 0;
+    output[i++] = itob((date->tm_year % 10000) / 1000);
+    output[i++] = itob((date->tm_year % 1000)  /  100);
+    output[i++] = itob((date->tm_year % 100)   /   10);
+    output[i++] = itob( date->tm_year % 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_mon / 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_mon % 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_mday / 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_mday % 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_hour / 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_hour % 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_min / 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_min % 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_sec / 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_sec % 10);
+    output[i] = 'Z';  /* Zulu profiel */
+/* Set Date validity from now until now + daysValid */
+static int SetValidity(byte* output, int daysValid)
+    byte before[MAX_DATE_SIZE];
+    byte  after[MAX_DATE_SIZE];
+    int beforeSz;
+    int afterSz;
+    int seqSz;
+    time_t     ticks;
+    struct tm* now;
+    struct tm  local;
+    ticks = XTIME(0);
+    now   = XGMTIME(&ticks);
+    /* before now */
+    local = *now;
+    before[0] = ASN_GENERALIZED_TIME;
+    beforeSz  = SetLength(ASN_GEN_TIME_SZ, before + 1) + 1;  /* gen tag */
+    /* adjust */
+    local.tm_year += 1900;
+    local.tm_mon  +=    1;
+    SetTime(&local, before + beforeSz);
+    beforeSz += ASN_GEN_TIME_SZ;
+    /* after now + daysValid */
+    local = *now;
+    after[0] = ASN_GENERALIZED_TIME;
+    afterSz  = SetLength(ASN_GEN_TIME_SZ, after + 1) + 1;  /* gen tag */
+    /* add daysValid */
+    local.tm_mday += daysValid;
+    mktime(&local);
+    /* adjust */
+    local.tm_year += 1900;
+    local.tm_mon  +=    1;
+    SetTime(&local, after + afterSz);
+    afterSz += ASN_GEN_TIME_SZ;
+    /* headers and output */
+    seqSz = SetSequence(beforeSz + afterSz, output);
+    XMEMCPY(output + seqSz, before, beforeSz);
+    XMEMCPY(output + seqSz + beforeSz, after, afterSz);
+    return seqSz + beforeSz + afterSz;
+/* ASN Encoded Name field */
+typedef struct EncodedName {
+    int  nameLen;                /* actual string value length */
+    int  totalLen;               /* total encodeding length */
+    int  type;                   /* type of name */
+    int  used;                   /* are we actually using this one */
+    byte encoded[NAME_SIZE * 2]; /* encoding */
+} EncodedName;
+/* Get Which Name from index */
+static const char* GetOneName(CertName* name, int index)
+    switch (index) {
+    case 0:
+       return name->country;
+       break;
+    case 1:
+       return name->state;
+       break;
+    case 2:
+       return name->locality;
+       break;
+    case 3:
+       return name->sur;
+       break;
+    case 4:
+       return name->org;
+       break;
+    case 5:
+       return name->unit;
+       break;
+    case 6:
+       return name->commonName;
+       break;
+    case 7:
+       return name->email;
+       break;
+    default:
+       return 0;
+    }
+    return 0;
+/* Get ASN Name from index */
+static byte GetNameId(int index)
+    switch (index) {
+    case 0:
+       return ASN_COUNTRY_NAME;
+       break;
+    case 1:
+       return ASN_STATE_NAME;
+       break;
+    case 2:
+       return ASN_LOCALITY_NAME;
+       break;
+    case 3:
+       return ASN_SUR_NAME;
+       break;
+    case 4:
+       return ASN_ORG_NAME;
+       break;
+    case 5:
+       return ASN_ORGUNIT_NAME;
+       break;
+    case 6:
+       return ASN_COMMON_NAME;
+       break;
+    case 7:
+       /* email uses different id type */
+       return 0;
+       break;
+    default:
+       return 0;
+    }
+    return 0;
+/* encode CertName into output, return total bytes written */
+static int SetName(byte* output, CertName* name)
+    int         totalBytes = 0, i, idx;
+    EncodedName names[NAME_ENTRIES];
+    for (i = 0; i < NAME_ENTRIES; i++) {
+        const char* nameStr = GetOneName(name, i);
+        if (nameStr) {
+            /* bottom up */
+            byte firstLen[MAX_LENGTH_SZ];
+            byte secondLen[MAX_LENGTH_SZ];
+            byte sequence[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+            byte set[MAX_SET_SZ];
+            int email = i == (NAME_ENTRIES - 1) ? 1 : 0;
+            int strLen  = XSTRLEN(nameStr);
+            int thisLen = strLen;
+            int firstSz, secondSz, seqSz, setSz;
+            if (strLen == 0) { /* no user data for this item */
+                names[i].used = 0;
+                continue;
+            }
+            secondSz = SetLength(strLen, secondLen);
+            thisLen += secondSz;
+            if (email) {
+                thisLen += EMAIL_JOINT_LEN;
+                thisLen ++;                               /* id type */
+                firstSz  = SetLength(EMAIL_JOINT_LEN, firstLen);
+            }
+            else {
+                thisLen++;                                 /* str type */
+                thisLen++;                                 /* id  type */
+                thisLen += JOINT_LEN;    
+                firstSz = SetLength(JOINT_LEN + 1, firstLen);
+            }
+            thisLen += firstSz;
+            thisLen++;                                /* object id */
+            seqSz = SetSequence(thisLen, sequence);
+            thisLen += seqSz;
+            setSz = SetSet(thisLen, set);
+            thisLen += setSz;
+            if (thisLen > sizeof(names[i].encoded))
+                return BUFFER_E;
+            /* store it */
+            idx = 0;
+            /* set */
+            XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded, set, setSz);
+            idx += setSz;
+            /* seq */
+            XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded + idx, sequence, seqSz);
+            idx += seqSz;
+            /* asn object id */
+            names[i].encoded[idx++] = ASN_OBJECT_ID;
+            /* first length */
+            XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded + idx, firstLen, firstSz);
+            idx += firstSz;
+            if (email) {
+                const byte EMAIL_OID[] = { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d,
+                                           0x01, 0x09, 0x01, 0x16 };
+                /* email joint id */
+                XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded + idx, EMAIL_OID, sizeof(EMAIL_OID));
+                idx += sizeof(EMAIL_OID);
+            }
+            else {
+                /* joint id */
+                names[i].encoded[idx++] = 0x55;
+                names[i].encoded[idx++] = 0x04;
+                /* id type */
+                names[i].encoded[idx++] = GetNameId(i);
+                /* str type */
+                names[i].encoded[idx++] = 0x13;
+            }
+            /* second length */
+            XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded + idx, secondLen, secondSz);
+            idx += secondSz;
+            /* str value */
+            XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded + idx, nameStr, strLen);
+            idx += strLen;
+            totalBytes += idx;
+            names[i].totalLen = idx;
+            names[i].used = 1;
+        }
+        else
+            names[i].used = 0;
+    }
+    /* header */
+    idx = SetSequence(totalBytes, output);
+    totalBytes += idx;
+    if (totalBytes > ASN_NAME_MAX)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    for (i = 0; i < NAME_ENTRIES; i++) {
+        if (names[i].used) {
+            XMEMCPY(output + idx, names[i].encoded, names[i].totalLen);
+            idx += names[i].totalLen;
+        }
+    }
+    return totalBytes;
+/* encode info from cert into DER enocder format */
+static int EncodeCert(Cert* cert, DerCert* der, RsaKey* rsaKey, RNG* rng,
+                      const byte* ntruKey, word16 ntruSz)
+    /* version */
+    der->versionSz = SetMyVersion(cert->version, der->version, TRUE);
+    /* serial number */
+    RNG_GenerateBlock(rng, cert->serial, SERIAL_SIZE);
+    cert->serial[0] = 0x01;   /* ensure positive */
+    der->serialSz  = SetSerial(cert->serial, der->serial);
+    /* signature algo */
+    der->sigAlgoSz = SetAlgoID(cert->sigType, der->sigAlgo, sigType);
+    if (der->sigAlgoSz == 0)
+        return ALGO_ID_E;
+    /* public key */
+    if (cert->keyType == RSA_KEY) {
+        der->publicKeySz = SetPublicKey(der->publicKey, rsaKey);
+        if (der->publicKeySz == 0)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+    }
+    else {
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+        word32 rc;
+        word16 encodedSz;
+        rc  = crypto_ntru_encrypt_publicKey2SubjectPublicKeyInfo( ntruSz,
+                                              ntruKey, &encodedSz, NULL);
+        if (rc != NTRU_OK)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+        if (encodedSz > MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_SZ)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+        rc  = crypto_ntru_encrypt_publicKey2SubjectPublicKeyInfo( ntruSz,
+                              ntruKey, &encodedSz, der->publicKey);
+        if (rc != NTRU_OK)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+        der->publicKeySz = encodedSz;
+    }
+    /* date validity */
+    der->validitySz = SetValidity(der->validity, cert->daysValid);
+    if (der->validitySz == 0)
+        return DATE_E;
+    /* subject name */
+    der->subjectSz = SetName(der->subject, &cert->subject);
+    if (der->subjectSz == 0)
+        return SUBJECT_E;
+    /* issuer name */
+    der->issuerSz = SetName(der->issuer, cert->selfSigned ?
+             &cert->subject : &cert->issuer);
+    if (der->issuerSz == 0)
+        return ISSUER_E;
+    der->total = der->versionSz + der->serialSz + der->sigAlgoSz +
+        der->publicKeySz + der->validitySz + der->subjectSz + der->issuerSz;
+    return 0;
+/* write DER encoded cert to buffer, size already checked */
+static int WriteCertBody(DerCert* der, byte* buffer)
+    int idx;
+    /* signed part header */
+    idx = SetSequence(der->total, buffer);
+    /* version */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->version, der->versionSz);
+    idx += der->versionSz;
+    /* serial */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->serial, der->serialSz);
+    idx += der->serialSz;
+    /* sig algo */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->sigAlgo, der->sigAlgoSz);
+    idx += der->sigAlgoSz;
+    /* issuer */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->issuer, der->issuerSz);
+    idx += der->issuerSz;
+    /* validity */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->validity, der->validitySz);
+    idx += der->validitySz;
+    /* subject */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->subject, der->subjectSz);
+    idx += der->subjectSz;
+    /* public key */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->publicKey, der->publicKeySz);
+    idx += der->publicKeySz;
+    return idx;
+/* Make MD5wRSA signature from buffer (sz), write to sig (sigSz) */
+static int MakeSignature(const byte* buffer, int sz, byte* sig, int sigSz,
+                         RsaKey* key, RNG* rng)
+    byte    digest[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE];     /* max size */
+    byte    encSig[MAX_ENCODED_DIG_SZ + MAX_ALGO_SZ + MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    int     encSigSz, digestSz, hashType;
+    Md5     md5;                         /* md5 for now */
+    InitMd5(&md5);
+    Md5Update(&md5, buffer, sz);
+    Md5Final(&md5, digest);
+    digestSz = MD5_DIGEST_SIZE;
+    hashType = MD5h;
+    /* signature */
+    encSigSz = EncodeSignature(encSig, digest, digestSz, hashType);
+    return RsaSSL_Sign(encSig, encSigSz, sig, sigSz, key, rng);
+/* add signature to end of buffer, size of buffer assumed checked, return
+   new length */
+static int AddSignature(byte* buffer, int bodySz, const byte* sig, int sigSz)
+    byte seq[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    int  idx = bodySz, seqSz;
+    /* algo */
+    idx += SetAlgoID(MD5wRSA, buffer + idx, sigType);
+    /* bit string */
+    buffer[idx++] = ASN_BIT_STRING;
+    /* length */
+    idx += SetLength(sigSz + 1, buffer + idx);
+    buffer[idx++] = 0;   /* trailing 0 */
+    /* signature */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, sig, sigSz);
+    idx += sigSz;
+    /* make room for overall header */
+    seqSz = SetSequence(idx, seq);
+    XMEMMOVE(buffer + seqSz, buffer, idx);
+    XMEMCPY(buffer, seq, seqSz);
+    return idx + seqSz;
+/* Make an x509 Certificate v3 any key type from cert input, write to buffer */
+static int MakeAnyCert(Cert* cert, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz,
+                   RsaKey* rsaKey, RNG* rng, const byte* ntruKey, word16 ntruSz)
+    DerCert der;
+    int     ret;
+    cert->keyType = rsaKey ? RSA_KEY : NTRU_KEY;
+    ret = EncodeCert(cert, &der, rsaKey, rng, ntruKey, ntruSz);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    if ( + MAX_SEQ_SZ * 2 > (int)derSz)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    return cert->bodySz = WriteCertBody(&der, derBuffer);
+/* Make an x509 Certificate v3 RSA from cert input, write to buffer */
+int MakeCert(Cert* cert, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz, RsaKey* rsaKey,RNG* rng)
+    return MakeAnyCert(cert, derBuffer, derSz, rsaKey, rng, NULL, 0);
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+int  MakeNtruCert(Cert* cert, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz,
+                  const byte* ntruKey, word16 keySz, RNG* rng)
+    return MakeAnyCert(cert, derBuffer, derSz, NULL, rng, ntruKey, keySz);
+#endif /* HAVE_NTRU */
+int SignCert(Cert* cert, byte* buffer, word32 buffSz, RsaKey* key, RNG* rng)
+    byte    sig[MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ];
+    int     sigSz;
+    int     bodySz = cert->bodySz;
+    if (bodySz < 0)
+        return bodySz;
+    sigSz  = MakeSignature(buffer, bodySz, sig, sizeof(sig), key, rng);
+    if (sigSz < 0)
+        return sigSz; 
+    if (bodySz + MAX_SEQ_SZ * 2 + sigSz > (int)buffSz)
+        return BUFFER_E; 
+    return AddSignature(buffer, bodySz, sig, sigSz);
+int MakeSelfCert(Cert* cert, byte* buffer, word32 buffSz, RsaKey* key, RNG* rng)
+    int ret = MakeCert(cert, buffer, buffSz, key, rng);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    return SignCert(cert, buffer, buffSz, key, rng);
+/* forward from CyaSSL */
+int CyaSSL_PemCertToDer(const char* fileName, unsigned char* derBuf, int derSz);
+int SetIssuer(Cert* cert, const char* issuerCertFile)
+    DecodedCert decoded;
+    byte        der[8192];
+    int         derSz = CyaSSL_PemCertToDer(issuerCertFile, der, sizeof(der));
+    int         ret;
+    int         sz;
+    if (derSz < 0)
+        return derSz;
+    cert->selfSigned = 0;
+    InitDecodedCert(&decoded, der, 0);
+    ret = ParseCertRelative(&decoded, derSz, CA_TYPE, NO_VERIFY, 0);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (decoded.subjectCN) {
+        sz = (decoded.subjectCNLen < NAME_SIZE) ? decoded.subjectCNLen :
+                                                  NAME_SIZE - 1;
+        strncpy(cert->issuer.commonName, decoded.subjectCN, NAME_SIZE);
+        cert->issuer.commonName[sz] = 0;
+    }
+    if (decoded.subjectC) {
+        sz = (decoded.subjectCLen < NAME_SIZE) ? decoded.subjectCLen :
+                                                 NAME_SIZE - 1;
+        strncpy(cert->, decoded.subjectC, NAME_SIZE);
+        cert->[sz] = 0;
+    }
+    if (decoded.subjectST) {
+        sz = (decoded.subjectSTLen < NAME_SIZE) ? decoded.subjectSTLen :
+                                                  NAME_SIZE - 1;
+        strncpy(cert->issuer.state, decoded.subjectST, NAME_SIZE);
+        cert->issuer.state[sz] = 0;
+    }
+    if (decoded.subjectL) {
+        sz = (decoded.subjectLLen < NAME_SIZE) ? decoded.subjectLLen :
+                                                 NAME_SIZE - 1;
+        strncpy(cert->issuer.locality, decoded.subjectL, NAME_SIZE);
+        cert->issuer.locality[sz] = 0;
+    }
+    if (decoded.subjectO) {
+        sz = (decoded.subjectOLen < NAME_SIZE) ? decoded.subjectOLen :
+                                                 NAME_SIZE - 1;
+        strncpy(cert->, decoded.subjectO, NAME_SIZE);
+        cert->[sz] = 0;
+    }
+    if (decoded.subjectOU) {
+        sz = (decoded.subjectOULen < NAME_SIZE) ? decoded.subjectOULen :
+                                                  NAME_SIZE - 1;
+        strncpy(cert->issuer.unit, decoded.subjectOU, NAME_SIZE);
+        cert->issuer.unit[sz] = 0;
+    }
+    if (decoded.subjectSN) {
+        sz = (decoded.subjectSNLen < NAME_SIZE) ? decoded.subjectSNLen :
+                                                  NAME_SIZE - 1;
+        strncpy(cert->issuer.sur, decoded.subjectSN, NAME_SIZE);
+        cert->issuer.sur[sz] = 0;
+    }
+    if (decoded.subjectEmail) {
+        sz = (decoded.subjectEmailLen < NAME_SIZE) ? decoded.subjectEmailLen :
+                                                     NAME_SIZE - 1;
+        strncpy(cert->, decoded.subjectEmail, NAME_SIZE);
+        cert->[sz] = 0;
+    }
+    FreeDecodedCert(&decoded);
+    return 0;
+#endif /* NO_FILESYSTEM */
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+/* Der Eoncde r & s ints into out, outLen is (in/out) size */
+int StoreECC_DSA_Sig(byte* out, word32* outLen, mp_int* r, mp_int* s)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    word32 rSz;                           /* encoding size */
+    word32 sSz;
+    word32 headerSz = 4;   /* 2*ASN_TAG + 2*LEN(ENUM) */
+    int rLen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(r);   /* big int size */
+    int sLen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(s);
+    int err;
+    if (*outLen < (rLen + sLen + headerSz + 2))  /* SEQ_TAG + LEN(ENUM) */
+        return -1;
+    idx = SetSequence(rLen + sLen + headerSz, out);
+    /* store r */
+    out[idx++] = ASN_INTEGER;
+    rSz = SetLength(rLen, &out[idx]);
+    idx += rSz;
+    err = mp_to_unsigned_bin(r, &out[idx]);
+    if (err != MP_OKAY) return err;
+    idx += rLen;
+    /* store s */
+    out[idx++] = ASN_INTEGER;
+    sSz = SetLength(sLen, &out[idx]);
+    idx += sSz;
+    err = mp_to_unsigned_bin(s, &out[idx]);
+    if (err != MP_OKAY) return err;
+    idx += sLen;
+    *outLen = idx;
+    return 0;
+/* Der Decode ECC-DSA Signautre, r & s stored as big ints */
+int DecodeECC_DSA_Sig(const byte* sig, word32 sigLen, mp_int* r, mp_int* s)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int    len = 0;
+    if (GetSequence(sig, &idx, &len) < 0)
+        return ASN_ECC_KEY_E;
+    if ((word32)len > (sigLen - idx))
+        return ASN_ECC_KEY_E;
+    if (GetInt(r, sig, &idx) < 0)
+        return ASN_ECC_KEY_E;
+    if (GetInt(s, sig, &idx) < 0)
+        return ASN_ECC_KEY_E;
+    return 0;
+int EccPrivateKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, ecc_key* key,
+                        word32 inSz)
+    word32 begin = *inOutIdx;
+    word32 oid = 0;
+    int    version, length;
+    int    privSz, pubSz;
+    byte   b;
+    byte   priv[ECC_MAXSIZE];
+    byte   pub[ECC_MAXSIZE * 2 + 1]; /* public key has two parts plus header */
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if ((word32)length > (inSz - (*inOutIdx - begin)))
+        return ASN_INPUT_E;
+    if (GetMyVersion(input, inOutIdx, &version) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    b = input[*inOutIdx];
+    *inOutIdx += 1;
+    /* priv type */
+    if (b != 4 && b != 6 && b != 7) 
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetLength(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* priv key */
+    privSz = length;
+    XMEMCPY(priv, &input[*inOutIdx], privSz);
+    *inOutIdx += length;
+    /* prefix 0 */
+    b = input[*inOutIdx];
+    *inOutIdx += 1;
+    if (GetLength(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* object id */
+    b = input[*inOutIdx];
+    *inOutIdx += 1;
+    if (b != ASN_OBJECT_ID) 
+        return ASN_OBJECT_ID_E;
+    if (GetLength(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    while(length--) {
+        oid += input[*inOutIdx];
+        *inOutIdx += 1;
+    }
+    if (CheckCurve(oid) < 0)
+        return ECC_CURVE_OID_E;
+    /* prefix 1 */
+    b = input[*inOutIdx];
+    *inOutIdx += 1;
+    if (GetLength(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* key header */
+    b = input[*inOutIdx];
+    *inOutIdx += 1;
+    if (b != ASN_BIT_STRING)
+        return ASN_BITSTR_E;
+    if (GetLength(input, inOutIdx, &length) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    b = input[*inOutIdx];
+    *inOutIdx += 1;
+    if (b != 0x00)
+        return ASN_EXPECT_0_E;
+    pubSz = length - 1;  /* null prefix */
+    XMEMCPY(pub, &input[*inOutIdx], pubSz);
+    *inOutIdx += length;
+    return ecc_import_private_key(priv, privSz, pub, pubSz, key);
+#endif  /* HAVE_ECC */

+ 229 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+/* coding.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "coding.h"
+enum {
+    BAD         = 0xFF,  /* invalid encoding */
+    PAD         = '=',
+    PEM_LINE_SZ = 64
+const byte base64Decode[] = { 62, BAD, BAD, BAD, 63,   /* + starts at 0x2B */
+                              52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
+                              BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD,
+                              0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
+                              10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
+                              20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
+                              BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD,
+                              26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
+                              36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
+                              46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
+                            };
+int Base64Decode(const byte* in, word32 inLen, byte* out, word32* outLen)
+    word32 i = 0;
+    word32 j = 0;
+    word32 plainSz = inLen - ((inLen + (PEM_LINE_SZ - 1)) / PEM_LINE_SZ );
+    plainSz = (plainSz * 3 + 3) / 4;
+    if (plainSz > *outLen) return -1;
+    while (inLen > 3) {
+        byte b1, b2, b3;
+        byte e1 = in[j++];
+        byte e2 = in[j++];
+        byte e3 = in[j++];
+        byte e4 = in[j++];
+        int pad3 = 0;
+        int pad4 = 0;
+        if (e1 == 0)            /* end file 0's */
+            break;
+        if (e3 == PAD)
+            pad3 = 1;
+        if (e4 == PAD)
+            pad4 = 1;
+        e1 = base64Decode[e1 - 0x2B];
+        e2 = base64Decode[e2 - 0x2B];
+        e3 = (e3 == PAD) ? 0 : base64Decode[e3 - 0x2B];
+        e4 = (e4 == PAD) ? 0 : base64Decode[e4 - 0x2B];
+        b1 = (e1 << 2) | (e2 >> 4);
+        b2 = ((e2 & 0xF) << 4) | (e3 >> 2);
+        b3 = ((e3 & 0x3) << 6) | e4;
+        out[i++] = b1;
+        if (!pad3)
+            out[i++] = b2;
+        if (!pad4)
+            out[i++] = b3;
+        else
+            break;
+        inLen -= 4;
+        if (in[j] == ' ' || in[j] == '\r' || in[j] == '\n') {
+            byte endLine = in[j++];
+            inLen--;
+            while (endLine == ' ') {   /* allow trailing whitespace */
+                endLine = in[j++];
+                inLen--;
+            }
+            if (endLine == '\r') {
+                endLine = in[j++];
+                inLen--;
+            }
+            if (endLine != '\n')
+                return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    *outLen = i;
+    return 0;
+#if defined(OPENSSL_EXTRA) || defined (SESSION_CERTS) || defined(CYASSL_KEY_GEN) || defined(CYASSL_CERT_GEN)
+const byte base64Encode[] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J',
+                              'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T',
+                              'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z',
+                              'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j',
+                              'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
+                              'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
+                              '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
+                              '+', '/'
+                            };
+/* porting assistance from yaSSL by Raphael HUCK */
+int Base64Encode(const byte* in, word32 inLen, byte* out, word32* outLen)
+    word32 i = 0,
+           j = 0,
+           n = 0;   /* new line counter */
+    word32 outSz = (inLen + 3 - 1) / 3 * 4;
+    outSz += (outSz + PEM_LINE_SZ - 1) / PEM_LINE_SZ;  /* new lines */
+    if (outSz > *outLen) return -1;
+    while (inLen > 2) {
+        byte b1 = in[j++];
+        byte b2 = in[j++];
+        byte b3 = in[j++];
+        /* encoded idx */
+        byte e1 = b1 >> 2;
+        byte e2 = ((b1 & 0x3) << 4) | (b2 >> 4);
+        byte e3 = ((b2 & 0xF) << 2) | (b3 >> 6);
+        byte e4 = b3 & 0x3F;
+        /* store */
+        out[i++] = base64Encode[e1];
+        out[i++] = base64Encode[e2];
+        out[i++] = base64Encode[e3];
+        out[i++] = base64Encode[e4];
+        inLen -= 3;
+        if ((++n % (PEM_LINE_SZ / 4)) == 0 && inLen)
+            out[i++] = '\n';
+    }
+    /* last integral */
+    if (inLen) {
+        int twoBytes = (inLen == 2);
+        byte b1 = in[j++];
+        byte b2 = (twoBytes) ? in[j++] : 0;
+        byte e1 = b1 >> 2;
+        byte e2 = ((b1 & 0x3) << 4) | (b2 >> 4);
+        byte e3 =  (b2 & 0xF) << 2;
+        out[i++] = base64Encode[e1];
+        out[i++] = base64Encode[e2];
+        out[i++] = (twoBytes) ? base64Encode[e3] : PAD;
+        out[i++] = PAD;
+    } 
+    out[i++] = '\n';
+    if (i != outSz)
+        return -1;
+    *outLen = outSz;
+    return 0; 
+const byte hexDecode[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
+                           BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD,
+                           10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 
+                         };  /* A starts at 0x41 not 0x3A */
+int Base16Decode(const byte* in, word32 inLen, byte* out, word32* outLen)
+    word32 inIdx  = 0;
+    word32 outIdx = 0;
+    if (inLen % 2)
+        return -1;
+    if (*outLen < (inLen / 2))
+        return -1;
+    while (inLen) {
+        byte b  = in[inIdx++] - 0x30;  /* 0 starts at 0x30 */
+        byte b2 = in[inIdx++] - 0x30;
+        /* sanity checks */
+        if (b >=  sizeof(hexDecode)/sizeof(hexDecode[0]))
+            return -1;
+        if (b2 >= sizeof(hexDecode)/sizeof(hexDecode[0]))
+            return -1;
+        b  = hexDecode[b];
+        b2 = hexDecode[b2];
+        if (b == BAD || b2 == BAD)
+            return -1;
+        out[outIdx++] = (b << 4) | b2;
+        inLen -= 2;
+    }
+    *outLen = outIdx;
+    return 0;
+#endif  /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */

+ 493 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+/* des3.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_DES3
+#include "des3.h"
+#ifdef NO_INLINE
+    #include "misc.h"
+    #include "misc.c"
+/* permuted choice table (key) */
+static const byte pc1[] = {
+       57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17,  9,
+        1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18,
+       10,  2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27,
+       19, 11,  3, 60, 52, 44, 36,
+       63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15,
+        7, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22,
+       14,  6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29,
+       21, 13,  5, 28, 20, 12,  4
+/* number left rotations of pc1 */
+static const byte totrot[] = {
+       1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,28
+/* permuted choice key (table) */
+static const byte pc2[] = {
+       14, 17, 11, 24,  1,  5,
+        3, 28, 15,  6, 21, 10,
+       23, 19, 12,  4, 26,  8,
+       16,  7, 27, 20, 13,  2,
+       41, 52, 31, 37, 47, 55,
+       30, 40, 51, 45, 33, 48,
+       44, 49, 39, 56, 34, 53,
+       46, 42, 50, 36, 29, 32
+/* End of DES-defined tables */
+/* bit 0 is left-most in byte */
+static const int bytebit[] = {
+       0200,0100,040,020,010,04,02,01
+const word32 Spbox[8][64] = {
+static INLINE void IPERM(word32* left, word32* right)
+    word32 work;
+    *right = rotlFixed(*right, 4U);
+    work = (*left ^ *right) & 0xf0f0f0f0;
+    *left ^= work;
+    *right = rotrFixed(*right^work, 20U);
+    work = (*left ^ *right) & 0xffff0000;
+    *left ^= work;
+    *right = rotrFixed(*right^work, 18U);
+    work = (*left ^ *right) & 0x33333333;
+    *left ^= work;
+    *right = rotrFixed(*right^work, 6U);
+    work = (*left ^ *right) & 0x00ff00ff;
+    *left ^= work;
+    *right = rotlFixed(*right^work, 9U);
+    work = (*left ^ *right) & 0xaaaaaaaa;
+    *left = rotlFixed(*left^work, 1U);
+    *right ^= work;
+static INLINE void FPERM(word32* left, word32* right)
+    word32 work;
+    *right = rotrFixed(*right, 1U);
+    work = (*left ^ *right) & 0xaaaaaaaa;
+    *right ^= work;
+    *left = rotrFixed(*left^work, 9U);
+    work = (*left ^ *right) & 0x00ff00ff;
+    *right ^= work;
+    *left = rotlFixed(*left^work, 6U);
+    work = (*left ^ *right) & 0x33333333;
+    *right ^= work;
+    *left = rotlFixed(*left^work, 18U);
+    work = (*left ^ *right) & 0xffff0000;
+    *right ^= work;
+    *left = rotlFixed(*left^work, 20U);
+    work = (*left ^ *right) & 0xf0f0f0f0;
+    *right ^= work;
+    *left = rotrFixed(*left^work, 4U);
+static void DesSetKey(const byte* key, int dir, word32* out)
+    byte buffer[56+56+8];
+    byte *const pc1m = buffer;                 /* place to modify pc1 into */
+    byte *const pcr = pc1m + 56;               /* place to rotate pc1 into */
+    byte *const ks = pcr + 56;
+    register int i,j,l;
+    int m;
+    for (j = 0; j < 56; j++) {          /* convert pc1 to bits of key */
+        l = pc1[j] - 1;                 /* integer bit location  */
+        m = l & 07;                     /* find bit              */
+        pc1m[j] = (key[l >> 3] &        /* find which key byte l is in */
+            bytebit[m])                 /* and which bit of that byte */
+            ? 1 : 0;                    /* and store 1-bit result */
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {          /* key chunk for each iteration */
+        XMEMSET(ks, 0, 8);               /* Clear key schedule */
+        for (j = 0; j < 56; j++)        /* rotate pc1 the right amount */
+            pcr[j] = pc1m[(l = j + totrot[i]) < (j < 28 ? 28 : 56) ? l: l-28];
+        /* rotate left and right halves independently */
+        for (j = 0; j < 48; j++){   /* select bits individually */
+            /* check bit that goes to ks[j] */
+            if (pcr[pc2[j] - 1]){
+                /* mask it in if it's there */
+                l= j % 6;
+                ks[j/6] |= bytebit[l] >> 2;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Now convert to odd/even interleaved form for use in F */
+        out[2*i] = ((word32)ks[0] << 24)
+            | ((word32)ks[2] << 16)
+            | ((word32)ks[4] << 8)
+            | ((word32)ks[6]);
+        out[2*i + 1] = ((word32)ks[1] << 24)
+            | ((word32)ks[3] << 16)
+            | ((word32)ks[5] << 8)
+            | ((word32)ks[7]);
+    }
+    /* reverse key schedule order */
+    if (dir == DES_DECRYPTION)
+        for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 2) {
+            word32 swap = out[i];
+            out[i] = out[DES_KS_SIZE - 2 - i];
+            out[DES_KS_SIZE - 2 - i] = swap;
+            swap = out[i + 1];
+            out[i + 1] = out[DES_KS_SIZE - 1 - i];
+            out[DES_KS_SIZE - 1 - i] = swap;
+        }
+static INLINE int Reverse(int dir)
+    return !dir;
+void Des_SetKey(Des* des, const byte* key, const byte* iv, int dir)
+    DesSetKey(key, dir, des->key);
+    XMEMCPY(des->reg, iv, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+void Des3_SetKey(Des3* des, const byte* key, const byte* iv, int dir)
+    DesSetKey(key + (dir == DES_ENCRYPTION ? 0 : 16), dir, des->key[0]);
+    DesSetKey(key + 8, Reverse(dir), des->key[1]);
+    DesSetKey(key + (dir == DES_DECRYPTION ? 0 : 16), dir, des->key[2]);
+    XMEMCPY(des->reg, iv, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+void DesRawProcessBlock(word32* lIn, word32* rIn, const word32* kptr)
+    word32 l = *lIn, r = *rIn, i;
+    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
+    {
+        word32 work = rotrFixed(r, 4U) ^ kptr[4*i+0];
+        l ^= Spbox[6][(work) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[4][(work >> 8) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[2][(work >> 16) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[0][(work >> 24) & 0x3f];
+        work = r ^ kptr[4*i+1];
+        l ^= Spbox[7][(work) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[5][(work >> 8) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[3][(work >> 16) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[1][(work >> 24) & 0x3f];
+        work = rotrFixed(l, 4U) ^ kptr[4*i+2];
+        r ^= Spbox[6][(work) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[4][(work >> 8) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[2][(work >> 16) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[0][(work >> 24) & 0x3f];
+        work = l ^ kptr[4*i+3];
+        r ^= Spbox[7][(work) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[5][(work >> 8) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[3][(work >> 16) & 0x3f]
+          ^  Spbox[1][(work >> 24) & 0x3f];
+    }
+    *lIn = l; *rIn = r;
+static void DesProcessBlock(Des* des, const byte* in, byte* out)
+    word32 l, r;
+    XMEMCPY(&l, in, sizeof(l));
+    XMEMCPY(&r, in + sizeof(l), sizeof(r));
+        l = ByteReverseWord32(l);
+        r = ByteReverseWord32(r);
+    #endif
+    IPERM(&l,&r);
+    DesRawProcessBlock(&l, &r, des->key);   
+    FPERM(&l,&r);
+        l = ByteReverseWord32(l);
+        r = ByteReverseWord32(r);
+    #endif
+    XMEMCPY(out, &r, sizeof(r));
+    XMEMCPY(out + sizeof(r), &l, sizeof(l));
+static void Des3ProcessBlock(Des3* des, const byte* in, byte* out)
+    word32 l, r;
+    XMEMCPY(&l, in, sizeof(l));
+    XMEMCPY(&r, in + sizeof(l), sizeof(r));
+        l = ByteReverseWord32(l);
+        r = ByteReverseWord32(r);
+    #endif
+    IPERM(&l,&r);
+    DesRawProcessBlock(&l, &r, des->key[0]);   
+    DesRawProcessBlock(&r, &l, des->key[1]);   
+    DesRawProcessBlock(&l, &r, des->key[2]);   
+    FPERM(&l,&r);
+        l = ByteReverseWord32(l);
+        r = ByteReverseWord32(r);
+    #endif
+    XMEMCPY(out, &r, sizeof(r));
+    XMEMCPY(out + sizeof(r), &l, sizeof(l));
+void Des_CbcEncrypt(Des* des, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz)
+    word32 blocks = sz / DES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+    while (blocks--) {
+        xorbuf((byte*)des->reg, in, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        DesProcessBlock(des, (byte*)des->reg, (byte*)des->reg);
+        XMEMCPY(out, des->reg, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        out += DES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+        in  += DES_BLOCK_SIZE; 
+    }
+void Des_CbcDecrypt(Des* des, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz)
+    word32 blocks = sz / DES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+    byte   hold[16];
+    while (blocks--) {
+        XMEMCPY(des->tmp, in, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        DesProcessBlock(des, (byte*)des->tmp, out);
+        xorbuf(out, (byte*)des->reg, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        XMEMCPY(hold, des->reg, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        XMEMCPY(des->reg, des->tmp, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        XMEMCPY(des->tmp, hold, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        out += DES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+        in  += DES_BLOCK_SIZE; 
+    }
+void Des3_CbcEncrypt(Des3* des, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz)
+    word32 blocks = sz / DES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+    while (blocks--) {
+        xorbuf((byte*)des->reg, in, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        Des3ProcessBlock(des, (byte*)des->reg, (byte*)des->reg);
+        XMEMCPY(out, des->reg, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        out += DES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+        in  += DES_BLOCK_SIZE; 
+    }
+void Des3_CbcDecrypt(Des3* des, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz)
+    word32 blocks = sz / DES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+    while (blocks--) {
+        XMEMCPY(des->tmp, in, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        Des3ProcessBlock(des, (byte*)des->tmp, out);
+        xorbuf(out, (byte*)des->reg, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        XMEMCPY(des->reg, des->tmp, DES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+        out += DES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+        in  += DES_BLOCK_SIZE; 
+    }
+#endif /* NO_DES3 */

+ 165 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+/* dh.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_DH
+#include "ctc_dh.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#ifndef USER_MATH_LIB
+    #include <math.h>
+    #define XPOW(x,y) pow((x),(y))
+    #define XLOG(x)   log((x))
+    /* user's own math lib */
+#ifndef min
+    static INLINE word32 min(word32 a, word32 b)
+    {
+        return a > b ? b : a;
+    }
+#endif /* min */
+void InitDhKey(DhKey* key)
+/* TomsFastMath doesn't use memory allocation */
+#ifndef USE_FAST_MATH
+    key->p.dp = 0;
+    key->g.dp = 0;
+void FreeDhKey(DhKey* key)
+/* TomsFastMath doesn't use memory allocation */
+#ifndef USE_FAST_MATH
+    mp_clear(&key->p);
+    mp_clear(&key->g);
+static word32 DiscreteLogWorkFactor(word32 n)
+    /* assuming discrete log takes about the same time as factoring */
+    if (n<5)
+        return 0;
+    else
+        return (word32)(2.4 * XPOW((double)n, 1.0/3.0) *
+                XPOW(XLOG((double)n), 2.0/3.0) - 5);
+static void GeneratePrivate(DhKey* key, RNG* rng, byte* priv, word32* privSz)
+    word32 sz = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&key->p);
+    sz = min(sz, 2 * DiscreteLogWorkFactor(sz * BIT_SIZE) / BIT_SIZE + 1);
+    RNG_GenerateBlock(rng, priv, sz);
+    priv[0] |= 0x0C;
+    *privSz = sz;
+static int GeneratePublic(DhKey* key, const byte* priv, word32 privSz,
+                          byte* pub, word32* pubSz)
+    int ret = 0;
+    mp_int x; 
+    mp_int y;
+    if (mp_init_multi(&x, &y, 0, 0, 0, 0) != MP_OKAY)
+        return MP_INIT_E;
+    if (mp_read_unsigned_bin(&x, priv, privSz) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_READ_E;
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_exptmod(&key->g, &x, &key->p, &y) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_EXPTMOD_E;
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_to_unsigned_bin(&y, pub) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_TO_E;
+    if (ret == 0)
+        *pubSz = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&y);
+    mp_clear(&y);
+    mp_clear(&x);
+    return ret;
+int DhGenerateKeyPair(DhKey* key, RNG* rng, byte* priv, word32* privSz,
+                      byte* pub, word32* pubSz)
+    GeneratePrivate(key, rng, priv, privSz);
+    return GeneratePublic(key, priv, *privSz, pub, pubSz);
+int DhAgree(DhKey* key, byte* agree, word32* agreeSz, const byte* priv,
+            word32 privSz, const byte* otherPub, word32 pubSz)
+    int ret = 0;
+    mp_int x; 
+    mp_int y;
+    mp_int z;
+    if (mp_init_multi(&x, &y, &z, 0, 0, 0) != MP_OKAY)
+        return MP_INIT_E;
+    if (mp_read_unsigned_bin(&x, priv, privSz) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_READ_E;
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_read_unsigned_bin(&y, otherPub, pubSz) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_READ_E;
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_exptmod(&y, &x, &key->p, &z) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_EXPTMOD_E;
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_to_unsigned_bin(&z, agree) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_TO_E;
+    if (ret == 0)
+        *agreeSz = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&z);
+    mp_clear(&z);
+    mp_clear(&y);
+    mp_clear(&x);
+    return ret;
+#endif /* NO_DH */

+ 216 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+/* dsa.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#ifndef NO_DSA
+#include "ctc_dsa.h"
+#include "ctc_sha.h"
+#include "random.h"
+#include "error.h"
+enum {
+    DSA_HALF_SIZE = 20,   /* r and s size  */
+    DSA_SIG_SIZE  = 40    /* signaure size */
+#ifndef min
+    static INLINE word32 min(word32 a, word32 b)
+    {
+        return a > b ? b : a;
+    }
+#endif /* min */
+void InitDsaKey(DsaKey* key)
+    key->type = -1;  /* haven't decdied yet */
+/* TomsFastMath doesn't use memory allocation */
+#ifndef USE_FAST_MATH
+    key->p.dp = 0;   /* public  alloc parts */
+    key->q.dp = 0;    
+    key->g.dp = 0;    
+    key->y.dp = 0;    
+    key->x.dp = 0;   /* private alloc parts */
+void FreeDsaKey(DsaKey* key)
+/* TomsFastMath doesn't use memory allocation */
+#ifndef USE_FAST_MATH
+    if (key->type == DSA_PRIVATE)
+        mp_clear(&key->x);
+    mp_clear(&key->y);
+    mp_clear(&key->g);
+    mp_clear(&key->q);
+    mp_clear(&key->p);
+int DsaSign(const byte* digest, byte* out, DsaKey* key, RNG* rng)
+    mp_int k, kInv, r, s, H;
+    int    ret = 0, sz;
+    byte   buffer[DSA_HALF_SIZE];
+    if (mp_init_multi(&k, &kInv, &r, &s, &H, 0) != MP_OKAY)
+        return MP_INIT_E;
+    sz = min(sizeof(buffer), mp_unsigned_bin_size(&key->q)); 
+    /* generate k */
+    RNG_GenerateBlock(rng, buffer, sz);
+    buffer[0] |= 0x0C;
+    if (mp_read_unsigned_bin(&k, buffer, sz) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_READ_E;
+    if (mp_cmp_d(&k, 1) != MP_GT)
+        ret = MP_CMP_E;
+    /* inverse k mod q */
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_invmod(&k, &key->q, &kInv) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_INVMOD_E;
+    /* generate r, r = (g exp k mod p) mod q */
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_exptmod(&key->g, &k, &key->p, &r) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_EXPTMOD_E;
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_mod(&r, &key->q, &r) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_MOD_E;
+    /* generate H from sha digest */
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_read_unsigned_bin(&H, digest,SHA_DIGEST_SIZE) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_READ_E;
+    /* generate s, s = (kInv * (H + x*r)) % q */
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_mul(&key->x, &r, &s) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_MUL_E;
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_add(&s, &H, &s) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_ADD_E;
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_mulmod(&s, &kInv, &key->q, &s) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_MULMOD_E;
+    /* write out */
+    if (ret == 0)  {
+        int rSz = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&r);
+        int sSz = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&s);
+        if (rSz == DSA_HALF_SIZE - 1) {
+            out[0] = 0;
+            out++;
+        }
+        if (mp_to_unsigned_bin(&r, out) != MP_OKAY)
+            ret = MP_TO_E;
+        else {
+            if (sSz == DSA_HALF_SIZE - 1) {
+                out[rSz] = 0;
+                out++;
+            }    
+            ret = mp_to_unsigned_bin(&s, out + rSz);
+        }
+    }
+    mp_clear(&H);
+    mp_clear(&s);
+    mp_clear(&r);
+    mp_clear(&kInv);
+    mp_clear(&k);
+    return ret;
+int DsaVerify(const byte* digest, const byte* sig, DsaKey* key, int* answer)
+    mp_int w, u1, u2, v, r, s;
+    int    ret = 0;
+    if (mp_init_multi(&w, &u1, &u2, &v, &r, &s) != MP_OKAY)
+        return MP_INIT_E;
+    /* set r and s from signature */
+    if (mp_read_unsigned_bin(&r, sig, DSA_HALF_SIZE) != MP_OKAY ||
+        mp_read_unsigned_bin(&s, sig + DSA_HALF_SIZE, DSA_HALF_SIZE) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_READ_E;
+    /* sanity checks */
+    /* put H into u1 from sha digest */
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_read_unsigned_bin(&u1,digest,SHA_DIGEST_SIZE) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_READ_E;
+    /* w = s invmod q */
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_invmod(&s, &key->q, &w) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_INVMOD_E;
+    /* u1 = (H * w) % q */
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_mulmod(&u1, &w, &key->q, &u1) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_MULMOD_E;
+    /* u2 = (r * w) % q */
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_mulmod(&r, &w, &key->q, &u2) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_MULMOD_E;
+    /* verify v = ((g^u1 * y^u2) mod p) mod q */
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_exptmod(&key->g, &u1, &key->p, &u1) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_EXPTMOD_E;
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_exptmod(&key->y, &u2, &key->p, &u2) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_EXPTMOD_E;
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_mulmod(&u1, &u2, &key->p, &v) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_MULMOD_E;
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_mod(&v, &key->q, &v) != MP_OKAY)
+        ret = MP_MULMOD_E;
+    /* do they match */
+    if (ret == 0 && mp_cmp(&r, &v) == MP_EQ)
+        *answer = 1;
+    else
+        *answer = 0;
+    mp_clear(&s);
+    mp_clear(&r);
+    mp_clear(&u1);
+    mp_clear(&u2);
+    mp_clear(&w);
+    mp_clear(&v);
+    return ret;
+#endif /* NO_DSA */

+ 3838 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3838 @@
+/* computes x/R == x (mod N) via Montgomery Reduction */
+void fp_montgomery_reduce_small(fp_int *a, fp_int *m, fp_digit mp)
+   fp_digit c[FP_SIZE], *_c, *tmpm, mu, cy;
+   int      oldused, x, y, pa;
+#if defined(USE_MEMSET)
+   /* now zero the buff */
+   memset(c, 0, sizeof c);
+   pa = m->used;
+   /* copy the input */
+   oldused = a->used;
+   for (x = 0; x < oldused; x++) {
+       c[x] = a->dp[x];
+   }
+#if !defined(USE_MEMSET)
+   for (; x < 2*pa+3; x++) {
+       c[x] = 0;
+   }
+   switch (pa) {
+      case 1:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 2:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 3:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 4:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 5:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 6:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 5; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 5;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 7:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 5; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 5;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 6; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 6;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 8:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 5; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 5;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 6; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 6;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 7; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 7;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 9:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 5; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 5;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 6; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 6;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 7; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 7;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 8; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 8;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 10:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 5; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 5;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 6; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 6;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 7; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 7;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 8; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 8;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 9; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 9;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 11:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 5; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 5;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 6; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 6;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 7; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 7;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 8; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 8;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 9; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 9;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 10; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 10;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 12:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 5; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 5;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 6; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 6;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 7; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 7;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 8; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 8;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 9; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 9;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 10; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 10;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 11; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 11;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 13:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 5; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 5;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 6; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 6;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 7; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 7;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 8; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 8;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 9; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 9;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 10; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 10;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 11; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 11;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 12; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 12;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 14:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 5; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 5;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 6; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 6;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 7; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 7;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 8; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 8;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 9; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 9;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 10; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 10;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 11; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 11;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 12; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 12;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 13; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 13;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 15:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 5; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 5;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 6; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 6;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 7; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 7;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 8; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 8;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 9; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 9;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 10; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 10;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 11; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 11;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 12; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 12;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 13; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 13;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 14; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 14;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+      case 16:
+            x = 0; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 0;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 1; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 1;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 2; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 2;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 3; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 3;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 4; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 4;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 5; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 5;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 6; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 6;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 7; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 7;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 8; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 8;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 9; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 9;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 10; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 10;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 11; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 11;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 12; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 12;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 13; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 13;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 14; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 14;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+            x = 15; cy   = 0;
+            LOOP_START;
+            _c   = c + 15;
+            tmpm = m->dp;
+#ifdef INNERMUL8
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL8; _c += 8; tmpm += 8;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            INNERMUL; ++_c;
+            LOOP_END;
+            while (cy) {
+               PROPCARRY;
+               ++_c;
+            }
+         break;
+  }
+  /* now copy out */
+  _c   = c + pa;
+  tmpm = a->dp;
+  for (x = 0; x < pa+1; x++) {
+     *tmpm++ = *_c++;
+  }
+  for (; x < oldused; x++)   {
+     *tmpm++ = 0;
+  }
+  a->used = pa+1;
+  fp_clamp(a);
+  /* if A >= m then A = A - m */
+  if (fp_cmp_mag (a, m) != FP_LT) {
+    s_fp_sub (a, m, a);
+  }

+ 108 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL12
