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wolfSSL NXP SE050 Support

wolfSSL includes support for the NXP SE050 Plug & Trust Secure Element.

For details about the NXP SE050, see NXP's SE050 page.

SE050 Acceleration

wolfSSL supports the following hardware acceleration with SE050:

  • TRNG
  • AES (128, 192, 256) encrypt/decrypt
  • SHA-1, SHA2-224, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2-512
  • ECC support and key generation (NIST 192-521 bit, Brainpool, Koblitz)
    • ECDSA sign/verify and key generation
    • ECDH shared secret generation
  • Ed25519 sign/verify and key generation (Twisted Edwards)
  • Curve25519 shared secret and key generation
  • RSA sign/verify/encrypt/decrypt and key generation (up to 4096-bit)

Building SE05x Plug & Trust Middleware (simw-top)

wolfSSL uses the "EdgeLock SE05x Plug & Trust Middleware" to interface with SE050. This can be downloaded from the NXP website here. An free NXP account is required to download the middleware.

wolfSSL last tested with SE05x middleware version 04.02.00.

Instructions for building will vary on target platform and host operating system. A Raspberry Pi with an NXP EdgeLock SE050 Development Kit can be used to easily set up and test the SE050. For build instructions on this combination, follow the AN12570 application note (EdgeLock SE05x Quick start guide with Raspberry Pi, here.

Summarizing the build steps for Raspberry Pi:

$ cd ~
$ mkdir se_mw
$ unzip -d se_mw
$ cd se_mw/simw-top/scripts
$ python rpi
$ cd ~/se_mw/simw-top_build/raspbian_native_se050_t1oi2c
$ ccmake .
# Make sure the following are set:
#    `Host OS` to `Raspbian`
#    `Host Crypto` to `None` (see HostCrypto section below)
#    `SMCOM` to `T1oI2C`
$ c # to configure
$ g # to generate
$ q
$ cmake --build .
$ sudo make install

This will also compile several demo apps which can be run if wanted, ie:

$ cd ~/se_mw/simw-top_build/raspbian_native_se050_t1oi2c/bin
$ ./ex_ecc  # (or, ./se05x_GetInfo, etc)

Running sudo make install will install SE050 library and header files to:


Customizing SE05x Middleware

The SE05x Middleware can be configured to use a custom fsl_sss_ftr.h header file when SSS_USE_FTR_FILE is defined when compiling the SDK.

When wolfSSL tested SE050 integration on an embedded target, fsl_sss_ftr.h:

  • Enabled SE050 variant C (SSS_HAVE_APPLET_SE05X_C)
  • Enabled SE05X applet version 03 for SE050 (SSS_HAVE_SE05X_VER_03_XX)
  • Enabled wolfSSL HostCrypto support (SSS_HAVE_HOSTCRYPTO_WOLFSSL)
  • Disabled mbedTLS alt API (SSS_HAVE_MBEDTLS_ALT_NONE)
  • Enabled SSS layer for SCP03 (SSS_HAVE_SCP_SCP03_SSS)
  • Enabled Platform SCP03 (SSS_HAVE_SE05X_AUTH_PLATFSCP03)
  • Set default SCP03 ENC/MAC/DEK keys to match variant in use
  • Algorithm selection left same as default configuration

Building wolfSSL

To compile wolfSSL with SE050 support using Autoconf/configure:

$ cd wolfssl-X.X.X
$ ./configure --with-se050
$ ./configure --with-se050=PATH
$ make

If no installation path is provided to --with-se05x, wolfSSL will use the default installation locations above.

Example: --with-se050=/home/pi/se_mw/simw-top/

If the SE05x middleware libraries have been linked against OpenSSL (on Linux), and you run into compiler errors in wolfSSL due to conflicts with the wolfSSL compatibility layer headers when compiling wolfSSL's examples and test apps, you can compile and install only the wolfSSL library proper using:

$ cd wolfssl-X.X.X
$ ./configure --with-se050 <options>
$ make src/
$ sudo make install-binPROGRAMS
$ sudo make install-nobase_includeHEADERS

wolfSSL Key Generation Inside SE050

wolfSSL can generate RSA and ECC keys inside the SE050. To include that support, wolfSSL should be configured with --enable-keygen or -DWOLFSSL_KEY_GEN.

