1. ===============================================================================
  2. = Language Bindings =
  3. ===============================================================================
  4. The tools to generate the various language bindings are done here.
  5. SWIG 1.3.24 or better is required for creating the Java and Perl bindings.
  6. Perl scripts are used to parse ssl.h and automagically give the appropriate
  7. bindings.
  8. At present, the four languages supported are:
  9. * C#
  10. * VB.NET
  11. * Java
  12. * Perl
  13. To generate each binding run the following:
  14. C#:
  15. > generate_interface.pl -csharp
  16. VB.NET:
  17. > generate_interface.pl -vbnet
  18. Java:
  19. > generate_SWIG_interface.pl -java
  20. > cd java; swig -java -package axTLSj -noextern axTLSj.i
  21. Perl:
  22. > generate_SWIG_interface.pl -perl
  23. > cd perl; swig -noextern -perl axTLSp.i
  24. Java and Perl both create a library each called libaxtlsj.so and libaxtlsp.so
  25. (or axtlsj.dll and atlsp.dll on Win32 platforms).
  26. Note: the "-noextern" is deprecated in swig 1.3.27 and newer. The "-noextern"
  27. option was required to get Win32 bindings to work (which is why is has probably
  28. been deprecated).
  29. Each binding (except for Perl) has an extra helper interface to make life
  30. easier.