+void fp_mul_comba12(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[24];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 12 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+12, B->dp, 12 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[13]);    MULADD(at[1], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[14]);    MULADD(at[1], at[13]);    MULADD(at[2], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[15]);    MULADD(at[1], at[14]);    MULADD(at[2], at[13]);    MULADD(at[3], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[16]);    MULADD(at[1], at[15]);    MULADD(at[2], at[14]);    MULADD(at[3], at[13]);    MULADD(at[4], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[17]);    MULADD(at[1], at[16]);    MULADD(at[2], at[15]);    MULADD(at[3], at[14]);    MULADD(at[4], at[13]);    MULADD(at[5], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[18]);    MULADD(at[1], at[17]);    MULADD(at[2], at[16]);    MULADD(at[3], at[15]);    MULADD(at[4], at[14]);    MULADD(at[5], at[13]);    MULADD(at[6], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[19]);    MULADD(at[1], at[18]);    MULADD(at[2], at[17]);    MULADD(at[3], at[16]);    MULADD(at[4], at[15]);    MULADD(at[5], at[14]);    MULADD(at[6], at[13]);    MULADD(at[7], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[20]);    MULADD(at[1], at[19]);    MULADD(at[2], at[18]);    MULADD(at[3], at[17]);    MULADD(at[4], at[16]);    MULADD(at[5], at[15]);    MULADD(at[6], at[14]);    MULADD(at[7], at[13]);    MULADD(at[8], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[21]);    MULADD(at[1], at[20]);    MULADD(at[2], at[19]);    MULADD(at[3], at[18]);    MULADD(at[4], at[17]);    MULADD(at[5], at[16]);    MULADD(at[6], at[15]);    MULADD(at[7], at[14]);    MULADD(at[8], at[13]);    MULADD(at[9], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[22]);    MULADD(at[1], at[21]);    MULADD(at[2], at[20]);    MULADD(at[3], at[19]);    MULADD(at[4], at[18]);    MULADD(at[5], at[17]);    MULADD(at[6], at[16]);    MULADD(at[7], at[15]);    MULADD(at[8], at[14]);    MULADD(at[9], at[13]);    MULADD(at[10], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   /* 11 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[23]);    MULADD(at[1], at[22]);    MULADD(at[2], at[21]);    MULADD(at[3], at[20]);    MULADD(at[4], at[19]);    MULADD(at[5], at[18]);    MULADD(at[6], at[17]);    MULADD(at[7], at[16]);    MULADD(at[8], at[15]);    MULADD(at[9], at[14]);    MULADD(at[10], at[13]);    MULADD(at[11], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+   /* 12 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[23]);    MULADD(at[2], at[22]);    MULADD(at[3], at[21]);    MULADD(at[4], at[20]);    MULADD(at[5], at[19]);    MULADD(at[6], at[18]);    MULADD(at[7], at[17]);    MULADD(at[8], at[16]);    MULADD(at[9], at[15]);    MULADD(at[10], at[14]);    MULADD(at[11], at[13]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+   /* 13 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[23]);    MULADD(at[3], at[22]);    MULADD(at[4], at[21]);    MULADD(at[5], at[20]);    MULADD(at[6], at[19]);    MULADD(at[7], at[18]);    MULADD(at[8], at[17]);    MULADD(at[9], at[16]);    MULADD(at[10], at[15]);    MULADD(at[11], at[14]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+   /* 14 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[23]);    MULADD(at[4], at[22]);    MULADD(at[5], at[21]);    MULADD(at[6], at[20]);    MULADD(at[7], at[19]);    MULADD(at[8], at[18]);    MULADD(at[9], at[17]);    MULADD(at[10], at[16]);    MULADD(at[11], at[15]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+   /* 15 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[23]);    MULADD(at[5], at[22]);    MULADD(at[6], at[21]);    MULADD(at[7], at[20]);    MULADD(at[8], at[19]);    MULADD(at[9], at[18]);    MULADD(at[10], at[17]);    MULADD(at[11], at[16]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+   /* 16 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[23]);    MULADD(at[6], at[22]);    MULADD(at[7], at[21]);    MULADD(at[8], at[20]);    MULADD(at[9], at[19]);    MULADD(at[10], at[18]);    MULADD(at[11], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+   /* 17 */
+   MULADD(at[6], at[23]);    MULADD(at[7], at[22]);    MULADD(at[8], at[21]);    MULADD(at[9], at[20]);    MULADD(at[10], at[19]);    MULADD(at[11], at[18]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+   /* 18 */
+   MULADD(at[7], at[23]);    MULADD(at[8], at[22]);    MULADD(at[9], at[21]);    MULADD(at[10], at[20]);    MULADD(at[11], at[19]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+   /* 19 */
+   MULADD(at[8], at[23]);    MULADD(at[9], at[22]);    MULADD(at[10], at[21]);    MULADD(at[11], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+   /* 20 */
+   MULADD(at[9], at[23]);    MULADD(at[10], at[22]);    MULADD(at[11], at[21]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+   /* 21 */
+   MULADD(at[10], at[23]);    MULADD(at[11], at[22]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+   /* 22 */
+   MULADD(at[11], at[23]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[23]);
+   C->used = 24;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 148 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL17
+void fp_mul_comba17(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[34];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 17 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+17, B->dp, 17 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[18]);    MULADD(at[1], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[19]);    MULADD(at[1], at[18]);    MULADD(at[2], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[20]);    MULADD(at[1], at[19]);    MULADD(at[2], at[18]);    MULADD(at[3], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[21]);    MULADD(at[1], at[20]);    MULADD(at[2], at[19]);    MULADD(at[3], at[18]);    MULADD(at[4], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[22]);    MULADD(at[1], at[21]);    MULADD(at[2], at[20]);    MULADD(at[3], at[19]);    MULADD(at[4], at[18]);    MULADD(at[5], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[23]);    MULADD(at[1], at[22]);    MULADD(at[2], at[21]);    MULADD(at[3], at[20]);    MULADD(at[4], at[19]);    MULADD(at[5], at[18]);    MULADD(at[6], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[24]);    MULADD(at[1], at[23]);    MULADD(at[2], at[22]);    MULADD(at[3], at[21]);    MULADD(at[4], at[20]);    MULADD(at[5], at[19]);    MULADD(at[6], at[18]);    MULADD(at[7], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[25]);    MULADD(at[1], at[24]);    MULADD(at[2], at[23]);    MULADD(at[3], at[22]);    MULADD(at[4], at[21]);    MULADD(at[5], at[20]);    MULADD(at[6], at[19]);    MULADD(at[7], at[18]);    MULADD(at[8], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[26]);    MULADD(at[1], at[25]);    MULADD(at[2], at[24]);    MULADD(at[3], at[23]);    MULADD(at[4], at[22]);    MULADD(at[5], at[21]);    MULADD(at[6], at[20]);    MULADD(at[7], at[19]);    MULADD(at[8], at[18]);    MULADD(at[9], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[27]);    MULADD(at[1], at[26]);    MULADD(at[2], at[25]);    MULADD(at[3], at[24]);    MULADD(at[4], at[23]);    MULADD(at[5], at[22]);    MULADD(at[6], at[21]);    MULADD(at[7], at[20]);    MULADD(at[8], at[19]);    MULADD(at[9], at[18]);    MULADD(at[10], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   /* 11 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[28]);    MULADD(at[1], at[27]);    MULADD(at[2], at[26]);    MULADD(at[3], at[25]);    MULADD(at[4], at[24]);    MULADD(at[5], at[23]);    MULADD(at[6], at[22]);    MULADD(at[7], at[21]);    MULADD(at[8], at[20]);    MULADD(at[9], at[19]);    MULADD(at[10], at[18]);    MULADD(at[11], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+   /* 12 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[29]);    MULADD(at[1], at[28]);    MULADD(at[2], at[27]);    MULADD(at[3], at[26]);    MULADD(at[4], at[25]);    MULADD(at[5], at[24]);    MULADD(at[6], at[23]);    MULADD(at[7], at[22]);    MULADD(at[8], at[21]);    MULADD(at[9], at[20]);    MULADD(at[10], at[19]);    MULADD(at[11], at[18]);    MULADD(at[12], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+   /* 13 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[30]);    MULADD(at[1], at[29]);    MULADD(at[2], at[28]);    MULADD(at[3], at[27]);    MULADD(at[4], at[26]);    MULADD(at[5], at[25]);    MULADD(at[6], at[24]);    MULADD(at[7], at[23]);    MULADD(at[8], at[22]);    MULADD(at[9], at[21]);    MULADD(at[10], at[20]);    MULADD(at[11], at[19]);    MULADD(at[12], at[18]);    MULADD(at[13], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+   /* 14 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[31]);    MULADD(at[1], at[30]);    MULADD(at[2], at[29]);    MULADD(at[3], at[28]);    MULADD(at[4], at[27]);    MULADD(at[5], at[26]);    MULADD(at[6], at[25]);    MULADD(at[7], at[24]);    MULADD(at[8], at[23]);    MULADD(at[9], at[22]);    MULADD(at[10], at[21]);    MULADD(at[11], at[20]);    MULADD(at[12], at[19]);    MULADD(at[13], at[18]);    MULADD(at[14], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+   /* 15 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[32]);    MULADD(at[1], at[31]);    MULADD(at[2], at[30]);    MULADD(at[3], at[29]);    MULADD(at[4], at[28]);    MULADD(at[5], at[27]);    MULADD(at[6], at[26]);    MULADD(at[7], at[25]);    MULADD(at[8], at[24]);    MULADD(at[9], at[23]);    MULADD(at[10], at[22]);    MULADD(at[11], at[21]);    MULADD(at[12], at[20]);    MULADD(at[13], at[19]);    MULADD(at[14], at[18]);    MULADD(at[15], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+   /* 16 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[33]);    MULADD(at[1], at[32]);    MULADD(at[2], at[31]);    MULADD(at[3], at[30]);    MULADD(at[4], at[29]);    MULADD(at[5], at[28]);    MULADD(at[6], at[27]);    MULADD(at[7], at[26]);    MULADD(at[8], at[25]);    MULADD(at[9], at[24]);    MULADD(at[10], at[23]);    MULADD(at[11], at[22]);    MULADD(at[12], at[21]);    MULADD(at[13], at[20]);    MULADD(at[14], at[19]);    MULADD(at[15], at[18]);    MULADD(at[16], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+   /* 17 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[33]);    MULADD(at[2], at[32]);    MULADD(at[3], at[31]);    MULADD(at[4], at[30]);    MULADD(at[5], at[29]);    MULADD(at[6], at[28]);    MULADD(at[7], at[27]);    MULADD(at[8], at[26]);    MULADD(at[9], at[25]);    MULADD(at[10], at[24]);    MULADD(at[11], at[23]);    MULADD(at[12], at[22]);    MULADD(at[13], at[21]);    MULADD(at[14], at[20]);    MULADD(at[15], at[19]);    MULADD(at[16], at[18]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+   /* 18 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[33]);    MULADD(at[3], at[32]);    MULADD(at[4], at[31]);    MULADD(at[5], at[30]);    MULADD(at[6], at[29]);    MULADD(at[7], at[28]);    MULADD(at[8], at[27]);    MULADD(at[9], at[26]);    MULADD(at[10], at[25]);    MULADD(at[11], at[24]);    MULADD(at[12], at[23]);    MULADD(at[13], at[22]);    MULADD(at[14], at[21]);    MULADD(at[15], at[20]);    MULADD(at[16], at[19]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+   /* 19 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[33]);    MULADD(at[4], at[32]);    MULADD(at[5], at[31]);    MULADD(at[6], at[30]);    MULADD(at[7], at[29]);    MULADD(at[8], at[28]);    MULADD(at[9], at[27]);    MULADD(at[10], at[26]);    MULADD(at[11], at[25]);    MULADD(at[12], at[24]);    MULADD(at[13], at[23]);    MULADD(at[14], at[22]);    MULADD(at[15], at[21]);    MULADD(at[16], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+   /* 20 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[33]);    MULADD(at[5], at[32]);    MULADD(at[6], at[31]);    MULADD(at[7], at[30]);    MULADD(at[8], at[29]);    MULADD(at[9], at[28]);    MULADD(at[10], at[27]);    MULADD(at[11], at[26]);    MULADD(at[12], at[25]);    MULADD(at[13], at[24]);    MULADD(at[14], at[23]);    MULADD(at[15], at[22]);    MULADD(at[16], at[21]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+   /* 21 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[33]);    MULADD(at[6], at[32]);    MULADD(at[7], at[31]);    MULADD(at[8], at[30]);    MULADD(at[9], at[29]);    MULADD(at[10], at[28]);    MULADD(at[11], at[27]);    MULADD(at[12], at[26]);    MULADD(at[13], at[25]);    MULADD(at[14], at[24]);    MULADD(at[15], at[23]);    MULADD(at[16], at[22]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+   /* 22 */
+   MULADD(at[6], at[33]);    MULADD(at[7], at[32]);    MULADD(at[8], at[31]);    MULADD(at[9], at[30]);    MULADD(at[10], at[29]);    MULADD(at[11], at[28]);    MULADD(at[12], at[27]);    MULADD(at[13], at[26]);    MULADD(at[14], at[25]);    MULADD(at[15], at[24]);    MULADD(at[16], at[23]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+   /* 23 */
+   MULADD(at[7], at[33]);    MULADD(at[8], at[32]);    MULADD(at[9], at[31]);    MULADD(at[10], at[30]);    MULADD(at[11], at[29]);    MULADD(at[12], at[28]);    MULADD(at[13], at[27]);    MULADD(at[14], at[26]);    MULADD(at[15], at[25]);    MULADD(at[16], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[23]);
+   /* 24 */
+   MULADD(at[8], at[33]);    MULADD(at[9], at[32]);    MULADD(at[10], at[31]);    MULADD(at[11], at[30]);    MULADD(at[12], at[29]);    MULADD(at[13], at[28]);    MULADD(at[14], at[27]);    MULADD(at[15], at[26]);    MULADD(at[16], at[25]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[24]);
+   /* 25 */
+   MULADD(at[9], at[33]);    MULADD(at[10], at[32]);    MULADD(at[11], at[31]);    MULADD(at[12], at[30]);    MULADD(at[13], at[29]);    MULADD(at[14], at[28]);    MULADD(at[15], at[27]);    MULADD(at[16], at[26]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[25]);
+   /* 26 */
+   MULADD(at[10], at[33]);    MULADD(at[11], at[32]);    MULADD(at[12], at[31]);    MULADD(at[13], at[30]);    MULADD(at[14], at[29]);    MULADD(at[15], at[28]);    MULADD(at[16], at[27]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[26]);
+   /* 27 */
+   MULADD(at[11], at[33]);    MULADD(at[12], at[32]);    MULADD(at[13], at[31]);    MULADD(at[14], at[30]);    MULADD(at[15], at[29]);    MULADD(at[16], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[27]);
+   /* 28 */
+   MULADD(at[12], at[33]);    MULADD(at[13], at[32]);    MULADD(at[14], at[31]);    MULADD(at[15], at[30]);    MULADD(at[16], at[29]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[28]);
+   /* 29 */
+   MULADD(at[13], at[33]);    MULADD(at[14], at[32]);    MULADD(at[15], at[31]);    MULADD(at[16], at[30]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[29]);
+   /* 30 */
+   MULADD(at[14], at[33]);    MULADD(at[15], at[32]);    MULADD(at[16], at[31]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[30]);
+   /* 31 */
+   MULADD(at[15], at[33]);    MULADD(at[16], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[31]);
+   /* 32 */
+   MULADD(at[16], at[33]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[32]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[33]);
+   C->used = 34;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 172 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL20
+void fp_mul_comba20(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[40];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 20 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+20, B->dp, 20 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[21]);    MULADD(at[1], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[22]);    MULADD(at[1], at[21]);    MULADD(at[2], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[23]);    MULADD(at[1], at[22]);    MULADD(at[2], at[21]);    MULADD(at[3], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[24]);    MULADD(at[1], at[23]);    MULADD(at[2], at[22]);    MULADD(at[3], at[21]);    MULADD(at[4], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[25]);    MULADD(at[1], at[24]);    MULADD(at[2], at[23]);    MULADD(at[3], at[22]);    MULADD(at[4], at[21]);    MULADD(at[5], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[26]);    MULADD(at[1], at[25]);    MULADD(at[2], at[24]);    MULADD(at[3], at[23]);    MULADD(at[4], at[22]);    MULADD(at[5], at[21]);    MULADD(at[6], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[27]);    MULADD(at[1], at[26]);    MULADD(at[2], at[25]);    MULADD(at[3], at[24]);    MULADD(at[4], at[23]);    MULADD(at[5], at[22]);    MULADD(at[6], at[21]);    MULADD(at[7], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[28]);    MULADD(at[1], at[27]);    MULADD(at[2], at[26]);    MULADD(at[3], at[25]);    MULADD(at[4], at[24]);    MULADD(at[5], at[23]);    MULADD(at[6], at[22]);    MULADD(at[7], at[21]);    MULADD(at[8], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[29]);    MULADD(at[1], at[28]);    MULADD(at[2], at[27]);    MULADD(at[3], at[26]);    MULADD(at[4], at[25]);    MULADD(at[5], at[24]);    MULADD(at[6], at[23]);    MULADD(at[7], at[22]);    MULADD(at[8], at[21]);    MULADD(at[9], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[30]);    MULADD(at[1], at[29]);    MULADD(at[2], at[28]);    MULADD(at[3], at[27]);    MULADD(at[4], at[26]);    MULADD(at[5], at[25]);    MULADD(at[6], at[24]);    MULADD(at[7], at[23]);    MULADD(at[8], at[22]);    MULADD(at[9], at[21]);    MULADD(at[10], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   /* 11 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[31]);    MULADD(at[1], at[30]);    MULADD(at[2], at[29]);    MULADD(at[3], at[28]);    MULADD(at[4], at[27]);    MULADD(at[5], at[26]);    MULADD(at[6], at[25]);    MULADD(at[7], at[24]);    MULADD(at[8], at[23]);    MULADD(at[9], at[22]);    MULADD(at[10], at[21]);    MULADD(at[11], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+   /* 12 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[32]);    MULADD(at[1], at[31]);    MULADD(at[2], at[30]);    MULADD(at[3], at[29]);    MULADD(at[4], at[28]);    MULADD(at[5], at[27]);    MULADD(at[6], at[26]);    MULADD(at[7], at[25]);    MULADD(at[8], at[24]);    MULADD(at[9], at[23]);    MULADD(at[10], at[22]);    MULADD(at[11], at[21]);    MULADD(at[12], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+   /* 13 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[33]);    MULADD(at[1], at[32]);    MULADD(at[2], at[31]);    MULADD(at[3], at[30]);    MULADD(at[4], at[29]);    MULADD(at[5], at[28]);    MULADD(at[6], at[27]);    MULADD(at[7], at[26]);    MULADD(at[8], at[25]);    MULADD(at[9], at[24]);    MULADD(at[10], at[23]);    MULADD(at[11], at[22]);    MULADD(at[12], at[21]);    MULADD(at[13], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+   /* 14 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[34]);    MULADD(at[1], at[33]);    MULADD(at[2], at[32]);    MULADD(at[3], at[31]);    MULADD(at[4], at[30]);    MULADD(at[5], at[29]);    MULADD(at[6], at[28]);    MULADD(at[7], at[27]);    MULADD(at[8], at[26]);    MULADD(at[9], at[25]);    MULADD(at[10], at[24]);    MULADD(at[11], at[23]);    MULADD(at[12], at[22]);    MULADD(at[13], at[21]);    MULADD(at[14], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+   /* 15 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[35]);    MULADD(at[1], at[34]);    MULADD(at[2], at[33]);    MULADD(at[3], at[32]);    MULADD(at[4], at[31]);    MULADD(at[5], at[30]);    MULADD(at[6], at[29]);    MULADD(at[7], at[28]);    MULADD(at[8], at[27]);    MULADD(at[9], at[26]);    MULADD(at[10], at[25]);    MULADD(at[11], at[24]);    MULADD(at[12], at[23]);    MULADD(at[13], at[22]);    MULADD(at[14], at[21]);    MULADD(at[15], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+   /* 16 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[36]);    MULADD(at[1], at[35]);    MULADD(at[2], at[34]);    MULADD(at[3], at[33]);    MULADD(at[4], at[32]);    MULADD(at[5], at[31]);    MULADD(at[6], at[30]);    MULADD(at[7], at[29]);    MULADD(at[8], at[28]);    MULADD(at[9], at[27]);    MULADD(at[10], at[26]);    MULADD(at[11], at[25]);    MULADD(at[12], at[24]);    MULADD(at[13], at[23]);    MULADD(at[14], at[22]);    MULADD(at[15], at[21]);    MULADD(at[16], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+   /* 17 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[37]);    MULADD(at[1], at[36]);    MULADD(at[2], at[35]);    MULADD(at[3], at[34]);    MULADD(at[4], at[33]);    MULADD(at[5], at[32]);    MULADD(at[6], at[31]);    MULADD(at[7], at[30]);    MULADD(at[8], at[29]);    MULADD(at[9], at[28]);    MULADD(at[10], at[27]);    MULADD(at[11], at[26]);    MULADD(at[12], at[25]);    MULADD(at[13], at[24]);    MULADD(at[14], at[23]);    MULADD(at[15], at[22]);    MULADD(at[16], at[21]);    MULADD(at[17], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+   /* 18 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[38]);    MULADD(at[1], at[37]);    MULADD(at[2], at[36]);    MULADD(at[3], at[35]);    MULADD(at[4], at[34]);    MULADD(at[5], at[33]);    MULADD(at[6], at[32]);    MULADD(at[7], at[31]);    MULADD(at[8], at[30]);    MULADD(at[9], at[29]);    MULADD(at[10], at[28]);    MULADD(at[11], at[27]);    MULADD(at[12], at[26]);    MULADD(at[13], at[25]);    MULADD(at[14], at[24]);    MULADD(at[15], at[23]);    MULADD(at[16], at[22]);    MULADD(at[17], at[21]);    MULADD(at[18], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+   /* 19 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[39]);    MULADD(at[1], at[38]);    MULADD(at[2], at[37]);    MULADD(at[3], at[36]);    MULADD(at[4], at[35]);    MULADD(at[5], at[34]);    MULADD(at[6], at[33]);    MULADD(at[7], at[32]);    MULADD(at[8], at[31]);    MULADD(at[9], at[30]);    MULADD(at[10], at[29]);    MULADD(at[11], at[28]);    MULADD(at[12], at[27]);    MULADD(at[13], at[26]);    MULADD(at[14], at[25]);    MULADD(at[15], at[24]);    MULADD(at[16], at[23]);    MULADD(at[17], at[22]);    MULADD(at[18], at[21]);    MULADD(at[19], at[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+   /* 20 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[39]);    MULADD(at[2], at[38]);    MULADD(at[3], at[37]);    MULADD(at[4], at[36]);    MULADD(at[5], at[35]);    MULADD(at[6], at[34]);    MULADD(at[7], at[33]);    MULADD(at[8], at[32]);    MULADD(at[9], at[31]);    MULADD(at[10], at[30]);    MULADD(at[11], at[29]);    MULADD(at[12], at[28]);    MULADD(at[13], at[27]);    MULADD(at[14], at[26]);    MULADD(at[15], at[25]);    MULADD(at[16], at[24]);    MULADD(at[17], at[23]);    MULADD(at[18], at[22]);    MULADD(at[19], at[21]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+   /* 21 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[39]);    MULADD(at[3], at[38]);    MULADD(at[4], at[37]);    MULADD(at[5], at[36]);    MULADD(at[6], at[35]);    MULADD(at[7], at[34]);    MULADD(at[8], at[33]);    MULADD(at[9], at[32]);    MULADD(at[10], at[31]);    MULADD(at[11], at[30]);    MULADD(at[12], at[29]);    MULADD(at[13], at[28]);    MULADD(at[14], at[27]);    MULADD(at[15], at[26]);    MULADD(at[16], at[25]);    MULADD(at[17], at[24]);    MULADD(at[18], at[23]);    MULADD(at[19], at[22]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+   /* 22 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[39]);    MULADD(at[4], at[38]);    MULADD(at[5], at[37]);    MULADD(at[6], at[36]);    MULADD(at[7], at[35]);    MULADD(at[8], at[34]);    MULADD(at[9], at[33]);    MULADD(at[10], at[32]);    MULADD(at[11], at[31]);    MULADD(at[12], at[30]);    MULADD(at[13], at[29]);    MULADD(at[14], at[28]);    MULADD(at[15], at[27]);    MULADD(at[16], at[26]);    MULADD(at[17], at[25]);    MULADD(at[18], at[24]);    MULADD(at[19], at[23]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+   /* 23 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[39]);    MULADD(at[5], at[38]);    MULADD(at[6], at[37]);    MULADD(at[7], at[36]);    MULADD(at[8], at[35]);    MULADD(at[9], at[34]);    MULADD(at[10], at[33]);    MULADD(at[11], at[32]);    MULADD(at[12], at[31]);    MULADD(at[13], at[30]);    MULADD(at[14], at[29]);    MULADD(at[15], at[28]);    MULADD(at[16], at[27]);    MULADD(at[17], at[26]);    MULADD(at[18], at[25]);    MULADD(at[19], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[23]);
+   /* 24 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[39]);    MULADD(at[6], at[38]);    MULADD(at[7], at[37]);    MULADD(at[8], at[36]);    MULADD(at[9], at[35]);    MULADD(at[10], at[34]);    MULADD(at[11], at[33]);    MULADD(at[12], at[32]);    MULADD(at[13], at[31]);    MULADD(at[14], at[30]);    MULADD(at[15], at[29]);    MULADD(at[16], at[28]);    MULADD(at[17], at[27]);    MULADD(at[18], at[26]);    MULADD(at[19], at[25]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[24]);
+   /* 25 */
+   MULADD(at[6], at[39]);    MULADD(at[7], at[38]);    MULADD(at[8], at[37]);    MULADD(at[9], at[36]);    MULADD(at[10], at[35]);    MULADD(at[11], at[34]);    MULADD(at[12], at[33]);    MULADD(at[13], at[32]);    MULADD(at[14], at[31]);    MULADD(at[15], at[30]);    MULADD(at[16], at[29]);    MULADD(at[17], at[28]);    MULADD(at[18], at[27]);    MULADD(at[19], at[26]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[25]);
+   /* 26 */
+   MULADD(at[7], at[39]);    MULADD(at[8], at[38]);    MULADD(at[9], at[37]);    MULADD(at[10], at[36]);    MULADD(at[11], at[35]);    MULADD(at[12], at[34]);    MULADD(at[13], at[33]);    MULADD(at[14], at[32]);    MULADD(at[15], at[31]);    MULADD(at[16], at[30]);    MULADD(at[17], at[29]);    MULADD(at[18], at[28]);    MULADD(at[19], at[27]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[26]);
+   /* 27 */
+   MULADD(at[8], at[39]);    MULADD(at[9], at[38]);    MULADD(at[10], at[37]);    MULADD(at[11], at[36]);    MULADD(at[12], at[35]);    MULADD(at[13], at[34]);    MULADD(at[14], at[33]);    MULADD(at[15], at[32]);    MULADD(at[16], at[31]);    MULADD(at[17], at[30]);    MULADD(at[18], at[29]);    MULADD(at[19], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[27]);
+   /* 28 */
+   MULADD(at[9], at[39]);    MULADD(at[10], at[38]);    MULADD(at[11], at[37]);    MULADD(at[12], at[36]);    MULADD(at[13], at[35]);    MULADD(at[14], at[34]);    MULADD(at[15], at[33]);    MULADD(at[16], at[32]);    MULADD(at[17], at[31]);    MULADD(at[18], at[30]);    MULADD(at[19], at[29]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[28]);
+   /* 29 */
+   MULADD(at[10], at[39]);    MULADD(at[11], at[38]);    MULADD(at[12], at[37]);    MULADD(at[13], at[36]);    MULADD(at[14], at[35]);    MULADD(at[15], at[34]);    MULADD(at[16], at[33]);    MULADD(at[17], at[32]);    MULADD(at[18], at[31]);    MULADD(at[19], at[30]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[29]);
+   /* 30 */
+   MULADD(at[11], at[39]);    MULADD(at[12], at[38]);    MULADD(at[13], at[37]);    MULADD(at[14], at[36]);    MULADD(at[15], at[35]);    MULADD(at[16], at[34]);    MULADD(at[17], at[33]);    MULADD(at[18], at[32]);    MULADD(at[19], at[31]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[30]);
+   /* 31 */
+   MULADD(at[12], at[39]);    MULADD(at[13], at[38]);    MULADD(at[14], at[37]);    MULADD(at[15], at[36]);    MULADD(at[16], at[35]);    MULADD(at[17], at[34]);    MULADD(at[18], at[33]);    MULADD(at[19], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[31]);
+   /* 32 */
+   MULADD(at[13], at[39]);    MULADD(at[14], at[38]);    MULADD(at[15], at[37]);    MULADD(at[16], at[36]);    MULADD(at[17], at[35]);    MULADD(at[18], at[34]);    MULADD(at[19], at[33]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[32]);
+   /* 33 */
+   MULADD(at[14], at[39]);    MULADD(at[15], at[38]);    MULADD(at[16], at[37]);    MULADD(at[17], at[36]);    MULADD(at[18], at[35]);    MULADD(at[19], at[34]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[33]);
+   /* 34 */
+   MULADD(at[15], at[39]);    MULADD(at[16], at[38]);    MULADD(at[17], at[37]);    MULADD(at[18], at[36]);    MULADD(at[19], at[35]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[34]);
+   /* 35 */
+   MULADD(at[16], at[39]);    MULADD(at[17], at[38]);    MULADD(at[18], at[37]);    MULADD(at[19], at[36]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[35]);
+   /* 36 */
+   MULADD(at[17], at[39]);    MULADD(at[18], at[38]);    MULADD(at[19], at[37]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[36]);
+   /* 37 */
+   MULADD(at[18], at[39]);    MULADD(at[19], at[38]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[37]);
+   /* 38 */
+   MULADD(at[19], at[39]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[38]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[39]);
+   C->used = 40;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 204 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL24
+void fp_mul_comba24(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[48];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 24 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+24, B->dp, 24 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[25]);    MULADD(at[1], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[26]);    MULADD(at[1], at[25]);    MULADD(at[2], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[27]);    MULADD(at[1], at[26]);    MULADD(at[2], at[25]);    MULADD(at[3], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[28]);    MULADD(at[1], at[27]);    MULADD(at[2], at[26]);    MULADD(at[3], at[25]);    MULADD(at[4], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[29]);    MULADD(at[1], at[28]);    MULADD(at[2], at[27]);    MULADD(at[3], at[26]);    MULADD(at[4], at[25]);    MULADD(at[5], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[30]);    MULADD(at[1], at[29]);    MULADD(at[2], at[28]);    MULADD(at[3], at[27]);    MULADD(at[4], at[26]);    MULADD(at[5], at[25]);    MULADD(at[6], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[31]);    MULADD(at[1], at[30]);    MULADD(at[2], at[29]);    MULADD(at[3], at[28]);    MULADD(at[4], at[27]);    MULADD(at[5], at[26]);    MULADD(at[6], at[25]);    MULADD(at[7], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[32]);    MULADD(at[1], at[31]);    MULADD(at[2], at[30]);    MULADD(at[3], at[29]);    MULADD(at[4], at[28]);    MULADD(at[5], at[27]);    MULADD(at[6], at[26]);    MULADD(at[7], at[25]);    MULADD(at[8], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[33]);    MULADD(at[1], at[32]);    MULADD(at[2], at[31]);    MULADD(at[3], at[30]);    MULADD(at[4], at[29]);    MULADD(at[5], at[28]);    MULADD(at[6], at[27]);    MULADD(at[7], at[26]);    MULADD(at[8], at[25]);    MULADD(at[9], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[34]);    MULADD(at[1], at[33]);    MULADD(at[2], at[32]);    MULADD(at[3], at[31]);    MULADD(at[4], at[30]);    MULADD(at[5], at[29]);    MULADD(at[6], at[28]);    MULADD(at[7], at[27]);    MULADD(at[8], at[26]);    MULADD(at[9], at[25]);    MULADD(at[10], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   /* 11 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[35]);    MULADD(at[1], at[34]);    MULADD(at[2], at[33]);    MULADD(at[3], at[32]);    MULADD(at[4], at[31]);    MULADD(at[5], at[30]);    MULADD(at[6], at[29]);    MULADD(at[7], at[28]);    MULADD(at[8], at[27]);    MULADD(at[9], at[26]);    MULADD(at[10], at[25]);    MULADD(at[11], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+   /* 12 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[36]);    MULADD(at[1], at[35]);    MULADD(at[2], at[34]);    MULADD(at[3], at[33]);    MULADD(at[4], at[32]);    MULADD(at[5], at[31]);    MULADD(at[6], at[30]);    MULADD(at[7], at[29]);    MULADD(at[8], at[28]);    MULADD(at[9], at[27]);    MULADD(at[10], at[26]);    MULADD(at[11], at[25]);    MULADD(at[12], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+   /* 13 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[37]);    MULADD(at[1], at[36]);    MULADD(at[2], at[35]);    MULADD(at[3], at[34]);    MULADD(at[4], at[33]);    MULADD(at[5], at[32]);    MULADD(at[6], at[31]);    MULADD(at[7], at[30]);    MULADD(at[8], at[29]);    MULADD(at[9], at[28]);    MULADD(at[10], at[27]);    MULADD(at[11], at[26]);    MULADD(at[12], at[25]);    MULADD(at[13], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+   /* 14 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[38]);    MULADD(at[1], at[37]);    MULADD(at[2], at[36]);    MULADD(at[3], at[35]);    MULADD(at[4], at[34]);    MULADD(at[5], at[33]);    MULADD(at[6], at[32]);    MULADD(at[7], at[31]);    MULADD(at[8], at[30]);    MULADD(at[9], at[29]);    MULADD(at[10], at[28]);    MULADD(at[11], at[27]);    MULADD(at[12], at[26]);    MULADD(at[13], at[25]);    MULADD(at[14], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+   /* 15 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[39]);    MULADD(at[1], at[38]);    MULADD(at[2], at[37]);    MULADD(at[3], at[36]);    MULADD(at[4], at[35]);    MULADD(at[5], at[34]);    MULADD(at[6], at[33]);    MULADD(at[7], at[32]);    MULADD(at[8], at[31]);    MULADD(at[9], at[30]);    MULADD(at[10], at[29]);    MULADD(at[11], at[28]);    MULADD(at[12], at[27]);    MULADD(at[13], at[26]);    MULADD(at[14], at[25]);    MULADD(at[15], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+   /* 16 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[40]);    MULADD(at[1], at[39]);    MULADD(at[2], at[38]);    MULADD(at[3], at[37]);    MULADD(at[4], at[36]);    MULADD(at[5], at[35]);    MULADD(at[6], at[34]);    MULADD(at[7], at[33]);    MULADD(at[8], at[32]);    MULADD(at[9], at[31]);    MULADD(at[10], at[30]);    MULADD(at[11], at[29]);    MULADD(at[12], at[28]);    MULADD(at[13], at[27]);    MULADD(at[14], at[26]);    MULADD(at[15], at[25]);    MULADD(at[16], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+   /* 17 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[41]);    MULADD(at[1], at[40]);    MULADD(at[2], at[39]);    MULADD(at[3], at[38]);    MULADD(at[4], at[37]);    MULADD(at[5], at[36]);    MULADD(at[6], at[35]);    MULADD(at[7], at[34]);    MULADD(at[8], at[33]);    MULADD(at[9], at[32]);    MULADD(at[10], at[31]);    MULADD(at[11], at[30]);    MULADD(at[12], at[29]);    MULADD(at[13], at[28]);    MULADD(at[14], at[27]);    MULADD(at[15], at[26]);    MULADD(at[16], at[25]);    MULADD(at[17], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+   /* 18 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[42]);    MULADD(at[1], at[41]);    MULADD(at[2], at[40]);    MULADD(at[3], at[39]);    MULADD(at[4], at[38]);    MULADD(at[5], at[37]);    MULADD(at[6], at[36]);    MULADD(at[7], at[35]);    MULADD(at[8], at[34]);    MULADD(at[9], at[33]);    MULADD(at[10], at[32]);    MULADD(at[11], at[31]);    MULADD(at[12], at[30]);    MULADD(at[13], at[29]);    MULADD(at[14], at[28]);    MULADD(at[15], at[27]);    MULADD(at[16], at[26]);    MULADD(at[17], at[25]);    MULADD(at[18], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+   /* 19 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[43]);    MULADD(at[1], at[42]);    MULADD(at[2], at[41]);    MULADD(at[3], at[40]);    MULADD(at[4], at[39]);    MULADD(at[5], at[38]);    MULADD(at[6], at[37]);    MULADD(at[7], at[36]);    MULADD(at[8], at[35]);    MULADD(at[9], at[34]);    MULADD(at[10], at[33]);    MULADD(at[11], at[32]);    MULADD(at[12], at[31]);    MULADD(at[13], at[30]);    MULADD(at[14], at[29]);    MULADD(at[15], at[28]);    MULADD(at[16], at[27]);    MULADD(at[17], at[26]);    MULADD(at[18], at[25]);    MULADD(at[19], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+   /* 20 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[44]);    MULADD(at[1], at[43]);    MULADD(at[2], at[42]);    MULADD(at[3], at[41]);    MULADD(at[4], at[40]);    MULADD(at[5], at[39]);    MULADD(at[6], at[38]);    MULADD(at[7], at[37]);    MULADD(at[8], at[36]);    MULADD(at[9], at[35]);    MULADD(at[10], at[34]);    MULADD(at[11], at[33]);    MULADD(at[12], at[32]);    MULADD(at[13], at[31]);    MULADD(at[14], at[30]);    MULADD(at[15], at[29]);    MULADD(at[16], at[28]);    MULADD(at[17], at[27]);    MULADD(at[18], at[26]);    MULADD(at[19], at[25]);    MULADD(at[20], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+   /* 21 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[45]);    MULADD(at[1], at[44]);    MULADD(at[2], at[43]);    MULADD(at[3], at[42]);    MULADD(at[4], at[41]);    MULADD(at[5], at[40]);    MULADD(at[6], at[39]);    MULADD(at[7], at[38]);    MULADD(at[8], at[37]);    MULADD(at[9], at[36]);    MULADD(at[10], at[35]);    MULADD(at[11], at[34]);    MULADD(at[12], at[33]);    MULADD(at[13], at[32]);    MULADD(at[14], at[31]);    MULADD(at[15], at[30]);    MULADD(at[16], at[29]);    MULADD(at[17], at[28]);    MULADD(at[18], at[27]);    MULADD(at[19], at[26]);    MULADD(at[20], at[25]);    MULADD(at[21], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+   /* 22 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[46]);    MULADD(at[1], at[45]);    MULADD(at[2], at[44]);    MULADD(at[3], at[43]);    MULADD(at[4], at[42]);    MULADD(at[5], at[41]);    MULADD(at[6], at[40]);    MULADD(at[7], at[39]);    MULADD(at[8], at[38]);    MULADD(at[9], at[37]);    MULADD(at[10], at[36]);    MULADD(at[11], at[35]);    MULADD(at[12], at[34]);    MULADD(at[13], at[33]);    MULADD(at[14], at[32]);    MULADD(at[15], at[31]);    MULADD(at[16], at[30]);    MULADD(at[17], at[29]);    MULADD(at[18], at[28]);    MULADD(at[19], at[27]);    MULADD(at[20], at[26]);    MULADD(at[21], at[25]);    MULADD(at[22], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+   /* 23 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[47]);    MULADD(at[1], at[46]);    MULADD(at[2], at[45]);    MULADD(at[3], at[44]);    MULADD(at[4], at[43]);    MULADD(at[5], at[42]);    MULADD(at[6], at[41]);    MULADD(at[7], at[40]);    MULADD(at[8], at[39]);    MULADD(at[9], at[38]);    MULADD(at[10], at[37]);    MULADD(at[11], at[36]);    MULADD(at[12], at[35]);    MULADD(at[13], at[34]);    MULADD(at[14], at[33]);    MULADD(at[15], at[32]);    MULADD(at[16], at[31]);    MULADD(at[17], at[30]);    MULADD(at[18], at[29]);    MULADD(at[19], at[28]);    MULADD(at[20], at[27]);    MULADD(at[21], at[26]);    MULADD(at[22], at[25]);    MULADD(at[23], at[24]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[23]);
+   /* 24 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[47]);    MULADD(at[2], at[46]);    MULADD(at[3], at[45]);    MULADD(at[4], at[44]);    MULADD(at[5], at[43]);    MULADD(at[6], at[42]);    MULADD(at[7], at[41]);    MULADD(at[8], at[40]);    MULADD(at[9], at[39]);    MULADD(at[10], at[38]);    MULADD(at[11], at[37]);    MULADD(at[12], at[36]);    MULADD(at[13], at[35]);    MULADD(at[14], at[34]);    MULADD(at[15], at[33]);    MULADD(at[16], at[32]);    MULADD(at[17], at[31]);    MULADD(at[18], at[30]);    MULADD(at[19], at[29]);    MULADD(at[20], at[28]);    MULADD(at[21], at[27]);    MULADD(at[22], at[26]);    MULADD(at[23], at[25]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[24]);
+   /* 25 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[47]);    MULADD(at[3], at[46]);    MULADD(at[4], at[45]);    MULADD(at[5], at[44]);    MULADD(at[6], at[43]);    MULADD(at[7], at[42]);    MULADD(at[8], at[41]);    MULADD(at[9], at[40]);    MULADD(at[10], at[39]);    MULADD(at[11], at[38]);    MULADD(at[12], at[37]);    MULADD(at[13], at[36]);    MULADD(at[14], at[35]);    MULADD(at[15], at[34]);    MULADD(at[16], at[33]);    MULADD(at[17], at[32]);    MULADD(at[18], at[31]);    MULADD(at[19], at[30]);    MULADD(at[20], at[29]);    MULADD(at[21], at[28]);    MULADD(at[22], at[27]);    MULADD(at[23], at[26]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[25]);
+   /* 26 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[47]);    MULADD(at[4], at[46]);    MULADD(at[5], at[45]);    MULADD(at[6], at[44]);    MULADD(at[7], at[43]);    MULADD(at[8], at[42]);    MULADD(at[9], at[41]);    MULADD(at[10], at[40]);    MULADD(at[11], at[39]);    MULADD(at[12], at[38]);    MULADD(at[13], at[37]);    MULADD(at[14], at[36]);    MULADD(at[15], at[35]);    MULADD(at[16], at[34]);    MULADD(at[17], at[33]);    MULADD(at[18], at[32]);    MULADD(at[19], at[31]);    MULADD(at[20], at[30]);    MULADD(at[21], at[29]);    MULADD(at[22], at[28]);    MULADD(at[23], at[27]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[26]);
+   /* 27 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[47]);    MULADD(at[5], at[46]);    MULADD(at[6], at[45]);    MULADD(at[7], at[44]);    MULADD(at[8], at[43]);    MULADD(at[9], at[42]);    MULADD(at[10], at[41]);    MULADD(at[11], at[40]);    MULADD(at[12], at[39]);    MULADD(at[13], at[38]);    MULADD(at[14], at[37]);    MULADD(at[15], at[36]);    MULADD(at[16], at[35]);    MULADD(at[17], at[34]);    MULADD(at[18], at[33]);    MULADD(at[19], at[32]);    MULADD(at[20], at[31]);    MULADD(at[21], at[30]);    MULADD(at[22], at[29]);    MULADD(at[23], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[27]);
+   /* 28 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[47]);    MULADD(at[6], at[46]);    MULADD(at[7], at[45]);    MULADD(at[8], at[44]);    MULADD(at[9], at[43]);    MULADD(at[10], at[42]);    MULADD(at[11], at[41]);    MULADD(at[12], at[40]);    MULADD(at[13], at[39]);    MULADD(at[14], at[38]);    MULADD(at[15], at[37]);    MULADD(at[16], at[36]);    MULADD(at[17], at[35]);    MULADD(at[18], at[34]);    MULADD(at[19], at[33]);    MULADD(at[20], at[32]);    MULADD(at[21], at[31]);    MULADD(at[22], at[30]);    MULADD(at[23], at[29]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[28]);
+   /* 29 */
+   MULADD(at[6], at[47]);    MULADD(at[7], at[46]);    MULADD(at[8], at[45]);    MULADD(at[9], at[44]);    MULADD(at[10], at[43]);    MULADD(at[11], at[42]);    MULADD(at[12], at[41]);    MULADD(at[13], at[40]);    MULADD(at[14], at[39]);    MULADD(at[15], at[38]);    MULADD(at[16], at[37]);    MULADD(at[17], at[36]);    MULADD(at[18], at[35]);    MULADD(at[19], at[34]);    MULADD(at[20], at[33]);    MULADD(at[21], at[32]);    MULADD(at[22], at[31]);    MULADD(at[23], at[30]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[29]);
+   /* 30 */
+   MULADD(at[7], at[47]);    MULADD(at[8], at[46]);    MULADD(at[9], at[45]);    MULADD(at[10], at[44]);    MULADD(at[11], at[43]);    MULADD(at[12], at[42]);    MULADD(at[13], at[41]);    MULADD(at[14], at[40]);    MULADD(at[15], at[39]);    MULADD(at[16], at[38]);    MULADD(at[17], at[37]);    MULADD(at[18], at[36]);    MULADD(at[19], at[35]);    MULADD(at[20], at[34]);    MULADD(at[21], at[33]);    MULADD(at[22], at[32]);    MULADD(at[23], at[31]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[30]);
+   /* 31 */
+   MULADD(at[8], at[47]);    MULADD(at[9], at[46]);    MULADD(at[10], at[45]);    MULADD(at[11], at[44]);    MULADD(at[12], at[43]);    MULADD(at[13], at[42]);    MULADD(at[14], at[41]);    MULADD(at[15], at[40]);    MULADD(at[16], at[39]);    MULADD(at[17], at[38]);    MULADD(at[18], at[37]);    MULADD(at[19], at[36]);    MULADD(at[20], at[35]);    MULADD(at[21], at[34]);    MULADD(at[22], at[33]);    MULADD(at[23], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[31]);
+   /* 32 */
+   MULADD(at[9], at[47]);    MULADD(at[10], at[46]);    MULADD(at[11], at[45]);    MULADD(at[12], at[44]);    MULADD(at[13], at[43]);    MULADD(at[14], at[42]);    MULADD(at[15], at[41]);    MULADD(at[16], at[40]);    MULADD(at[17], at[39]);    MULADD(at[18], at[38]);    MULADD(at[19], at[37]);    MULADD(at[20], at[36]);    MULADD(at[21], at[35]);    MULADD(at[22], at[34]);    MULADD(at[23], at[33]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[32]);
+   /* 33 */
+   MULADD(at[10], at[47]);    MULADD(at[11], at[46]);    MULADD(at[12], at[45]);    MULADD(at[13], at[44]);    MULADD(at[14], at[43]);    MULADD(at[15], at[42]);    MULADD(at[16], at[41]);    MULADD(at[17], at[40]);    MULADD(at[18], at[39]);    MULADD(at[19], at[38]);    MULADD(at[20], at[37]);    MULADD(at[21], at[36]);    MULADD(at[22], at[35]);    MULADD(at[23], at[34]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[33]);
+   /* 34 */
+   MULADD(at[11], at[47]);    MULADD(at[12], at[46]);    MULADD(at[13], at[45]);    MULADD(at[14], at[44]);    MULADD(at[15], at[43]);    MULADD(at[16], at[42]);    MULADD(at[17], at[41]);    MULADD(at[18], at[40]);    MULADD(at[19], at[39]);    MULADD(at[20], at[38]);    MULADD(at[21], at[37]);    MULADD(at[22], at[36]);    MULADD(at[23], at[35]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[34]);
+   /* 35 */
+   MULADD(at[12], at[47]);    MULADD(at[13], at[46]);    MULADD(at[14], at[45]);    MULADD(at[15], at[44]);    MULADD(at[16], at[43]);    MULADD(at[17], at[42]);    MULADD(at[18], at[41]);    MULADD(at[19], at[40]);    MULADD(at[20], at[39]);    MULADD(at[21], at[38]);    MULADD(at[22], at[37]);    MULADD(at[23], at[36]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[35]);
+   /* 36 */
+   MULADD(at[13], at[47]);    MULADD(at[14], at[46]);    MULADD(at[15], at[45]);    MULADD(at[16], at[44]);    MULADD(at[17], at[43]);    MULADD(at[18], at[42]);    MULADD(at[19], at[41]);    MULADD(at[20], at[40]);    MULADD(at[21], at[39]);    MULADD(at[22], at[38]);    MULADD(at[23], at[37]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[36]);
+   /* 37 */
+   MULADD(at[14], at[47]);    MULADD(at[15], at[46]);    MULADD(at[16], at[45]);    MULADD(at[17], at[44]);    MULADD(at[18], at[43]);    MULADD(at[19], at[42]);    MULADD(at[20], at[41]);    MULADD(at[21], at[40]);    MULADD(at[22], at[39]);    MULADD(at[23], at[38]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[37]);
+   /* 38 */
+   MULADD(at[15], at[47]);    MULADD(at[16], at[46]);    MULADD(at[17], at[45]);    MULADD(at[18], at[44]);    MULADD(at[19], at[43]);    MULADD(at[20], at[42]);    MULADD(at[21], at[41]);    MULADD(at[22], at[40]);    MULADD(at[23], at[39]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[38]);
+   /* 39 */
+   MULADD(at[16], at[47]);    MULADD(at[17], at[46]);    MULADD(at[18], at[45]);    MULADD(at[19], at[44]);    MULADD(at[20], at[43]);    MULADD(at[21], at[42]);    MULADD(at[22], at[41]);    MULADD(at[23], at[40]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[39]);
+   /* 40 */
+   MULADD(at[17], at[47]);    MULADD(at[18], at[46]);    MULADD(at[19], at[45]);    MULADD(at[20], at[44]);    MULADD(at[21], at[43]);    MULADD(at[22], at[42]);    MULADD(at[23], at[41]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[40]);
+   /* 41 */
+   MULADD(at[18], at[47]);    MULADD(at[19], at[46]);    MULADD(at[20], at[45]);    MULADD(at[21], at[44]);    MULADD(at[22], at[43]);    MULADD(at[23], at[42]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[41]);
+   /* 42 */
+   MULADD(at[19], at[47]);    MULADD(at[20], at[46]);    MULADD(at[21], at[45]);    MULADD(at[22], at[44]);    MULADD(at[23], at[43]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[42]);
+   /* 43 */
+   MULADD(at[20], at[47]);    MULADD(at[21], at[46]);    MULADD(at[22], at[45]);    MULADD(at[23], at[44]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[43]);
+   /* 44 */
+   MULADD(at[21], at[47]);    MULADD(at[22], at[46]);    MULADD(at[23], at[45]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[44]);
+   /* 45 */
+   MULADD(at[22], at[47]);    MULADD(at[23], at[46]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[45]);
+   /* 46 */
+   MULADD(at[23], at[47]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[46]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[47]);
+   C->used = 48;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 236 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL28
+void fp_mul_comba28(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[56];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 28 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+28, B->dp, 28 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[29]);    MULADD(at[1], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[30]);    MULADD(at[1], at[29]);    MULADD(at[2], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[31]);    MULADD(at[1], at[30]);    MULADD(at[2], at[29]);    MULADD(at[3], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[32]);    MULADD(at[1], at[31]);    MULADD(at[2], at[30]);    MULADD(at[3], at[29]);    MULADD(at[4], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[33]);    MULADD(at[1], at[32]);    MULADD(at[2], at[31]);    MULADD(at[3], at[30]);    MULADD(at[4], at[29]);    MULADD(at[5], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[34]);    MULADD(at[1], at[33]);    MULADD(at[2], at[32]);    MULADD(at[3], at[31]);    MULADD(at[4], at[30]);    MULADD(at[5], at[29]);    MULADD(at[6], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[35]);    MULADD(at[1], at[34]);    MULADD(at[2], at[33]);    MULADD(at[3], at[32]);    MULADD(at[4], at[31]);    MULADD(at[5], at[30]);    MULADD(at[6], at[29]);    MULADD(at[7], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[36]);    MULADD(at[1], at[35]);    MULADD(at[2], at[34]);    MULADD(at[3], at[33]);    MULADD(at[4], at[32]);    MULADD(at[5], at[31]);    MULADD(at[6], at[30]);    MULADD(at[7], at[29]);    MULADD(at[8], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[37]);    MULADD(at[1], at[36]);    MULADD(at[2], at[35]);    MULADD(at[3], at[34]);    MULADD(at[4], at[33]);    MULADD(at[5], at[32]);    MULADD(at[6], at[31]);    MULADD(at[7], at[30]);    MULADD(at[8], at[29]);    MULADD(at[9], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[38]);    MULADD(at[1], at[37]);    MULADD(at[2], at[36]);    MULADD(at[3], at[35]);    MULADD(at[4], at[34]);    MULADD(at[5], at[33]);    MULADD(at[6], at[32]);    MULADD(at[7], at[31]);    MULADD(at[8], at[30]);    MULADD(at[9], at[29]);    MULADD(at[10], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   /* 11 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[39]);    MULADD(at[1], at[38]);    MULADD(at[2], at[37]);    MULADD(at[3], at[36]);    MULADD(at[4], at[35]);    MULADD(at[5], at[34]);    MULADD(at[6], at[33]);    MULADD(at[7], at[32]);    MULADD(at[8], at[31]);    MULADD(at[9], at[30]);    MULADD(at[10], at[29]);    MULADD(at[11], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+   /* 12 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[40]);    MULADD(at[1], at[39]);    MULADD(at[2], at[38]);    MULADD(at[3], at[37]);    MULADD(at[4], at[36]);    MULADD(at[5], at[35]);    MULADD(at[6], at[34]);    MULADD(at[7], at[33]);    MULADD(at[8], at[32]);    MULADD(at[9], at[31]);    MULADD(at[10], at[30]);    MULADD(at[11], at[29]);    MULADD(at[12], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+   /* 13 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[41]);    MULADD(at[1], at[40]);    MULADD(at[2], at[39]);    MULADD(at[3], at[38]);    MULADD(at[4], at[37]);    MULADD(at[5], at[36]);    MULADD(at[6], at[35]);    MULADD(at[7], at[34]);    MULADD(at[8], at[33]);    MULADD(at[9], at[32]);    MULADD(at[10], at[31]);    MULADD(at[11], at[30]);    MULADD(at[12], at[29]);    MULADD(at[13], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+   /* 14 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[42]);    MULADD(at[1], at[41]);    MULADD(at[2], at[40]);    MULADD(at[3], at[39]);    MULADD(at[4], at[38]);    MULADD(at[5], at[37]);    MULADD(at[6], at[36]);    MULADD(at[7], at[35]);    MULADD(at[8], at[34]);    MULADD(at[9], at[33]);    MULADD(at[10], at[32]);    MULADD(at[11], at[31]);    MULADD(at[12], at[30]);    MULADD(at[13], at[29]);    MULADD(at[14], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+   /* 15 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[43]);    MULADD(at[1], at[42]);    MULADD(at[2], at[41]);    MULADD(at[3], at[40]);    MULADD(at[4], at[39]);    MULADD(at[5], at[38]);    MULADD(at[6], at[37]);    MULADD(at[7], at[36]);    MULADD(at[8], at[35]);    MULADD(at[9], at[34]);    MULADD(at[10], at[33]);    MULADD(at[11], at[32]);    MULADD(at[12], at[31]);    MULADD(at[13], at[30]);    MULADD(at[14], at[29]);    MULADD(at[15], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+   /* 16 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[44]);    MULADD(at[1], at[43]);    MULADD(at[2], at[42]);    MULADD(at[3], at[41]);    MULADD(at[4], at[40]);    MULADD(at[5], at[39]);    MULADD(at[6], at[38]);    MULADD(at[7], at[37]);    MULADD(at[8], at[36]);    MULADD(at[9], at[35]);    MULADD(at[10], at[34]);    MULADD(at[11], at[33]);    MULADD(at[12], at[32]);    MULADD(at[13], at[31]);    MULADD(at[14], at[30]);    MULADD(at[15], at[29]);    MULADD(at[16], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+   /* 17 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[45]);    MULADD(at[1], at[44]);    MULADD(at[2], at[43]);    MULADD(at[3], at[42]);    MULADD(at[4], at[41]);    MULADD(at[5], at[40]);    MULADD(at[6], at[39]);    MULADD(at[7], at[38]);    MULADD(at[8], at[37]);    MULADD(at[9], at[36]);    MULADD(at[10], at[35]);    MULADD(at[11], at[34]);    MULADD(at[12], at[33]);    MULADD(at[13], at[32]);    MULADD(at[14], at[31]);    MULADD(at[15], at[30]);    MULADD(at[16], at[29]);    MULADD(at[17], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+   /* 18 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[46]);    MULADD(at[1], at[45]);    MULADD(at[2], at[44]);    MULADD(at[3], at[43]);    MULADD(at[4], at[42]);    MULADD(at[5], at[41]);    MULADD(at[6], at[40]);    MULADD(at[7], at[39]);    MULADD(at[8], at[38]);    MULADD(at[9], at[37]);    MULADD(at[10], at[36]);    MULADD(at[11], at[35]);    MULADD(at[12], at[34]);    MULADD(at[13], at[33]);    MULADD(at[14], at[32]);    MULADD(at[15], at[31]);    MULADD(at[16], at[30]);    MULADD(at[17], at[29]);    MULADD(at[18], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+   /* 19 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[47]);    MULADD(at[1], at[46]);    MULADD(at[2], at[45]);    MULADD(at[3], at[44]);    MULADD(at[4], at[43]);    MULADD(at[5], at[42]);    MULADD(at[6], at[41]);    MULADD(at[7], at[40]);    MULADD(at[8], at[39]);    MULADD(at[9], at[38]);    MULADD(at[10], at[37]);    MULADD(at[11], at[36]);    MULADD(at[12], at[35]);    MULADD(at[13], at[34]);    MULADD(at[14], at[33]);    MULADD(at[15], at[32]);    MULADD(at[16], at[31]);    MULADD(at[17], at[30]);    MULADD(at[18], at[29]);    MULADD(at[19], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+   /* 20 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[48]);    MULADD(at[1], at[47]);    MULADD(at[2], at[46]);    MULADD(at[3], at[45]);    MULADD(at[4], at[44]);    MULADD(at[5], at[43]);    MULADD(at[6], at[42]);    MULADD(at[7], at[41]);    MULADD(at[8], at[40]);    MULADD(at[9], at[39]);    MULADD(at[10], at[38]);    MULADD(at[11], at[37]);    MULADD(at[12], at[36]);    MULADD(at[13], at[35]);    MULADD(at[14], at[34]);    MULADD(at[15], at[33]);    MULADD(at[16], at[32]);    MULADD(at[17], at[31]);    MULADD(at[18], at[30]);    MULADD(at[19], at[29]);    MULADD(at[20], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+   /* 21 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[49]);    MULADD(at[1], at[48]);    MULADD(at[2], at[47]);    MULADD(at[3], at[46]);    MULADD(at[4], at[45]);    MULADD(at[5], at[44]);    MULADD(at[6], at[43]);    MULADD(at[7], at[42]);    MULADD(at[8], at[41]);    MULADD(at[9], at[40]);    MULADD(at[10], at[39]);    MULADD(at[11], at[38]);    MULADD(at[12], at[37]);    MULADD(at[13], at[36]);    MULADD(at[14], at[35]);    MULADD(at[15], at[34]);    MULADD(at[16], at[33]);    MULADD(at[17], at[32]);    MULADD(at[18], at[31]);    MULADD(at[19], at[30]);    MULADD(at[20], at[29]);    MULADD(at[21], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+   /* 22 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[50]);    MULADD(at[1], at[49]);    MULADD(at[2], at[48]);    MULADD(at[3], at[47]);    MULADD(at[4], at[46]);    MULADD(at[5], at[45]);    MULADD(at[6], at[44]);    MULADD(at[7], at[43]);    MULADD(at[8], at[42]);    MULADD(at[9], at[41]);    MULADD(at[10], at[40]);    MULADD(at[11], at[39]);    MULADD(at[12], at[38]);    MULADD(at[13], at[37]);    MULADD(at[14], at[36]);    MULADD(at[15], at[35]);    MULADD(at[16], at[34]);    MULADD(at[17], at[33]);    MULADD(at[18], at[32]);    MULADD(at[19], at[31]);    MULADD(at[20], at[30]);    MULADD(at[21], at[29]);    MULADD(at[22], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+   /* 23 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[51]);    MULADD(at[1], at[50]);    MULADD(at[2], at[49]);    MULADD(at[3], at[48]);    MULADD(at[4], at[47]);    MULADD(at[5], at[46]);    MULADD(at[6], at[45]);    MULADD(at[7], at[44]);    MULADD(at[8], at[43]);    MULADD(at[9], at[42]);    MULADD(at[10], at[41]);    MULADD(at[11], at[40]);    MULADD(at[12], at[39]);    MULADD(at[13], at[38]);    MULADD(at[14], at[37]);    MULADD(at[15], at[36]);    MULADD(at[16], at[35]);    MULADD(at[17], at[34]);    MULADD(at[18], at[33]);    MULADD(at[19], at[32]);    MULADD(at[20], at[31]);    MULADD(at[21], at[30]);    MULADD(at[22], at[29]);    MULADD(at[23], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[23]);
