123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373 |
- -- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
- -- Copyright 2008-2015 Jo-Philipp Wich <jow@openwrt.org>
- -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
- local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor()
- local bit = require "nixio".bit
- local ip = require "luci.ip"
- -------------------- Init --------------------
- --
- -- Find link-local address
- --
- function find_ll()
- local _, r
- for _, r in ipairs(ip.routes({ family = 6, dest = "fe80::/64" })) do
- if r.dest:higher("fe80:0:0:0:ff:fe00:0:0") then
- return (r.dest - "fe80::")
- end
- end
- return ip.IPv6("::")
- end
- --
- -- Determine defaults
- --
- local ula_prefix = uci:get("siit", "ipv6", "ula_prefix") or "fd00::"
- local ula_global = uci:get("siit", "ipv6", "ula_global") or "00ca:ffee:babe::" -- = Freifunk
- local ula_subnet = uci:get("siit", "ipv6", "ula_subnet") or "0000:0000:0000:4223::" -- = Berlin
- local siit_prefix = uci:get("siit", "ipv6", "siit_prefix") or "::ffff:0000:0000"
- local ipv4_pool = uci:get("siit", "ipv4", "pool") or ""
- local ipv4_netsz = uci:get("siit", "ipv4", "netsize") or "24"
- --
- -- Find IPv4 allocation pool
- --
- local gv4_net = ip.IPv4(ipv4_pool)
- --
- -- Generate ULA
- --
- local ula = ip.IPv6("::/64")
- for _, prefix in ipairs({ ula_prefix, ula_global, ula_subnet }) do
- ula = ula:add(ip.IPv6(prefix))
- end
- ula = ula:add(find_ll())
- -------------------- View --------------------
- f = SimpleForm("siitwizward", "SIIT-Wizzard",
- "This wizzard helps to setup SIIT (IPv4-over-IPv6) translation according to RFC2765.")
- f:field(DummyValue, "info_ula", "Mesh ULA address").value = ula:string()
- f:field(DummyValue, "ipv4_pool", "IPv4 allocation pool").value =
- "%s (%i hosts)" %{ gv4_net:string(), 2 ^ ( 32 - gv4_net:prefix() ) - 2 }
- f:field(DummyValue, "ipv4_size", "IPv4 LAN network prefix").value =
- "%i bit (%i hosts)" %{ ipv4_netsz, 2 ^ ( 32 - ipv4_netsz ) - 2 }
- mode = f:field(ListValue, "mode", "Operation mode")
- mode:value("client", "Client")
- mode:value("gateway", "Gateway")
- dev = f:field(ListValue, "device", "Wireless device")
- uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-device",
- function(section)
- dev:value(section[".name"])
- end)
- lanip = f:field(Value, "ipaddr", "LAN IPv4 subnet")
- function lanip.formvalue(self, section)
- local val = self.map:formvalue(self:cbid(section))
- local net = ip.IPv4("%s/%i" %{ val, ipv4_netsz })
- if net then
- if gv4_net:contains(net) then
- if not net:minhost():equal(net:host()) then
- self.error = { [section] = true }
- f.errmessage = "IPv4 address is not the first host of " ..
- "subnet, expected " .. net:minhost():string()
- end
- else
- self.error = { [section] = true }
- f.errmessage = "IPv4 address is not within the allocation pool"
- end
- else
- self.error = { [section] = true }
- f.errmessage = "Invalid IPv4 address given"
- end
- return val
- end
- dns = f:field(Value, "dns", "DNS server for LAN clients")
- dns.value = ""
- -------------------- Control --------------------
- function f.handle(self, state, data)
- if state == FORM_VALID then
- luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "uci", "changes"))
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- function mode.write(self, section, value)
- --
- -- Find LAN IPv4 range
- --
- local lan_net = ip.IPv4(
- ( lanip:formvalue(section) or "" ) .. "/" .. ipv4_netsz
- )
- if not lan_net then return end
- --
- -- Find wifi interface, dns server and hostname
- --
- local device = dev:formvalue(section)
- local dns_server = dns:formvalue(section) or ""
- local hostname = "siit-" .. lan_net:host():string():gsub("%.","-")
- --
- -- Configure wifi device
- --
- local wifi_device = dev:formvalue(section)
- local wifi_essid = uci:get("siit", "wifi", "essid") or "6mesh.freifunk.net"
- local wifi_bssid = uci:get("siit", "wifi", "bssid") or "02:ca:ff:ee:ba:be"
- local wifi_channel = uci:get("siit", "wifi", "channel") or "1"
- -- nuke old device definition
- uci:delete_all("wireless", "wifi-iface",
- function(s) return s.device == wifi_device end )
- uci:delete_all("network", "interface",
- function(s) return s['.name'] == wifi_device end )
- -- create wifi device definition
- uci:tset("wireless", wifi_device, {
- disabled = 0,
- channel = wifi_channel,
- -- txantenna = 1,
- -- rxantenna = 1,
- -- diversity = 0
- })
- uci:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", nil, {
- encryption = "none",
- mode = "adhoc",
- txpower = 10,
- sw_merge = 1,
- network = wifi_device,
- device = wifi_device,
- ssid = wifi_essid,
- bssid = wifi_bssid,
- })
- --
- -- Gateway mode
- --
- -- * wan port is dhcp, lan port is
- -- * siit0 gets a dummy address:
- -- * wl0 gets an ipv6 address, in this case the fdca:ffee:babe::1:1/64
- -- * we do a ::ffff:ffff:0/96 route into siit0, so everything from 6mesh goes into translation.
- -- * an HNA6 of ::ffff:ffff:0:0/96 announces the mapped ipv4 space.