$ ./configure --with-se050 --enable-keygen

wolfSSL HostCrypto support for SCP03 Authentication

wolfSSL can be used on the host side (HostCrypto) for secure SCP03 authentication, in place of OpenSSL or mbedTLS. See the HostCrypto section below. To support SCP03, wolfSSL also needs to be compiled with CMAC support:

$ cd wolfssl-X.X.X
$ ./configure --with-se050 --enable-keygen --enable-cmac

To disable SCP03 and use a non-authenticated I2C connection, wolfSSL was using the following define set in fsl_sss_ftr.h, with other defines left to the defaults:

#define SSS_HAVE_SE05X_VER_03_XX 1
#define SSS_HAVE_SCP_SCP03_SSS 0

To enable SCP03 authentication, wolfSSL was using the following defines:

#define SSS_HAVE_SE05X_VER_03_XX 1
#define SSS_HAVE_SCP_SCP03_SSS 1

Default ENC, MAC, and DEK keys for SCP03 should be set by defining the following values. These are the default keys wolfSSL used for the SE50C2 variant (OEF OID: A201). The variant can be seen by running the se05x_GetInfo sample application.


Default SCP03 keys are located in the following middleware file:


wolfSSL SE050 Build Customization

There are several preprocessor defines that can control wolfSSL's SE050 integration behavior, including:


wolfSSL will initialize the SE050 internally. When this is used, developers also need to define SE050_DEFAULT_PORT. See wolfSSL library initialization below.


Mentinoed above, this should be defined to match the mount location of the SE050 if on Linux. Or defined to NULL for embedded targets.


When generating keys inside SE050, wolfSSL will automatically pick a key ID value based on an incrementing counter past the value defined by this define.

If not defined, this value will default to 100.


When defined, calls to wolfSSL_Init() or wolfCrypt_Init() will factory reset the SE050 board by calling ex_sss_boot_factory_reset() internally.

This will erase all user-provisioned key and credential material, leaving only the NXP pre-provisioned credentials in place.


wolfSSL supports offloading hash operations (SHA-1, SHA2-224, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2-512) to the SE050. This is MUCH slower than using wolfCrypt software cryptography due to the I2C communication channel. This support is disabled by default unless this define explicitly enables it.


wolfSSL supports offloading symmetric crypto operations (AES-ECB/CBC) to the SE050. Also due to the I2C communication channel, this is MUCH slower than using wolfCrypt software crypto. This support is disabled by default unless this define explicitly enables it.


By default when WOLFSSL_SE050 is defined, wolfSSL will try to use the TRNG on the SE050 device as a TRNG for seeding wolfCrypt's PRNG/DRBG. To disable the use of the SE050 TRNG inside wolfCrypt and instead fall back to the system default, this can be defined. This might be used for example when working on a Raspberry Pi with SE05x EdgeLock dev kit. If WOLFSSL_SE050_NO_TRNG is defined, wolfCrypt will instead fall back to using /dev/random and /dev/urandom on the Raspberry Pi.

wolfSSL HostCrypto Support

The NXP SE05x Plug & Trust Middleware by default can use either OpenSSL or mbedTLS has a HostCrypto provider to support secure SCP03 authenticated communication between the host and SE050. The HostCrypto provider is used for AES CMAC operations on the host side to set up and authenticate the SE050. If SCP03 is not used, a plaintext communication channel can be used.

wolfSSL has implemented a HostCrypto layer that can integrate into the SE05x Middleware to provide an alternative crypto provider to OpenSSL or mbedTLS. To learn more about access to this layer, please contact wolfSSL at

Once a SE05x Middleware source tree has been updated with wolfSSL HostCrypto support, wolfSSL support can be enabled by defining SSS_HAVE_HOSTCRYPTO_WOLFSSL in fsl_sss_ftr.h. In this scenario, all of the following must be defined to 0 in fsl_sss_ftr.h:


wolfSSL Usage with NXP SE050

Library and SE050 Initialization and Cleanup

When looking at NXP's SE050 demo applications, developers will notice that the connection to SE050 is handled by shared code in <middleware>/sss/ex/inc/ex_sss_main_inc.h. This code calls ex_sss_boot_open() to open the connection to SE050. NXP demo applications then implement an ex_sss_entry() function, which is called by main() in ex_sss_main_inc.h.

wolfSSL has the ability to open the connection to SE050 internally upon library initialization. This can make it much easier and simpler for developers who will be using the SE050 primarily underneath the wolfSSL APIs.

wolfSSL will initialize the SE050 when the wolfSSL library has been compiled with WOLFSSL_SE050_INIT defined. When this is used, applications need to:

  1. Also define SE050_DEFAULT_PORT when compiling wolfSSL (ie: user_settings.h) to match the mount location of SE050 if on Linux. Or, if on an embedded target, this should be defined to NULL.

