/*! \ingroup Memory \brief This function is similar to malloc(), but calls the memory allocation function which wolfSSL has been configured to use. By default, wolfSSL uses malloc(). This can be changed using the wolfSSL memory abstraction layer - see wolfSSL_SetAllocators(). Note wolfSSL_Malloc is not called directly by wolfSSL, but instead called by macro XMALLOC. For the default build only the size argument exists. If using WOLFSSL_STATIC_MEMORY build then heap and type arguments are included. \return pointer If successful, this function returns a pointer to allocated memory. \return error If there is an error, NULL will be returned. \param size size, in bytes, of the memory to allocate \param heap heap hint to use for memory. Can be NULL \param type dynamic type (see DYNAMIC_TYPE_ list in types.h) _Example_ \code int* tenInts = (int*)wolfSSL_Malloc(sizeof(int)*10); \endcode \sa wolfSSL_Free \sa wolfSSL_Realloc \sa wolfSSL_SetAllocators \sa XMALLOC \sa XFREE \sa XREALLOC */ void* wolfSSL_Malloc(size_t size, void* heap, int type); /*! \ingroup Memory \brief This function is similar to free(), but calls the memory free function which wolfSSL has been configured to use. By default, wolfSSL uses free(). This can be changed using the wolfSSL memory abstraction layer - see wolfSSL_SetAllocators(). Note wolfSSL_Free is not called directly by wolfSSL, but instead called by macro XFREE. For the default build only the ptr argument exists. If using WOLFSSL_STATIC_MEMORY build then heap and type arguments are included. \return none No returns. \param ptr pointer to the memory to be freed. \param heap heap hint to use for memory. Can be NULL \param type dynamic type (see DYNAMIC_TYPE_ list in types.h) _Example_ \code int* tenInts = (int*)wolfSSL_Malloc(sizeof(int)*10); // process data as desired ... if(tenInts) { wolfSSL_Free(tenInts); } \endcode \sa wolfSSL_Alloc \sa wolfSSL_Realloc \sa wolfSSL_SetAllocators \sa XMALLOC \sa XFREE \sa XREALLOC */ void wolfSSL_Free(void *ptr, void* heap, int type); /*! \ingroup Memory \brief This function is similar to realloc(), but calls the memory re-allocation function which wolfSSL has been configured to use. By default, wolfSSL uses realloc(). This can be changed using the wolfSSL memory abstraction layer - see wolfSSL_SetAllocators(). Note wolfSSL_Realloc is not called directly by wolfSSL, but instead called by macro XREALLOC. For the default build only the size argument exists. If using WOLFSSL_STATIC_MEMORY build then heap and type arguments are included. \return pointer If successful, this function returns a pointer to re-allocated memory. This may be the same pointer as ptr, or a new pointer location. \return Null If there is an error, NULL will be returned. \param ptr pointer to the previously-allocated memory, to be reallocated. \param size number of bytes to allocate. \param heap heap hint to use for memory. Can be NULL \param type dynamic type (see DYNAMIC_TYPE_ list in types.h) _Example_ \code int* tenInts = (int*)wolfSSL_Malloc(sizeof(int)*10); int* twentyInts = (int*)wolfSSL_Realloc(tenInts, sizeof(int)*20); \endcode \sa wolfSSL_Free \sa wolfSSL_Malloc \sa wolfSSL_SetAllocators \sa XMALLOC \sa XFREE \sa XREALLOC */ void* wolfSSL_Realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, void* heap, int type); /*! \ingroup Memory \brief This function registers the allocation functions used by wolfSSL. By default, if the system supports it, malloc/free and realloc are used. Using this function allows the user at runtime to install their own memory handlers. \return Success If successful this function will return 0. \return BAD_FUNC_ARG is the error that will be returned if a function pointer is not provided. \param malloc_function memory allocation function for wolfSSL to use. Function signature must match wolfSSL_Malloc_cb prototype, above. \param free_function memory free function for wolfSSL to use. Function signature must match wolfSSL_Free_cb prototype, above. \param realloc_function memory re-allocation function for wolfSSL to use. Function signature must match wolfSSL_Realloc_cb prototype, above. _Example_ \code static void* MyMalloc(size_t size) { // custom malloc function } static void