- -- * MTU on WAN, LAN down to 1400, ipv6 headers are slighly larger.
- if value == "gateway" then
- -- wan mtu
- uci:set("network", "wan", "mtu", 1240)
- -- lan settings
- uci:tset("network", "lan", {
- mtu = 1240,
- ipaddr = lan_net:host():string(),
- netmask = lan_net:mask():string(),
- proto = "static"
- })
- -- use full siit subnet
- siit_route = ip.IPv6(siit_prefix .. "/96")
- -- v4 <-> siit route
- uci:delete_all("network", "route",
- function(s) return s.interface == "siit0" end)
- uci:section("network", "route", nil, {
- interface = "siit0",
- target = gv4_net:network():string(),
- netmask = gv4_net:mask():string()
- })
- --
- -- Client mode
- --
- -- * on its lan, fdca:ffee:babe::1:2 on wl0 and the usual dummy address on siit0.
- -- * we do a ::ffff:ffff: to siit0, because in this case, only traffic directed to clients needs to go into translation.
- -- * same route as HNA6 announcement to catch the traffic out of the mesh.
- -- * Also, MTU on LAN reduced to 1400.
- else
- -- lan settings
- uci:tset("network", "lan", {
- mtu = 1240,
- ipaddr = lan_net:host():string(),
- netmask = lan_net:mask():string()
- })
- -- derive siit subnet from lan config
- siit_route = ip.IPv6(
- siit_prefix .. "/" .. (96 + lan_net:prefix())
- ):add(lan_net[2])
- -- ipv4 <-> siit route
- uci:delete_all("network", "route",
- function(s) return s.interface == "siit0" end)
- -- XXX: kind of a catch all, gv4_net would be better
- -- but does not cover non-local v4 space
- uci:section("network", "route", nil, {
- interface = "siit0",
- target = "",
- netmask = ""
- })
- end
- -- setup the firewall
- uci:delete_all("firewall", "zone",
- function(s) return (
- s['.name'] == "siit0" or s.name == "siit0" or
- s.network == "siit0" or s['.name'] == wifi_device or
- s.name == wifi_device or s.network == wifi_device
- ) end)
- uci:delete_all("firewall", "forwarding",
- function(s) return (
- s.src == wifi_device and s.dest == "siit0" or
- s.dest == wifi_device and s.src == "siit0" or
- s.src == "lan" and s.dest == "siit0" or
- s.dest == "lan" and s.src == "siit0"
- ) end)
- uci:section("firewall", "zone", "siit0", {
- name = "siit0",
- network = "siit0",
- input = "ACCEPT",
- output = "ACCEPT",
- forward = "ACCEPT"
- })
- uci:section("firewall", "zone", wifi_device, {
- name = wifi_device,
- network = wifi_device,
- input = "ACCEPT",
- output = "ACCEPT",
- forward = "ACCEPT"
- })
- uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, {
- src = wifi_device,
- dest = "siit0"
- })
- uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, {
- src = "siit0",
- dest = wifi_device
- })
- uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, {
- src = "lan",
- dest = "siit0"
- })
- uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, {
- src = "siit0",
- dest = "lan"
- })
- -- firewall include
- uci:delete_all("firewall", "include",
- function(s) return s.path == "/etc/firewall.user" end)
- uci:section("firewall", "include", nil, {
- path = "/etc/firewall.user"
- })
- -- siit0 interface
- uci:delete_all("network", "interface",
- function(s) return ( s.ifname == "siit0" ) end)
- uci:section("network", "interface", "siit0", {
- ifname = "siit0",
- proto = "none"
- })
- -- siit0 route
- uci:delete_all("network", "route6",
- function(s) return siit_route:contains(ip.IPv6(s.target)) end)
- uci:section("network", "route6", nil, {
- interface = "siit0",
- target = siit_route:string()
- })
- -- create wifi network interface
- uci:section("network", "interface", wifi_device, {
- proto = "static",
- mtu = 1400,
- ip6addr = ula:string()
- })
- -- nuke old olsrd interfaces
- uci:delete_all("olsrd", "Interface",
- function(s) return s.interface == wifi_device end)
- -- configure olsrd interface
- uci:foreach("olsrd", "olsrd",
- function(s) uci:set("olsrd", s['.name'], "IpVersion", 6) end)
- uci:section("olsrd", "Interface", nil, {
- ignore = 0,
- interface = wifi_device,
- Ip6AddrType = "unique-local"
- })
- -- hna6
- uci:delete_all("olsrd", "Hna6",
- function(s) return true end)
- uci:section("olsrd", "Hna6", nil, {
- netaddr = siit_route:host():string(),
- prefix = siit_route:prefix()
- })
- -- txtinfo v6 & olsrd nameservice
- uci:foreach("olsrd", "LoadPlugin",
- function(s)
- if s.library == "olsrd_txtinfo.so.0.1" then
- uci:set("olsrd", s['.name'], "accept", "::1")
- elseif s.library == "olsrd_nameservice.so.0.3" then
- uci:set("olsrd", s['.name'], "name", hostname)
- end
- end)
- -- lan dns
- uci:tset("dhcp", "lan", {
- dhcp_option = "6," .. dns_server,
- start = bit.band(lan_net:minhost():add(1)[2][2], 0xFF),
- limit = ( 2 ^ ( 32 - lan_net:prefix() ) ) - 3
- })
- -- hostname
- uci:foreach("system", "system",
- function(s)
- uci:set("system", s['.name'], "hostname", hostname)
- end)
- uci:save("wireless")
- uci:save("firewall")
- uci:save("network")
- uci:save("system")
- uci:save("olsrd")
- uci:save("dhcp")
- end
- return f