Makefile 5.5 KB

  1. #
  2. # Copyright (C) 2006-2011 OpenWrt.org
  3. #
  4. # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
  5. # See /LICENSE for more information.
  6. #
  7. # Main makefile for the host tools
  8. #
  9. curdir:=tools
  10. # subdirectories to descend into
  11. tools-y :=
  15. BUILD_ISL = y
  16. endif
  17. endif
  18. tools-$(BUILD_TOOLCHAIN) += gmp mpfr mpc libelf expat
  19. tools-y += m4 libtool autoconf automake flex bison pkg-config mklibs
  20. tools-y += sstrip make-ext4fs e2fsprogs mtd-utils mkimage
  21. tools-y += firmware-utils patch-image quilt padjffs2
  22. tools-y += mm-macros missing-macros cmake scons bc findutils gengetopt patchelf
  23. tools-y += mtools dosfstools libressl
  24. tools-$(CONFIG_TARGET_orion_generic) += wrt350nv2-builder upslug2
  25. tools-$(CONFIG_powerpc) += upx
  26. tools-$(CONFIG_TARGET_x86) += qemu
  27. tools-$(CONFIG_TARGET_mxs) += elftosb sdimage
  28. tools-$(CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx) += lzma-old squashfs
  29. tools-$(CONFIG_USES_MINOR) += kernel2minor
  30. tools-y += lzma squashfs4
  31. tools-$(BUILD_ISL) += isl
  32. tools-$(CONFIG_USE_SPARSE) += sparse
  33. tools-$(CONFIG_TARGET_apm821xx) += genext2fs
  34. # builddir dependencies
  35. $(curdir)/bison/compile := $(curdir)/flex/install
  36. $(curdir)/flex/compile := $(curdir)/libtool/install
  37. $(curdir)/libtool/compile := $(curdir)/m4/install $(curdir)/autoconf/install $(curdir)/automake/install $(curdir)/missing-macros/install
  38. $(curdir)/squashfs/compile := $(curdir)/lzma-old/install
  39. $(curdir)/squashfs4/compile := $(curdir)/xz/install
  40. $(curdir)/quilt/compile := $(curdir)/autoconf/install $(curdir)/findutils/install
  41. $(curdir)/autoconf/compile := $(curdir)/m4/install
  42. $(curdir)/automake/compile := $(curdir)/m4/install $(curdir)/autoconf/install $(curdir)/pkg-config/install $(curdir)/xz/install
  43. $(curdir)/gmp/compile := $(curdir)/libtool/install
  44. $(curdir)/mpc/compile := $(curdir)/mpfr/install $(curdir)/gmp/install
  45. $(curdir)/mpfr/compile := $(curdir)/gmp/install
  46. $(curdir)/mtd-utils/compile := $(curdir)/e2fsprogs/install
  47. $(curdir)/mklibs/compile := $(curdir)/libtool/install
  48. $(curdir)/qemu/compile := $(curdir)/e2fsprogs/install
  49. $(curdir)/upslug2/compile := $(curdir)/libtool/install
  50. $(curdir)/mm-macros/compile := $(curdir)/libtool/install
  51. $(curdir)/missing-macros/compile := $(curdir)/autoconf/install
  52. $(curdir)/e2fsprogs/compile := $(curdir)/libtool/install
  53. $(curdir)/libelf/compile := $(curdir)/libtool/install
  54. $(curdir)/sdcc/compile := $(curdir)/bison/install
  55. $(curdir)/padjffs2/compile := $(curdir)/findutils/install
  56. $(curdir)/isl/compile := $(curdir)/gmp/install
  57. $(curdir)/bc/compile := $(curdir)/bison/install
  58. $(curdir)/findutils/compile := $(curdir)/bison/install
  59. $(curdir)/gengetopt/compile := $(curdir)/libtool/install
  60. $(curdir)/patchelf/compile := $(curdir)/libtool/install
  61. $(curdir)/dosfstools/compile := $(curdir)/autoconf/install $(curdir)/automake/install
  62. $(curdir)/libressl/compile := $(curdir)/pkg-config/install
  63. $(curdir)/mkimage/compile += $(curdir)/libressl/install