MyFree(void* ptr) { // custom free function } static void* MyRealloc(void* ptr, size_t size) { // custom realloc function } // Register custom memory functions with wolfSSL int ret = wolfSSL_SetAllocators(MyMalloc, MyFree, MyRealloc); if (ret != 0) { // failed to set memory functions } \endcode \sa none */ int wolfSSL_SetAllocators(wolfSSL_Malloc_cb, wolfSSL_Free_cb, wolfSSL_Realloc_cb); /*! \ingroup Memory \brief This function is available when static memory feature is used (--enable-staticmemory). It gives the optimum buffer size for memory “buckets”. This allows for a way to compute buffer size so that no extra unused memory is left at the end after it has been partitioned. The returned value, if positive, is the computed buffer size to use. \return Success On successfully completing buffer size calculations a positive value is returned. This returned value is for optimum buffer size. \return Failure All negative values are considered to be error cases. \param buffer pointer to buffer \param size size of buffer \param type desired type of memory ie WOLFMEM_GENERAL or WOLFMEM_IO_POOL _Example_ \code byte buffer[1000]; word32 size = sizeof(buffer); int optimum; optimum = wolfSSL_StaticBufferSz(buffer, size, WOLFMEM_GENERAL); if (optimum < 0) { //handle error case } printf(“The optimum buffer size to make use of all memory is %d\n”, optimum); ... \endcode \sa wolfSSL_Malloc \sa wolfSSL_Free */ int wolfSSL_StaticBufferSz(byte* buffer, word32 sz, int flag); /*! \ingroup Memory \brief This function is available when static memory feature is used (--enable-staticmemory). It gives the size of padding needed for each partition of memory. This padding size will be the size needed to contain a memory management structure along with any extra for memory alignment. \return On successfully memory padding calculation the return value will be a positive value \return All negative values are considered error cases. \param none No parameters. _Example_ \code int padding; padding = wolfSSL_MemoryPaddingSz(); if (padding < 0) { //handle error case } printf(“The padding size needed for each \”bucket\” of memory is %d\n”, padding); // calculation of buffer for IO POOL size is number of buckets // times (padding + WOLFMEM_IO_SZ) ... \endcode \sa wolfSSL_Malloc \sa wolfSSL_Free */ int wolfSSL_MemoryPaddingSz(void); /*! \ingroup Memory \brief This function is used to set aside static memory for a CTX. Memory set aside is then used for the CTX’s lifetime and for any SSL objects created from the CTX. By passing in a NULL ctx pointer and a wolfSSL_method_func function the creation of the CTX itself will also use static memory. wolfSSL_method_func has the function signature of WOLFSSL_METHOD* (*wolfSSL_method_func)(void* heap);. Passing in 0 for max makes it behave as if not set and no max concurrent use restrictions is in place. The flag value passed in determines how the memory is used and behavior while operating. Available flags are the following. 0 - default general memory WOLFMEM_IO_POOL - used for input/output buffer when sending receiving messages. Overrides general memory, so all memory in buffer passed in is used for IO. WOLFMEM_IO_FIXED - same as WOLFMEM_IO_POOL but each SSL now keeps two buffers to themselves for their lifetime. WOLFMEM_TRACK_STATS - each SSL keeps track of memory stats while running. \return If successful, SSL_SUCCESS will be returned. \return All unsuccessful return values will be less than 0 or equal to SSL_FAILURE. \param ctx address of pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure. \param method function to create protocol. (should be NULL if ctx is not also NULL) \param buf memory to use for all operations. \param sz size of memory buffer being passed in. \param flag type of memory. \param max max concurrent operations. _Example_ \code WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx; WOLFSSL* ssl; int ret; unsigned char memory[MAX]; int memorySz = MAX; unsigned char IO[MAX]; int IOSz = MAX; int flag = WOLFMEM_IO_FIXED | WOLFMEM_TRACK_STATS; ... // create ctx also using static memory, start with general memory to use ctx = NULL: ret = wolfSSL_CTX_load_static_memory(&ctx, wolfSSLv23_server_method_ex, memory, memorySz, 