+   /* 24 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[52]);    MULADD(at[1], at[51]);    MULADD(at[2], at[50]);    MULADD(at[3], at[49]);    MULADD(at[4], at[48]);    MULADD(at[5], at[47]);    MULADD(at[6], at[46]);    MULADD(at[7], at[45]);    MULADD(at[8], at[44]);    MULADD(at[9], at[43]);    MULADD(at[10], at[42]);    MULADD(at[11], at[41]);    MULADD(at[12], at[40]);    MULADD(at[13], at[39]);    MULADD(at[14], at[38]);    MULADD(at[15], at[37]);    MULADD(at[16], at[36]);    MULADD(at[17], at[35]);    MULADD(at[18], at[34]);    MULADD(at[19], at[33]);    MULADD(at[20], at[32]);    MULADD(at[21], at[31]);    MULADD(at[22], at[30]);    MULADD(at[23], at[29]);    MULADD(at[24], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[24]);
+   /* 25 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[53]);    MULADD(at[1], at[52]);    MULADD(at[2], at[51]);    MULADD(at[3], at[50]);    MULADD(at[4], at[49]);    MULADD(at[5], at[48]);    MULADD(at[6], at[47]);    MULADD(at[7], at[46]);    MULADD(at[8], at[45]);    MULADD(at[9], at[44]);    MULADD(at[10], at[43]);    MULADD(at[11], at[42]);    MULADD(at[12], at[41]);    MULADD(at[13], at[40]);    MULADD(at[14], at[39]);    MULADD(at[15], at[38]);    MULADD(at[16], at[37]);    MULADD(at[17], at[36]);    MULADD(at[18], at[35]);    MULADD(at[19], at[34]);    MULADD(at[20], at[33]);    MULADD(at[21], at[32]);    MULADD(at[22], at[31]);    MULADD(at[23], at[30]);    MULADD(at[24], at[29]);    MULADD(at[25], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[25]);
+   /* 26 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[54]);    MULADD(at[1], at[53]);    MULADD(at[2], at[52]);    MULADD(at[3], at[51]);    MULADD(at[4], at[50]);    MULADD(at[5], at[49]);    MULADD(at[6], at[48]);    MULADD(at[7], at[47]);    MULADD(at[8], at[46]);    MULADD(at[9], at[45]);    MULADD(at[10], at[44]);    MULADD(at[11], at[43]);    MULADD(at[12], at[42]);    MULADD(at[13], at[41]);    MULADD(at[14], at[40]);    MULADD(at[15], at[39]);    MULADD(at[16], at[38]);    MULADD(at[17], at[37]);    MULADD(at[18], at[36]);    MULADD(at[19], at[35]);    MULADD(at[20], at[34]);    MULADD(at[21], at[33]);    MULADD(at[22], at[32]);    MULADD(at[23], at[31]);    MULADD(at[24], at[30]);    MULADD(at[25], at[29]);    MULADD(at[26], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[26]);
+   /* 27 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[55]);    MULADD(at[1], at[54]);    MULADD(at[2], at[53]);    MULADD(at[3], at[52]);    MULADD(at[4], at[51]);    MULADD(at[5], at[50]);    MULADD(at[6], at[49]);    MULADD(at[7], at[48]);    MULADD(at[8], at[47]);    MULADD(at[9], at[46]);    MULADD(at[10], at[45]);    MULADD(at[11], at[44]);    MULADD(at[12], at[43]);    MULADD(at[13], at[42]);    MULADD(at[14], at[41]);    MULADD(at[15], at[40]);    MULADD(at[16], at[39]);    MULADD(at[17], at[38]);    MULADD(at[18], at[37]);    MULADD(at[19], at[36]);    MULADD(at[20], at[35]);    MULADD(at[21], at[34]);    MULADD(at[22], at[33]);    MULADD(at[23], at[32]);    MULADD(at[24], at[31]);    MULADD(at[25], at[30]);    MULADD(at[26], at[29]);    MULADD(at[27], at[28]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[27]);
+   /* 28 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[55]);    MULADD(at[2], at[54]);    MULADD(at[3], at[53]);    MULADD(at[4], at[52]);    MULADD(at[5], at[51]);    MULADD(at[6], at[50]);    MULADD(at[7], at[49]);    MULADD(at[8], at[48]);    MULADD(at[9], at[47]);    MULADD(at[10], at[46]);    MULADD(at[11], at[45]);    MULADD(at[12], at[44]);    MULADD(at[13], at[43]);    MULADD(at[14], at[42]);    MULADD(at[15], at[41]);    MULADD(at[16], at[40]);    MULADD(at[17], at[39]);    MULADD(at[18], at[38]);    MULADD(at[19], at[37]);    MULADD(at[20], at[36]);    MULADD(at[21], at[35]);    MULADD(at[22], at[34]);    MULADD(at[23], at[33]);    MULADD(at[24], at[32]);    MULADD(at[25], at[31]);    MULADD(at[26], at[30]);    MULADD(at[27], at[29]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[28]);
+   /* 29 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[55]);    MULADD(at[3], at[54]);    MULADD(at[4], at[53]);    MULADD(at[5], at[52]);    MULADD(at[6], at[51]);    MULADD(at[7], at[50]);    MULADD(at[8], at[49]);    MULADD(at[9], at[48]);    MULADD(at[10], at[47]);    MULADD(at[11], at[46]);    MULADD(at[12], at[45]);    MULADD(at[13], at[44]);    MULADD(at[14], at[43]);    MULADD(at[15], at[42]);    MULADD(at[16], at[41]);    MULADD(at[17], at[40]);    MULADD(at[18], at[39]);    MULADD(at[19], at[38]);    MULADD(at[20], at[37]);    MULADD(at[21], at[36]);    MULADD(at[22], at[35]);    MULADD(at[23], at[34]);    MULADD(at[24], at[33]);    MULADD(at[25], at[32]);    MULADD(at[26], at[31]);    MULADD(at[27], at[30]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[29]);
+   /* 30 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[55]);    MULADD(at[4], at[54]);    MULADD(at[5], at[53]);    MULADD(at[6], at[52]);    MULADD(at[7], at[51]);    MULADD(at[8], at[50]);    MULADD(at[9], at[49]);    MULADD(at[10], at[48]);    MULADD(at[11], at[47]);    MULADD(at[12], at[46]);    MULADD(at[13], at[45]);    MULADD(at[14], at[44]);    MULADD(at[15], at[43]);    MULADD(at[16], at[42]);    MULADD(at[17], at[41]);    MULADD(at[18], at[40]);    MULADD(at[19], at[39]);    MULADD(at[20], at[38]);    MULADD(at[21], at[37]);    MULADD(at[22], at[36]);    MULADD(at[23], at[35]);    MULADD(at[24], at[34]);    MULADD(at[25], at[33]);    MULADD(at[26], at[32]);    MULADD(at[27], at[31]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[30]);
+   /* 31 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[55]);    MULADD(at[5], at[54]);    MULADD(at[6], at[53]);    MULADD(at[7], at[52]);    MULADD(at[8], at[51]);    MULADD(at[9], at[50]);    MULADD(at[10], at[49]);    MULADD(at[11], at[48]);    MULADD(at[12], at[47]);    MULADD(at[13], at[46]);    MULADD(at[14], at[45]);    MULADD(at[15], at[44]);    MULADD(at[16], at[43]);    MULADD(at[17], at[42]);    MULADD(at[18], at[41]);    MULADD(at[19], at[40]);    MULADD(at[20], at[39]);    MULADD(at[21], at[38]);    MULADD(at[22], at[37]);    MULADD(at[23], at[36]);    MULADD(at[24], at[35]);    MULADD(at[25], at[34]);    MULADD(at[26], at[33]);    MULADD(at[27], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[31]);
+   /* 32 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[55]);    MULADD(at[6], at[54]);    MULADD(at[7], at[53]);    MULADD(at[8], at[52]);    MULADD(at[9], at[51]);    MULADD(at[10], at[50]);    MULADD(at[11], at[49]);    MULADD(at[12], at[48]);    MULADD(at[13], at[47]);    MULADD(at[14], at[46]);    MULADD(at[15], at[45]);    MULADD(at[16], at[44]);    MULADD(at[17], at[43]);    MULADD(at[18], at[42]);    MULADD(at[19], at[41]);    MULADD(at[20], at[40]);    MULADD(at[21], at[39]);    MULADD(at[22], at[38]);    MULADD(at[23], at[37]);    MULADD(at[24], at[36]);    MULADD(at[25], at[35]);    MULADD(at[26], at[34]);    MULADD(at[27], at[33]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[32]);
+   /* 33 */
+   MULADD(at[6], at[55]);    MULADD(at[7], at[54]);    MULADD(at[8], at[53]);    MULADD(at[9], at[52]);    MULADD(at[10], at[51]);    MULADD(at[11], at[50]);    MULADD(at[12], at[49]);    MULADD(at[13], at[48]);    MULADD(at[14], at[47]);    MULADD(at[15], at[46]);    MULADD(at[16], at[45]);    MULADD(at[17], at[44]);    MULADD(at[18], at[43]);    MULADD(at[19], at[42]);    MULADD(at[20], at[41]);    MULADD(at[21], at[40]);    MULADD(at[22], at[39]);    MULADD(at[23], at[38]);    MULADD(at[24], at[37]);    MULADD(at[25], at[36]);    MULADD(at[26], at[35]);    MULADD(at[27], at[34]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[33]);
+   /* 34 */
+   MULADD(at[7], at[55]);    MULADD(at[8], at[54]);    MULADD(at[9], at[53]);    MULADD(at[10], at[52]);    MULADD(at[11], at[51]);    MULADD(at[12], at[50]);    MULADD(at[13], at[49]);    MULADD(at[14], at[48]);    MULADD(at[15], at[47]);    MULADD(at[16], at[46]);    MULADD(at[17], at[45]);    MULADD(at[18], at[44]);    MULADD(at[19], at[43]);    MULADD(at[20], at[42]);    MULADD(at[21], at[41]);    MULADD(at[22], at[40]);    MULADD(at[23], at[39]);    MULADD(at[24], at[38]);    MULADD(at[25], at[37]);    MULADD(at[26], at[36]);    MULADD(at[27], at[35]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[34]);
+   /* 35 */
+   MULADD(at[8], at[55]);    MULADD(at[9], at[54]);    MULADD(at[10], at[53]);    MULADD(at[11], at[52]);    MULADD(at[12], at[51]);    MULADD(at[13], at[50]);    MULADD(at[14], at[49]);    MULADD(at[15], at[48]);    MULADD(at[16], at[47]);    MULADD(at[17], at[46]);    MULADD(at[18], at[45]);    MULADD(at[19], at[44]);    MULADD(at[20], at[43]);    MULADD(at[21], at[42]);    MULADD(at[22], at[41]);    MULADD(at[23], at[40]);    MULADD(at[24], at[39]);    MULADD(at[25], at[38]);    MULADD(at[26], at[37]);    MULADD(at[27], at[36]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[35]);
+   /* 36 */
+   MULADD(at[9], at[55]);    MULADD(at[10], at[54]);    MULADD(at[11], at[53]);    MULADD(at[12], at[52]);    MULADD(at[13], at[51]);    MULADD(at[14], at[50]);    MULADD(at[15], at[49]);    MULADD(at[16], at[48]);    MULADD(at[17], at[47]);    MULADD(at[18], at[46]);    MULADD(at[19], at[45]);    MULADD(at[20], at[44]);    MULADD(at[21], at[43]);    MULADD(at[22], at[42]);    MULADD(at[23], at[41]);    MULADD(at[24], at[40]);    MULADD(at[25], at[39]);    MULADD(at[26], at[38]);    MULADD(at[27], at[37]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[36]);
+   /* 37 */
+   MULADD(at[10], at[55]);    MULADD(at[11], at[54]);    MULADD(at[12], at[53]);    MULADD(at[13], at[52]);    MULADD(at[14], at[51]);    MULADD(at[15], at[50]);    MULADD(at[16], at[49]);    MULADD(at[17], at[48]);    MULADD(at[18], at[47]);    MULADD(at[19], at[46]);    MULADD(at[20], at[45]);    MULADD(at[21], at[44]);    MULADD(at[22], at[43]);    MULADD(at[23], at[42]);    MULADD(at[24], at[41]);    MULADD(at[25], at[40]);    MULADD(at[26], at[39]);    MULADD(at[27], at[38]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[37]);
+   /* 38 */
+   MULADD(at[11], at[55]);    MULADD(at[12], at[54]);    MULADD(at[13], at[53]);    MULADD(at[14], at[52]);    MULADD(at[15], at[51]);    MULADD(at[16], at[50]);    MULADD(at[17], at[49]);    MULADD(at[18], at[48]);    MULADD(at[19], at[47]);    MULADD(at[20], at[46]);    MULADD(at[21], at[45]);    MULADD(at[22], at[44]);    MULADD(at[23], at[43]);    MULADD(at[24], at[42]);    MULADD(at[25], at[41]);    MULADD(at[26], at[40]);    MULADD(at[27], at[39]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[38]);
+   /* 39 */
+   MULADD(at[12], at[55]);    MULADD(at[13], at[54]);    MULADD(at[14], at[53]);    MULADD(at[15], at[52]);    MULADD(at[16], at[51]);    MULADD(at[17], at[50]);    MULADD(at[18], at[49]);    MULADD(at[19], at[48]);    MULADD(at[20], at[47]);    MULADD(at[21], at[46]);    MULADD(at[22], at[45]);    MULADD(at[23], at[44]);    MULADD(at[24], at[43]);    MULADD(at[25], at[42]);    MULADD(at[26], at[41]);    MULADD(at[27], at[40]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[39]);
+   /* 40 */
+   MULADD(at[13], at[55]);    MULADD(at[14], at[54]);    MULADD(at[15], at[53]);    MULADD(at[16], at[52]);    MULADD(at[17], at[51]);    MULADD(at[18], at[50]);    MULADD(at[19], at[49]);    MULADD(at[20], at[48]);    MULADD(at[21], at[47]);    MULADD(at[22], at[46]);    MULADD(at[23], at[45]);    MULADD(at[24], at[44]);    MULADD(at[25], at[43]);    MULADD(at[26], at[42]);    MULADD(at[27], at[41]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[40]);
+   /* 41 */
+   MULADD(at[14], at[55]);    MULADD(at[15], at[54]);    MULADD(at[16], at[53]);    MULADD(at[17], at[52]);    MULADD(at[18], at[51]);    MULADD(at[19], at[50]);    MULADD(at[20], at[49]);    MULADD(at[21], at[48]);    MULADD(at[22], at[47]);    MULADD(at[23], at[46]);    MULADD(at[24], at[45]);    MULADD(at[25], at[44]);    MULADD(at[26], at[43]);    MULADD(at[27], at[42]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[41]);
+   /* 42 */
+   MULADD(at[15], at[55]);    MULADD(at[16], at[54]);    MULADD(at[17], at[53]);    MULADD(at[18], at[52]);    MULADD(at[19], at[51]);    MULADD(at[20], at[50]);    MULADD(at[21], at[49]);    MULADD(at[22], at[48]);    MULADD(at[23], at[47]);    MULADD(at[24], at[46]);    MULADD(at[25], at[45]);    MULADD(at[26], at[44]);    MULADD(at[27], at[43]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[42]);
+   /* 43 */
+   MULADD(at[16], at[55]);    MULADD(at[17], at[54]);    MULADD(at[18], at[53]);    MULADD(at[19], at[52]);    MULADD(at[20], at[51]);    MULADD(at[21], at[50]);    MULADD(at[22], at[49]);    MULADD(at[23], at[48]);    MULADD(at[24], at[47]);    MULADD(at[25], at[46]);    MULADD(at[26], at[45]);    MULADD(at[27], at[44]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[43]);
+   /* 44 */
+   MULADD(at[17], at[55]);    MULADD(at[18], at[54]);    MULADD(at[19], at[53]);    MULADD(at[20], at[52]);    MULADD(at[21], at[51]);    MULADD(at[22], at[50]);    MULADD(at[23], at[49]);    MULADD(at[24], at[48]);    MULADD(at[25], at[47]);    MULADD(at[26], at[46]);    MULADD(at[27], at[45]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[44]);
+   /* 45 */
+   MULADD(at[18], at[55]);    MULADD(at[19], at[54]);    MULADD(at[20], at[53]);    MULADD(at[21], at[52]);    MULADD(at[22], at[51]);    MULADD(at[23], at[50]);    MULADD(at[24], at[49]);    MULADD(at[25], at[48]);    MULADD(at[26], at[47]);    MULADD(at[27], at[46]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[45]);
+   /* 46 */
+   MULADD(at[19], at[55]);    MULADD(at[20], at[54]);    MULADD(at[21], at[53]);    MULADD(at[22], at[52]);    MULADD(at[23], at[51]);    MULADD(at[24], at[50]);    MULADD(at[25], at[49]);    MULADD(at[26], at[48]);    MULADD(at[27], at[47]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[46]);
+   /* 47 */
+   MULADD(at[20], at[55]);    MULADD(at[21], at[54]);    MULADD(at[22], at[53]);    MULADD(at[23], at[52]);    MULADD(at[24], at[51]);    MULADD(at[25], at[50]);    MULADD(at[26], at[49]);    MULADD(at[27], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[47]);
+   /* 48 */
+   MULADD(at[21], at[55]);    MULADD(at[22], at[54]);    MULADD(at[23], at[53]);    MULADD(at[24], at[52]);    MULADD(at[25], at[51]);    MULADD(at[26], at[50]);    MULADD(at[27], at[49]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[48]);
+   /* 49 */
+   MULADD(at[22], at[55]);    MULADD(at[23], at[54]);    MULADD(at[24], at[53]);    MULADD(at[25], at[52]);    MULADD(at[26], at[51]);    MULADD(at[27], at[50]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[49]);
+   /* 50 */
+   MULADD(at[23], at[55]);    MULADD(at[24], at[54]);    MULADD(at[25], at[53]);    MULADD(at[26], at[52]);    MULADD(at[27], at[51]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[50]);
+   /* 51 */
+   MULADD(at[24], at[55]);    MULADD(at[25], at[54]);    MULADD(at[26], at[53]);    MULADD(at[27], at[52]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[51]);
+   /* 52 */
+   MULADD(at[25], at[55]);    MULADD(at[26], at[54]);    MULADD(at[27], at[53]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[52]);
+   /* 53 */
+   MULADD(at[26], at[55]);    MULADD(at[27], at[54]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[53]);
+   /* 54 */
+   MULADD(at[27], at[55]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[54]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[55]);
+   C->used = 56;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL3
+void fp_mul_comba3(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[6];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 3 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+3, B->dp, 3 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[3]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[4]);    MULADD(at[1], at[3]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[5]);    MULADD(at[1], at[4]);    MULADD(at[2], at[3]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[5]);    MULADD(at[2], at[4]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[5]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[5]);
+   C->used = 6;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 282 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL32
+void fp_mul_comba32(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[64];
+   int out_size;
+   out_size = A->used + B->used;
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 32 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+32, B->dp, 32 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[33]);    MULADD(at[1], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[34]);    MULADD(at[1], at[33]);    MULADD(at[2], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[35]);    MULADD(at[1], at[34]);    MULADD(at[2], at[33]);    MULADD(at[3], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[36]);    MULADD(at[1], at[35]);    MULADD(at[2], at[34]);    MULADD(at[3], at[33]);    MULADD(at[4], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[37]);    MULADD(at[1], at[36]);    MULADD(at[2], at[35]);    MULADD(at[3], at[34]);    MULADD(at[4], at[33]);    MULADD(at[5], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[38]);    MULADD(at[1], at[37]);    MULADD(at[2], at[36]);    MULADD(at[3], at[35]);    MULADD(at[4], at[34]);    MULADD(at[5], at[33]);    MULADD(at[6], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[39]);    MULADD(at[1], at[38]);    MULADD(at[2], at[37]);    MULADD(at[3], at[36]);    MULADD(at[4], at[35]);    MULADD(at[5], at[34]);    MULADD(at[6], at[33]);    MULADD(at[7], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[40]);    MULADD(at[1], at[39]);    MULADD(at[2], at[38]);    MULADD(at[3], at[37]);    MULADD(at[4], at[36]);    MULADD(at[5], at[35]);    MULADD(at[6], at[34]);    MULADD(at[7], at[33]);    MULADD(at[8], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[41]);    MULADD(at[1], at[40]);    MULADD(at[2], at[39]);    MULADD(at[3], at[38]);    MULADD(at[4], at[37]);    MULADD(at[5], at[36]);    MULADD(at[6], at[35]);    MULADD(at[7], at[34]);    MULADD(at[8], at[33]);    MULADD(at[9], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[42]);    MULADD(at[1], at[41]);    MULADD(at[2], at[40]);    MULADD(at[3], at[39]);    MULADD(at[4], at[38]);    MULADD(at[5], at[37]);    MULADD(at[6], at[36]);    MULADD(at[7], at[35]);    MULADD(at[8], at[34]);    MULADD(at[9], at[33]);    MULADD(at[10], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   /* 11 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[43]);    MULADD(at[1], at[42]);    MULADD(at[2], at[41]);    MULADD(at[3], at[40]);    MULADD(at[4], at[39]);    MULADD(at[5], at[38]);    MULADD(at[6], at[37]);    MULADD(at[7], at[36]);    MULADD(at[8], at[35]);    MULADD(at[9], at[34]);    MULADD(at[10], at[33]);    MULADD(at[11], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+   /* 12 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[44]);    MULADD(at[1], at[43]);    MULADD(at[2], at[42]);    MULADD(at[3], at[41]);    MULADD(at[4], at[40]);    MULADD(at[5], at[39]);    MULADD(at[6], at[38]);    MULADD(at[7], at[37]);    MULADD(at[8], at[36]);    MULADD(at[9], at[35]);    MULADD(at[10], at[34]);    MULADD(at[11], at[33]);    MULADD(at[12], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+   /* 13 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[45]);    MULADD(at[1], at[44]);    MULADD(at[2], at[43]);    MULADD(at[3], at[42]);    MULADD(at[4], at[41]);    MULADD(at[5], at[40]);    MULADD(at[6], at[39]);    MULADD(at[7], at[38]);    MULADD(at[8], at[37]);    MULADD(at[9], at[36]);    MULADD(at[10], at[35]);    MULADD(at[11], at[34]);    MULADD(at[12], at[33]);    MULADD(at[13], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+   /* 14 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[46]);    MULADD(at[1], at[45]);    MULADD(at[2], at[44]);    MULADD(at[3], at[43]);    MULADD(at[4], at[42]);    MULADD(at[5], at[41]);    MULADD(at[6], at[40]);    MULADD(at[7], at[39]);    MULADD(at[8], at[38]);    MULADD(at[9], at[37]);    MULADD(at[10], at[36]);    MULADD(at[11], at[35]);    MULADD(at[12], at[34]);    MULADD(at[13], at[33]);    MULADD(at[14], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+   /* 15 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[47]);    MULADD(at[1], at[46]);    MULADD(at[2], at[45]);    MULADD(at[3], at[44]);    MULADD(at[4], at[43]);    MULADD(at[5], at[42]);    MULADD(at[6], at[41]);    MULADD(at[7], at[40]);    MULADD(at[8], at[39]);    MULADD(at[9], at[38]);    MULADD(at[10], at[37]);    MULADD(at[11], at[36]);    MULADD(at[12], at[35]);    MULADD(at[13], at[34]);    MULADD(at[14], at[33]);    MULADD(at[15], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+   /* 16 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[48]);    MULADD(at[1], at[47]);    MULADD(at[2], at[46]);    MULADD(at[3], at[45]);    MULADD(at[4], at[44]);    MULADD(at[5], at[43]);    MULADD(at[6], at[42]);    MULADD(at[7], at[41]);    MULADD(at[8], at[40]);    MULADD(at[9], at[39]);    MULADD(at[10], at[38]);    MULADD(at[11], at[37]);    MULADD(at[12], at[36]);    MULADD(at[13], at[35]);    MULADD(at[14], at[34]);    MULADD(at[15], at[33]);    MULADD(at[16], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+   /* 17 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[49]);    MULADD(at[1], at[48]);    MULADD(at[2], at[47]);    MULADD(at[3], at[46]);    MULADD(at[4], at[45]);    MULADD(at[5], at[44]);    MULADD(at[6], at[43]);    MULADD(at[7], at[42]);    MULADD(at[8], at[41]);    MULADD(at[9], at[40]);    MULADD(at[10], at[39]);    MULADD(at[11], at[38]);    MULADD(at[12], at[37]);    MULADD(at[13], at[36]);    MULADD(at[14], at[35]);    MULADD(at[15], at[34]);    MULADD(at[16], at[33]);    MULADD(at[17], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+   /* 18 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[50]);    MULADD(at[1], at[49]);    MULADD(at[2], at[48]);    MULADD(at[3], at[47]);    MULADD(at[4], at[46]);    MULADD(at[5], at[45]);    MULADD(at[6], at[44]);    MULADD(at[7], at[43]);    MULADD(at[8], at[42]);    MULADD(at[9], at[41]);    MULADD(at[10], at[40]);    MULADD(at[11], at[39]);    MULADD(at[12], at[38]);    MULADD(at[13], at[37]);    MULADD(at[14], at[36]);    MULADD(at[15], at[35]);    MULADD(at[16], at[34]);    MULADD(at[17], at[33]);    MULADD(at[18], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+   /* 19 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[51]);    MULADD(at[1], at[50]);    MULADD(at[2], at[49]);    MULADD(at[3], at[48]);    MULADD(at[4], at[47]);    MULADD(at[5], at[46]);    MULADD(at[6], at[45]);    MULADD(at[7], at[44]);    MULADD(at[8], at[43]);    MULADD(at[9], at[42]);    MULADD(at[10], at[41]);    MULADD(at[11], at[40]);    MULADD(at[12], at[39]);    MULADD(at[13], at[38]);    MULADD(at[14], at[37]);    MULADD(at[15], at[36]);    MULADD(at[16], at[35]);    MULADD(at[17], at[34]);    MULADD(at[18], at[33]);    MULADD(at[19], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+   /* 20 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[52]);    MULADD(at[1], at[51]);    MULADD(at[2], at[50]);    MULADD(at[3], at[49]);    MULADD(at[4], at[48]);    MULADD(at[5], at[47]);    MULADD(at[6], at[46]);    MULADD(at[7], at[45]);    MULADD(at[8], at[44]);    MULADD(at[9], at[43]);    MULADD(at[10], at[42]);    MULADD(at[11], at[41]);    MULADD(at[12], at[40]);    MULADD(at[13], at[39]);    MULADD(at[14], at[38]);    MULADD(at[15], at[37]);    MULADD(at[16], at[36]);    MULADD(at[17], at[35]);    MULADD(at[18], at[34]);    MULADD(at[19], at[33]);    MULADD(at[20], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+   /* 21 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[53]);    MULADD(at[1], at[52]);    MULADD(at[2], at[51]);    MULADD(at[3], at[50]);    MULADD(at[4], at[49]);    MULADD(at[5], at[48]);    MULADD(at[6], at[47]);    MULADD(at[7], at[46]);    MULADD(at[8], at[45]);    MULADD(at[9], at[44]);    MULADD(at[10], at[43]);    MULADD(at[11], at[42]);    MULADD(at[12], at[41]);    MULADD(at[13], at[40]);    MULADD(at[14], at[39]);    MULADD(at[15], at[38]);    MULADD(at[16], at[37]);    MULADD(at[17], at[36]);    MULADD(at[18], at[35]);    MULADD(at[19], at[34]);    MULADD(at[20], at[33]);    MULADD(at[21], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+   /* 22 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[54]);    MULADD(at[1], at[53]);    MULADD(at[2], at[52]);    MULADD(at[3], at[51]);    MULADD(at[4], at[50]);    MULADD(at[5], at[49]);    MULADD(at[6], at[48]);    MULADD(at[7], at[47]);    MULADD(at[8], at[46]);    MULADD(at[9], at[45]);    MULADD(at[10], at[44]);    MULADD(at[11], at[43]);    MULADD(at[12], at[42]);    MULADD(at[13], at[41]);    MULADD(at[14], at[40]);    MULADD(at[15], at[39]);    MULADD(at[16], at[38]);    MULADD(at[17], at[37]);    MULADD(at[18], at[36]);    MULADD(at[19], at[35]);    MULADD(at[20], at[34]);    MULADD(at[21], at[33]);    MULADD(at[22], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+   /* 23 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[55]);    MULADD(at[1], at[54]);    MULADD(at[2], at[53]);    MULADD(at[3], at[52]);    MULADD(at[4], at[51]);    MULADD(at[5], at[50]);    MULADD(at[6], at[49]);    MULADD(at[7], at[48]);    MULADD(at[8], at[47]);    MULADD(at[9], at[46]);    MULADD(at[10], at[45]);    MULADD(at[11], at[44]);    MULADD(at[12], at[43]);    MULADD(at[13], at[42]);    MULADD(at[14], at[41]);    MULADD(at[15], at[40]);    MULADD(at[16], at[39]);    MULADD(at[17], at[38]);    MULADD(at[18], at[37]);    MULADD(at[19], at[36]);    MULADD(at[20], at[35]);    MULADD(at[21], at[34]);    MULADD(at[22], at[33]);    MULADD(at[23], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[23]);
+   /* 24 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[56]);    MULADD(at[1], at[55]);    MULADD(at[2], at[54]);    MULADD(at[3], at[53]);    MULADD(at[4], at[52]);    MULADD(at[5], at[51]);    MULADD(at[6], at[50]);    MULADD(at[7], at[49]);    MULADD(at[8], at[48]);    MULADD(at[9], at[47]);    MULADD(at[10], at[46]);    MULADD(at[11], at[45]);    MULADD(at[12], at[44]);    MULADD(at[13], at[43]);    MULADD(at[14], at[42]);    MULADD(at[15], at[41]);    MULADD(at[16], at[40]);    MULADD(at[17], at[39]);    MULADD(at[18], at[38]);    MULADD(at[19], at[37]);    MULADD(at[20], at[36]);    MULADD(at[21], at[35]);    MULADD(at[22], at[34]);    MULADD(at[23], at[33]);    MULADD(at[24], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[24]);
+   /* 25 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[57]);    MULADD(at[1], at[56]);    MULADD(at[2], at[55]);    MULADD(at[3], at[54]);    MULADD(at[4], at[53]);    MULADD(at[5], at[52]);    MULADD(at[6], at[51]);    MULADD(at[7], at[50]);    MULADD(at[8], at[49]);    MULADD(at[9], at[48]);    MULADD(at[10], at[47]);    MULADD(at[11], at[46]);    MULADD(at[12], at[45]);    MULADD(at[13], at[44]);    MULADD(at[14], at[43]);    MULADD(at[15], at[42]);    MULADD(at[16], at[41]);    MULADD(at[17], at[40]);    MULADD(at[18], at[39]);    MULADD(at[19], at[38]);    MULADD(at[20], at[37]);    MULADD(at[21], at[36]);    MULADD(at[22], at[35]);    MULADD(at[23], at[34]);    MULADD(at[24], at[33]);    MULADD(at[25], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[25]);
+   /* 26 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[58]);    MULADD(at[1], at[57]);    MULADD(at[2], at[56]);    MULADD(at[3], at[55]);    MULADD(at[4], at[54]);    MULADD(at[5], at[53]);    MULADD(at[6], at[52]);    MULADD(at[7], at[51]);    MULADD(at[8], at[50]);    MULADD(at[9], at[49]);    MULADD(at[10], at[48]);    MULADD(at[11], at[47]);    MULADD(at[12], at[46]);    MULADD(at[13], at[45]);    MULADD(at[14], at[44]);    MULADD(at[15], at[43]);    MULADD(at[16], at[42]);    MULADD(at[17], at[41]);    MULADD(at[18], at[40]);    MULADD(at[19], at[39]);    MULADD(at[20], at[38]);    MULADD(at[21], at[37]);    MULADD(at[22], at[36]);    MULADD(at[23], at[35]);    MULADD(at[24], at[34]);    MULADD(at[25], at[33]);    MULADD(at[26], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[26]);
+   /* 27 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[59]);    MULADD(at[1], at[58]);    MULADD(at[2], at[57]);    MULADD(at[3], at[56]);    MULADD(at[4], at[55]);    MULADD(at[5], at[54]);    MULADD(at[6], at[53]);    MULADD(at[7], at[52]);    MULADD(at[8], at[51]);    MULADD(at[9], at[50]);    MULADD(at[10], at[49]);    MULADD(at[11], at[48]);    MULADD(at[12], at[47]);    MULADD(at[13], at[46]);    MULADD(at[14], at[45]);    MULADD(at[15], at[44]);    MULADD(at[16], at[43]);    MULADD(at[17], at[42]);    MULADD(at[18], at[41]);    MULADD(at[19], at[40]);    MULADD(at[20], at[39]);    MULADD(at[21], at[38]);    MULADD(at[22], at[37]);    MULADD(at[23], at[36]);    MULADD(at[24], at[35]);    MULADD(at[25], at[34]);    MULADD(at[26], at[33]);    MULADD(at[27], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[27]);
+   /* 28 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[60]);    MULADD(at[1], at[59]);    MULADD(at[2], at[58]);    MULADD(at[3], at[57]);    MULADD(at[4], at[56]);    MULADD(at[5], at[55]);    MULADD(at[6], at[54]);    MULADD(at[7], at[53]);    MULADD(at[8], at[52]);    MULADD(at[9], at[51]);    MULADD(at[10], at[50]);    MULADD(at[11], at[49]);    MULADD(at[12], at[48]);    MULADD(at[13], at[47]);    MULADD(at[14], at[46]);    MULADD(at[15], at[45]);    MULADD(at[16], at[44]);    MULADD(at[17], at[43]);    MULADD(at[18], at[42]);    MULADD(at[19], at[41]);    MULADD(at[20], at[40]);    MULADD(at[21], at[39]);    MULADD(at[22], at[38]);    MULADD(at[23], at[37]);    MULADD(at[24], at[36]);    MULADD(at[25], at[35]);    MULADD(at[26], at[34]);    MULADD(at[27], at[33]);    MULADD(at[28], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[28]);
+   /* 29 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[61]);    MULADD(at[1], at[60]);    MULADD(at[2], at[59]);    MULADD(at[3], at[58]);    MULADD(at[4], at[57]);    MULADD(at[5], at[56]);    MULADD(at[6], at[55]);    MULADD(at[7], at[54]);    MULADD(at[8], at[53]);    MULADD(at[9], at[52]);    MULADD(at[10], at[51]);    MULADD(at[11], at[50]);    MULADD(at[12], at[49]);    MULADD(at[13], at[48]);    MULADD(at[14], at[47]);    MULADD(at[15], at[46]);    MULADD(at[16], at[45]);    MULADD(at[17], at[44]);    MULADD(at[18], at[43]);    MULADD(at[19], at[42]);    MULADD(at[20], at[41]);    MULADD(at[21], at[40]);    MULADD(at[22], at[39]);    MULADD(at[23], at[38]);    MULADD(at[24], at[37]);    MULADD(at[25], at[36]);    MULADD(at[26], at[35]);    MULADD(at[27], at[34]);    MULADD(at[28], at[33]);    MULADD(at[29], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[29]);
+   /* 30 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[62]);    MULADD(at[1], at[61]);    MULADD(at[2], at[60]);    MULADD(at[3], at[59]);    MULADD(at[4], at[58]);    MULADD(at[5], at[57]);    MULADD(at[6], at[56]);    MULADD(at[7], at[55]);    MULADD(at[8], at[54]);    MULADD(at[9], at[53]);    MULADD(at[10], at[52]);    MULADD(at[11], at[51]);    MULADD(at[12], at[50]);    MULADD(at[13], at[49]);    MULADD(at[14], at[48]);    MULADD(at[15], at[47]);    MULADD(at[16], at[46]);    MULADD(at[17], at[45]);    MULADD(at[18], at[44]);    MULADD(at[19], at[43]);    MULADD(at[20], at[42]);    MULADD(at[21], at[41]);    MULADD(at[22], at[40]);    MULADD(at[23], at[39]);    MULADD(at[24], at[38]);    MULADD(at[25], at[37]);    MULADD(at[26], at[36]);    MULADD(at[27], at[35]);    MULADD(at[28], at[34]);    MULADD(at[29], at[33]);    MULADD(at[30], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[30]);
+   /* 31 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[63]);    MULADD(at[1], at[62]);    MULADD(at[2], at[61]);    MULADD(at[3], at[60]);    MULADD(at[4], at[59]);    MULADD(at[5], at[58]);    MULADD(at[6], at[57]);    MULADD(at[7], at[56]);    MULADD(at[8], at[55]);    MULADD(at[9], at[54]);    MULADD(at[10], at[53]);    MULADD(at[11], at[52]);    MULADD(at[12], at[51]);    MULADD(at[13], at[50]);    MULADD(at[14], at[49]);    MULADD(at[15], at[48]);    MULADD(at[16], at[47]);    MULADD(at[17], at[46]);    MULADD(at[18], at[45]);    MULADD(at[19], at[44]);    MULADD(at[20], at[43]);    MULADD(at[21], at[42]);    MULADD(at[22], at[41]);    MULADD(at[23], at[40]);    MULADD(at[24], at[39]);    MULADD(at[25], at[38]);    MULADD(at[26], at[37]);    MULADD(at[27], at[36]);    MULADD(at[28], at[35]);    MULADD(at[29], at[34]);    MULADD(at[30], at[33]);    MULADD(at[31], at[32]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[31]);
+   /* 32 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[63]);    MULADD(at[2], at[62]);    MULADD(at[3], at[61]);    MULADD(at[4], at[60]);    MULADD(at[5], at[59]);    MULADD(at[6], at[58]);    MULADD(at[7], at[57]);    MULADD(at[8], at[56]);    MULADD(at[9], at[55]);    MULADD(at[10], at[54]);    MULADD(at[11], at[53]);    MULADD(at[12], at[52]);    MULADD(at[13], at[51]);    MULADD(at[14], at[50]);    MULADD(at[15], at[49]);    MULADD(at[16], at[48]);    MULADD(at[17], at[47]);    MULADD(at[18], at[46]);    MULADD(at[19], at[45]);    MULADD(at[20], at[44]);    MULADD(at[21], at[43]);    MULADD(at[22], at[42]);    MULADD(at[23], at[41]);    MULADD(at[24], at[40]);    MULADD(at[25], at[39]);    MULADD(at[26], at[38]);    MULADD(at[27], at[37]);    MULADD(at[28], at[36]);    MULADD(at[29], at[35]);    MULADD(at[30], at[34]);    MULADD(at[31], at[33]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[32]);
+   /* 33 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[63]);    MULADD(at[3], at[62]);    MULADD(at[4], at[61]);    MULADD(at[5], at[60]);    MULADD(at[6], at[59]);    MULADD(at[7], at[58]);    MULADD(at[8], at[57]);    MULADD(at[9], at[56]);    MULADD(at[10], at[55]);    MULADD(at[11], at[54]);    MULADD(at[12], at[53]);    MULADD(at[13], at[52]);    MULADD(at[14], at[51]);    MULADD(at[15], at[50]);    MULADD(at[16], at[49]);    MULADD(at[17], at[48]);    MULADD(at[18], at[47]);    MULADD(at[19], at[46]);    MULADD(at[20], at[45]);    MULADD(at[21], at[44]);    MULADD(at[22], at[43]);    MULADD(at[23], at[42]);    MULADD(at[24], at[41]);    MULADD(at[25], at[40]);    MULADD(at[26], at[39]);    MULADD(at[27], at[38]);    MULADD(at[28], at[37]);    MULADD(at[29], at[36]);    MULADD(at[30], at[35]);    MULADD(at[31], at[34]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[33]);
+   /* 34 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[63]);    MULADD(at[4], at[62]);    MULADD(at[5], at[61]);    MULADD(at[6], at[60]);    MULADD(at[7], at[59]);    MULADD(at[8], at[58]);    MULADD(at[9], at[57]);    MULADD(at[10], at[56]);    MULADD(at[11], at[55]);    MULADD(at[12], at[54]);    MULADD(at[13], at[53]);    MULADD(at[14], at[52]);    MULADD(at[15], at[51]);    MULADD(at[16], at[50]);    MULADD(at[17], at[49]);    MULADD(at[18], at[48]);    MULADD(at[19], at[47]);    MULADD(at[20], at[46]);    MULADD(at[21], at[45]);    MULADD(at[22], at[44]);    MULADD(at[23], at[43]);    MULADD(at[24], at[42]);    MULADD(at[25], at[41]);    MULADD(at[26], at[40]);    MULADD(at[27], at[39]);    MULADD(at[28], at[38]);    MULADD(at[29], at[37]);    MULADD(at[30], at[36]);    MULADD(at[31], at[35]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[34]);
+   /* 35 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[63]);    MULADD(at[5], at[62]);    MULADD(at[6], at[61]);    MULADD(at[7], at[60]);    MULADD(at[8], at[59]);    MULADD(at[9], at[58]);    MULADD(at[10], at[57]);    MULADD(at[11], at[56]);    MULADD(at[12], at[55]);    MULADD(at[13], at[54]);    MULADD(at[14], at[53]);    MULADD(at[15], at[52]);    MULADD(at[16], at[51]);    MULADD(at[17], at[50]);    MULADD(at[18], at[49]);    MULADD(at[19], at[48]);    MULADD(at[20], at[47]);    MULADD(at[21], at[46]);    MULADD(at[22], at[45]);    MULADD(at[23], at[44]);    MULADD(at[24], at[43]);    MULADD(at[25], at[42]);    MULADD(at[26], at[41]);    MULADD(at[27], at[40]);    MULADD(at[28], at[39]);    MULADD(at[29], at[38]);    MULADD(at[30], at[37]);    MULADD(at[31], at[36]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[35]);
+   /* 36 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[63]);    MULADD(at[6], at[62]);    MULADD(at[7], at[61]);    MULADD(at[8], at[60]);    MULADD(at[9], at[59]);    MULADD(at[10], at[58]);    MULADD(at[11], at[57]);    MULADD(at[12], at[56]);    MULADD(at[13], at[55]);    MULADD(at[14], at[54]);    MULADD(at[15], at[53]);    MULADD(at[16], at[52]);    MULADD(at[17], at[51]);    MULADD(at[18], at[50]);    MULADD(at[19], at[49]);    MULADD(at[20], at[48]);    MULADD(at[21], at[47]);    MULADD(at[22], at[46]);    MULADD(at[23], at[45]);    MULADD(at[24], at[44]);    MULADD(at[25], at[43]);    MULADD(at[26], at[42]);    MULADD(at[27], at[41]);    MULADD(at[28], at[40]);    MULADD(at[29], at[39]);    MULADD(at[30], at[38]);    MULADD(at[31], at[37]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[36]);
+   /* 37 */
+   MULADD(at[6], at[63]);    MULADD(at[7], at[62]);    MULADD(at[8], at[61]);    MULADD(at[9], at[60]);    MULADD(at[10], at[59]);    MULADD(at[11], at[58]);    MULADD(at[12], at[57]);    MULADD(at[13], at[56]);    MULADD(at[14], at[55]);    MULADD(at[15], at[54]);    MULADD(at[16], at[53]);    MULADD(at[17], at[52]);    MULADD(at[18], at[51]);    MULADD(at[19], at[50]);    MULADD(at[20], at[49]);    MULADD(at[21], at[48]);    MULADD(at[22], at[47]);    MULADD(at[23], at[46]);    MULADD(at[24], at[45]);    MULADD(at[25], at[44]);    MULADD(at[26], at[43]);    MULADD(at[27], at[42]);    MULADD(at[28], at[41]);    MULADD(at[29], at[40]);    MULADD(at[30], at[39]);    MULADD(at[31], at[38]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[37]);
+   /* 38 */
+   MULADD(at[7], at[63]);    MULADD(at[8], at[62]);    MULADD(at[9], at[61]);    MULADD(at[10], at[60]);    MULADD(at[11], at[59]);    MULADD(at[12], at[58]);    MULADD(at[13], at[57]);    MULADD(at[14], at[56]);    MULADD(at[15], at[55]);    MULADD(at[16], at[54]);    MULADD(at[17], at[53]);    MULADD(at[18], at[52]);    MULADD(at[19], at[51]);    MULADD(at[20], at[50]);    MULADD(at[21], at[49]);    MULADD(at[22], at[48]);    MULADD(at[23], at[47]);    MULADD(at[24], at[46]);    MULADD(at[25], at[45]);    MULADD(at[26], at[44]);    MULADD(at[27], at[43]);    MULADD(at[28], at[42]);    MULADD(at[29], at[41]);    MULADD(at[30], at[40]);    MULADD(at[31], at[39]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[38]);
+   /* early out at 40 digits, 40*32==1280, or two 640 bit operands */
+   if (out_size <= 40) { COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[39]); C->used = 40; C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign; fp_clamp(C); COMBA_FINI; return; }
+   /* 39 */
+   MULADD(at[8], at[63]);    MULADD(at[9], at[62]);    MULADD(at[10], at[61]);    MULADD(at[11], at[60]);    MULADD(at[12], at[59]);    MULADD(at[13], at[58]);    MULADD(at[14], at[57]);    MULADD(at[15], at[56]);    MULADD(at[16], at[55]);    MULADD(at[17], at[54]);    MULADD(at[18], at[53]);    MULADD(at[19], at[52]);    MULADD(at[20], at[51]);    MULADD(at[21], at[50]);    MULADD(at[22], at[49]);    MULADD(at[23], at[48]);    MULADD(at[24], at[47]);    MULADD(at[25], at[46]);    MULADD(at[26], at[45]);    MULADD(at[27], at[44]);    MULADD(at[28], at[43]);    MULADD(at[29], at[42]);    MULADD(at[30], at[41]);    MULADD(at[31], at[40]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[39]);
+   /* 40 */
+   MULADD(at[9], at[63]);    MULADD(at[10], at[62]);    MULADD(at[11], at[61]);    MULADD(at[12], at[60]);    MULADD(at[13], at[59]);    MULADD(at[14], at[58]);    MULADD(at[15], at[57]);    MULADD(at[16], at[56]);    MULADD(at[17], at[55]);    MULADD(at[18], at[54]);    MULADD(at[19], at[53]);    MULADD(at[20], at[52]);    MULADD(at[21], at[51]);    MULADD(at[22], at[50]);    MULADD(at[23], at[49]);    MULADD(at[24], at[48]);    MULADD(at[25], at[47]);    MULADD(at[26], at[46]);    MULADD(at[27], at[45]);    MULADD(at[28], at[44]);    MULADD(at[29], at[43]);    MULADD(at[30], at[42]);    MULADD(at[31], at[41]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[40]);
+   /* 41 */
+   MULADD(at[10], at[63]);    MULADD(at[11], at[62]);    MULADD(at[12], at[61]);    MULADD(at[13], at[60]);    MULADD(at[14], at[59]);    MULADD(at[15], at[58]);    MULADD(at[16], at[57]);    MULADD(at[17], at[56]);    MULADD(at[18], at[55]);    MULADD(at[19], at[54]);    MULADD(at[20], at[53]);    MULADD(at[21], at[52]);    MULADD(at[22], at[51]);    MULADD(at[23], at[50]);    MULADD(at[24], at[49]);    MULADD(at[25], at[48]);    MULADD(at[26], at[47]);    MULADD(at[27], at[46]);    MULADD(at[28], at[45]);    MULADD(at[29], at[44]);    MULADD(at[30], at[43]);    MULADD(at[31], at[42]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[41]);
+   /* 42 */
+   MULADD(at[11], at[63]);    MULADD(at[12], at[62]);    MULADD(at[13], at[61]);    MULADD(at[14], at[60]);    MULADD(at[15], at[59]);    MULADD(at[16], at[58]);    MULADD(at[17], at[57]);    MULADD(at[18], at[56]);    MULADD(at[19], at[55]);    MULADD(at[20], at[54]);    MULADD(at[21], at[53]);    MULADD(at[22], at[52]);    MULADD(at[23], at[51]);    MULADD(at[24], at[50]);    MULADD(at[25], at[49]);    MULADD(at[26], at[48]);    MULADD(at[27], at[47]);    MULADD(at[28], at[46]);    MULADD(at[29], at[45]);    MULADD(at[30], at[44]);    MULADD(at[31], at[43]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[42]);
+   /* 43 */
+   MULADD(at[12], at[63]);    MULADD(at[13], at[62]);    MULADD(at[14], at[61]);    MULADD(at[15], at[60]);    MULADD(at[16], at[59]);    MULADD(at[17], at[58]);    MULADD(at[18], at[57]);    MULADD(at[19], at[56]);    MULADD(at[20], at[55]);    MULADD(at[21], at[54]);    MULADD(at[22], at[53]);    MULADD(at[23], at[52]);    MULADD(at[24], at[51]);    MULADD(at[25], at[50]);    MULADD(at[26], at[49]);    MULADD(at[27], at[48]);    MULADD(at[28], at[47]);    MULADD(at[29], at[46]);    MULADD(at[30], at[45]);    MULADD(at[31], at[44]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[43]);
+   /* 44 */
+   MULADD(at[13], at[63]);    MULADD(at[14], at[62]);    MULADD(at[15], at[61]);    MULADD(at[16], at[60]);    MULADD(at[17], at[59]);    MULADD(at[18], at[58]);    MULADD(at[19], at[57]);    MULADD(at[20], at[56]);    MULADD(at[21], at[55]);    MULADD(at[22], at[54]);    MULADD(at[23], at[53]);    MULADD(at[24], at[52]);    MULADD(at[25], at[51]);    MULADD(at[26], at[50]);    MULADD(at[27], at[49]);    MULADD(at[28], at[48]);    MULADD(at[29], at[47]);    MULADD(at[30], at[46]);    MULADD(at[31], at[45]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[44]);
+   /* 45 */
+   MULADD(at[14], at[63]);    MULADD(at[15], at[62]);    MULADD(at[16], at[61]);    MULADD(at[17], at[60]);    MULADD(at[18], at[59]);    MULADD(at[19], at[58]);    MULADD(at[20], at[57]);    MULADD(at[21], at[56]);    MULADD(at[22], at[55]);    MULADD(at[23], at[54]);    MULADD(at[24], at[53]);    MULADD(at[25], at[52]);    MULADD(at[26], at[51]);    MULADD(at[27], at[50]);    MULADD(at[28], at[49]);    MULADD(at[29], at[48]);    MULADD(at[30], at[47]);    MULADD(at[31], at[46]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[45]);
+   /* 46 */
+   MULADD(at[15], at[63]);    MULADD(at[16], at[62]);    MULADD(at[17], at[61]);    MULADD(at[18], at[60]);    MULADD(at[19], at[59]);    MULADD(at[20], at[58]);    MULADD(at[21], at[57]);    MULADD(at[22], at[56]);    MULADD(at[23], at[55]);    MULADD(at[24], at[54]);    MULADD(at[25], at[53]);    MULADD(at[26], at[52]);    MULADD(at[27], at[51]);    MULADD(at[28], at[50]);    MULADD(at[29], at[49]);    MULADD(at[30], at[48]);    MULADD(at[31], at[47]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[46]);
+   /* early out at 48 digits, 48*32==1536, or two 768 bit operands */
+   if (out_size <= 48) { COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[47]); C->used = 48; C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign; fp_clamp(C); COMBA_FINI; return; }
+   /* 47 */
+   MULADD(at[16], at[63]);    MULADD(at[17], at[62]);    MULADD(at[18], at[61]);    MULADD(at[19], at[60]);    MULADD(at[20], at[59]);    MULADD(at[21], at[58]);    MULADD(at[22], at[57]);    MULADD(at[23], at[56]);    MULADD(at[24], at[55]);    MULADD(at[25], at[54]);    MULADD(at[26], at[53]);    MULADD(at[27], at[52]);    MULADD(at[28], at[51]);    MULADD(at[29], at[50]);    MULADD(at[30], at[49]);    MULADD(at[31], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[47]);
+   /* 48 */
+   MULADD(at[17], at[63]);    MULADD(at[18], at[62]);    MULADD(at[19], at[61]);    MULADD(at[20], at[60]);    MULADD(at[21], at[59]);    MULADD(at[22], at[58]);    MULADD(at[23], at[57]);    MULADD(at[24], at[56]);    MULADD(at[25], at[55]);    MULADD(at[26], at[54]);    MULADD(at[27], at[53]);    MULADD(at[28], at[52]);    MULADD(at[29], at[51]);    MULADD(at[30], at[50]);    MULADD(at[31], at[49]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[48]);
+   /* 49 */
+   MULADD(at[18], at[63]);    MULADD(at[19], at[62]);    MULADD(at[20], at[61]);    MULADD(at[21], at[60]);    MULADD(at[22], at[59]);    MULADD(at[23], at[58]);    MULADD(at[24], at[57]);    MULADD(at[25], at[56]);    MULADD(at[26], at[55]);    MULADD(at[27], at[54]);    MULADD(at[28], at[53]);    MULADD(at[29], at[52]);    MULADD(at[30], at[51]);    MULADD(at[31], at[50]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[49]);
+   /* 50 */
+   MULADD(at[19], at[63]);    MULADD(at[20], at[62]);    MULADD(at[21], at[61]);    MULADD(at[22], at[60]);    MULADD(at[23], at[59]);    MULADD(at[24], at[58]);    MULADD(at[25], at[57]);    MULADD(at[26], at[56]);    MULADD(at[27], at[55]);    MULADD(at[28], at[54]);    MULADD(at[29], at[53]);    MULADD(at[30], at[52]);    MULADD(at[31], at[51]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[50]);
+   /* 51 */
+   MULADD(at[20], at[63]);    MULADD(at[21], at[62]);    MULADD(at[22], at[61]);    MULADD(at[23], at[60]);    MULADD(at[24], at[59]);    MULADD(at[25], at[58]);    MULADD(at[26], at[57]);    MULADD(at[27], at[56]);    MULADD(at[28], at[55]);    MULADD(at[29], at[54]);    MULADD(at[30], at[53]);    MULADD(at[31], at[52]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[51]);
+   /* 52 */
+   MULADD(at[21], at[63]);    MULADD(at[22], at[62]);    MULADD(at[23], at[61]);    MULADD(at[24], at[60]);    MULADD(at[25], at[59]);    MULADD(at[26], at[58]);    MULADD(at[27], at[57]);    MULADD(at[28], at[56]);    MULADD(at[29], at[55]);    MULADD(at[30], at[54]);    MULADD(at[31], at[53]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[52]);
+   /* 53 */
+   MULADD(at[22], at[63]);    MULADD(at[23], at[62]);    MULADD(at[24], at[61]);    MULADD(at[25], at[60]);    MULADD(at[26], at[59]);    MULADD(at[27], at[58]);    MULADD(at[28], at[57]);    MULADD(at[29], at[56]);    MULADD(at[30], at[55]);    MULADD(at[31], at[54]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[53]);
+   /* 54 */
+   MULADD(at[23], at[63]);    MULADD(at[24], at[62]);    MULADD(at[25], at[61]);    MULADD(at[26], at[60]);    MULADD(at[27], at[59]);    MULADD(at[28], at[58]);    MULADD(at[29], at[57]);    MULADD(at[30], at[56]);    MULADD(at[31], at[55]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[54]);
+   /* early out at 56 digits, 56*32==1792, or two 896 bit operands */
+   if (out_size <= 56) { COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[55]); C->used = 56; C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign; fp_clamp(C); COMBA_FINI; return; }
+   /* 55 */
+   MULADD(at[24], at[63]);    MULADD(at[25], at[62]);    MULADD(at[26], at[61]);    MULADD(at[27], at[60]);    MULADD(at[28], at[59]);    MULADD(at[29], at[58]);    MULADD(at[30], at[57]);    MULADD(at[31], at[56]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[55]);
+   /* 56 */
+   MULADD(at[25], at[63]);    MULADD(at[26], at[62]);    MULADD(at[27], at[61]);    MULADD(at[28], at[60]);    MULADD(at[29], at[59]);    MULADD(at[30], at[58]);    MULADD(at[31], at[57]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[56]);
+   /* 57 */
+   MULADD(at[26], at[63]);    MULADD(at[27], at[62]);    MULADD(at[28], at[61]);    MULADD(at[29], at[60]);    MULADD(at[30], at[59]);    MULADD(at[31], at[58]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[57]);
+   /* 58 */
+   MULADD(at[27], at[63]);    MULADD(at[28], at[62]);    MULADD(at[29], at[61]);    MULADD(at[30], at[60]);    MULADD(at[31], at[59]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[58]);
+   /* 59 */
+   MULADD(at[28], at[63]);    MULADD(at[29], at[62]);    MULADD(at[30], at[61]);    MULADD(at[31], at[60]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[59]);
+   /* 60 */
+   MULADD(at[29], at[63]);    MULADD(at[30], at[62]);    MULADD(at[31], at[61]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[60]);
+   /* 61 */
+   MULADD(at[30], at[63]);    MULADD(at[31], at[62]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[61]);
+   /* 62 */
+   MULADD(at[31], at[63]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[62]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[63]);
+   C->used = 64;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL4
+void fp_mul_comba4(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[8];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 4 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+4, B->dp, 4 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[4]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[5]);    MULADD(at[1], at[4]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[6]);    MULADD(at[1], at[5]);    MULADD(at[2], at[4]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[7]);    MULADD(at[1], at[6]);    MULADD(at[2], at[5]);    MULADD(at[3], at[4]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[7]);    MULADD(at[2], at[6]);    MULADD(at[3], at[5]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[7]);    MULADD(at[3], at[6]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[7]);
+   C->used = 8;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 396 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL48
+void fp_mul_comba48(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[96];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 48 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+48, B->dp, 48 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[49]);    MULADD(at[1], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[50]);    MULADD(at[1], at[49]);    MULADD(at[2], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[51]);    MULADD(at[1], at[50]);    MULADD(at[2], at[49]);    MULADD(at[3], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[52]);    MULADD(at[1], at[51]);    MULADD(at[2], at[50]);    MULADD(at[3], at[49]);    MULADD(at[4], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[53]);    MULADD(at[1], at[52]);    MULADD(at[2], at[51]);    MULADD(at[3], at[50]);    MULADD(at[4], at[49]);    MULADD(at[5], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[54]);    MULADD(at[1], at[53]);    MULADD(at[2], at[52]);    MULADD(at[3], at[51]);    MULADD(at[4], at[50]);    MULADD(at[5], at[49]);    MULADD(at[6], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[55]);    MULADD(at[1], at[54]);    MULADD(at[2], at[53]);    MULADD(at[3], at[52]);    MULADD(at[4], at[51]);    MULADD(at[5], at[50]);    MULADD(at[6], at[49]);    MULADD(at[7], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[56]);    MULADD(at[1], at[55]);    MULADD(at[2], at[54]);    MULADD(at[3], at[53]);    MULADD(at[4], at[52]);    MULADD(at[5], at[51]);    MULADD(at[6], at[50]);    MULADD(at[7], at[49]);    MULADD(at[8], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[57]);    MULADD(at[1], at[56]);    MULADD(at[2], at[55]);    MULADD(at[3], at[54]);    MULADD(at[4], at[53]);    MULADD(at[5], at[52]);    MULADD(at[6], at[51]);    MULADD(at[7], at[50]);    MULADD(at[8], at[49]);    MULADD(at[9], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[58]);    MULADD(at[1], at[57]);    MULADD(at[2], at[56]);    MULADD(at[3], at[55]);    MULADD(at[4], at[54]);    MULADD(at[5], at[53]);    MULADD(at[6], at[52]);    MULADD(at[7], at[51]);    MULADD(at[8], at[50]);    MULADD(at[9], at[49]);    MULADD(at[10], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   /* 11 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[59]);    MULADD(at[1], at[58]);    MULADD(at[2], at[57]);    MULADD(at[3], at[56]);    MULADD(at[4], at[55]);    MULADD(at[5], at[54]);    MULADD(at[6], at[53]);    MULADD(at[7], at[52]);    MULADD(at[8], at[51]);    MULADD(at[9], at[50]);    MULADD(at[10], at[49]);    MULADD(at[11], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+   /* 12 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[60]);    MULADD(at[1], at[59]);    MULADD(at[2], at[58]);    MULADD(at[3], at[57]);    MULADD(at[4], at[56]);    MULADD(at[5], at[55]);    MULADD(at[6], at[54]);    MULADD(at[7], at[53]);    MULADD(at[8], at[52]);    MULADD(at[9], at[51]);    MULADD(at[10], at[50]);    MULADD(at[11], at[49]);    MULADD(at[12], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+   /* 13 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[61]);    MULADD(at[1], at[60]);    MULADD(at[2], at[59]);    MULADD(at[3], at[58]);    MULADD(at[4], at[57]);    MULADD(at[5], at[56]);    MULADD(at[6], at[55]);    MULADD(at[7], at[54]);    MULADD(at[8], at[53]);    MULADD(at[9], at[52]);    MULADD(at[10], at[51]);    MULADD(at[11], at[50]);    MULADD(at[12], at[49]);    MULADD(at[13], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+   /* 14 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[62]);    MULADD(at[1], at[61]);    MULADD(at[2], at[60]);    MULADD(at[3], at[59]);    MULADD(at[4], at[58]);    MULADD(at[5], at[57]);    MULADD(at[6], at[56]);    MULADD(at[7], at[55]);    MULADD(at[8], at[54]);    MULADD(at[9], at[53]);    MULADD(at[10], at[52]);    MULADD(at[11], at[51]);    MULADD(at[12], at[50]);    MULADD(at[13], at[49]);    MULADD(at[14], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+   /* 15 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[63]);    MULADD(at[1], at[62]);    MULADD(at[2], at[61]);    MULADD(at[3], at[60]);    MULADD(at[4], at[59]);    MULADD(at[5], at[58]);    MULADD(at[6], at[57]);    MULADD(at[7], at[56]);    MULADD(at[8], at[55]);    MULADD(at[9], at[54]);    MULADD(at[10], at[53]);    MULADD(at[11], at[52]);    MULADD(at[12], at[51]);    MULADD(at[13], at[50]);    MULADD(at[14], at[49]);    MULADD(at[15], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+   /* 16 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[64]);    MULADD(at[1], at[63]);    MULADD(at[2], at[62]);    MULADD(at[3], at[61]);    MULADD(at[4], at[60]);    MULADD(at[5], at[59]);    MULADD(at[6], at[58]);    MULADD(at[7], at[57]);    MULADD(at[8], at[56]);    MULADD(at[9], at[55]);    MULADD(at[10], at[54]);    MULADD(at[11], at[53]);    MULADD(at[12], at[52]);    MULADD(at[13], at[51]);    MULADD(at[14], at[50]);    MULADD(at[15], at[49]);    MULADD(at[16], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+   /* 17 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[65]);    MULADD(at[1], at[64]);    MULADD(at[2], at[63]);    MULADD(at[3], at[62]);    MULADD(at[4], at[61]);    MULADD(at[5], at[60]);    MULADD(at[6], at[59]);    MULADD(at[7], at[58]);    MULADD(at[8], at[57]);    MULADD(at[9], at[56]);    MULADD(at[10], at[55]);    MULADD(at[11], at[54]);    MULADD(at[12], at[53]);    MULADD(at[13], at[52]);    MULADD(at[14], at[51]);    MULADD(at[15], at[50]);    MULADD(at[16], at[49]);    MULADD(at[17], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+   /* 18 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[66]);    MULADD(at[1], at[65]);    MULADD(at[2], at[64]);    MULADD(at[3], at[63]);    MULADD(at[4], at[62]);    MULADD(at[5], at[61]);    MULADD(at[6], at[60]);    MULADD(at[7], at[59]);    MULADD(at[8], at[58]);    MULADD(at[9], at[57]);    MULADD(at[10], at[56]);    MULADD(at[11], at[55]);    MULADD(at[12], at[54]);    MULADD(at[13], at[53]);    MULADD(at[14], at[52]);    MULADD(at[15], at[51]);    MULADD(at[16], at[50]);    MULADD(at[17], at[49]);    MULADD(at[18], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+   /* 19 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[67]);    MULADD(at[1], at[66]);    MULADD(at[2], at[65]);    MULADD(at[3], at[64]);    MULADD(at[4], at[63]);    MULADD(at[5], at[62]);    MULADD(at[6], at[61]);    MULADD(at[7], at[60]);    MULADD(at[8], at[59]);    MULADD(at[9], at[58]);    MULADD(at[10], at[57]);    MULADD(at[11], at[56]);    MULADD(at[12], at[55]);    MULADD(at[13], at[54]);    MULADD(at[14], at[53]);    MULADD(at[15], at[52]);    MULADD(at[16], at[51]);    MULADD(at[17], at[50]);    MULADD(at[18], at[49]);    MULADD(at[19], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+   /* 20 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[68]);    MULADD(at[1], at[67]);    MULADD(at[2], at[66]);    MULADD(at[3], at[65]);    MULADD(at[4], at[64]);    MULADD(at[5], at[63]);    MULADD(at[6], at[62]);    MULADD(at[7], at[61]);    MULADD(at[8], at[60]);    MULADD(at[9], at[59]);    MULADD(at[10], at[58]);    MULADD(at[11], at[57]);    MULADD(at[12], at[56]);    MULADD(at[13], at[55]);    MULADD(at[14], at[54]);    MULADD(at[15], at[53]);    MULADD(at[16], at[52]);    MULADD(at[17], at[51]);    MULADD(at[18], at[50]);    MULADD(at[19], at[49]);    MULADD(at[20], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+   /* 21 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[69]);    MULADD(at[1], at[68]);    MULADD(at[2], at[67]);    MULADD(at[3], at[66]);    MULADD(at[4], at[65]);    MULADD(at[5], at[64]);    MULADD(at[6], at[63]);    MULADD(at[7], at[62]);    MULADD(at[8], at[61]);    MULADD(at[9], at[60]);    MULADD(at[10], at[59]);    MULADD(at[11], at[58]);    MULADD(at[12], at[57]);    MULADD(at[13], at[56]);    MULADD(at[14], at[55]);    MULADD(at[15], at[54]);    MULADD(at[16], at[53]);    MULADD(at[17], at[52]);    MULADD(at[18], at[51]);    MULADD(at[19], at[50]);    MULADD(at[20], at[49]);    MULADD(at[21], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+   /* 22 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[70]);    MULADD(at[1], at[69]);    MULADD(at[2], at[68]);    MULADD(at[3], at[67]);    MULADD(at[4], at[66]);    MULADD(at[5], at[65]);    MULADD(at[6], at[64]);    MULADD(at[7], at[63]);    MULADD(at[8], at[62]);    MULADD(at[9], at[61]);    MULADD(at[10], at[60]);    MULADD(at[11], at[59]);    MULADD(at[12], at[58]);    MULADD(at[13], at[57]);    MULADD(at[14], at[56]);    MULADD(at[15], at[55]);    MULADD(at[16], at[54]);    MULADD(at[17], at[53]);    MULADD(at[18], at[52]);    MULADD(at[19], at[51]);    MULADD(at[20], at[50]);    MULADD(at[21], at[49]);    MULADD(at[22], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+   /* 23 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[71]);    MULADD(at[1], at[70]);    MULADD(at[2], at[69]);    MULADD(at[3], at[68]);    MULADD(at[4], at[67]);    MULADD(at[5], at[66]);    MULADD(at[6], at[65]);    MULADD(at[7], at[64]);    MULADD(at[8], at[63]);    MULADD(at[9], at[62]);    MULADD(at[10], at[61]);    MULADD(at[11], at[60]);    MULADD(at[12], at[59]);    MULADD(at[13], at[58]);    MULADD(at[14], at[57]);    MULADD(at[15], at[56]);    MULADD(at[16], at[55]);    MULADD(at[17], at[54]);    MULADD(at[18], at[53]);    MULADD(at[19], at[52]);    MULADD(at[20], at[51]);    MULADD(at[21], at[50]);    MULADD(at[22], at[49]);    MULADD(at[23], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[23]);
