Makefile 1.1 KB

  1. #
  2. # Copyright (C) 2006-2015
  3. #
  4. # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
  5. # See /LICENSE for more information.
  6. #
  7. include $(TOPDIR)/
  8. PKG_NAME:=qos-scripts
  9. PKG_VERSION:=1.3.0
  10. PKG_RELEASE:=1
  11. PKG_LICENSE:=GPL-2.0
  12. PKG_MAINTAINER:=Felix Fietkau <>
  14. include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
  15. define Package/qos-scripts
  16. SECTION:=utils
  17. CATEGORY:=Base system
  18. DEPENDS:=+tc +kmod-sched-core +kmod-sched-connmark +kmod-ifb +iptables +iptables-mod-ipopt +iptables-mod-conntrack-extra
  19. TITLE:=QoS scripts
  20. PKGARCH:=all
  21. endef
  22. define Package/qos-scripts/description
  23. A set of scripts that abstract QoS configuration into a simple
  24. configuration file supporting stanzas that specify any number of QoS
  25. entries.
  26. endef
  27. define Package/qos-scripts/conffiles
  28. /etc/config/qos
  29. endef
  30. define Build/Prepare
  31. endef
  32. define Build/Configure
  33. endef
  34. define Build/Compile
  35. endef
  36. define Package/qos-scripts/install
  37. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)
  38. $(CP) ./files/* $(1)/
  39. endef
  40. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,qos-scripts))