0, MAX_CONCURRENT_HANDSHAKES); if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) { // handle error case } // load in memory for use with IO ret = wolfSSL_CTX_load_static_memory(&ctx, NULL, IO, IOSz, flag, MAX_CONCURRENT_IO); if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) { // handle error case } ... \endcode \sa wolfSSL_CTX_new \sa wolfSSL_CTX_is_static_memory \sa wolfSSL_is_static_memory */ int wolfSSL_CTX_load_static_memory(WOLFSSL_CTX** ctx, wolfSSL_method_func method, unsigned char* buf, unsigned int sz, int flag, int max); /*! \ingroup Memory \brief This function does not change any of the connections behavior and is used only for gathering information about the static memory usage. \return A value of 1 is returned if using static memory for the CTX is true. \return 0 is returned if not using static memory. \param ctx a pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new(). \param mem_stats structure to hold information about staic memory usage. _Example_ \code WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx; int ret; WOLFSSL_MEM_STATS mem_stats; ... //get information about static memory with CTX ret = wolfSSL_CTX_is_static_memory(ctx, &mem_stats); if (ret == 1) { // handle case of is using static memory // print out or inspect elements of mem_stats } if (ret == 0) { //handle case of ctx not using static memory } ... \endcode \sa wolfSSL_CTX_new \sa wolfSSL_CTX_load_static_memory \sa wolfSSL_is_static_memory */ int wolfSSL_CTX_is_static_memory(WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx, WOLFSSL_MEM_STATS* mem_stats); /*! \ingroup Memory \brief wolfSSL_is_static_memory is used to gather information about a SSL’s static memory usage. The return value indicates if static memory is being used and WOLFSSL_MEM_CONN_STATS will be filled out if and only if the flag WOLFMEM_TRACK_STATS was passed to the parent CTX when loading in static memory. \return A value of 1 is returned if using static memory for the CTX is true. \return 0 is returned if not using static memory. \param ssl a pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new(). \param mem_stats structure to contain static memory usage _Example_ \code WOLFSSL* ssl; int ret; WOLFSSL_MEM_CONN_STATS mem_stats; ... ret = wolfSSL_is_static_memory(ssl, mem_stats); if (ret == 1) { // handle case when is static memory // investigate elements in mem_stats if WOLFMEM_TRACK_STATS flag } ... \endcode \sa wolfSSL_new \sa wolfSSL_CTX_is_static_memory */ int wolfSSL_is_static_memory(WOLFSSL* ssl, WOLFSSL_MEM_CONN_STATS* mem_stats); /*! \ingroup Memory \brief This function is used to set aside static memory for wolfCrypt use. Memory can be used by passing the created heap hint into functions. An example of this is when calling wc_InitRng_ex. The flag value passed in determines how the memory is used and behavior while operating, in general wolfCrypt operations will use memory from a WOLFMEM_GENERAL pool. Available flags are the following. WOLFMEM_GENERAL - default general memory WOLFMEM_IO_POOL - used for input/output buffer when sending receiving messages. Overrides general memory, so all memory in buffer passed in is used for IO. WOLFMEM_IO_FIXED - same as WOLFMEM_IO_POOL but each SSL now keeps two buffers to themselves for their lifetime. WOLFMEM_TRACK_STATS - each SSL keeps track of memory stats while running \return If successful, 0 will be returned. \return All unsuccessful return values will be less than 0. \param hint WOLFSSL_HEAP_HINT structure to use \param buf memory to use for all operations. \param sz size of memory buffer being passed in. \param flag type of memory. \param max max concurrent operations (handshakes, IO). _Example_ \code WOLFSSL_HEAP_HINT hint; int ret; unsigned char memory[MAX]; int memorySz = MAX; int flag = WOLFMEM_GENERAL | WOLFMEM_TRACK_STATS; ... // load in memory for use ret = wc_LoadStaticMemory(&hint, memory, memorySz, flag, 0); if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) { // handle error case } ... ret = wc_InitRng_ex(&rng, hint, 0); // check ret value \endcode \sa none */ int wc_LoadStaticMemory(WOLFSSL_HEAP_HINT* hint, unsigned char* buf, unsigned int sz, int flag, int max);