+   /* 24 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[72]);    MULADD(at[1], at[71]);    MULADD(at[2], at[70]);    MULADD(at[3], at[69]);    MULADD(at[4], at[68]);    MULADD(at[5], at[67]);    MULADD(at[6], at[66]);    MULADD(at[7], at[65]);    MULADD(at[8], at[64]);    MULADD(at[9], at[63]);    MULADD(at[10], at[62]);    MULADD(at[11], at[61]);    MULADD(at[12], at[60]);    MULADD(at[13], at[59]);    MULADD(at[14], at[58]);    MULADD(at[15], at[57]);    MULADD(at[16], at[56]);    MULADD(at[17], at[55]);    MULADD(at[18], at[54]);    MULADD(at[19], at[53]);    MULADD(at[20], at[52]);    MULADD(at[21], at[51]);    MULADD(at[22], at[50]);    MULADD(at[23], at[49]);    MULADD(at[24], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[24]);
+   /* 25 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[73]);    MULADD(at[1], at[72]);    MULADD(at[2], at[71]);    MULADD(at[3], at[70]);    MULADD(at[4], at[69]);    MULADD(at[5], at[68]);    MULADD(at[6], at[67]);    MULADD(at[7], at[66]);    MULADD(at[8], at[65]);    MULADD(at[9], at[64]);    MULADD(at[10], at[63]);    MULADD(at[11], at[62]);    MULADD(at[12], at[61]);    MULADD(at[13], at[60]);    MULADD(at[14], at[59]);    MULADD(at[15], at[58]);    MULADD(at[16], at[57]);    MULADD(at[17], at[56]);    MULADD(at[18], at[55]);    MULADD(at[19], at[54]);    MULADD(at[20], at[53]);    MULADD(at[21], at[52]);    MULADD(at[22], at[51]);    MULADD(at[23], at[50]);    MULADD(at[24], at[49]);    MULADD(at[25], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[25]);
+   /* 26 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[74]);    MULADD(at[1], at[73]);    MULADD(at[2], at[72]);    MULADD(at[3], at[71]);    MULADD(at[4], at[70]);    MULADD(at[5], at[69]);    MULADD(at[6], at[68]);    MULADD(at[7], at[67]);    MULADD(at[8], at[66]);    MULADD(at[9], at[65]);    MULADD(at[10], at[64]);    MULADD(at[11], at[63]);    MULADD(at[12], at[62]);    MULADD(at[13], at[61]);    MULADD(at[14], at[60]);    MULADD(at[15], at[59]);    MULADD(at[16], at[58]);    MULADD(at[17], at[57]);    MULADD(at[18], at[56]);    MULADD(at[19], at[55]);    MULADD(at[20], at[54]);    MULADD(at[21], at[53]);    MULADD(at[22], at[52]);    MULADD(at[23], at[51]);    MULADD(at[24], at[50]);    MULADD(at[25], at[49]);    MULADD(at[26], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[26]);
+   /* 27 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[75]);    MULADD(at[1], at[74]);    MULADD(at[2], at[73]);    MULADD(at[3], at[72]);    MULADD(at[4], at[71]);    MULADD(at[5], at[70]);    MULADD(at[6], at[69]);    MULADD(at[7], at[68]);    MULADD(at[8], at[67]);    MULADD(at[9], at[66]);    MULADD(at[10], at[65]);    MULADD(at[11], at[64]);    MULADD(at[12], at[63]);    MULADD(at[13], at[62]);    MULADD(at[14], at[61]);    MULADD(at[15], at[60]);    MULADD(at[16], at[59]);    MULADD(at[17], at[58]);    MULADD(at[18], at[57]);    MULADD(at[19], at[56]);    MULADD(at[20], at[55]);    MULADD(at[21], at[54]);    MULADD(at[22], at[53]);    MULADD(at[23], at[52]);    MULADD(at[24], at[51]);    MULADD(at[25], at[50]);    MULADD(at[26], at[49]);    MULADD(at[27], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[27]);
+   /* 28 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[76]);    MULADD(at[1], at[75]);    MULADD(at[2], at[74]);    MULADD(at[3], at[73]);    MULADD(at[4], at[72]);    MULADD(at[5], at[71]);    MULADD(at[6], at[70]);    MULADD(at[7], at[69]);    MULADD(at[8], at[68]);    MULADD(at[9], at[67]);    MULADD(at[10], at[66]);    MULADD(at[11], at[65]);    MULADD(at[12], at[64]);    MULADD(at[13], at[63]);    MULADD(at[14], at[62]);    MULADD(at[15], at[61]);    MULADD(at[16], at[60]);    MULADD(at[17], at[59]);    MULADD(at[18], at[58]);    MULADD(at[19], at[57]);    MULADD(at[20], at[56]);    MULADD(at[21], at[55]);    MULADD(at[22], at[54]);    MULADD(at[23], at[53]);    MULADD(at[24], at[52]);    MULADD(at[25], at[51]);    MULADD(at[26], at[50]);    MULADD(at[27], at[49]);    MULADD(at[28], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[28]);
+   /* 29 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[77]);    MULADD(at[1], at[76]);    MULADD(at[2], at[75]);    MULADD(at[3], at[74]);    MULADD(at[4], at[73]);    MULADD(at[5], at[72]);    MULADD(at[6], at[71]);    MULADD(at[7], at[70]);    MULADD(at[8], at[69]);    MULADD(at[9], at[68]);    MULADD(at[10], at[67]);    MULADD(at[11], at[66]);    MULADD(at[12], at[65]);    MULADD(at[13], at[64]);    MULADD(at[14], at[63]);    MULADD(at[15], at[62]);    MULADD(at[16], at[61]);    MULADD(at[17], at[60]);    MULADD(at[18], at[59]);    MULADD(at[19], at[58]);    MULADD(at[20], at[57]);    MULADD(at[21], at[56]);    MULADD(at[22], at[55]);    MULADD(at[23], at[54]);    MULADD(at[24], at[53]);    MULADD(at[25], at[52]);    MULADD(at[26], at[51]);    MULADD(at[27], at[50]);    MULADD(at[28], at[49]);    MULADD(at[29], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[29]);
+   /* 30 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[78]);    MULADD(at[1], at[77]);    MULADD(at[2], at[76]);    MULADD(at[3], at[75]);    MULADD(at[4], at[74]);    MULADD(at[5], at[73]);    MULADD(at[6], at[72]);    MULADD(at[7], at[71]);    MULADD(at[8], at[70]);    MULADD(at[9], at[69]);    MULADD(at[10], at[68]);    MULADD(at[11], at[67]);    MULADD(at[12], at[66]);    MULADD(at[13], at[65]);    MULADD(at[14], at[64]);    MULADD(at[15], at[63]);    MULADD(at[16], at[62]);    MULADD(at[17], at[61]);    MULADD(at[18], at[60]);    MULADD(at[19], at[59]);    MULADD(at[20], at[58]);    MULADD(at[21], at[57]);    MULADD(at[22], at[56]);    MULADD(at[23], at[55]);    MULADD(at[24], at[54]);    MULADD(at[25], at[53]);    MULADD(at[26], at[52]);    MULADD(at[27], at[51]);    MULADD(at[28], at[50]);    MULADD(at[29], at[49]);    MULADD(at[30], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[30]);
+   /* 31 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[79]);    MULADD(at[1], at[78]);    MULADD(at[2], at[77]);    MULADD(at[3], at[76]);    MULADD(at[4], at[75]);    MULADD(at[5], at[74]);    MULADD(at[6], at[73]);    MULADD(at[7], at[72]);    MULADD(at[8], at[71]);    MULADD(at[9], at[70]);    MULADD(at[10], at[69]);    MULADD(at[11], at[68]);    MULADD(at[12], at[67]);    MULADD(at[13], at[66]);    MULADD(at[14], at[65]);    MULADD(at[15], at[64]);    MULADD(at[16], at[63]);    MULADD(at[17], at[62]);    MULADD(at[18], at[61]);    MULADD(at[19], at[60]);    MULADD(at[20], at[59]);    MULADD(at[21], at[58]);    MULADD(at[22], at[57]);    MULADD(at[23], at[56]);    MULADD(at[24], at[55]);    MULADD(at[25], at[54]);    MULADD(at[26], at[53]);    MULADD(at[27], at[52]);    MULADD(at[28], at[51]);    MULADD(at[29], at[50]);    MULADD(at[30], at[49]);    MULADD(at[31], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[31]);
+   /* 32 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[80]);    MULADD(at[1], at[79]);    MULADD(at[2], at[78]);    MULADD(at[3], at[77]);    MULADD(at[4], at[76]);    MULADD(at[5], at[75]);    MULADD(at[6], at[74]);    MULADD(at[7], at[73]);    MULADD(at[8], at[72]);    MULADD(at[9], at[71]);    MULADD(at[10], at[70]);    MULADD(at[11], at[69]);    MULADD(at[12], at[68]);    MULADD(at[13], at[67]);    MULADD(at[14], at[66]);    MULADD(at[15], at[65]);    MULADD(at[16], at[64]);    MULADD(at[17], at[63]);    MULADD(at[18], at[62]);    MULADD(at[19], at[61]);    MULADD(at[20], at[60]);    MULADD(at[21], at[59]);    MULADD(at[22], at[58]);    MULADD(at[23], at[57]);    MULADD(at[24], at[56]);    MULADD(at[25], at[55]);    MULADD(at[26], at[54]);    MULADD(at[27], at[53]);    MULADD(at[28], at[52]);    MULADD(at[29], at[51]);    MULADD(at[30], at[50]);    MULADD(at[31], at[49]);    MULADD(at[32], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[32]);
+   /* 33 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[81]);    MULADD(at[1], at[80]);    MULADD(at[2], at[79]);    MULADD(at[3], at[78]);    MULADD(at[4], at[77]);    MULADD(at[5], at[76]);    MULADD(at[6], at[75]);    MULADD(at[7], at[74]);    MULADD(at[8], at[73]);    MULADD(at[9], at[72]);    MULADD(at[10], at[71]);    MULADD(at[11], at[70]);    MULADD(at[12], at[69]);    MULADD(at[13], at[68]);    MULADD(at[14], at[67]);    MULADD(at[15], at[66]);    MULADD(at[16], at[65]);    MULADD(at[17], at[64]);    MULADD(at[18], at[63]);    MULADD(at[19], at[62]);    MULADD(at[20], at[61]);    MULADD(at[21], at[60]);    MULADD(at[22], at[59]);    MULADD(at[23], at[58]);    MULADD(at[24], at[57]);    MULADD(at[25], at[56]);    MULADD(at[26], at[55]);    MULADD(at[27], at[54]);    MULADD(at[28], at[53]);    MULADD(at[29], at[52]);    MULADD(at[30], at[51]);    MULADD(at[31], at[50]);    MULADD(at[32], at[49]);    MULADD(at[33], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[33]);
+   /* 34 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[82]);    MULADD(at[1], at[81]);    MULADD(at[2], at[80]);    MULADD(at[3], at[79]);    MULADD(at[4], at[78]);    MULADD(at[5], at[77]);    MULADD(at[6], at[76]);    MULADD(at[7], at[75]);    MULADD(at[8], at[74]);    MULADD(at[9], at[73]);    MULADD(at[10], at[72]);    MULADD(at[11], at[71]);    MULADD(at[12], at[70]);    MULADD(at[13], at[69]);    MULADD(at[14], at[68]);    MULADD(at[15], at[67]);    MULADD(at[16], at[66]);    MULADD(at[17], at[65]);    MULADD(at[18], at[64]);    MULADD(at[19], at[63]);    MULADD(at[20], at[62]);    MULADD(at[21], at[61]);    MULADD(at[22], at[60]);    MULADD(at[23], at[59]);    MULADD(at[24], at[58]);    MULADD(at[25], at[57]);    MULADD(at[26], at[56]);    MULADD(at[27], at[55]);    MULADD(at[28], at[54]);    MULADD(at[29], at[53]);    MULADD(at[30], at[52]);    MULADD(at[31], at[51]);    MULADD(at[32], at[50]);    MULADD(at[33], at[49]);    MULADD(at[34], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[34]);
+   /* 35 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[83]);    MULADD(at[1], at[82]);    MULADD(at[2], at[81]);    MULADD(at[3], at[80]);    MULADD(at[4], at[79]);    MULADD(at[5], at[78]);    MULADD(at[6], at[77]);    MULADD(at[7], at[76]);    MULADD(at[8], at[75]);    MULADD(at[9], at[74]);    MULADD(at[10], at[73]);    MULADD(at[11], at[72]);    MULADD(at[12], at[71]);    MULADD(at[13], at[70]);    MULADD(at[14], at[69]);    MULADD(at[15], at[68]);    MULADD(at[16], at[67]);    MULADD(at[17], at[66]);    MULADD(at[18], at[65]);    MULADD(at[19], at[64]);    MULADD(at[20], at[63]);    MULADD(at[21], at[62]);    MULADD(at[22], at[61]);    MULADD(at[23], at[60]);    MULADD(at[24], at[59]);    MULADD(at[25], at[58]);    MULADD(at[26], at[57]);    MULADD(at[27], at[56]);    MULADD(at[28], at[55]);    MULADD(at[29], at[54]);    MULADD(at[30], at[53]);    MULADD(at[31], at[52]);    MULADD(at[32], at[51]);    MULADD(at[33], at[50]);    MULADD(at[34], at[49]);    MULADD(at[35], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[35]);
+   /* 36 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[84]);    MULADD(at[1], at[83]);    MULADD(at[2], at[82]);    MULADD(at[3], at[81]);    MULADD(at[4], at[80]);    MULADD(at[5], at[79]);    MULADD(at[6], at[78]);    MULADD(at[7], at[77]);    MULADD(at[8], at[76]);    MULADD(at[9], at[75]);    MULADD(at[10], at[74]);    MULADD(at[11], at[73]);    MULADD(at[12], at[72]);    MULADD(at[13], at[71]);    MULADD(at[14], at[70]);    MULADD(at[15], at[69]);    MULADD(at[16], at[68]);    MULADD(at[17], at[67]);    MULADD(at[18], at[66]);    MULADD(at[19], at[65]);    MULADD(at[20], at[64]);    MULADD(at[21], at[63]);    MULADD(at[22], at[62]);    MULADD(at[23], at[61]);    MULADD(at[24], at[60]);    MULADD(at[25], at[59]);    MULADD(at[26], at[58]);    MULADD(at[27], at[57]);    MULADD(at[28], at[56]);    MULADD(at[29], at[55]);    MULADD(at[30], at[54]);    MULADD(at[31], at[53]);    MULADD(at[32], at[52]);    MULADD(at[33], at[51]);    MULADD(at[34], at[50]);    MULADD(at[35], at[49]);    MULADD(at[36], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[36]);
+   /* 37 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[85]);    MULADD(at[1], at[84]);    MULADD(at[2], at[83]);    MULADD(at[3], at[82]);    MULADD(at[4], at[81]);    MULADD(at[5], at[80]);    MULADD(at[6], at[79]);    MULADD(at[7], at[78]);    MULADD(at[8], at[77]);    MULADD(at[9], at[76]);    MULADD(at[10], at[75]);    MULADD(at[11], at[74]);    MULADD(at[12], at[73]);    MULADD(at[13], at[72]);    MULADD(at[14], at[71]);    MULADD(at[15], at[70]);    MULADD(at[16], at[69]);    MULADD(at[17], at[68]);    MULADD(at[18], at[67]);    MULADD(at[19], at[66]);    MULADD(at[20], at[65]);    MULADD(at[21], at[64]);    MULADD(at[22], at[63]);    MULADD(at[23], at[62]);    MULADD(at[24], at[61]);    MULADD(at[25], at[60]);    MULADD(at[26], at[59]);    MULADD(at[27], at[58]);    MULADD(at[28], at[57]);    MULADD(at[29], at[56]);    MULADD(at[30], at[55]);    MULADD(at[31], at[54]);    MULADD(at[32], at[53]);    MULADD(at[33], at[52]);    MULADD(at[34], at[51]);    MULADD(at[35], at[50]);    MULADD(at[36], at[49]);    MULADD(at[37], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[37]);
+   /* 38 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[86]);    MULADD(at[1], at[85]);    MULADD(at[2], at[84]);    MULADD(at[3], at[83]);    MULADD(at[4], at[82]);    MULADD(at[5], at[81]);    MULADD(at[6], at[80]);    MULADD(at[7], at[79]);    MULADD(at[8], at[78]);    MULADD(at[9], at[77]);    MULADD(at[10], at[76]);    MULADD(at[11], at[75]);    MULADD(at[12], at[74]);    MULADD(at[13], at[73]);    MULADD(at[14], at[72]);    MULADD(at[15], at[71]);    MULADD(at[16], at[70]);    MULADD(at[17], at[69]);    MULADD(at[18], at[68]);    MULADD(at[19], at[67]);    MULADD(at[20], at[66]);    MULADD(at[21], at[65]);    MULADD(at[22], at[64]);    MULADD(at[23], at[63]);    MULADD(at[24], at[62]);    MULADD(at[25], at[61]);    MULADD(at[26], at[60]);    MULADD(at[27], at[59]);    MULADD(at[28], at[58]);    MULADD(at[29], at[57]);    MULADD(at[30], at[56]);    MULADD(at[31], at[55]);    MULADD(at[32], at[54]);    MULADD(at[33], at[53]);    MULADD(at[34], at[52]);    MULADD(at[35], at[51]);    MULADD(at[36], at[50]);    MULADD(at[37], at[49]);    MULADD(at[38], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[38]);
+   /* 39 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[87]);    MULADD(at[1], at[86]);    MULADD(at[2], at[85]);    MULADD(at[3], at[84]);    MULADD(at[4], at[83]);    MULADD(at[5], at[82]);    MULADD(at[6], at[81]);    MULADD(at[7], at[80]);    MULADD(at[8], at[79]);    MULADD(at[9], at[78]);    MULADD(at[10], at[77]);    MULADD(at[11], at[76]);    MULADD(at[12], at[75]);    MULADD(at[13], at[74]);    MULADD(at[14], at[73]);    MULADD(at[15], at[72]);    MULADD(at[16], at[71]);    MULADD(at[17], at[70]);    MULADD(at[18], at[69]);    MULADD(at[19], at[68]);    MULADD(at[20], at[67]);    MULADD(at[21], at[66]);    MULADD(at[22], at[65]);    MULADD(at[23], at[64]);    MULADD(at[24], at[63]);    MULADD(at[25], at[62]);    MULADD(at[26], at[61]);    MULADD(at[27], at[60]);    MULADD(at[28], at[59]);    MULADD(at[29], at[58]);    MULADD(at[30], at[57]);    MULADD(at[31], at[56]);    MULADD(at[32], at[55]);    MULADD(at[33], at[54]);    MULADD(at[34], at[53]);    MULADD(at[35], at[52]);    MULADD(at[36], at[51]);    MULADD(at[37], at[50]);    MULADD(at[38], at[49]);    MULADD(at[39], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[39]);
+   /* 40 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[88]);    MULADD(at[1], at[87]);    MULADD(at[2], at[86]);    MULADD(at[3], at[85]);    MULADD(at[4], at[84]);    MULADD(at[5], at[83]);    MULADD(at[6], at[82]);    MULADD(at[7], at[81]);    MULADD(at[8], at[80]);    MULADD(at[9], at[79]);    MULADD(at[10], at[78]);    MULADD(at[11], at[77]);    MULADD(at[12], at[76]);    MULADD(at[13], at[75]);    MULADD(at[14], at[74]);    MULADD(at[15], at[73]);    MULADD(at[16], at[72]);    MULADD(at[17], at[71]);    MULADD(at[18], at[70]);    MULADD(at[19], at[69]);    MULADD(at[20], at[68]);    MULADD(at[21], at[67]);    MULADD(at[22], at[66]);    MULADD(at[23], at[65]);    MULADD(at[24], at[64]);    MULADD(at[25], at[63]);    MULADD(at[26], at[62]);    MULADD(at[27], at[61]);    MULADD(at[28], at[60]);    MULADD(at[29], at[59]);    MULADD(at[30], at[58]);    MULADD(at[31], at[57]);    MULADD(at[32], at[56]);    MULADD(at[33], at[55]);    MULADD(at[34], at[54]);    MULADD(at[35], at[53]);    MULADD(at[36], at[52]);    MULADD(at[37], at[51]);    MULADD(at[38], at[50]);    MULADD(at[39], at[49]);    MULADD(at[40], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[40]);
+   /* 41 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[89]);    MULADD(at[1], at[88]);    MULADD(at[2], at[87]);    MULADD(at[3], at[86]);    MULADD(at[4], at[85]);    MULADD(at[5], at[84]);    MULADD(at[6], at[83]);    MULADD(at[7], at[82]);    MULADD(at[8], at[81]);    MULADD(at[9], at[80]);    MULADD(at[10], at[79]);    MULADD(at[11], at[78]);    MULADD(at[12], at[77]);    MULADD(at[13], at[76]);    MULADD(at[14], at[75]);    MULADD(at[15], at[74]);    MULADD(at[16], at[73]);    MULADD(at[17], at[72]);    MULADD(at[18], at[71]);    MULADD(at[19], at[70]);    MULADD(at[20], at[69]);    MULADD(at[21], at[68]);    MULADD(at[22], at[67]);    MULADD(at[23], at[66]);    MULADD(at[24], at[65]);    MULADD(at[25], at[64]);    MULADD(at[26], at[63]);    MULADD(at[27], at[62]);    MULADD(at[28], at[61]);    MULADD(at[29], at[60]);    MULADD(at[30], at[59]);    MULADD(at[31], at[58]);    MULADD(at[32], at[57]);    MULADD(at[33], at[56]);    MULADD(at[34], at[55]);    MULADD(at[35], at[54]);    MULADD(at[36], at[53]);    MULADD(at[37], at[52]);    MULADD(at[38], at[51]);    MULADD(at[39], at[50]);    MULADD(at[40], at[49]);    MULADD(at[41], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[41]);
+   /* 42 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[90]);    MULADD(at[1], at[89]);    MULADD(at[2], at[88]);    MULADD(at[3], at[87]);    MULADD(at[4], at[86]);    MULADD(at[5], at[85]);    MULADD(at[6], at[84]);    MULADD(at[7], at[83]);    MULADD(at[8], at[82]);    MULADD(at[9], at[81]);    MULADD(at[10], at[80]);    MULADD(at[11], at[79]);    MULADD(at[12], at[78]);    MULADD(at[13], at[77]);    MULADD(at[14], at[76]);    MULADD(at[15], at[75]);    MULADD(at[16], at[74]);    MULADD(at[17], at[73]);    MULADD(at[18], at[72]);    MULADD(at[19], at[71]);    MULADD(at[20], at[70]);    MULADD(at[21], at[69]);    MULADD(at[22], at[68]);    MULADD(at[23], at[67]);    MULADD(at[24], at[66]);    MULADD(at[25], at[65]);    MULADD(at[26], at[64]);    MULADD(at[27], at[63]);    MULADD(at[28], at[62]);    MULADD(at[29], at[61]);    MULADD(at[30], at[60]);    MULADD(at[31], at[59]);    MULADD(at[32], at[58]);    MULADD(at[33], at[57]);    MULADD(at[34], at[56]);    MULADD(at[35], at[55]);    MULADD(at[36], at[54]);    MULADD(at[37], at[53]);    MULADD(at[38], at[52]);    MULADD(at[39], at[51]);    MULADD(at[40], at[50]);    MULADD(at[41], at[49]);    MULADD(at[42], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[42]);
+   /* 43 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[91]);    MULADD(at[1], at[90]);    MULADD(at[2], at[89]);    MULADD(at[3], at[88]);    MULADD(at[4], at[87]);    MULADD(at[5], at[86]);    MULADD(at[6], at[85]);    MULADD(at[7], at[84]);    MULADD(at[8], at[83]);    MULADD(at[9], at[82]);    MULADD(at[10], at[81]);    MULADD(at[11], at[80]);    MULADD(at[12], at[79]);    MULADD(at[13], at[78]);    MULADD(at[14], at[77]);    MULADD(at[15], at[76]);    MULADD(at[16], at[75]);    MULADD(at[17], at[74]);    MULADD(at[18], at[73]);    MULADD(at[19], at[72]);    MULADD(at[20], at[71]);    MULADD(at[21], at[70]);    MULADD(at[22], at[69]);    MULADD(at[23], at[68]);    MULADD(at[24], at[67]);    MULADD(at[25], at[66]);    MULADD(at[26], at[65]);    MULADD(at[27], at[64]);    MULADD(at[28], at[63]);    MULADD(at[29], at[62]);    MULADD(at[30], at[61]);    MULADD(at[31], at[60]);    MULADD(at[32], at[59]);    MULADD(at[33], at[58]);    MULADD(at[34], at[57]);    MULADD(at[35], at[56]);    MULADD(at[36], at[55]);    MULADD(at[37], at[54]);    MULADD(at[38], at[53]);    MULADD(at[39], at[52]);    MULADD(at[40], at[51]);    MULADD(at[41], at[50]);    MULADD(at[42], at[49]);    MULADD(at[43], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[43]);
+   /* 44 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[92]);    MULADD(at[1], at[91]);    MULADD(at[2], at[90]);    MULADD(at[3], at[89]);    MULADD(at[4], at[88]);    MULADD(at[5], at[87]);    MULADD(at[6], at[86]);    MULADD(at[7], at[85]);    MULADD(at[8], at[84]);    MULADD(at[9], at[83]);    MULADD(at[10], at[82]);    MULADD(at[11], at[81]);    MULADD(at[12], at[80]);    MULADD(at[13], at[79]);    MULADD(at[14], at[78]);    MULADD(at[15], at[77]);    MULADD(at[16], at[76]);    MULADD(at[17], at[75]);    MULADD(at[18], at[74]);    MULADD(at[19], at[73]);    MULADD(at[20], at[72]);    MULADD(at[21], at[71]);    MULADD(at[22], at[70]);    MULADD(at[23], at[69]);    MULADD(at[24], at[68]);    MULADD(at[25], at[67]);    MULADD(at[26], at[66]);    MULADD(at[27], at[65]);    MULADD(at[28], at[64]);    MULADD(at[29], at[63]);    MULADD(at[30], at[62]);    MULADD(at[31], at[61]);    MULADD(at[32], at[60]);    MULADD(at[33], at[59]);    MULADD(at[34], at[58]);    MULADD(at[35], at[57]);    MULADD(at[36], at[56]);    MULADD(at[37], at[55]);    MULADD(at[38], at[54]);    MULADD(at[39], at[53]);    MULADD(at[40], at[52]);    MULADD(at[41], at[51]);    MULADD(at[42], at[50]);    MULADD(at[43], at[49]);    MULADD(at[44], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[44]);
+   /* 45 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[93]);    MULADD(at[1], at[92]);    MULADD(at[2], at[91]);    MULADD(at[3], at[90]);    MULADD(at[4], at[89]);    MULADD(at[5], at[88]);    MULADD(at[6], at[87]);    MULADD(at[7], at[86]);    MULADD(at[8], at[85]);    MULADD(at[9], at[84]);    MULADD(at[10], at[83]);    MULADD(at[11], at[82]);    MULADD(at[12], at[81]);    MULADD(at[13], at[80]);    MULADD(at[14], at[79]);    MULADD(at[15], at[78]);    MULADD(at[16], at[77]);    MULADD(at[17], at[76]);    MULADD(at[18], at[75]);    MULADD(at[19], at[74]);    MULADD(at[20], at[73]);    MULADD(at[21], at[72]);    MULADD(at[22], at[71]);    MULADD(at[23], at[70]);    MULADD(at[24], at[69]);    MULADD(at[25], at[68]);    MULADD(at[26], at[67]);    MULADD(at[27], at[66]);    MULADD(at[28], at[65]);    MULADD(at[29], at[64]);    MULADD(at[30], at[63]);    MULADD(at[31], at[62]);    MULADD(at[32], at[61]);    MULADD(at[33], at[60]);    MULADD(at[34], at[59]);    MULADD(at[35], at[58]);    MULADD(at[36], at[57]);    MULADD(at[37], at[56]);    MULADD(at[38], at[55]);    MULADD(at[39], at[54]);    MULADD(at[40], at[53]);    MULADD(at[41], at[52]);    MULADD(at[42], at[51]);    MULADD(at[43], at[50]);    MULADD(at[44], at[49]);    MULADD(at[45], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[45]);
+   /* 46 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[94]);    MULADD(at[1], at[93]);    MULADD(at[2], at[92]);    MULADD(at[3], at[91]);    MULADD(at[4], at[90]);    MULADD(at[5], at[89]);    MULADD(at[6], at[88]);    MULADD(at[7], at[87]);    MULADD(at[8], at[86]);    MULADD(at[9], at[85]);    MULADD(at[10], at[84]);    MULADD(at[11], at[83]);    MULADD(at[12], at[82]);    MULADD(at[13], at[81]);    MULADD(at[14], at[80]);    MULADD(at[15], at[79]);    MULADD(at[16], at[78]);    MULADD(at[17], at[77]);    MULADD(at[18], at[76]);    MULADD(at[19], at[75]);    MULADD(at[20], at[74]);    MULADD(at[21], at[73]);    MULADD(at[22], at[72]);    MULADD(at[23], at[71]);    MULADD(at[24], at[70]);    MULADD(at[25], at[69]);    MULADD(at[26], at[68]);    MULADD(at[27], at[67]);    MULADD(at[28], at[66]);    MULADD(at[29], at[65]);    MULADD(at[30], at[64]);    MULADD(at[31], at[63]);    MULADD(at[32], at[62]);    MULADD(at[33], at[61]);    MULADD(at[34], at[60]);    MULADD(at[35], at[59]);    MULADD(at[36], at[58]);    MULADD(at[37], at[57]);    MULADD(at[38], at[56]);    MULADD(at[39], at[55]);    MULADD(at[40], at[54]);    MULADD(at[41], at[53]);    MULADD(at[42], at[52]);    MULADD(at[43], at[51]);    MULADD(at[44], at[50]);    MULADD(at[45], at[49]);    MULADD(at[46], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[46]);
+   /* 47 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[95]);    MULADD(at[1], at[94]);    MULADD(at[2], at[93]);    MULADD(at[3], at[92]);    MULADD(at[4], at[91]);    MULADD(at[5], at[90]);    MULADD(at[6], at[89]);    MULADD(at[7], at[88]);    MULADD(at[8], at[87]);    MULADD(at[9], at[86]);    MULADD(at[10], at[85]);    MULADD(at[11], at[84]);    MULADD(at[12], at[83]);    MULADD(at[13], at[82]);    MULADD(at[14], at[81]);    MULADD(at[15], at[80]);    MULADD(at[16], at[79]);    MULADD(at[17], at[78]);    MULADD(at[18], at[77]);    MULADD(at[19], at[76]);    MULADD(at[20], at[75]);    MULADD(at[21], at[74]);    MULADD(at[22], at[73]);    MULADD(at[23], at[72]);    MULADD(at[24], at[71]);    MULADD(at[25], at[70]);    MULADD(at[26], at[69]);    MULADD(at[27], at[68]);    MULADD(at[28], at[67]);    MULADD(at[29], at[66]);    MULADD(at[30], at[65]);    MULADD(at[31], at[64]);    MULADD(at[32], at[63]);    MULADD(at[33], at[62]);    MULADD(at[34], at[61]);    MULADD(at[35], at[60]);    MULADD(at[36], at[59]);    MULADD(at[37], at[58]);    MULADD(at[38], at[57]);    MULADD(at[39], at[56]);    MULADD(at[40], at[55]);    MULADD(at[41], at[54]);    MULADD(at[42], at[53]);    MULADD(at[43], at[52]);    MULADD(at[44], at[51]);    MULADD(at[45], at[50]);    MULADD(at[46], at[49]);    MULADD(at[47], at[48]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[47]);
+   /* 48 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[95]);    MULADD(at[2], at[94]);    MULADD(at[3], at[93]);    MULADD(at[4], at[92]);    MULADD(at[5], at[91]);    MULADD(at[6], at[90]);    MULADD(at[7], at[89]);    MULADD(at[8], at[88]);    MULADD(at[9], at[87]);    MULADD(at[10], at[86]);    MULADD(at[11], at[85]);    MULADD(at[12], at[84]);    MULADD(at[13], at[83]);    MULADD(at[14], at[82]);    MULADD(at[15], at[81]);    MULADD(at[16], at[80]);    MULADD(at[17], at[79]);    MULADD(at[18], at[78]);    MULADD(at[19], at[77]);    MULADD(at[20], at[76]);    MULADD(at[21], at[75]);    MULADD(at[22], at[74]);    MULADD(at[23], at[73]);    MULADD(at[24], at[72]);    MULADD(at[25], at[71]);    MULADD(at[26], at[70]);    MULADD(at[27], at[69]);    MULADD(at[28], at[68]);    MULADD(at[29], at[67]);    MULADD(at[30], at[66]);    MULADD(at[31], at[65]);    MULADD(at[32], at[64]);    MULADD(at[33], at[63]);    MULADD(at[34], at[62]);    MULADD(at[35], at[61]);    MULADD(at[36], at[60]);    MULADD(at[37], at[59]);    MULADD(at[38], at[58]);    MULADD(at[39], at[57]);    MULADD(at[40], at[56]);    MULADD(at[41], at[55]);    MULADD(at[42], at[54]);    MULADD(at[43], at[53]);    MULADD(at[44], at[52]);    MULADD(at[45], at[51]);    MULADD(at[46], at[50]);    MULADD(at[47], at[49]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[48]);
+   /* 49 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[95]);    MULADD(at[3], at[94]);    MULADD(at[4], at[93]);    MULADD(at[5], at[92]);    MULADD(at[6], at[91]);    MULADD(at[7], at[90]);    MULADD(at[8], at[89]);    MULADD(at[9], at[88]);    MULADD(at[10], at[87]);    MULADD(at[11], at[86]);    MULADD(at[12], at[85]);    MULADD(at[13], at[84]);    MULADD(at[14], at[83]);    MULADD(at[15], at[82]);    MULADD(at[16], at[81]);    MULADD(at[17], at[80]);    MULADD(at[18], at[79]);    MULADD(at[19], at[78]);    MULADD(at[20], at[77]);    MULADD(at[21], at[76]);    MULADD(at[22], at[75]);    MULADD(at[23], at[74]);    MULADD(at[24], at[73]);    MULADD(at[25], at[72]);    MULADD(at[26], at[71]);    MULADD(at[27], at[70]);    MULADD(at[28], at[69]);    MULADD(at[29], at[68]);    MULADD(at[30], at[67]);    MULADD(at[31], at[66]);    MULADD(at[32], at[65]);    MULADD(at[33], at[64]);    MULADD(at[34], at[63]);    MULADD(at[35], at[62]);    MULADD(at[36], at[61]);    MULADD(at[37], at[60]);    MULADD(at[38], at[59]);    MULADD(at[39], at[58]);    MULADD(at[40], at[57]);    MULADD(at[41], at[56]);    MULADD(at[42], at[55]);    MULADD(at[43], at[54]);    MULADD(at[44], at[53]);    MULADD(at[45], at[52]);    MULADD(at[46], at[51]);    MULADD(at[47], at[50]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[49]);
+   /* 50 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[95]);    MULADD(at[4], at[94]);    MULADD(at[5], at[93]);    MULADD(at[6], at[92]);    MULADD(at[7], at[91]);    MULADD(at[8], at[90]);    MULADD(at[9], at[89]);    MULADD(at[10], at[88]);    MULADD(at[11], at[87]);    MULADD(at[12], at[86]);    MULADD(at[13], at[85]);    MULADD(at[14], at[84]);    MULADD(at[15], at[83]);    MULADD(at[16], at[82]);    MULADD(at[17], at[81]);    MULADD(at[18], at[80]);    MULADD(at[19], at[79]);    MULADD(at[20], at[78]);    MULADD(at[21], at[77]);    MULADD(at[22], at[76]);    MULADD(at[23], at[75]);    MULADD(at[24], at[74]);    MULADD(at[25], at[73]);    MULADD(at[26], at[72]);    MULADD(at[27], at[71]);    MULADD(at[28], at[70]);    MULADD(at[29], at[69]);    MULADD(at[30], at[68]);    MULADD(at[31], at[67]);    MULADD(at[32], at[66]);    MULADD(at[33], at[65]);    MULADD(at[34], at[64]);    MULADD(at[35], at[63]);    MULADD(at[36], at[62]);    MULADD(at[37], at[61]);    MULADD(at[38], at[60]);    MULADD(at[39], at[59]);    MULADD(at[40], at[58]);    MULADD(at[41], at[57]);    MULADD(at[42], at[56]);    MULADD(at[43], at[55]);    MULADD(at[44], at[54]);    MULADD(at[45], at[53]);    MULADD(at[46], at[52]);    MULADD(at[47], at[51]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[50]);
+   /* 51 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[95]);    MULADD(at[5], at[94]);    MULADD(at[6], at[93]);    MULADD(at[7], at[92]);    MULADD(at[8], at[91]);    MULADD(at[9], at[90]);    MULADD(at[10], at[89]);    MULADD(at[11], at[88]);    MULADD(at[12], at[87]);    MULADD(at[13], at[86]);    MULADD(at[14], at[85]);    MULADD(at[15], at[84]);    MULADD(at[16], at[83]);    MULADD(at[17], at[82]);    MULADD(at[18], at[81]);    MULADD(at[19], at[80]);    MULADD(at[20], at[79]);    MULADD(at[21], at[78]);    MULADD(at[22], at[77]);    MULADD(at[23], at[76]);    MULADD(at[24], at[75]);    MULADD(at[25], at[74]);    MULADD(at[26], at[73]);    MULADD(at[27], at[72]);    MULADD(at[28], at[71]);    MULADD(at[29], at[70]);    MULADD(at[30], at[69]);    MULADD(at[31], at[68]);    MULADD(at[32], at[67]);    MULADD(at[33], at[66]);    MULADD(at[34], at[65]);    MULADD(at[35], at[64]);    MULADD(at[36], at[63]);    MULADD(at[37], at[62]);    MULADD(at[38], at[61]);    MULADD(at[39], at[60]);    MULADD(at[40], at[59]);    MULADD(at[41], at[58]);    MULADD(at[42], at[57]);    MULADD(at[43], at[56]);    MULADD(at[44], at[55]);    MULADD(at[45], at[54]);    MULADD(at[46], at[53]);    MULADD(at[47], at[52]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[51]);
+   /* 52 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[95]);    MULADD(at[6], at[94]);    MULADD(at[7], at[93]);    MULADD(at[8], at[92]);    MULADD(at[9], at[91]);    MULADD(at[10], at[90]);    MULADD(at[11], at[89]);    MULADD(at[12], at[88]);    MULADD(at[13], at[87]);    MULADD(at[14], at[86]);    MULADD(at[15], at[85]);    MULADD(at[16], at[84]);    MULADD(at[17], at[83]);    MULADD(at[18], at[82]);    MULADD(at[19], at[81]);    MULADD(at[20], at[80]);    MULADD(at[21], at[79]);    MULADD(at[22], at[78]);    MULADD(at[23], at[77]);    MULADD(at[24], at[76]);    MULADD(at[25], at[75]);    MULADD(at[26], at[74]);    MULADD(at[27], at[73]);    MULADD(at[28], at[72]);    MULADD(at[29], at[71]);    MULADD(at[30], at[70]);    MULADD(at[31], at[69]);    MULADD(at[32], at[68]);    MULADD(at[33], at[67]);    MULADD(at[34], at[66]);    MULADD(at[35], at[65]);    MULADD(at[36], at[64]);    MULADD(at[37], at[63]);    MULADD(at[38], at[62]);    MULADD(at[39], at[61]);    MULADD(at[40], at[60]);    MULADD(at[41], at[59]);    MULADD(at[42], at[58]);    MULADD(at[43], at[57]);    MULADD(at[44], at[56]);    MULADD(at[45], at[55]);    MULADD(at[46], at[54]);    MULADD(at[47], at[53]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[52]);
+   /* 53 */
+   MULADD(at[6], at[95]);    MULADD(at[7], at[94]);    MULADD(at[8], at[93]);    MULADD(at[9], at[92]);    MULADD(at[10], at[91]);    MULADD(at[11], at[90]);    MULADD(at[12], at[89]);    MULADD(at[13], at[88]);    MULADD(at[14], at[87]);    MULADD(at[15], at[86]);    MULADD(at[16], at[85]);    MULADD(at[17], at[84]);    MULADD(at[18], at[83]);    MULADD(at[19], at[82]);    MULADD(at[20], at[81]);    MULADD(at[21], at[80]);    MULADD(at[22], at[79]);    MULADD(at[23], at[78]);    MULADD(at[24], at[77]);    MULADD(at[25], at[76]);    MULADD(at[26], at[75]);    MULADD(at[27], at[74]);    MULADD(at[28], at[73]);    MULADD(at[29], at[72]);    MULADD(at[30], at[71]);    MULADD(at[31], at[70]);    MULADD(at[32], at[69]);    MULADD(at[33], at[68]);    MULADD(at[34], at[67]);    MULADD(at[35], at[66]);    MULADD(at[36], at[65]);    MULADD(at[37], at[64]);    MULADD(at[38], at[63]);    MULADD(at[39], at[62]);    MULADD(at[40], at[61]);    MULADD(at[41], at[60]);    MULADD(at[42], at[59]);    MULADD(at[43], at[58]);    MULADD(at[44], at[57]);    MULADD(at[45], at[56]);    MULADD(at[46], at[55]);    MULADD(at[47], at[54]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[53]);
+   /* 54 */
+   MULADD(at[7], at[95]);    MULADD(at[8], at[94]);    MULADD(at[9], at[93]);    MULADD(at[10], at[92]);    MULADD(at[11], at[91]);    MULADD(at[12], at[90]);    MULADD(at[13], at[89]);    MULADD(at[14], at[88]);    MULADD(at[15], at[87]);    MULADD(at[16], at[86]);    MULADD(at[17], at[85]);    MULADD(at[18], at[84]);    MULADD(at[19], at[83]);    MULADD(at[20], at[82]);    MULADD(at[21], at[81]);    MULADD(at[22], at[80]);    MULADD(at[23], at[79]);    MULADD(at[24], at[78]);    MULADD(at[25], at[77]);    MULADD(at[26], at[76]);    MULADD(at[27], at[75]);    MULADD(at[28], at[74]);    MULADD(at[29], at[73]);    MULADD(at[30], at[72]);    MULADD(at[31], at[71]);    MULADD(at[32], at[70]);    MULADD(at[33], at[69]);    MULADD(at[34], at[68]);    MULADD(at[35], at[67]);    MULADD(at[36], at[66]);    MULADD(at[37], at[65]);    MULADD(at[38], at[64]);    MULADD(at[39], at[63]);    MULADD(at[40], at[62]);    MULADD(at[41], at[61]);    MULADD(at[42], at[60]);    MULADD(at[43], at[59]);    MULADD(at[44], at[58]);    MULADD(at[45], at[57]);    MULADD(at[46], at[56]);    MULADD(at[47], at[55]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[54]);
+   /* 55 */
+   MULADD(at[8], at[95]);    MULADD(at[9], at[94]);    MULADD(at[10], at[93]);    MULADD(at[11], at[92]);    MULADD(at[12], at[91]);    MULADD(at[13], at[90]);    MULADD(at[14], at[89]);    MULADD(at[15], at[88]);    MULADD(at[16], at[87]);    MULADD(at[17], at[86]);    MULADD(at[18], at[85]);    MULADD(at[19], at[84]);    MULADD(at[20], at[83]);    MULADD(at[21], at[82]);    MULADD(at[22], at[81]);    MULADD(at[23], at[80]);    MULADD(at[24], at[79]);    MULADD(at[25], at[78]);    MULADD(at[26], at[77]);    MULADD(at[27], at[76]);    MULADD(at[28], at[75]);    MULADD(at[29], at[74]);    MULADD(at[30], at[73]);    MULADD(at[31], at[72]);    MULADD(at[32], at[71]);    MULADD(at[33], at[70]);    MULADD(at[34], at[69]);    MULADD(at[35], at[68]);    MULADD(at[36], at[67]);    MULADD(at[37], at[66]);    MULADD(at[38], at[65]);    MULADD(at[39], at[64]);    MULADD(at[40], at[63]);    MULADD(at[41], at[62]);    MULADD(at[42], at[61]);    MULADD(at[43], at[60]);    MULADD(at[44], at[59]);    MULADD(at[45], at[58]);    MULADD(at[46], at[57]);    MULADD(at[47], at[56]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[55]);
+   /* 56 */
+   MULADD(at[9], at[95]);    MULADD(at[10], at[94]);    MULADD(at[11], at[93]);    MULADD(at[12], at[92]);    MULADD(at[13], at[91]);    MULADD(at[14], at[90]);    MULADD(at[15], at[89]);    MULADD(at[16], at[88]);    MULADD(at[17], at[87]);    MULADD(at[18], at[86]);    MULADD(at[19], at[85]);    MULADD(at[20], at[84]);    MULADD(at[21], at[83]);    MULADD(at[22], at[82]);    MULADD(at[23], at[81]);    MULADD(at[24], at[80]);    MULADD(at[25], at[79]);    MULADD(at[26], at[78]);    MULADD(at[27], at[77]);    MULADD(at[28], at[76]);    MULADD(at[29], at[75]);    MULADD(at[30], at[74]);    MULADD(at[31], at[73]);    MULADD(at[32], at[72]);    MULADD(at[33], at[71]);    MULADD(at[34], at[70]);    MULADD(at[35], at[69]);    MULADD(at[36], at[68]);    MULADD(at[37], at[67]);    MULADD(at[38], at[66]);    MULADD(at[39], at[65]);    MULADD(at[40], at[64]);    MULADD(at[41], at[63]);    MULADD(at[42], at[62]);    MULADD(at[43], at[61]);    MULADD(at[44], at[60]);    MULADD(at[45], at[59]);    MULADD(at[46], at[58]);    MULADD(at[47], at[57]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[56]);
+   /* 57 */
+   MULADD(at[10], at[95]);    MULADD(at[11], at[94]);    MULADD(at[12], at[93]);    MULADD(at[13], at[92]);    MULADD(at[14], at[91]);    MULADD(at[15], at[90]);    MULADD(at[16], at[89]);    MULADD(at[17], at[88]);    MULADD(at[18], at[87]);    MULADD(at[19], at[86]);    MULADD(at[20], at[85]);    MULADD(at[21], at[84]);    MULADD(at[22], at[83]);    MULADD(at[23], at[82]);    MULADD(at[24], at[81]);    MULADD(at[25], at[80]);    MULADD(at[26], at[79]);    MULADD(at[27], at[78]);    MULADD(at[28], at[77]);    MULADD(at[29], at[76]);    MULADD(at[30], at[75]);    MULADD(at[31], at[74]);    MULADD(at[32], at[73]);    MULADD(at[33], at[72]);    MULADD(at[34], at[71]);    MULADD(at[35], at[70]);    MULADD(at[36], at[69]);    MULADD(at[37], at[68]);    MULADD(at[38], at[67]);    MULADD(at[39], at[66]);    MULADD(at[40], at[65]);    MULADD(at[41], at[64]);    MULADD(at[42], at[63]);    MULADD(at[43], at[62]);    MULADD(at[44], at[61]);    MULADD(at[45], at[60]);    MULADD(at[46], at[59]);    MULADD(at[47], at[58]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[57]);
+   /* 58 */
+   MULADD(at[11], at[95]);    MULADD(at[12], at[94]);    MULADD(at[13], at[93]);    MULADD(at[14], at[92]);    MULADD(at[15], at[91]);    MULADD(at[16], at[90]);    MULADD(at[17], at[89]);    MULADD(at[18], at[88]);    MULADD(at[19], at[87]);    MULADD(at[20], at[86]);    MULADD(at[21], at[85]);    MULADD(at[22], at[84]);    MULADD(at[23], at[83]);    MULADD(at[24], at[82]);    MULADD(at[25], at[81]);    MULADD(at[26], at[80]);    MULADD(at[27], at[79]);    MULADD(at[28], at[78]);    MULADD(at[29], at[77]);    MULADD(at[30], at[76]);    MULADD(at[31], at[75]);    MULADD(at[32], at[74]);    MULADD(at[33], at[73]);    MULADD(at[34], at[72]);    MULADD(at[35], at[71]);    MULADD(at[36], at[70]);    MULADD(at[37], at[69]);    MULADD(at[38], at[68]);    MULADD(at[39], at[67]);    MULADD(at[40], at[66]);    MULADD(at[41], at[65]);    MULADD(at[42], at[64]);    MULADD(at[43], at[63]);    MULADD(at[44], at[62]);    MULADD(at[45], at[61]);    MULADD(at[46], at[60]);    MULADD(at[47], at[59]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[58]);
+   /* 59 */
+   MULADD(at[12], at[95]);    MULADD(at[13], at[94]);    MULADD(at[14], at[93]);    MULADD(at[15], at[92]);    MULADD(at[16], at[91]);    MULADD(at[17], at[90]);    MULADD(at[18], at[89]);    MULADD(at[19], at[88]);    MULADD(at[20], at[87]);    MULADD(at[21], at[86]);    MULADD(at[22], at[85]);    MULADD(at[23], at[84]);    MULADD(at[24], at[83]);    MULADD(at[25], at[82]);    MULADD(at[26], at[81]);    MULADD(at[27], at[80]);    MULADD(at[28], at[79]);    MULADD(at[29], at[78]);    MULADD(at[30], at[77]);    MULADD(at[31], at[76]);    MULADD(at[32], at[75]);    MULADD(at[33], at[74]);    MULADD(at[34], at[73]);    MULADD(at[35], at[72]);    MULADD(at[36], at[71]);    MULADD(at[37], at[70]);    MULADD(at[38], at[69]);    MULADD(at[39], at[68]);    MULADD(at[40], at[67]);    MULADD(at[41], at[66]);    MULADD(at[42], at[65]);    MULADD(at[43], at[64]);    MULADD(at[44], at[63]);    MULADD(at[45], at[62]);    MULADD(at[46], at[61]);    MULADD(at[47], at[60]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[59]);
+   /* 60 */
+   MULADD(at[13], at[95]);    MULADD(at[14], at[94]);    MULADD(at[15], at[93]);    MULADD(at[16], at[92]);    MULADD(at[17], at[91]);    MULADD(at[18], at[90]);    MULADD(at[19], at[89]);    MULADD(at[20], at[88]);    MULADD(at[21], at[87]);    MULADD(at[22], at[86]);    MULADD(at[23], at[85]);    MULADD(at[24], at[84]);    MULADD(at[25], at[83]);    MULADD(at[26], at[82]);    MULADD(at[27], at[81]);    MULADD(at[28], at[80]);    MULADD(at[29], at[79]);    MULADD(at[30], at[78]);    MULADD(at[31], at[77]);    MULADD(at[32], at[76]);    MULADD(at[33], at[75]);    MULADD(at[34], at[74]);    MULADD(at[35], at[73]);    MULADD(at[36], at[72]);    MULADD(at[37], at[71]);    MULADD(at[38], at[70]);    MULADD(at[39], at[69]);    MULADD(at[40], at[68]);    MULADD(at[41], at[67]);    MULADD(at[42], at[66]);    MULADD(at[43], at[65]);    MULADD(at[44], at[64]);    MULADD(at[45], at[63]);    MULADD(at[46], at[62]);    MULADD(at[47], at[61]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[60]);
+   /* 61 */
+   MULADD(at[14], at[95]);    MULADD(at[15], at[94]);    MULADD(at[16], at[93]);    MULADD(at[17], at[92]);    MULADD(at[18], at[91]);    MULADD(at[19], at[90]);    MULADD(at[20], at[89]);    MULADD(at[21], at[88]);    MULADD(at[22], at[87]);    MULADD(at[23], at[86]);    MULADD(at[24], at[85]);    MULADD(at[25], at[84]);    MULADD(at[26], at[83]);    MULADD(at[27], at[82]);    MULADD(at[28], at[81]);    MULADD(at[29], at[80]);    MULADD(at[30], at[79]);    MULADD(at[31], at[78]);    MULADD(at[32], at[77]);    MULADD(at[33], at[76]);    MULADD(at[34], at[75]);    MULADD(at[35], at[74]);    MULADD(at[36], at[73]);    MULADD(at[37], at[72]);    MULADD(at[38], at[71]);    MULADD(at[39], at[70]);    MULADD(at[40], at[69]);    MULADD(at[41], at[68]);    MULADD(at[42], at[67]);    MULADD(at[43], at[66]);    MULADD(at[44], at[65]);    MULADD(at[45], at[64]);    MULADD(at[46], at[63]);    MULADD(at[47], at[62]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[61]);
+   /* 62 */
+   MULADD(at[15], at[95]);    MULADD(at[16], at[94]);    MULADD(at[17], at[93]);    MULADD(at[18], at[92]);    MULADD(at[19], at[91]);    MULADD(at[20], at[90]);    MULADD(at[21], at[89]);    MULADD(at[22], at[88]);    MULADD(at[23], at[87]);    MULADD(at[24], at[86]);    MULADD(at[25], at[85]);    MULADD(at[26], at[84]);    MULADD(at[27], at[83]);    MULADD(at[28], at[82]);    MULADD(at[29], at[81]);    MULADD(at[30], at[80]);    MULADD(at[31], at[79]);    MULADD(at[32], at[78]);    MULADD(at[33], at[77]);    MULADD(at[34], at[76]);    MULADD(at[35], at[75]);    MULADD(at[36], at[74]);    MULADD(at[37], at[73]);    MULADD(at[38], at[72]);    MULADD(at[39], at[71]);    MULADD(at[40], at[70]);    MULADD(at[41], at[69]);    MULADD(at[42], at[68]);    MULADD(at[43], at[67]);    MULADD(at[44], at[66]);    MULADD(at[45], at[65]);    MULADD(at[46], at[64]);    MULADD(at[47], at[63]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[62]);
+   /* 63 */
+   MULADD(at[16], at[95]);    MULADD(at[17], at[94]);    MULADD(at[18], at[93]);    MULADD(at[19], at[92]);    MULADD(at[20], at[91]);    MULADD(at[21], at[90]);    MULADD(at[22], at[89]);    MULADD(at[23], at[88]);    MULADD(at[24], at[87]);    MULADD(at[25], at[86]);    MULADD(at[26], at[85]);    MULADD(at[27], at[84]);    MULADD(at[28], at[83]);    MULADD(at[29], at[82]);    MULADD(at[30], at[81]);    MULADD(at[31], at[80]);    MULADD(at[32], at[79]);    MULADD(at[33], at[78]);    MULADD(at[34], at[77]);    MULADD(at[35], at[76]);    MULADD(at[36], at[75]);    MULADD(at[37], at[74]);    MULADD(at[38], at[73]);    MULADD(at[39], at[72]);    MULADD(at[40], at[71]);    MULADD(at[41], at[70]);    MULADD(at[42], at[69]);    MULADD(at[43], at[68]);    MULADD(at[44], at[67]);    MULADD(at[45], at[66]);    MULADD(at[46], at[65]);    MULADD(at[47], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[63]);
+   /* 64 */
+   MULADD(at[17], at[95]);    MULADD(at[18], at[94]);    MULADD(at[19], at[93]);    MULADD(at[20], at[92]);    MULADD(at[21], at[91]);    MULADD(at[22], at[90]);    MULADD(at[23], at[89]);    MULADD(at[24], at[88]);    MULADD(at[25], at[87]);    MULADD(at[26], at[86]);    MULADD(at[27], at[85]);    MULADD(at[28], at[84]);    MULADD(at[29], at[83]);    MULADD(at[30], at[82]);    MULADD(at[31], at[81]);    MULADD(at[32], at[80]);    MULADD(at[33], at[79]);    MULADD(at[34], at[78]);    MULADD(at[35], at[77]);    MULADD(at[36], at[76]);    MULADD(at[37], at[75]);    MULADD(at[38], at[74]);    MULADD(at[39], at[73]);    MULADD(at[40], at[72]);    MULADD(at[41], at[71]);    MULADD(at[42], at[70]);    MULADD(at[43], at[69]);    MULADD(at[44], at[68]);    MULADD(at[45], at[67]);    MULADD(at[46], at[66]);    MULADD(at[47], at[65]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[64]);
+   /* 65 */
+   MULADD(at[18], at[95]);    MULADD(at[19], at[94]);    MULADD(at[20], at[93]);    MULADD(at[21], at[92]);    MULADD(at[22], at[91]);    MULADD(at[23], at[90]);    MULADD(at[24], at[89]);    MULADD(at[25], at[88]);    MULADD(at[26], at[87]);    MULADD(at[27], at[86]);    MULADD(at[28], at[85]);    MULADD(at[29], at[84]);    MULADD(at[30], at[83]);    MULADD(at[31], at[82]);    MULADD(at[32], at[81]);    MULADD(at[33], at[80]);    MULADD(at[34], at[79]);    MULADD(at[35], at[78]);    MULADD(at[36], at[77]);    MULADD(at[37], at[76]);    MULADD(at[38], at[75]);    MULADD(at[39], at[74]);    MULADD(at[40], at[73]);    MULADD(at[41], at[72]);    MULADD(at[42], at[71]);    MULADD(at[43], at[70]);    MULADD(at[44], at[69]);    MULADD(at[45], at[68]);    MULADD(at[46], at[67]);    MULADD(at[47], at[66]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[65]);
+   /* 66 */
+   MULADD(at[19], at[95]);    MULADD(at[20], at[94]);    MULADD(at[21], at[93]);    MULADD(at[22], at[92]);    MULADD(at[23], at[91]);    MULADD(at[24], at[90]);    MULADD(at[25], at[89]);    MULADD(at[26], at[88]);    MULADD(at[27], at[87]);    MULADD(at[28], at[86]);    MULADD(at[29], at[85]);    MULADD(at[30], at[84]);    MULADD(at[31], at[83]);    MULADD(at[32], at[82]);    MULADD(at[33], at[81]);    MULADD(at[34], at[80]);    MULADD(at[35], at[79]);    MULADD(at[36], at[78]);    MULADD(at[37], at[77]);    MULADD(at[38], at[76]);    MULADD(at[39], at[75]);    MULADD(at[40], at[74]);    MULADD(at[41], at[73]);    MULADD(at[42], at[72]);    MULADD(at[43], at[71]);    MULADD(at[44], at[70]);    MULADD(at[45], at[69]);    MULADD(at[46], at[68]);    MULADD(at[47], at[67]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[66]);
+   /* 67 */
+   MULADD(at[20], at[95]);    MULADD(at[21], at[94]);    MULADD(at[22], at[93]);    MULADD(at[23], at[92]);    MULADD(at[24], at[91]);    MULADD(at[25], at[90]);    MULADD(at[26], at[89]);    MULADD(at[27], at[88]);    MULADD(at[28], at[87]);    MULADD(at[29], at[86]);    MULADD(at[30], at[85]);    MULADD(at[31], at[84]);    MULADD(at[32], at[83]);    MULADD(at[33], at[82]);    MULADD(at[34], at[81]);    MULADD(at[35], at[80]);    MULADD(at[36], at[79]);    MULADD(at[37], at[78]);    MULADD(at[38], at[77]);    MULADD(at[39], at[76]);    MULADD(at[40], at[75]);    MULADD(at[41], at[74]);    MULADD(at[42], at[73]);    MULADD(at[43], at[72]);    MULADD(at[44], at[71]);    MULADD(at[45], at[70]);    MULADD(at[46], at[69]);    MULADD(at[47], at[68]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[67]);
+   /* 68 */
+   MULADD(at[21], at[95]);    MULADD(at[22], at[94]);    MULADD(at[23], at[93]);    MULADD(at[24], at[92]);    MULADD(at[25], at[91]);    MULADD(at[26], at[90]);    MULADD(at[27], at[89]);    MULADD(at[28], at[88]);    MULADD(at[29], at[87]);    MULADD(at[30], at[86]);    MULADD(at[31], at[85]);    MULADD(at[32], at[84]);    MULADD(at[33], at[83]);    MULADD(at[34], at[82]);    MULADD(at[35], at[81]);    MULADD(at[36], at[80]);    MULADD(at[37], at[79]);    MULADD(at[38], at[78]);    MULADD(at[39], at[77]);    MULADD(at[40], at[76]);    MULADD(at[41], at[75]);    MULADD(at[42], at[74]);    MULADD(at[43], at[73]);    MULADD(at[44], at[72]);    MULADD(at[45], at[71]);    MULADD(at[46], at[70]);    MULADD(at[47], at[69]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[68]);
+   /* 69 */
+   MULADD(at[22], at[95]);    MULADD(at[23], at[94]);    MULADD(at[24], at[93]);    MULADD(at[25], at[92]);    MULADD(at[26], at[91]);    MULADD(at[27], at[90]);    MULADD(at[28], at[89]);    MULADD(at[29], at[88]);    MULADD(at[30], at[87]);    MULADD(at[31], at[86]);    MULADD(at[32], at[85]);    MULADD(at[33], at[84]);    MULADD(at[34], at[83]);    MULADD(at[35], at[82]);    MULADD(at[36], at[81]);    MULADD(at[37], at[80]);    MULADD(at[38], at[79]);    MULADD(at[39], at[78]);    MULADD(at[40], at[77]);    MULADD(at[41], at[76]);    MULADD(at[42], at[75]);    MULADD(at[43], at[74]);    MULADD(at[44], at[73]);    MULADD(at[45], at[72]);    MULADD(at[46], at[71]);    MULADD(at[47], at[70]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[69]);
+   /* 70 */
+   MULADD(at[23], at[95]);    MULADD(at[24], at[94]);    MULADD(at[25], at[93]);    MULADD(at[26], at[92]);    MULADD(at[27], at[91]);    MULADD(at[28], at[90]);    MULADD(at[29], at[89]);    MULADD(at[30], at[88]);    MULADD(at[31], at[87]);    MULADD(at[32], at[86]);    MULADD(at[33], at[85]);    MULADD(at[34], at[84]);    MULADD(at[35], at[83]);    MULADD(at[36], at[82]);    MULADD(at[37], at[81]);    MULADD(at[38], at[80]);    MULADD(at[39], at[79]);    MULADD(at[40], at[78]);    MULADD(at[41], at[77]);    MULADD(at[42], at[76]);    MULADD(at[43], at[75]);    MULADD(at[44], at[74]);    MULADD(at[45], at[73]);    MULADD(at[46], at[72]);    MULADD(at[47], at[71]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[70]);
+   /* 71 */
+   MULADD(at[24], at[95]);    MULADD(at[25], at[94]);    MULADD(at[26], at[93]);    MULADD(at[27], at[92]);    MULADD(at[28], at[91]);    MULADD(at[29], at[90]);    MULADD(at[30], at[89]);    MULADD(at[31], at[88]);    MULADD(at[32], at[87]);    MULADD(at[33], at[86]);    MULADD(at[34], at[85]);    MULADD(at[35], at[84]);    MULADD(at[36], at[83]);    MULADD(at[37], at[82]);    MULADD(at[38], at[81]);    MULADD(at[39], at[80]);    MULADD(at[40], at[79]);    MULADD(at[41], at[78]);    MULADD(at[42], at[77]);    MULADD(at[43], at[76]);    MULADD(at[44], at[75]);    MULADD(at[45], at[74]);    MULADD(at[46], at[73]);    MULADD(at[47], at[72]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[71]);
+   /* 72 */
+   MULADD(at[25], at[95]);    MULADD(at[26], at[94]);    MULADD(at[27], at[93]);    MULADD(at[28], at[92]);    MULADD(at[29], at[91]);    MULADD(at[30], at[90]);    MULADD(at[31], at[89]);    MULADD(at[32], at[88]);    MULADD(at[33], at[87]);    MULADD(at[34], at[86]);    MULADD(at[35], at[85]);    MULADD(at[36], at[84]);    MULADD(at[37], at[83]);    MULADD(at[38], at[82]);    MULADD(at[39], at[81]);    MULADD(at[40], at[80]);    MULADD(at[41], at[79]);    MULADD(at[42], at[78]);    MULADD(at[43], at[77]);    MULADD(at[44], at[76]);    MULADD(at[45], at[75]);    MULADD(at[46], at[74]);    MULADD(at[47], at[73]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[72]);
+   /* 73 */
+   MULADD(at[26], at[95]);    MULADD(at[27], at[94]);    MULADD(at[28], at[93]);    MULADD(at[29], at[92]);    MULADD(at[30], at[91]);    MULADD(at[31], at[90]);    MULADD(at[32], at[89]);    MULADD(at[33], at[88]);    MULADD(at[34], at[87]);    MULADD(at[35], at[86]);    MULADD(at[36], at[85]);    MULADD(at[37], at[84]);    MULADD(at[38], at[83]);    MULADD(at[39], at[82]);    MULADD(at[40], at[81]);    MULADD(at[41], at[80]);    MULADD(at[42], at[79]);    MULADD(at[43], at[78]);    MULADD(at[44], at[77]);    MULADD(at[45], at[76]);    MULADD(at[46], at[75]);    MULADD(at[47], at[74]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[73]);
+   /* 74 */
+   MULADD(at[27], at[95]);    MULADD(at[28], at[94]);    MULADD(at[29], at[93]);    MULADD(at[30], at[92]);    MULADD(at[31], at[91]);    MULADD(at[32], at[90]);    MULADD(at[33], at[89]);    MULADD(at[34], at[88]);    MULADD(at[35], at[87]);    MULADD(at[36], at[86]);    MULADD(at[37], at[85]);    MULADD(at[38], at[84]);    MULADD(at[39], at[83]);    MULADD(at[40], at[82]);    MULADD(at[41], at[81]);    MULADD(at[42], at[80]);    MULADD(at[43], at[79]);    MULADD(at[44], at[78]);    MULADD(at[45], at[77]);    MULADD(at[46], at[76]);    MULADD(at[47], at[75]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[74]);
+   /* 75 */
+   MULADD(at[28], at[95]);    MULADD(at[29], at[94]);    MULADD(at[30], at[93]);    MULADD(at[31], at[92]);    MULADD(at[32], at[91]);    MULADD(at[33], at[90]);    MULADD(at[34], at[89]);    MULADD(at[35], at[88]);    MULADD(at[36], at[87]);    MULADD(at[37], at[86]);    MULADD(at[38], at[85]);    MULADD(at[39], at[84]);    MULADD(at[40], at[83]);    MULADD(at[41], at[82]);    MULADD(at[42], at[81]);    MULADD(at[43], at[80]);    MULADD(at[44], at[79]);    MULADD(at[45], at[78]);    MULADD(at[46], at[77]);    MULADD(at[47], at[76]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[75]);
+   /* 76 */
+   MULADD(at[29], at[95]);    MULADD(at[30], at[94]);    MULADD(at[31], at[93]);    MULADD(at[32], at[92]);    MULADD(at[33], at[91]);    MULADD(at[34], at[90]);    MULADD(at[35], at[89]);    MULADD(at[36], at[88]);    MULADD(at[37], at[87]);    MULADD(at[38], at[86]);    MULADD(at[39], at[85]);    MULADD(at[40], at[84]);    MULADD(at[41], at[83]);    MULADD(at[42], at[82]);    MULADD(at[43], at[81]);    MULADD(at[44], at[80]);    MULADD(at[45], at[79]);    MULADD(at[46], at[78]);    MULADD(at[47], at[77]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[76]);
+   /* 77 */
+   MULADD(at[30], at[95]);    MULADD(at[31], at[94]);    MULADD(at[32], at[93]);    MULADD(at[33], at[92]);    MULADD(at[34], at[91]);    MULADD(at[35], at[90]);    MULADD(at[36], at[89]);    MULADD(at[37], at[88]);    MULADD(at[38], at[87]);    MULADD(at[39], at[86]);    MULADD(at[40], at[85]);    MULADD(at[41], at[84]);    MULADD(at[42], at[83]);    MULADD(at[43], at[82]);    MULADD(at[44], at[81]);    MULADD(at[45], at[80]);    MULADD(at[46], at[79]);    MULADD(at[47], at[78]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[77]);
