1. This is intended to be used with LEDE project to provide image for use with
  2. QEMU arm-softmmu virt machine.
  3. Run with qemu-system-arm
  4. # boot with initramfs embedded in
  5. qemu-system-arm -nographic -M virt -m 64 -kernel lede-armvirt-zImage-initramfs
  6. # boot with accel=kvm
  7. qemu-system-arm -nographic -M virt,accel=kvm -cpu host -m 64 -kernel lede-armvirt-zImage-initramfs
  8. # boot with a separate rootfs
  9. qemu-system-arm -nographic -M virt -m 64 -kernel lede-armvirt-zImage \
  10. -drive file=lede-armvirt-root.ext4,format=raw,if=virtio -append 'root=/dev/vda rootwait'
  11. # boot with local dir as rootfs
  12. qemu-system-arm -nographic -M virt -m 64 -kernel lede-armvirt-zImage \
  13. -fsdev local,id=rootdev,path=root-armvirt/,security_model=none \
  14. -device virtio-9p-pci,fsdev=rootdev,mount_tag=/dev/root \
  15. -append 'rootflags=trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,cache=loose rootfstype=9p'
  16. Run with kvmtool
  17. # start a named machine
  18. lkvm run -k lede-armvirt-zImage -i lede-armvirt-rootfs.cpio --name armvirt0
  19. # start with virtio-9p rootfs
  20. lkvm run -k lede-armvirt-zImage -d root-armvirt/
  21. # stop "armvirt0"
  22. lkvm stop --name armvirt0
  23. # stop all
  24. lkvm stop --all