Abstract.txt 2.2 KB

  1. This program gives wolfCrypt and CyaSSL library demo.
  2. In order to run the demo,
  3. Copy {PACK}\wolfSSL\CyaSSL\{version}\cyassl\certs folder and files to the SD memory.
  4. For demo configuration, refer config-Crypt.h and config-CyaSSL.h.
  5. After download and start the execution, you can type in commands through the
  6. Debug(printf) viewer.
  7. test wolfCrypt Simple test suite
  8. benchmark wolfCrypt Simple benchmark
  9. server& simple server in background mode
  10. client simple client
  11. echoserver& echo server in background mode
  12. echoclient echo client
  13. server/client -h help for server/client command
  14. === Typical Command Usage Scenario ===
  15. Starting Shell
  16. >test
  17. MD5 test passed!
  18. MD4 test passed!
  19. SHA test passed!
  20. ...
  21. >benchmark
  22. AES 25 kB took 0.025 seconds, 0.96 MB/s
  23. ARC4 25 kB took 0.006 seconds, 3.83 MB/s
  24. ...
  25. DH 2048 key agreement 685.93 milliseconds, avg over 1 iterations
  26. >echoserver&
  27. "echoserver" is running with the background mode.
  28. >echoclient
  31. WXYZ
  32. WXYZ
  33. quit
  34. sending server shutdown command: quit!
  35. client sent quit command: shutting down!
  36. >server&
  37. "server" is running with the background mode.
  38. >client
  39. peer's cert info:
  40. issuer : /C=...
  41. subject: /C=...
  42. serial number:02
  43. SSL version is TLSv1.2
  44. SSL cipher suite is TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
  45. peer's cert info:
  46. issuer : /C=...
  47. subject: /C=...
  48. serial number:...
  49. SSL version is TLSv1.2
  50. SSL cipher suite is TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
  51. Client message: hello cyassl!
  52. Server response: I hear you fa shizzle!
  53. >client -h -p 443 -g -v 0
  54. peer's cert info:
  55. issuer : /CN=...
  56. subject: /CN=...
  57. serial number:44:39:...
  58. SSL version is SSLv3
  59. SSL cipher suite is SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
  60. SSL connect ok, sending GET...
  61. ...
  62. ===
  63. For the hardware crypt on config-Crypt.h, download
  64. STSW-STM32062: STM32F2xx standard peripherals library at
  65. http://www.st.com/. Copy Libraries\STM32F2xx_StdPeriph_Driver\{inc,src} to
  66. {PACK}\cyassl\IDE\MDK5-ARM\STM32F2xx_StdPeriph_Lib
  67. Support
  68. -------
  69. Please send questions or comments to support@wolfssl.com