  2. Application code should initialize the wolfSSL library like normal with wolfSSL_Init() or wolfCrypt_Init(). When the application is done using wolfSSL, resources can be freed and the SE050 connection closed using wolfSSL_Cleanup() or wolfCrypt_Cleanup(). For example:

    /* Initialize wolfCrypt, debugging, logging */

If WOLFSSL_SE050_INIT has not been defined when compiling wolfSSL, the following API can be called after wolfSSL library initialization to pass the correct pre-initialized sss_session_t and sss_key_store_t structure pointers to wolfSSL for internal use. These structures would need to be set up by the application using NXP's SSS API from the middleware SDK.

#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/port/nxp/se050_port.h>
int wc_se050_set_config(
        sss_session_t *pSession,
        sss_key_store_t *pHostKeyStore,
        sss_key_store_t *pKeyStore);

wolfSSL SE050 Key Generation

wolfSSL includes APIs for key generation when WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN has been defined while compiling wolfSSL. When wolfSSL has been compiled with SE050 support (WOLFSSL_SE050), it will delegate these key generation operations to the SE050 and the private keys will remain in the SE050 for added security.

wolfSSL APIs that will generate keys internal to SE050 are:

int wc_ecc_make_key(WC_RNG* rng, int keysize, ecc_key* key);
int wc_MakeRsaKey(RsaKey* key, int size, long e, WC_RNG* rng);
int wc_ed25519_make_key(WC_RNG* rng, int keysize, ed25519_key* key);
int wc_curve25519_make_key(WC_RNG* rng, int keysize, curve25519_key* key);

wolfSSL will also use the SE050 for ECDH shared secret generation, but will extract the shared secret to hand back to the application.

When generating keys in SE050 wolfSSL will automatically pick a key ID value based on an incrementing counter past the value defined by SE050_KEYID_START. SE050_KEYID_START should be defined when compiling wolfSSL (user_settings.h), otherwise it will default to 100.

wolfSSL SE050 Key Insertion

Applications can insert public or private RSA and ECC keys into the SE050 at a specific key ID using the following wolfSSL helper functions:

#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/port/nxp/se050_port.h>

int wc_se050_ecc_insert_public_key(word32 keyId,
        const byte* eccDer, word32 eccDerSize);
int wc_se050_ecc_insert_private_key(word32 keyId,
        const byte* eccDer, word32 eccDerSize);

int wc_se050_rsa_insert_public_key(word32 keyId,
        const byte* rsaDer, word32 rsaDerSize);
int wc_se050_rsa_insert_private_key(word32 keyId,
        const byte* rsaDer, word32 rsaDerSize);

These APIs will all return 0 on success or a negative error code on failure. The input to all these functions is a DER-encoded key and the size of that DER array in bytes.

wolfSSL SE050 Certificate Insertion and Retrieval

Applications can insert or retrieve certificates or binary data into an SE050 key ID using the following wolfSSL helper functions:

int wc_se050_insert_binary_object(word32 keyId,
        const byte* object, word32 objectSz);
int wc_se050_get_binary_object(word32 keyId,
        byte* out, word32* outSz);

These APIs will all return 0 on success or a negative error code on failure. The input to wc_se050_insert_binary_object() is a byte array to be stored in the SE050 along with the size of that array in bytes.

The arguments to wc_se050_get_binary_object() are the key ID to retrieve data from, the output array for data to be placed, and an IN/OUT variable “outSz” representing the size of the “out” buffer on input, and on output “outSz” gets set to the number of bytes written into “out”.

wolfSSL SE050 Credential Deletion

wolfSSL will not auto-delete generated keys associated with wolfCrypt structures (ex: RsaKey, ecc_key, etc) when the respective key free function is called (ex: wc_ecc_free(), wc_FreeRsaKey()). This is done by design in case the application wants to re-use that key that has been generated and stored in the SE050.

