# Will you help us save WiFi ? For as long as the libreCMC and LibreWRT projects have existed, their core focus has been to bring Free Software to embedded devices, some of which have WiFi chipsets. While the project(s) core goals have not changed very much over the last few years, the landscape of WiFi enabled devices has exploded. Many of the radios in these devices went from being single-purpose radios that can only operate within certain ranges to modifiable SDRs that can be changed. While having the freedom to change one's own hardware is important, it is also important to operate radio equipment within regulatory laws. Since a few individuals have operated devices outside of regulations, the FCC and other regulatory bodies are proposing tighter restrictions on hardware that has WiFi or SDRs. These new restrictions would include a full lockout of third-party software and prevent users from updating or running new software on hardware they own. With these new digital locks, hardware vendors will exercise control over the user by preventing new innovative functionality or even preventing users from applying critical security patches. These new regulations won't work the way they are intended to and they should not be required. Users with the technical knowledge will still be able to get around the restrictions and load their own software. Most free software projects already put safeguards in place so that users can't accidentally violate regulatory rules that apply to their WiFi or SDR devices, unless they choose to remove them on purpose. Instead of punishing everyone in the Free Software community for the actions of a few, individuals who operate devices outside of regulations should be fined instead of taking away everyone's freedom. The libreCMC project and other members of the Free Software community would like to ask everyone to send a comment to the FCC about these new proposals and why they won't help fix the misuse of WiFi or SDRs. More information about this issue and how to submit comments can be found at [SaveWiFi.org](http://savewifi.org).