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The libreCMC FAQ

What is libreCMC?

The libreCMC project provides replacement software for consumer-grade routers in the form of a small GNU/Linux distro. The software and tools that the project distributes allow users to take back control of their devices from hardware manufactures. Because libreCMC is Free Software, users are able to unlock the ability to control and breath new life into devices the project supports.

Why should I care?

In the light of recent events, it is more important now more than ever to fight for the freedom to control the software that runs on a given device. Users should have the freedom to control their devices, not the OEMs who originally made the device. Since libreCMC is free software, users have total control over what the software on their device is doing. This is important because it means that the community can add new features, review what the software is doing and make improvements that benefit the community as a whole.

What devices does libreCMC work with?

The libreCMC project supports mostly consumer-grade routers and a few other embedded devices. This list can be found on the Supported Hardware page. While this list is not extensive, the libreCMC project has very strict requirements for supporting devices. Some examples include:

  • libreCMC has to be installable from stock firmware. In most cases, devices have a complicated process or use of additional tools to replace the firmware / software. The project will still consider some level of support if it does not meet this requirement and meets all of the other requirements.

  • The hardware can't require non-free software or binary blobs to work. Non-free Software / Blobs are pieces of software where we (the community) do not have the source code under a proper Free Software [1] license. Non-free Software and blobs make supporting a device for any length of time a chore and usually support evaporates when device vendors stop releasing new blobs / components. If a device requires non-free software or blobs, the libreCMC project won't support devices that can't meet this requirement.

  • The device needs to have enough flash (storage) to work with. Sadly, the issue of bloat in modern times is seen as a non-issue for many software developers. While there are a lot of hardware that the project would like to support, there are some devices that just simply don't have enough flash. One of the long-term goals of the project is to eventually support devices with limited flash. Right now, the minimum requirement for libreCMC supported devices is 4M of flash, depending on the features that are desired.


The libreCMC project's main focus is on consumer-grade routers and a few other embedded devices. While libreCMC is based upon OpenWrt, the project does not support all of the same features and tries to strike a balance between functionality and bloat. The project does not support the following:

  • UPnP support: UPnP is a security nightmare and the project won't support it.

  • Services / Applications that belong on their own machine or can't run on 90% of targets : While it might be cool to run a particular service or application on your router, it is usually is a bad idea. Many of the devices that we support are not capable of running such things because of a lack of processing power, flash or RAM.

How often are releases made?

libreCMC releases incremental every 3 - 6 months, depending on if there is a critical security or design flaw. The project tries to maintain major or LTS (long Term Support) releases for about 2 years.

How can I get started with libreCMC?

[Getting Started]() Page : WIP?

How can I contribute to libreCMC?

Pull requests can be made or issues can be filed against the project's git repository.

Information about monetary contributions can be found on the project's contact page.