+   /* 78 */
+   MULADD(at[31], at[95]);    MULADD(at[32], at[94]);    MULADD(at[33], at[93]);    MULADD(at[34], at[92]);    MULADD(at[35], at[91]);    MULADD(at[36], at[90]);    MULADD(at[37], at[89]);    MULADD(at[38], at[88]);    MULADD(at[39], at[87]);    MULADD(at[40], at[86]);    MULADD(at[41], at[85]);    MULADD(at[42], at[84]);    MULADD(at[43], at[83]);    MULADD(at[44], at[82]);    MULADD(at[45], at[81]);    MULADD(at[46], at[80]);    MULADD(at[47], at[79]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[78]);
+   /* 79 */
+   MULADD(at[32], at[95]);    MULADD(at[33], at[94]);    MULADD(at[34], at[93]);    MULADD(at[35], at[92]);    MULADD(at[36], at[91]);    MULADD(at[37], at[90]);    MULADD(at[38], at[89]);    MULADD(at[39], at[88]);    MULADD(at[40], at[87]);    MULADD(at[41], at[86]);    MULADD(at[42], at[85]);    MULADD(at[43], at[84]);    MULADD(at[44], at[83]);    MULADD(at[45], at[82]);    MULADD(at[46], at[81]);    MULADD(at[47], at[80]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[79]);
+   /* 80 */
+   MULADD(at[33], at[95]);    MULADD(at[34], at[94]);    MULADD(at[35], at[93]);    MULADD(at[36], at[92]);    MULADD(at[37], at[91]);    MULADD(at[38], at[90]);    MULADD(at[39], at[89]);    MULADD(at[40], at[88]);    MULADD(at[41], at[87]);    MULADD(at[42], at[86]);    MULADD(at[43], at[85]);    MULADD(at[44], at[84]);    MULADD(at[45], at[83]);    MULADD(at[46], at[82]);    MULADD(at[47], at[81]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[80]);
+   /* 81 */
+   MULADD(at[34], at[95]);    MULADD(at[35], at[94]);    MULADD(at[36], at[93]);    MULADD(at[37], at[92]);    MULADD(at[38], at[91]);    MULADD(at[39], at[90]);    MULADD(at[40], at[89]);    MULADD(at[41], at[88]);    MULADD(at[42], at[87]);    MULADD(at[43], at[86]);    MULADD(at[44], at[85]);    MULADD(at[45], at[84]);    MULADD(at[46], at[83]);    MULADD(at[47], at[82]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[81]);
+   /* 82 */
+   MULADD(at[35], at[95]);    MULADD(at[36], at[94]);    MULADD(at[37], at[93]);    MULADD(at[38], at[92]);    MULADD(at[39], at[91]);    MULADD(at[40], at[90]);    MULADD(at[41], at[89]);    MULADD(at[42], at[88]);    MULADD(at[43], at[87]);    MULADD(at[44], at[86]);    MULADD(at[45], at[85]);    MULADD(at[46], at[84]);    MULADD(at[47], at[83]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[82]);
+   /* 83 */
+   MULADD(at[36], at[95]);    MULADD(at[37], at[94]);    MULADD(at[38], at[93]);    MULADD(at[39], at[92]);    MULADD(at[40], at[91]);    MULADD(at[41], at[90]);    MULADD(at[42], at[89]);    MULADD(at[43], at[88]);    MULADD(at[44], at[87]);    MULADD(at[45], at[86]);    MULADD(at[46], at[85]);    MULADD(at[47], at[84]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[83]);
+   /* 84 */
+   MULADD(at[37], at[95]);    MULADD(at[38], at[94]);    MULADD(at[39], at[93]);    MULADD(at[40], at[92]);    MULADD(at[41], at[91]);    MULADD(at[42], at[90]);    MULADD(at[43], at[89]);    MULADD(at[44], at[88]);    MULADD(at[45], at[87]);    MULADD(at[46], at[86]);    MULADD(at[47], at[85]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[84]);
+   /* 85 */
+   MULADD(at[38], at[95]);    MULADD(at[39], at[94]);    MULADD(at[40], at[93]);    MULADD(at[41], at[92]);    MULADD(at[42], at[91]);    MULADD(at[43], at[90]);    MULADD(at[44], at[89]);    MULADD(at[45], at[88]);    MULADD(at[46], at[87]);    MULADD(at[47], at[86]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[85]);
+   /* 86 */
+   MULADD(at[39], at[95]);    MULADD(at[40], at[94]);    MULADD(at[41], at[93]);    MULADD(at[42], at[92]);    MULADD(at[43], at[91]);    MULADD(at[44], at[90]);    MULADD(at[45], at[89]);    MULADD(at[46], at[88]);    MULADD(at[47], at[87]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[86]);
+   /* 87 */
+   MULADD(at[40], at[95]);    MULADD(at[41], at[94]);    MULADD(at[42], at[93]);    MULADD(at[43], at[92]);    MULADD(at[44], at[91]);    MULADD(at[45], at[90]);    MULADD(at[46], at[89]);    MULADD(at[47], at[88]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[87]);
+   /* 88 */
+   MULADD(at[41], at[95]);    MULADD(at[42], at[94]);    MULADD(at[43], at[93]);    MULADD(at[44], at[92]);    MULADD(at[45], at[91]);    MULADD(at[46], at[90]);    MULADD(at[47], at[89]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[88]);
+   /* 89 */
+   MULADD(at[42], at[95]);    MULADD(at[43], at[94]);    MULADD(at[44], at[93]);    MULADD(at[45], at[92]);    MULADD(at[46], at[91]);    MULADD(at[47], at[90]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[89]);
+   /* 90 */
+   MULADD(at[43], at[95]);    MULADD(at[44], at[94]);    MULADD(at[45], at[93]);    MULADD(at[46], at[92]);    MULADD(at[47], at[91]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[90]);
+   /* 91 */
+   MULADD(at[44], at[95]);    MULADD(at[45], at[94]);    MULADD(at[46], at[93]);    MULADD(at[47], at[92]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[91]);
+   /* 92 */
+   MULADD(at[45], at[95]);    MULADD(at[46], at[94]);    MULADD(at[47], at[93]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[92]);
+   /* 93 */
+   MULADD(at[46], at[95]);    MULADD(at[47], at[94]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[93]);
+   /* 94 */
+   MULADD(at[47], at[95]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[94]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[95]);
+   C->used = 96;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL6
+void fp_mul_comba6(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[12];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 6 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+6, B->dp, 6 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[6]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[7]);    MULADD(at[1], at[6]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[8]);    MULADD(at[1], at[7]);    MULADD(at[2], at[6]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[9]);    MULADD(at[1], at[8]);    MULADD(at[2], at[7]);    MULADD(at[3], at[6]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[10]);    MULADD(at[1], at[9]);    MULADD(at[2], at[8]);    MULADD(at[3], at[7]);    MULADD(at[4], at[6]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[11]);    MULADD(at[1], at[10]);    MULADD(at[2], at[9]);    MULADD(at[3], at[8]);    MULADD(at[4], at[7]);    MULADD(at[5], at[6]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[11]);    MULADD(at[2], at[10]);    MULADD(at[3], at[9]);    MULADD(at[4], at[8]);    MULADD(at[5], at[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[11]);    MULADD(at[3], at[10]);    MULADD(at[4], at[9]);    MULADD(at[5], at[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[11]);    MULADD(at[4], at[10]);    MULADD(at[5], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[11]);    MULADD(at[5], at[10]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[11]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[11]);
+   C->used = 12;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 524 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL64
+void fp_mul_comba64(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[128];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 64 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+64, B->dp, 64 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[65]);    MULADD(at[1], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[66]);    MULADD(at[1], at[65]);    MULADD(at[2], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[67]);    MULADD(at[1], at[66]);    MULADD(at[2], at[65]);    MULADD(at[3], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[68]);    MULADD(at[1], at[67]);    MULADD(at[2], at[66]);    MULADD(at[3], at[65]);    MULADD(at[4], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[69]);    MULADD(at[1], at[68]);    MULADD(at[2], at[67]);    MULADD(at[3], at[66]);    MULADD(at[4], at[65]);    MULADD(at[5], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[70]);    MULADD(at[1], at[69]);    MULADD(at[2], at[68]);    MULADD(at[3], at[67]);    MULADD(at[4], at[66]);    MULADD(at[5], at[65]);    MULADD(at[6], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[71]);    MULADD(at[1], at[70]);    MULADD(at[2], at[69]);    MULADD(at[3], at[68]);    MULADD(at[4], at[67]);    MULADD(at[5], at[66]);    MULADD(at[6], at[65]);    MULADD(at[7], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[72]);    MULADD(at[1], at[71]);    MULADD(at[2], at[70]);    MULADD(at[3], at[69]);    MULADD(at[4], at[68]);    MULADD(at[5], at[67]);    MULADD(at[6], at[66]);    MULADD(at[7], at[65]);    MULADD(at[8], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[73]);    MULADD(at[1], at[72]);    MULADD(at[2], at[71]);    MULADD(at[3], at[70]);    MULADD(at[4], at[69]);    MULADD(at[5], at[68]);    MULADD(at[6], at[67]);    MULADD(at[7], at[66]);    MULADD(at[8], at[65]);    MULADD(at[9], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[74]);    MULADD(at[1], at[73]);    MULADD(at[2], at[72]);    MULADD(at[3], at[71]);    MULADD(at[4], at[70]);    MULADD(at[5], at[69]);    MULADD(at[6], at[68]);    MULADD(at[7], at[67]);    MULADD(at[8], at[66]);    MULADD(at[9], at[65]);    MULADD(at[10], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   /* 11 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[75]);    MULADD(at[1], at[74]);    MULADD(at[2], at[73]);    MULADD(at[3], at[72]);    MULADD(at[4], at[71]);    MULADD(at[5], at[70]);    MULADD(at[6], at[69]);    MULADD(at[7], at[68]);    MULADD(at[8], at[67]);    MULADD(at[9], at[66]);    MULADD(at[10], at[65]);    MULADD(at[11], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+   /* 12 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[76]);    MULADD(at[1], at[75]);    MULADD(at[2], at[74]);    MULADD(at[3], at[73]);    MULADD(at[4], at[72]);    MULADD(at[5], at[71]);    MULADD(at[6], at[70]);    MULADD(at[7], at[69]);    MULADD(at[8], at[68]);    MULADD(at[9], at[67]);    MULADD(at[10], at[66]);    MULADD(at[11], at[65]);    MULADD(at[12], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+   /* 13 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[77]);    MULADD(at[1], at[76]);    MULADD(at[2], at[75]);    MULADD(at[3], at[74]);    MULADD(at[4], at[73]);    MULADD(at[5], at[72]);    MULADD(at[6], at[71]);    MULADD(at[7], at[70]);    MULADD(at[8], at[69]);    MULADD(at[9], at[68]);    MULADD(at[10], at[67]);    MULADD(at[11], at[66]);    MULADD(at[12], at[65]);    MULADD(at[13], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+   /* 14 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[78]);    MULADD(at[1], at[77]);    MULADD(at[2], at[76]);    MULADD(at[3], at[75]);    MULADD(at[4], at[74]);    MULADD(at[5], at[73]);    MULADD(at[6], at[72]);    MULADD(at[7], at[71]);    MULADD(at[8], at[70]);    MULADD(at[9], at[69]);    MULADD(at[10], at[68]);    MULADD(at[11], at[67]);    MULADD(at[12], at[66]);    MULADD(at[13], at[65]);    MULADD(at[14], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+   /* 15 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[79]);    MULADD(at[1], at[78]);    MULADD(at[2], at[77]);    MULADD(at[3], at[76]);    MULADD(at[4], at[75]);    MULADD(at[5], at[74]);    MULADD(at[6], at[73]);    MULADD(at[7], at[72]);    MULADD(at[8], at[71]);    MULADD(at[9], at[70]);    MULADD(at[10], at[69]);    MULADD(at[11], at[68]);    MULADD(at[12], at[67]);    MULADD(at[13], at[66]);    MULADD(at[14], at[65]);    MULADD(at[15], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+   /* 16 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[80]);    MULADD(at[1], at[79]);    MULADD(at[2], at[78]);    MULADD(at[3], at[77]);    MULADD(at[4], at[76]);    MULADD(at[5], at[75]);    MULADD(at[6], at[74]);    MULADD(at[7], at[73]);    MULADD(at[8], at[72]);    MULADD(at[9], at[71]);    MULADD(at[10], at[70]);    MULADD(at[11], at[69]);    MULADD(at[12], at[68]);    MULADD(at[13], at[67]);    MULADD(at[14], at[66]);    MULADD(at[15], at[65]);    MULADD(at[16], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+   /* 17 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[81]);    MULADD(at[1], at[80]);    MULADD(at[2], at[79]);    MULADD(at[3], at[78]);    MULADD(at[4], at[77]);    MULADD(at[5], at[76]);    MULADD(at[6], at[75]);    MULADD(at[7], at[74]);    MULADD(at[8], at[73]);    MULADD(at[9], at[72]);    MULADD(at[10], at[71]);    MULADD(at[11], at[70]);    MULADD(at[12], at[69]);    MULADD(at[13], at[68]);    MULADD(at[14], at[67]);    MULADD(at[15], at[66]);    MULADD(at[16], at[65]);    MULADD(at[17], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+   /* 18 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[82]);    MULADD(at[1], at[81]);    MULADD(at[2], at[80]);    MULADD(at[3], at[79]);    MULADD(at[4], at[78]);    MULADD(at[5], at[77]);    MULADD(at[6], at[76]);    MULADD(at[7], at[75]);    MULADD(at[8], at[74]);    MULADD(at[9], at[73]);    MULADD(at[10], at[72]);    MULADD(at[11], at[71]);    MULADD(at[12], at[70]);    MULADD(at[13], at[69]);    MULADD(at[14], at[68]);    MULADD(at[15], at[67]);    MULADD(at[16], at[66]);    MULADD(at[17], at[65]);    MULADD(at[18], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+   /* 19 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[83]);    MULADD(at[1], at[82]);    MULADD(at[2], at[81]);    MULADD(at[3], at[80]);    MULADD(at[4], at[79]);    MULADD(at[5], at[78]);    MULADD(at[6], at[77]);    MULADD(at[7], at[76]);    MULADD(at[8], at[75]);    MULADD(at[9], at[74]);    MULADD(at[10], at[73]);    MULADD(at[11], at[72]);    MULADD(at[12], at[71]);    MULADD(at[13], at[70]);    MULADD(at[14], at[69]);    MULADD(at[15], at[68]);    MULADD(at[16], at[67]);    MULADD(at[17], at[66]);    MULADD(at[18], at[65]);    MULADD(at[19], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+   /* 20 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[84]);    MULADD(at[1], at[83]);    MULADD(at[2], at[82]);    MULADD(at[3], at[81]);    MULADD(at[4], at[80]);    MULADD(at[5], at[79]);    MULADD(at[6], at[78]);    MULADD(at[7], at[77]);    MULADD(at[8], at[76]);    MULADD(at[9], at[75]);    MULADD(at[10], at[74]);    MULADD(at[11], at[73]);    MULADD(at[12], at[72]);    MULADD(at[13], at[71]);    MULADD(at[14], at[70]);    MULADD(at[15], at[69]);    MULADD(at[16], at[68]);    MULADD(at[17], at[67]);    MULADD(at[18], at[66]);    MULADD(at[19], at[65]);    MULADD(at[20], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+   /* 21 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[85]);    MULADD(at[1], at[84]);    MULADD(at[2], at[83]);    MULADD(at[3], at[82]);    MULADD(at[4], at[81]);    MULADD(at[5], at[80]);    MULADD(at[6], at[79]);    MULADD(at[7], at[78]);    MULADD(at[8], at[77]);    MULADD(at[9], at[76]);    MULADD(at[10], at[75]);    MULADD(at[11], at[74]);    MULADD(at[12], at[73]);    MULADD(at[13], at[72]);    MULADD(at[14], at[71]);    MULADD(at[15], at[70]);    MULADD(at[16], at[69]);    MULADD(at[17], at[68]);    MULADD(at[18], at[67]);    MULADD(at[19], at[66]);    MULADD(at[20], at[65]);    MULADD(at[21], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+   /* 22 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[86]);    MULADD(at[1], at[85]);    MULADD(at[2], at[84]);    MULADD(at[3], at[83]);    MULADD(at[4], at[82]);    MULADD(at[5], at[81]);    MULADD(at[6], at[80]);    MULADD(at[7], at[79]);    MULADD(at[8], at[78]);    MULADD(at[9], at[77]);    MULADD(at[10], at[76]);    MULADD(at[11], at[75]);    MULADD(at[12], at[74]);    MULADD(at[13], at[73]);    MULADD(at[14], at[72]);    MULADD(at[15], at[71]);    MULADD(at[16], at[70]);    MULADD(at[17], at[69]);    MULADD(at[18], at[68]);    MULADD(at[19], at[67]);    MULADD(at[20], at[66]);    MULADD(at[21], at[65]);    MULADD(at[22], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+   /* 23 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[87]);    MULADD(at[1], at[86]);    MULADD(at[2], at[85]);    MULADD(at[3], at[84]);    MULADD(at[4], at[83]);    MULADD(at[5], at[82]);    MULADD(at[6], at[81]);    MULADD(at[7], at[80]);    MULADD(at[8], at[79]);    MULADD(at[9], at[78]);    MULADD(at[10], at[77]);    MULADD(at[11], at[76]);    MULADD(at[12], at[75]);    MULADD(at[13], at[74]);    MULADD(at[14], at[73]);    MULADD(at[15], at[72]);    MULADD(at[16], at[71]);    MULADD(at[17], at[70]);    MULADD(at[18], at[69]);    MULADD(at[19], at[68]);    MULADD(at[20], at[67]);    MULADD(at[21], at[66]);    MULADD(at[22], at[65]);    MULADD(at[23], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[23]);
+   /* 24 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[88]);    MULADD(at[1], at[87]);    MULADD(at[2], at[86]);    MULADD(at[3], at[85]);    MULADD(at[4], at[84]);    MULADD(at[5], at[83]);    MULADD(at[6], at[82]);    MULADD(at[7], at[81]);    MULADD(at[8], at[80]);    MULADD(at[9], at[79]);    MULADD(at[10], at[78]);    MULADD(at[11], at[77]);    MULADD(at[12], at[76]);    MULADD(at[13], at[75]);    MULADD(at[14], at[74]);    MULADD(at[15], at[73]);    MULADD(at[16], at[72]);    MULADD(at[17], at[71]);    MULADD(at[18], at[70]);    MULADD(at[19], at[69]);    MULADD(at[20], at[68]);    MULADD(at[21], at[67]);    MULADD(at[22], at[66]);    MULADD(at[23], at[65]);    MULADD(at[24], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[24]);
+   /* 25 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[89]);    MULADD(at[1], at[88]);    MULADD(at[2], at[87]);    MULADD(at[3], at[86]);    MULADD(at[4], at[85]);    MULADD(at[5], at[84]);    MULADD(at[6], at[83]);    MULADD(at[7], at[82]);    MULADD(at[8], at[81]);    MULADD(at[9], at[80]);    MULADD(at[10], at[79]);    MULADD(at[11], at[78]);    MULADD(at[12], at[77]);    MULADD(at[13], at[76]);    MULADD(at[14], at[75]);    MULADD(at[15], at[74]);    MULADD(at[16], at[73]);    MULADD(at[17], at[72]);    MULADD(at[18], at[71]);    MULADD(at[19], at[70]);    MULADD(at[20], at[69]);    MULADD(at[21], at[68]);    MULADD(at[22], at[67]);    MULADD(at[23], at[66]);    MULADD(at[24], at[65]);    MULADD(at[25], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[25]);
+   /* 26 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[90]);    MULADD(at[1], at[89]);    MULADD(at[2], at[88]);    MULADD(at[3], at[87]);    MULADD(at[4], at[86]);    MULADD(at[5], at[85]);    MULADD(at[6], at[84]);    MULADD(at[7], at[83]);    MULADD(at[8], at[82]);    MULADD(at[9], at[81]);    MULADD(at[10], at[80]);    MULADD(at[11], at[79]);    MULADD(at[12], at[78]);    MULADD(at[13], at[77]);    MULADD(at[14], at[76]);    MULADD(at[15], at[75]);    MULADD(at[16], at[74]);    MULADD(at[17], at[73]);    MULADD(at[18], at[72]);    MULADD(at[19], at[71]);    MULADD(at[20], at[70]);    MULADD(at[21], at[69]);    MULADD(at[22], at[68]);    MULADD(at[23], at[67]);    MULADD(at[24], at[66]);    MULADD(at[25], at[65]);    MULADD(at[26], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[26]);
+   /* 27 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[91]);    MULADD(at[1], at[90]);    MULADD(at[2], at[89]);    MULADD(at[3], at[88]);    MULADD(at[4], at[87]);    MULADD(at[5], at[86]);    MULADD(at[6], at[85]);    MULADD(at[7], at[84]);    MULADD(at[8], at[83]);    MULADD(at[9], at[82]);    MULADD(at[10], at[81]);    MULADD(at[11], at[80]);    MULADD(at[12], at[79]);    MULADD(at[13], at[78]);    MULADD(at[14], at[77]);    MULADD(at[15], at[76]);    MULADD(at[16], at[75]);    MULADD(at[17], at[74]);    MULADD(at[18], at[73]);    MULADD(at[19], at[72]);    MULADD(at[20], at[71]);    MULADD(at[21], at[70]);    MULADD(at[22], at[69]);    MULADD(at[23], at[68]);    MULADD(at[24], at[67]);    MULADD(at[25], at[66]);    MULADD(at[26], at[65]);    MULADD(at[27], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[27]);
+   /* 28 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[92]);    MULADD(at[1], at[91]);    MULADD(at[2], at[90]);    MULADD(at[3], at[89]);    MULADD(at[4], at[88]);    MULADD(at[5], at[87]);    MULADD(at[6], at[86]);    MULADD(at[7], at[85]);    MULADD(at[8], at[84]);    MULADD(at[9], at[83]);    MULADD(at[10], at[82]);    MULADD(at[11], at[81]);    MULADD(at[12], at[80]);    MULADD(at[13], at[79]);    MULADD(at[14], at[78]);    MULADD(at[15], at[77]);    MULADD(at[16], at[76]);    MULADD(at[17], at[75]);    MULADD(at[18], at[74]);    MULADD(at[19], at[73]);    MULADD(at[20], at[72]);    MULADD(at[21], at[71]);    MULADD(at[22], at[70]);    MULADD(at[23], at[69]);    MULADD(at[24], at[68]);    MULADD(at[25], at[67]);    MULADD(at[26], at[66]);    MULADD(at[27], at[65]);    MULADD(at[28], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[28]);
+   /* 29 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[93]);    MULADD(at[1], at[92]);    MULADD(at[2], at[91]);    MULADD(at[3], at[90]);    MULADD(at[4], at[89]);    MULADD(at[5], at[88]);    MULADD(at[6], at[87]);    MULADD(at[7], at[86]);    MULADD(at[8], at[85]);    MULADD(at[9], at[84]);    MULADD(at[10], at[83]);    MULADD(at[11], at[82]);    MULADD(at[12], at[81]);    MULADD(at[13], at[80]);    MULADD(at[14], at[79]);    MULADD(at[15], at[78]);    MULADD(at[16], at[77]);    MULADD(at[17], at[76]);    MULADD(at[18], at[75]);    MULADD(at[19], at[74]);    MULADD(at[20], at[73]);    MULADD(at[21], at[72]);    MULADD(at[22], at[71]);    MULADD(at[23], at[70]);    MULADD(at[24], at[69]);    MULADD(at[25], at[68]);    MULADD(at[26], at[67]);    MULADD(at[27], at[66]);    MULADD(at[28], at[65]);    MULADD(at[29], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[29]);
+   /* 30 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[94]);    MULADD(at[1], at[93]);    MULADD(at[2], at[92]);    MULADD(at[3], at[91]);    MULADD(at[4], at[90]);    MULADD(at[5], at[89]);    MULADD(at[6], at[88]);    MULADD(at[7], at[87]);    MULADD(at[8], at[86]);    MULADD(at[9], at[85]);    MULADD(at[10], at[84]);    MULADD(at[11], at[83]);    MULADD(at[12], at[82]);    MULADD(at[13], at[81]);    MULADD(at[14], at[80]);    MULADD(at[15], at[79]);    MULADD(at[16], at[78]);    MULADD(at[17], at[77]);    MULADD(at[18], at[76]);    MULADD(at[19], at[75]);    MULADD(at[20], at[74]);    MULADD(at[21], at[73]);    MULADD(at[22], at[72]);    MULADD(at[23], at[71]);    MULADD(at[24], at[70]);    MULADD(at[25], at[69]);    MULADD(at[26], at[68]);    MULADD(at[27], at[67]);    MULADD(at[28], at[66]);    MULADD(at[29], at[65]);    MULADD(at[30], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[30]);
+   /* 31 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[95]);    MULADD(at[1], at[94]);    MULADD(at[2], at[93]);    MULADD(at[3], at[92]);    MULADD(at[4], at[91]);    MULADD(at[5], at[90]);    MULADD(at[6], at[89]);    MULADD(at[7], at[88]);    MULADD(at[8], at[87]);    MULADD(at[9], at[86]);    MULADD(at[10], at[85]);    MULADD(at[11], at[84]);    MULADD(at[12], at[83]);    MULADD(at[13], at[82]);    MULADD(at[14], at[81]);    MULADD(at[15], at[80]);    MULADD(at[16], at[79]);    MULADD(at[17], at[78]);    MULADD(at[18], at[77]);    MULADD(at[19], at[76]);    MULADD(at[20], at[75]);    MULADD(at[21], at[74]);    MULADD(at[22], at[73]);    MULADD(at[23], at[72]);    MULADD(at[24], at[71]);    MULADD(at[25], at[70]);    MULADD(at[26], at[69]);    MULADD(at[27], at[68]);    MULADD(at[28], at[67]);    MULADD(at[29], at[66]);    MULADD(at[30], at[65]);    MULADD(at[31], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[31]);
+   /* 32 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[96]);    MULADD(at[1], at[95]);    MULADD(at[2], at[94]);    MULADD(at[3], at[93]);    MULADD(at[4], at[92]);    MULADD(at[5], at[91]);    MULADD(at[6], at[90]);    MULADD(at[7], at[89]);    MULADD(at[8], at[88]);    MULADD(at[9], at[87]);    MULADD(at[10], at[86]);    MULADD(at[11], at[85]);    MULADD(at[12], at[84]);    MULADD(at[13], at[83]);    MULADD(at[14], at[82]);    MULADD(at[15], at[81]);    MULADD(at[16], at[80]);    MULADD(at[17], at[79]);    MULADD(at[18], at[78]);    MULADD(at[19], at[77]);    MULADD(at[20], at[76]);    MULADD(at[21], at[75]);    MULADD(at[22], at[74]);    MULADD(at[23], at[73]);    MULADD(at[24], at[72]);    MULADD(at[25], at[71]);    MULADD(at[26], at[70]);    MULADD(at[27], at[69]);    MULADD(at[28], at[68]);    MULADD(at[29], at[67]);    MULADD(at[30], at[66]);    MULADD(at[31], at[65]);    MULADD(at[32], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[32]);
+   /* 33 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[97]);    MULADD(at[1], at[96]);    MULADD(at[2], at[95]);    MULADD(at[3], at[94]);    MULADD(at[4], at[93]);    MULADD(at[5], at[92]);    MULADD(at[6], at[91]);    MULADD(at[7], at[90]);    MULADD(at[8], at[89]);    MULADD(at[9], at[88]);    MULADD(at[10], at[87]);    MULADD(at[11], at[86]);    MULADD(at[12], at[85]);    MULADD(at[13], at[84]);    MULADD(at[14], at[83]);    MULADD(at[15], at[82]);    MULADD(at[16], at[81]);    MULADD(at[17], at[80]);    MULADD(at[18], at[79]);    MULADD(at[19], at[78]);    MULADD(at[20], at[77]);    MULADD(at[21], at[76]);    MULADD(at[22], at[75]);    MULADD(at[23], at[74]);    MULADD(at[24], at[73]);    MULADD(at[25], at[72]);    MULADD(at[26], at[71]);    MULADD(at[27], at[70]);    MULADD(at[28], at[69]);    MULADD(at[29], at[68]);    MULADD(at[30], at[67]);    MULADD(at[31], at[66]);    MULADD(at[32], at[65]);    MULADD(at[33], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[33]);
+   /* 34 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[98]);    MULADD(at[1], at[97]);    MULADD(at[2], at[96]);    MULADD(at[3], at[95]);    MULADD(at[4], at[94]);    MULADD(at[5], at[93]);    MULADD(at[6], at[92]);    MULADD(at[7], at[91]);    MULADD(at[8], at[90]);    MULADD(at[9], at[89]);    MULADD(at[10], at[88]);    MULADD(at[11], at[87]);    MULADD(at[12], at[86]);    MULADD(at[13], at[85]);    MULADD(at[14], at[84]);    MULADD(at[15], at[83]);    MULADD(at[16], at[82]);    MULADD(at[17], at[81]);    MULADD(at[18], at[80]);    MULADD(at[19], at[79]);    MULADD(at[20], at[78]);    MULADD(at[21], at[77]);    MULADD(at[22], at[76]);    MULADD(at[23], at[75]);    MULADD(at[24], at[74]);    MULADD(at[25], at[73]);    MULADD(at[26], at[72]);    MULADD(at[27], at[71]);    MULADD(at[28], at[70]);    MULADD(at[29], at[69]);    MULADD(at[30], at[68]);    MULADD(at[31], at[67]);    MULADD(at[32], at[66]);    MULADD(at[33], at[65]);    MULADD(at[34], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[34]);
+   /* 35 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[99]);    MULADD(at[1], at[98]);    MULADD(at[2], at[97]);    MULADD(at[3], at[96]);    MULADD(at[4], at[95]);    MULADD(at[5], at[94]);    MULADD(at[6], at[93]);    MULADD(at[7], at[92]);    MULADD(at[8], at[91]);    MULADD(at[9], at[90]);    MULADD(at[10], at[89]);    MULADD(at[11], at[88]);    MULADD(at[12], at[87]);    MULADD(at[13], at[86]);    MULADD(at[14], at[85]);    MULADD(at[15], at[84]);    MULADD(at[16], at[83]);    MULADD(at[17], at[82]);    MULADD(at[18], at[81]);    MULADD(at[19], at[80]);    MULADD(at[20], at[79]);    MULADD(at[21], at[78]);    MULADD(at[22], at[77]);    MULADD(at[23], at[76]);    MULADD(at[24], at[75]);    MULADD(at[25], at[74]);    MULADD(at[26], at[73]);    MULADD(at[27], at[72]);    MULADD(at[28], at[71]);    MULADD(at[29], at[70]);    MULADD(at[30], at[69]);    MULADD(at[31], at[68]);    MULADD(at[32], at[67]);    MULADD(at[33], at[66]);    MULADD(at[34], at[65]);    MULADD(at[35], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[35]);
+   /* 36 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[100]);    MULADD(at[1], at[99]);    MULADD(at[2], at[98]);    MULADD(at[3], at[97]);    MULADD(at[4], at[96]);    MULADD(at[5], at[95]);    MULADD(at[6], at[94]);    MULADD(at[7], at[93]);    MULADD(at[8], at[92]);    MULADD(at[9], at[91]);    MULADD(at[10], at[90]);    MULADD(at[11], at[89]);    MULADD(at[12], at[88]);    MULADD(at[13], at[87]);    MULADD(at[14], at[86]);    MULADD(at[15], at[85]);    MULADD(at[16], at[84]);    MULADD(at[17], at[83]);    MULADD(at[18], at[82]);    MULADD(at[19], at[81]);    MULADD(at[20], at[80]);    MULADD(at[21], at[79]);    MULADD(at[22], at[78]);    MULADD(at[23], at[77]);    MULADD(at[24], at[76]);    MULADD(at[25], at[75]);    MULADD(at[26], at[74]);    MULADD(at[27], at[73]);    MULADD(at[28], at[72]);    MULADD(at[29], at[71]);    MULADD(at[30], at[70]);    MULADD(at[31], at[69]);    MULADD(at[32], at[68]);    MULADD(at[33], at[67]);    MULADD(at[34], at[66]);    MULADD(at[35], at[65]);    MULADD(at[36], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[36]);
+   /* 37 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[101]);    MULADD(at[1], at[100]);    MULADD(at[2], at[99]);    MULADD(at[3], at[98]);    MULADD(at[4], at[97]);    MULADD(at[5], at[96]);    MULADD(at[6], at[95]);    MULADD(at[7], at[94]);    MULADD(at[8], at[93]);    MULADD(at[9], at[92]);    MULADD(at[10], at[91]);    MULADD(at[11], at[90]);    MULADD(at[12], at[89]);    MULADD(at[13], at[88]);    MULADD(at[14], at[87]);    MULADD(at[15], at[86]);    MULADD(at[16], at[85]);    MULADD(at[17], at[84]);    MULADD(at[18], at[83]);    MULADD(at[19], at[82]);    MULADD(at[20], at[81]);    MULADD(at[21], at[80]);    MULADD(at[22], at[79]);    MULADD(at[23], at[78]);    MULADD(at[24], at[77]);    MULADD(at[25], at[76]);    MULADD(at[26], at[75]);    MULADD(at[27], at[74]);    MULADD(at[28], at[73]);    MULADD(at[29], at[72]);    MULADD(at[30], at[71]);    MULADD(at[31], at[70]);    MULADD(at[32], at[69]);    MULADD(at[33], at[68]);    MULADD(at[34], at[67]);    MULADD(at[35], at[66]);    MULADD(at[36], at[65]);    MULADD(at[37], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[37]);
+   /* 38 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[102]);    MULADD(at[1], at[101]);    MULADD(at[2], at[100]);    MULADD(at[3], at[99]);    MULADD(at[4], at[98]);    MULADD(at[5], at[97]);    MULADD(at[6], at[96]);    MULADD(at[7], at[95]);    MULADD(at[8], at[94]);    MULADD(at[9], at[93]);    MULADD(at[10], at[92]);    MULADD(at[11], at[91]);    MULADD(at[12], at[90]);    MULADD(at[13], at[89]);    MULADD(at[14], at[88]);    MULADD(at[15], at[87]);    MULADD(at[16], at[86]);    MULADD(at[17], at[85]);    MULADD(at[18], at[84]);    MULADD(at[19], at[83]);    MULADD(at[20], at[82]);    MULADD(at[21], at[81]);    MULADD(at[22], at[80]);    MULADD(at[23], at[79]);    MULADD(at[24], at[78]);    MULADD(at[25], at[77]);    MULADD(at[26], at[76]);    MULADD(at[27], at[75]);    MULADD(at[28], at[74]);    MULADD(at[29], at[73]);    MULADD(at[30], at[72]);    MULADD(at[31], at[71]);    MULADD(at[32], at[70]);    MULADD(at[33], at[69]);    MULADD(at[34], at[68]);    MULADD(at[35], at[67]);    MULADD(at[36], at[66]);    MULADD(at[37], at[65]);    MULADD(at[38], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[38]);
+   /* 39 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[103]);    MULADD(at[1], at[102]);    MULADD(at[2], at[101]);    MULADD(at[3], at[100]);    MULADD(at[4], at[99]);    MULADD(at[5], at[98]);    MULADD(at[6], at[97]);    MULADD(at[7], at[96]);    MULADD(at[8], at[95]);    MULADD(at[9], at[94]);    MULADD(at[10], at[93]);    MULADD(at[11], at[92]);    MULADD(at[12], at[91]);    MULADD(at[13], at[90]);    MULADD(at[14], at[89]);    MULADD(at[15], at[88]);    MULADD(at[16], at[87]);    MULADD(at[17], at[86]);    MULADD(at[18], at[85]);    MULADD(at[19], at[84]);    MULADD(at[20], at[83]);    MULADD(at[21], at[82]);    MULADD(at[22], at[81]);    MULADD(at[23], at[80]);    MULADD(at[24], at[79]);    MULADD(at[25], at[78]);    MULADD(at[26], at[77]);    MULADD(at[27], at[76]);    MULADD(at[28], at[75]);    MULADD(at[29], at[74]);    MULADD(at[30], at[73]);    MULADD(at[31], at[72]);    MULADD(at[32], at[71]);    MULADD(at[33], at[70]);    MULADD(at[34], at[69]);    MULADD(at[35], at[68]);    MULADD(at[36], at[67]);    MULADD(at[37], at[66]);    MULADD(at[38], at[65]);    MULADD(at[39], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[39]);
+   /* 40 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[104]);    MULADD(at[1], at[103]);    MULADD(at[2], at[102]);    MULADD(at[3], at[101]);    MULADD(at[4], at[100]);    MULADD(at[5], at[99]);    MULADD(at[6], at[98]);    MULADD(at[7], at[97]);    MULADD(at[8], at[96]);    MULADD(at[9], at[95]);    MULADD(at[10], at[94]);    MULADD(at[11], at[93]);    MULADD(at[12], at[92]);    MULADD(at[13], at[91]);    MULADD(at[14], at[90]);    MULADD(at[15], at[89]);    MULADD(at[16], at[88]);    MULADD(at[17], at[87]);    MULADD(at[18], at[86]);    MULADD(at[19], at[85]);    MULADD(at[20], at[84]);    MULADD(at[21], at[83]);    MULADD(at[22], at[82]);    MULADD(at[23], at[81]);    MULADD(at[24], at[80]);    MULADD(at[25], at[79]);    MULADD(at[26], at[78]);    MULADD(at[27], at[77]);    MULADD(at[28], at[76]);    MULADD(at[29], at[75]);    MULADD(at[30], at[74]);    MULADD(at[31], at[73]);    MULADD(at[32], at[72]);    MULADD(at[33], at[71]);    MULADD(at[34], at[70]);    MULADD(at[35], at[69]);    MULADD(at[36], at[68]);    MULADD(at[37], at[67]);    MULADD(at[38], at[66]);    MULADD(at[39], at[65]);    MULADD(at[40], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[40]);
+   /* 41 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[105]);    MULADD(at[1], at[104]);    MULADD(at[2], at[103]);    MULADD(at[3], at[102]);    MULADD(at[4], at[101]);    MULADD(at[5], at[100]);    MULADD(at[6], at[99]);    MULADD(at[7], at[98]);    MULADD(at[8], at[97]);    MULADD(at[9], at[96]);    MULADD(at[10], at[95]);    MULADD(at[11], at[94]);    MULADD(at[12], at[93]);    MULADD(at[13], at[92]);    MULADD(at[14], at[91]);    MULADD(at[15], at[90]);    MULADD(at[16], at[89]);    MULADD(at[17], at[88]);    MULADD(at[18], at[87]);    MULADD(at[19], at[86]);    MULADD(at[20], at[85]);    MULADD(at[21], at[84]);    MULADD(at[22], at[83]);    MULADD(at[23], at[82]);    MULADD(at[24], at[81]);    MULADD(at[25], at[80]);    MULADD(at[26], at[79]);    MULADD(at[27], at[78]);    MULADD(at[28], at[77]);    MULADD(at[29], at[76]);    MULADD(at[30], at[75]);    MULADD(at[31], at[74]);    MULADD(at[32], at[73]);    MULADD(at[33], at[72]);    MULADD(at[34], at[71]);    MULADD(at[35], at[70]);    MULADD(at[36], at[69]);    MULADD(at[37], at[68]);    MULADD(at[38], at[67]);    MULADD(at[39], at[66]);    MULADD(at[40], at[65]);    MULADD(at[41], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[41]);
+   /* 42 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[106]);    MULADD(at[1], at[105]);    MULADD(at[2], at[104]);    MULADD(at[3], at[103]);    MULADD(at[4], at[102]);    MULADD(at[5], at[101]);    MULADD(at[6], at[100]);    MULADD(at[7], at[99]);    MULADD(at[8], at[98]);    MULADD(at[9], at[97]);    MULADD(at[10], at[96]);    MULADD(at[11], at[95]);    MULADD(at[12], at[94]);    MULADD(at[13], at[93]);    MULADD(at[14], at[92]);    MULADD(at[15], at[91]);    MULADD(at[16], at[90]);    MULADD(at[17], at[89]);    MULADD(at[18], at[88]);    MULADD(at[19], at[87]);    MULADD(at[20], at[86]);    MULADD(at[21], at[85]);    MULADD(at[22], at[84]);    MULADD(at[23], at[83]);    MULADD(at[24], at[82]);    MULADD(at[25], at[81]);    MULADD(at[26], at[80]);    MULADD(at[27], at[79]);    MULADD(at[28], at[78]);    MULADD(at[29], at[77]);    MULADD(at[30], at[76]);    MULADD(at[31], at[75]);    MULADD(at[32], at[74]);    MULADD(at[33], at[73]);    MULADD(at[34], at[72]);    MULADD(at[35], at[71]);    MULADD(at[36], at[70]);    MULADD(at[37], at[69]);    MULADD(at[38], at[68]);    MULADD(at[39], at[67]);    MULADD(at[40], at[66]);    MULADD(at[41], at[65]);    MULADD(at[42], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[42]);
+   /* 43 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[107]);    MULADD(at[1], at[106]);    MULADD(at[2], at[105]);    MULADD(at[3], at[104]);    MULADD(at[4], at[103]);    MULADD(at[5], at[102]);    MULADD(at[6], at[101]);    MULADD(at[7], at[100]);    MULADD(at[8], at[99]);    MULADD(at[9], at[98]);    MULADD(at[10], at[97]);    MULADD(at[11], at[96]);    MULADD(at[12], at[95]);    MULADD(at[13], at[94]);    MULADD(at[14], at[93]);    MULADD(at[15], at[92]);    MULADD(at[16], at[91]);    MULADD(at[17], at[90]);    MULADD(at[18], at[89]);    MULADD(at[19], at[88]);    MULADD(at[20], at[87]);    MULADD(at[21], at[86]);    MULADD(at[22], at[85]);    MULADD(at[23], at[84]);    MULADD(at[24], at[83]);    MULADD(at[25], at[82]);    MULADD(at[26], at[81]);    MULADD(at[27], at[80]);    MULADD(at[28], at[79]);    MULADD(at[29], at[78]);    MULADD(at[30], at[77]);    MULADD(at[31], at[76]);    MULADD(at[32], at[75]);    MULADD(at[33], at[74]);    MULADD(at[34], at[73]);    MULADD(at[35], at[72]);    MULADD(at[36], at[71]);    MULADD(at[37], at[70]);    MULADD(at[38], at[69]);    MULADD(at[39], at[68]);    MULADD(at[40], at[67]);    MULADD(at[41], at[66]);    MULADD(at[42], at[65]);    MULADD(at[43], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[43]);
+   /* 44 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[108]);    MULADD(at[1], at[107]);    MULADD(at[2], at[106]);    MULADD(at[3], at[105]);    MULADD(at[4], at[104]);    MULADD(at[5], at[103]);    MULADD(at[6], at[102]);    MULADD(at[7], at[101]);    MULADD(at[8], at[100]);    MULADD(at[9], at[99]);    MULADD(at[10], at[98]);    MULADD(at[11], at[97]);    MULADD(at[12], at[96]);    MULADD(at[13], at[95]);    MULADD(at[14], at[94]);    MULADD(at[15], at[93]);    MULADD(at[16], at[92]);    MULADD(at[17], at[91]);    MULADD(at[18], at[90]);    MULADD(at[19], at[89]);    MULADD(at[20], at[88]);    MULADD(at[21], at[87]);    MULADD(at[22], at[86]);    MULADD(at[23], at[85]);    MULADD(at[24], at[84]);    MULADD(at[25], at[83]);    MULADD(at[26], at[82]);    MULADD(at[27], at[81]);    MULADD(at[28], at[80]);    MULADD(at[29], at[79]);    MULADD(at[30], at[78]);    MULADD(at[31], at[77]);    MULADD(at[32], at[76]);    MULADD(at[33], at[75]);    MULADD(at[34], at[74]);    MULADD(at[35], at[73]);    MULADD(at[36], at[72]);    MULADD(at[37], at[71]);    MULADD(at[38], at[70]);    MULADD(at[39], at[69]);    MULADD(at[40], at[68]);    MULADD(at[41], at[67]);    MULADD(at[42], at[66]);    MULADD(at[43], at[65]);    MULADD(at[44], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[44]);
+   /* 45 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[109]);    MULADD(at[1], at[108]);    MULADD(at[2], at[107]);    MULADD(at[3], at[106]);    MULADD(at[4], at[105]);    MULADD(at[5], at[104]);    MULADD(at[6], at[103]);    MULADD(at[7], at[102]);    MULADD(at[8], at[101]);    MULADD(at[9], at[100]);    MULADD(at[10], at[99]);    MULADD(at[11], at[98]);    MULADD(at[12], at[97]);    MULADD(at[13], at[96]);    MULADD(at[14], at[95]);    MULADD(at[15], at[94]);    MULADD(at[16], at[93]);    MULADD(at[17], at[92]);    MULADD(at[18], at[91]);    MULADD(at[19], at[90]);    MULADD(at[20], at[89]);    MULADD(at[21], at[88]);    MULADD(at[22], at[87]);    MULADD(at[23], at[86]);    MULADD(at[24], at[85]);    MULADD(at[25], at[84]);    MULADD(at[26], at[83]);    MULADD(at[27], at[82]);    MULADD(at[28], at[81]);    MULADD(at[29], at[80]);    MULADD(at[30], at[79]);    MULADD(at[31], at[78]);    MULADD(at[32], at[77]);    MULADD(at[33], at[76]);    MULADD(at[34], at[75]);    MULADD(at[35], at[74]);    MULADD(at[36], at[73]);    MULADD(at[37], at[72]);    MULADD(at[38], at[71]);    MULADD(at[39], at[70]);    MULADD(at[40], at[69]);    MULADD(at[41], at[68]);    MULADD(at[42], at[67]);    MULADD(at[43], at[66]);    MULADD(at[44], at[65]);    MULADD(at[45], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[45]);
+   /* 46 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[110]);    MULADD(at[1], at[109]);    MULADD(at[2], at[108]);    MULADD(at[3], at[107]);    MULADD(at[4], at[106]);    MULADD(at[5], at[105]);    MULADD(at[6], at[104]);    MULADD(at[7], at[103]);    MULADD(at[8], at[102]);    MULADD(at[9], at[101]);    MULADD(at[10], at[100]);    MULADD(at[11], at[99]);    MULADD(at[12], at[98]);    MULADD(at[13], at[97]);    MULADD(at[14], at[96]);    MULADD(at[15], at[95]);    MULADD(at[16], at[94]);    MULADD(at[17], at[93]);    MULADD(at[18], at[92]);    MULADD(at[19], at[91]);    MULADD(at[20], at[90]);    MULADD(at[21], at[89]);    MULADD(at[22], at[88]);    MULADD(at[23], at[87]);    MULADD(at[24], at[86]);    MULADD(at[25], at[85]);    MULADD(at[26], at[84]);    MULADD(at[27], at[83]);    MULADD(at[28], at[82]);    MULADD(at[29], at[81]);    MULADD(at[30], at[80]);    MULADD(at[31], at[79]);    MULADD(at[32], at[78]);    MULADD(at[33], at[77]);    MULADD(at[34], at[76]);    MULADD(at[35], at[75]);    MULADD(at[36], at[74]);    MULADD(at[37], at[73]);    MULADD(at[38], at[72]);    MULADD(at[39], at[71]);    MULADD(at[40], at[70]);    MULADD(at[41], at[69]);    MULADD(at[42], at[68]);    MULADD(at[43], at[67]);    MULADD(at[44], at[66]);    MULADD(at[45], at[65]);    MULADD(at[46], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[46]);
+   /* 47 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[111]);    MULADD(at[1], at[110]);    MULADD(at[2], at[109]);    MULADD(at[3], at[108]);    MULADD(at[4], at[107]);    MULADD(at[5], at[106]);    MULADD(at[6], at[105]);    MULADD(at[7], at[104]);    MULADD(at[8], at[103]);    MULADD(at[9], at[102]);    MULADD(at[10], at[101]);    MULADD(at[11], at[100]);    MULADD(at[12], at[99]);    MULADD(at[13], at[98]);    MULADD(at[14], at[97]);    MULADD(at[15], at[96]);    MULADD(at[16], at[95]);    MULADD(at[17], at[94]);    MULADD(at[18], at[93]);    MULADD(at[19], at[92]);    MULADD(at[20], at[91]);    MULADD(at[21], at[90]);    MULADD(at[22], at[89]);    MULADD(at[23], at[88]);    MULADD(at[24], at[87]);    MULADD(at[25], at[86]);    MULADD(at[26], at[85]);    MULADD(at[27], at[84]);    MULADD(at[28], at[83]);    MULADD(at[29], at[82]);    MULADD(at[30], at[81]);    MULADD(at[31], at[80]);    MULADD(at[32], at[79]);    MULADD(at[33], at[78]);    MULADD(at[34], at[77]);    MULADD(at[35], at[76]);    MULADD(at[36], at[75]);    MULADD(at[37], at[74]);    MULADD(at[38], at[73]);    MULADD(at[39], at[72]);    MULADD(at[40], at[71]);    MULADD(at[41], at[70]);    MULADD(at[42], at[69]);    MULADD(at[43], at[68]);    MULADD(at[44], at[67]);    MULADD(at[45], at[66]);    MULADD(at[46], at[65]);    MULADD(at[47], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[47]);
+   /* 48 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[112]);    MULADD(at[1], at[111]);    MULADD(at[2], at[110]);    MULADD(at[3], at[109]);    MULADD(at[4], at[108]);    MULADD(at[5], at[107]);    MULADD(at[6], at[106]);    MULADD(at[7], at[105]);    MULADD(at[8], at[104]);    MULADD(at[9], at[103]);    MULADD(at[10], at[102]);    MULADD(at[11], at[101]);    MULADD(at[12], at[100]);    MULADD(at[13], at[99]);    MULADD(at[14], at[98]);    MULADD(at[15], at[97]);    MULADD(at[16], at[96]);    MULADD(at[17], at[95]);    MULADD(at[18], at[94]);    MULADD(at[19], at[93]);    MULADD(at[20], at[92]);    MULADD(at[21], at[91]);    MULADD(at[22], at[90]);    MULADD(at[23], at[89]);    MULADD(at[24], at[88]);    MULADD(at[25], at[87]);    MULADD(at[26], at[86]);    MULADD(at[27], at[85]);    MULADD(at[28], at[84]);    MULADD(at[29], at[83]);    MULADD(at[30], at[82]);    MULADD(at[31], at[81]);    MULADD(at[32], at[80]);    MULADD(at[33], at[79]);    MULADD(at[34], at[78]);    MULADD(at[35], at[77]);    MULADD(at[36], at[76]);    MULADD(at[37], at[75]);    MULADD(at[38], at[74]);    MULADD(at[39], at[73]);    MULADD(at[40], at[72]);    MULADD(at[41], at[71]);    MULADD(at[42], at[70]);    MULADD(at[43], at[69]);    MULADD(at[44], at[68]);    MULADD(at[45], at[67]);    MULADD(at[46], at[66]);    MULADD(at[47], at[65]);    MULADD(at[48], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[48]);
+   /* 49 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[113]);    MULADD(at[1], at[112]);    MULADD(at[2], at[111]);    MULADD(at[3], at[110]);    MULADD(at[4], at[109]);    MULADD(at[5], at[108]);    MULADD(at[6], at[107]);    MULADD(at[7], at[106]);    MULADD(at[8], at[105]);    MULADD(at[9], at[104]);    MULADD(at[10], at[103]);    MULADD(at[11], at[102]);    MULADD(at[12], at[101]);    MULADD(at[13], at[100]);    MULADD(at[14], at[99]);    MULADD(at[15], at[98]);    MULADD(at[16], at[97]);    MULADD(at[17], at[96]);    MULADD(at[18], at[95]);    MULADD(at[19], at[94]);    MULADD(at[20], at[93]);    MULADD(at[21], at[92]);    MULADD(at[22], at[91]);    MULADD(at[23], at[90]);    MULADD(at[24], at[89]);    MULADD(at[25], at[88]);    MULADD(at[26], at[87]);    MULADD(at[27], at[86]);    MULADD(at[28], at[85]);    MULADD(at[29], at[84]);    MULADD(at[30], at[83]);    MULADD(at[31], at[82]);    MULADD(at[32], at[81]);    MULADD(at[33], at[80]);    MULADD(at[34], at[79]);    MULADD(at[35], at[78]);    MULADD(at[36], at[77]);    MULADD(at[37], at[76]);    MULADD(at[38], at[75]);    MULADD(at[39], at[74]);    MULADD(at[40], at[73]);    MULADD(at[41], at[72]);    MULADD(at[42], at[71]);    MULADD(at[43], at[70]);    MULADD(at[44], at[69]);    MULADD(at[45], at[68]);    MULADD(at[46], at[67]);    MULADD(at[47], at[66]);    MULADD(at[48], at[65]);    MULADD(at[49], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[49]);
+   /* 50 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[114]);    MULADD(at[1], at[113]);    MULADD(at[2], at[112]);    MULADD(at[3], at[111]);    MULADD(at[4], at[110]);    MULADD(at[5], at[109]);    MULADD(at[6], at[108]);    MULADD(at[7], at[107]);    MULADD(at[8], at[106]);    MULADD(at[9], at[105]);    MULADD(at[10], at[104]);    MULADD(at[11], at[103]);    MULADD(at[12], at[102]);    MULADD(at[13], at[101]);    MULADD(at[14], at[100]);    MULADD(at[15], at[99]);    MULADD(at[16], at[98]);    MULADD(at[17], at[97]);    MULADD(at[18], at[96]);    MULADD(at[19], at[95]);    MULADD(at[20], at[94]);    MULADD(at[21], at[93]);    MULADD(at[22], at[92]);    MULADD(at[23], at[91]);    MULADD(at[24], at[90]);    MULADD(at[25], at[89]);    MULADD(at[26], at[88]);    MULADD(at[27], at[87]);    MULADD(at[28], at[86]);    MULADD(at[29], at[85]);    MULADD(at[30], at[84]);    MULADD(at[31], at[83]);    MULADD(at[32], at[82]);    MULADD(at[33], at[81]);    MULADD(at[34], at[80]);    MULADD(at[35], at[79]);    MULADD(at[36], at[78]);    MULADD(at[37], at[77]);    MULADD(at[38], at[76]);    MULADD(at[39], at[75]);    MULADD(at[40], at[74]);    MULADD(at[41], at[73]);    MULADD(at[42], at[72]);    MULADD(at[43], at[71]);    MULADD(at[44], at[70]);    MULADD(at[45], at[69]);    MULADD(at[46], at[68]);    MULADD(at[47], at[67]);    MULADD(at[48], at[66]);    MULADD(at[49], at[65]);    MULADD(at[50], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[50]);
+   /* 51 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[115]);    MULADD(at[1], at[114]);    MULADD(at[2], at[113]);    MULADD(at[3], at[112]);    MULADD(at[4], at[111]);    MULADD(at[5], at[110]);    MULADD(at[6], at[109]);    MULADD(at[7], at[108]);    MULADD(at[8], at[107]);    MULADD(at[9], at[106]);    MULADD(at[10], at[105]);    MULADD(at[11], at[104]);    MULADD(at[12], at[103]);    MULADD(at[13], at[102]);    MULADD(at[14], at[101]);    MULADD(at[15], at[100]);    MULADD(at[16], at[99]);    MULADD(at[17], at[98]);    MULADD(at[18], at[97]);    MULADD(at[19], at[96]);    MULADD(at[20], at[95]);    MULADD(at[21], at[94]);    MULADD(at[22], at[93]);    MULADD(at[23], at[92]);    MULADD(at[24], at[91]);    MULADD(at[25], at[90]);    MULADD(at[26], at[89]);    MULADD(at[27], at[88]);    MULADD(at[28], at[87]);    MULADD(at[29], at[86]);    MULADD(at[30], at[85]);    MULADD(at[31], at[84]);    MULADD(at[32], at[83]);    MULADD(at[33], at[82]);    MULADD(at[34], at[81]);    MULADD(at[35], at[80]);    MULADD(at[36], at[79]);    MULADD(at[37], at[78]);    MULADD(at[38], at[77]);    MULADD(at[39], at[76]);    MULADD(at[40], at[75]);    MULADD(at[41], at[74]);    MULADD(at[42], at[73]);    MULADD(at[43], at[72]);    MULADD(at[44], at[71]);    MULADD(at[45], at[70]);    MULADD(at[46], at[69]);    MULADD(at[47], at[68]);    MULADD(at[48], at[67]);    MULADD(at[49], at[66]);    MULADD(at[50], at[65]);    MULADD(at[51], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[51]);
+   /* 52 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[116]);    MULADD(at[1], at[115]);    MULADD(at[2], at[114]);    MULADD(at[3], at[113]);    MULADD(at[4], at[112]);    MULADD(at[5], at[111]);    MULADD(at[6], at[110]);    MULADD(at[7], at[109]);    MULADD(at[8], at[108]);    MULADD(at[9], at[107]);    MULADD(at[10], at[106]);    MULADD(at[11], at[105]);    MULADD(at[12], at[104]);    MULADD(at[13], at[103]);    MULADD(at[14], at[102]);    MULADD(at[15], at[101]);    MULADD(at[16], at[100]);    MULADD(at[17], at[99]);    MULADD(at[18], at[98]);    MULADD(at[19], at[97]);    MULADD(at[20], at[96]);    MULADD(at[21], at[95]);    MULADD(at[22], at[94]);    MULADD(at[23], at[93]);    MULADD(at[24], at[92]);    MULADD(at[25], at[91]);    MULADD(at[26], at[90]);    MULADD(at[27], at[89]);    MULADD(at[28], at[88]);    MULADD(at[29], at[87]);    MULADD(at[30], at[86]);    MULADD(at[31], at[85]);    MULADD(at[32], at[84]);    MULADD(at[33], at[83]);    MULADD(at[34], at[82]);    MULADD(at[35], at[81]);    MULADD(at[36], at[80]);    MULADD(at[37], at[79]);    MULADD(at[38], at[78]);    MULADD(at[39], at[77]);    MULADD(at[40], at[76]);    MULADD(at[41], at[75]);    MULADD(at[42], at[74]);    MULADD(at[43], at[73]);    MULADD(at[44], at[72]);    MULADD(at[45], at[71]);    MULADD(at[46], at[70]);    MULADD(at[47], at[69]);    MULADD(at[48], at[68]);    MULADD(at[49], at[67]);    MULADD(at[50], at[66]);    MULADD(at[51], at[65]);    MULADD(at[52], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[52]);
+   /* 53 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[117]);    MULADD(at[1], at[116]);    MULADD(at[2], at[115]);    MULADD(at[3], at[114]);    MULADD(at[4], at[113]);    MULADD(at[5], at[112]);    MULADD(at[6], at[111]);    MULADD(at[7], at[110]);    MULADD(at[8], at[109]);    MULADD(at[9], at[108]);    MULADD(at[10], at[107]);    MULADD(at[11], at[106]);    MULADD(at[12], at[105]);    MULADD(at[13], at[104]);    MULADD(at[14], at[103]);    MULADD(at[15], at[102]);    MULADD(at[16], at[101]);    MULADD(at[17], at[100]);    MULADD(at[18], at[99]);    MULADD(at[19], at[98]);    MULADD(at[20], at[97]);    MULADD(at[21], at[96]);    MULADD(at[22], at[95]);    MULADD(at[23], at[94]);    MULADD(at[24], at[93]);    MULADD(at[25], at[92]);    MULADD(at[26], at[91]);    MULADD(at[27], at[90]);    MULADD(at[28], at[89]);    MULADD(at[29], at[88]);    MULADD(at[30], at[87]);    MULADD(at[31], at[86]);    MULADD(at[32], at[85]);    MULADD(at[33], at[84]);    MULADD(at[34], at[83]);    MULADD(at[35], at[82]);    MULADD(at[36], at[81]);    MULADD(at[37], at[80]);    MULADD(at[38], at[79]);    MULADD(at[39], at[78]);    MULADD(at[40], at[77]);    MULADD(at[41], at[76]);    MULADD(at[42], at[75]);    MULADD(at[43], at[74]);    MULADD(at[44], at[73]);    MULADD(at[45], at[72]);    MULADD(at[46], at[71]);    MULADD(at[47], at[70]);    MULADD(at[48], at[69]);    MULADD(at[49], at[68]);    MULADD(at[50], at[67]);    MULADD(at[51], at[66]);    MULADD(at[52], at[65]);    MULADD(at[53], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[53]);
+   /* 54 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[118]);    MULADD(at[1], at[117]);    MULADD(at[2], at[116]);    MULADD(at[3], at[115]);    MULADD(at[4], at[114]);    MULADD(at[5], at[113]);    MULADD(at[6], at[112]);    MULADD(at[7], at[111]);    MULADD(at[8], at[110]);    MULADD(at[9], at[109]);    MULADD(at[10], at[108]);    MULADD(at[11], at[107]);    MULADD(at[12], at[106]);    MULADD(at[13], at[105]);    MULADD(at[14], at[104]);    MULADD(at[15], at[103]);    MULADD(at[16], at[102]);    MULADD(at[17], at[101]);    MULADD(at[18], at[100]);    MULADD(at[19], at[99]);    MULADD(at[20], at[98]);    MULADD(at[21], at[97]);    MULADD(at[22], at[96]);    MULADD(at[23], at[95]);    MULADD(at[24], at[94]);    MULADD(at[25], at[93]);    MULADD(at[26], at[92]);    MULADD(at[27], at[91]);    MULADD(at[28], at[90]);    MULADD(at[29], at[89]);    MULADD(at[30], at[88]);    MULADD(at[31], at[87]);    MULADD(at[32], at[86]);    MULADD(at[33], at[85]);    MULADD(at[34], at[84]);    MULADD(at[35], at[83]);    MULADD(at[36], at[82]);    MULADD(at[37], at[81]);    MULADD(at[38], at[80]);    MULADD(at[39], at[79]);    MULADD(at[40], at[78]);    MULADD(at[41], at[77]);    MULADD(at[42], at[76]);    MULADD(at[43], at[75]);    MULADD(at[44], at[74]);    MULADD(at[45], at[73]);    MULADD(at[46], at[72]);    MULADD(at[47], at[71]);    MULADD(at[48], at[70]);    MULADD(at[49], at[69]);    MULADD(at[50], at[68]);    MULADD(at[51], at[67]);    MULADD(at[52], at[66]);    MULADD(at[53], at[65]);    MULADD(at[54], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[54]);
+   /* 55 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[119]);    MULADD(at[1], at[118]);    MULADD(at[2], at[117]);    MULADD(at[3], at[116]);    MULADD(at[4], at[115]);    MULADD(at[5], at[114]);    MULADD(at[6], at[113]);    MULADD(at[7], at[112]);    MULADD(at[8], at[111]);    MULADD(at[9], at[110]);    MULADD(at[10], at[109]);    MULADD(at[11], at[108]);    MULADD(at[12], at[107]);    MULADD(at[13], at[106]);    MULADD(at[14], at[105]);    MULADD(at[15], at[104]);    MULADD(at[16], at[103]);    MULADD(at[17], at[102]);    MULADD(at[18], at[101]);    MULADD(at[19], at[100]);    MULADD(at[20], at[99]);    MULADD(at[21], at[98]);    MULADD(at[22], at[97]);    MULADD(at[23], at[96]);    MULADD(at[24], at[95]);    MULADD(at[25], at[94]);    MULADD(at[26], at[93]);    MULADD(at[27], at[92]);    MULADD(at[28], at[91]);    MULADD(at[29], at[90]);    MULADD(at[30], at[89]);    MULADD(at[31], at[88]);    MULADD(at[32], at[87]);    MULADD(at[33], at[86]);    MULADD(at[34], at[85]);    MULADD(at[35], at[84]);    MULADD(at[36], at[83]);    MULADD(at[37], at[82]);    MULADD(at[38], at[81]);    MULADD(at[39], at[80]);    MULADD(at[40], at[79]);    MULADD(at[41], at[78]);    MULADD(at[42], at[77]);    MULADD(at[43], at[76]);    MULADD(at[44], at[75]);    MULADD(at[45], at[74]);    MULADD(at[46], at[73]);    MULADD(at[47], at[72]);    MULADD(at[48], at[71]);    MULADD(at[49], at[70]);    MULADD(at[50], at[69]);    MULADD(at[51], at[68]);    MULADD(at[52], at[67]);    MULADD(at[53], at[66]);    MULADD(at[54], at[65]);    MULADD(at[55], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[55]);
+   /* 56 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[120]);    MULADD(at[1], at[119]);    MULADD(at[2], at[118]);    MULADD(at[3], at[117]);    MULADD(at[4], at[116]);    MULADD(at[5], at[115]);    MULADD(at[6], at[114]);    MULADD(at[7], at[113]);    MULADD(at[8], at[112]);    MULADD(at[9], at[111]);    MULADD(at[10], at[110]);    MULADD(at[11], at[109]);    MULADD(at[12], at[108]);    MULADD(at[13], at[107]);    MULADD(at[14], at[106]);    MULADD(at[15], at[105]);    MULADD(at[16], at[104]);    MULADD(at[17], at[103]);    MULADD(at[18], at[102]);    MULADD(at[19], at[101]);    MULADD(at[20], at[100]);    MULADD(at[21], at[99]);    MULADD(at[22], at[98]);    MULADD(at[23], at[97]);    MULADD(at[24], at[96]);    MULADD(at[25], at[95]);    MULADD(at[26], at[94]);    MULADD(at[27], at[93]);    MULADD(at[28], at[92]);    MULADD(at[29], at[91]);    MULADD(at[30], at[90]);    MULADD(at[31], at[89]);    MULADD(at[32], at[88]);    MULADD(at[33], at[87]);    MULADD(at[34], at[86]);    MULADD(at[35], at[85]);    MULADD(at[36], at[84]);    MULADD(at[37], at[83]);    MULADD(at[38], at[82]);    MULADD(at[39], at[81]);    MULADD(at[40], at[80]);    MULADD(at[41], at[79]);    MULADD(at[42], at[78]);    MULADD(at[43], at[77]);    MULADD(at[44], at[76]);    MULADD(at[45], at[75]);    MULADD(at[46], at[74]);    MULADD(at[47], at[73]);    MULADD(at[48], at[72]);    MULADD(at[49], at[71]);    MULADD(at[50], at[70]);    MULADD(at[51], at[69]);    MULADD(at[52], at[68]);    MULADD(at[53], at[67]);    MULADD(at[54], at[66]);    MULADD(at[55], at[65]);    MULADD(at[56], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[56]);
