LuCI provides some of its libraries to external applications through a JSON-RPC API. This Howto shows how to use it and provides information about available functions. # Basics LuCI comes with an efficient JSON De-/Encoder together with a JSON-RPC-Server which implements the *JSON-RPC 1.0_' and 2.0 (partly) specifications. The LuCI JSON-RPC server offers several independent APIs. Therefore you have to use '_different URLs for every exported library*. Assuming your LuCI-Installation can be reached through */cgi-bin/luci_' any exported library can be reached via '''/cgi-bin/luci/rpc/''LIBRARY_*. # Authentication Most exported libraries will require a valid authentication to be called with. If you get an *HTTP 403 Forbidden_' status code you are probably missing a valid authentication token. To get such a token you have to call the function '''login''' of the RPC-Library '''auth'''. Following our example from above this login function would be provided at '_/cgi-bin/luci/rpc/auth*. The function accepts 2 parameters: username and password (of a valid user account on the host system) and returns an authentication token. If you want to call any exported library which requires an authentication token you have to *append it as an URL parameter _auth''''' to the RPC-Server URL. So instead of calling '''/cgi-bin/luci/rpc/''LIBRARY''''' you have to call '''/cgi-bin/luci/rpc/''LIBRARY''?auth=''TOKEN_*. If your JSON-RPC client is Cookie-aware (like most browsers are) you will receive the authentication token also with a session cookie and probably don't have to append it to the RPC-Server URL. # Exported Libraries ## uci The UCI-Library */rpc/uci* offers functionality to interact with the Universal Configuration Interface. *Exported Functions:* * [(string) add(config, type)]( * [(integer) apply(config)]( * [ (object) changes([config])] * [(boolean) commit(config)]( * [ (boolean) delete(config, section[, option])] * [ (boolean) delete_all(config[, type])] * [ (array) foreach(config[, type])] * [ (mixed) get(config, section[, option])] * [ (object) get_all(config[, section])] * [ (mixed) get_state(config, section[, option])] * [(boolean) revert(config)]( * [(name) section(config, type, name, values)]( * [(boolean) set(config, section, option, value)]( * [(boolean) tset(config, section, values)]( ## uvl The UVL-Library */rpc/uvl* offers functionality to validate UCI files and get schemes describing UCI files. *Exported Functions:* * [(array) get_scheme(scheme)]( * [(array) validate(config, section, option)]( * [(array) validate_config(config)]( * [(array) validate_section(config, section)]( * [(array) validate(config, section, option)]( ## fs The Filesystem library */rpc/fs* offers functionality to interact with the filesystem on the host machine. *Exported Functions:* * [Complete luci.fs library]( *Note:* All functions are exported as they are except for _readfile'' which encodes its return value in base64 and ''writefile'' which only accepts base64 encoded data as second argument. Note that both functions will only be available when the ''luasocket_ packet is installed on the hostsystem. ## sys The System library */rpc/sys* offers functionality to interact with the operating system on the host machine. *Exported Functions:* * [Complete luci.sys library]( * [Complete library]( with prefix *group.* * [Complete library]( with prefix *net.* * [Complete luci.sys.process library]( with prefix *process.* * [Complete luci.sys.user library]( with prefix *user.* * [Complete luci.sys.wifi library]( with prefix *wifi.* ## ipkg The IPKG library */rpc/ipkg* offers functionality to interact with the package manager (IPKG or OPKG) on the host machine. *Exported Functions:* * [Complete luci.model.ipkg library](