#63 source build 1.4.4 points to missing opkg packages

opened 6 years ago by iank · 5 comments
iank commented 6 years ago


https://librecmc.org/librecmc/downloads/snapshots/v1.4.4/packages/mips_24kc/base/Packages.gz, wget returned 8.

It makes me wonder how the opkg packages are built. That would be another means to solving this issue.

404: https://librecmc.org/librecmc/downloads/snapshots/v1.4.4/packages/mips_24kc/base/Packages.gz, wget returned 8. https://librecmc.org/librecmc/downloads/snapshots/v1.4.4/ar71xx/generic/packages/Packages.gz It makes me wonder how the opkg packages are built. That would be another means to solving this issue.
iank commented 6 years ago

I think pointing to my build dir packages would fix this, is that right? eg:

I think pointing to my build dir packages would fix this, is that right? eg: ./bin/targets/ar71xx/generic/packages/Packages.gz
RISCI_ATOM commented 6 years ago

Version v1.4.4 is not available yet (July 1st is the scheduled release date). The version number [1] in the v1.4 branch was bumped to reflect new changes staged for the next release (v1.4.4). The package feed for this version is not available yet.

[1] https://gogs.librecmc.org/libreCMC/libreCMC/src/v1.4/include/version.mk#L34

Version v1.4.4 is not available yet (July 1st is the scheduled release date). The version number [[1](https://gogs.librecmc.org/libreCMC/libreCMC/src/v1.4/include/version.mk#L34)] in the v1.4 branch was bumped to reflect new changes staged for the next release (v1.4.4). The package feed for this version is not available yet. [1] https://gogs.librecmc.org/libreCMC/libreCMC/src/v1.4/include/version.mk#L34
iank commented 6 years ago

@RISCI_ATOM, I knew all that. That didn't answer my question of how I can build packages, but whatevs, more of a question not a bug, so I'll close it.

@RISCI_ATOM, I knew all that. That didn't answer my question of how I can build packages, but whatevs, more of a question not a bug, so I'll close it.
RISCI_ATOM commented 6 years ago

The build documentation answers this. For a package to be built or included in the resulting image, it needs to be selected during configuration. "M" designates the selected package will only be built as a package and won't be in the resulting image. "*" designates that the selected package will be in the resulting image(s) and built as a package.

If the tools, toolchain, kernel and other deps. are met / built, then individual packages can be rebuilt using:

make package/$PACKAGE_NAME/{clean,prepare,install} V=s

$PACKAGE_NAME = the name of the package

clean = remove old build ($SRC_ROOT/build_dir/target-$ARCH/$PACKAGE_NAME)

prepare = pull new sources and patch them

install = build the individual package

How an individual package is built is defined in its respective Makefile(s) in package/... , feeds/packages/.... Example: bash is defined in feeds/packages/utils/bash/Makefile



make package/$PACKAGE_NAME/{clean,prepare,install} V=s

The build documentation answers this. For a package to be built or included in the resulting image, it needs to be selected during configuration. "M" designates the selected package will only be built as a package and won't be in the resulting image. "*" designates that the selected package will be in the resulting image(s) and built as a package. If the tools, toolchain, kernel and other deps. are met / built, then individual packages can be rebuilt using: `make package/$PACKAGE_NAME/{clean,prepare,install} V=s` $PACKAGE_NAME = the name of the package clean = remove old build ($SRC_ROOT/build_dir/target-$ARCH/$PACKAGE_NAME) prepare = pull new sources and patch them install = build the individual package How an individual package is built is defined in its respective Makefile(s) in `package/...` , `feeds/packages/...`. Example: `bash` is defined in `feeds/packages/utils/bash/Makefile` EDIT: s/build/install `make package/$PACKAGE_NAME/{clean,prepare,install} V=s`
iank commented 6 years ago


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