Credentials can be deleted from the SE050 storage by calling the wolfSSL helper function wc_se050_erase_object(int keyId). This function is available through <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/port/nxp/se050_port.h>, and should be passed the key ID to be deleted.

wolfSSL SE050 Factory Reset

If wolfSSL is compiled with WOLFSSL_SE050_FACTORY_RESET defined, when wolfSSL_Init() or wolfCrypt_Init() is called, wolfSSL will factory reset the SE050 board by calling ex_sss_boot_factory_reset() internally.

This will erase all user-provisioned key and credential material, leaving only the NXP pre-provisioned credentials in place.

Building wolfSSL SE050 Examples

wolfSSL demos can be easily added to the SE05x middleware source tree such that they are build with CMake when the middleware is compiled.

Assuming a Raspberry Pi host platform is being used, with an SE05x EdgeLock dev kit:

  1. Create a wolfssl directory under the demos directory for wolfSSL demos:

    $ mkdir /home/pi/se_mw/simw-top/demos/wolfssl
  2. Create a directory for a wolfSSL demo, for example to create one for the wolfCrypt test application:

    $ mkdir /home/pi/se_mw/simw-top/demos/wolfssl/wolfcrypt_test
  3. Create a CMakeLists.txt to put inside demos/wolfssl, tying the wolfcrypt_test app into CMake. This CMakeLists.txt would contain:

  4. Add the demos/wolfssl directory to the top demos/CMakeLists.txt file. At the bottom of that file, place:

  5. Inside demos/wolfssl/wolfcrypt_test, copy the wolfCrypt test.c and test.h files from a wolfSSL installation:

    $ cd /home/pi/se_mw/simw-top/demos/wolfssl/wolfcrypt_test
    $ cp wolfssl-X.X.X/wolfcrypt/test/test.c ./
    $ cp wolfssl-X.X.X/wolfcrypt/test/test.h ./
  6. Create a file called wolfcrypt_test.c which will act as the demo application. That file would look similar to:

    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    #include <wolfssl/options.h>
    #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/types.h>
    #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/port/nxp/se050_port.h>
    #include <wolfssl/ssl.h>
    #include "test.h"
    #include <ex_sss_boot.h>
    #include <fsl_sss_se05x_apis.h>
    #include <nxLog_App.h>
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    static ex_sss_boot_ctx_t gex_sss_boot_ctx;
    #define EX_SSS_BOOT_PCONTEXT (&gex_sss_boot_ctx)
    #define EX_SSS_BOOT_DO_ERASE 1
    #include <ex_sss_main_inc.h>
    sss_status_t ex_sss_entry(ex_sss_boot_ctx_t *pCtx)
    int ret = 0;
    sss_status_t status = kStatus_SSS_Success;
    sss_session_t *pSession = (sss_session_t*)&pCtx->session;
    sss_key_store_t *pKeyStore = (sss_key_store_t*)&pCtx->ks;
    LOG_I("running setconfig");
    ret = wc_se050_set_config(pSession, NULL, pKeyStore);
    if (ret != 0) {
        LOG_E("wc_se050_set_config failed");
        return kStatus_SSS_Fail;
    LOG_I("Ran setconfig successfully");
    LOG_I("Ran wolfCrypt test");
    return status;
  7. Create a CMakeLists.txt inside demos/wolfssl/wolfcrypt_test so that it can be compiled with CMake:

    ${KSDK_STARTUP_FILE} ${files}
    PRIVATE ${SIMW_TOP_DIR}/sss/ex/inc /home/pi/se_mw/wolfssl
  8. Build the demo app with CMake

The wolfCrypt test demo app should now compile along with the SE05x middleware. This assumes that the NXP instructions for setting up the build have been completed.

$ cd /home/pi/se_mw/simw-top_build/raspbian_native_se050_t1oi2c
$ cmake --build .

Once the build has finished, the wolfcrypt_test executable can be run with:

$ cd /home/pi/se_mw/simw-top_build/raspbian_native_se050_t1oi2c/bin
$ ./wolfcrypt_test