How To Submit A Change To This Wiki.md 1.4 KB

How To Submit A Change To This Wiki

This wiki is written in Markdown and all wiki documenation is located in /docs.

Clone this repo and:

git clone https://gogs.librecmc.org/libreCMC/libreCMC.git

Make desired documenation changes in /docs


git push


git request-pull -p

git push ( In Gogs )

Clone the upstream repo in Gogs, then clone to your computer:

git clone https://yourUserName@yourURL

Add upstream repo to be able to rebase to upstream point commit:

git remote add upstream https://gogs.librecmc.org/libreCMC/libreCMC.git
(git checkout -b optionalBranchName)
git push (--all)

Create Push Request in Gogs:

git request-pull -p ( Anywhere )

Clone the upstream repo to your computer.

git add changedFile.md
git commit ( -m Short info what changed )
git log ( copy commit id )
git request-pull -p (start) URL (end)
git request-pull -p (commit in upstream repo) URL master

Example for piping output to haste:

git request-pull -p b3b8926484feb37c33e5150facf315ef12b4612e https://gogs.librecmc.org/jonasbits2/libreCMC.git master | haste
  • Send to hastebin.com or any site you like
  • Paste link in IRC channel