+   /* 57 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[121]);    MULADD(at[1], at[120]);    MULADD(at[2], at[119]);    MULADD(at[3], at[118]);    MULADD(at[4], at[117]);    MULADD(at[5], at[116]);    MULADD(at[6], at[115]);    MULADD(at[7], at[114]);    MULADD(at[8], at[113]);    MULADD(at[9], at[112]);    MULADD(at[10], at[111]);    MULADD(at[11], at[110]);    MULADD(at[12], at[109]);    MULADD(at[13], at[108]);    MULADD(at[14], at[107]);    MULADD(at[15], at[106]);    MULADD(at[16], at[105]);    MULADD(at[17], at[104]);    MULADD(at[18], at[103]);    MULADD(at[19], at[102]);    MULADD(at[20], at[101]);    MULADD(at[21], at[100]);    MULADD(at[22], at[99]);    MULADD(at[23], at[98]);    MULADD(at[24], at[97]);    MULADD(at[25], at[96]);    MULADD(at[26], at[95]);    MULADD(at[27], at[94]);    MULADD(at[28], at[93]);    MULADD(at[29], at[92]);    MULADD(at[30], at[91]);    MULADD(at[31], at[90]);    MULADD(at[32], at[89]);    MULADD(at[33], at[88]);    MULADD(at[34], at[87]);    MULADD(at[35], at[86]);    MULADD(at[36], at[85]);    MULADD(at[37], at[84]);    MULADD(at[38], at[83]);    MULADD(at[39], at[82]);    MULADD(at[40], at[81]);    MULADD(at[41], at[80]);    MULADD(at[42], at[79]);    MULADD(at[43], at[78]);    MULADD(at[44], at[77]);    MULADD(at[45], at[76]);    MULADD(at[46], at[75]);    MULADD(at[47], at[74]);    MULADD(at[48], at[73]);    MULADD(at[49], at[72]);    MULADD(at[50], at[71]);    MULADD(at[51], at[70]);    MULADD(at[52], at[69]);    MULADD(at[53], at[68]);    MULADD(at[54], at[67]);    MULADD(at[55], at[66]);    MULADD(at[56], at[65]);    MULADD(at[57], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[57]);
+   /* 58 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[122]);    MULADD(at[1], at[121]);    MULADD(at[2], at[120]);    MULADD(at[3], at[119]);    MULADD(at[4], at[118]);    MULADD(at[5], at[117]);    MULADD(at[6], at[116]);    MULADD(at[7], at[115]);    MULADD(at[8], at[114]);    MULADD(at[9], at[113]);    MULADD(at[10], at[112]);    MULADD(at[11], at[111]);    MULADD(at[12], at[110]);    MULADD(at[13], at[109]);    MULADD(at[14], at[108]);    MULADD(at[15], at[107]);    MULADD(at[16], at[106]);    MULADD(at[17], at[105]);    MULADD(at[18], at[104]);    MULADD(at[19], at[103]);    MULADD(at[20], at[102]);    MULADD(at[21], at[101]);    MULADD(at[22], at[100]);    MULADD(at[23], at[99]);    MULADD(at[24], at[98]);    MULADD(at[25], at[97]);    MULADD(at[26], at[96]);    MULADD(at[27], at[95]);    MULADD(at[28], at[94]);    MULADD(at[29], at[93]);    MULADD(at[30], at[92]);    MULADD(at[31], at[91]);    MULADD(at[32], at[90]);    MULADD(at[33], at[89]);    MULADD(at[34], at[88]);    MULADD(at[35], at[87]);    MULADD(at[36], at[86]);    MULADD(at[37], at[85]);    MULADD(at[38], at[84]);    MULADD(at[39], at[83]);    MULADD(at[40], at[82]);    MULADD(at[41], at[81]);    MULADD(at[42], at[80]);    MULADD(at[43], at[79]);    MULADD(at[44], at[78]);    MULADD(at[45], at[77]);    MULADD(at[46], at[76]);    MULADD(at[47], at[75]);    MULADD(at[48], at[74]);    MULADD(at[49], at[73]);    MULADD(at[50], at[72]);    MULADD(at[51], at[71]);    MULADD(at[52], at[70]);    MULADD(at[53], at[69]);    MULADD(at[54], at[68]);    MULADD(at[55], at[67]);    MULADD(at[56], at[66]);    MULADD(at[57], at[65]);    MULADD(at[58], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[58]);
+   /* 59 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[123]);    MULADD(at[1], at[122]);    MULADD(at[2], at[121]);    MULADD(at[3], at[120]);    MULADD(at[4], at[119]);    MULADD(at[5], at[118]);    MULADD(at[6], at[117]);    MULADD(at[7], at[116]);    MULADD(at[8], at[115]);    MULADD(at[9], at[114]);    MULADD(at[10], at[113]);    MULADD(at[11], at[112]);    MULADD(at[12], at[111]);    MULADD(at[13], at[110]);    MULADD(at[14], at[109]);    MULADD(at[15], at[108]);    MULADD(at[16], at[107]);    MULADD(at[17], at[106]);    MULADD(at[18], at[105]);    MULADD(at[19], at[104]);    MULADD(at[20], at[103]);    MULADD(at[21], at[102]);    MULADD(at[22], at[101]);    MULADD(at[23], at[100]);    MULADD(at[24], at[99]);    MULADD(at[25], at[98]);    MULADD(at[26], at[97]);    MULADD(at[27], at[96]);    MULADD(at[28], at[95]);    MULADD(at[29], at[94]);    MULADD(at[30], at[93]);    MULADD(at[31], at[92]);    MULADD(at[32], at[91]);    MULADD(at[33], at[90]);    MULADD(at[34], at[89]);    MULADD(at[35], at[88]);    MULADD(at[36], at[87]);    MULADD(at[37], at[86]);    MULADD(at[38], at[85]);    MULADD(at[39], at[84]);    MULADD(at[40], at[83]);    MULADD(at[41], at[82]);    MULADD(at[42], at[81]);    MULADD(at[43], at[80]);    MULADD(at[44], at[79]);    MULADD(at[45], at[78]);    MULADD(at[46], at[77]);    MULADD(at[47], at[76]);    MULADD(at[48], at[75]);    MULADD(at[49], at[74]);    MULADD(at[50], at[73]);    MULADD(at[51], at[72]);    MULADD(at[52], at[71]);    MULADD(at[53], at[70]);    MULADD(at[54], at[69]);    MULADD(at[55], at[68]);    MULADD(at[56], at[67]);    MULADD(at[57], at[66]);    MULADD(at[58], at[65]);    MULADD(at[59], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[59]);
+   /* 60 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[124]);    MULADD(at[1], at[123]);    MULADD(at[2], at[122]);    MULADD(at[3], at[121]);    MULADD(at[4], at[120]);    MULADD(at[5], at[119]);    MULADD(at[6], at[118]);    MULADD(at[7], at[117]);    MULADD(at[8], at[116]);    MULADD(at[9], at[115]);    MULADD(at[10], at[114]);    MULADD(at[11], at[113]);    MULADD(at[12], at[112]);    MULADD(at[13], at[111]);    MULADD(at[14], at[110]);    MULADD(at[15], at[109]);    MULADD(at[16], at[108]);    MULADD(at[17], at[107]);    MULADD(at[18], at[106]);    MULADD(at[19], at[105]);    MULADD(at[20], at[104]);    MULADD(at[21], at[103]);    MULADD(at[22], at[102]);    MULADD(at[23], at[101]);    MULADD(at[24], at[100]);    MULADD(at[25], at[99]);    MULADD(at[26], at[98]);    MULADD(at[27], at[97]);    MULADD(at[28], at[96]);    MULADD(at[29], at[95]);    MULADD(at[30], at[94]);    MULADD(at[31], at[93]);    MULADD(at[32], at[92]);    MULADD(at[33], at[91]);    MULADD(at[34], at[90]);    MULADD(at[35], at[89]);    MULADD(at[36], at[88]);    MULADD(at[37], at[87]);    MULADD(at[38], at[86]);    MULADD(at[39], at[85]);    MULADD(at[40], at[84]);    MULADD(at[41], at[83]);    MULADD(at[42], at[82]);    MULADD(at[43], at[81]);    MULADD(at[44], at[80]);    MULADD(at[45], at[79]);    MULADD(at[46], at[78]);    MULADD(at[47], at[77]);    MULADD(at[48], at[76]);    MULADD(at[49], at[75]);    MULADD(at[50], at[74]);    MULADD(at[51], at[73]);    MULADD(at[52], at[72]);    MULADD(at[53], at[71]);    MULADD(at[54], at[70]);    MULADD(at[55], at[69]);    MULADD(at[56], at[68]);    MULADD(at[57], at[67]);    MULADD(at[58], at[66]);    MULADD(at[59], at[65]);    MULADD(at[60], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[60]);
+   /* 61 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[125]);    MULADD(at[1], at[124]);    MULADD(at[2], at[123]);    MULADD(at[3], at[122]);    MULADD(at[4], at[121]);    MULADD(at[5], at[120]);    MULADD(at[6], at[119]);    MULADD(at[7], at[118]);    MULADD(at[8], at[117]);    MULADD(at[9], at[116]);    MULADD(at[10], at[115]);    MULADD(at[11], at[114]);    MULADD(at[12], at[113]);    MULADD(at[13], at[112]);    MULADD(at[14], at[111]);    MULADD(at[15], at[110]);    MULADD(at[16], at[109]);    MULADD(at[17], at[108]);    MULADD(at[18], at[107]);    MULADD(at[19], at[106]);    MULADD(at[20], at[105]);    MULADD(at[21], at[104]);    MULADD(at[22], at[103]);    MULADD(at[23], at[102]);    MULADD(at[24], at[101]);    MULADD(at[25], at[100]);    MULADD(at[26], at[99]);    MULADD(at[27], at[98]);    MULADD(at[28], at[97]);    MULADD(at[29], at[96]);    MULADD(at[30], at[95]);    MULADD(at[31], at[94]);    MULADD(at[32], at[93]);    MULADD(at[33], at[92]);    MULADD(at[34], at[91]);    MULADD(at[35], at[90]);    MULADD(at[36], at[89]);    MULADD(at[37], at[88]);    MULADD(at[38], at[87]);    MULADD(at[39], at[86]);    MULADD(at[40], at[85]);    MULADD(at[41], at[84]);    MULADD(at[42], at[83]);    MULADD(at[43], at[82]);    MULADD(at[44], at[81]);    MULADD(at[45], at[80]);    MULADD(at[46], at[79]);    MULADD(at[47], at[78]);    MULADD(at[48], at[77]);    MULADD(at[49], at[76]);    MULADD(at[50], at[75]);    MULADD(at[51], at[74]);    MULADD(at[52], at[73]);    MULADD(at[53], at[72]);    MULADD(at[54], at[71]);    MULADD(at[55], at[70]);    MULADD(at[56], at[69]);    MULADD(at[57], at[68]);    MULADD(at[58], at[67]);    MULADD(at[59], at[66]);    MULADD(at[60], at[65]);    MULADD(at[61], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[61]);
+   /* 62 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[126]);    MULADD(at[1], at[125]);    MULADD(at[2], at[124]);    MULADD(at[3], at[123]);    MULADD(at[4], at[122]);    MULADD(at[5], at[121]);    MULADD(at[6], at[120]);    MULADD(at[7], at[119]);    MULADD(at[8], at[118]);    MULADD(at[9], at[117]);    MULADD(at[10], at[116]);    MULADD(at[11], at[115]);    MULADD(at[12], at[114]);    MULADD(at[13], at[113]);    MULADD(at[14], at[112]);    MULADD(at[15], at[111]);    MULADD(at[16], at[110]);    MULADD(at[17], at[109]);    MULADD(at[18], at[108]);    MULADD(at[19], at[107]);    MULADD(at[20], at[106]);    MULADD(at[21], at[105]);    MULADD(at[22], at[104]);    MULADD(at[23], at[103]);    MULADD(at[24], at[102]);    MULADD(at[25], at[101]);    MULADD(at[26], at[100]);    MULADD(at[27], at[99]);    MULADD(at[28], at[98]);    MULADD(at[29], at[97]);    MULADD(at[30], at[96]);    MULADD(at[31], at[95]);    MULADD(at[32], at[94]);    MULADD(at[33], at[93]);    MULADD(at[34], at[92]);    MULADD(at[35], at[91]);    MULADD(at[36], at[90]);    MULADD(at[37], at[89]);    MULADD(at[38], at[88]);    MULADD(at[39], at[87]);    MULADD(at[40], at[86]);    MULADD(at[41], at[85]);    MULADD(at[42], at[84]);    MULADD(at[43], at[83]);    MULADD(at[44], at[82]);    MULADD(at[45], at[81]);    MULADD(at[46], at[80]);    MULADD(at[47], at[79]);    MULADD(at[48], at[78]);    MULADD(at[49], at[77]);    MULADD(at[50], at[76]);    MULADD(at[51], at[75]);    MULADD(at[52], at[74]);    MULADD(at[53], at[73]);    MULADD(at[54], at[72]);    MULADD(at[55], at[71]);    MULADD(at[56], at[70]);    MULADD(at[57], at[69]);    MULADD(at[58], at[68]);    MULADD(at[59], at[67]);    MULADD(at[60], at[66]);    MULADD(at[61], at[65]);    MULADD(at[62], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[62]);
+   /* 63 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[127]);    MULADD(at[1], at[126]);    MULADD(at[2], at[125]);    MULADD(at[3], at[124]);    MULADD(at[4], at[123]);    MULADD(at[5], at[122]);    MULADD(at[6], at[121]);    MULADD(at[7], at[120]);    MULADD(at[8], at[119]);    MULADD(at[9], at[118]);    MULADD(at[10], at[117]);    MULADD(at[11], at[116]);    MULADD(at[12], at[115]);    MULADD(at[13], at[114]);    MULADD(at[14], at[113]);    MULADD(at[15], at[112]);    MULADD(at[16], at[111]);    MULADD(at[17], at[110]);    MULADD(at[18], at[109]);    MULADD(at[19], at[108]);    MULADD(at[20], at[107]);    MULADD(at[21], at[106]);    MULADD(at[22], at[105]);    MULADD(at[23], at[104]);    MULADD(at[24], at[103]);    MULADD(at[25], at[102]);    MULADD(at[26], at[101]);    MULADD(at[27], at[100]);    MULADD(at[28], at[99]);    MULADD(at[29], at[98]);    MULADD(at[30], at[97]);    MULADD(at[31], at[96]);    MULADD(at[32], at[95]);    MULADD(at[33], at[94]);    MULADD(at[34], at[93]);    MULADD(at[35], at[92]);    MULADD(at[36], at[91]);    MULADD(at[37], at[90]);    MULADD(at[38], at[89]);    MULADD(at[39], at[88]);    MULADD(at[40], at[87]);    MULADD(at[41], at[86]);    MULADD(at[42], at[85]);    MULADD(at[43], at[84]);    MULADD(at[44], at[83]);    MULADD(at[45], at[82]);    MULADD(at[46], at[81]);    MULADD(at[47], at[80]);    MULADD(at[48], at[79]);    MULADD(at[49], at[78]);    MULADD(at[50], at[77]);    MULADD(at[51], at[76]);    MULADD(at[52], at[75]);    MULADD(at[53], at[74]);    MULADD(at[54], at[73]);    MULADD(at[55], at[72]);    MULADD(at[56], at[71]);    MULADD(at[57], at[70]);    MULADD(at[58], at[69]);    MULADD(at[59], at[68]);    MULADD(at[60], at[67]);    MULADD(at[61], at[66]);    MULADD(at[62], at[65]);    MULADD(at[63], at[64]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[63]);
+   /* 64 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[127]);    MULADD(at[2], at[126]);    MULADD(at[3], at[125]);    MULADD(at[4], at[124]);    MULADD(at[5], at[123]);    MULADD(at[6], at[122]);    MULADD(at[7], at[121]);    MULADD(at[8], at[120]);    MULADD(at[9], at[119]);    MULADD(at[10], at[118]);    MULADD(at[11], at[117]);    MULADD(at[12], at[116]);    MULADD(at[13], at[115]);    MULADD(at[14], at[114]);    MULADD(at[15], at[113]);    MULADD(at[16], at[112]);    MULADD(at[17], at[111]);    MULADD(at[18], at[110]);    MULADD(at[19], at[109]);    MULADD(at[20], at[108]);    MULADD(at[21], at[107]);    MULADD(at[22], at[106]);    MULADD(at[23], at[105]);    MULADD(at[24], at[104]);    MULADD(at[25], at[103]);    MULADD(at[26], at[102]);    MULADD(at[27], at[101]);    MULADD(at[28], at[100]);    MULADD(at[29], at[99]);    MULADD(at[30], at[98]);    MULADD(at[31], at[97]);    MULADD(at[32], at[96]);    MULADD(at[33], at[95]);    MULADD(at[34], at[94]);    MULADD(at[35], at[93]);    MULADD(at[36], at[92]);    MULADD(at[37], at[91]);    MULADD(at[38], at[90]);    MULADD(at[39], at[89]);    MULADD(at[40], at[88]);    MULADD(at[41], at[87]);    MULADD(at[42], at[86]);    MULADD(at[43], at[85]);    MULADD(at[44], at[84]);    MULADD(at[45], at[83]);    MULADD(at[46], at[82]);    MULADD(at[47], at[81]);    MULADD(at[48], at[80]);    MULADD(at[49], at[79]);    MULADD(at[50], at[78]);    MULADD(at[51], at[77]);    MULADD(at[52], at[76]);    MULADD(at[53], at[75]);    MULADD(at[54], at[74]);    MULADD(at[55], at[73]);    MULADD(at[56], at[72]);    MULADD(at[57], at[71]);    MULADD(at[58], at[70]);    MULADD(at[59], at[69]);    MULADD(at[60], at[68]);    MULADD(at[61], at[67]);    MULADD(at[62], at[66]);    MULADD(at[63], at[65]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[64]);
+   /* 65 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[127]);    MULADD(at[3], at[126]);    MULADD(at[4], at[125]);    MULADD(at[5], at[124]);    MULADD(at[6], at[123]);    MULADD(at[7], at[122]);    MULADD(at[8], at[121]);    MULADD(at[9], at[120]);    MULADD(at[10], at[119]);    MULADD(at[11], at[118]);    MULADD(at[12], at[117]);    MULADD(at[13], at[116]);    MULADD(at[14], at[115]);    MULADD(at[15], at[114]);    MULADD(at[16], at[113]);    MULADD(at[17], at[112]);    MULADD(at[18], at[111]);    MULADD(at[19], at[110]);    MULADD(at[20], at[109]);    MULADD(at[21], at[108]);    MULADD(at[22], at[107]);    MULADD(at[23], at[106]);    MULADD(at[24], at[105]);    MULADD(at[25], at[104]);    MULADD(at[26], at[103]);    MULADD(at[27], at[102]);    MULADD(at[28], at[101]);    MULADD(at[29], at[100]);    MULADD(at[30], at[99]);    MULADD(at[31], at[98]);    MULADD(at[32], at[97]);    MULADD(at[33], at[96]);    MULADD(at[34], at[95]);    MULADD(at[35], at[94]);    MULADD(at[36], at[93]);    MULADD(at[37], at[92]);    MULADD(at[38], at[91]);    MULADD(at[39], at[90]);    MULADD(at[40], at[89]);    MULADD(at[41], at[88]);    MULADD(at[42], at[87]);    MULADD(at[43], at[86]);    MULADD(at[44], at[85]);    MULADD(at[45], at[84]);    MULADD(at[46], at[83]);    MULADD(at[47], at[82]);    MULADD(at[48], at[81]);    MULADD(at[49], at[80]);    MULADD(at[50], at[79]);    MULADD(at[51], at[78]);    MULADD(at[52], at[77]);    MULADD(at[53], at[76]);    MULADD(at[54], at[75]);    MULADD(at[55], at[74]);    MULADD(at[56], at[73]);    MULADD(at[57], at[72]);    MULADD(at[58], at[71]);    MULADD(at[59], at[70]);    MULADD(at[60], at[69]);    MULADD(at[61], at[68]);    MULADD(at[62], at[67]);    MULADD(at[63], at[66]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[65]);
+   /* 66 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[127]);    MULADD(at[4], at[126]);    MULADD(at[5], at[125]);    MULADD(at[6], at[124]);    MULADD(at[7], at[123]);    MULADD(at[8], at[122]);    MULADD(at[9], at[121]);    MULADD(at[10], at[120]);    MULADD(at[11], at[119]);    MULADD(at[12], at[118]);    MULADD(at[13], at[117]);    MULADD(at[14], at[116]);    MULADD(at[15], at[115]);    MULADD(at[16], at[114]);    MULADD(at[17], at[113]);    MULADD(at[18], at[112]);    MULADD(at[19], at[111]);    MULADD(at[20], at[110]);    MULADD(at[21], at[109]);    MULADD(at[22], at[108]);    MULADD(at[23], at[107]);    MULADD(at[24], at[106]);    MULADD(at[25], at[105]);    MULADD(at[26], at[104]);    MULADD(at[27], at[103]);    MULADD(at[28], at[102]);    MULADD(at[29], at[101]);    MULADD(at[30], at[100]);    MULADD(at[31], at[99]);    MULADD(at[32], at[98]);    MULADD(at[33], at[97]);    MULADD(at[34], at[96]);    MULADD(at[35], at[95]);    MULADD(at[36], at[94]);    MULADD(at[37], at[93]);    MULADD(at[38], at[92]);    MULADD(at[39], at[91]);    MULADD(at[40], at[90]);    MULADD(at[41], at[89]);    MULADD(at[42], at[88]);    MULADD(at[43], at[87]);    MULADD(at[44], at[86]);    MULADD(at[45], at[85]);    MULADD(at[46], at[84]);    MULADD(at[47], at[83]);    MULADD(at[48], at[82]);    MULADD(at[49], at[81]);    MULADD(at[50], at[80]);    MULADD(at[51], at[79]);    MULADD(at[52], at[78]);    MULADD(at[53], at[77]);    MULADD(at[54], at[76]);    MULADD(at[55], at[75]);    MULADD(at[56], at[74]);    MULADD(at[57], at[73]);    MULADD(at[58], at[72]);    MULADD(at[59], at[71]);    MULADD(at[60], at[70]);    MULADD(at[61], at[69]);    MULADD(at[62], at[68]);    MULADD(at[63], at[67]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[66]);
+   /* 67 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[127]);    MULADD(at[5], at[126]);    MULADD(at[6], at[125]);    MULADD(at[7], at[124]);    MULADD(at[8], at[123]);    MULADD(at[9], at[122]);    MULADD(at[10], at[121]);    MULADD(at[11], at[120]);    MULADD(at[12], at[119]);    MULADD(at[13], at[118]);    MULADD(at[14], at[117]);    MULADD(at[15], at[116]);    MULADD(at[16], at[115]);    MULADD(at[17], at[114]);    MULADD(at[18], at[113]);    MULADD(at[19], at[112]);    MULADD(at[20], at[111]);    MULADD(at[21], at[110]);    MULADD(at[22], at[109]);    MULADD(at[23], at[108]);    MULADD(at[24], at[107]);    MULADD(at[25], at[106]);    MULADD(at[26], at[105]);    MULADD(at[27], at[104]);    MULADD(at[28], at[103]);    MULADD(at[29], at[102]);    MULADD(at[30], at[101]);    MULADD(at[31], at[100]);    MULADD(at[32], at[99]);    MULADD(at[33], at[98]);    MULADD(at[34], at[97]);    MULADD(at[35], at[96]);    MULADD(at[36], at[95]);    MULADD(at[37], at[94]);    MULADD(at[38], at[93]);    MULADD(at[39], at[92]);    MULADD(at[40], at[91]);    MULADD(at[41], at[90]);    MULADD(at[42], at[89]);    MULADD(at[43], at[88]);    MULADD(at[44], at[87]);    MULADD(at[45], at[86]);    MULADD(at[46], at[85]);    MULADD(at[47], at[84]);    MULADD(at[48], at[83]);    MULADD(at[49], at[82]);    MULADD(at[50], at[81]);    MULADD(at[51], at[80]);    MULADD(at[52], at[79]);    MULADD(at[53], at[78]);    MULADD(at[54], at[77]);    MULADD(at[55], at[76]);    MULADD(at[56], at[75]);    MULADD(at[57], at[74]);    MULADD(at[58], at[73]);    MULADD(at[59], at[72]);    MULADD(at[60], at[71]);    MULADD(at[61], at[70]);    MULADD(at[62], at[69]);    MULADD(at[63], at[68]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[67]);
+   /* 68 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[127]);    MULADD(at[6], at[126]);    MULADD(at[7], at[125]);    MULADD(at[8], at[124]);    MULADD(at[9], at[123]);    MULADD(at[10], at[122]);    MULADD(at[11], at[121]);    MULADD(at[12], at[120]);    MULADD(at[13], at[119]);    MULADD(at[14], at[118]);    MULADD(at[15], at[117]);    MULADD(at[16], at[116]);    MULADD(at[17], at[115]);    MULADD(at[18], at[114]);    MULADD(at[19], at[113]);    MULADD(at[20], at[112]);    MULADD(at[21], at[111]);    MULADD(at[22], at[110]);    MULADD(at[23], at[109]);    MULADD(at[24], at[108]);    MULADD(at[25], at[107]);    MULADD(at[26], at[106]);    MULADD(at[27], at[105]);    MULADD(at[28], at[104]);    MULADD(at[29], at[103]);    MULADD(at[30], at[102]);    MULADD(at[31], at[101]);    MULADD(at[32], at[100]);    MULADD(at[33], at[99]);    MULADD(at[34], at[98]);    MULADD(at[35], at[97]);    MULADD(at[36], at[96]);    MULADD(at[37], at[95]);    MULADD(at[38], at[94]);    MULADD(at[39], at[93]);    MULADD(at[40], at[92]);    MULADD(at[41], at[91]);    MULADD(at[42], at[90]);    MULADD(at[43], at[89]);    MULADD(at[44], at[88]);    MULADD(at[45], at[87]);    MULADD(at[46], at[86]);    MULADD(at[47], at[85]);    MULADD(at[48], at[84]);    MULADD(at[49], at[83]);    MULADD(at[50], at[82]);    MULADD(at[51], at[81]);    MULADD(at[52], at[80]);    MULADD(at[53], at[79]);    MULADD(at[54], at[78]);    MULADD(at[55], at[77]);    MULADD(at[56], at[76]);    MULADD(at[57], at[75]);    MULADD(at[58], at[74]);    MULADD(at[59], at[73]);    MULADD(at[60], at[72]);    MULADD(at[61], at[71]);    MULADD(at[62], at[70]);    MULADD(at[63], at[69]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[68]);
+   /* 69 */
+   MULADD(at[6], at[127]);    MULADD(at[7], at[126]);    MULADD(at[8], at[125]);    MULADD(at[9], at[124]);    MULADD(at[10], at[123]);    MULADD(at[11], at[122]);    MULADD(at[12], at[121]);    MULADD(at[13], at[120]);    MULADD(at[14], at[119]);    MULADD(at[15], at[118]);    MULADD(at[16], at[117]);    MULADD(at[17], at[116]);    MULADD(at[18], at[115]);    MULADD(at[19], at[114]);    MULADD(at[20], at[113]);    MULADD(at[21], at[112]);    MULADD(at[22], at[111]);    MULADD(at[23], at[110]);    MULADD(at[24], at[109]);    MULADD(at[25], at[108]);    MULADD(at[26], at[107]);    MULADD(at[27], at[106]);    MULADD(at[28], at[105]);    MULADD(at[29], at[104]);    MULADD(at[30], at[103]);    MULADD(at[31], at[102]);    MULADD(at[32], at[101]);    MULADD(at[33], at[100]);    MULADD(at[34], at[99]);    MULADD(at[35], at[98]);    MULADD(at[36], at[97]);    MULADD(at[37], at[96]);    MULADD(at[38], at[95]);    MULADD(at[39], at[94]);    MULADD(at[40], at[93]);    MULADD(at[41], at[92]);    MULADD(at[42], at[91]);    MULADD(at[43], at[90]);    MULADD(at[44], at[89]);    MULADD(at[45], at[88]);    MULADD(at[46], at[87]);    MULADD(at[47], at[86]);    MULADD(at[48], at[85]);    MULADD(at[49], at[84]);    MULADD(at[50], at[83]);    MULADD(at[51], at[82]);    MULADD(at[52], at[81]);    MULADD(at[53], at[80]);    MULADD(at[54], at[79]);    MULADD(at[55], at[78]);    MULADD(at[56], at[77]);    MULADD(at[57], at[76]);    MULADD(at[58], at[75]);    MULADD(at[59], at[74]);    MULADD(at[60], at[73]);    MULADD(at[61], at[72]);    MULADD(at[62], at[71]);    MULADD(at[63], at[70]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[69]);
+   /* 70 */
+   MULADD(at[7], at[127]);    MULADD(at[8], at[126]);    MULADD(at[9], at[125]);    MULADD(at[10], at[124]);    MULADD(at[11], at[123]);    MULADD(at[12], at[122]);    MULADD(at[13], at[121]);    MULADD(at[14], at[120]);    MULADD(at[15], at[119]);    MULADD(at[16], at[118]);    MULADD(at[17], at[117]);    MULADD(at[18], at[116]);    MULADD(at[19], at[115]);    MULADD(at[20], at[114]);    MULADD(at[21], at[113]);    MULADD(at[22], at[112]);    MULADD(at[23], at[111]);    MULADD(at[24], at[110]);    MULADD(at[25], at[109]);    MULADD(at[26], at[108]);    MULADD(at[27], at[107]);    MULADD(at[28], at[106]);    MULADD(at[29], at[105]);    MULADD(at[30], at[104]);    MULADD(at[31], at[103]);    MULADD(at[32], at[102]);    MULADD(at[33], at[101]);    MULADD(at[34], at[100]);    MULADD(at[35], at[99]);    MULADD(at[36], at[98]);    MULADD(at[37], at[97]);    MULADD(at[38], at[96]);    MULADD(at[39], at[95]);    MULADD(at[40], at[94]);    MULADD(at[41], at[93]);    MULADD(at[42], at[92]);    MULADD(at[43], at[91]);    MULADD(at[44], at[90]);    MULADD(at[45], at[89]);    MULADD(at[46], at[88]);    MULADD(at[47], at[87]);    MULADD(at[48], at[86]);    MULADD(at[49], at[85]);    MULADD(at[50], at[84]);    MULADD(at[51], at[83]);    MULADD(at[52], at[82]);    MULADD(at[53], at[81]);    MULADD(at[54], at[80]);    MULADD(at[55], at[79]);    MULADD(at[56], at[78]);    MULADD(at[57], at[77]);    MULADD(at[58], at[76]);    MULADD(at[59], at[75]);    MULADD(at[60], at[74]);    MULADD(at[61], at[73]);    MULADD(at[62], at[72]);    MULADD(at[63], at[71]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[70]);
+   /* 71 */
+   MULADD(at[8], at[127]);    MULADD(at[9], at[126]);    MULADD(at[10], at[125]);    MULADD(at[11], at[124]);    MULADD(at[12], at[123]);    MULADD(at[13], at[122]);    MULADD(at[14], at[121]);    MULADD(at[15], at[120]);    MULADD(at[16], at[119]);    MULADD(at[17], at[118]);    MULADD(at[18], at[117]);    MULADD(at[19], at[116]);    MULADD(at[20], at[115]);    MULADD(at[21], at[114]);    MULADD(at[22], at[113]);    MULADD(at[23], at[112]);    MULADD(at[24], at[111]);    MULADD(at[25], at[110]);    MULADD(at[26], at[109]);    MULADD(at[27], at[108]);    MULADD(at[28], at[107]);    MULADD(at[29], at[106]);    MULADD(at[30], at[105]);    MULADD(at[31], at[104]);    MULADD(at[32], at[103]);    MULADD(at[33], at[102]);    MULADD(at[34], at[101]);    MULADD(at[35], at[100]);    MULADD(at[36], at[99]);    MULADD(at[37], at[98]);    MULADD(at[38], at[97]);    MULADD(at[39], at[96]);    MULADD(at[40], at[95]);    MULADD(at[41], at[94]);    MULADD(at[42], at[93]);    MULADD(at[43], at[92]);    MULADD(at[44], at[91]);    MULADD(at[45], at[90]);    MULADD(at[46], at[89]);    MULADD(at[47], at[88]);    MULADD(at[48], at[87]);    MULADD(at[49], at[86]);    MULADD(at[50], at[85]);    MULADD(at[51], at[84]);    MULADD(at[52], at[83]);    MULADD(at[53], at[82]);    MULADD(at[54], at[81]);    MULADD(at[55], at[80]);    MULADD(at[56], at[79]);    MULADD(at[57], at[78]);    MULADD(at[58], at[77]);    MULADD(at[59], at[76]);    MULADD(at[60], at[75]);    MULADD(at[61], at[74]);    MULADD(at[62], at[73]);    MULADD(at[63], at[72]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[71]);
+   /* 72 */
+   MULADD(at[9], at[127]);    MULADD(at[10], at[126]);    MULADD(at[11], at[125]);    MULADD(at[12], at[124]);    MULADD(at[13], at[123]);    MULADD(at[14], at[122]);    MULADD(at[15], at[121]);    MULADD(at[16], at[120]);    MULADD(at[17], at[119]);    MULADD(at[18], at[118]);    MULADD(at[19], at[117]);    MULADD(at[20], at[116]);    MULADD(at[21], at[115]);    MULADD(at[22], at[114]);    MULADD(at[23], at[113]);    MULADD(at[24], at[112]);    MULADD(at[25], at[111]);    MULADD(at[26], at[110]);    MULADD(at[27], at[109]);    MULADD(at[28], at[108]);    MULADD(at[29], at[107]);    MULADD(at[30], at[106]);    MULADD(at[31], at[105]);    MULADD(at[32], at[104]);    MULADD(at[33], at[103]);    MULADD(at[34], at[102]);    MULADD(at[35], at[101]);    MULADD(at[36], at[100]);    MULADD(at[37], at[99]);    MULADD(at[38], at[98]);    MULADD(at[39], at[97]);    MULADD(at[40], at[96]);    MULADD(at[41], at[95]);    MULADD(at[42], at[94]);    MULADD(at[43], at[93]);    MULADD(at[44], at[92]);    MULADD(at[45], at[91]);    MULADD(at[46], at[90]);    MULADD(at[47], at[89]);    MULADD(at[48], at[88]);    MULADD(at[49], at[87]);    MULADD(at[50], at[86]);    MULADD(at[51], at[85]);    MULADD(at[52], at[84]);    MULADD(at[53], at[83]);    MULADD(at[54], at[82]);    MULADD(at[55], at[81]);    MULADD(at[56], at[80]);    MULADD(at[57], at[79]);    MULADD(at[58], at[78]);    MULADD(at[59], at[77]);    MULADD(at[60], at[76]);    MULADD(at[61], at[75]);    MULADD(at[62], at[74]);    MULADD(at[63], at[73]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[72]);
+   /* 73 */
+   MULADD(at[10], at[127]);    MULADD(at[11], at[126]);    MULADD(at[12], at[125]);    MULADD(at[13], at[124]);    MULADD(at[14], at[123]);    MULADD(at[15], at[122]);    MULADD(at[16], at[121]);    MULADD(at[17], at[120]);    MULADD(at[18], at[119]);    MULADD(at[19], at[118]);    MULADD(at[20], at[117]);    MULADD(at[21], at[116]);    MULADD(at[22], at[115]);    MULADD(at[23], at[114]);    MULADD(at[24], at[113]);    MULADD(at[25], at[112]);    MULADD(at[26], at[111]);    MULADD(at[27], at[110]);    MULADD(at[28], at[109]);    MULADD(at[29], at[108]);    MULADD(at[30], at[107]);    MULADD(at[31], at[106]);    MULADD(at[32], at[105]);    MULADD(at[33], at[104]);    MULADD(at[34], at[103]);    MULADD(at[35], at[102]);    MULADD(at[36], at[101]);    MULADD(at[37], at[100]);    MULADD(at[38], at[99]);    MULADD(at[39], at[98]);    MULADD(at[40], at[97]);    MULADD(at[41], at[96]);    MULADD(at[42], at[95]);    MULADD(at[43], at[94]);    MULADD(at[44], at[93]);    MULADD(at[45], at[92]);    MULADD(at[46], at[91]);    MULADD(at[47], at[90]);    MULADD(at[48], at[89]);    MULADD(at[49], at[88]);    MULADD(at[50], at[87]);    MULADD(at[51], at[86]);    MULADD(at[52], at[85]);    MULADD(at[53], at[84]);    MULADD(at[54], at[83]);    MULADD(at[55], at[82]);    MULADD(at[56], at[81]);    MULADD(at[57], at[80]);    MULADD(at[58], at[79]);    MULADD(at[59], at[78]);    MULADD(at[60], at[77]);    MULADD(at[61], at[76]);    MULADD(at[62], at[75]);    MULADD(at[63], at[74]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[73]);
+   /* 74 */
+   MULADD(at[11], at[127]);    MULADD(at[12], at[126]);    MULADD(at[13], at[125]);    MULADD(at[14], at[124]);    MULADD(at[15], at[123]);    MULADD(at[16], at[122]);    MULADD(at[17], at[121]);    MULADD(at[18], at[120]);    MULADD(at[19], at[119]);    MULADD(at[20], at[118]);    MULADD(at[21], at[117]);    MULADD(at[22], at[116]);    MULADD(at[23], at[115]);    MULADD(at[24], at[114]);    MULADD(at[25], at[113]);    MULADD(at[26], at[112]);    MULADD(at[27], at[111]);    MULADD(at[28], at[110]);    MULADD(at[29], at[109]);    MULADD(at[30], at[108]);    MULADD(at[31], at[107]);    MULADD(at[32], at[106]);    MULADD(at[33], at[105]);    MULADD(at[34], at[104]);    MULADD(at[35], at[103]);    MULADD(at[36], at[102]);    MULADD(at[37], at[101]);    MULADD(at[38], at[100]);    MULADD(at[39], at[99]);    MULADD(at[40], at[98]);    MULADD(at[41], at[97]);    MULADD(at[42], at[96]);    MULADD(at[43], at[95]);    MULADD(at[44], at[94]);    MULADD(at[45], at[93]);    MULADD(at[46], at[92]);    MULADD(at[47], at[91]);    MULADD(at[48], at[90]);    MULADD(at[49], at[89]);    MULADD(at[50], at[88]);    MULADD(at[51], at[87]);    MULADD(at[52], at[86]);    MULADD(at[53], at[85]);    MULADD(at[54], at[84]);    MULADD(at[55], at[83]);    MULADD(at[56], at[82]);    MULADD(at[57], at[81]);    MULADD(at[58], at[80]);    MULADD(at[59], at[79]);    MULADD(at[60], at[78]);    MULADD(at[61], at[77]);    MULADD(at[62], at[76]);    MULADD(at[63], at[75]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[74]);
+   /* 75 */
+   MULADD(at[12], at[127]);    MULADD(at[13], at[126]);    MULADD(at[14], at[125]);    MULADD(at[15], at[124]);    MULADD(at[16], at[123]);    MULADD(at[17], at[122]);    MULADD(at[18], at[121]);    MULADD(at[19], at[120]);    MULADD(at[20], at[119]);    MULADD(at[21], at[118]);    MULADD(at[22], at[117]);    MULADD(at[23], at[116]);    MULADD(at[24], at[115]);    MULADD(at[25], at[114]);    MULADD(at[26], at[113]);    MULADD(at[27], at[112]);    MULADD(at[28], at[111]);    MULADD(at[29], at[110]);    MULADD(at[30], at[109]);    MULADD(at[31], at[108]);    MULADD(at[32], at[107]);    MULADD(at[33], at[106]);    MULADD(at[34], at[105]);    MULADD(at[35], at[104]);    MULADD(at[36], at[103]);    MULADD(at[37], at[102]);    MULADD(at[38], at[101]);    MULADD(at[39], at[100]);    MULADD(at[40], at[99]);    MULADD(at[41], at[98]);    MULADD(at[42], at[97]);    MULADD(at[43], at[96]);    MULADD(at[44], at[95]);    MULADD(at[45], at[94]);    MULADD(at[46], at[93]);    MULADD(at[47], at[92]);    MULADD(at[48], at[91]);    MULADD(at[49], at[90]);    MULADD(at[50], at[89]);    MULADD(at[51], at[88]);    MULADD(at[52], at[87]);    MULADD(at[53], at[86]);    MULADD(at[54], at[85]);    MULADD(at[55], at[84]);    MULADD(at[56], at[83]);    MULADD(at[57], at[82]);    MULADD(at[58], at[81]);    MULADD(at[59], at[80]);    MULADD(at[60], at[79]);    MULADD(at[61], at[78]);    MULADD(at[62], at[77]);    MULADD(at[63], at[76]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[75]);
+   /* 76 */
+   MULADD(at[13], at[127]);    MULADD(at[14], at[126]);    MULADD(at[15], at[125]);    MULADD(at[16], at[124]);    MULADD(at[17], at[123]);    MULADD(at[18], at[122]);    MULADD(at[19], at[121]);    MULADD(at[20], at[120]);    MULADD(at[21], at[119]);    MULADD(at[22], at[118]);    MULADD(at[23], at[117]);    MULADD(at[24], at[116]);    MULADD(at[25], at[115]);    MULADD(at[26], at[114]);    MULADD(at[27], at[113]);    MULADD(at[28], at[112]);    MULADD(at[29], at[111]);    MULADD(at[30], at[110]);    MULADD(at[31], at[109]);    MULADD(at[32], at[108]);    MULADD(at[33], at[107]);    MULADD(at[34], at[106]);    MULADD(at[35], at[105]);    MULADD(at[36], at[104]);    MULADD(at[37], at[103]);    MULADD(at[38], at[102]);    MULADD(at[39], at[101]);    MULADD(at[40], at[100]);    MULADD(at[41], at[99]);    MULADD(at[42], at[98]);    MULADD(at[43], at[97]);    MULADD(at[44], at[96]);    MULADD(at[45], at[95]);    MULADD(at[46], at[94]);    MULADD(at[47], at[93]);    MULADD(at[48], at[92]);    MULADD(at[49], at[91]);    MULADD(at[50], at[90]);    MULADD(at[51], at[89]);    MULADD(at[52], at[88]);    MULADD(at[53], at[87]);    MULADD(at[54], at[86]);    MULADD(at[55], at[85]);    MULADD(at[56], at[84]);    MULADD(at[57], at[83]);    MULADD(at[58], at[82]);    MULADD(at[59], at[81]);    MULADD(at[60], at[80]);    MULADD(at[61], at[79]);    MULADD(at[62], at[78]);    MULADD(at[63], at[77]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[76]);
+   /* 77 */
+   MULADD(at[14], at[127]);    MULADD(at[15], at[126]);    MULADD(at[16], at[125]);    MULADD(at[17], at[124]);    MULADD(at[18], at[123]);    MULADD(at[19], at[122]);    MULADD(at[20], at[121]);    MULADD(at[21], at[120]);    MULADD(at[22], at[119]);    MULADD(at[23], at[118]);    MULADD(at[24], at[117]);    MULADD(at[25], at[116]);    MULADD(at[26], at[115]);    MULADD(at[27], at[114]);    MULADD(at[28], at[113]);    MULADD(at[29], at[112]);    MULADD(at[30], at[111]);    MULADD(at[31], at[110]);    MULADD(at[32], at[109]);    MULADD(at[33], at[108]);    MULADD(at[34], at[107]);    MULADD(at[35], at[106]);    MULADD(at[36], at[105]);    MULADD(at[37], at[104]);    MULADD(at[38], at[103]);    MULADD(at[39], at[102]);    MULADD(at[40], at[101]);    MULADD(at[41], at[100]);    MULADD(at[42], at[99]);    MULADD(at[43], at[98]);    MULADD(at[44], at[97]);    MULADD(at[45], at[96]);    MULADD(at[46], at[95]);    MULADD(at[47], at[94]);    MULADD(at[48], at[93]);    MULADD(at[49], at[92]);    MULADD(at[50], at[91]);    MULADD(at[51], at[90]);    MULADD(at[52], at[89]);    MULADD(at[53], at[88]);    MULADD(at[54], at[87]);    MULADD(at[55], at[86]);    MULADD(at[56], at[85]);    MULADD(at[57], at[84]);    MULADD(at[58], at[83]);    MULADD(at[59], at[82]);    MULADD(at[60], at[81]);    MULADD(at[61], at[80]);    MULADD(at[62], at[79]);    MULADD(at[63], at[78]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[77]);
+   /* 78 */
+   MULADD(at[15], at[127]);    MULADD(at[16], at[126]);    MULADD(at[17], at[125]);    MULADD(at[18], at[124]);    MULADD(at[19], at[123]);    MULADD(at[20], at[122]);    MULADD(at[21], at[121]);    MULADD(at[22], at[120]);    MULADD(at[23], at[119]);    MULADD(at[24], at[118]);    MULADD(at[25], at[117]);    MULADD(at[26], at[116]);    MULADD(at[27], at[115]);    MULADD(at[28], at[114]);    MULADD(at[29], at[113]);    MULADD(at[30], at[112]);    MULADD(at[31], at[111]);    MULADD(at[32], at[110]);    MULADD(at[33], at[109]);    MULADD(at[34], at[108]);    MULADD(at[35], at[107]);    MULADD(at[36], at[106]);    MULADD(at[37], at[105]);    MULADD(at[38], at[104]);    MULADD(at[39], at[103]);    MULADD(at[40], at[102]);    MULADD(at[41], at[101]);    MULADD(at[42], at[100]);    MULADD(at[43], at[99]);    MULADD(at[44], at[98]);    MULADD(at[45], at[97]);    MULADD(at[46], at[96]);    MULADD(at[47], at[95]);    MULADD(at[48], at[94]);    MULADD(at[49], at[93]);    MULADD(at[50], at[92]);    MULADD(at[51], at[91]);    MULADD(at[52], at[90]);    MULADD(at[53], at[89]);    MULADD(at[54], at[88]);    MULADD(at[55], at[87]);    MULADD(at[56], at[86]);    MULADD(at[57], at[85]);    MULADD(at[58], at[84]);    MULADD(at[59], at[83]);    MULADD(at[60], at[82]);    MULADD(at[61], at[81]);    MULADD(at[62], at[80]);    MULADD(at[63], at[79]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[78]);
+   /* 79 */
+   MULADD(at[16], at[127]);    MULADD(at[17], at[126]);    MULADD(at[18], at[125]);    MULADD(at[19], at[124]);    MULADD(at[20], at[123]);    MULADD(at[21], at[122]);    MULADD(at[22], at[121]);    MULADD(at[23], at[120]);    MULADD(at[24], at[119]);    MULADD(at[25], at[118]);    MULADD(at[26], at[117]);    MULADD(at[27], at[116]);    MULADD(at[28], at[115]);    MULADD(at[29], at[114]);    MULADD(at[30], at[113]);    MULADD(at[31], at[112]);    MULADD(at[32], at[111]);    MULADD(at[33], at[110]);    MULADD(at[34], at[109]);    MULADD(at[35], at[108]);    MULADD(at[36], at[107]);    MULADD(at[37], at[106]);    MULADD(at[38], at[105]);    MULADD(at[39], at[104]);    MULADD(at[40], at[103]);    MULADD(at[41], at[102]);    MULADD(at[42], at[101]);    MULADD(at[43], at[100]);    MULADD(at[44], at[99]);    MULADD(at[45], at[98]);    MULADD(at[46], at[97]);    MULADD(at[47], at[96]);    MULADD(at[48], at[95]);    MULADD(at[49], at[94]);    MULADD(at[50], at[93]);    MULADD(at[51], at[92]);    MULADD(at[52], at[91]);    MULADD(at[53], at[90]);    MULADD(at[54], at[89]);    MULADD(at[55], at[88]);    MULADD(at[56], at[87]);    MULADD(at[57], at[86]);    MULADD(at[58], at[85]);    MULADD(at[59], at[84]);    MULADD(at[60], at[83]);    MULADD(at[61], at[82]);    MULADD(at[62], at[81]);    MULADD(at[63], at[80]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[79]);
+   /* 80 */
+   MULADD(at[17], at[127]);    MULADD(at[18], at[126]);    MULADD(at[19], at[125]);    MULADD(at[20], at[124]);    MULADD(at[21], at[123]);    MULADD(at[22], at[122]);    MULADD(at[23], at[121]);    MULADD(at[24], at[120]);    MULADD(at[25], at[119]);    MULADD(at[26], at[118]);    MULADD(at[27], at[117]);    MULADD(at[28], at[116]);    MULADD(at[29], at[115]);    MULADD(at[30], at[114]);    MULADD(at[31], at[113]);    MULADD(at[32], at[112]);    MULADD(at[33], at[111]);    MULADD(at[34], at[110]);    MULADD(at[35], at[109]);    MULADD(at[36], at[108]);    MULADD(at[37], at[107]);    MULADD(at[38], at[106]);    MULADD(at[39], at[105]);    MULADD(at[40], at[104]);    MULADD(at[41], at[103]);    MULADD(at[42], at[102]);    MULADD(at[43], at[101]);    MULADD(at[44], at[100]);    MULADD(at[45], at[99]);    MULADD(at[46], at[98]);    MULADD(at[47], at[97]);    MULADD(at[48], at[96]);    MULADD(at[49], at[95]);    MULADD(at[50], at[94]);    MULADD(at[51], at[93]);    MULADD(at[52], at[92]);    MULADD(at[53], at[91]);    MULADD(at[54], at[90]);    MULADD(at[55], at[89]);    MULADD(at[56], at[88]);    MULADD(at[57], at[87]);    MULADD(at[58], at[86]);    MULADD(at[59], at[85]);    MULADD(at[60], at[84]);    MULADD(at[61], at[83]);    MULADD(at[62], at[82]);    MULADD(at[63], at[81]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[80]);
+   /* 81 */
+   MULADD(at[18], at[127]);    MULADD(at[19], at[126]);    MULADD(at[20], at[125]);    MULADD(at[21], at[124]);    MULADD(at[22], at[123]);    MULADD(at[23], at[122]);    MULADD(at[24], at[121]);    MULADD(at[25], at[120]);    MULADD(at[26], at[119]);    MULADD(at[27], at[118]);    MULADD(at[28], at[117]);    MULADD(at[29], at[116]);    MULADD(at[30], at[115]);    MULADD(at[31], at[114]);    MULADD(at[32], at[113]);    MULADD(at[33], at[112]);    MULADD(at[34], at[111]);    MULADD(at[35], at[110]);    MULADD(at[36], at[109]);    MULADD(at[37], at[108]);    MULADD(at[38], at[107]);    MULADD(at[39], at[106]);    MULADD(at[40], at[105]);    MULADD(at[41], at[104]);    MULADD(at[42], at[103]);    MULADD(at[43], at[102]);    MULADD(at[44], at[101]);    MULADD(at[45], at[100]);    MULADD(at[46], at[99]);    MULADD(at[47], at[98]);    MULADD(at[48], at[97]);    MULADD(at[49], at[96]);    MULADD(at[50], at[95]);    MULADD(at[51], at[94]);    MULADD(at[52], at[93]);    MULADD(at[53], at[92]);    MULADD(at[54], at[91]);    MULADD(at[55], at[90]);    MULADD(at[56], at[89]);    MULADD(at[57], at[88]);    MULADD(at[58], at[87]);    MULADD(at[59], at[86]);    MULADD(at[60], at[85]);    MULADD(at[61], at[84]);    MULADD(at[62], at[83]);    MULADD(at[63], at[82]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[81]);
+   /* 82 */
+   MULADD(at[19], at[127]);    MULADD(at[20], at[126]);    MULADD(at[21], at[125]);    MULADD(at[22], at[124]);    MULADD(at[23], at[123]);    MULADD(at[24], at[122]);    MULADD(at[25], at[121]);    MULADD(at[26], at[120]);    MULADD(at[27], at[119]);    MULADD(at[28], at[118]);    MULADD(at[29], at[117]);    MULADD(at[30], at[116]);    MULADD(at[31], at[115]);    MULADD(at[32], at[114]);    MULADD(at[33], at[113]);    MULADD(at[34], at[112]);    MULADD(at[35], at[111]);    MULADD(at[36], at[110]);    MULADD(at[37], at[109]);    MULADD(at[38], at[108]);    MULADD(at[39], at[107]);    MULADD(at[40], at[106]);    MULADD(at[41], at[105]);    MULADD(at[42], at[104]);    MULADD(at[43], at[103]);    MULADD(at[44], at[102]);    MULADD(at[45], at[101]);    MULADD(at[46], at[100]);    MULADD(at[47], at[99]);    MULADD(at[48], at[98]);    MULADD(at[49], at[97]);    MULADD(at[50], at[96]);    MULADD(at[51], at[95]);    MULADD(at[52], at[94]);    MULADD(at[53], at[93]);    MULADD(at[54], at[92]);    MULADD(at[55], at[91]);    MULADD(at[56], at[90]);    MULADD(at[57], at[89]);    MULADD(at[58], at[88]);    MULADD(at[59], at[87]);    MULADD(at[60], at[86]);    MULADD(at[61], at[85]);    MULADD(at[62], at[84]);    MULADD(at[63], at[83]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[82]);
+   /* 83 */
+   MULADD(at[20], at[127]);    MULADD(at[21], at[126]);    MULADD(at[22], at[125]);    MULADD(at[23], at[124]);    MULADD(at[24], at[123]);    MULADD(at[25], at[122]);    MULADD(at[26], at[121]);    MULADD(at[27], at[120]);    MULADD(at[28], at[119]);    MULADD(at[29], at[118]);    MULADD(at[30], at[117]);    MULADD(at[31], at[116]);    MULADD(at[32], at[115]);    MULADD(at[33], at[114]);    MULADD(at[34], at[113]);    MULADD(at[35], at[112]);    MULADD(at[36], at[111]);    MULADD(at[37], at[110]);    MULADD(at[38], at[109]);    MULADD(at[39], at[108]);    MULADD(at[40], at[107]);    MULADD(at[41], at[106]);    MULADD(at[42], at[105]);    MULADD(at[43], at[104]);    MULADD(at[44], at[103]);    MULADD(at[45], at[102]);    MULADD(at[46], at[101]);    MULADD(at[47], at[100]);    MULADD(at[48], at[99]);    MULADD(at[49], at[98]);    MULADD(at[50], at[97]);    MULADD(at[51], at[96]);    MULADD(at[52], at[95]);    MULADD(at[53], at[94]);    MULADD(at[54], at[93]);    MULADD(at[55], at[92]);    MULADD(at[56], at[91]);    MULADD(at[57], at[90]);    MULADD(at[58], at[89]);    MULADD(at[59], at[88]);    MULADD(at[60], at[87]);    MULADD(at[61], at[86]);    MULADD(at[62], at[85]);    MULADD(at[63], at[84]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[83]);
+   /* 84 */
+   MULADD(at[21], at[127]);    MULADD(at[22], at[126]);    MULADD(at[23], at[125]);    MULADD(at[24], at[124]);    MULADD(at[25], at[123]);    MULADD(at[26], at[122]);    MULADD(at[27], at[121]);    MULADD(at[28], at[120]);    MULADD(at[29], at[119]);    MULADD(at[30], at[118]);    MULADD(at[31], at[117]);    MULADD(at[32], at[116]);    MULADD(at[33], at[115]);    MULADD(at[34], at[114]);    MULADD(at[35], at[113]);    MULADD(at[36], at[112]);    MULADD(at[37], at[111]);    MULADD(at[38], at[110]);    MULADD(at[39], at[109]);    MULADD(at[40], at[108]);    MULADD(at[41], at[107]);    MULADD(at[42], at[106]);    MULADD(at[43], at[105]);    MULADD(at[44], at[104]);    MULADD(at[45], at[103]);    MULADD(at[46], at[102]);    MULADD(at[47], at[101]);    MULADD(at[48], at[100]);    MULADD(at[49], at[99]);    MULADD(at[50], at[98]);    MULADD(at[51], at[97]);    MULADD(at[52], at[96]);    MULADD(at[53], at[95]);    MULADD(at[54], at[94]);    MULADD(at[55], at[93]);    MULADD(at[56], at[92]);    MULADD(at[57], at[91]);    MULADD(at[58], at[90]);    MULADD(at[59], at[89]);    MULADD(at[60], at[88]);    MULADD(at[61], at[87]);    MULADD(at[62], at[86]);    MULADD(at[63], at[85]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[84]);
+   /* 85 */
+   MULADD(at[22], at[127]);    MULADD(at[23], at[126]);    MULADD(at[24], at[125]);    MULADD(at[25], at[124]);    MULADD(at[26], at[123]);    MULADD(at[27], at[122]);    MULADD(at[28], at[121]);    MULADD(at[29], at[120]);    MULADD(at[30], at[119]);    MULADD(at[31], at[118]);    MULADD(at[32], at[117]);    MULADD(at[33], at[116]);    MULADD(at[34], at[115]);    MULADD(at[35], at[114]);    MULADD(at[36], at[113]);    MULADD(at[37], at[112]);    MULADD(at[38], at[111]);    MULADD(at[39], at[110]);    MULADD(at[40], at[109]);    MULADD(at[41], at[108]);    MULADD(at[42], at[107]);    MULADD(at[43], at[106]);    MULADD(at[44], at[105]);    MULADD(at[45], at[104]);    MULADD(at[46], at[103]);    MULADD(at[47], at[102]);    MULADD(at[48], at[101]);    MULADD(at[49], at[100]);    MULADD(at[50], at[99]);    MULADD(at[51], at[98]);    MULADD(at[52], at[97]);    MULADD(at[53], at[96]);    MULADD(at[54], at[95]);    MULADD(at[55], at[94]);    MULADD(at[56], at[93]);    MULADD(at[57], at[92]);    MULADD(at[58], at[91]);    MULADD(at[59], at[90]);    MULADD(at[60], at[89]);    MULADD(at[61], at[88]);    MULADD(at[62], at[87]);    MULADD(at[63], at[86]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[85]);
+   /* 86 */
+   MULADD(at[23], at[127]);    MULADD(at[24], at[126]);    MULADD(at[25], at[125]);    MULADD(at[26], at[124]);    MULADD(at[27], at[123]);    MULADD(at[28], at[122]);    MULADD(at[29], at[121]);    MULADD(at[30], at[120]);    MULADD(at[31], at[119]);    MULADD(at[32], at[118]);    MULADD(at[33], at[117]);    MULADD(at[34], at[116]);    MULADD(at[35], at[115]);    MULADD(at[36], at[114]);    MULADD(at[37], at[113]);    MULADD(at[38], at[112]);    MULADD(at[39], at[111]);    MULADD(at[40], at[110]);    MULADD(at[41], at[109]);    MULADD(at[42], at[108]);    MULADD(at[43], at[107]);    MULADD(at[44], at[106]);    MULADD(at[45], at[105]);    MULADD(at[46], at[104]);    MULADD(at[47], at[103]);    MULADD(at[48], at[102]);    MULADD(at[49], at[101]);    MULADD(at[50], at[100]);    MULADD(at[51], at[99]);    MULADD(at[52], at[98]);    MULADD(at[53], at[97]);    MULADD(at[54], at[96]);    MULADD(at[55], at[95]);    MULADD(at[56], at[94]);    MULADD(at[57], at[93]);    MULADD(at[58], at[92]);    MULADD(at[59], at[91]);    MULADD(at[60], at[90]);    MULADD(at[61], at[89]);    MULADD(at[62], at[88]);    MULADD(at[63], at[87]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[86]);
+   /* 87 */
+   MULADD(at[24], at[127]);    MULADD(at[25], at[126]);    MULADD(at[26], at[125]);    MULADD(at[27], at[124]);    MULADD(at[28], at[123]);    MULADD(at[29], at[122]);    MULADD(at[30], at[121]);    MULADD(at[31], at[120]);    MULADD(at[32], at[119]);    MULADD(at[33], at[118]);    MULADD(at[34], at[117]);    MULADD(at[35], at[116]);    MULADD(at[36], at[115]);    MULADD(at[37], at[114]);    MULADD(at[38], at[113]);    MULADD(at[39], at[112]);    MULADD(at[40], at[111]);    MULADD(at[41], at[110]);    MULADD(at[42], at[109]);    MULADD(at[43], at[108]);    MULADD(at[44], at[107]);    MULADD(at[45], at[106]);    MULADD(at[46], at[105]);    MULADD(at[47], at[104]);    MULADD(at[48], at[103]);    MULADD(at[49], at[102]);    MULADD(at[50], at[101]);    MULADD(at[51], at[100]);    MULADD(at[52], at[99]);    MULADD(at[53], at[98]);    MULADD(at[54], at[97]);    MULADD(at[55], at[96]);    MULADD(at[56], at[95]);    MULADD(at[57], at[94]);    MULADD(at[58], at[93]);    MULADD(at[59], at[92]);    MULADD(at[60], at[91]);    MULADD(at[61], at[90]);    MULADD(at[62], at[89]);    MULADD(at[63], at[88]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[87]);
+   /* 88 */
+   MULADD(at[25], at[127]);    MULADD(at[26], at[126]);    MULADD(at[27], at[125]);    MULADD(at[28], at[124]);    MULADD(at[29], at[123]);    MULADD(at[30], at[122]);    MULADD(at[31], at[121]);    MULADD(at[32], at[120]);    MULADD(at[33], at[119]);    MULADD(at[34], at[118]);    MULADD(at[35], at[117]);    MULADD(at[36], at[116]);    MULADD(at[37], at[115]);    MULADD(at[38], at[114]);    MULADD(at[39], at[113]);    MULADD(at[40], at[112]);    MULADD(at[41], at[111]);    MULADD(at[42], at[110]);    MULADD(at[43], at[109]);    MULADD(at[44], at[108]);    MULADD(at[45], at[107]);    MULADD(at[46], at[106]);    MULADD(at[47], at[105]);    MULADD(at[48], at[104]);    MULADD(at[49], at[103]);    MULADD(at[50], at[102]);    MULADD(at[51], at[101]);    MULADD(at[52], at[100]);    MULADD(at[53], at[99]);    MULADD(at[54], at[98]);    MULADD(at[55], at[97]);    MULADD(at[56], at[96]);    MULADD(at[57], at[95]);    MULADD(at[58], at[94]);    MULADD(at[59], at[93]);    MULADD(at[60], at[92]);    MULADD(at[61], at[91]);    MULADD(at[62], at[90]);    MULADD(at[63], at[89]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[88]);
+   /* 89 */
+   MULADD(at[26], at[127]);    MULADD(at[27], at[126]);    MULADD(at[28], at[125]);    MULADD(at[29], at[124]);    MULADD(at[30], at[123]);    MULADD(at[31], at[122]);    MULADD(at[32], at[121]);    MULADD(at[33], at[120]);    MULADD(at[34], at[119]);    MULADD(at[35], at[118]);    MULADD(at[36], at[117]);    MULADD(at[37], at[116]);    MULADD(at[38], at[115]);    MULADD(at[39], at[114]);    MULADD(at[40], at[113]);    MULADD(at[41], at[112]);    MULADD(at[42], at[111]);    MULADD(at[43], at[110]);    MULADD(at[44], at[109]);    MULADD(at[45], at[108]);    MULADD(at[46], at[107]);    MULADD(at[47], at[106]);    MULADD(at[48], at[105]);    MULADD(at[49], at[104]);    MULADD(at[50], at[103]);    MULADD(at[51], at[102]);    MULADD(at[52], at[101]);    MULADD(at[53], at[100]);    MULADD(at[54], at[99]);    MULADD(at[55], at[98]);    MULADD(at[56], at[97]);    MULADD(at[57], at[96]);    MULADD(at[58], at[95]);    MULADD(at[59], at[94]);    MULADD(at[60], at[93]);    MULADD(at[61], at[92]);    MULADD(at[62], at[91]);    MULADD(at[63], at[90]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[89]);
+   /* 90 */
+   MULADD(at[27], at[127]);    MULADD(at[28], at[126]);    MULADD(at[29], at[125]);    MULADD(at[30], at[124]);    MULADD(at[31], at[123]);    MULADD(at[32], at[122]);    MULADD(at[33], at[121]);    MULADD(at[34], at[120]);    MULADD(at[35], at[119]);    MULADD(at[36], at[118]);    MULADD(at[37], at[117]);    MULADD(at[38], at[116]);    MULADD(at[39], at[115]);    MULADD(at[40], at[114]);    MULADD(at[41], at[113]);    MULADD(at[42], at[112]);    MULADD(at[43], at[111]);    MULADD(at[44], at[110]);    MULADD(at[45], at[109]);    MULADD(at[46], at[108]);    MULADD(at[47], at[107]);    MULADD(at[48], at[106]);    MULADD(at[49], at[105]);    MULADD(at[50], at[104]);    MULADD(at[51], at[103]);    MULADD(at[52], at[102]);    MULADD(at[53], at[101]);    MULADD(at[54], at[100]);    MULADD(at[55], at[99]);    MULADD(at[56], at[98]);    MULADD(at[57], at[97]);    MULADD(at[58], at[96]);    MULADD(at[59], at[95]);    MULADD(at[60], at[94]);    MULADD(at[61], at[93]);    MULADD(at[62], at[92]);    MULADD(at[63], at[91]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[90]);
+   /* 91 */
+   MULADD(at[28], at[127]);    MULADD(at[29], at[126]);    MULADD(at[30], at[125]);    MULADD(at[31], at[124]);    MULADD(at[32], at[123]);    MULADD(at[33], at[122]);    MULADD(at[34], at[121]);    MULADD(at[35], at[120]);    MULADD(at[36], at[119]);    MULADD(at[37], at[118]);    MULADD(at[38], at[117]);    MULADD(at[39], at[116]);    MULADD(at[40], at[115]);    MULADD(at[41], at[114]);    MULADD(at[42], at[113]);    MULADD(at[43], at[112]);    MULADD(at[44], at[111]);    MULADD(at[45], at[110]);    MULADD(at[46], at[109]);    MULADD(at[47], at[108]);    MULADD(at[48], at[107]);    MULADD(at[49], at[106]);    MULADD(at[50], at[105]);    MULADD(at[51], at[104]);    MULADD(at[52], at[103]);    MULADD(at[53], at[102]);    MULADD(at[54], at[101]);    MULADD(at[55], at[100]);    MULADD(at[56], at[99]);    MULADD(at[57], at[98]);    MULADD(at[58], at[97]);    MULADD(at[59], at[96]);    MULADD(at[60], at[95]);    MULADD(at[61], at[94]);    MULADD(at[62], at[93]);    MULADD(at[63], at[92]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[91]);
+   /* 92 */
+   MULADD(at[29], at[127]);    MULADD(at[30], at[126]);    MULADD(at[31], at[125]);    MULADD(at[32], at[124]);    MULADD(at[33], at[123]);    MULADD(at[34], at[122]);    MULADD(at[35], at[121]);    MULADD(at[36], at[120]);    MULADD(at[37], at[119]);    MULADD(at[38], at[118]);    MULADD(at[39], at[117]);    MULADD(at[40], at[116]);    MULADD(at[41], at[115]);    MULADD(at[42], at[114]);    MULADD(at[43], at[113]);    MULADD(at[44], at[112]);    MULADD(at[45], at[111]);    MULADD(at[46], at[110]);    MULADD(at[47], at[109]);    MULADD(at[48], at[108]);    MULADD(at[49], at[107]);    MULADD(at[50], at[106]);    MULADD(at[51], at[105]);    MULADD(at[52], at[104]);    MULADD(at[53], at[103]);    MULADD(at[54], at[102]);    MULADD(at[55], at[101]);    MULADD(at[56], at[100]);    MULADD(at[57], at[99]);    MULADD(at[58], at[98]);    MULADD(at[59], at[97]);    MULADD(at[60], at[96]);    MULADD(at[61], at[95]);    MULADD(at[62], at[94]);    MULADD(at[63], at[93]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[92]);
+   /* 93 */
+   MULADD(at[30], at[127]);    MULADD(at[31], at[126]);    MULADD(at[32], at[125]);    MULADD(at[33], at[124]);    MULADD(at[34], at[123]);    MULADD(at[35], at[122]);    MULADD(at[36], at[121]);    MULADD(at[37], at[120]);    MULADD(at[38], at[119]);    MULADD(at[39], at[118]);    MULADD(at[40], at[117]);    MULADD(at[41], at[116]);    MULADD(at[42], at[115]);    MULADD(at[43], at[114]);    MULADD(at[44], at[113]);    MULADD(at[45], at[112]);    MULADD(at[46], at[111]);    MULADD(at[47], at[110]);    MULADD(at[48], at[109]);    MULADD(at[49], at[108]);    MULADD(at[50], at[107]);    MULADD(at[51], at[106]);    MULADD(at[52], at[105]);    MULADD(at[53], at[104]);    MULADD(at[54], at[103]);    MULADD(at[55], at[102]);    MULADD(at[56], at[101]);    MULADD(at[57], at[100]);    MULADD(at[58], at[99]);    MULADD(at[59], at[98]);    MULADD(at[60], at[97]);    MULADD(at[61], at[96]);    MULADD(at[62], at[95]);    MULADD(at[63], at[94]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[93]);
+   /* 94 */
+   MULADD(at[31], at[127]);    MULADD(at[32], at[126]);    MULADD(at[33], at[125]);    MULADD(at[34], at[124]);    MULADD(at[35], at[123]);    MULADD(at[36], at[122]);    MULADD(at[37], at[121]);    MULADD(at[38], at[120]);    MULADD(at[39], at[119]);    MULADD(at[40], at[118]);    MULADD(at[41], at[117]);    MULADD(at[42], at[116]);    MULADD(at[43], at[115]);    MULADD(at[44], at[114]);    MULADD(at[45], at[113]);    MULADD(at[46], at[112]);    MULADD(at[47], at[111]);    MULADD(at[48], at[110]);    MULADD(at[49], at[109]);    MULADD(at[50], at[108]);    MULADD(at[51], at[107]);    MULADD(at[52], at[106]);    MULADD(at[53], at[105]);    MULADD(at[54], at[104]);    MULADD(at[55], at[103]);    MULADD(at[56], at[102]);    MULADD(at[57], at[101]);    MULADD(at[58], at[100]);    MULADD(at[59], at[99]);    MULADD(at[60], at[98]);    MULADD(at[61], at[97]);    MULADD(at[62], at[96]);    MULADD(at[63], at[95]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[94]);
+   /* 95 */
+   MULADD(at[32], at[127]);    MULADD(at[33], at[126]);    MULADD(at[34], at[125]);    MULADD(at[35], at[124]);    MULADD(at[36], at[123]);    MULADD(at[37], at[122]);    MULADD(at[38], at[121]);    MULADD(at[39], at[120]);    MULADD(at[40], at[119]);    MULADD(at[41], at[118]);    MULADD(at[42], at[117]);    MULADD(at[43], at[116]);    MULADD(at[44], at[115]);    MULADD(at[45], at[114]);    MULADD(at[46], at[113]);    MULADD(at[47], at[112]);    MULADD(at[48], at[111]);    MULADD(at[49], at[110]);    MULADD(at[50], at[109]);    MULADD(at[51], at[108]);    MULADD(at[52], at[107]);    MULADD(at[53], at[106]);    MULADD(at[54], at[105]);    MULADD(at[55], at[104]);    MULADD(at[56], at[103]);    MULADD(at[57], at[102]);    MULADD(at[58], at[101]);    MULADD(at[59], at[100]);    MULADD(at[60], at[99]);    MULADD(at[61], at[98]);    MULADD(at[62], at[97]);    MULADD(at[63], at[96]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[95]);
+   /* 96 */
+   MULADD(at[33], at[127]);    MULADD(at[34], at[126]);    MULADD(at[35], at[125]);    MULADD(at[36], at[124]);    MULADD(at[37], at[123]);    MULADD(at[38], at[122]);    MULADD(at[39], at[121]);    MULADD(at[40], at[120]);    MULADD(at[41], at[119]);    MULADD(at[42], at[118]);    MULADD(at[43], at[117]);    MULADD(at[44], at[116]);    MULADD(at[45], at[115]);    MULADD(at[46], at[114]);    MULADD(at[47], at[113]);    MULADD(at[48], at[112]);    MULADD(at[49], at[111]);    MULADD(at[50], at[110]);    MULADD(at[51], at[109]);    MULADD(at[52], at[108]);    MULADD(at[53], at[107]);    MULADD(at[54], at[106]);    MULADD(at[55], at[105]);    MULADD(at[56], at[104]);    MULADD(at[57], at[103]);    MULADD(at[58], at[102]);    MULADD(at[59], at[101]);    MULADD(at[60], at[100]);    MULADD(at[61], at[99]);    MULADD(at[62], at[98]);    MULADD(at[63], at[97]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[96]);
