Object Instance luci.jsonc.parser

LuCI JSON parser instance. A JSON parser instance is useful to parse JSON data chunk by chunk, without the need to assemble all data in advance.


parser:parse (json) Parses one chunk of JSON data.
parser:get () Convert parsed JSON data into Lua table.
parser:set (data) Put Lua data into the parser.
parser:sink () Generate an ltn12-compatible sink.
parser:stringify (pretty) Serialize current parser state as JSON.


parser:parse (json)
Parses one chunk of JSON data.


  • json: String containing the JSON fragment to parse


parser = luci.jsonc.new() 
while true do 
	chunk = ...  -- fetch a cunk of data, e.g. from a socket 
	finish, errmsg = parser.parse(chunk) 
	if finish == nil then 
		error("Cannot parse JSON: " .. errmsg) 
	if finish == true then 

Return value:

  • true if a complete JSON object has been parsed and no further input is expected.
  • false if further input is required
  • nil if an error was encountered while parsing the current chunk. In this case a string describing the parse error is returned as second value.

See also:

parser:get ()
Convert parsed JSON data into Lua table.


parser = luci.jsonc.new() 
parser:parse('{ "example": "test" }') 
data = parser:get() 
print(data.example)  -- "test"

Return value:

Parsed JSON object converted into a Lua table or nil if the parser didn't finish or encountered an error.

See also:

parser:set (data)
Put Lua data into the parser.


  • data: Lua data to put into the parser object. The data is converted to an internal JSON representation that can be dumped with stringify(). The conversion follows the rules described in luci.jsonc.stringify.


parser = luci.jsonc.new() 
parser:set({ "some", "data" })

Return value:

Nothing is returned.

See also:

parser:sink ()
Generate an ltn12-compatible sink.


parser = luci.jsonc.new() 
ltn12.pump.all(ltn12.source.file(io.input()), parser:sink()) 

Return value:

Returns a function that can be used as an ltn12 sink.
parser:stringify (pretty)
Serialize current parser state as JSON.


  • pretty: A boolean value indicating whether the resulting JSON should be pretty printed.


parser = luci.jsonc.new() 
parser:parse('{ "example": "test" }') 
print(parser:serialize())  -- '{"example":"test"}'

Return value:

Returns the serialized JSON data of this parser instance.

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