/*! \ingroup Poly1305 \brief This function sets the key for a Poly1305 context structure, initializing it for hashing. Note: A new key should be set after generating a message hash with wc_Poly1305Final to ensure security. \return 0 Returned on successfully setting the key and initializing the Poly1305 structure \return BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if the given key is not 32 bytes long, or the Poly1305 context is NULL \param ctx pointer to a Poly1305 structure to initialize \param key pointer to the buffer containing the key to use for hashing \param keySz size of the key in the buffer. Should be 32 bytes _Example_ \code Poly1305 enc; byte key[] = { initialize with 32 byte key to use for hashing }; wc_Poly1305SetKey(&enc, key, sizeof(key)); \endcode \sa wc_Poly1305Update \sa wc_Poly1305Final */ int wc_Poly1305SetKey(Poly1305* poly1305, const byte* key, word32 kySz); /*! \ingroup Poly1305 \brief This function updates the message to hash with the Poly1305 structure. \return 0 Returned on successfully updating the message to hash \return BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if the Poly1305 structure is NULL \param ctx pointer to a Poly1305 structure for which to update the message to hash \param m pointer to the buffer containing the message which should be added to the hash \param bytes size of the message to hash _Example_ \code Poly1305 enc; byte key[] = { }; // initialize with 32 byte key to use for encryption byte msg[] = { }; // initialize with message to hash wc_Poly1305SetKey(&enc, key, sizeof(key)); if( wc_Poly1305Update(key, msg, sizeof(msg)) != 0 ) { // error updating message to hash } \endcode \sa wc_Poly1305SetKey \sa wc_Poly1305Final */ int wc_Poly1305Update(Poly1305* poly1305, const byte* m, word32 bytes); /*! \ingroup Poly1305 \brief This function calculates the hash of the input messages and stores the result in mac. After this is called, the key should be reset. \return 0 Returned on successfully computing the final MAC \return BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if the Poly1305 structure is NULL \param ctx pointer to a Poly1305 structure with which to generate the MAC \param mac pointer to the buffer in which to store the MAC. Should be POLY1305_DIGEST_SIZE (16 bytes) wide _Example_ \code Poly1305 enc; byte mac[POLY1305_DIGEST_SIZE]; // space for a 16 byte mac byte key[] = { }; // initialize with 32 byte key to use for encryption byte msg[] = { }; // initialize with message to hash wc_Poly1305SetKey(&enc, key, sizeof(key)); wc_Poly1305Update(key, msg, sizeof(msg)); if ( wc_Poly1305Final(&enc, mac) != 0 ) { // error computing final MAC } \endcode \sa wc_Poly1305SetKey \sa wc_Poly1305Update */ int wc_Poly1305Final(Poly1305* poly1305, byte* tag); /*! \ingroup Poly1305 \brief Takes in an initialized Poly1305 struct that has a key loaded and creates a MAC (tag) using recent TLS AEAD padding scheme. \return 0 Success \return BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if ctx, input, or tag is null or if additional is null and addSz is greater than 0 or if tagSz is less than WC_POLY1305_MAC_SZ. \param ctx Initialized Poly1305 struct to use \param additional Additional data to use \param addSz Size of additional buffer \param input Input buffer to create tag from \param sz Size of input buffer \param tag Buffer to hold created tag \param tagSz Size of input tag buffer (must be at least WC_POLY1305_MAC_SZ(16)) _Example_ \code Poly1305 ctx; byte key[] = { }; // initialize with 32 byte key to use for hashing byte additional[] = { }; // initialize with additional data byte msg[] = { }; // initialize with message byte tag[16]; wc_Poly1305SetKey(&ctx, key, sizeof(key)); if(wc_Poly1305_MAC(&ctx, additional, sizeof(additional), (byte*)msg, sizeof(msg), tag, sizeof(tag)) != 0) { // Handle the error } \endcode \sa wc_Poly1305SetKey \sa wc_Poly1305Update \sa wcPoly1305Final */ int wc_Poly1305_MAC(Poly1305* ctx, byte* additional, word32 addSz, byte* input, word32 sz, byte* tag, word32 tagSz);