+   /* 97 */
+   MULADD(at[34], at[127]);    MULADD(at[35], at[126]);    MULADD(at[36], at[125]);    MULADD(at[37], at[124]);    MULADD(at[38], at[123]);    MULADD(at[39], at[122]);    MULADD(at[40], at[121]);    MULADD(at[41], at[120]);    MULADD(at[42], at[119]);    MULADD(at[43], at[118]);    MULADD(at[44], at[117]);    MULADD(at[45], at[116]);    MULADD(at[46], at[115]);    MULADD(at[47], at[114]);    MULADD(at[48], at[113]);    MULADD(at[49], at[112]);    MULADD(at[50], at[111]);    MULADD(at[51], at[110]);    MULADD(at[52], at[109]);    MULADD(at[53], at[108]);    MULADD(at[54], at[107]);    MULADD(at[55], at[106]);    MULADD(at[56], at[105]);    MULADD(at[57], at[104]);    MULADD(at[58], at[103]);    MULADD(at[59], at[102]);    MULADD(at[60], at[101]);    MULADD(at[61], at[100]);    MULADD(at[62], at[99]);    MULADD(at[63], at[98]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[97]);
+   /* 98 */
+   MULADD(at[35], at[127]);    MULADD(at[36], at[126]);    MULADD(at[37], at[125]);    MULADD(at[38], at[124]);    MULADD(at[39], at[123]);    MULADD(at[40], at[122]);    MULADD(at[41], at[121]);    MULADD(at[42], at[120]);    MULADD(at[43], at[119]);    MULADD(at[44], at[118]);    MULADD(at[45], at[117]);    MULADD(at[46], at[116]);    MULADD(at[47], at[115]);    MULADD(at[48], at[114]);    MULADD(at[49], at[113]);    MULADD(at[50], at[112]);    MULADD(at[51], at[111]);    MULADD(at[52], at[110]);    MULADD(at[53], at[109]);    MULADD(at[54], at[108]);    MULADD(at[55], at[107]);    MULADD(at[56], at[106]);    MULADD(at[57], at[105]);    MULADD(at[58], at[104]);    MULADD(at[59], at[103]);    MULADD(at[60], at[102]);    MULADD(at[61], at[101]);    MULADD(at[62], at[100]);    MULADD(at[63], at[99]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[98]);
+   /* 99 */
+   MULADD(at[36], at[127]);    MULADD(at[37], at[126]);    MULADD(at[38], at[125]);    MULADD(at[39], at[124]);    MULADD(at[40], at[123]);    MULADD(at[41], at[122]);    MULADD(at[42], at[121]);    MULADD(at[43], at[120]);    MULADD(at[44], at[119]);    MULADD(at[45], at[118]);    MULADD(at[46], at[117]);    MULADD(at[47], at[116]);    MULADD(at[48], at[115]);    MULADD(at[49], at[114]);    MULADD(at[50], at[113]);    MULADD(at[51], at[112]);    MULADD(at[52], at[111]);    MULADD(at[53], at[110]);    MULADD(at[54], at[109]);    MULADD(at[55], at[108]);    MULADD(at[56], at[107]);    MULADD(at[57], at[106]);    MULADD(at[58], at[105]);    MULADD(at[59], at[104]);    MULADD(at[60], at[103]);    MULADD(at[61], at[102]);    MULADD(at[62], at[101]);    MULADD(at[63], at[100]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[99]);
+   /* 100 */
+   MULADD(at[37], at[127]);    MULADD(at[38], at[126]);    MULADD(at[39], at[125]);    MULADD(at[40], at[124]);    MULADD(at[41], at[123]);    MULADD(at[42], at[122]);    MULADD(at[43], at[121]);    MULADD(at[44], at[120]);    MULADD(at[45], at[119]);    MULADD(at[46], at[118]);    MULADD(at[47], at[117]);    MULADD(at[48], at[116]);    MULADD(at[49], at[115]);    MULADD(at[50], at[114]);    MULADD(at[51], at[113]);    MULADD(at[52], at[112]);    MULADD(at[53], at[111]);    MULADD(at[54], at[110]);    MULADD(at[55], at[109]);    MULADD(at[56], at[108]);    MULADD(at[57], at[107]);    MULADD(at[58], at[106]);    MULADD(at[59], at[105]);    MULADD(at[60], at[104]);    MULADD(at[61], at[103]);    MULADD(at[62], at[102]);    MULADD(at[63], at[101]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[100]);
+   /* 101 */
+   MULADD(at[38], at[127]);    MULADD(at[39], at[126]);    MULADD(at[40], at[125]);    MULADD(at[41], at[124]);    MULADD(at[42], at[123]);    MULADD(at[43], at[122]);    MULADD(at[44], at[121]);    MULADD(at[45], at[120]);    MULADD(at[46], at[119]);    MULADD(at[47], at[118]);    MULADD(at[48], at[117]);    MULADD(at[49], at[116]);    MULADD(at[50], at[115]);    MULADD(at[51], at[114]);    MULADD(at[52], at[113]);    MULADD(at[53], at[112]);    MULADD(at[54], at[111]);    MULADD(at[55], at[110]);    MULADD(at[56], at[109]);    MULADD(at[57], at[108]);    MULADD(at[58], at[107]);    MULADD(at[59], at[106]);    MULADD(at[60], at[105]);    MULADD(at[61], at[104]);    MULADD(at[62], at[103]);    MULADD(at[63], at[102]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[101]);
+   /* 102 */
+   MULADD(at[39], at[127]);    MULADD(at[40], at[126]);    MULADD(at[41], at[125]);    MULADD(at[42], at[124]);    MULADD(at[43], at[123]);    MULADD(at[44], at[122]);    MULADD(at[45], at[121]);    MULADD(at[46], at[120]);    MULADD(at[47], at[119]);    MULADD(at[48], at[118]);    MULADD(at[49], at[117]);    MULADD(at[50], at[116]);    MULADD(at[51], at[115]);    MULADD(at[52], at[114]);    MULADD(at[53], at[113]);    MULADD(at[54], at[112]);    MULADD(at[55], at[111]);    MULADD(at[56], at[110]);    MULADD(at[57], at[109]);    MULADD(at[58], at[108]);    MULADD(at[59], at[107]);    MULADD(at[60], at[106]);    MULADD(at[61], at[105]);    MULADD(at[62], at[104]);    MULADD(at[63], at[103]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[102]);
+   /* 103 */
+   MULADD(at[40], at[127]);    MULADD(at[41], at[126]);    MULADD(at[42], at[125]);    MULADD(at[43], at[124]);    MULADD(at[44], at[123]);    MULADD(at[45], at[122]);    MULADD(at[46], at[121]);    MULADD(at[47], at[120]);    MULADD(at[48], at[119]);    MULADD(at[49], at[118]);    MULADD(at[50], at[117]);    MULADD(at[51], at[116]);    MULADD(at[52], at[115]);    MULADD(at[53], at[114]);    MULADD(at[54], at[113]);    MULADD(at[55], at[112]);    MULADD(at[56], at[111]);    MULADD(at[57], at[110]);    MULADD(at[58], at[109]);    MULADD(at[59], at[108]);    MULADD(at[60], at[107]);    MULADD(at[61], at[106]);    MULADD(at[62], at[105]);    MULADD(at[63], at[104]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[103]);
+   /* 104 */
+   MULADD(at[41], at[127]);    MULADD(at[42], at[126]);    MULADD(at[43], at[125]);    MULADD(at[44], at[124]);    MULADD(at[45], at[123]);    MULADD(at[46], at[122]);    MULADD(at[47], at[121]);    MULADD(at[48], at[120]);    MULADD(at[49], at[119]);    MULADD(at[50], at[118]);    MULADD(at[51], at[117]);    MULADD(at[52], at[116]);    MULADD(at[53], at[115]);    MULADD(at[54], at[114]);    MULADD(at[55], at[113]);    MULADD(at[56], at[112]);    MULADD(at[57], at[111]);    MULADD(at[58], at[110]);    MULADD(at[59], at[109]);    MULADD(at[60], at[108]);    MULADD(at[61], at[107]);    MULADD(at[62], at[106]);    MULADD(at[63], at[105]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[104]);
+   /* 105 */
+   MULADD(at[42], at[127]);    MULADD(at[43], at[126]);    MULADD(at[44], at[125]);    MULADD(at[45], at[124]);    MULADD(at[46], at[123]);    MULADD(at[47], at[122]);    MULADD(at[48], at[121]);    MULADD(at[49], at[120]);    MULADD(at[50], at[119]);    MULADD(at[51], at[118]);    MULADD(at[52], at[117]);    MULADD(at[53], at[116]);    MULADD(at[54], at[115]);    MULADD(at[55], at[114]);    MULADD(at[56], at[113]);    MULADD(at[57], at[112]);    MULADD(at[58], at[111]);    MULADD(at[59], at[110]);    MULADD(at[60], at[109]);    MULADD(at[61], at[108]);    MULADD(at[62], at[107]);    MULADD(at[63], at[106]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[105]);
+   /* 106 */
+   MULADD(at[43], at[127]);    MULADD(at[44], at[126]);    MULADD(at[45], at[125]);    MULADD(at[46], at[124]);    MULADD(at[47], at[123]);    MULADD(at[48], at[122]);    MULADD(at[49], at[121]);    MULADD(at[50], at[120]);    MULADD(at[51], at[119]);    MULADD(at[52], at[118]);    MULADD(at[53], at[117]);    MULADD(at[54], at[116]);    MULADD(at[55], at[115]);    MULADD(at[56], at[114]);    MULADD(at[57], at[113]);    MULADD(at[58], at[112]);    MULADD(at[59], at[111]);    MULADD(at[60], at[110]);    MULADD(at[61], at[109]);    MULADD(at[62], at[108]);    MULADD(at[63], at[107]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[106]);
+   /* 107 */
+   MULADD(at[44], at[127]);    MULADD(at[45], at[126]);    MULADD(at[46], at[125]);    MULADD(at[47], at[124]);    MULADD(at[48], at[123]);    MULADD(at[49], at[122]);    MULADD(at[50], at[121]);    MULADD(at[51], at[120]);    MULADD(at[52], at[119]);    MULADD(at[53], at[118]);    MULADD(at[54], at[117]);    MULADD(at[55], at[116]);    MULADD(at[56], at[115]);    MULADD(at[57], at[114]);    MULADD(at[58], at[113]);    MULADD(at[59], at[112]);    MULADD(at[60], at[111]);    MULADD(at[61], at[110]);    MULADD(at[62], at[109]);    MULADD(at[63], at[108]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[107]);
+   /* 108 */
+   MULADD(at[45], at[127]);    MULADD(at[46], at[126]);    MULADD(at[47], at[125]);    MULADD(at[48], at[124]);    MULADD(at[49], at[123]);    MULADD(at[50], at[122]);    MULADD(at[51], at[121]);    MULADD(at[52], at[120]);    MULADD(at[53], at[119]);    MULADD(at[54], at[118]);    MULADD(at[55], at[117]);    MULADD(at[56], at[116]);    MULADD(at[57], at[115]);    MULADD(at[58], at[114]);    MULADD(at[59], at[113]);    MULADD(at[60], at[112]);    MULADD(at[61], at[111]);    MULADD(at[62], at[110]);    MULADD(at[63], at[109]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[108]);
+   /* 109 */
+   MULADD(at[46], at[127]);    MULADD(at[47], at[126]);    MULADD(at[48], at[125]);    MULADD(at[49], at[124]);    MULADD(at[50], at[123]);    MULADD(at[51], at[122]);    MULADD(at[52], at[121]);    MULADD(at[53], at[120]);    MULADD(at[54], at[119]);    MULADD(at[55], at[118]);    MULADD(at[56], at[117]);    MULADD(at[57], at[116]);    MULADD(at[58], at[115]);    MULADD(at[59], at[114]);    MULADD(at[60], at[113]);    MULADD(at[61], at[112]);    MULADD(at[62], at[111]);    MULADD(at[63], at[110]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[109]);
+   /* 110 */
+   MULADD(at[47], at[127]);    MULADD(at[48], at[126]);    MULADD(at[49], at[125]);    MULADD(at[50], at[124]);    MULADD(at[51], at[123]);    MULADD(at[52], at[122]);    MULADD(at[53], at[121]);    MULADD(at[54], at[120]);    MULADD(at[55], at[119]);    MULADD(at[56], at[118]);    MULADD(at[57], at[117]);    MULADD(at[58], at[116]);    MULADD(at[59], at[115]);    MULADD(at[60], at[114]);    MULADD(at[61], at[113]);    MULADD(at[62], at[112]);    MULADD(at[63], at[111]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[110]);
+   /* 111 */
+   MULADD(at[48], at[127]);    MULADD(at[49], at[126]);    MULADD(at[50], at[125]);    MULADD(at[51], at[124]);    MULADD(at[52], at[123]);    MULADD(at[53], at[122]);    MULADD(at[54], at[121]);    MULADD(at[55], at[120]);    MULADD(at[56], at[119]);    MULADD(at[57], at[118]);    MULADD(at[58], at[117]);    MULADD(at[59], at[116]);    MULADD(at[60], at[115]);    MULADD(at[61], at[114]);    MULADD(at[62], at[113]);    MULADD(at[63], at[112]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[111]);
+   /* 112 */
+   MULADD(at[49], at[127]);    MULADD(at[50], at[126]);    MULADD(at[51], at[125]);    MULADD(at[52], at[124]);    MULADD(at[53], at[123]);    MULADD(at[54], at[122]);    MULADD(at[55], at[121]);    MULADD(at[56], at[120]);    MULADD(at[57], at[119]);    MULADD(at[58], at[118]);    MULADD(at[59], at[117]);    MULADD(at[60], at[116]);    MULADD(at[61], at[115]);    MULADD(at[62], at[114]);    MULADD(at[63], at[113]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[112]);
+   /* 113 */
+   MULADD(at[50], at[127]);    MULADD(at[51], at[126]);    MULADD(at[52], at[125]);    MULADD(at[53], at[124]);    MULADD(at[54], at[123]);    MULADD(at[55], at[122]);    MULADD(at[56], at[121]);    MULADD(at[57], at[120]);    MULADD(at[58], at[119]);    MULADD(at[59], at[118]);    MULADD(at[60], at[117]);    MULADD(at[61], at[116]);    MULADD(at[62], at[115]);    MULADD(at[63], at[114]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[113]);
+   /* 114 */
+   MULADD(at[51], at[127]);    MULADD(at[52], at[126]);    MULADD(at[53], at[125]);    MULADD(at[54], at[124]);    MULADD(at[55], at[123]);    MULADD(at[56], at[122]);    MULADD(at[57], at[121]);    MULADD(at[58], at[120]);    MULADD(at[59], at[119]);    MULADD(at[60], at[118]);    MULADD(at[61], at[117]);    MULADD(at[62], at[116]);    MULADD(at[63], at[115]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[114]);
+   /* 115 */
+   MULADD(at[52], at[127]);    MULADD(at[53], at[126]);    MULADD(at[54], at[125]);    MULADD(at[55], at[124]);    MULADD(at[56], at[123]);    MULADD(at[57], at[122]);    MULADD(at[58], at[121]);    MULADD(at[59], at[120]);    MULADD(at[60], at[119]);    MULADD(at[61], at[118]);    MULADD(at[62], at[117]);    MULADD(at[63], at[116]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[115]);
+   /* 116 */
+   MULADD(at[53], at[127]);    MULADD(at[54], at[126]);    MULADD(at[55], at[125]);    MULADD(at[56], at[124]);    MULADD(at[57], at[123]);    MULADD(at[58], at[122]);    MULADD(at[59], at[121]);    MULADD(at[60], at[120]);    MULADD(at[61], at[119]);    MULADD(at[62], at[118]);    MULADD(at[63], at[117]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[116]);
+   /* 117 */
+   MULADD(at[54], at[127]);    MULADD(at[55], at[126]);    MULADD(at[56], at[125]);    MULADD(at[57], at[124]);    MULADD(at[58], at[123]);    MULADD(at[59], at[122]);    MULADD(at[60], at[121]);    MULADD(at[61], at[120]);    MULADD(at[62], at[119]);    MULADD(at[63], at[118]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[117]);
+   /* 118 */
+   MULADD(at[55], at[127]);    MULADD(at[56], at[126]);    MULADD(at[57], at[125]);    MULADD(at[58], at[124]);    MULADD(at[59], at[123]);    MULADD(at[60], at[122]);    MULADD(at[61], at[121]);    MULADD(at[62], at[120]);    MULADD(at[63], at[119]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[118]);
+   /* 119 */
+   MULADD(at[56], at[127]);    MULADD(at[57], at[126]);    MULADD(at[58], at[125]);    MULADD(at[59], at[124]);    MULADD(at[60], at[123]);    MULADD(at[61], at[122]);    MULADD(at[62], at[121]);    MULADD(at[63], at[120]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[119]);
+   /* 120 */
+   MULADD(at[57], at[127]);    MULADD(at[58], at[126]);    MULADD(at[59], at[125]);    MULADD(at[60], at[124]);    MULADD(at[61], at[123]);    MULADD(at[62], at[122]);    MULADD(at[63], at[121]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[120]);
+   /* 121 */
+   MULADD(at[58], at[127]);    MULADD(at[59], at[126]);    MULADD(at[60], at[125]);    MULADD(at[61], at[124]);    MULADD(at[62], at[123]);    MULADD(at[63], at[122]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[121]);
+   /* 122 */
+   MULADD(at[59], at[127]);    MULADD(at[60], at[126]);    MULADD(at[61], at[125]);    MULADD(at[62], at[124]);    MULADD(at[63], at[123]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[122]);
+   /* 123 */
+   MULADD(at[60], at[127]);    MULADD(at[61], at[126]);    MULADD(at[62], at[125]);    MULADD(at[63], at[124]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[123]);
+   /* 124 */
+   MULADD(at[61], at[127]);    MULADD(at[62], at[126]);    MULADD(at[63], at[125]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[124]);
+   /* 125 */
+   MULADD(at[62], at[127]);    MULADD(at[63], at[126]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[125]);
+   /* 126 */
+   MULADD(at[63], at[127]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[126]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[127]);
+   C->used = 128;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL7
+void fp_mul_comba7(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[14];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 7 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+7, B->dp, 7 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[8]);    MULADD(at[1], at[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[9]);    MULADD(at[1], at[8]);    MULADD(at[2], at[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[10]);    MULADD(at[1], at[9]);    MULADD(at[2], at[8]);    MULADD(at[3], at[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[11]);    MULADD(at[1], at[10]);    MULADD(at[2], at[9]);    MULADD(at[3], at[8]);    MULADD(at[4], at[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[12]);    MULADD(at[1], at[11]);    MULADD(at[2], at[10]);    MULADD(at[3], at[9]);    MULADD(at[4], at[8]);    MULADD(at[5], at[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[13]);    MULADD(at[1], at[12]);    MULADD(at[2], at[11]);    MULADD(at[3], at[10]);    MULADD(at[4], at[9]);    MULADD(at[5], at[8]);    MULADD(at[6], at[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[13]);    MULADD(at[2], at[12]);    MULADD(at[3], at[11]);    MULADD(at[4], at[10]);    MULADD(at[5], at[9]);    MULADD(at[6], at[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[13]);    MULADD(at[3], at[12]);    MULADD(at[4], at[11]);    MULADD(at[5], at[10]);    MULADD(at[6], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[13]);    MULADD(at[4], at[12]);    MULADD(at[5], at[11]);    MULADD(at[6], at[10]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[13]);    MULADD(at[5], at[12]);    MULADD(at[6], at[11]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   /* 11 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[13]);    MULADD(at[6], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+   /* 12 */
+   MULADD(at[6], at[13]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[13]);
+   C->used = 14;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 76 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL8
+void fp_mul_comba8(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[16];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 8 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+8, B->dp, 8 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[9]);    MULADD(at[1], at[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[10]);    MULADD(at[1], at[9]);    MULADD(at[2], at[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[11]);    MULADD(at[1], at[10]);    MULADD(at[2], at[9]);    MULADD(at[3], at[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[12]);    MULADD(at[1], at[11]);    MULADD(at[2], at[10]);    MULADD(at[3], at[9]);    MULADD(at[4], at[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[13]);    MULADD(at[1], at[12]);    MULADD(at[2], at[11]);    MULADD(at[3], at[10]);    MULADD(at[4], at[9]);    MULADD(at[5], at[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[14]);    MULADD(at[1], at[13]);    MULADD(at[2], at[12]);    MULADD(at[3], at[11]);    MULADD(at[4], at[10]);    MULADD(at[5], at[9]);    MULADD(at[6], at[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[15]);    MULADD(at[1], at[14]);    MULADD(at[2], at[13]);    MULADD(at[3], at[12]);    MULADD(at[4], at[11]);    MULADD(at[5], at[10]);    MULADD(at[6], at[9]);    MULADD(at[7], at[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[15]);    MULADD(at[2], at[14]);    MULADD(at[3], at[13]);    MULADD(at[4], at[12]);    MULADD(at[5], at[11]);    MULADD(at[6], at[10]);    MULADD(at[7], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[15]);    MULADD(at[3], at[14]);    MULADD(at[4], at[13]);    MULADD(at[5], at[12]);    MULADD(at[6], at[11]);    MULADD(at[7], at[10]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[15]);    MULADD(at[4], at[14]);    MULADD(at[5], at[13]);    MULADD(at[6], at[12]);    MULADD(at[7], at[11]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   /* 11 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[15]);    MULADD(at[5], at[14]);    MULADD(at[6], at[13]);    MULADD(at[7], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+   /* 12 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[15]);    MULADD(at[6], at[14]);    MULADD(at[7], at[13]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+   /* 13 */
+   MULADD(at[6], at[15]);    MULADD(at[7], at[14]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+   /* 14 */
+   MULADD(at[7], at[15]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[15]);
+   C->used = 16;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 84 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#ifdef TFM_MUL9
+void fp_mul_comba9(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[18];
+   memcpy(at, A->dp, 9 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   memcpy(at+9, B->dp, 9 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   /* 0 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+   /* 1 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[10]);    MULADD(at[1], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+   /* 2 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[11]);    MULADD(at[1], at[10]);    MULADD(at[2], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+   /* 3 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[12]);    MULADD(at[1], at[11]);    MULADD(at[2], at[10]);    MULADD(at[3], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+   /* 4 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[13]);    MULADD(at[1], at[12]);    MULADD(at[2], at[11]);    MULADD(at[3], at[10]);    MULADD(at[4], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+   /* 5 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[14]);    MULADD(at[1], at[13]);    MULADD(at[2], at[12]);    MULADD(at[3], at[11]);    MULADD(at[4], at[10]);    MULADD(at[5], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+   /* 6 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[15]);    MULADD(at[1], at[14]);    MULADD(at[2], at[13]);    MULADD(at[3], at[12]);    MULADD(at[4], at[11]);    MULADD(at[5], at[10]);    MULADD(at[6], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+   /* 7 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[16]);    MULADD(at[1], at[15]);    MULADD(at[2], at[14]);    MULADD(at[3], at[13]);    MULADD(at[4], at[12]);    MULADD(at[5], at[11]);    MULADD(at[6], at[10]);    MULADD(at[7], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+   /* 8 */
+   MULADD(at[0], at[17]);    MULADD(at[1], at[16]);    MULADD(at[2], at[15]);    MULADD(at[3], at[14]);    MULADD(at[4], at[13]);    MULADD(at[5], at[12]);    MULADD(at[6], at[11]);    MULADD(at[7], at[10]);    MULADD(at[8], at[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+   /* 9 */
+   MULADD(at[1], at[17]);    MULADD(at[2], at[16]);    MULADD(at[3], at[15]);    MULADD(at[4], at[14]);    MULADD(at[5], at[13]);    MULADD(at[6], at[12]);    MULADD(at[7], at[11]);    MULADD(at[8], at[10]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+   /* 10 */
+   MULADD(at[2], at[17]);    MULADD(at[3], at[16]);    MULADD(at[4], at[15]);    MULADD(at[5], at[14]);    MULADD(at[6], at[13]);    MULADD(at[7], at[12]);    MULADD(at[8], at[11]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+   /* 11 */
+   MULADD(at[3], at[17]);    MULADD(at[4], at[16]);    MULADD(at[5], at[15]);    MULADD(at[6], at[14]);    MULADD(at[7], at[13]);    MULADD(at[8], at[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+   /* 12 */
+   MULADD(at[4], at[17]);    MULADD(at[5], at[16]);    MULADD(at[6], at[15]);    MULADD(at[7], at[14]);    MULADD(at[8], at[13]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+   /* 13 */
+   MULADD(at[5], at[17]);    MULADD(at[6], at[16]);    MULADD(at[7], at[15]);    MULADD(at[8], at[14]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+   /* 14 */
+   MULADD(at[6], at[17]);    MULADD(at[7], at[16]);    MULADD(at[8], at[15]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+   /* 15 */
+   MULADD(at[7], at[17]);    MULADD(at[8], at[16]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+   /* 16 */
+   MULADD(at[8], at[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[17]);
+   C->used = 18;
+   C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+   fp_clamp(C);

+ 1225 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1225 @@
+#if defined(TFM_SMALL_SET)
+void fp_mul_comba_small(fp_int *A, fp_int *B, fp_int *C)
+   fp_digit c0, c1, c2, at[32];
+   switch (MAX(A->used, B->used)) { 
+   case 1:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 1 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+1, B->dp, 1 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[1]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[1]);
+      C->used = 2;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 2:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 2 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+2, B->dp, 2 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[2]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[3]);       MULADD(at[1], at[2]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[3]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[3]);
+      C->used = 4;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 3:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 3 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+3, B->dp, 3 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[3]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[4]);       MULADD(at[1], at[3]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[5]);       MULADD(at[1], at[4]);       MULADD(at[2], at[3]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[5]);       MULADD(at[2], at[4]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[5]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[5]);
+      C->used = 6;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 4:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 4 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+4, B->dp, 4 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[4]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[5]);       MULADD(at[1], at[4]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[6]);       MULADD(at[1], at[5]);       MULADD(at[2], at[4]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[7]);       MULADD(at[1], at[6]);       MULADD(at[2], at[5]);       MULADD(at[3], at[4]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[7]);       MULADD(at[2], at[6]);       MULADD(at[3], at[5]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[7]);       MULADD(at[3], at[6]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[7]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[7]);
+      C->used = 8;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 5:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 5 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+5, B->dp, 5 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[5]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[6]);       MULADD(at[1], at[5]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[7]);       MULADD(at[1], at[6]);       MULADD(at[2], at[5]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[8]);       MULADD(at[1], at[7]);       MULADD(at[2], at[6]);       MULADD(at[3], at[5]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[9]);       MULADD(at[1], at[8]);       MULADD(at[2], at[7]);       MULADD(at[3], at[6]);       MULADD(at[4], at[5]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[9]);       MULADD(at[2], at[8]);       MULADD(at[3], at[7]);       MULADD(at[4], at[6]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[9]);       MULADD(at[3], at[8]);       MULADD(at[4], at[7]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[9]);       MULADD(at[4], at[8]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[9]);
+      C->used = 10;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 6:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 6 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+6, B->dp, 6 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[6]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[7]);       MULADD(at[1], at[6]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[8]);       MULADD(at[1], at[7]);       MULADD(at[2], at[6]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[9]);       MULADD(at[1], at[8]);       MULADD(at[2], at[7]);       MULADD(at[3], at[6]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[10]);       MULADD(at[1], at[9]);       MULADD(at[2], at[8]);       MULADD(at[3], at[7]);       MULADD(at[4], at[6]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[11]);       MULADD(at[1], at[10]);       MULADD(at[2], at[9]);       MULADD(at[3], at[8]);       MULADD(at[4], at[7]);       MULADD(at[5], at[6]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[11]);       MULADD(at[2], at[10]);       MULADD(at[3], at[9]);       MULADD(at[4], at[8]);       MULADD(at[5], at[7]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[11]);       MULADD(at[3], at[10]);       MULADD(at[4], at[9]);       MULADD(at[5], at[8]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[11]);       MULADD(at[4], at[10]);       MULADD(at[5], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      /* 9 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[11]);       MULADD(at[5], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+      /* 10 */
+      MULADD(at[5], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[11]);
+      C->used = 12;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 7:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 7 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+7, B->dp, 7 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[7]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[8]);       MULADD(at[1], at[7]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[9]);       MULADD(at[1], at[8]);       MULADD(at[2], at[7]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[10]);       MULADD(at[1], at[9]);       MULADD(at[2], at[8]);       MULADD(at[3], at[7]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[11]);       MULADD(at[1], at[10]);       MULADD(at[2], at[9]);       MULADD(at[3], at[8]);       MULADD(at[4], at[7]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[12]);       MULADD(at[1], at[11]);       MULADD(at[2], at[10]);       MULADD(at[3], at[9]);       MULADD(at[4], at[8]);       MULADD(at[5], at[7]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[13]);       MULADD(at[1], at[12]);       MULADD(at[2], at[11]);       MULADD(at[3], at[10]);       MULADD(at[4], at[9]);       MULADD(at[5], at[8]);       MULADD(at[6], at[7]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[13]);       MULADD(at[2], at[12]);       MULADD(at[3], at[11]);       MULADD(at[4], at[10]);       MULADD(at[5], at[9]);       MULADD(at[6], at[8]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[13]);       MULADD(at[3], at[12]);       MULADD(at[4], at[11]);       MULADD(at[5], at[10]);       MULADD(at[6], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      /* 9 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[13]);       MULADD(at[4], at[12]);       MULADD(at[5], at[11]);       MULADD(at[6], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+      /* 10 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[13]);       MULADD(at[5], at[12]);       MULADD(at[6], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+      /* 11 */
+      MULADD(at[5], at[13]);       MULADD(at[6], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+      /* 12 */
+      MULADD(at[6], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[13]);
+      C->used = 14;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 8:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 8 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+8, B->dp, 8 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[8]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[9]);       MULADD(at[1], at[8]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[10]);       MULADD(at[1], at[9]);       MULADD(at[2], at[8]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[11]);       MULADD(at[1], at[10]);       MULADD(at[2], at[9]);       MULADD(at[3], at[8]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[12]);       MULADD(at[1], at[11]);       MULADD(at[2], at[10]);       MULADD(at[3], at[9]);       MULADD(at[4], at[8]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[13]);       MULADD(at[1], at[12]);       MULADD(at[2], at[11]);       MULADD(at[3], at[10]);       MULADD(at[4], at[9]);       MULADD(at[5], at[8]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[14]);       MULADD(at[1], at[13]);       MULADD(at[2], at[12]);       MULADD(at[3], at[11]);       MULADD(at[4], at[10]);       MULADD(at[5], at[9]);       MULADD(at[6], at[8]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[15]);       MULADD(at[1], at[14]);       MULADD(at[2], at[13]);       MULADD(at[3], at[12]);       MULADD(at[4], at[11]);       MULADD(at[5], at[10]);       MULADD(at[6], at[9]);       MULADD(at[7], at[8]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[15]);       MULADD(at[2], at[14]);       MULADD(at[3], at[13]);       MULADD(at[4], at[12]);       MULADD(at[5], at[11]);       MULADD(at[6], at[10]);       MULADD(at[7], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      /* 9 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[15]);       MULADD(at[3], at[14]);       MULADD(at[4], at[13]);       MULADD(at[5], at[12]);       MULADD(at[6], at[11]);       MULADD(at[7], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+      /* 10 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[15]);       MULADD(at[4], at[14]);       MULADD(at[5], at[13]);       MULADD(at[6], at[12]);       MULADD(at[7], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+      /* 11 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[15]);       MULADD(at[5], at[14]);       MULADD(at[6], at[13]);       MULADD(at[7], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+      /* 12 */
+      MULADD(at[5], at[15]);       MULADD(at[6], at[14]);       MULADD(at[7], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+      /* 13 */
+      MULADD(at[6], at[15]);       MULADD(at[7], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+      /* 14 */
+      MULADD(at[7], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[15]);
+      C->used = 16;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 9:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 9 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+9, B->dp, 9 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[10]);       MULADD(at[1], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[11]);       MULADD(at[1], at[10]);       MULADD(at[2], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[12]);       MULADD(at[1], at[11]);       MULADD(at[2], at[10]);       MULADD(at[3], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[13]);       MULADD(at[1], at[12]);       MULADD(at[2], at[11]);       MULADD(at[3], at[10]);       MULADD(at[4], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[14]);       MULADD(at[1], at[13]);       MULADD(at[2], at[12]);       MULADD(at[3], at[11]);       MULADD(at[4], at[10]);       MULADD(at[5], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[15]);       MULADD(at[1], at[14]);       MULADD(at[2], at[13]);       MULADD(at[3], at[12]);       MULADD(at[4], at[11]);       MULADD(at[5], at[10]);       MULADD(at[6], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[16]);       MULADD(at[1], at[15]);       MULADD(at[2], at[14]);       MULADD(at[3], at[13]);       MULADD(at[4], at[12]);       MULADD(at[5], at[11]);       MULADD(at[6], at[10]);       MULADD(at[7], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[17]);       MULADD(at[1], at[16]);       MULADD(at[2], at[15]);       MULADD(at[3], at[14]);       MULADD(at[4], at[13]);       MULADD(at[5], at[12]);       MULADD(at[6], at[11]);       MULADD(at[7], at[10]);       MULADD(at[8], at[9]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      /* 9 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[17]);       MULADD(at[2], at[16]);       MULADD(at[3], at[15]);       MULADD(at[4], at[14]);       MULADD(at[5], at[13]);       MULADD(at[6], at[12]);       MULADD(at[7], at[11]);       MULADD(at[8], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+      /* 10 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[17]);       MULADD(at[3], at[16]);       MULADD(at[4], at[15]);       MULADD(at[5], at[14]);       MULADD(at[6], at[13]);       MULADD(at[7], at[12]);       MULADD(at[8], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+      /* 11 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[17]);       MULADD(at[4], at[16]);       MULADD(at[5], at[15]);       MULADD(at[6], at[14]);       MULADD(at[7], at[13]);       MULADD(at[8], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+      /* 12 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[17]);       MULADD(at[5], at[16]);       MULADD(at[6], at[15]);       MULADD(at[7], at[14]);       MULADD(at[8], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+      /* 13 */
+      MULADD(at[5], at[17]);       MULADD(at[6], at[16]);       MULADD(at[7], at[15]);       MULADD(at[8], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+      /* 14 */
+      MULADD(at[6], at[17]);       MULADD(at[7], at[16]);       MULADD(at[8], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+      /* 15 */
+      MULADD(at[7], at[17]);       MULADD(at[8], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+      /* 16 */
+      MULADD(at[8], at[17]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[17]);
+      C->used = 18;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 10:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 10 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+10, B->dp, 10 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[11]);       MULADD(at[1], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[12]);       MULADD(at[1], at[11]);       MULADD(at[2], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[13]);       MULADD(at[1], at[12]);       MULADD(at[2], at[11]);       MULADD(at[3], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[14]);       MULADD(at[1], at[13]);       MULADD(at[2], at[12]);       MULADD(at[3], at[11]);       MULADD(at[4], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[15]);       MULADD(at[1], at[14]);       MULADD(at[2], at[13]);       MULADD(at[3], at[12]);       MULADD(at[4], at[11]);       MULADD(at[5], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[16]);       MULADD(at[1], at[15]);       MULADD(at[2], at[14]);       MULADD(at[3], at[13]);       MULADD(at[4], at[12]);       MULADD(at[5], at[11]);       MULADD(at[6], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[17]);       MULADD(at[1], at[16]);       MULADD(at[2], at[15]);       MULADD(at[3], at[14]);       MULADD(at[4], at[13]);       MULADD(at[5], at[12]);       MULADD(at[6], at[11]);       MULADD(at[7], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[18]);       MULADD(at[1], at[17]);       MULADD(at[2], at[16]);       MULADD(at[3], at[15]);       MULADD(at[4], at[14]);       MULADD(at[5], at[13]);       MULADD(at[6], at[12]);       MULADD(at[7], at[11]);       MULADD(at[8], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      /* 9 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[19]);       MULADD(at[1], at[18]);       MULADD(at[2], at[17]);       MULADD(at[3], at[16]);       MULADD(at[4], at[15]);       MULADD(at[5], at[14]);       MULADD(at[6], at[13]);       MULADD(at[7], at[12]);       MULADD(at[8], at[11]);       MULADD(at[9], at[10]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+      /* 10 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[19]);       MULADD(at[2], at[18]);       MULADD(at[3], at[17]);       MULADD(at[4], at[16]);       MULADD(at[5], at[15]);       MULADD(at[6], at[14]);       MULADD(at[7], at[13]);       MULADD(at[8], at[12]);       MULADD(at[9], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+      /* 11 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[19]);       MULADD(at[3], at[18]);       MULADD(at[4], at[17]);       MULADD(at[5], at[16]);       MULADD(at[6], at[15]);       MULADD(at[7], at[14]);       MULADD(at[8], at[13]);       MULADD(at[9], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+      /* 12 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[19]);       MULADD(at[4], at[18]);       MULADD(at[5], at[17]);       MULADD(at[6], at[16]);       MULADD(at[7], at[15]);       MULADD(at[8], at[14]);       MULADD(at[9], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+      /* 13 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[19]);       MULADD(at[5], at[18]);       MULADD(at[6], at[17]);       MULADD(at[7], at[16]);       MULADD(at[8], at[15]);       MULADD(at[9], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+      /* 14 */
+      MULADD(at[5], at[19]);       MULADD(at[6], at[18]);       MULADD(at[7], at[17]);       MULADD(at[8], at[16]);       MULADD(at[9], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+      /* 15 */
+      MULADD(at[6], at[19]);       MULADD(at[7], at[18]);       MULADD(at[8], at[17]);       MULADD(at[9], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+      /* 16 */
+      MULADD(at[7], at[19]);       MULADD(at[8], at[18]);       MULADD(at[9], at[17]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+      /* 17 */
+      MULADD(at[8], at[19]);       MULADD(at[9], at[18]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+      /* 18 */
+      MULADD(at[9], at[19]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[19]);
+      C->used = 20;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 11:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 11 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+11, B->dp, 11 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[12]);       MULADD(at[1], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[13]);       MULADD(at[1], at[12]);       MULADD(at[2], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[14]);       MULADD(at[1], at[13]);       MULADD(at[2], at[12]);       MULADD(at[3], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[15]);       MULADD(at[1], at[14]);       MULADD(at[2], at[13]);       MULADD(at[3], at[12]);       MULADD(at[4], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[16]);       MULADD(at[1], at[15]);       MULADD(at[2], at[14]);       MULADD(at[3], at[13]);       MULADD(at[4], at[12]);       MULADD(at[5], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[17]);       MULADD(at[1], at[16]);       MULADD(at[2], at[15]);       MULADD(at[3], at[14]);       MULADD(at[4], at[13]);       MULADD(at[5], at[12]);       MULADD(at[6], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[18]);       MULADD(at[1], at[17]);       MULADD(at[2], at[16]);       MULADD(at[3], at[15]);       MULADD(at[4], at[14]);       MULADD(at[5], at[13]);       MULADD(at[6], at[12]);       MULADD(at[7], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[19]);       MULADD(at[1], at[18]);       MULADD(at[2], at[17]);       MULADD(at[3], at[16]);       MULADD(at[4], at[15]);       MULADD(at[5], at[14]);       MULADD(at[6], at[13]);       MULADD(at[7], at[12]);       MULADD(at[8], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      /* 9 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[20]);       MULADD(at[1], at[19]);       MULADD(at[2], at[18]);       MULADD(at[3], at[17]);       MULADD(at[4], at[16]);       MULADD(at[5], at[15]);       MULADD(at[6], at[14]);       MULADD(at[7], at[13]);       MULADD(at[8], at[12]);       MULADD(at[9], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+      /* 10 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[21]);       MULADD(at[1], at[20]);       MULADD(at[2], at[19]);       MULADD(at[3], at[18]);       MULADD(at[4], at[17]);       MULADD(at[5], at[16]);       MULADD(at[6], at[15]);       MULADD(at[7], at[14]);       MULADD(at[8], at[13]);       MULADD(at[9], at[12]);       MULADD(at[10], at[11]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+      /* 11 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[21]);       MULADD(at[2], at[20]);       MULADD(at[3], at[19]);       MULADD(at[4], at[18]);       MULADD(at[5], at[17]);       MULADD(at[6], at[16]);       MULADD(at[7], at[15]);       MULADD(at[8], at[14]);       MULADD(at[9], at[13]);       MULADD(at[10], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+      /* 12 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[21]);       MULADD(at[3], at[20]);       MULADD(at[4], at[19]);       MULADD(at[5], at[18]);       MULADD(at[6], at[17]);       MULADD(at[7], at[16]);       MULADD(at[8], at[15]);       MULADD(at[9], at[14]);       MULADD(at[10], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+      /* 13 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[21]);       MULADD(at[4], at[20]);       MULADD(at[5], at[19]);       MULADD(at[6], at[18]);       MULADD(at[7], at[17]);       MULADD(at[8], at[16]);       MULADD(at[9], at[15]);       MULADD(at[10], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+      /* 14 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[21]);       MULADD(at[5], at[20]);       MULADD(at[6], at[19]);       MULADD(at[7], at[18]);       MULADD(at[8], at[17]);       MULADD(at[9], at[16]);       MULADD(at[10], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+      /* 15 */
+      MULADD(at[5], at[21]);       MULADD(at[6], at[20]);       MULADD(at[7], at[19]);       MULADD(at[8], at[18]);       MULADD(at[9], at[17]);       MULADD(at[10], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+      /* 16 */
+      MULADD(at[6], at[21]);       MULADD(at[7], at[20]);       MULADD(at[8], at[19]);       MULADD(at[9], at[18]);       MULADD(at[10], at[17]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+      /* 17 */
+      MULADD(at[7], at[21]);       MULADD(at[8], at[20]);       MULADD(at[9], at[19]);       MULADD(at[10], at[18]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+      /* 18 */
+      MULADD(at[8], at[21]);       MULADD(at[9], at[20]);       MULADD(at[10], at[19]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+      /* 19 */
+      MULADD(at[9], at[21]);       MULADD(at[10], at[20]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+      /* 20 */
+      MULADD(at[10], at[21]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[21]);
+      C->used = 22;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 12:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 12 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+12, B->dp, 12 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[13]);       MULADD(at[1], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[14]);       MULADD(at[1], at[13]);       MULADD(at[2], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[15]);       MULADD(at[1], at[14]);       MULADD(at[2], at[13]);       MULADD(at[3], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[16]);       MULADD(at[1], at[15]);       MULADD(at[2], at[14]);       MULADD(at[3], at[13]);       MULADD(at[4], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[17]);       MULADD(at[1], at[16]);       MULADD(at[2], at[15]);       MULADD(at[3], at[14]);       MULADD(at[4], at[13]);       MULADD(at[5], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[18]);       MULADD(at[1], at[17]);       MULADD(at[2], at[16]);       MULADD(at[3], at[15]);       MULADD(at[4], at[14]);       MULADD(at[5], at[13]);       MULADD(at[6], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[19]);       MULADD(at[1], at[18]);       MULADD(at[2], at[17]);       MULADD(at[3], at[16]);       MULADD(at[4], at[15]);       MULADD(at[5], at[14]);       MULADD(at[6], at[13]);       MULADD(at[7], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[20]);       MULADD(at[1], at[19]);       MULADD(at[2], at[18]);       MULADD(at[3], at[17]);       MULADD(at[4], at[16]);       MULADD(at[5], at[15]);       MULADD(at[6], at[14]);       MULADD(at[7], at[13]);       MULADD(at[8], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      /* 9 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[21]);       MULADD(at[1], at[20]);       MULADD(at[2], at[19]);       MULADD(at[3], at[18]);       MULADD(at[4], at[17]);       MULADD(at[5], at[16]);       MULADD(at[6], at[15]);       MULADD(at[7], at[14]);       MULADD(at[8], at[13]);       MULADD(at[9], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+      /* 10 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[22]);       MULADD(at[1], at[21]);       MULADD(at[2], at[20]);       MULADD(at[3], at[19]);       MULADD(at[4], at[18]);       MULADD(at[5], at[17]);       MULADD(at[6], at[16]);       MULADD(at[7], at[15]);       MULADD(at[8], at[14]);       MULADD(at[9], at[13]);       MULADD(at[10], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+      /* 11 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[23]);       MULADD(at[1], at[22]);       MULADD(at[2], at[21]);       MULADD(at[3], at[20]);       MULADD(at[4], at[19]);       MULADD(at[5], at[18]);       MULADD(at[6], at[17]);       MULADD(at[7], at[16]);       MULADD(at[8], at[15]);       MULADD(at[9], at[14]);       MULADD(at[10], at[13]);       MULADD(at[11], at[12]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+      /* 12 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[23]);       MULADD(at[2], at[22]);       MULADD(at[3], at[21]);       MULADD(at[4], at[20]);       MULADD(at[5], at[19]);       MULADD(at[6], at[18]);       MULADD(at[7], at[17]);       MULADD(at[8], at[16]);       MULADD(at[9], at[15]);       MULADD(at[10], at[14]);       MULADD(at[11], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+      /* 13 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[23]);       MULADD(at[3], at[22]);       MULADD(at[4], at[21]);       MULADD(at[5], at[20]);       MULADD(at[6], at[19]);       MULADD(at[7], at[18]);       MULADD(at[8], at[17]);       MULADD(at[9], at[16]);       MULADD(at[10], at[15]);       MULADD(at[11], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+      /* 14 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[23]);       MULADD(at[4], at[22]);       MULADD(at[5], at[21]);       MULADD(at[6], at[20]);       MULADD(at[7], at[19]);       MULADD(at[8], at[18]);       MULADD(at[9], at[17]);       MULADD(at[10], at[16]);       MULADD(at[11], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+      /* 15 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[23]);       MULADD(at[5], at[22]);       MULADD(at[6], at[21]);       MULADD(at[7], at[20]);       MULADD(at[8], at[19]);       MULADD(at[9], at[18]);       MULADD(at[10], at[17]);       MULADD(at[11], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+      /* 16 */
+      MULADD(at[5], at[23]);       MULADD(at[6], at[22]);       MULADD(at[7], at[21]);       MULADD(at[8], at[20]);       MULADD(at[9], at[19]);       MULADD(at[10], at[18]);       MULADD(at[11], at[17]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+      /* 17 */
+      MULADD(at[6], at[23]);       MULADD(at[7], at[22]);       MULADD(at[8], at[21]);       MULADD(at[9], at[20]);       MULADD(at[10], at[19]);       MULADD(at[11], at[18]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+      /* 18 */
+      MULADD(at[7], at[23]);       MULADD(at[8], at[22]);       MULADD(at[9], at[21]);       MULADD(at[10], at[20]);       MULADD(at[11], at[19]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+      /* 19 */
+      MULADD(at[8], at[23]);       MULADD(at[9], at[22]);       MULADD(at[10], at[21]);       MULADD(at[11], at[20]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+      /* 20 */
+      MULADD(at[9], at[23]);       MULADD(at[10], at[22]);       MULADD(at[11], at[21]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+      /* 21 */
+      MULADD(at[10], at[23]);       MULADD(at[11], at[22]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+      /* 22 */
+      MULADD(at[11], at[23]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[23]);
+      C->used = 24;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 13:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 13 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+13, B->dp, 13 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[14]);       MULADD(at[1], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[15]);       MULADD(at[1], at[14]);       MULADD(at[2], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[16]);       MULADD(at[1], at[15]);       MULADD(at[2], at[14]);       MULADD(at[3], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[17]);       MULADD(at[1], at[16]);       MULADD(at[2], at[15]);       MULADD(at[3], at[14]);       MULADD(at[4], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[18]);       MULADD(at[1], at[17]);       MULADD(at[2], at[16]);       MULADD(at[3], at[15]);       MULADD(at[4], at[14]);       MULADD(at[5], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[19]);       MULADD(at[1], at[18]);       MULADD(at[2], at[17]);       MULADD(at[3], at[16]);       MULADD(at[4], at[15]);       MULADD(at[5], at[14]);       MULADD(at[6], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[20]);       MULADD(at[1], at[19]);       MULADD(at[2], at[18]);       MULADD(at[3], at[17]);       MULADD(at[4], at[16]);       MULADD(at[5], at[15]);       MULADD(at[6], at[14]);       MULADD(at[7], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[21]);       MULADD(at[1], at[20]);       MULADD(at[2], at[19]);       MULADD(at[3], at[18]);       MULADD(at[4], at[17]);       MULADD(at[5], at[16]);       MULADD(at[6], at[15]);       MULADD(at[7], at[14]);       MULADD(at[8], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      /* 9 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[22]);       MULADD(at[1], at[21]);       MULADD(at[2], at[20]);       MULADD(at[3], at[19]);       MULADD(at[4], at[18]);       MULADD(at[5], at[17]);       MULADD(at[6], at[16]);       MULADD(at[7], at[15]);       MULADD(at[8], at[14]);       MULADD(at[9], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+      /* 10 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[23]);       MULADD(at[1], at[22]);       MULADD(at[2], at[21]);       MULADD(at[3], at[20]);       MULADD(at[4], at[19]);       MULADD(at[5], at[18]);       MULADD(at[6], at[17]);       MULADD(at[7], at[16]);       MULADD(at[8], at[15]);       MULADD(at[9], at[14]);       MULADD(at[10], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+      /* 11 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[24]);       MULADD(at[1], at[23]);       MULADD(at[2], at[22]);       MULADD(at[3], at[21]);       MULADD(at[4], at[20]);       MULADD(at[5], at[19]);       MULADD(at[6], at[18]);       MULADD(at[7], at[17]);       MULADD(at[8], at[16]);       MULADD(at[9], at[15]);       MULADD(at[10], at[14]);       MULADD(at[11], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+      /* 12 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[25]);       MULADD(at[1], at[24]);       MULADD(at[2], at[23]);       MULADD(at[3], at[22]);       MULADD(at[4], at[21]);       MULADD(at[5], at[20]);       MULADD(at[6], at[19]);       MULADD(at[7], at[18]);       MULADD(at[8], at[17]);       MULADD(at[9], at[16]);       MULADD(at[10], at[15]);       MULADD(at[11], at[14]);       MULADD(at[12], at[13]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+      /* 13 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[25]);       MULADD(at[2], at[24]);       MULADD(at[3], at[23]);       MULADD(at[4], at[22]);       MULADD(at[5], at[21]);       MULADD(at[6], at[20]);       MULADD(at[7], at[19]);       MULADD(at[8], at[18]);       MULADD(at[9], at[17]);       MULADD(at[10], at[16]);       MULADD(at[11], at[15]);       MULADD(at[12], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+      /* 14 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[25]);       MULADD(at[3], at[24]);       MULADD(at[4], at[23]);       MULADD(at[5], at[22]);       MULADD(at[6], at[21]);       MULADD(at[7], at[20]);       MULADD(at[8], at[19]);       MULADD(at[9], at[18]);       MULADD(at[10], at[17]);       MULADD(at[11], at[16]);       MULADD(at[12], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+      /* 15 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[25]);       MULADD(at[4], at[24]);       MULADD(at[5], at[23]);       MULADD(at[6], at[22]);       MULADD(at[7], at[21]);       MULADD(at[8], at[20]);       MULADD(at[9], at[19]);       MULADD(at[10], at[18]);       MULADD(at[11], at[17]);       MULADD(at[12], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+      /* 16 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[25]);       MULADD(at[5], at[24]);       MULADD(at[6], at[23]);       MULADD(at[7], at[22]);       MULADD(at[8], at[21]);       MULADD(at[9], at[20]);       MULADD(at[10], at[19]);       MULADD(at[11], at[18]);       MULADD(at[12], at[17]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+      /* 17 */