  64. $(curdir)/firmware-utils/compile += $(curdir)/libressl/install
  65. $(curdir)/cmake/compile += $(curdir)/libressl/install
  66. ifneq ($(HOST_OS),Linux)
  67. tools-y += coreutils
  68. endif
  69. ifneq ($(CONFIG_CCACHE)$(CONFIG_SDK),)
  70. $(foreach tool, $(filter-out xz patch,$(tools-y)), $(eval $(curdir)/$(tool)/compile += $(curdir)/ccache/install))
  71. tools-y += ccache
  72. endif
  73. # in case there is no patch tool on the host we need to make patch tool a
  74. # dependency for tools which have patches directory
  75. $(foreach tool, $(tools-y), $(if $(wildcard $(curdir)/$(tool)/patches),$(eval $(curdir)/$(tool)/compile += $(curdir)/patch/install)))
  76. $(foreach tool, $(filter-out xz,$(tools-y)), $(eval $(curdir)/$(tool)/compile += $(curdir)/xz/install))
  77. # make any tool depend on tar, xz and patch to ensure that archives can be unpacked and patched properly
  78. tools-core := tar xz patch
  79. $(foreach tool, $(tools-y), $(eval $(curdir)/$(tool)/compile += $(patsubst %,$(curdir)/%/install,$(tools-core))))
  80. tools-y += $(tools-core)
  81. # make core tools depend on sed and flock
  82. $(foreach tool, $(tools-core), $(eval $(curdir)/$(tool)/compile += $(curdir)/sed/install))
  83. $(curdir)/sed/compile := $(curdir)/flock/install
  84. tools-y += flock sed
  85. $(curdir)/builddirs := $(tools-y) $(tools-dep) $(tools-)
  86. $(curdir)/builddirs-default := $(tools-y)
  87. ifdef CHECK_ALL
  88. $(curdir)/builddirs-check:=$($(curdir)/builddirs)
  89. $(curdir)/builddirs-download:=$($(curdir)/builddirs)
  90. endif
  91. ifndef DUMP_TARGET_DB
  92. define PrepareStaging
  93. @for dir in $(1); do ( \
  94. $(if $(QUIET),,set -x;) \
  95. mkdir -p "$$dir"; \
  96. cd "$$dir"; \
  97. mkdir -p bin lib include stamp; \
  98. ); done
  99. endef
  100. # preparatory work
  101. $(STAGING_DIR)/.prepared: $(TMP_DIR)/.build
  102. $(call PrepareStaging,$(STAGING_DIR))
  103. mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)/stamp
  104. touch $@
  105. $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/.prepared: $(TMP_DIR)/.build
  106. $(call PrepareStaging,$(STAGING_DIR_HOST))
  107. mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR_HOST)/stamp $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/include/sys
  108. $(INSTALL_DATA) $(TOPDIR)/tools/include/*.h $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/include/
  109. $(INSTALL_DATA) $(TOPDIR)/tools/include/sys/*.h $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/include/sys/
  110. ln -sf lib $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/lib64
  111. touch $@
  112. endif
  113. $(curdir)//prepare = $(STAGING_DIR)/.prepared $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/.prepared
  114. $(curdir)//compile = $(STAGING_DIR)/.prepared $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/.prepared
  115. # prerequisites for the individual targets
  116. $(curdir)/ := .config prereq
  117. $(curdir)//install = $(1)/compile
  118. tools_enabled = $(foreach tool,$(sort $(tools-y) $(tools-)),$(if $(filter $(tool),$(tools-y)),y,n))
  119. $(eval $(call stampfile,$(curdir),tools,install,,_$(subst $(space),,$(tools_enabled))))
  120. $(eval $(call stampfile,$(curdir),tools,check,$(TMP_DIR)/.build))
  121. $(eval $(call subdir,$(curdir)))