dhcp.conf 964 B

  1. config dnsmasq
  2. option domainneeded 1
  3. option boguspriv 1
  4. option filterwin2k 0 # enable for dial on demand
  5. option localise_queries 1
  6. option rebind_protection 1 # disable if upstream must serve RFC1918 addresses
  7. option rebind_localhost 1 # enable for RBL checking and similar services
  8. #list rebind_domain example.lan # whitelist RFC1918 responses for domains
  9. option local '/lan/'
  10. option domain 'lan'
  11. option expandhosts 1
  12. option nonegcache 0
  13. option authoritative 1
  14. option readethers 1
  15. option leasefile '/tmp/dhcp.leases'
  16. option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto'
  17. #list server '/mycompany.local/'
  18. #option nonwildcard 1
  19. #list interface br-lan
  20. #list notinterface lo
  21. #list bogusnxdomain ''
  22. option localservice 1 # disable to allow DNS requests from non-local subnets
  23. config dhcp lan
  24. option interface lan
  25. option start 100
  26. option limit 150
  27. option leasetime 12h
  28. config dhcp wan
  29. option interface wan
  30. option ignore 1