+      MULADD(at[5], at[25]);       MULADD(at[6], at[24]);       MULADD(at[7], at[23]);       MULADD(at[8], at[22]);       MULADD(at[9], at[21]);       MULADD(at[10], at[20]);       MULADD(at[11], at[19]);       MULADD(at[12], at[18]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+      /* 18 */
+      MULADD(at[6], at[25]);       MULADD(at[7], at[24]);       MULADD(at[8], at[23]);       MULADD(at[9], at[22]);       MULADD(at[10], at[21]);       MULADD(at[11], at[20]);       MULADD(at[12], at[19]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+      /* 19 */
+      MULADD(at[7], at[25]);       MULADD(at[8], at[24]);       MULADD(at[9], at[23]);       MULADD(at[10], at[22]);       MULADD(at[11], at[21]);       MULADD(at[12], at[20]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+      /* 20 */
+      MULADD(at[8], at[25]);       MULADD(at[9], at[24]);       MULADD(at[10], at[23]);       MULADD(at[11], at[22]);       MULADD(at[12], at[21]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+      /* 21 */
+      MULADD(at[9], at[25]);       MULADD(at[10], at[24]);       MULADD(at[11], at[23]);       MULADD(at[12], at[22]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+      /* 22 */
+      MULADD(at[10], at[25]);       MULADD(at[11], at[24]);       MULADD(at[12], at[23]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+      /* 23 */
+      MULADD(at[11], at[25]);       MULADD(at[12], at[24]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[23]);
+      /* 24 */
+      MULADD(at[12], at[25]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[24]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[25]);
+      C->used = 26;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 14:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 14 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+14, B->dp, 14 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[15]);       MULADD(at[1], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[16]);       MULADD(at[1], at[15]);       MULADD(at[2], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[17]);       MULADD(at[1], at[16]);       MULADD(at[2], at[15]);       MULADD(at[3], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[18]);       MULADD(at[1], at[17]);       MULADD(at[2], at[16]);       MULADD(at[3], at[15]);       MULADD(at[4], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[19]);       MULADD(at[1], at[18]);       MULADD(at[2], at[17]);       MULADD(at[3], at[16]);       MULADD(at[4], at[15]);       MULADD(at[5], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[20]);       MULADD(at[1], at[19]);       MULADD(at[2], at[18]);       MULADD(at[3], at[17]);       MULADD(at[4], at[16]);       MULADD(at[5], at[15]);       MULADD(at[6], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[21]);       MULADD(at[1], at[20]);       MULADD(at[2], at[19]);       MULADD(at[3], at[18]);       MULADD(at[4], at[17]);       MULADD(at[5], at[16]);       MULADD(at[6], at[15]);       MULADD(at[7], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[22]);       MULADD(at[1], at[21]);       MULADD(at[2], at[20]);       MULADD(at[3], at[19]);       MULADD(at[4], at[18]);       MULADD(at[5], at[17]);       MULADD(at[6], at[16]);       MULADD(at[7], at[15]);       MULADD(at[8], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      /* 9 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[23]);       MULADD(at[1], at[22]);       MULADD(at[2], at[21]);       MULADD(at[3], at[20]);       MULADD(at[4], at[19]);       MULADD(at[5], at[18]);       MULADD(at[6], at[17]);       MULADD(at[7], at[16]);       MULADD(at[8], at[15]);       MULADD(at[9], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+      /* 10 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[24]);       MULADD(at[1], at[23]);       MULADD(at[2], at[22]);       MULADD(at[3], at[21]);       MULADD(at[4], at[20]);       MULADD(at[5], at[19]);       MULADD(at[6], at[18]);       MULADD(at[7], at[17]);       MULADD(at[8], at[16]);       MULADD(at[9], at[15]);       MULADD(at[10], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+      /* 11 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[25]);       MULADD(at[1], at[24]);       MULADD(at[2], at[23]);       MULADD(at[3], at[22]);       MULADD(at[4], at[21]);       MULADD(at[5], at[20]);       MULADD(at[6], at[19]);       MULADD(at[7], at[18]);       MULADD(at[8], at[17]);       MULADD(at[9], at[16]);       MULADD(at[10], at[15]);       MULADD(at[11], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+      /* 12 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[26]);       MULADD(at[1], at[25]);       MULADD(at[2], at[24]);       MULADD(at[3], at[23]);       MULADD(at[4], at[22]);       MULADD(at[5], at[21]);       MULADD(at[6], at[20]);       MULADD(at[7], at[19]);       MULADD(at[8], at[18]);       MULADD(at[9], at[17]);       MULADD(at[10], at[16]);       MULADD(at[11], at[15]);       MULADD(at[12], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+      /* 13 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[27]);       MULADD(at[1], at[26]);       MULADD(at[2], at[25]);       MULADD(at[3], at[24]);       MULADD(at[4], at[23]);       MULADD(at[5], at[22]);       MULADD(at[6], at[21]);       MULADD(at[7], at[20]);       MULADD(at[8], at[19]);       MULADD(at[9], at[18]);       MULADD(at[10], at[17]);       MULADD(at[11], at[16]);       MULADD(at[12], at[15]);       MULADD(at[13], at[14]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+      /* 14 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[27]);       MULADD(at[2], at[26]);       MULADD(at[3], at[25]);       MULADD(at[4], at[24]);       MULADD(at[5], at[23]);       MULADD(at[6], at[22]);       MULADD(at[7], at[21]);       MULADD(at[8], at[20]);       MULADD(at[9], at[19]);       MULADD(at[10], at[18]);       MULADD(at[11], at[17]);       MULADD(at[12], at[16]);       MULADD(at[13], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+      /* 15 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[27]);       MULADD(at[3], at[26]);       MULADD(at[4], at[25]);       MULADD(at[5], at[24]);       MULADD(at[6], at[23]);       MULADD(at[7], at[22]);       MULADD(at[8], at[21]);       MULADD(at[9], at[20]);       MULADD(at[10], at[19]);       MULADD(at[11], at[18]);       MULADD(at[12], at[17]);       MULADD(at[13], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+      /* 16 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[27]);       MULADD(at[4], at[26]);       MULADD(at[5], at[25]);       MULADD(at[6], at[24]);       MULADD(at[7], at[23]);       MULADD(at[8], at[22]);       MULADD(at[9], at[21]);       MULADD(at[10], at[20]);       MULADD(at[11], at[19]);       MULADD(at[12], at[18]);       MULADD(at[13], at[17]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+      /* 17 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[27]);       MULADD(at[5], at[26]);       MULADD(at[6], at[25]);       MULADD(at[7], at[24]);       MULADD(at[8], at[23]);       MULADD(at[9], at[22]);       MULADD(at[10], at[21]);       MULADD(at[11], at[20]);       MULADD(at[12], at[19]);       MULADD(at[13], at[18]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+      /* 18 */
+      MULADD(at[5], at[27]);       MULADD(at[6], at[26]);       MULADD(at[7], at[25]);       MULADD(at[8], at[24]);       MULADD(at[9], at[23]);       MULADD(at[10], at[22]);       MULADD(at[11], at[21]);       MULADD(at[12], at[20]);       MULADD(at[13], at[19]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+      /* 19 */
+      MULADD(at[6], at[27]);       MULADD(at[7], at[26]);       MULADD(at[8], at[25]);       MULADD(at[9], at[24]);       MULADD(at[10], at[23]);       MULADD(at[11], at[22]);       MULADD(at[12], at[21]);       MULADD(at[13], at[20]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+      /* 20 */
+      MULADD(at[7], at[27]);       MULADD(at[8], at[26]);       MULADD(at[9], at[25]);       MULADD(at[10], at[24]);       MULADD(at[11], at[23]);       MULADD(at[12], at[22]);       MULADD(at[13], at[21]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+      /* 21 */
+      MULADD(at[8], at[27]);       MULADD(at[9], at[26]);       MULADD(at[10], at[25]);       MULADD(at[11], at[24]);       MULADD(at[12], at[23]);       MULADD(at[13], at[22]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+      /* 22 */
+      MULADD(at[9], at[27]);       MULADD(at[10], at[26]);       MULADD(at[11], at[25]);       MULADD(at[12], at[24]);       MULADD(at[13], at[23]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+      /* 23 */
+      MULADD(at[10], at[27]);       MULADD(at[11], at[26]);       MULADD(at[12], at[25]);       MULADD(at[13], at[24]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[23]);
+      /* 24 */
+      MULADD(at[11], at[27]);       MULADD(at[12], at[26]);       MULADD(at[13], at[25]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[24]);
+      /* 25 */
+      MULADD(at[12], at[27]);       MULADD(at[13], at[26]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[25]);
+      /* 26 */
+      MULADD(at[13], at[27]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[26]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[27]);
+      C->used = 28;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 15:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 15 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+15, B->dp, 15 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[16]);       MULADD(at[1], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[17]);       MULADD(at[1], at[16]);       MULADD(at[2], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[18]);       MULADD(at[1], at[17]);       MULADD(at[2], at[16]);       MULADD(at[3], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[19]);       MULADD(at[1], at[18]);       MULADD(at[2], at[17]);       MULADD(at[3], at[16]);       MULADD(at[4], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[20]);       MULADD(at[1], at[19]);       MULADD(at[2], at[18]);       MULADD(at[3], at[17]);       MULADD(at[4], at[16]);       MULADD(at[5], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[21]);       MULADD(at[1], at[20]);       MULADD(at[2], at[19]);       MULADD(at[3], at[18]);       MULADD(at[4], at[17]);       MULADD(at[5], at[16]);       MULADD(at[6], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[22]);       MULADD(at[1], at[21]);       MULADD(at[2], at[20]);       MULADD(at[3], at[19]);       MULADD(at[4], at[18]);       MULADD(at[5], at[17]);       MULADD(at[6], at[16]);       MULADD(at[7], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[23]);       MULADD(at[1], at[22]);       MULADD(at[2], at[21]);       MULADD(at[3], at[20]);       MULADD(at[4], at[19]);       MULADD(at[5], at[18]);       MULADD(at[6], at[17]);       MULADD(at[7], at[16]);       MULADD(at[8], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      /* 9 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[24]);       MULADD(at[1], at[23]);       MULADD(at[2], at[22]);       MULADD(at[3], at[21]);       MULADD(at[4], at[20]);       MULADD(at[5], at[19]);       MULADD(at[6], at[18]);       MULADD(at[7], at[17]);       MULADD(at[8], at[16]);       MULADD(at[9], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+      /* 10 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[25]);       MULADD(at[1], at[24]);       MULADD(at[2], at[23]);       MULADD(at[3], at[22]);       MULADD(at[4], at[21]);       MULADD(at[5], at[20]);       MULADD(at[6], at[19]);       MULADD(at[7], at[18]);       MULADD(at[8], at[17]);       MULADD(at[9], at[16]);       MULADD(at[10], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+      /* 11 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[26]);       MULADD(at[1], at[25]);       MULADD(at[2], at[24]);       MULADD(at[3], at[23]);       MULADD(at[4], at[22]);       MULADD(at[5], at[21]);       MULADD(at[6], at[20]);       MULADD(at[7], at[19]);       MULADD(at[8], at[18]);       MULADD(at[9], at[17]);       MULADD(at[10], at[16]);       MULADD(at[11], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+      /* 12 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[27]);       MULADD(at[1], at[26]);       MULADD(at[2], at[25]);       MULADD(at[3], at[24]);       MULADD(at[4], at[23]);       MULADD(at[5], at[22]);       MULADD(at[6], at[21]);       MULADD(at[7], at[20]);       MULADD(at[8], at[19]);       MULADD(at[9], at[18]);       MULADD(at[10], at[17]);       MULADD(at[11], at[16]);       MULADD(at[12], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+      /* 13 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[28]);       MULADD(at[1], at[27]);       MULADD(at[2], at[26]);       MULADD(at[3], at[25]);       MULADD(at[4], at[24]);       MULADD(at[5], at[23]);       MULADD(at[6], at[22]);       MULADD(at[7], at[21]);       MULADD(at[8], at[20]);       MULADD(at[9], at[19]);       MULADD(at[10], at[18]);       MULADD(at[11], at[17]);       MULADD(at[12], at[16]);       MULADD(at[13], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+      /* 14 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[29]);       MULADD(at[1], at[28]);       MULADD(at[2], at[27]);       MULADD(at[3], at[26]);       MULADD(at[4], at[25]);       MULADD(at[5], at[24]);       MULADD(at[6], at[23]);       MULADD(at[7], at[22]);       MULADD(at[8], at[21]);       MULADD(at[9], at[20]);       MULADD(at[10], at[19]);       MULADD(at[11], at[18]);       MULADD(at[12], at[17]);       MULADD(at[13], at[16]);       MULADD(at[14], at[15]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+      /* 15 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[29]);       MULADD(at[2], at[28]);       MULADD(at[3], at[27]);       MULADD(at[4], at[26]);       MULADD(at[5], at[25]);       MULADD(at[6], at[24]);       MULADD(at[7], at[23]);       MULADD(at[8], at[22]);       MULADD(at[9], at[21]);       MULADD(at[10], at[20]);       MULADD(at[11], at[19]);       MULADD(at[12], at[18]);       MULADD(at[13], at[17]);       MULADD(at[14], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+      /* 16 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[29]);       MULADD(at[3], at[28]);       MULADD(at[4], at[27]);       MULADD(at[5], at[26]);       MULADD(at[6], at[25]);       MULADD(at[7], at[24]);       MULADD(at[8], at[23]);       MULADD(at[9], at[22]);       MULADD(at[10], at[21]);       MULADD(at[11], at[20]);       MULADD(at[12], at[19]);       MULADD(at[13], at[18]);       MULADD(at[14], at[17]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+      /* 17 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[29]);       MULADD(at[4], at[28]);       MULADD(at[5], at[27]);       MULADD(at[6], at[26]);       MULADD(at[7], at[25]);       MULADD(at[8], at[24]);       MULADD(at[9], at[23]);       MULADD(at[10], at[22]);       MULADD(at[11], at[21]);       MULADD(at[12], at[20]);       MULADD(at[13], at[19]);       MULADD(at[14], at[18]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+      /* 18 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[29]);       MULADD(at[5], at[28]);       MULADD(at[6], at[27]);       MULADD(at[7], at[26]);       MULADD(at[8], at[25]);       MULADD(at[9], at[24]);       MULADD(at[10], at[23]);       MULADD(at[11], at[22]);       MULADD(at[12], at[21]);       MULADD(at[13], at[20]);       MULADD(at[14], at[19]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+      /* 19 */
+      MULADD(at[5], at[29]);       MULADD(at[6], at[28]);       MULADD(at[7], at[27]);       MULADD(at[8], at[26]);       MULADD(at[9], at[25]);       MULADD(at[10], at[24]);       MULADD(at[11], at[23]);       MULADD(at[12], at[22]);       MULADD(at[13], at[21]);       MULADD(at[14], at[20]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+      /* 20 */
+      MULADD(at[6], at[29]);       MULADD(at[7], at[28]);       MULADD(at[8], at[27]);       MULADD(at[9], at[26]);       MULADD(at[10], at[25]);       MULADD(at[11], at[24]);       MULADD(at[12], at[23]);       MULADD(at[13], at[22]);       MULADD(at[14], at[21]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+      /* 21 */
+      MULADD(at[7], at[29]);       MULADD(at[8], at[28]);       MULADD(at[9], at[27]);       MULADD(at[10], at[26]);       MULADD(at[11], at[25]);       MULADD(at[12], at[24]);       MULADD(at[13], at[23]);       MULADD(at[14], at[22]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+      /* 22 */
+      MULADD(at[8], at[29]);       MULADD(at[9], at[28]);       MULADD(at[10], at[27]);       MULADD(at[11], at[26]);       MULADD(at[12], at[25]);       MULADD(at[13], at[24]);       MULADD(at[14], at[23]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+      /* 23 */
+      MULADD(at[9], at[29]);       MULADD(at[10], at[28]);       MULADD(at[11], at[27]);       MULADD(at[12], at[26]);       MULADD(at[13], at[25]);       MULADD(at[14], at[24]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[23]);
+      /* 24 */
+      MULADD(at[10], at[29]);       MULADD(at[11], at[28]);       MULADD(at[12], at[27]);       MULADD(at[13], at[26]);       MULADD(at[14], at[25]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[24]);
+      /* 25 */
+      MULADD(at[11], at[29]);       MULADD(at[12], at[28]);       MULADD(at[13], at[27]);       MULADD(at[14], at[26]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[25]);
+      /* 26 */
+      MULADD(at[12], at[29]);       MULADD(at[13], at[28]);       MULADD(at[14], at[27]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[26]);
+      /* 27 */
+      MULADD(at[13], at[29]);       MULADD(at[14], at[28]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[27]);
+      /* 28 */
+      MULADD(at[14], at[29]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[28]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[29]);
+      C->used = 30;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   case 16:
+      memcpy(at, A->dp, 16 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      memcpy(at+16, B->dp, 16 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+      /* 0 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[0]);
+      /* 1 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[17]);       MULADD(at[1], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[1]);
+      /* 2 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[18]);       MULADD(at[1], at[17]);       MULADD(at[2], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[2]);
+      /* 3 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[19]);       MULADD(at[1], at[18]);       MULADD(at[2], at[17]);       MULADD(at[3], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[3]);
+      /* 4 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[20]);       MULADD(at[1], at[19]);       MULADD(at[2], at[18]);       MULADD(at[3], at[17]);       MULADD(at[4], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[4]);
+      /* 5 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[21]);       MULADD(at[1], at[20]);       MULADD(at[2], at[19]);       MULADD(at[3], at[18]);       MULADD(at[4], at[17]);       MULADD(at[5], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[5]);
+      /* 6 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[22]);       MULADD(at[1], at[21]);       MULADD(at[2], at[20]);       MULADD(at[3], at[19]);       MULADD(at[4], at[18]);       MULADD(at[5], at[17]);       MULADD(at[6], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[6]);
+      /* 7 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[23]);       MULADD(at[1], at[22]);       MULADD(at[2], at[21]);       MULADD(at[3], at[20]);       MULADD(at[4], at[19]);       MULADD(at[5], at[18]);       MULADD(at[6], at[17]);       MULADD(at[7], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[7]);
+      /* 8 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[24]);       MULADD(at[1], at[23]);       MULADD(at[2], at[22]);       MULADD(at[3], at[21]);       MULADD(at[4], at[20]);       MULADD(at[5], at[19]);       MULADD(at[6], at[18]);       MULADD(at[7], at[17]);       MULADD(at[8], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[8]);
+      /* 9 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[25]);       MULADD(at[1], at[24]);       MULADD(at[2], at[23]);       MULADD(at[3], at[22]);       MULADD(at[4], at[21]);       MULADD(at[5], at[20]);       MULADD(at[6], at[19]);       MULADD(at[7], at[18]);       MULADD(at[8], at[17]);       MULADD(at[9], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[9]);
+      /* 10 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[26]);       MULADD(at[1], at[25]);       MULADD(at[2], at[24]);       MULADD(at[3], at[23]);       MULADD(at[4], at[22]);       MULADD(at[5], at[21]);       MULADD(at[6], at[20]);       MULADD(at[7], at[19]);       MULADD(at[8], at[18]);       MULADD(at[9], at[17]);       MULADD(at[10], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[10]);
+      /* 11 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[27]);       MULADD(at[1], at[26]);       MULADD(at[2], at[25]);       MULADD(at[3], at[24]);       MULADD(at[4], at[23]);       MULADD(at[5], at[22]);       MULADD(at[6], at[21]);       MULADD(at[7], at[20]);       MULADD(at[8], at[19]);       MULADD(at[9], at[18]);       MULADD(at[10], at[17]);       MULADD(at[11], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[11]);
+      /* 12 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[28]);       MULADD(at[1], at[27]);       MULADD(at[2], at[26]);       MULADD(at[3], at[25]);       MULADD(at[4], at[24]);       MULADD(at[5], at[23]);       MULADD(at[6], at[22]);       MULADD(at[7], at[21]);       MULADD(at[8], at[20]);       MULADD(at[9], at[19]);       MULADD(at[10], at[18]);       MULADD(at[11], at[17]);       MULADD(at[12], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[12]);
+      /* 13 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[29]);       MULADD(at[1], at[28]);       MULADD(at[2], at[27]);       MULADD(at[3], at[26]);       MULADD(at[4], at[25]);       MULADD(at[5], at[24]);       MULADD(at[6], at[23]);       MULADD(at[7], at[22]);       MULADD(at[8], at[21]);       MULADD(at[9], at[20]);       MULADD(at[10], at[19]);       MULADD(at[11], at[18]);       MULADD(at[12], at[17]);       MULADD(at[13], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[13]);
+      /* 14 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[30]);       MULADD(at[1], at[29]);       MULADD(at[2], at[28]);       MULADD(at[3], at[27]);       MULADD(at[4], at[26]);       MULADD(at[5], at[25]);       MULADD(at[6], at[24]);       MULADD(at[7], at[23]);       MULADD(at[8], at[22]);       MULADD(at[9], at[21]);       MULADD(at[10], at[20]);       MULADD(at[11], at[19]);       MULADD(at[12], at[18]);       MULADD(at[13], at[17]);       MULADD(at[14], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[14]);
+      /* 15 */
+      MULADD(at[0], at[31]);       MULADD(at[1], at[30]);       MULADD(at[2], at[29]);       MULADD(at[3], at[28]);       MULADD(at[4], at[27]);       MULADD(at[5], at[26]);       MULADD(at[6], at[25]);       MULADD(at[7], at[24]);       MULADD(at[8], at[23]);       MULADD(at[9], at[22]);       MULADD(at[10], at[21]);       MULADD(at[11], at[20]);       MULADD(at[12], at[19]);       MULADD(at[13], at[18]);       MULADD(at[14], at[17]);       MULADD(at[15], at[16]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[15]);
+      /* 16 */
+      MULADD(at[1], at[31]);       MULADD(at[2], at[30]);       MULADD(at[3], at[29]);       MULADD(at[4], at[28]);       MULADD(at[5], at[27]);       MULADD(at[6], at[26]);       MULADD(at[7], at[25]);       MULADD(at[8], at[24]);       MULADD(at[9], at[23]);       MULADD(at[10], at[22]);       MULADD(at[11], at[21]);       MULADD(at[12], at[20]);       MULADD(at[13], at[19]);       MULADD(at[14], at[18]);       MULADD(at[15], at[17]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[16]);
+      /* 17 */
+      MULADD(at[2], at[31]);       MULADD(at[3], at[30]);       MULADD(at[4], at[29]);       MULADD(at[5], at[28]);       MULADD(at[6], at[27]);       MULADD(at[7], at[26]);       MULADD(at[8], at[25]);       MULADD(at[9], at[24]);       MULADD(at[10], at[23]);       MULADD(at[11], at[22]);       MULADD(at[12], at[21]);       MULADD(at[13], at[20]);       MULADD(at[14], at[19]);       MULADD(at[15], at[18]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[17]);
+      /* 18 */
+      MULADD(at[3], at[31]);       MULADD(at[4], at[30]);       MULADD(at[5], at[29]);       MULADD(at[6], at[28]);       MULADD(at[7], at[27]);       MULADD(at[8], at[26]);       MULADD(at[9], at[25]);       MULADD(at[10], at[24]);       MULADD(at[11], at[23]);       MULADD(at[12], at[22]);       MULADD(at[13], at[21]);       MULADD(at[14], at[20]);       MULADD(at[15], at[19]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[18]);
+      /* 19 */
+      MULADD(at[4], at[31]);       MULADD(at[5], at[30]);       MULADD(at[6], at[29]);       MULADD(at[7], at[28]);       MULADD(at[8], at[27]);       MULADD(at[9], at[26]);       MULADD(at[10], at[25]);       MULADD(at[11], at[24]);       MULADD(at[12], at[23]);       MULADD(at[13], at[22]);       MULADD(at[14], at[21]);       MULADD(at[15], at[20]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[19]);
+      /* 20 */
+      MULADD(at[5], at[31]);       MULADD(at[6], at[30]);       MULADD(at[7], at[29]);       MULADD(at[8], at[28]);       MULADD(at[9], at[27]);       MULADD(at[10], at[26]);       MULADD(at[11], at[25]);       MULADD(at[12], at[24]);       MULADD(at[13], at[23]);       MULADD(at[14], at[22]);       MULADD(at[15], at[21]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[20]);
+      /* 21 */
+      MULADD(at[6], at[31]);       MULADD(at[7], at[30]);       MULADD(at[8], at[29]);       MULADD(at[9], at[28]);       MULADD(at[10], at[27]);       MULADD(at[11], at[26]);       MULADD(at[12], at[25]);       MULADD(at[13], at[24]);       MULADD(at[14], at[23]);       MULADD(at[15], at[22]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[21]);
+      /* 22 */
+      MULADD(at[7], at[31]);       MULADD(at[8], at[30]);       MULADD(at[9], at[29]);       MULADD(at[10], at[28]);       MULADD(at[11], at[27]);       MULADD(at[12], at[26]);       MULADD(at[13], at[25]);       MULADD(at[14], at[24]);       MULADD(at[15], at[23]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[22]);
+      /* 23 */
+      MULADD(at[8], at[31]);       MULADD(at[9], at[30]);       MULADD(at[10], at[29]);       MULADD(at[11], at[28]);       MULADD(at[12], at[27]);       MULADD(at[13], at[26]);       MULADD(at[14], at[25]);       MULADD(at[15], at[24]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[23]);
+      /* 24 */
+      MULADD(at[9], at[31]);       MULADD(at[10], at[30]);       MULADD(at[11], at[29]);       MULADD(at[12], at[28]);       MULADD(at[13], at[27]);       MULADD(at[14], at[26]);       MULADD(at[15], at[25]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[24]);
+      /* 25 */
+      MULADD(at[10], at[31]);       MULADD(at[11], at[30]);       MULADD(at[12], at[29]);       MULADD(at[13], at[28]);       MULADD(at[14], at[27]);       MULADD(at[15], at[26]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[25]);
+      /* 26 */
+      MULADD(at[11], at[31]);       MULADD(at[12], at[30]);       MULADD(at[13], at[29]);       MULADD(at[14], at[28]);       MULADD(at[15], at[27]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[26]);
+      /* 27 */
+      MULADD(at[12], at[31]);       MULADD(at[13], at[30]);       MULADD(at[14], at[29]);       MULADD(at[15], at[28]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[27]);
+      /* 28 */
+      MULADD(at[13], at[31]);       MULADD(at[14], at[30]);       MULADD(at[15], at[29]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[28]);
+      /* 29 */
+      MULADD(at[14], at[31]);       MULADD(at[15], at[30]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[29]);
+      /* 30 */
+      MULADD(at[15], at[31]); 
+      COMBA_STORE(C->dp[30]);
+      COMBA_STORE2(C->dp[31]);
+      C->used = 32;
+      C->sign = A->sign ^ B->sign;
+      fp_clamp(C);
+      COMBA_FINI;
+      break;
+   }

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#ifdef TFM_SQR12
+void fp_sqr_comba12(fp_int *A, fp_int *B)
+   fp_digit *a, b[24], c0, c1, c2, sc0, sc1, sc2;
+   a = A->dp;
+   /* clear carries */
+   /* output 0 */
+   SQRADD(a[0],a[0]);
+   COMBA_STORE(b[0]);
+   /* output 1 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[1]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[1]);
+   /* output 2 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[2]); SQRADD(a[1], a[1]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[2]);
+   /* output 3 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[3]); SQRADD2(a[1], a[2]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[3]);
+   /* output 4 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[4]); SQRADD2(a[1], a[3]); SQRADD(a[2], a[2]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[4]);
+   /* output 5 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[4]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[3]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[5]);
+   /* output 6 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[4]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[3], a[3]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[6]);
+   /* output 7 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[4]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[7]);
+   /* output 8 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[5]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[4], a[4]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[8]);
+   /* output 9 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[5]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[9]);
+   /* output 10 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[6]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[5], a[5]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[10]);
+   /* output 11 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[6]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[11]);
+   /* output 12 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[1], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[7]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[6], a[6]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[12]);
+   /* output 13 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[2], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[7]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[13]);
+   /* output 14 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[3], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[8]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[7], a[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[14]);
+   /* output 15 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[4], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[8]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[15]);
+   /* output 16 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[5], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[9]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[8], a[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[16]);
+   /* output 17 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[6], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[9]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[17]);
+   /* output 18 */
+   SQRADD2(a[7], a[11]); SQRADD2(a[8], a[10]); SQRADD(a[9], a[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[18]);
+   /* output 19 */
+   SQRADD2(a[8], a[11]); SQRADD2(a[9], a[10]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[19]);
+   /* output 20 */
+   SQRADD2(a[9], a[11]); SQRADD(a[10], a[10]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[20]);
+   /* output 21 */
+   SQRADD2(a[10], a[11]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[21]);
+   /* output 22 */
+   SQRADD(a[11], a[11]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[22]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(b[23]);
+   B->used = 24;
+   B->sign = FP_ZPOS;
+   memcpy(B->dp, b, 24 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   fp_clamp(B);

+ 185 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#ifdef TFM_SQR17
+void fp_sqr_comba17(fp_int *A, fp_int *B)
+   fp_digit *a, b[34], c0, c1, c2, sc0, sc1, sc2;
+   a = A->dp;
+   /* clear carries */
+   /* output 0 */
+   SQRADD(a[0],a[0]);
+   COMBA_STORE(b[0]);
+   /* output 1 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[1]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[1]);
+   /* output 2 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[2]); SQRADD(a[1], a[1]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[2]);
+   /* output 3 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[3]); SQRADD2(a[1], a[2]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[3]);
+   /* output 4 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[4]); SQRADD2(a[1], a[3]); SQRADD(a[2], a[2]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[4]);
+   /* output 5 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[4]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[3]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[5]);
+   /* output 6 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[4]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[3], a[3]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[6]);
+   /* output 7 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[4]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[7]);
+   /* output 8 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[5]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[4], a[4]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[8]);
+   /* output 9 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[5]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[9]);
+   /* output 10 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[6]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[5], a[5]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[10]);
+   /* output 11 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[6]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[11]);
+   /* output 12 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[7]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[6], a[6]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[12]);
+   /* output 13 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[7]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[13]);
+   /* output 14 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[8]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[7], a[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[14]);
+   /* output 15 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[8]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[15]);
+   /* output 16 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[9]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[8], a[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[16]);
+   /* output 17 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[1], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[9]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[17]);
+   /* output 18 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[2], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[10]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[9], a[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[18]);
+   /* output 19 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[3], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[10]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[19]);
+   /* output 20 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[4], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[11]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[10], a[10]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[20]);
+   /* output 21 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[5], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[11]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[21]);
+   /* output 22 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[6], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[12]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[11], a[11]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[22]);
+   /* output 23 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[7], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[12]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[23]);
+   /* output 24 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[8], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[13]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[12], a[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[24]);
+   /* output 25 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[9], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[13]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[25]);
+   /* output 26 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[10], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[14]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[13], a[13]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[26]);
+   /* output 27 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[11], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[14]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[27]);
+   /* output 28 */
+   SQRADD2(a[12], a[16]); SQRADD2(a[13], a[15]); SQRADD(a[14], a[14]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[28]);
+   /* output 29 */
+   SQRADD2(a[13], a[16]); SQRADD2(a[14], a[15]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[29]);
+   /* output 30 */
+   SQRADD2(a[14], a[16]); SQRADD(a[15], a[15]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[30]);
+   /* output 31 */
+   SQRADD2(a[15], a[16]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[31]);
+   /* output 32 */
+   SQRADD(a[16], a[16]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[32]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(b[33]);
+   B->used = 34;
+   B->sign = FP_ZPOS;
+   memcpy(B->dp, b, 34 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   fp_clamp(B);

+ 218 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+#ifdef TFM_SQR20
+void fp_sqr_comba20(fp_int *A, fp_int *B)
+   fp_digit *a, b[40], c0, c1, c2, sc0, sc1, sc2;
+#ifdef TFM_ISO
+   fp_word   tt;   
+   a = A->dp;
+   /* clear carries */
+   /* output 0 */
+   SQRADD(a[0],a[0]);
+   COMBA_STORE(b[0]);
+   /* output 1 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[1]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[1]);
+   /* output 2 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[2]); SQRADD(a[1], a[1]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[2]);
+   /* output 3 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[3]); SQRADD2(a[1], a[2]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[3]);
+   /* output 4 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[4]); SQRADD2(a[1], a[3]); SQRADD(a[2], a[2]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[4]);
+   /* output 5 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[4]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[3]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[5]);
+   /* output 6 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[4]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[3], a[3]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[6]);
+   /* output 7 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[4]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[7]);
+   /* output 8 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[5]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[4], a[4]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[8]);
+   /* output 9 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[5]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[9]);
+   /* output 10 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[6]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[5], a[5]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[10]);
+   /* output 11 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[6]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[11]);
+   /* output 12 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[7]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[6], a[6]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[12]);
+   /* output 13 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[7]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[13]);
+   /* output 14 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[8]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[7], a[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[14]);
+   /* output 15 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[8]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[15]);
+   /* output 16 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[9]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[8], a[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[16]);
+   /* output 17 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[9]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[17]);
+   /* output 18 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[10]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[9], a[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[18]);
+   /* output 19 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[10]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[19]);
+   /* output 20 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[1], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[11]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[10], a[10]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[20]);
+   /* output 21 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[2], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[11]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[21]);
+   /* output 22 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[3], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[12]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[11], a[11]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[22]);
+   /* output 23 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[4], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[12]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[23]);
+   /* output 24 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[5], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[13]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[12], a[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[24]);
+   /* output 25 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[6], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[13]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[25]);
+   /* output 26 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[7], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[14]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[13], a[13]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[26]);
+   /* output 27 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[8], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[14]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[27]);
+   /* output 28 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[9], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[15]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[14], a[14]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[28]);
+   /* output 29 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[10], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[15]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[29]);
+   /* output 30 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[11], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[16]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[15], a[15]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[30]);
+   /* output 31 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[12], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[15], a[16]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[31]);
+   /* output 32 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[13], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[15], a[17]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[16], a[16]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[32]);
+   /* output 33 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[14], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[15], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[16], a[17]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[33]);
+   /* output 34 */
+   SQRADD2(a[15], a[19]); SQRADD2(a[16], a[18]); SQRADD(a[17], a[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[34]);
+   /* output 35 */
+   SQRADD2(a[16], a[19]); SQRADD2(a[17], a[18]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[35]);
+   /* output 36 */
+   SQRADD2(a[17], a[19]); SQRADD(a[18], a[18]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[36]);
+   /* output 37 */
+   SQRADD2(a[18], a[19]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[37]);
+   /* output 38 */
+   SQRADD(a[19], a[19]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[38]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(b[39]);
+   B->used = 40;
+   B->sign = FP_ZPOS;
+   memcpy(B->dp, b, 40 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   fp_clamp(B);

+ 258 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+#ifdef TFM_SQR24
+void fp_sqr_comba24(fp_int *A, fp_int *B)
+   fp_digit *a, b[48], c0, c1, c2, sc0, sc1, sc2;
+#ifdef TFM_ISO
+   fp_word   tt;   
+   a = A->dp;
+   /* clear carries */
+   /* output 0 */
+   SQRADD(a[0],a[0]);
+   COMBA_STORE(b[0]);
+   /* output 1 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[1]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[1]);
+   /* output 2 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[2]); SQRADD(a[1], a[1]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[2]);
+   /* output 3 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[3]); SQRADD2(a[1], a[2]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[3]);
+   /* output 4 */
+   SQRADD2(a[0], a[4]); SQRADD2(a[1], a[3]); SQRADD(a[2], a[2]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[4]);
+   /* output 5 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[4]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[3]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[5]);
+   /* output 6 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[4]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[3], a[3]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[6]);
+   /* output 7 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[5]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[4]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[7]);
+   /* output 8 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[5]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[4], a[4]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[8]);
+   /* output 9 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[6]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[5]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[9]);
+   /* output 10 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[6]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[5], a[5]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[10]);
+   /* output 11 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[7]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[6]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[11]);
+   /* output 12 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[7]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[6], a[6]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[12]);
+   /* output 13 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[8]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[7]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[13]);
+   /* output 14 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[8]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[7], a[7]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[14]);
+   /* output 15 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[9]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[8]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[15]);
+   /* output 16 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[9]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[8], a[8]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[16]);
+   /* output 17 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[10]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[9]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[17]);
+   /* output 18 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[10]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[9], a[9]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[18]);
+   /* output 19 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[11]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[10]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[19]);
+   /* output 20 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[11]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[10], a[10]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[20]);
+   /* output 21 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[12]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[11]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[21]);
+   /* output 22 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[12]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[11], a[11]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[22]);
+   /* output 23 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[0], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[1], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[13]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[12]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[23]);
+   /* output 24 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[1], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[2], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[13]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[12], a[12]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[24]);
+   /* output 25 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[2], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[3], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[14]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[13]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[25]);
+   /* output 26 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[3], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[4], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[14]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[13], a[13]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[26]);
+   /* output 27 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[4], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[5], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[15]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[14]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[27]);
+   /* output 28 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[5], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[6], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[15]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[14], a[14]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[28]);
+   /* output 29 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[6], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[7], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[16]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[15]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[29]);
+   /* output 30 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[7], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[8], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[16]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[15], a[15]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[30]);
+   /* output 31 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[8], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[9], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[17]); SQRADDAC(a[15], a[16]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[31]);
+   /* output 32 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[9], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[10], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[15], a[17]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[16], a[16]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[32]);
+   /* output 33 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[10], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[11], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[15], a[18]); SQRADDAC(a[16], a[17]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[33]);
+   /* output 34 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[11], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[12], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[15], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[16], a[18]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[17], a[17]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[34]);
+   /* output 35 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[12], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[13], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[15], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[16], a[19]); SQRADDAC(a[17], a[18]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[35]);
+   /* output 36 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[13], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[14], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[15], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[16], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[17], a[19]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[18], a[18]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[36]);
+   /* output 37 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[14], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[15], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[16], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[17], a[20]); SQRADDAC(a[18], a[19]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[37]);
+   /* output 38 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[15], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[16], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[17], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[18], a[20]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[19], a[19]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[38]);
+   /* output 39 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[16], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[17], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[18], a[21]); SQRADDAC(a[19], a[20]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[39]);
+   /* output 40 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[17], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[18], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[19], a[21]); SQRADDDB; SQRADD(a[20], a[20]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[40]);
+   /* output 41 */
+   SQRADDSC(a[18], a[23]); SQRADDAC(a[19], a[22]); SQRADDAC(a[20], a[21]); SQRADDDB; 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[41]);
+   /* output 42 */
+   SQRADD2(a[19], a[23]); SQRADD2(a[20], a[22]); SQRADD(a[21], a[21]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[42]);
+   /* output 43 */
+   SQRADD2(a[20], a[23]); SQRADD2(a[21], a[22]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[43]);
+   /* output 44 */
+   SQRADD2(a[21], a[23]); SQRADD(a[22], a[22]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[44]);
+   /* output 45 */
+   SQRADD2(a[22], a[23]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[45]);
+   /* output 46 */
+   SQRADD(a[23], a[23]); 
+   COMBA_STORE(b[46]);
+   COMBA_STORE2(b[47]);
+   B->used = 48;
+   B->sign = FP_ZPOS;
+   memcpy(B->dp, b, 48 * sizeof(fp_digit));
+   fp_clamp(B);

Unele fișiere nu au fost afișate deoarece prea multe fișiere au fost modificate în acest diff